40th Anniversary Celebration

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the torches calvary chapel began as a ministry in the early to mid 60s actually i think that pastor chuck took over calvary chapel costa mesa in 1965 and from 65 into the early 70s there was a movement that was called the hippie movement and into what became what is referred to as the jesus movement and as a result of that when i entered into ministry i naturally was going to associate myself with the calvary chapel [Music] i'll trust ministry who you are your ways are higher your ways are higher higher [Music] the darkest of days there's a place you'll go nothing out of reach when i make [Music] mistakes [Music] [Applause] good evening 1 9 1 says i will praise you o lord with my whole heart i will tell you of all your marvelous works welcome everybody and thank you for coming out to celebrate 40 years of ministry amen my name is john mata and i'll be your mc for a celebration this evening and this is an event celebrating everything that god has done over the last 40 years so happy 40th anniversary calvary chapel chino valley right this evening we're going to reflect on some things that has shaped pastor david as our shepherd the ways that god has used them to bring the gospel to so many people and how this church has become of what it is today we've invited back some friends who have served in this church for the last four decades and who have helped build the ministries that you're all now a part of so let's pray and we'll begin our celebration father we thank you so much for the privilege lord of 40 years we thank you lord for your hand being upon this church and your hand being upon our pastor and marie during these 40 years of ministry lord and lord tonight as we celebrate we ask lord that you'll be a part of the celebration in that lord that we give you all the glory we thank you so much in jesus name amen church family can we all stand together anybody in the house ready to worship the lord tonight i am so grateful that i am part of this church family that i get the privilege to lead our fellowship in praise and worship but i am so excited to invite back some that have paved the way for me and for all of us and so i wanted to introduce back here on the keys this is mark we welcome back mark tonight guys we've got dave on the drums we've got russ we've got bob and byron and we've got jackie and melanie and this is tony logan and we're so grateful to have them and before they start before they start we just wanted to go way back we just wanted to see where did we start what was going on before tony this was our beloved worship team before tony let's see [Music] jesus is [Music] he taught me how to live my life as it should be he taught me how to turn my cheek when people laugh at me i've had friends before and i can tell you that he's one who will never leave you flat [Music] i'm just saying [Music] all right we're kidding they're not part of our team but we tried to invite them they declined but uh we'll see if sunseed can come another time but hey we are so grateful and honored to welcome tony and the team we have some fun a little fun thing to do before each leader begins just a small little clip of where they were then and then tony will take over now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i know you know this song i want you to sing it out with me [Music] my face each step by faith [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] i put my trusty [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] in [Music] is i put my trust in you i'm trusting you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the reigning king of heaven [Applause] hallelujah glory to your name hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the one whose blood redeemed us hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] baby [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will be together worship you forever i'm holy is the lord in the light of heaven thankful and forgiven is the lord you laid your glory down [Music] to see the lost ones found [Music] is [Music] surrounded by your breasts [Music] we will see your [Music] will face die we will be together we worship you [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] is [Music] call me [Music] [Applause] you are my hiding place a place of refuge got my strength when darkness surrounds my soul i put my trust in you [Music] oh lord i need you oh lord i need [Music] and the earth has [Music] i need you [Music] oh hear my cry o god give heed to my prayer from the end of the earth i call to thee when my heart is faint lead me to the rock that is higher than i [Music] hear my cry o god give heed to my prayer from the end of the earth i call to thee for when my heart is faded lead me to the rock that is higher [Music] for thou hast been a refuge for me a tower of strength against the enemy let me dwell in my house [Music] hear my cry o god give heed to my prayer from the end of the earth i call to thee form where my heart is lead me to the wrong lord when my heart is faith please lead me to the rock that is [Music] can we give the lord the glory tonight church thank you tony thank you team we're going to continue in worship as bob begins to lead us most of us know bob mitchell is anybody thankful for bob here as he leads he leads our our kids in worship