Mark Lowry Christian Comedian at CitiChurch of Dallas

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and they gave up on God disillusioned and hurting inside Hey oh come on welcome to the City Church of Dallas web broadcast God is doing something so awesome we just finished the service there's still a lingering of the presence of God it's just special what God is doing one man today we see the baptism of the Holy Spirit one of our young men one of our Usher's open up your heart open up your mind there is a tangible presence of God in this room God is going to touch you as you watch this broadcast thousands of people in countries all around the world on every continent are watching so get ready for God to move into your life and welcome to City Church of Dallas I love my friend mark Lowry please City Church make him feel welcome thank you Wow this is something there's cameras everywhere I feel like I'm on a Gator video well I did not know I was going to be doing this I'm on my way to Nashville and stopped by and saw Jeff and I had to borrow his shirt and he doesn't have a hair dryer which is why my hair looks like this but um but at least I have hair thank God I'm thankful you know that scripture that he mentioned about the woman who touched the hem of God's garment I was having breakfast with Gloria Gaither one morning who I adore I love her she's one of the smartest people I've ever met and her blonde does not go to the root she's very brilliant and she said to me she said you know it seems to me like God is in the interruptions of my life rather than in my plans and I thought about that I thought that's interesting because you know my life is like that I've been interrupted a lot I was born that was the first one I had ADHD which wasn't an interruption for me it was an interruption for my parents because I had not been here before so I had nothing to compare it to and then I had tumors surgeries I've had a thyroid tumor whatever my mother gets I get my mother had a thyroid tumor I got a thyroid - my mother had a parot a product land is over here Friday to him right now then she had a thyroid tumor and then I got a thyroid tumor then she had a hysterectomy and I'm still waiting on that but but that woman with the issue of blood do you know that was an interruption that was an interruption Jesus was on his way somewhere and she snuck through and interrupted him and the interruption made the Bible and then one day Jesus was preaching we don't know what about because nobody wrote it down here's God on foot preaching and nobody took notes but the interruption made the Bible I was raised Baptist independent fundamental Bible believe in Bible banging foot stomping soul went in door knocking pew jump and devil chasing sin hatin King James Version only Baptist and our preachers weren't always right but they were never in doubt and most of them are fat because that's all we're allowed to do is eat we want to give the Lord a challenge in the rapture so my uh it was very interesting to me when I saw that Jesus was interrupted because he was preaching member and then they solved through the roof and let a crippled guy down in front of Jesus member and interrupted him on his third point and Jesus saves him heals in and the interruption made the Bible and the sermon didn't can you imagine next Sunday if you're enough if you're Baptist on twitch in my church and in my church if they were to solve through the roof and let a the guy down in front of my preacher and he could do nothing about it they'd have to haul him back up because we don't get miracles you Pentecostals have hogged all the miracle and I was thinking about interruptions and and then Mary was interrupted they're all in the Bible you look for him Jesus was interrupted and God is always he seems to always be in the interruptions and I hate interruptions I lost my iPhone today and I'm not happy that was an interruption I never knew how close I was to my iPhone and I'm still not over it but I mean just think you know Mary here she was 13 years of age I went to Bible College and I learn that in Bible College I've never read it in the Bible but I learned a lot of things in Bible College I never read in the Bible but we heard that she was a young girl right and that angel came to her Gabriel and said guess what you're going to birth a baby and Mary said but I've never known a man which was a good story and then Mary starts worshipping the Lord she asked no questions I was reading that one day and I was thinking this is no time for concert you have an angel in the room asked of some questions I think the first thing I to ask this could you run by my mother's room she's going to need an explanation you've already made the trip one more stop and don't kill yeah but not married she said be it unto me she saying and then she had got pregnant with the seed of God and then when there were nine months pregnant when she was nine months pregnant Joseph took her on a road trip on a donkey and we have beautified this story all we have this was an interruption I mean she gets to Bethlehem there's and he forgot to book a room so she ends up in a stable on the cobblestone floor with little hay for a pillow and a few moo cow staring at her and you look at some Christmas cards the moo cows have halos we have beautified the story this wasn't an eruption I mean you women who've had babies do you really think it was a silent night I don't either it was a bloody mess like every birth before it or sense it it was a painful snow epidural no mother's hand to hold she was alone with Joseph and it was painful and it was an interruption and then when he was 12 they go on another road trip these people should have stayed home and which proves to me that God can use anybody because they somebody should have called social services they were they were two days into their journey home when he was 12 two days I mean you lose your kid at Walmart for 20 minutes you go out of your mind it was two days before it dawned on them that he was missing here they've been entrusted with God's kid and they've lost