Mark Cuban Joins The Steam Room

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welcome back to the steam room we appreciate everybody keeping their towels on and Chuckster it's it's that time I know you love saying it's time for a special special guest special special guest yeah Wow that is that's quite the compliment coming from the Chuckster but totally deserving is Mark Cuban who joins us now as we continue in our holding pattern in the NBA how long with this holding pattern continued Mark Cuban I wish I knew man if I had an answer to that I'd be everybody's best friend I just don't know the science will tell us you know mark I read a great quote from you it's been going on a crawl all day you just say hey guys my we're not safe did all these people talk about we need to come back right now you says it's not gonna be safe for anybody and I really appreciate you saying that you've probably got more to lose than anybody else yeah I mean it's not gonna be cheap but at the same time you know first things first this is much bigger than basketball and there's nothing more important than than safety and I use the kid factor when I let my kids go to the gym and do these workouts and the answer is no we can't you can't really we're not allowed to test anybody and not that testing would actually help that much because you know a practice facility is very transient you've got people coming in doing their workout and yes we know who they are and everything but then they go out to the world and who knows who they're interacting with and even if we were able to test them that test is only for one moment in time if they go you know see somebody two hours later that happens to be infected and bring it back we've got real problems and so it was just better to play it safe yeah it's been hard to follow for me mark simply because of the different states and the given and the different government agencies and it's and the and the different city and county boundaries where they say okay yeah it's gonna be fine here if we open this up but does that apply in this state does it apply in this county and it is in this his diction and and so you have so far from a level playing field right now in terms of teams being able to you know try to get some kind of a workout in or some semblance of normalcy how is it how was it in Dallas in Dallas you know it's it's getting a little bit worse but it's not bad right and because you just don't know all it takes is one little pocket of people to get infected and all the numbers are skewed but that doesn't mean we can't work out all poor and I've said this we're gonna have a meeting this afternoon with the trainers and all of our staff I'm all for our guys working out outside right because there's no surfaces you're not gonna be rolling around in the grass you're not rolling around on the court so we've had guys already shooting outside um because I know I shot with one right and you know you just take your precautions you bring your own ball you you know you wash your hands you don't touch your face and then you leave because there's no surfaces that you're touching other than the ball and so I'm fine with that other guys are going to tracks or other outdoor areas to run and work out and do bodyweight workouts where you don't have to touch different things I'm fine with that as well um but those things you know the odds are in your favor that's gonna be absolutely safe because there's no carrier services but if you're inside you know it's warmer there's a lot of things or you're going to touch you're gonna use maybe the restroom you're gonna you know grab towels there's just you know you might have cones whatever it may be different things that you that when people touch them it just increases the risk and again without testing it's just not worth it have you ever thought about the fact that at the Dallas Mavericks play a game you can't go to the game yes just drives me nuts drives me nuts thinking about it but yeah it's crossed my mind for sure and look I mean there's you know elderly population it's question of where you set the cutoff right and so some people accept 60 some people have said sixty five other people said that you know if you're a good shape you're in good shape but across the NBA we have coaches that a little bit older you know in their late 60s in their 70s and how do you deal with that we have players with underlying conditions now you know we don't allow we're not allowed to know who is who but you know we know with certainty that there are players across 450 plus the two to two guys to get us to 1714 um that have some sort of underlying condition a bit of a heart condition takes medication for this or that that's just what the numbers say so how do you deal with the player that might have agent you know or may might have a minimal coronary but you know condition or a lung condition that impairs them a little bit but not enough to keep them from playing but puts them at greater risk if they were to catch the virus what do you do you know mark all those are great questions in it me and that's what and that's what the holdup is I mean the uncertainty that we're all living in right now I mean if somebody would just come out and say hey everything's gonna be fine on July 8th you know everybody could could gear toward that date and say let's ramp up and let's get going but when aside from basketball like when you're watching the news and you're watching and I wanted to ask you because because of your business savvy and your and your knowledge of the economy so many people want to get back to work so many people want to say let's be careful because we don't want to risk lives and it was you know doctor foul Chi the other day was we were saying you're we're going down a road where you're gonna have to make this decision on how many are you prepared to lose yeah I mean how do you how do you balance these two you don't I mean you you make gradual improvements so you know here in Dallas and in most communities we've been allowed to do delivery we've been allowed to do pickup of foods we've been allowed to go to grocery stores and stand in line one at one out one in so I'm okay with extending things that have worked to other businesses you