Mark 3:6-21 | Continuing Opposition

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[Music] well good morning church family can we all stand to our feet anybody here and glad to be here this morning this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it amen let's open up in prayer let's praise the lord father we praise you lord we thank you lord and we ask you lord to lead us in praise right now to bring our offering to you god those of us here in this place and those of us around the world online god do a work right now as we bring you our praise in jesus name we all said amen let's sing it out church who breaks the power singing faith [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy thunder and leaves us [Music] this is amazing grace this is unfairly love now you would take my place [Music] that i would be set free [Music] all that you've done for me [Applause] brings our chaos back into order who makes me your king a son and daughter the king of glory the king of glory who rules a nation with truth and justice shines like the sun in all of his brilliance the king of glory the yes this is [Music] amazing this that is would take my place [Music] that i would be set free [Music] let's jesus it to the lord church seem [Music] worthy [Music] is the king who conquered the grave [Music] yes this is amazing grace this is [Music] [Music] oh jesus [Applause] all day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen in faith church this is amazing grace all for you jesus [Music] so good [Music] you lay down your life that i would be set free oh jesus i'm singing for all that you've done for me amen [Music] church fam is a brand new song this morning called reason i sing jesus is the reason we sing this morning let's give him our praise you blew me from darkness you clothed me in garments of praise jesus forever my song will be you i'm living in freedom you've taken my burdens away [Music] jesus forever [Applause] [Music] this is the reason i say for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that heaven is waiting for me this is the reason i say [Music] and i'll be sorry i [Music] jesus forever my song will be [Music] for the victory [Music] [Music] [Music] so good to me [Music] [Music] [Music] you're so good to me [Music] all the victory this is the reason i say for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that heaven is waiting for me this is the reason i say for the cross that you got and the debt that you pay for the price this is the reason i say for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that heaven is waiting for me this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus amen amen [Music] so some people some people think you're destined just some words on things but you're nothing more than fables handed down along the way but i've seen you park the waters where no one else could pull me from but that's who you are some people think you're just living in cathedrals made of stone but i know you live inside my heart i know that it's your home and i'll see you in the sunset and in the eyes [Music] [Music] with that's who you are [Music] sometimes sometimes i have my doubts i'm sure that everybody does and i wonder [Music] you're everything i need is who you are [Music] is [Music] you're amazing faithful loves [Music] that i breathe jesus [Music] who you are [Music] your goodness [Music] amen we just celebrate your goodness lord in your mercy this morning [Music] that you brought heaven down to us father [Music] that you sent your son to become one of us lord not to be born in a palace to be born in a stable [Music] not to be a celebrity but to be a servant to take that cross for us [Music] rise again forevermore king of kings lord of lords we praise you lord this morning we thank you for what you've done lord we pray that you would receive our offering of praise and worship to you lord we ask that you would allow us lord god to give it to you in spirit and in truth lord full of faith thank you for this time right now thank you for bringing us here lord thank you for allowing us to log on wherever we're watching right now lord all of it we thank you so much and we pray you would do what you want to do lord by your spirit lord in jesus name we all said church amen let's give the lord the glory this morning amen good morning church family good to see you guys you may have a seat if you're here in the house welcome to our online church family we love you guys we're glad you're with us as well let's check out this morning's announcement video let's see what's coming up hi everyone and welcome to calvary chapel chino valley before we begin today's teaching we'd like to share some exciting things coming your way so let's get into our announcements the california recall election for governor is coming up on tuesday september 14th for information about the candidates for governor you may pick up a handout at the gazebo or front desk for a list of valid drop-off locations visit our website at and if you would like more information about the upcoming election visit ladies registration is now open for our cccv 14th annual inland empire women's conference this year we'll be hosting a two-day conference on friday october 1st to saturday october 2nd on our beautiful church grounds our guest speakers will include award-winning author and national speaker lenya heitzig as well as sonia trujillo of calvary chapel south la with guests worship from emily hamilton we're kicking off the conference with a little shopping on friday evening only come and check out over 50 local artisans and pop-up shops you'll also be able to purchase dinner from various food trucks vendors and our holy grounds cafe the cost to attend is just 20 for both days catch all the details when registering online at stepping up is a ministry dedicated to equipping encouraging and mentoring fatherless boys who will one day be the men of our communities and nation this ministry is also for boys whose father is emotionally distant and or uninvolved boys who would like to participate are recommended to be attendees of calvary chapel chino valley and should be between the ages of 10 to 16 years old classes are held on church campus every other thursday from 7 to 9 pm registration is not necessary but an adult must be present to sign in the boy when dropping him off young adults we invite you to attend our catalyst open mic night taking place on monday september 6th the evening will begin at 7 30 in the banquet hall come and show your support to those sharing their talents with us there will be coffee flight refreshments desserts and of course great company so be sure to save the date and invite a friend we are now looking for individuals with a growing love and relationship with the lord and are hard to serve on staff if you are interested in working at calvary chapel chino valley visit our website for a list and description of positions available and fill out an application form today before we continue the service please take a moment to silence your cell phone and to limit distractions we ask that you please stay in your seat until service is over for more information on events registration or opportunities to serve be sure to visit our website at thank you for being with us and have a blessed week good morning everybody and welcome to calvary chapel chino valley i want to welcome those who are joining us online this morning and those who may be in the patio want to say god bless you it's always good to see you guys on sunday morning and so want to say welcome you know before we get started into some more announcements we always take the time to spotlight a specific ministry and today we're going to spotlight our men's ministry as we are starting our small group bible study so i've asked patrick lane and carlos magana to come on up and share i told them not to be nervous because pastor david's sitting here all you guys are out there and you guys are joining us online so i said don't be nervous you guys but i want to show a quick video and then invite them to come on up and share with us the most important thing in a man's life is his duty to the lord our relationship to the lord impacts and influences all other significant relationships in our life this is why it's so important we spend time in god's word and develop characteristics of a godly man joining a men's small group gives us the opportunity to work towards these goals together and to encourage one another psalm 133 1 says behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity and this is what a small group provides a place to grow in god's word and in god's unity together then i'd like to encourage you to sign up and get involved in a small group you can visit or stop by the gazebo and sign up today you know you guys these are a couple of brothers that i love with all my heart and and they're small group leaders of our small group so i've asked them to come and share with us this is patrick and this is carlos you guys give them a warm welcome please morning everybody uh just want to share a little bit about my experience in joining a small group study uh i joined the small group study in 2015 january