him they Mary runs up to Joseph have you seen Jesus no I thought he was with you oh my god yes I do I'm talking about and they have to go back to Jerusalem right and they find in their teaching and she starts to chew him out which she should have it wasn't a sin but it wasn't right he should have stayed with the group and he says but don't you know I must be about my father's business and she bought it that line never worked for me mama said I'll show you your father's business getting the house because my mama knew I wasn't virgin born if anybody knew for sure Jesus was virgin born Mary knew it we have to take that by faith she could remember Gabriel and all these things have gone through my mind through the years I've talked to my mother about it and Gloria about it and things like that just and what I found is that God can use anybody and the more broken you are the better chance you have of God using you because broken pots fill more water the more broken you are you think because you've been through a divorce God can't use you did you know God has been divorced Jeremiah to God divorced Israel God couldn't pastor a Baptist Church God has been through what we've been through he knows what you're going through and I love this story I believe this story the reason why I believe this story more than anything is because Mary was silent at the cross you know if I was being crucified in my hometown for claiming to be God my mother would be pitching a fit she'd say he's crazy but don't kill him because she knows I wasn't virgin born and I think Mary price stood there on that cross watching her baby boy die maybe and I'm going to ask her when I get home maybe she was thinking he's still about his father's business something was going on and so I wrote this song I didn't eat anybody play it or any but I'll sing it off the hill in fact the first time I ever sang it I sang it acapella it's in the key of C minor you know it if you don't know it I'll say it anyway because he asked me to you're welcome these were a bunch of questions I had from Mary if I could sit down and have a cup of coffee with Mary there are a lot of things on that where a lot of questions didn't make the song you know I wondered what was like raising god what was it like changing God's diapers what was it like having God nurse at your breast what was it like having those little fingers that were wrapped around yours did you realize those were the same hands that had scooped out the oceans and formed the rivers those same lips were the same lips that had spoken worlds into existence what was it like raising what was it like being his little brother following him through school well now when Jesus was in my class he made straight A's yeah when he wrote the book I wonder if Mary ever made him get a haircut I wonder if Mary ever said shut that door we're not trying to air-condition all in Nazareth I wonder if she ever walked into his room and said clean up this mess were you born in a barn those questions didn't make the song mary did you know but your baby boy would one day walk on water mary did you know that your baby boy will save our son and daughters did you know it's come to me this child that you delivered he will soon deliver you mary did you know your baby boy will give sight to the blind man married did you know your baby boy look on the sword with his hand baby boy has one where angels trod yes your little baby you the face of our say that there will again I will live again the Dharma speak the praises ha did you know you'll pay before there's Lord of all creation Mary could you know your baby boy one day when nation baby boy is heavens perfect lamb the sleeping child you're holding is the gray Wow you maybe see it's time to sew and it's time to give if you need a an offering envelope that you can write your credit card or debit card on or put cash in and get a taxable Record lift up your hand this is tithe and offering if you're making a check make it to City Church right there a Dallas City Church of Dallas and Joseph that was great plan I need envelopes to me could you know what we're going to receive one we're going to see two offerings we receive one tithe and offering right here bring the building up if you would if you're making one check and you want to put part of it a building fun and party part of it tied just mark it in the memo or mark it on the envelope but this is this is actual mock-up of our building that we're working on right now in a few weeks you will be in it but we're going to receive two times we're going to see the tithe and offering that they're going to pass and bring to you okay and then if you would like to give in the building fund which right now is the time to do it if you made a three hundred dollar pledge make sure today's a great day to put it in here we need 50 people like so 300 I gave the first five three hundred dollar pledges and God gave me a miracle it's good seed it's good soil plant your seed into this hot soil for this great ministry we've seen 90 people make commitments to Christ in the last three months in this room we've seen people receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit we've seen an outpouring of God we've seen well over 2,000 meals served but this is a phenomenal ministry so I encourage you to sow into it to get into it in this building fund we really really need miraculous money right now this week so God speaks to you so just so significantly I asked you to if you've got eight dollars and you give five dollars that's significant so it's not about the amount it's obedience to looks laid on your heart okay thank you lord so we're going to pass those plates for the tithe and offering and this is for the building fund if you're running one check wherever you give it and it's from you have both in there just designate we'll make sure ghosts how many have never been here before that the previous one too for mark 5 commander will 6 you know I heard your net before service and what is your name Gina you're just so special I'm so glad you are here thank you for being at City Church