i've had the privilege now to send my six-year-old and he's being led in worship by bob and the teams and and before kids ministry he was leading this church we're so grateful let's see where bob was then and now bob will lead us my now in you lord baby [Music] [Applause] it's covered bro i couldn't get a cup so you guys may have a seat jesus movement under the leadership of pastor chuck smith pastor chuck was the founder and senior pastor of calvary chapel costa mesa heard back in 2013 and we wanted to take the time and pause for a moment and remember the impact that he had not just for calvary chapel but in the spiritual journey of our pastor for today's celebration we wanted to play a very special moment that took place back when our church celebrated 25 years in the 25th anniversary followed by a following this will have a few messages from some of pastor david's friends so let's go ahead and play those videos oh [Applause] what an absolute joy [Music] and blessing to be here with you on this special night i can remember david when we came out here and looked at this property and we sort of figured out well we could put the sunday school here and we could do this and you know and sort of divide it off the auditorium and how little did we know what god had in mind the scripture says exceeding abundantly above all above all that we could ever ask or think i'm reminded of how that after the resurrection of jesus and the disciples were up at the galilee and peter said well i'm going fishing and the other fellow said well we'll go with you and they fished all night and caught nothing in the morning as jesus was there on the shore he called out to them and he said children catch anything he said nah he said well why don't you cast your net on the other side and so they immediately was filled with great fish so much so that they couldn't even draw the net into the boat now when john saw that they couldn't draw the net into the boat because of the multitude of fish he said peter it's the lord and when the nets are so full that you can't pull them in you know there's only one reason for it it's the lord and how thrilling it is to be here to celebrate tonight what the lord has done now i think was it uh steve that said he hopes you're here another 25 years i don't i hope the lord gets us out of here before christmas [Applause] well you know i told gosh i'm so overwhelmed i told my pastor years ago i said you know god has been very gracious to me father and he gave me you and i love you chuck thank you so much for being with me i'm so blessed thank you [Applause] [Music] me i'm speechless that's unbelievable unbelievable hey pastor david and marie roxy and i would just love to congratulate you on your 40th anniversary 40 years of faithful ministry to the lord what an accomplishment and we thought what better place to celebrate your special day than for us to come to the magical kingdom the happiest place on earth and to wish you a happy 40th anniversary god bless you we look forward to seeing what the lord is gonna do in the future take care hey david and marie this is uh joe from cali philly i appreciate your friendship all these years kathleen i love you guys i just want to say that i mean i think of you i love you when i'm around you my baloney meter never goes off uh you're one of the most genuine friends that i have so i love you if your congregation's listening i love your pastor and uh if i love your pastor from philadelphia you need to love your pastor right there in front of you and when i think of you i think of this verse because the end of it wisdom that is from above is first pure that you gave peaceable but you gentle that's you easily to being treated full of mercy that you good fruits without partiality and i and i love the end without hypocrisy i love you your church needs to love you if i was out there i'd love to go to your church congratulations 40 years i hope that you don't make the next 40 years because of the rapture see you hello pastor david and all of you of calvary chapel chino valley i just want to both congratulate you and thank you on your 40 years of serving the lord your endurance and dedication has been an inspiration to many even so much more all of us here at calvary chapel ontario we thank god upon every remembrance of you and praise him for his blessings upon you thank you for just being faithful to god's call in your life god bless you all hi i'm pastor david with calvary chapel's new harvest in los lunas new mexico pastor david we just wanted to say uh send our greetings to you and our love just wanted to say that uh you've been a blessing to us you've been a blessing to me you are truly a shepherd of shepherds and you're truly a man of god you know what thank you for your inspiration over the years to all of us and congratulations on your 40 years you know what that means it means you're getting old essay may god bless you hey calvary chapel of the chino valley it's pastor brennan and i want to congratulate you for 40 years of ministry what an amazing accomplishment and i want to thank you pastor david for being an example to me of what it means to be a pastor who loves the lord and loves god's people who's faithful steadfast and movable always abounding in the work of the lord i'm so proud of what god has done through this ministry and what god is going to continue to do i love