and i was a new believer i just gave my life to the lord and uh it has been such a blessing in my life to where i've met older brothers younger brothers people in different places of their walks and throughout that time i've uh i've learned to love these brothers and they have become my brothers in christ and uh in january 25th of this year my brother uh went home to be with the lord but by me being equipped through the word of god and by me coming to these men's small studies i've been able to lead my wife into christ i've been able to uh bathe her in the word of god i've been able to train up my children in the ways of the lord they're still very young i got a long way to go but um january 25th was was was a a hard day for me uh 12 30 p.m i i'm knowing that it's bible study kick-off we're going to start in the book of proverbs and i get a phone call from my dad and uh he tells me that my brother passed away and uh sorry guys uh so anyways it's hard and i'm able i i have the responsibility to break this news to my mother and then to my sisters and uh and i know i had my bible study kick off and i kept on thinking i don't have any brothers left my older brother passed away when i was six years old this brother passes away and i'm broken and i'm thinking why am i even gonna go but god kept on pushing me to come and i came and in the driveway i'm getting off my pickup truck and a brother runs up to me and and he had experienced some of the same things his brother had passed away and he comes up to me and he prays with me and i get into uh the study and i have more brothers just hugging on me loving on me and i realize at that very moment that these are my brothers now so i want you guys to know that joining a small group study is not only about you it's what you can give to others and what people can pour into your life so i just want to encourage you guys in that way knowing that in the hard times and in the good times you can encourage and be encouraged and dig into god's word and be the man that god has called you to be god bless you amen um morning family uh it really is a blessing uh to be able to serve in this ministry um it's it's actually a blessing because i don't know if you guys know but not every church has a men's ministry uh we actually have a healthy one and we have a pastor who uh thinks it's important to pour into the men and we you know we we need that and we appreciate that so you know praise praise god for a pastor who cares about the men and wants to build them up i joined about uh 12 years ago i i was in my first study um for the last seven uh i've been blessed to be able to serve them and um you know you you meet carl carlos was in my first study and so you know there's there's guys that you're going to meet um these guys are going to be your brothers for for your whole life and uh you know there's guys that you would never have met and it's it's a blessing you're forced you know to to communicate with each other which is hard you know for a lot of us guys we don't feel comfortable it's hard to open up uh but when you you know when you get into these groups you get the opportunity to share we encourage each other we build each other up and it you know it really is a blessing um you know some of the things about the ministry you know we we get into the word right what's what's more important than that we also have accountability we need it we need to be accountable we need each other we need to encourage each other there's times when you don't want to go there's times when the enemy is attacking and so you know we need to be there for each other uh we have fellowship um you know we build friendships you know we we get into the word but we also have fun guys we you know we joke around um and you know it's it's a blessing we have we have food uh we you know we spend time in fellowship and uh you know there's there's things that guys have gone through we have life experiences that we share uh you know some of the the older gentlemen have wisdom that they share with us and you know we also get to come together in prayer we do prayer we have worship and then we also get to serve together we do a lot of different things here we have men's events and and you know those are opportunities for us to come together and serve and so uh there's there's a lot more to tell you but you know time is short so come to the gazebo there's always guys in the gazebo uh that we have monday tuesday thursday we have studies at the home we have studies at church we have studies on zoom and so there's lots of opportunities guys um you know take take a step and take that step of faith and see what the lord is going to do and i you know i promise you you're not going to be disappointed you won't that's our time love you guys thank you [Applause] thank you guys there will be at the gazebo afterwards men you know i want to encourage you guys to sign up for the study you know guys we we have a a nice size congregation our men studied last last year we had a little over 200 i'd like to see 300 guys come i mean guys with the with the congregation this size we should have a lot more men and so i want to encourage you men to sign up you can go to the gazebo afterwards the men will be going through first samuel the character of god and so guys i'd like to encourage you guys to sign up i also want to remind you guys that tonight for everybody that we have our sunday night of prayer that's going to be in room 304 which is above the bookstore that's going to be at 5 30 p.m this evening it's a time for the church to get together get together in prayer and in uh and corporate prayer worship and encouragement from the word everyone is welcome i want to invite also invite you to our wednesday evening service at 7 00 p.m want to invite your friends invite your friends and family to come out and join us and then men we have our steak and study again we have one more this is our last one for the summer it's going to be september 24th and it's going to be 6 30 p.m here in the patio and again man i want to encourage you guys to sign up uh get involved with that's our last one for the summer i want to really really encourage you guys to come on out i mean guys for 10 bucks you get ice cream steak potato salad a beverage i mean where can you get for 10 bucks can you get that right so come chino calvary chapel chino valley you can get it so men come on out you can sign up in the gazebo or you can register online and then just a reminder that our israel registration is still open anybody that's been wanting to go to israel you can go to our website and register and then a reminder that our church office is closed tomorrow in an observation of labor day and so our church office will be closed but we'll resume on tuesday the following day and then as you guys seen that our church is hiring probably from my position now but my church the church is the church is hiring for a couple of different things we're looking for a full-time women's ministry administrative assistant and a maintenance technician and probably a staff minister when i'm done uh but if you guys are interested in that go to our website and uh and apply and uh let's see what the lord does with that we're gonna continue our worship with our ties and offerings you know as i always share with you guys men women you know when we respond to god's word when we respond to all the wonderful things he's done in our lives we respond to the lord in worship and this morning we worship the lord through our tithes and our offerings and there's multiple ways that we're able to give this morning for those who are watching online there's a give button on the upper right hand corner that you can click on opens up a page for us to give our gifts to the lord for those who are watching on youtube on facebook there's a link in the chat box that you can open up and it gives another page again to worship the lord for those who are here this morning and have brought your ties and offerings we have agape boxes that are located in the foyers that you may drop your gifts off to the lord but when we think about all the great things that god has done in our lives our response is lord i worship you so i'd like to like to pray for the offering and then we'll have another worship song let's pray father we thank you so much for the privilege of worshiping you lord and lord we're so thankful for all the wonderful things that you have done in our lives and lord may this offering not only further your kingdom but lord may bring glory and honor to your name as we worship you our true king jesus and lord we lift up pastor david as he brings forth the message this morning lord may our hearts be stirred up may we be doers of your word lord we love you and we praise you in jesus name amen [Music] church family can we stand together this morning even as john is speaking i just sometimes the holy spirit will just put on my heart to look over the congregation i see so many of you that i have the privilege to know well some that i don't know well such an honor to worship as a church family such an honor to be part of a family here that loves the lord god is doing great things and we