know if a hardware store we want to open up hardware stores and allow them to do pickup and delivery great you know because you can do touchless delivery even on my you know doorstep or leave it downstairs and I'll clean it I'll you know bring gloves or whatever and I can protect myself um I'm great with expanding nose but this whole notion of just opening up well when you say the word open up that the connotation is you're fully open for business and I think that's created a lot of misunderstanding and fear if we would have just said you know what let's just take pickup and delivery touchless pickup and delivery and extend it to any company in the country that wants to go in that direction great but that's not what we've done and so now we have you know this battle open versus stay closed it's a better of life person death and the sad part is this is a question of life and death but we're trying to figure out who do we trust with our lives and we just don't know you know who can we turn to because we're not getting we're not getting transparency we're not getting candor we're not getting authentic answers and so from my perspective you know as I said I'm trying to encourage companies that I'm involved with to do the pickup and delivery but more importantly and I think this is the big thing try to reinvent themselves for a world where there's going to be less mobility where people are going to be more hesitant to just go out and go into crowds obviously Sports is going to have a lot of issues to address now you care that with do I have confidence that we'll have a vaccine at some point yes a hundred thousand percent yes now do I know when no now based off of my limited scientific reading I would guess that we'll get something for those people who who were trying to cure that already have coated before the end of the year and if it's in a perfect world next season whenever that starts we'll be able to play in front of release limited crowds and then again it'll be a gradual learning process so that not the long winded answer way of saying we take gradual steps forward we learn what's happening and as we can incrementally do safe things we do that and then that buys us time for those vaccines and therapies back to something I heard you talk about today I guess you were on Fox Business talking about you know the loss of jobs and possible new jobs and and I loved what you had to say about you know the contact tracing if this is going to be key in the in the course of all of this hire a bunch of folks to do that I mean how many in your estimation mark how many jobs could that could that provide to do contract contact testing tracing the whole program you need to not only have people out front doing that job and again let me qualify it you would train everybody make them you know understand all the HIPAA regulations and if somebody didn't want to be tested and if somebody doesn't want to give up their information you can't force them so this is not this is not the police coming after you forcing you for your personal information but training them and then behind the scenes you need people to take that data formulate it and analyze it understand it continue to track it so that we learn from all of it because that's the whole point learning you could probably create three to four million jobs and so you know out of 33 million people unemployed 50 million unemployed and underemployed you know it's just a dent but that's the first step you're also going to have people that are going to be stuck at home because you know they're more at risk there are more at risk population than some younger people maybe and so you're going to need people to support them and help them that's another few million jobs and as those people age and you know historically they've moved into long-term care facilities will want to build more long-term care facilities and have people that are trained to work there we need those jobs and so now we know this is going to be a need we know that these are things that need to get done so now the time to create the federal programs not state programs because if state one and state two don't you know compiled their information together all 50 states don't pull their information together then the the tracking and tracing is useless because you can't have little silos of data so it's got to be a federal program but now's the time to do it because what gets us bad not to normal because ten weeks ago that normal is gone but whatever the new normal is that we evolved into to get us back it's going to create it's going to require consumers being willing to spend money and the only way people are going to spend money is if they're confident they can keep their job and they're confident they're not gonna yeah that their salaries are going to stay the same and that way they'll be more willing to save a little less and spend a little more that in turn creates opportunities for businesses to thrive and for new businesses to be created because their consumer demand so we need historically it's always been top down put money in the system let entrepreneurs do their thing like companies do their thing but this is so different we've never had 50 million people impacted like this and in ten weeks or less and so we have to do it differently it's going to have to be bottom-up that's the only way that'll work you know I started a fund in Alabama call to Alabama hospitality fund for workers who I was going to be out of bids and we've been talking about okay number one that obviously all the restaurants are closed down but they got a couple other problems number one when they come when they open back up people not gonna have money to go in and eat in the hospitality field but also people are not gonna want to congregate and go to bars and restaurants what will be the best advice you could give those to try to jumpstart the hospitality business you know first is the pickup and delivery I've actually you know the companies that have specialized in it in it horse store historically like the the sub companies the Jimmy John's the subways you know they're doing actually doing well their businesses up there's another franchise chain called Sonic's where you drive in and they take your order their