you god bless amen i was gonna skip all that i'm sorry about that john now let's welcome bob mitchell let's stand to our feet and worship the lord [Music] church [Music] you serve a great god for the praises of man [Music] my [Applause] [Music] who died upon [Music] do [Music] to be worthy of my praise [Music] [Music] to only a god [Music] who is like him the lion [Music] seated on the throne [Music] mountains bow down every ocean roars to the lord of hosts praise [Music] all the nations of the and earth same secrets [Music] [Music] till the end of every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] i see the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i see the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh oh [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] us [Music] [Music] and honor glory and power every mission all of creation [Music] [Music] glory ever [Music] and your kingdom shall not pass away [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ancient of days [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] and my name is and my name is is [Music] omega the beginning and my name is of all ages [Music] and i'm a believer [Applause] amen you may have a seat and take a look at these videos hi i'm robert baltedano and hello calvary chapel chino valley and pastor david rosales congratulations on 40 years of ministry wow it's not just ministry but faithful ministry you know i was introduced to the ministry of cccv back in 1995. i was one of the students the bible college students on campus i graduated in 1997 and i was one of the first groups to go out to plant churches i went to new york was there for 10 years i learned a lot from your leadership pastor david and i want to thank you for the example that you set for me and i'm sure many others about doing ministry well i pray for god's blessings to continue to be upon you and the ministry of cccv the baltidonos love you and again congratulations to 40 years of solid ministry dear david murray congratulations and god bless you on the last 40 years you know moses spent the first 40 years of his life the son of the daughter pharaoh the next 40 years of his life he was at the back side of the desert being prepared for the last 40 years then when he came out there god used him to bring plagues upon egypt there to open up the red sea there to bring the children of israel out of egypt and on their journey water came out of rocks manna came out of heaven quail came out of the sky the earth was open and their enemies were swallowed up and moses held the rod of god high and israel prevailed oh god bless you guys you think the last 40 were wonderful may the next 40 be awesome congratulations to calvary chapel chino valley as well as to pastor david rosales and his wife marie on 40 years of faithful service to the lord jesus and to our calvary chapel family wow 40 years sounds like a colossal number a biblical number of epic proportion how many sermons have been preached how many songs of praise have been sung how many pastors have been sent out in churches planted how many people have been reached and baptized and discipled how many children have been cared for over 40 long years the phrase god used with abraham might be close as many as the sands on the seashore but in another sense 40 isn't such an astounding number after all it's just 3 past 37 or the next number after 39 in other words you get to 40 by taking them one at a time and from what i've observed this is pastor david's specialty he's been faithful and consistent and has walked with god one step at a time and i'm sure he took serving god in year seven or in year 18 just as seriously as he will in year 40. thank you david and marie and all your co-laborers for all the years of diligent service and sacrifice that make up the 40 we're celebrating today may the lord empower you all for many many more hello this is garrett bieler from vision city church in irvine and pastor david and marie congratulations on 40 years of ministry at calvary chapel at the chino valley you have blessed our family you have blessed our church and countless others because of your faithfulness and your service unto the lord and so thank you thank you so much we have been so blessed we love you and again congratulations on 40 years of faithfully serving the lord hey pastor david how's it going this is juana i congratulate you for for serving in the ministry for 40 years that's insane but i'm sure that everybody is appreciative of all your your your love and your efforts and pointing to the people we love you dearly man and i pray that god will keep you there longer pastor we love you so all the way from calvary chapel south lay we just want to say that we are excited to see what the lord is going to do in this coming year love you and go usc trojans hey david 40 years of ministry can you believe that i wonder who's going to get to heaven first you or me you know ministry has been a real blessing to me and i hope it's been to you that god has used your family has used you it will continue to use each one of us individually so for you your church we want to congratulate you four years of ministry the lord bless you god bless hey david gonzalez it's so nice to be able to do this video this will be the real excitement he's gonna sell us to said i wanted to congratulate david rosales go to sal excuse