each one of you are so special I'm so glad you are here thank you for being at City Church of Dallas and if you come to second time we've never had um we never done a membership yet so if you hear if you come twice you're an automatic member we have 800 people at City Church oh I'm so glad you are here thank you for being here mark would you do one more song with us Joseph grab a mic and help him find a good keeper mark if you would Lonnie come and help him if you would if you don't mind someone came up and asked if we would sing who was it as for How Great Thou art was you sweetheart well you know you are so important to me and and and I love that song and we know who publishes it you know Judy so I want you to come up here if can you do that your saucing okay if you're ready to so I'm wait about halfway through the song before you wait on the people for the time and offering but as soon as you're ready for the building go ahead and bring it up Wow mark is singing thank you god bless you Oh Lord my God when I in awesome wonder consider all the world's thy hands I see the star I hear rolling like power through the display then seamless life so say your god to me oh great bow-bow oh great my you're gone Oh pray oh great sings my Hey Oh Oh things fine Oh oh great No Oh god bless you thank you for sowing thank you for giving thank you for being here at City Church today stand your feet I'm gonna pray over you everyone bow your head knowing looking at around if you're in this place today and you are not serving the Lord God promised us in math in Romans 10 that if we would believe in our heart that Jesus was raised for the day and confess our belief in God with our mouth that we would be saved if you are not serving God if you've not turned your life surrendered your life over to God there's no greater form of worship then the surrender the first time the word worship was used in Scripture was in when Abraham said the lad and I are going to the mountain to worship giving your life giving your future giving your dreams to God that's where she is that is what surrender is if you want to give your life to God in this place today with no one looking around I want a Syrian lifted up soldier yes anybody else looked up to it yes lift up your hand I want to see you yes sir you want to give your life to the Lord alright everybody in this place pray with me I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God I believe Jesus died for me I believe Jesus rose again I believe Jesus is alive lord I give my life to you fill my body with your spirit I give you my life for the rest of my life use me to help others in Jesus name Amen I'll give God praise in this way down Oh you ah it got crazy you down into the heads before we go to mir bryan ride akin he's aching for a spankin because he's 18 years old today a dear happy birth sure now I'm going to sing sing it to Pentecostal Holy Roller a happy birthday to you you know it hey you feel Jesus here every day you a happy happy birthday to you and the best one you've ever had they're not your official official Holy Roller all right now you can't sing in G lives of your hands like you're about to receive something I seek the blessing of the Lord over your life I decree that you're above only and I've been your the head and not the tail no weapon formed against you shall present you it will be I speak the huling of the Lord over your life I speak to disease and the cause of the pain in your body right now I command it to go in Jesus name your body is not the temple of disease but the temple of the Holy Ghost so I speak healing right now in Jesus name some ones that receive it iseman deliverance over depression addiction frustration discouragement and I speak the joy of the Lord in your life that is your strength you receive that in this face I speak the favor of God the blessing of God the promotion of God over your life in an abundant life in your life in Jesus name now don't forget Sunday at 5 p.m. this is today Tuesday at 7 we will have our corporate prayer and at 7:30 is our Tuesday night experience and it is a spiritual anointed powerful we have our full singers and band here we worship it's typically an hour service ish and it's powerful you don't want to miss it it's just many people's favorite service the Tuesday night experience thank you for sowing today thank you for giving and that you're keeping on coming when it's so hot in here you know it's going to be hot and you still come I thank you rock so make sure that you shine brightly don't shrink thinking you're going to intimidate someone that's shine brightly with the life and love of God this week I love you thank you so much for watching this web broadcast of City Church of Dallas this God is doing so many things it's blowing my mind I thought we would be a local church but we've become an international church through the internet so what I want you to do we have people in Iowa people in Michigan people all over this country that are sending in support and because our church is bigger than this room that we're in and you can feel the actual presence of God and you are minister to right over the internet so if God should lay it on your heart I want to encourage you to die if you don't have a home Church if you have a home Church tie there if you don't send your tithe in here to City Church of Dallas go to City Church of Dallas this is how you spell it dot-com you can pay on PayPal there a secure website or you can send in to the address or call in your gift I promise you lives are being changed through our prison ministry nursing home ministry our AIDS ministry we feed the hungry and God is really doing something special but we're only a little bit more than a year old so we need people to give God bless you I appreciate it with all of my heart I ha
Channel: Voss Video Production
Views: 307,941
Rating: 4.7678814 out of 5
Keywords: Christian Comedy, Mark Lowry (Musical Artist), Stand-up Comedy (TV Genre)
Id: 1viWme2iPYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2013
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