Mark Levin on the fight against those who worship government

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all right great pleasure joining us now host of life liberty and levin and the author of the american marxism that is my good friend mark levin going back many many years thank you mark uh it's a pleasure to see you this is our big july 4th declaration of independence show let me begin at the beginning okay because i know you're a philosopher uh you're a political analyst you're also a good historian so let's try this we are we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights and among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the govern now what's your first thought when you see this i know you've read it a kajillion times and you're thinking about it as we come to july 4th how does this inform you right now mark levin well larry those words are so so important and you know later in his life jefferson was asked where did these ideas come from in fact he was criticized they said you didn't invent these ideas he said of course i didn't invent these ideas and in a letter to a critic he said these ideas come from many places aristotle cicero john locke sydney the pamphlets and the essays of the day these were well educated men who knew about the enlightenment and america was a special place america didn't have a history of a monarchy it didn't have a history of any kind of a totalitarian regime it was a blank slate that's one of the things john locke said about it john locke was the most important philosopher in the revolutionary period montesquieu would be the most important philosopher during the constitutional period and so when the second continental congress met in philadelphia the revolutionary award actually already started in 1775 you had the battle of lexington and concord in the occupation of boston and the question was were the other colonies going to rally around and they did there was some debate because the king made a speech to parliament and he basically declared war on the colonists and i think one of the important things larry to remember about this is about the same time there was another revolution going on in france the french revolution and they were overthrowing the monarchy there and there are two great differences that edmund burke who was a member of parliament scott in britain made and he was right the american revolution was not about overthrowing the american society the american revolution was about preserving the american society and having a representative type of republic that the world had never really seen before uh the french revolution was about destroying its society everything that had come before and it had 10 years of blood in the streets and terrorism and what we're facing today is a mentality from what i call these american marxists and we need to have the bravery to say what they are they're not progressives they're not democratic socialists they get their ideas we know where they get their ideas from and they similarly to the french revolution want to destroy our society they're not about representative government they want to destroy the supreme court they want to destroy the legislative process through the filibuster they want to destroy the senate by packing the senate they trash the founders they reject the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem so they're at war with our entire society you know mark this is a game worth fighting this game is worth the candle we have to fight this that's one of the reasons actually if you will it's one of the reasons for for this tv show that fox has graciously given me i want to ask you i want to go down this line the things they're against one of the great things here i don't know people miss this nowadays but we are endowed by our creator we are endowed by our creator okay so i i think you know the ranking here is natural law this was thomas paine natural law meaning the creator meaning god depending on how one looks at it but it's a higher power right that's number one number two the people and number three is the government that works for the people okay they must have the consent of the people now to me mark the biden crowd one of their biggest problem is their ranking is government government government uh democrats have you know made government their god uh the congress is their place of worship and the white house uh is the rectory that's a problem they have no sense of priorities they think they at one point do you remember biden gave it it was his state of the union speech i don't know he said he said yeah we're about the government he said we the people meaning we the government no that's not right we the people meaning we the people and we were endowed by our creator and the government works for us i think that's their biggest problem they think government is all powerful like a good leftist socialist marxist state the uh the the part of the declaration that you read and you're talking about this is what they meant about the enlightenment and so forth i'll give an example murdering people is wrong isn't it well how do we know it's wrong because the government sets out no it's wrong whether it's in the united states whether it's in france whether it's in syria or anywhere else murdering people is wrong and so how do we know that that's what they mean by natural law there's certain things that are right certain things that are wrong certain things that are good certain things that are evil and how do we know these things we know them from god we know them from the ten commandments and you can have a strong belief in faith and still believe in science and reason and these other things as the founders did in the constitution now let me get to your point about joe biden joe biden is the