Mark Jackson Isaac Orville Interview (Issac/Identity PT 1+2) (2019)

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[Music] well originally I mean I got a very brief break down saying seth macfarlane la straight series sci-fi space comedy 400 years in the future Isaac machine artificial life-form and all we knew was he had a very blank outer shell but with red eyes so this is him but these were red which we have seen in season one with Isaac and then in season two obviously we've seen a lot of Kalon with red eyes and some of the orange eyes but you can tell that Isaac with our red eyes is kind of menacing so I think they figured early on that baby blues was perhaps a better way to go so I had this audition come through like every other one and I thought this is totally cool and so utterly unique compared to all the auditions I normally go up for so I thought I'm gonna work really hard on this one and auditioned in London and the tape was sent off to the big bad boys in the States and yeah I mean within 24 hours we'd heard that set and watched the tape and liked it which was pretty surreal because you don't normally respect that response anyway for an audition so that was that and then you know a couple of times they threatened to take me over to the States for a studio test with the producers and twice they were like no it's fine you you've you've done this tape and it's it's enough and six weeks later I finally got off for the part which is great I was I just touched down in Barcelona for a holiday and I got a voicemail from my agent saying I got it and what a great way to start a holiday right so I was very pleased well I don't know I mean it's a vocal part very much a vocal part and I think Seth was very much looking for that right part he'd they'd been auditioning for both this part and bought us in Australia America Canada New Zealand the UK like that really throw the net very wide and I think Seth was sort of working his way through a lot of tapes and I don't know something must have clicked in his head vocally but when it came to actually getting to set and getting in the costume and doing it I think what I thought from the start was he needed to have an economy of movement you know he's a machine he wouldn't move unless he has to it's not impulsive you know humans are impulsive we always move we're constantly moving look both of us are having this but Isaac would never do that so remembering that was very important and I think also for me to move away from very famous artificial life forms that are out there a fluidity of movement was very important I wanted to move away from a kind of well you know I think it's just he's genuinely weird which is just so appealing isn't it I think you know in the age of social media when people are trying to be not as weird as possible to see someone who is so embracing of their own weirdness it's just refreshing not wanting to conform not wanting to act like people think he should act i well he is yeah and he's certainly not afraid to tell them that either I think I think that that is quite enduring you know I think people will love him for that but he's not you know in the same way that he doesn't have the capacity to be kind he doesn't have the capacity to be cruel no I mean open to why he's you know we must remember he's run by algorithms he is not run by emotions and not run by impulses kind and kind and cruel 10 to come from feelings of insecurity or feelings of love or feelings of ownership in some way and he doesn't have any of these so it's important to remember that and I constantly have to drag myself back into that you know because some of his lines could be interpreted in a romantic way let's say or a mean way but you can't afford to actually perform like that you know if you go back to a happy refrain this season 2 episode 6 you know Isaac I got it he'd got a girlfriend it's just great but you know what his his his algorithms had adapted to having Claire around and if we take that logical stream that is what's happening to Isaac on a daily basis being aboard the or bill not only to do with Claire but to do with all the other characters and all the experiences that he's having I mean let's not forget he was on a planet for 700 years so surely his algorithms would have changed in that time and so is it any wonder that when we see him in the setting of all the other Kalin's that he acts and thinks differently who knows the sky's the limit with him I mean the more experiences yes the more relationships he has the more he'll change I guess love dear Oh beautiful I mean it was well-balanced it was well-written it was just so well acted by penny and everyone else who was involved we saw nor McDonald Papa you know we had a we had an orchestra I mean it was just wonderful really I know wonderful tribute to musical musical films from you know the Hollywood's golden era alike yeah it was great to be part of that and I was delighted when I read it I remember Seth at the Christmas party at the end of 2017 saying to me Marc Marc I'm gonna script you you're gonna love it you're gonna get Paige didn't say you're gonna get a girlfriend but he said we're gonna meet we're gonna meet humanizing which is nothing and yeah I mean I was excited about it from there so yeah well I think good I think good sci-fi has to rely on good science and liberties can be taken because it's so far in the future that we can understand we don't understand the science that the science is based on let alone the science that it is so so I think that's fine but you have to you have to see the logical route to getting to it and I believe that applies to most science fiction all science fiction which is why a lot of science fiction there is not good as far as I'm concerned but the Sun you know the or bill does the oval has holes I'm not gonna say it doesn't and I see them myself now and again I'm certainly not one to say what they are but you know I think majority it is true to itself and true to science and I love that I genuinely think that the episodic nature of the show lends itself to being more dramatic or more comedic as each episode goes a lot I mean it can it can sort of be more playful which I like very much and it allows the fans to have different favorites or opposites in in let you know it creates debate it allows for an actual forum where people can you know discuss the show in an exciting way I think the show is more confident now so it's if you see an episode in the season two that is more dramatic and then in season one it's because we feel like we have the confidence to do that and similarly if you see one that is hilarious in season two it's because we have the confidence to push the comedy even further so it I think it's about that it's about thinking of the show is still finding itself as well and it will continue to do so as political and socio-economic events around us change and also the audience's change you know with shows shows how to be adaptive yeah and I think with the first episode of season 2 which was so character based that you know we really felt that we would felt well we've got living breathing creatures in front of us and I think that's a testament after one season that that that that was the case yes it is it felt like a movie to film Italia fat yeah that was exciting because it has a different pace a two-parter I mean you have to wrap up a lot in one episode and set it up do it wrap it up but as I say you know because of the episodic nature of things you know each each episode is a movie and then to do a 2 episode a two-parter is like doing a huge movie but it does have a sort of little break in the between so you know that was kind of fun and we actually play with that formula that formats again later on this season you have another two-parter coming your way and it is it could have been a season finale convert and it would have worked beautifully as a season finale but and I'll let you in on a little secret it was the original season 1 finale those two episodes here we had more to tell before we got there I think we had more characters for Institute so we had to get further into the relationships with the characters on the ship before we got to that stage yeah I think I think it was a good decision and I think you know as you said it's not just to shake things up in the middle of season 2 to build up to whatever might happen next you
Channel: Trekyards
Views: 209,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trekyards, Trekyards: Legends, Trekyards: One Hit Wonders, Trekyards Treknology, Stuart Foley, Power543, Star Trek Documentary, Captain Foley, Samuel Cockings, Star Trek Webseries, Star Trek, star trek trekyards, fleetyards, weekly, legends, treknology, technology, one hit wonder, documentary, web series, originals, new release, new, podcast, captains log, discovery, std, Mark Jackson, Isaac, Orville Interview, Identity, LFCC, Isaac Interview, The Orville, interview
Id: 3f7N_xjhUTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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