bring him our praise let's sing together church [Music] welcome by a melody anthem i have always known a song that's always been in me [Music] all glory and honor [Music] [Music] is the lord [Music] memorized by every [Music] to you jesus [Music] [Music] is is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] of grace majesty before my eyes i'll let it take my breath away [Music] is [Applause] forever is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and father as we gather here to worship you lord i i pray that you've received our worship and lord as we're about to enter into our time in study of the lord jesus christ and especially as we spend a few moments looking at the selection of the twelve i i ask that we would find practical application in our lives and father so we lift these things to you right now we lift our nation to you father i just ask that you would bring revival wake us up and use us for your glory and we would ask these things in jesus name amen turn to your neighbor and say god bless you i'm glad you're here let's open our bibles together to the gospel of marker in chapter 3. i'd remind you that on monday we do have a young adult study called catalyst it's for those between the ages of 18 to 28 or so that's on monday night at 7 30 in the banquet hall we have a tuesday morning men's study and fellas we invite you to be part of that as well as our wednesday evening study and so i'd love to have you part of those studies and involved in that way a couple of things before well one thing before we get into uh our um our study this morning we're looking at mark chapter 3 verses 6 through 21. we'll be looking at that in a moment but just wanted to um to let you know some of you maybe um maybe were aware of this my my son's wife karina had you know had a baby we had our uh a granddaughter i have a picture of her up here i want to show you her there she is she looks so much like my son they're going to be mad at me but there's my baby nora rebecca yeah i just wanted to introduce her to you guys anyway i'm going to get in trouble but i really don't care um chapter 3 we're going to be looking at verses 6 through 21 and so what we'll do as we begin our study is i'll begin reading to you here in chapter 3 at verse 6 and i'll take you to verse 12 and then we'll move into verse 13 and conclude and so let me begin reading mark chapter 3 beginning at verse 6 reading to verse 12. then the pharisees went out and immediately plotted with the rhodians against him how they might destroy him but jesus withdrew with his m his disciples to the sea and a great multitude from galilee followed him and from judea and jerusalem and anamiya and beyond the jordan and those from tyre and sidon a great multitude when they heard how many things he was doing came to him so he told his disciples that a small boat should be kept ready for him because of the multitude lest they should crush him for he healed many so that as many as had afflictions pressed about him to touch him and the unclean spirits whenever they saw him fell down before him and cried out saying you are the son of god but he sternly warned them that they should not make him known so as we've been going through the gospel of mark we've already seen that jesus has been performing many miracles and recently had performed an amazing miracle he had healed a man suffering with atrophy at his right hand we saw that in verse 5 of this chapter so even though jesus was performing incredible works the pharisees had become antagonistic they became his opponents it seems that each work he did only created more antagonism towards him so as we've seen he healed the paralytic he he cleansed the leper he healed a man with the withered hand and all of these miracles could have softened even the most calloused heart you'd think that such a miracle would have touched them but instead of joy over that healing the response as we saw was quite the opposite when luke was writing concerning this miracle of healing the man with the atrophied hand in luke chapter 6 verse 11 he said there was he gave us their response they were filled with rage and disgust with one another what they might do to jesus you see their traditions their man-made regulations had hardened them against the gospel of grace and we saw that the lord jesus christ was showing them what grace is and and so he was breaking in their mind the traditions that they held so dear concerning the sabbath they know and we saw in chapter one how he had cast out a demon on the sabbath he saw in chapter two how he allowed his disciples to pluck heads of grain on the sabbath and then in chapter three how he healed a man with a paralyzed hand all of these things were taking place on the sabbath so by now jesus has established a pattern of performing works of mercy on the sabbath and the result is that the the pharisees began to plan on how they might destroy him and what we see now taking place as a coalition a coalition of opposition forms the pharisees begin to plot with a group called the herodians now when you read your bible you'll see that very often the pharisees are are mentioned along with the the sadducees but on occasion you'll see them mentioned with a group called the herodians the herodians were a political party they were herodians meaning that they were supporters of herod but they also were a party that supported rome and so because they supported herod and by extension rome they were hated by the people what happens is these two opposing groups became united in one mutual thing the thing that united them was hatred for jesus christ now in the psalms in psalm 2 verses 1 and 2 the question is asked why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the lord and against his anointed against the messiah and so what has happened is the rodians are now teaming up with the pharisees it's been said the enemy of my enemy is my friend and that's what we're seeing take place here the pharisees hated christ because he threatened the religious power and the herodians hated him because he threatened their political power so they're joining together with the destroyer desire to destroy jesus christ in matthew chapter 12 verses 14 and 15 it says the pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill jesus aware of this jesus withdrew from that place a large crowd followed him and he healed all who were ill and so his reaction is shown his reaction to their plotting is revealed to us here notice what it says again in verse 7 that jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea a great multitude from galilee followed him from judea jerusalem beyond jordan entire side and great multitude when they heard how many things he was doing came to him and so he withdrew jesus knew that his time had not yet arrived so he goes he goes to the sea of galilee there was no need for him to at this time just unnecessarily antagonize him it's like what it says in psalm 109 3 and 4 where it says they've also surrounded me with words of hatred fought against me without a cause in return for my love they are my accusers but i give myself to prayer and so what he does in verse 7 is he's he withdrew with his disciples it says to the sea now i want to point something out and i'm going to give you some things that that may be of help to some who are especially learning their bible and learning things related to to some basic theology and all in his ministry jesus had many that were called disciples the word disciple refers to someone who is a learner it refers to someone who has attached themselves to a teacher they were also referred to as rabbi or a master so the disciple when you see the word disciple it speaks of a learner who's attached himself to a teacher and jesus as you go through scripture has many followers and in general they'll be referred to as disciples but not all of them became lifelong followers some of them are only what you would call disciples in name they listened to what he had to say they were curious about his miracles but the difference between these people and a true disciple is commitment you see those who were committed to him and his words were genuine disciples in john 8 31 jesus said to those jews who believed him if you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed so it wasn't just that they were interested in what he had to say it's that they attached themselves to him in a permanent sense so that they might learn of god through him they were attached to him so the word disciple disciple could speak people who are interested who are curious but a genuine disciple jesus said is one who abides in his word and not every one of them remained in his word they were what we would call today fair-weather followers now you see that an example of that in the sixth chapter of the gospel of john in john's gospel chapter 6 62 it says a great multitude followed him because they saw his signs which he performed on those who were diseased so these people were drawn by his miracles but not his message and john tells us that a great multitude gathered in and jesus saw that they were without food and and there were some five thousand men not including women and