business is way up as well you know companies would drive through Starbucks their businesses is starting to increase dramatically so you're going to have to adapt the idea that you could just be a club where everybody just congregates around the bar that's just not gonna work anymore so you have to come up with ways where people can be having fun you know like in Atlanta they were showing people out in the street um you know places that hanging out and that's okay as long as you keep them apart right but you have to come up with new ways to to to support social distancing and allow people to have fun it's just not gonna be the same old ways I mean it's just it's you just have to think you know how can I do it differently how can I be innovative what something that a year from now when there's still social distancing if they're still social distancing most likely will be that we can find ways for people to have fun you know I've talked to restaurants I actually ordered one for my my driveway there's these big seafood cubes that are not even cubes bubbles right they're just huge bubbles that are seven feet tall and can support a table and fit four or five people because I need I have a couple restaurants and I want to figure out what might work ordering one of those to see you know how cool is it you know does it get too hot but just different ways to invent so that if I wanted to have a restaurant and I wanted to have ten of these bubbles and there was a way from he just to spray him when somebody left and then bringing the next one and it was safe but everybody can see each other I mean I'm we're just winging it trying to find out new solutions but that's what it's gonna take shorter it's gonna take people inventing new ways you know the best way to predict the future is to invent it that's what Abraham Lincoln said and that's exactly what's going to happen here he was talking about after the Civil War that you know think about back then where everything was just completely upside-down what can we do now that we're upside down to invent the future and that's really what's going to have to take place and you know I'm a hundred percent certain there's a 12 year old 16 year old or 61 year old who's got a better idea what America 2.0 is gonna look like we just got to find those people and find those ideas and put them to work I have a feeling one of those might be somebody in your household right I'm your oldest your oldest child is what 17 18 16 16 16 yeah thanks he's 21 or 22 but she's 16 yeah so honey so how do you talk your two daughters and your son through this and you know how how was Tiffany taking this with you know your mug ever-present in the house huh as a family how have you guys come to grips with this and explained it and gotten through it it's been hard like everybody else I mean you know we obviously are very blessed you know we have a lot easier than 99% of the people out there just cuz we have space but you know tell that to a 16 year old a 13 year old and a 10 year old the first two weeks were okay because everybody was in it together now my my 16 year olds kind of taking over the household and the you know we have to keep on reinforcing that if you look back through history there's been a lot of circumstances where it's been a lot worse than what we've had you know you can talk about the Civil War you my grandparents came over from Russia and they didn't leave Russia because you know they got an invitation to United States it was leave or die you know I have relatives that were killed in the Holocaust and we talked about those types of things and you know we're nation of immigrants and so every single family has similar stories and I just tried to tell him look there's been a lot of people through worse you read the Diary of Anne Frank where she lived in an attic for two years just to try to stay alive and we're getting Amazon and food delivered yeah yes it's hard yes it's crazy yes it's hard to understand but we're resilient we'll figure it out we'll get through this and so on the country and so will the world well who's the Disciplinary when it comes to how much playtime I'm okay you took because you tried obviously you gotta cut your kids trying to go to school but then obviously they want to play these games who's too disciplinarian who lays down the law I'll say it very simply the inmates are running the asylum and in terms of the arts and culture mark what are you watching and how much of it is the last dance how much of it is Tiger King how much whatever you got it and do you have a recommendation before we get into the last s do you have a recommendation something that we can be watching when I'm on the elliptical I'm using peloton for my hard workouts and then my easy days I'm on the elliptical watching Tiger King and then I'm on season episode six and then my wife and I are watching Ozark together as awesome other stuff I mean I've really tried to keep busy what I mean we've got investments in more than 200 companies and so trying to just keep connected to them and support them and some of them are in areas that are doing well and trying to you know help guide them through that and some of them that are really struggling trying to you know help pick them up so let's keep me really busy so but at night when when I get break or when I'm working out those of the shows last week Chuckster and I were talking to JJ Watt on the podcast and JJ was was talking about the last dance and he said hold it are you telling me that Phil Jackson let Dennis Rodman go to Las Vegas in the middle of the season when they're looking for another championship and could you imagine something like that more could you imagine something like that happening well it happened just it but in this day and age yeah I know it's happened it's happened I've had over 20 years guys disappear you know and where are they is yeah so it's it's happened but it wasn't so blatant so with social media I mean you know if we were if this were happening we would we would have a double header plus bonus coverage of whatever the worm was doing in Vegas and people would look at people would look at Phil Jackson and say how can he do this to a team's chemistry how can you win like this you know it's