me i'm starting and you're gonna be a band of this is good so may the lord bless you for 40 years of ministry god bless you come on raw amen amen how we doing church anybody glad to be here tonight man god is good god is good everybody say hello penny penny's on keys now and we got miss stephanie back right over here stephanie's back tonight as well and we got ace on the drums faithfully serving asa we love you and now we're going to turn over to our brother byron moline he was my first worship leader here in this church and i'm so grateful for byron welcome byron let's see where he was then and he'll take us forward now [Music] wow what happened to my dark hair let's all stand everybody [Music] i know you know these songs sing it out we stand and lift up our hands for the joy of the lord is our strength [Music] we bow down and worship him now how great how awesome is he and together we [Music] sing god almighty the earth is filled with this lord god almighty the earth [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] greatest is your faith [Music] [Applause] and nothing can keep your children remember [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is your grace is your name in a land that is plentiful with streams of abundance flow blessed be your name [Music] when the darkness grows be the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] oh [Music] i don't know you never let go through the cone [Music] you never let go of me [Music] but until that day comes [Music] still i will still love [Applause] [Music] but until that day comes [Applause] [Music] soon [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] amen to that [Music] everyone needs compassion [Music] a love that's never failing [Music] everyone needs compassion love that's never fake let me everyone needs forgiveness the kindness of a savior the holy nations [Music] my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] he is [Music] jesus conquered the grace there's one song that defines this time it's this song right here how great is [Music] he's [Music] my heart will sing [Music] myself how great though [Applause] my [Applause] [Music] how great how great thou art how great [Music] is [Music] always [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wasn't that amazing you guys may have a seat [Applause] you know we're going to do a little transition here and and we want to find out a little bit more about you so this is the interactive part where i'm going to ask you to stand if this applies to you and if it does stand and then take your seat and then uh and then we'll have another series of questions but we want to find out a little bit more about you so if your answer is yes see yes i want you to stand up if you met your spouse here and livy you better stand up if you met your spouse here please stand up you may have a seat if pastor david dedicated at least one of your children please stand thank you you may have a seat if you were dedicated here please stand if you're currently serving in any ministry here at our church please stand i want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who is currently serving and to make this service our 40th year celebration happen we have volunteers in the kids ministry in the kitchen out in the courtyard in the parking lot and throughout all our church grounds and we want to say thank you for making this event happen now we want to take the time to see how long you have been part of this fellowship so if these questions apply to you [Applause] if you have made this church your home for the last five years stay standing what want to have everybody stand and if calvary chapel chino valley has been your church for at least a week sit down if calvary chapel has been your church for at least five years stay standing scott if this has been your church for at least 10 standing please stay standing we'd like to give you guys a round of applause thank you guys thank you you may be seated this is the foundation that pastor david has built this ministry on and which is one of the reasons why we have the four pillars displayed in our foyer word worship withness and witness these four pillars are very near and dear to our pastor's heart and they have laid the foundation for everything that flows out from calvary chapel chino valley so i'd like to dim the lights and show this video when our church first began we had our very first sunday morning service and what i did that day is i said listen this church is going to have foundations at the word of god and i'm praying that every time we gather together here in this place that god's word will always be clearly taught this building is dedicated to that end that we might faithfully teach god's word to all who hunger and thirst after his righteousness the foundation is going to be jesus christ who is our true rock but we're going to have four pillars that are built on that foundation we're going to have the word of god which will always be emphasized we're going to have the worship of god we're going to have fellowship which we call witness and then we're going to have witness so those are our four pillars we believe that if you are in god's word then you're learning to worship in spirit and truth if you're learning to worship in spirit and truth then one of the evidence is that you have a relationship with god is a love for people so they'll