children we know the story of the feeding of the five thousand well after feeding them we're told that jesus perceived that they would try to make him king and this caused him to to leave the city of tiberias to go across the sea to the city of capernaum well people found out that he was gone and a great crowd followed him to capernaum and while speaking to them jesus made it clear that they followed him for the wrong reasons he said you're seeking me not for my signs but because i fed you he then told him that he's the bread of life and and they needed to fully partake of him and this is where the reality of their faith was revealed because after saying this john let us know how those listening responded in john chapter 6 verse 66 it says from that time many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more not every listener is a learner not every professor of faith is a possessor of faith it is those who stand firm in christ at the end who are genuine followers and not everyone who claims to be a christian is actually a genuine believer so those who remain faithful to him no matter what demonstrate that they are in luke 22 28 it says you are those who have stood by me in my trials so it's from these disciples that jesus will select his apostles now notice in verses 7 and 8 it says that jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea great multitude from galilee followed him and all of that we've read that a couple of times so people from all around began to hear of jesus they began to follow after him notice that two times uh in verse once in verse seven once in verse eight mark uses the words a great multitude so it emphasizes the amount of people that are following him and these places that are mentioned galilee jerusalem idomaia jordan beyond jordan tarsiden great multitude and all of that what that represents is the nation of israel from north to south including parts of lebanon in verse 8 it says they heard how many things he was doing and they came to him so people heard of what he was doing they heard of his miracles they heard of his message and now they came to him they wanted to hear what he was saying they wanted to see what he was doing again once again not every one of them was a genuine follower and so as this is taking place here there were so many there that they began to crush him it says in verse 9 he told his disciples that a small boat should be kept ready for him because of the multitude lest they should crush him for he healed many so that as many as had afflictions pressed about him to touch him the unclean spirits whenever they saw him fell down before him and cried out saying you are the son of god but he sternly warned them that they should not make him known now this great crowd is growing this this uh there are so many times that you see this in scripture that that uh great crowds began to form and uh and jesus had to deal with that in in mark chapter four we'll see at verse one it says he began to teach by the sea and a great multitude was gathered to him so they that he got into a boat sat in it on the sea and the whole multitude was on the land facing the sea so how did he react to these great crowds that were showing up i want to spend a few moments looking at this with you it says in verse 10 he healed many he healed he healed many so that as many as had afflictions pressed about him to touch him he healed them and he delivered them now i want you to notice in verse 11 it says the unclean spirits whenever they saw him fell down before him and cried out saying you are the son of god he sternly warned them that they should not make him known and so he healed him and he delivered them of possession and casting out demons he's revealing that the kingdom of god is present luke 11 20 says if i drive out demons by the finger of god the kingdom of god has come to you one of the things i want to make quick mention of though is found in verse 11. notice in verse 11 the unclean spirits whenever they saw him fell down before him and they cried out and they said you are the son of god as we've been going through mark and and i began thinking of this and so i decided to share a couple of thoughts with you about this as we've gone through the gospel of mark have you noticed how many demons were encountered by jesus that gives us some insight one it it reveals to us that there are incredible numbers of demons at work they seem to be everywhere as he's ministering they're constantly being confronted by him we know that demons normally work in secret but we're often unmasked by jesus and my wife and i were speaking about something and i wanted to share this with you a little bit i don't know if it'll make much sense probably won't you're the first service if it doesn't i just won't say it second service you're my guinea pigs but marie my wife and i were talking about this when the lord jesus christ began to move in the early days of what was called the jesus movement some of you would you can you can look into history about this others perhaps were around when this happened and we were talking the other day my wife and i and i was saying you know it's interesting how that when the lord was pouring out his holy spirit in that genuine revival that took place in what was called the movement the jesus movement the church historians will say that that jesus movement had its uh main impact between the years of 1969 to about 1975 or 76 there was a huge movement that was taking place around that time and when that was happening there were a lot of things that happened also that sometimes aren't even noticed one is when the when god was pouring out in revival many people were were being hit and actually were beginning to express questions concerning faith a friend of mine mike mcintosh had been invited to go and speak to a man named john lennon john lennon some of you might remember or perhaps some of you are ancient music buffs and remember a group called the beatles well john lennon at one time had reportedly become interested in who jesus is and my friend mike mcintosh had been asked to go and speak to him and they were setting up an opportunity for mike to go and share the gospel with john lennon but john lennon had gotten assassinated that's right around when he died never had the opportunity to hear the gospel presented in a clear way the way that mike would have done that but there was a point and i read a report on him where john lennon was walking around at least for a day and he was saying well praise the lord jesus there was there was something happening that even people who had become hardened or reportedly were in opposition were becoming aware of these kinds of things right around the time that the jesus movement occurred there were counter movements that began to to become exposed and it reminds me of what the scripture says where jesus is there and the demon sees him and says we know who you are it's his presence awakened a response and and we saw that when i was uh was a new believer there was a group called the children of god some of you perhaps have heard of them and a couple of my friends actually went off with this group which was a cult it was followed it was led by a man named david they called him his name was david berg they called them moses david moses and uh but he he began a cult called the children of god it was eventually turned to the family of love but it was a cultic thing that went and actually would influence people on the streets to come to their communes and and so the the children of god there was that uh tony and susan alamo foundation they would go on hollywood boulevard and they would they would talk to kids and tell them about god and move them into their cult there there was the way international during that time uh hinduism actually began to infiltrate the united states through people like george harrison and others who began to introduce tm to the maharishi and things like that and we were talking about this just the other day how when the lord was moving the enemy did everything he could to bring a check on that the people's temple jim jones that was right around the same time in music you had a group called seals and croft seals and crops were baha'i and they had i read somewhere whether this is true or not i believe it was but i had read how they had said that in the writer in the contracts that they had permission to speak of the baha'i faith when they did their concerts these kinds of things were taking place at that time whenever the lord jesus christ moves the enemy moves to try and check that work and so when you're reading here in the gospel of mark that jesus was ministering in one demon after another after another seems to be exposed that's very normal because where where good is evil is present also when the lord is moving the enemy tries to to check that i saw it happen i i i had people come and knock on my door when i first got saved and i still remember this these two women who knocked at my door i wasn't a christian for more than a couple weeks perhaps and and i'm at my parents house as a knock on the door two women are standing at the door they never came around our house i never really