Mark Iacono / Lucali

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join the Macy's Aventura home store and chat ciao TV for the plate a shop third Thursday cooking series up next is Belle harbors mr. Collins restaurant on July 18th at 7 p.m. visit slash events for more details situated smack in Miami Beach's sunset Harbor neighborhood will Kali serves straightforward delicious pizza charred cracker thin crust savory tomato sauce and a soft layer of stretchy mozzarella cheese the space is appealing in its simplicity with wood floors wooden booths and old fans and the pizzas are made by candlelight by pizza makers wearing white t-shirts rolling out dough's with wine bottles today we are sitting down with owner Mark Iacono I hear you're a perfectionist at least I've read you're professional so I can't imagine that you didn't have any challenges coming here to South Beach what were some of the challenges and opening you know everybody told me the water the water the water and I just you know I've had some of the pizzas down yeah I was like it's not the water it's it's the humidity yeah so we just had to make a few adjustments in the cooling off the bill I still haven't perfected it I'm still working on constantly constantly trying to you know take the poly to another level okay and you guys actually roll each guy comes out one at a time right yes cook 20 at a time and the dough is actually rolled with a wine bottle yes so is that your invention or who came up that's doing my own experience in making pizza when I first started like I just thought to make out you know I built a pizzeria and then taught myself to make pizza you know I was only doing it for like two weeks and then put enough water they don't want stretch I was getting really backed up and I call my brothers like you know bring grandma's rolling in here right away like and I couldn't wait for him so I just looking around I saw a wine bottle I grabbed the wine bottle and that was it and it stuck ever since so what got you into pizza making if it hasn't been that long and you've been so successful it was just something I always wanted to do I used to make really good um English muffin pizzas so it's like what do you put on those English muffin pizzas same thing I put on my pie okay well then what I want to ask you well first let's talk about the sauce I know if we probably can't reveal your secrets your sauce but your sauce is like perfect it's drinkable so what what what can you tell us about this on cooking the sauce I think that's the biggest part you know if you really take notice sometimes when you're out even if you soon you know pies in the oven two to three minutes and it's awesome cooks but it's still warm right and if you take you know if you eat sauce and you eat a raw tomato out of a can and you'll see the difference and it just keeps pace so much better when it's cooked so that's why we cook it now the pizza is not cheap listen I'm always a lush on the show I'm glad somebody's keeping up actually you're beating me okay so the pies aren't cheap but I know I can convince somebody of why they need to come right so I want to hear why what's what do you say to somebody who's like Wow some people can gripe about the price of the pie you'll pace seventeen dollars for a pie but it's four slices a quarter of the size of my slice I agree so and then you know you also gotta take into account that it's not the average you know slice joint we do use three cheese's they're all important from Italy you know and the cost of my party is probably three times to make them what is it the guy down the block right and ok so screw the fact that the pie is $24 you guys have the hidden gem on the menu which is the calzone yes I think that's the hidden Jenny let's talk about the calzone so this are there all the three of those cheese's in there and what what are those cheese's cousin was five g's okay we're talking about that so what are the factories is um the Buffalo okay low-moisture Macedo Ruggiano rosetta and the other ones a secret okay what is your favorite pie topping combination I like it plain i'm of yours you know so what are the other toppings you have though cuz you guys have the fresh artichokes I like the artichoke with a little bit of garlic don't like the hot pepper salad we did that that was good they have amazing flavor those peppers yeah really good and then we drink yourself yeah I have nothing I can't have pluses that bar you they they they take it home they put boiling water in it makes me sleep really no and you're on the Brooklyn location it's frequented by some celebrities oh yes yes are we allowed to talk about that some last night we had actually we had Barbara Walters Alan Alda bono comes in thank you so much nice meeting you nice meeting you this is for the camera crew yes camerawoman that's awesome camerawoman arrogance
Channel: chatchowtv
Views: 77,027
Rating: 4.9059672 out of 5
Keywords: Lucali, Branding, Bloopers, Mark Iacono, macy's, sunset harbour, pizza, best pizza, miami beach, savory tomato sauce, charred crust, brooklyn, best pizza sauce, calzone, artichoke
Id: 2rn2zYP17TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2013
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