be in fellowship but if you have a love for those within the church you ought to care about those who haven't found christ yet so you should be a witness and so we have the four pillars here so that when people walk in should they take the time to look up they'll see the things that matter to us those are our essential pillars that we have the word of god the worship of god witness of god's people and the witness of god's people and so i want to keep that in the forefront of our ministries so that people will always know that there is a purpose here in the church that is to worship the lord in spirit and in truth and to tell the world about jesus christ [Music] i just [Applause] okay love you too you know that was lonnie wearing a 49er hat is that still okay no and trujillo where are you you usc no no no no no no no [Applause] there are reasons why randy left this church and that wasn't the main one either well you guys this is our time for a q a with a couple of gentlemen here that i'm sure you guys all know this is uh dan renshaw from clay alum calvary chapel claim clail and watch you guys god bless you thank you you know before we get started i want to show a quick picture david i want to ask wait a second this is this is cleolam right here see it see it no just kidding in case you didn't know where clea alam was we set this picture here and this is you know how pastor david shared that there was a bible study at my parents house well i took this picture at six years old i'm teasing pastor david who's in this picture i don't know i can't see it well that's my sister becky and on the left here let me see and in the center and the green is my sister madeline on the right is a guy named mike dixon and that young woman there grabbing hold of mike is marie that's why we stopped dating for a while and in the back left corner is my mom and dad and is that your mama your mama's in the center there mom right there yes and right behind her is the wolf man i think that was your rant same thing [Laughter] we called her we called her little wolfie and then i think that's joni uh over mike's shoulder there that's uh bible study we used to have some of the people that came to the study at uh your parents house that was probably what 1970 75 75 yes you guys see uh that was in the front room of my parents and so you know this four-day celebration has uh a deer endearment is my heart as well as i remember everything since six years old so you guys that was a joke you guys yeah okay you know this is a q a time where uh we have a couple of assistants that were early with pastor david and as i mentioned uh it's dan and randy and and uh i just will have a question to pastor david really briefly you know pastor you you're up here we're celebrating 40 years and you're sitting here with two assistants early on what's this experience like for you it makes me sick well i as i'm looking at them i'm thinking how old they got we love you too brother i didn't give you permission to speak this is my church dan not clee ellum i thought it was jesus church where's lonnie lonnie yeah now what it's like for me is uh these two these two men here and their wives are my two dearest very dearest friends and uh it's just a blessing to have them share this time with us you know we began our fellowship i met both of these guys i met dan before i met randy and uh randy started coming to the church i used to be an assistant and started coming to home bible study and uh so when we decided it was time for us to uh to leave um i resigned my position from the church i was an assistant in and um and uh they came with me it's it's a blessing because for so many reasons but i i should remember to say this uh before service began uh uh a a man came up and spoke to me that uh i i actually was ordained into the ministry to perform his wedding wow and david dave slate and so dave walked up to i don't know where dave is right now but i was ordained specifically to perform his his wedding and he's been blaming me all these years since there's nothing like having friends over the years and these men have been my dearest friends in so many ways and we're such a support to us in in every way we could imagine and that you know that's amazing you know if you think about what year did you guys start with pastor david 1981 here but for me it was 1979 at the church that we were at before that wow randy what about you it was earlier in 1981 when we started attending the other church yeah that other church that sure that sure yeah yeah anyway um yeah we we started attending there in like february march and it was in july of course when uh we came to ontario and then chino valley in 1992 yeah so we think about all the years combined that you've been here it's been quite some time and so what year how long did you serve here in the ministry with pastor david go ahead no you don't you're you're older you go you've been here longer okay i'll go no go ahead so we were here from the beginning 1981 is when the church started obviously july the 25th right no you went back to the other fellowship to to responsibly speak to the pastor and let them know that you were moving on right right and randy was on vacation the first one no yeah he was on vacation the first week the second week randy came yes and gave me problems ever since yeah we took about a month i think from the your first