spoke to them before and then these two women are saying oh i just want to tell you about jesus christ and the kingdom of god and and there were jehovah's witnesses and then there these things happen quite frequently after i got saved people trying to put a a roadblock in front of you in your walk with god so you see it in the bible you see that jesus will be somewhere and a demon is exposed we know who you are they're exposed by his presence and and it happened then and and it happens today there are a lot of counterfeits there's a lot of movements to this day that are attempting to undermine the message of the gospel of jesus christ and so what would happen is these possessed individuals would would recognize who christ is and and they would cry out and and they would say notice verse 11 they would say you are the son of god they obviously knew who he was even when human beings didn't but according to verse 12 he sternly warned them that they should not make him known now he's been doing that we saw in chapter 1 verse 34. he cast out many demons and he wouldn't allow the demons to speak because they knew him once again he didn't need the impure testimony of demons his words and works spoke for him and so as this is taking place now we move into verse 13. so he went up on the mountain and called to him those he himself wanted and they came to him then he appointed 12 that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons simon to whom he gave the name peter james the son of zebedee john the brother of james to whom whom he gave the name blandarus that is sons of thunder andrew philip bartholomew matthew thomas james the son of alphaeus thaddeus simon the canaanite and judas iscariot who also betrayed him and they went into a house and now this is actually a second message verses 13-19 jesus is now appointing apostles notice with me that these men who become apostles are taken out of the multitude of disciples these are going to be the building blocks that jesus builds his church upon paul mentions this in ephesians 2 19 and 20 when he says you are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of god having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets jesus christ himself being the chief cornerstone i want to share with you some things because today this is a question that some people have the word apostle the word apostle speaks of someone who's been sent on an errand or with a message it's somebody who's been delegated with specific authority the apostle is accountable to the one who sent him and the apostle carries the authority of the one who sent him so when jesus was on earth he selected 12 men from the larger group of disciples and these 12 men were given the responsibility of leading the church into the future now many people today i've had this question before and that's why i'm going to take some time to answer it many people today wonder if the church is still led by apostles are there modern day apostles that are identical to the 12 that jesus originally selected are there men today holding the same authority as the original apostles well let me share with you something and this is important some of you may not see it right now but it is in scripture there are certain qualifications that determined if you were an apostle you see when judas betrayed jesus there was a need to replace him and when deciding who to replace him the qualification of an apostle was clearly stated first he was to have walked with jesus before he was crucified and resurrected in acts 1 21-22 it says therefore it's necessary to choose one of the men who've been with us the whole time the lord jesus was living among us beginning from john's baptism to the time when jesus was taken up from us from one of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection so one he was to have walk with christ before he was crucified and resurrected second he was to have been an eyewitness to jesus after his resurrection that's why paul in first corinthians 9 verse 1 would say have i not seen jesus our lord third he was the one who performed miracles in acts 2 43 it says fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles in second corinthians 12 12 speaking of his own credentials paul said truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance in signs and wonders and mighty deeds fourth he was inspired by the spirit to write the bible in ii peter 3 15 and 16 the apostle peter said bear in mind that our lord's patience means salvation just as our dear brother paul also wrote you with the wisdom that god gave him he writes the same way in all his letters speaking in them of these matters his letters contain some things that are hard to understand which ignorant and unstable people distort as they do the other scriptures to their own destruction as they do the other scriptures so they were inspired to write the bible fifth an apostle was chosen by jesus through prayer by the spirit in luke chapter 6 verses 12 and 13 jesus went out to a mountainside to pray spent the night praying to god when it was day he called him his disciples to himself and from them he chose twelve whom he also named apostles in acts 9 15 concerning paul it says the lord said to ananias go for he is a chosen vessel of mine to bear my name before gentiles kings and the children of israel so these are the qualifications so when somebody says and i see this the reason i'm bringing this up is perhaps you see it too i'll see somebody on tv and they they introduce this tv ministry and this is the ministry of the wonderful apostle you know joe smith not joseph smith i'll use a different name bill smith but they'll say the apostle or some people introduce themselves some of you have been around for a while you've seen this they'll say i'm an apostle they call himself at the name apostle are there men today who are apostles of equal standing as the original 12 and the answer is no because these men didn't walk with the lord these men are not performing signs and wonders these men are not writing the scriptures these these men haven't been prayed into into that relationship through jesus no there are no today modern day apostles an apostle no longer exists today because none of them can meet this these conditions and so what i wanted to do is i wanted to share with you a few things and then i'm going to share something that is i think important to share as i'm going to roll to a conclusion in just a moment as we look at this i'm going to highlight a few things about their calling in selecting these men jesus was judging the religious leaders of israel you see the j the sadducees had been infected with greek philosophy and a polluted faith the pharisees were legalists who strained at gnats and swallowed camels so these religious leaders were respected by many but they were leading people astray and because of this jesus instituted a fresh leadership that wasn't polluted they were new wineskins that would hold the new wine of the holy spirit the wine of the spirit and grace and and and these men who had been leading israel were actually unqualified in in matthew 15 verse 14 jesus called them blind leaders of the blind in matthew 23 37 he said woe to you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness you see israel's religious leaders needed to be replaced and what jesus did is he brought in new leadership he first pursued these men and then he called them into ministry now we have seen that he's been focusing his attention on the multitudes but now he's training leaders and so we see that one that their calling was the result of his prayer again in luke 6 12 jesus went out to a mountainside to pray spent the night praying to god and when it was day then he called these men and second these are men who didn't strive to become leaders because they were chosen to be leaders mark tells us that jesus called to him those he himself wanted and in john 15 16 jesus said you didn't choose me i chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatever you ask the father in my name he may give you so they didn't strive to be they didn't go to apostle 101 classes so they could become an apostle jesus chose him third he appointed 12 that they might be with him now that to me that scripture in mark 3 14 is one of the one of the foundational scriptures i have in my own ministry he chose them that they might be with him that would give them personal and firsthand knowledge of him and his teachings he spent time with these men so that he could pour into them the things he knew and that they needed to know and so that's what ministry is is the leader jesus drawing to himself the select group to pour into them so that they might have an understanding of the things that he needs them to know in luke 10 23 and 24 he turned to his disciples and said privately blessed are the eyes which see the things you see for i tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see and have not seen it and to hear what you hear and have not heard it now he was intending to equip them so they might send them they were being trained they were going to preach the message of redemption they were to go to the whole world you