progeny of the early so-called progressive movement which is the progeny of karl marx the early progressive movement which included one of our presidents of course woodrow wilson rejected the declaration of independence how do we know this because he gave several speeches about the declaration of independence and what he said in the other cabal of so-called intellectuals john dewey and crawley and the others were very influential in the new republic very influential in this whole ideology what he said was the beginning of the declaration is all well and good and nice but it's meaningless what matters in the declaration is the third part where they lay out a couple dozen of their complaints against the crown that is what they say we need to focus on because that is what we need to do today that is our list of complaints against government against society and so on so they view the declaration of independence not as this magnificent document around which the the colonists rallied a tremendous document a tremendous idea they don't believe america is a wonderful idea or wonderful experiment they go right down to the bureaucracy the complaints and so forth so woodrow wilson goes in front of independence hall when he's president of the united states and trashes the declaration coolidge later as president he gives a speech about the declaration and trashes wilson and says no no it's the first part but this is the battle the battle is between the first part of the declaration and what the left wants to do to this country they do not view this as a unique country they do not view july 4th as a unique day even biden said they're going to celebrate the end of the virus or some such nonsense and if you don't love this country and you don't love the founders then you don't love the independence day july 4th now mark let me go in uh just last one your point about coolidge versus wilson is a fabulous point by the way fabulous point thank you for that we all learn it from you so their favorite economist jefferson adams ben franklin knew adam smith actually adam smith was economic rock star in fact he published the wealth of nations in 1776 and a dozen years earlier the theory of moral sentiment so smith wanted free markets smith wanted free trade he wanted no government restrictions on commerce on trade and argued that markets you know markets are colorblind markets are race blind that's why they're so efficient the rule of law has to be enacted of course to keep markets going and people should have a good conscience that's the moral sentiment part i'm looking at biden mark and i'm saying he gave away our tax sovereignty to the g7 and the g20 just a couple of weeks ago that is absolutely insane he's violating the rule of law almost on a daily basis with these executive orders which are even some of them being uh overturned uh he's he's got a prescription of redistribution not prosperity none of this stuff's going to work it's failed wherever it's been tried and i think he's moved about as far from the founders as any president in you know maybe in history and so my question is how do we get back to the founders because you know me i'm an optimist mark i mean i would have been their favorite economist but i just wasn't quite there i didn't show up for another 30 or 40 years but we that's why i say this game is worth the fight because we can't let biden steal this we cannot let him steal this or brainwash this give me your last thoughts we get we have to fight this tooth and nail well of course we do and this book american marxism i wrote the last chapter when you get to that you'll see some of my suggestions in there but let me let me just say this i think the founders would say to themselves what do we have here do we have a representative republic not really most of the laws are made by this massive bureaucracy that aren't even in the constitution do we have a constitutional republic well not really because parts of the constitution are read out of the constitution things are added to the constitution without constitutional conventions do we have a federal republic well not really because the states have been devoured and smothered not completely but heavily by the uh by the federal government and this is the democrat party this is the phony progressive movement this is the embrace of a hostile ideology that rejects private property rights that rejects individuals talks about groups cast one group against another what the democrat party and joe biden stand for is an utterly alien ideology and uh the the press is supposed to help protect us from this but they are cheerleaders for this this is one of the great problems we have so we have a breakdown and you're right we have to fight for it now it took us 100 years to get here and it may take us 100 years to get it back but we need to claw our way back day in and day out and july 4th is the day for patriots who love this country who revere the founders and who believe in individualism and freedom that is what we're celebrating wonderful mark well said buddy wonderful just great that is this show happy july 4th i'm going to think about july 4th um this is a fight worth making and we can win this we can win this back mark levin can't thank you enough
Channel: Fox Business
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Keywords: america, biden, declaration of independence, democrats, founders, government, joe biden, levin, mark levin, republicans, united states, business news, fbn, fox biz, fox business, fox business channel, fox business kudlow, fox business larry kudlow, fox business network, fox business news, kudlow, kudlow tonight, larry kudlow, fox news mark levin
Id: M_WVMt-gtVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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