meeting in the living room of patty and felicia's house and you know you didn't go there i know you didn't go there to start a church you went there to teach a bible study to your sister-in-law and to felicia she needed it she still does and little did you know it but the 25 people who had been attending your bible study at david and connie signs this house showed up i think we have a picture of that do we have a picture of that at david connie's signs house no oh look at that year would that been pastor i don't know i think uh dan was a fireman at that time he was better carpenter well you know go ahead randy you know we we started immediately the second one i like to think that we were here from the beginning but pastor david says no you weren't you're deceived because we were on vacation but but uh yeah we served here until 1993 when the lord called us up to upland the beginning of 93. so we were serving here for 11 and a half years in that ministry we we got to know pastor david at uh uh welcome to chapel claremont and uh our very first sunday there on that um february day that we went we wanted to find a calvary chapel nearby there's one claremont we lived in rancho cucamonga at the time and we went and david was teaching that first week he used the man from la mancha as a right as an illustration in dulcinea yeah dulcinea and we loved it we came back the next week and some other guy was teaching and who's this this guy's boring we don't like him you know and then we found out that david was doing the um bible study at the science home and so we started attending there on thursday nights right when uh i think it was interesting there's a picture right over there it was wednesday night it was the only midweek bible study you were you were the one teaching and debbie and i were coming and bringing the kids and uh you that's when you started to become our pastor and that's that's where we really got fed yeah wow and so when you know the thing happened and you gave your resignation you and i were serving on the board at that time as you remember and uh the pastor spoke up it came out of nowhere i wasn't expecting it at all but he said david uh you're not a pastor and a lot of other things were said but basically said i think you should resign and i i heard that and i'm one of the board guys you know i'm one of the guys that has to vote on this and inside my heart i said that is nonsense because you were my pastor so and you were pastoring 25 or so other people in a bible study that those people were growing and they were being blessed through your ministry and that's when i decided i could no longer be a part of that and uh you know one of the thought things that comes to mind is there's many different sayings that say basically the same thing here but you know the man that god chooses to use greatly he first has to wound greatly and uh that was one of your many wounds i know because there's been many since then as well and just as you know you and i since we pastored our own churches we we learned this this lesson that well you know dan just i mean as you're just speaking about that you know with so many memories that there are that you guys both have up here including pastor david i'm sure there's so many special memories and and time shared and what's difficult about this is narrowing it down to one specific memory or special moment you know your families were raised here your ministries began here you're talking about the wounds that uh have gone on in ministry so for the sake of time i'm going to ask for one specific thing from each of you dan already said his that's right on all fairness i did so then randy what would be with all the memories that are going on and we'll get back to you dan what's one specific memory do you have from the church from the early days that are special to you you know that is really hard it is really hard you know i i made a list i had like 10 things on it narrowed it down to four and then it's like but you know there's so many things so many things you know from just you know doing personal ministry together you know i think about visiting people in the hospital or our india trip that we took together in 1987 with a couple other guys in the church um but you know i i think that the thing that is most relevant to the life of the church itself was the the very first easter service that we held that was at a central school right yeah and uh david had shared with us we we had we saw some pictures of the very beginning you know starting in the house and then a little bitty church there on b street in ontario and and we needed to leave from there and we had i don't know 80 people there or something like that at the time and uh i don't remember when it was bro that you stated that you know we're going to need 200 a place that will fit 200 people for easter it was in it was in january yeah january of that year yeah so two three months ahead of time the lord had given that to you and we wound up going to central school and was that our very first service easter service there at this no i think it i think it may have been like the second i yeah nearly kicked out of that church yeah they didn't like us for uh celebrating we had given a hallelujah party an alternative right to uh to halloween and so the people thought we were demon worshipers we thought we were a cult yeah we were cult