see the only plan that the lord has for reaching the world is for those who know him to share in matthew in chapter 28 19-20 go therefore make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all that i have commanded you and behold i am with you always to the end of the age they are to go out and preach the gospel there to make disciples by teaching them everything the lord has taught them you see in order to be a disciple requires for you first to be saved and second to be taught there are people who are claiming to be christians who who don't read the word they they don't go to bible studies they're not being taught and jesus said no i'm not asking you or commanding you to make deciders i'm calling you to make disciples and the way that you make them disciples is by proclaiming the message of salvation and then instructing them in everything that i have taught you so the responsibility of declaring the message moved on to us to share his love with other people jesus equipped them with the message and then at pentecost he gave them the power and we have the same message and we have the same power and so in verses 14 and 15 mark tells us that he sent them out notice to preach they were also empowered to perform healings and to deliver those who were possessed they were sent out to preach and have power to heal sickness to cast out demons none of them were formally trained rabbis but each one was especially prepared they all partook in the power of god's kingdom and they were used to heal and to deliver and that's what jesus was doing and they were going to work alongside of him and so what we have is we have an introduction to these men and some of them we've already been introduced to others are now being identified in verses 16 through 20 we have a list of their names now again some of these names are very familiar to us we've all heard of the name of the apostle peter and we've heard of james and john we've heard of andrew and philip matthew and thomas and we've all heard of judas iscariot there are others that we're not real familiar with bartholomew or james son of alphaeus or thaddeus or simon what is called the canaanite now i will talk to you for a second about simon the canaanite because simon the canaanite is also known as simon the zealot simon the zealot simon was an anti-rome revolutionary and what i what i am always amazed by and i'll share a thought about that with you he was an anti-rome revolutionary but he worked alongside a republican named matthew a tax gatherer as i read that and i think of that that by itself reveals the power of jesus and his ability to bring people together how do you get a man who hates the romans and a man who is basically serving the romans how do you get them to get along how's that work how do you how do you get these people with such differences well what happened is the differences were put aside because they both fell in love with jesus christ in his ministry and when you love his word and want to please him and grow to understand the things of the lord through him those things that would separate you eventually begin to fade into importance and the things that draw you together are going to be the things that keep you together and so that's why it's possible through jesus christ for people who may hate each other on the street for them to actually go to love each other that's how it works you know i was looking at boxer up here a moment ago you know as he was sharing and you know i love boxing i love both the guys they're good men i i met boxer you know who that's his nickname when he robbed me no that's not true how do these men who are so different and we're different how do they stand up here telling you to love one another they do that because they love one another the question has to be asked how did they become men who love one another the answer is they both gave their lives to jesus christ and when you give your life to jesus christ one of the signs that you're truly born again is when like jesus said by this shall all men know you are my disciples if you have love one for another and those differences that would have at one time could have been even dangerous differences are washed away by the blood of jesus christ and by the power of the holy spirit and that's the main reason why jesus said go out and preach the gospel because in preaching the message of forgiveness of sin and acceptance by god you begin to love him and then as a result love one another and then you become a testimony of the saving grace of god who is able to wash all your sin away and make you into a completely different person some of you who came to faith in christ your friends and family perhaps knew you well and so when you came in and said you know what i'm born again they look at you and they said right sure you are no no really i'm a christian now yeah uh-huh and and last week you were something else and the week before you were something else and and uh you know a leopard can't change his spots now you're gonna always be the same thing and a year later five years later ten years later the lord has continued to work in your life and those who at one time doubted the truth of your claim have now come to realize that indeed god has changed you how'd that happen it happened through the word of god and that's the thing that's so important and i think the church needs to remember that and that's what happened and so there are many things we could look at in that but i wanted just to highlight that one thing and there's another thing though i want to show you here two things one simon peter is always the first name you see in the list of the apostles always but when the list is given in other places he's always the first and the last is always judas iscariot you'll always see that and he's normally referred to as the one who betrayed him now in verse 17 i'm going to spend a moment with you on this verse verse 17 refers to james and john notice how they're spoken of they're called sons of thunder now there's more than one way to look at this name jesus had a tendency of giving people names and they're referred to as sons of thunder boranerges is what it is but sons of thunder some of them some commentators will say that they were referred to as boanerges or sons of thunder because they spoke for god you see in the old testament there are times when the voice of god is likened to thunder in job 40 verse 9 do you have an arm like god and can you thunder with a voice like his or second samuel 22 14 the lord thundered from heaven and the most high uttered his voice and so there are those who would say the reason they were referred to as sons of thunder is because they were speaking for god and and there's truth to that but there's another way that's looked at and i have a tendency of leaning to this sons of thunder more likely speaks of the fact that they were extremely passionate and some would say that they might have had a bit of a bad temper now it's difficult for some of us to think of it that way to say are you telling me that somebody who loves a god could have loved the lord can have a a a bit of a passion passionate spirit about them and maybe even have an appearance of anger sometimes well their loving their loyalty to christ motivated them not only to serve him but also to defend him remember in luke chapter 9 verses 51-56 it says it says it like this it says it came to pass when the time had come for him to be received up that he steadfastly set his face to go to jerusalem and sent messengers before his face and as they went they entered a village of the samaritans to prepare for him but they did not receive him because his face was set for the journey to jerusalem and when his disciples james and john saw this they said lord do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them just as elijah did you want us to make him into crispy critters would you like us to do that but he turned and he rebuked them and he said you don't know what manner of spirit you're of for the son of man didn't come to destroy men's lives but to save them they went to another village you want us to burn them up you see we know scripture well enough to remember when that took place when the fire fell and destroyed do you want us to do that do you want us to call down fire we're willing to do it now the reaction was extreme but i wanted i want to share with you a couple things about this and i think this is practical because though their actions and their words were extreme it gives us insight into the men that god uses these men had passion and intensity for jesus christ they had it but it needed to be directed properly you guys have a desire to destroy jesus said but i didn't come to destroy i came to save and that passion that you have that is so in defense of me my honor and my ministry is a good thing but the fire is misdirected when you read scripture you're going to discover that this kind of zeal is really something you see in more than one believer remember the man moses all the way in the old testament we can go through so many i'll give you a few examples remember the man moses a man who had been trained in in all the knowledge and the arts