Mark Goldbridge Opens Up About His Cancer Scare

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with that scar being so big does that mean that you had cancer of sales in there then yeah yeah yeah i think if that won if i'd left it i probably wouldn't even be here now what [Music] i saw on your instagram the other day um you posted a picture of you eating a twister in the sun oh yeah and i i want to talk a bit about that but first of all obviously this weather's lovely are you are you a hot man are you coming on to him i mean i meant the heat man i'm not now it's like when we had to jizzle on and we were talking about snacks and i said are you a chocolate man i'm not too much of a christman so i keep it simple are you a chocolate man yeah are you are you a man that indulges in the heat because i mean it's getting hot in here i used to i used to but to be honest i had like i've got this big scar on my arm which was actually from a mold being removed all right so i had i do like the sun and i used to go on holidays quite a lot and like just you know be in the sun and quite responsible but now i'm just like i have to be a lot careful especially with kids and stuff and they're quite fair skins yeah i find them a lot more responsible but i do love the sun you know i love the you know and everything in the sun it's strange because like i have i have ocd which is based around cancer and whatnot and they're thinking and i never that's one that i never consider i've got three scars from having moles removed yeah what because were they cancerous that one would have killed me if i hadn't had it out what they've got one on the back which looked like that one which was actually fine which had last year and i've got one on the back there that was probably all right but i sort of detected it early so i go for mole mapping once a year now do you because i've got so many of them and i've had had it before and i was like so irresponsible in the sun when i was a kid like you know i think probably we all were yeah like you just go out i mean we used to go on holiday and i don't think my parents knew what sun cream were they're probably going we did we did but i don't remember having sun cream whereas now like even coming here today to london i've worked on my legs and my arms and everything and you know i've walked in the shadows when i can have you really cliff richard that's a crap old joke yeah edit that one out that would have been good in the 70s he's brilliant but no yeah i have to be yeah yeah i'm quite responsible about it now probably uh probably ocd with you about it yeah so worried about it now that it's i genuinely and i probably should and again it goes against everything i kind of think but i i don't do you i don't know if you consider that do you i use sun lotion a lot but i also tan really well like i i never burn so you'd be fine so yeah i tend to be all right is that how it works not necessarily but i mean my my daughter's dart skinned but she's got quite a big mole on her back and that and it's like you know i'm always i'm like how long she had that and my wife's like she's literally had long hair for all her life we've just cut it short and i'm like it's always been there i'm like i'm quite pleased about that you're talking about my daughter's body to know that she's got that pleased to say but um yeah i'm even with my kids like seb i'm like has he got sun cream on in the morning i'm just really obsessed really because how did you know because i think it's quite an important thing to talk about really moles because i never really look at i've got a few and i don't look at them fiona's really good at it though to be fair but how did did you notice your like what was the sign that made your brain go that's not actually a mole that's actually something worse i think i think you know i think as as you say it's um you know you're in body most of the time and i think with that one i just remember i was in the bath and there was like this really really black mole that i'd not noticed before which you would notice and it started tingling a bit and i was just like it just doesn't feel right it's come up from nowhere and i went and i said to the doctor and they they took it out and the reason the scars so big is because um it was only they're any small they take it out and they're only a small scar but then if this cancerous sales they have to go deeper so when they take it out it's like a jelly tot right like a little scoop out yeah but then they have to go deeper than that and the reason the scar is quite big is because i went back to work in the police too soon and opened up the scot opened up the stitches and went never went back and i had one on the back of my arm a year ago it was like that one and then that they took that out they said it was fine so i suppose it's just keeping an eye on new ones or and if they start feeling funny most people are getting checks now yeah but the reality is i think that yeah just watch out for new moles so did that one i don't know if this is an insensitive question or not so that with that scar being so big does that mean that you had cancer of sales in there then yeah yeah yeah i think if that won if i'd left it i probably wouldn't even be here now because it was 15 years ago [ __ ] hell i don't delve deep into it they've got my records but yeah basically what what they said is like you had cancerous cells there and it was quite deep so that would have been that would have been an issue for you at some point wow i remember i remember hearing a story on the news a while ago which kind of stuck with me i don't know if it was like a local news or not i think i told you about this the other day but um there was this woman she was obsessed with emmerdale or something she was like this old woman and she used to write into the cast and she's used to writing all the time i think i don't know if they if they said this or not but i can imagine it was kind of one of them ones where after a while you stopped checking the letters but then she she i think she picked a different envelope or something so they didn't know it was her sending the letter she said important must read or something she sent it to them and i it wasn't deidre but for the ease of the um conversation that say it was deidre like she she was doing a scene on on emmerdale and this old woman had been so obsessed with emmerdale she noticed the new mole had come up on deidre and uh wrote in and then the the female actress went to the doctors and it was cancerous what happened with oh really yeah yeah he was on match of the day and this cancer specialist wrote in and said there's something on your nose um you might want to get it checked out and he did and he and it was uh cancerous he had like you know the beginning of it because i think with these things i mean look i've had three of them removed now so i know it quite well um if you catch it early you know and the last one i had i was asking some questions and he said look that one that you had on your arm there could have been 20 years before it caused you any problems yeah but it's it's dodgy yeah you know basically said there's certain models that are dodgy and you know you're better off getting rid of them um but yeah that's what happened i think it was mark lawrence it was someone off match of the day where someone wrote in and said you've had a change on your on your face yeah fair enough check your moles out i wouldn't even know what i'm looking at though i just you don't look very molly i'm quite they don't exactly aren't you they tend to be quite sizable don't you know when when there's something more going on like it wouldn't be like uh something although that one was quite small fiona can you google signs that moles are bad because i think we may as well just end this get your kit off after and i'll give you what is body mapping so they they they basically photograph everything about you so you stand there billy bollocks naked no you do not yeah i mean i keep my pants on because i say i've got nothing i can i can assure you there's no moles on my like he was trying to pick a different word i just went for it and um so yeah they photograph everything and then the next year they'll have a look and then on photographs they'll say you might wanna have a look at this one isn't they'll see if there's any changes or anything like that all right it's peace of mind really but ultimately yeah fiona said i know this well change change in size shape or color [ __ ] it else she knows it extensively six things yeah is there darkened in color uh now not a perfect circle i don't think any of my moles are perfect circles so that's worrying i've got loads that fit the bill have yeah yeah they're all right any change should be noted and moles that bleed need to be checked be safe in the sun yeah there we go from goldbridge himself but there's there's think about it when you're young no i've not thought about it until now and i'm 28. i like that we got there from you had a twister on your instagram do you like it in the sun oh i hate it because i nearly had i did i don't know whether i did that well i suppose i did yeah i do like twisters i think do you like any other ice lollies what do you think about beer well i've had a no let's not go you came under a little bit of backlash for not allowing girls to play so tell me why do you hate females
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 151,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mark goldbridge cancer, mark goldbridge skin cancer, mark goldbridge scar, skin cancer, skin cancer symptoms, skin cancer signs, skin cancer on face, skin cancer moles, skin cancer story, skin cancer experience, coronation street cancer, mark lawrenson cancer, mole mapping, jaackmaate cancer, happy hour mark goldbridge
Id: 6kDN83sFzSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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