and so they booted us out and they gave us that three-month extension up two or two months up to the end of march and i think that easter may have been the second week uh in in april then okay but we that that was a very first easter service there and there there were 200 people there yeah it had this is this is so i i don't know if i can make this quick but um randy and dan and i we were looking for a place because we were booted out of this little um church we were renting and we couldn't find anything and uh it was a wednesday night and i fell on my face in on my uh on on in my bedroom nobody was there for some reason marie and the children weren't and i began to weep and i told god i don't know what to do we only had around 60 people at that time and i said they may be only 60 but they're the most dear people in my heart and i i wept like i feel the emotion even as i share the story and we went to the bible study at dave and connie's and karen karen strong looked at me and she said you look like death warmed over and uh because i was under such duress and so we had dan and i think it was dan and i i don't know randy i think was you and and me i said pray for us so that everybody prayed for us right and uh i went to bed uh that night and um as i was going to sleep the voice of the lord spoke to my heart and said seats 200 on easter sunday and i remember saying now well that makes sense and left it alone and then uh here comes easter and you guys will remember it was pouring rain it was deluge is like i saw noah and some of the animals floating past us you know and uh and i remember dan when you walked out and were doing like the bulletin and and you said you guys don't know this that the holy spirit had spoken to us and it said we're going to need a place for 200 on easter and that was from 60 a couple months before and we had in pouring rain we had 200 yeah 200 in attendance that day and that was one of the things i guess that's always been dear to me too yeah that memory we were driving to church and it was pouring rain and i was telling debbie i don't think there's going to be anybody there this sunday big surprise and during that service i remember very distinctly that as you were preaching your sermon you made a very very powerful point during the sermon and immediately after you made that point this loudest clap of thunder it was like god put an exclamation point on that on that thing yeah i mean you know and every remember it was so cool it was so cool you know it's like god is here you know i mean it was very cool that was cool yeah dan what would you say about one specific time that you have had from the very early days of the church that you hold dear to your heart like randy said there's there's many so i won't say any more than that about the many part of it um but right at the very beginning when um that night that dave david gave his resignation and he left and i felt like it was the wrong thing to do i went went out after him because i knew he was hurting and i wanted to to encourage him and pray for him and went out to his truck and and he hadn't gotten in yet and so i said dave i want to pray for you and i want you to know that god isn't through with you because you are a pastor and you're my pastor and he wept and i prayed but then two years later david had asked me to become his first assistant and at a thursday night bible said i was teaching a bible study on thursday nights at that time and a fellow called me before the bible study and he said dan he said it had been announced to the church that i was going to be the assistant and this fellow said dan i need to meet with you right away it's the the the life and death of our church depends upon it and i said okay i'll meet with you after bible study let's meet here and so i went and met with him and he told me uh that the worst thing that could ever happen to our church was for me to become the assistant pastor and it just floored me it completely floored me because i was supposed to start like the next day yeah friday i was to meet you in the office on friday so i went to the office on friday to tell david what had been told to me and i was weeping and then there was david there praying for me and that so we're even on that [Laughter] amen but that was that's you know near and dear to my heart well you guys that's about it for time uh you guys can i share something real quick let me see how much time do we have left you need to let me show you you know um i feel like i have had a a very unusual experience in the sense of being at the church in the beginning of course getting involved in ministry becoming on staff and david becoming your one of your assistants and so forth and then sending me out to begin the church in upland and the experience there but i think it's unusual for any person and myself as a man i've you know you've been my pastor you've been my spiritual father as well even as you speak about pastor chuck you've been that to me a mentor you taught me how to teach the bible just by sitting under your ministry and you become my very dearest friend you know for all of that to take place you know i i think that it takes an unusual man to become that to another person and you are that man for me i love you man you know i just wanted to love you thank you guys so much for your time [Applause] yeah thank you so much for your time