of the egyptians when you when you look into saint stephen's recollection of moses he makes it very clear that this man was very learned moses as i've shared before moses when you look at him you see a man who who has a fire in his heart i mean when he sees one of his jewish brethren being mistreated by an egyptian the scripture tells us he looked to the left he looked to the right and then he he just immediately killed him now how could he do that because when you when you look at the qualifications for the task masters the one that moses killed when you look at the qualifications for a taskmaster something you may not know is that in order to be a task master you were you were going to be a very strong and a very well trained person you were going to be like a commando because you had to keep the jewish slaves under control so they weren't they weren't weak men by any means the taskmasters were not weak men at all these were men's men these were warriors and yet the scripture doesn't even tell it never says that that moses took even a moment to think about what he just looked at the left and right and he said i'm going to kill this guy and bang it was over it was done that gives us insight because he was trained as as in line for to become pharaoh's son he was trained in the martial arts this was a man who was a warrior he wasn't just some kind of guy walking around with slumped shoulders and a real soft smile this was what we today would call a man's man moses was bad he was a bad dude they called him little moe he was a bad dude just kidding what a passion god uses men of passion god had to work with him put him in a wilderness taught him that he's not what he thinks he is but he has to be what god intends him to be and he went through 40 years of learning that lesson because he thought he was something then he knew he was nothing then he became what god could use that's how it works so you look at moses take your time and you'll see this you have you have david david as a youth was a mighty mighty man he was a warrior and god used david to become king and to lead the nation and even as a young man we know the story when he heard that goliath was taunting the jews and he heard this his indignation boiled over and in first samuel 17 26 david asked the men standing near him what will be done for the man who kills this philistine and removes this disgrace from israel who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of the living god does that sound like a weak man to you no he's looking at a man nine foot nine and he's saying what's going to be done for the one who kills him and he goes and he does it himself and in psalm 144 when it says praise be to the lord my rock who trains my hands for wore my fingers for battle he was a man's man a mighty warrior when elijah saw the king ahab and ahab says is it you troubler of israel well elijah looks back at him says you are the troubler of israel you abandoned god and you've introduced baal that's a man's man you have nehemiah this old man running around slapping people and pulling their beards you see that in nehemiah 13. and you have simon who was a zealot he was a member of the zealots a political movement in first in the first century and they they sought to incite the people of judea to rebel against the romans and expel them by force you have peter peter cut off malcus's ear in his attempt to defend and protect jesus christ you have paul when the apostle paul was standing before the high priest ananias and ananias ordered him to be struck paul spoke back to him said god will smite you you white-washed wall these are strong men don't get into the idea that to be a christian means that you have to be kind of like just weak meekness is not weakness meekness is his strength under control and understand that today jesus revealed his indignation in his first cleansing of the temple as well as the second and when he did that in the first cleansing they remembered the scripture psalm 69 verse 9 zeal for your house consumes me god isn't looking for angry carnal men god is looking for determined and disciplined men so he can make him his men that's what his desire is you see there's a a proper time for letting our thoughts be known in ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 7 verse 7 the second portion it says there's a time to be silent in the time to speak so i thought you know what maybe this is the right time for me to say a couple things we'll see i haven't even i've asked the lord how to say what i what i feel i should say not because i'm afraid of saying what i say i have to be real about that but because i have to be careful how i say what i say because i don't want to give the wrong impression i've had people over the years more than once say what do you think about this pastor they're asking me as a spiritual leader and i want to make sure that the answers i give and the thoughts i have are solid but i think maybe it's time for me to share a couple of thoughts just a couple i i believe that that it's time to speak like i'm a century you know when i was in the army and i have vets here with me you understand what it means to be a century if somebody is entering the perimeter you're supposed to challenge them you're supposed to announce to them and you're supposed to with them you warn them you deal with them you have to they're entering the perimeter they're not supposed to be there centuries call out warnings i've pulled that they call it guard and they can also call it sentry so like a century right now i just want to point something out and again i'm taking a chance in doing this we've gone through so much pain as a country and we're going through so much pain as a state we've gone through the worst lockdown in the united states the worst lockdown of any state in our nation we've seen thousands of businesses that have closed down we've seen jobs lost we see people leaving our our beautiful state we have the second highest unemployment in the nation we've had an incredible spike in crime we've seen thousands of criminals released to the streets we have a crisis of homelessness we have the highest taxes in the nation 40 to 50 percent higher than any other states we have the second highest prices for gasoline our forests have been mismanaged wildfires are out of control we're going through droughts and we're going through blackouts and there's no plans for us to build dams schools have been closed and there have been moves to involuntarily mask our children and mandatory vaccines are costing people their jobs as for our national government we have failed our american citizens as well as our allies okay guys forgive me but i'm going to just tell you how i feel i mean i'm i'm in my heart i'm grieved and i'm angered by what i've seen recently in my once beautiful state of california and the nation that god has given to us and i've been i've been i'm silent about these things people think oh we need to know what you think no you don't you you don't what you need to know is the gospel that's what you need to know that's what i give you but sometimes people are confused as to how to think and feel not so much that i want to teach you to think that that's really not the point i'm trying to make it's what is it that i as a as a pastor as a christian of many years what what motivates me what i just read to you but what really really grieved me a lot and i'm struggling to tell you i'm struggling obviously years ago when we left our americans in benghazi i i couldn't believe that we did that but due to that terrorist bombing during this hasty evacuation 13 members of our armed forces died needlessly and i believe it's right to remember them and to remember them by name and so i'm going to mention their names so their names aren't forgotten it's hard to read them corps lance corporal david espinosa marine corps sergeant nicole g marine corps staff sergeant darren taylor hoover [Music] army staff sergeant ryan nause marine corps corporal hunter lopez [Music] marine corps lance corporal riley mccollum marine corps lance corporal dylan r mirola marine corps lance corporal kareem nikoi marine corps corporal dagin williams tyler page marine corps sergeant johanni rosario [Music] marine corps corporal luberto sanchez marine corps lance corporal jared schmitz [Music] navy hospital corpsman max sobiac [Music] i believe and you may be seated you may be seated i believe very strongly that our national government has failed our american citizens as well as our allies and my wife marie and i have voted and i encourage you to do the same because we live in a country where we can vote so i say let's vote these poor leaders out vote them out i have to be careful because my my intensity about this is is a lot greater than i let on you know i um there's an unwritten code you're not i don't remember any sergeant any officer ever ever say to me as as an army guy if you're on the battlefield and when your brothers fall down hurt themselves make sure they get back we weren't we we didn't have to get taught that but that's an unwritten code you never leave a brother behind you never leave a brother behind if you got to die you die