because everything's documented on social media so the last 10 years it's been completely different um because you know everybody finds everybody everywhere and the guys would be proud and post it anyways because that's their brain but you know that's really the biggest difference social media I mean Chuck you were playing back then you'd walk out and there would be 50 cameras right and you do all the interviews and you'd have the news and you have talk radio and talk radio with the idiots right and then you had some times they were the nice guys sometimes they were the bad guys but you know that's kind of how you defined your brand right and you didn't really even worry about brand you know I'm not a role model you know Republicans buy sneakers too you just did your thing now guys come into league with a half a million a million two or three million followers on Instagram or wherever and they're already brands and they're already used to having to deal with the attention so it's been a lot easier for me I don't have to worry about those two a.m. calls like I used to jump get me and all that kind of stuff but I think if Michael and Charles would have had social media you guys would have been Kings because you know the attention was so much greater back then because there were fewer media option you know you guys were the biggest deals back then even more than football I mean with the Dream Team I mean there's just nothing bigger you guys will be the ones with 50 million social media followers and yes Chuck would be on social media because you would have 15 you know I'm not a role model and here's five million followers that are agreeing with me you know you know mark I'll be remiss number one thanks for having me on Shark Tank yeah and I'm glad to partner with you on the sub safe but I got to ask you this question though and I'm on the sub safe that's doing great it's doing great learning but let Matthew do well I have no doubt I have no doubt that it is Charles let's let me just say think with Charles all that's up woman Ernie you got a shirt from combat flip-flops which is a shark tank company and here's Charles Deveaux partner with unsub safe who's killing it another shark tank company so thank you guys no and I'll tell let me tell you this mark - you know my wife and I saw a piece on the CBS Evening News one night about combat flip-flops and we're like what an awesome thing they're doing that these vets are doing and benefitting no kids in Afghanistan young girls in Afghanistan to be educated and we were said oh we're all in it so we're buying all kind of flip-flops even size 15 like eyewear and and and all the sudden here this comes totally unexpectedly in the mail and I said I've got it all right no I love my loan better nation I love it sorry about that Charles I know this is gonna be really important oh no no I do this and I didn't know I didn't know what that was until you said and that's a great company because I'm you know I'm involved with the wounded warrior so it's up there your mark when you first got involved with shark tank could you have imagined all these years later that it would be this this this juggernaut that has become no I'll tell you exactly what I was thinking I got invited to be a guest shark and I was going in for three episodes and back then this is true 2010 and back then the show was bouncing around one day it was Tuesday the next night it was the Sunday replacement for Desperate Housewives and I'm thinking this shows got no future nobody cares about business so I'm gonna go on there and buy everything and just make a lot of noise and just make everybody mad at me and so that's what I did for those three episodes and then boom it came back and here we are 10 years later and trying to put together a season 12 to mark before we let you go it was floated out there the other day that there's an election coming up now look are you are you just are you teasing people with this you know that well presidential run how realistic is this for 2020 not very some crazy would have to happen but you know I would have done it in 2020 for my family hadn't voted it down we literally had a dinner table conversation and they were like no way it was a four to one vote and I was the only one and so 2024 is never out of the question but look it's just such a crazy world right now and it's so partisan and everybody wants to blame everybody else you know or it's nobody's fault you know we talked earlier about you know who do you trust your life with there's just nobody people trust right now and so the door is open now that said there's a lot of candidates that there are a lot of people that would be better than me as candidates but it is what it is this is the world we live in and you have to have a platform so I'll never say no but it's a long shot it happens this time around Wow just throwing in my two cents man I think you'd be a great president or vice president cuz I know your hearts in the right place thanks yeah yeah I appreciate that Mark Cuban thank you you've been very gracious with your time today and and we appreciate her to know a lot of folks a lot of talk want to talk to you my god oh man but this is like this is awesome thanks my guys I appreciate it stay safe all right brother take care thank you mark that was awesome man he's a good dude I joy you know when he parted with me on the sub safe I really so that's my other two products went down the toilet and men marca doing together is doing awesome so man it's really cool I would love to do it again - I really enjoyed Shark Tank it's a great show it is a great show everybody was nice to me on the show - you know you sure everybody's everybody's nice to you all fit no no but I'm saying why are you so surprised no not everybody's nice to me but I'm talking about you know you have this perception when you like this guy called yourself mr. wonderful I mean come on now keep wonderful I would love to do it again [Music]
Channel: NBA on TNT
Views: 86,781
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: NBA on TNT, NBA, Inside the NBA, Charles Barkley, Shaq, Kenny Smith, Ernie Johnson
Id: yDhaIrJ_Jjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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