with them that's what makes men and ladies forgive me speaking this way there's some ladies who say how about women yes of course but i'm talking to the men right now because of men need to be spoken to we men need listen you are not you are not a bad christian if you have a passionate intensity for what is right as a matter of fact we need more men like that right now men who are willing to stand up and to say this is wrong you know we do the church has to wake up we've become very weak but it's time for this this this this body of christ to say listen it's not an anger that provokes me it's not a hatred that provokes me it's not what provokes me is what is right what is right and okay i know i'm gonna i'll change the way i say it second service honest to goodness with all of my heart i believe this is a photo op from the president i do not believe that this man should be the president of the united states i just i just don't i just don't i i just don't how how oh boy i gotta shut up how how can i don't want to be angry and i don't want to be carnal and i don't want you to walk out saying what an angry carnal pastor that is what i'm wanting you to know is this is that righteousness draws the passions in a person's heart to do the right thing at the right time and it is not wrong for you or for me to have a passion but it has to be for the right thing when jesus called these men sons of thunder he didn't say you need to be sons of clouds what he said is you have a passion and yes you want to call fire down from heaven to destroy those who are opposing me that's not my way i didn't come to destroy men's lives but to save them and we'll go another way but these men turned the world upside down for jesus christ because they had a passion for what is right and today the church as i see it has gotten so caught up trying to look sweet and nice and kind that we have forgotten that we've also been called by god to be the light that exposes the darkness and there are times when you're speaking to somebody and they've got this great opinion and they're and they'll shut you up as soon as you open your mouth well to be honest with you i think there's wisdom whenever you speak and you seek the lord for the right words but then you speak i i've done i've been doing this long before i was a pastor i've been doing this as a new believer who would speak to people about jesus christ and as a new believer they would say to me things about him and i'd say no that's not true i don't agree with you i don't believe that at all and as i grew older and older and i started going to secular college and and and making my opinions known in in secular colleges and psych classes and other classes like that saying nope that's not what jesus said jesus said this yes i was mocked and yes there are people who had said said dumb things to me and and and all of that and yeah there were times i felt embarrassed because they didn't know how to present exactly what i believed but i wasn't afraid to open my mouth i was going to say what the truth was regardless because you know what somebody has to and god put you in that position you do it it's that simple and so i wanted to tell you this i want you as a church to not be so afraid somehow of being canceled because these men that christ called were the kinds of men that would more than likely have strongly argued over various things and jesus got them and he said listen i'm going to give you what truth is and that truth is what you're going to give to others that will set them free so i wanted to share with you a couple of thoughts i don't even know how to say these things i wrote them down i i'm hoping i'm being understood i i don't want to undermine the gospel the movement of christ i don't i'm just saying men we need to have a fire in our hearts at this moment we have to stand up for what is true we have to be willing to take whatever whatever the penalty may be guess what at the end i want to hear well done son well done you said what was true and and let the chips fall where they made so fellas and ladies let's let's get to know the lord better let's let's spend time in his word let's let's unite around jesus christ and let us move out at this moment in history and i do pray that god will give us a new administration one that honors faith one that honors family one that isn't constantly working and to destroy it so that this nation might have a chance to survive because we're at a critical moment right now we truly are we're at a critical moment and so it's time for men and women of god to rise to the occasion and to say i'm drawing a line in the sand here i stand and i'm going to continue serving the lord no matter what that's what we need to do at this time undoubtedly and father we do we do ask that that that we just as the church wake up that's all i'm asking that we we we put our consciences into action that we that we look at at various issues in and realize that that change can take place and and and that we can be instruments that are part of that change we lift up this this this uh this state to you father i i i lift up this nation to you and and lord i i just ask that you would just awaken us to do the right thing at this moment father i i just asked that the church would would would do what is right and and so as our eyes are closing our heads about there may be some right now who need to get right with the lord perhaps you need prayer i don't want to close this without giving you that opportunity you may be watching online and you may you may be thinking i don't know what to do well i know that whatever is right in in the lord's side is what we ought to do let's let's decide what that may be and then let us do that but if you need prayer right now i'd like to pray for you would you raise your hand if you need it let me pray for you father you see these hands you know the reason why each hand is being raised to you in jesus name i ask that you would reach down and touch each one and father whatever it may be they're wrestling with whether it's just knowing you or whether it's some situation they're dealing with may your hand be upon them right now and father i ask that you would work within them we open our hearts to you right now lord in jesus name receiving from you what you would have for us and we give you thanks and bless you for it thank you you can put your hands down and jesus i ask please move in us in your name amen let's all stand [Applause] yeah i know that sometimes people get disappointed and oh you're supposed to be compassionate i think i am i try to be at least in the lord i believe i have compassion but i also see what's going on and i don't close my eyes to those things and i don't and i don't think any of us should either so father would you work on us and may we do those things that bring you honor in jesus name amen god bless you guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you pull me from darkness [Music] you clothed me in garments of praise jesus forever my song will be [Music] [Applause] i'm living in freedom you've taken my burdens away [Music] jesus forever my song will be only for you for the cross that you bought and the death that you paid for the victory you won over death and the great [Music] this is the reason i say for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that heaven is waiting for me [Music] this is the reason i say [Applause] [Music] i will not be solid [Music] i'll testify of your grace jesus forever my song will be only for you for the cross that you go and the death that you pay for the victory this is the reason i sing for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that everyone is waiting for me this is the reason i said so good so good so good you're so good to me forever [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] [Music] this is the reason i say for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that heaven is waiting for me this is the reason i sang for the cross that you bought and the debt that you paid this is the reason i say for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise of heaven is waiting for me this is the reason i said [Music] jesus [Music] amen church family god bless you guys have a wonderful day online church family god bless you as well if you're here and you have need for prayer come on up front someone's going to pray with you not this coming friday no actually this coming friday night yes the 10th we're going to have a night of worship outside join us at 7 30 that night god bless you church you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Chino Valley
Views: 368
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Pastor David Rosales, cccv, Church, Teaching, Worship, God, Christians, Bible Study, Jesus, A Jesus People Community, Calvary Chapel Chino Valley, David Rosales, Pastor, Calvary Chapel, Holy Spirit, Gods Word, Chuck Smith, Teacher, Pastor David, End Times, Rapture, Trinity, Antichrist, A Sure Foundation, Prayer, Pray
Id: Q9LcqYHOEbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 45sec (6345 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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