and time in coming up here and to share these memories and again i know it's so difficult with only one thing to say but thank you guys and and pastor thank you so much again for your faithfulness to our church amen for 40 years thank you david i think a pulpit's supposed to be coming out but hey we don't need it right y'all randy woof thank you guys thank you guys thank you that was pretty cool to hear a little bit more about our pastor and some of his guys that were here for first thank you randy and dan for coming down for this thank you guys so much uh you know as as many of you know pastor david and marie have how many children four pastors said 27 we know their names corrine david aaron joseph and anna they've literally grown up in our church here and over the years they both worked and served under their father but under their pastor the four of them got together and filmed an interview talking about their perspectives growing up as pastors kids and how it impacted their lives and their experiences as a ministry family and so pastor i have no idea what it said so if i get fired for this this is not on me let's check this video out you know i told you the green carpet would get to you after a while it made me put on a green sweater well welcome to the very first morning service for calvary chapel of the chino valley when i walk into this campus i see an empty lot here where the sanctuary stands i remember that first sunday morning standing in the back there and i was pregnant with my son and no one knew i see my children holding my dad's hand and walking along this campus smelling the flowers i see the places where we have stood together as a family and prayed i see these pews that we have sat in and we have seen people come and go through and i see a man who listened to our little feet right up and down these halls and now he listens to our babies do the same thing so when i see this church that's what i see [Music] i see it this is our home [Music] when i was in school my dad was the only non-dairy man so i realized that i was quite different from all of my classmates because my dad was a pastor and all of their dads owned dairies and we're dutch but we also i don't know about you guys but i didn't tell people my dad was a pastor unless i had to i told them that my dad owned a non-profit organization did you really tell people well not at six but when i was about 14 and up yeah absolutely i didn't want them to think my dad was as a pastor because then i'm automatically judged you know i can't stand her i used to tell people dad was a doctor because he saved people okay that wasn't pretty good joey and i we used to go with dad when we we had the one off of uh of san antonio or maple yeah maple maple street and i remember that's what i'm thinking when we first got it i think dad took me and you were knocking and i remember you guys lifting out the carpets yeah pulling out the carpets and doing that tiny dad's like just put a hole in the wall and i'm like electrocuted himself and let his fingernail on fire like he's the only pastor that i know of that's still at you know 40 plus years in ministry because he's you know this this ministry is 40 years old but but his ministry goes back farther than that who still sits down looks at his notes the message that he did countless times and revises and studies on that same thing when in reality he could he could open the bible and just teach it straight up but he still pours over that right but that person as that passage that person who's teaching that passage the depth continues to grow as they continue to study that past not as god reveals deeper things within that scope within that that you know that chapter that verse i think dad still digs to find them oh yeah i think of all the people that he's married in the church the people that he's dedicated i get to see them actually with their own kids now and i think and then they're dedicating they're being dedicated so that's awesome i think but on a personal level for the legacy is just we got to watch somebody be faithful for 40 years you got to watch somebody faithfully love his wife love his children and love his church and i think that's the strongest legacy you can really leave i think we are his legacy this church is his legacy the people in this ministry are his legacy that is what he has poured himself into for all of these years wants to carry out that legacy um who are we going to be what are we going to do with what we've been taught [Music] when i was in my teenage years i was home by myself with dad dad was uh he was on the couch and every once in a while hbo will uh do like a package where you can watch it free for the weekend and we used to have a uh a rule that if it cuts three times we'd have to change it and it didn't matter what the word was i mean no i remember he was watching a movie he was watching the rock and it was on hbo and i was in my room and my dad didn't know i was home i remember dad didn't know i was home and i was laying there and uh i remember i was like it's about to drop the f-bomb let's you know let's see if he changes it because if when it came down you know to those the bigger words my dad would change it so i'm in my room and i'm listening to him watch it and i remember nicholas cage drops you know the f-bomb and all of a sudden i hear my dad say uh well there goes that and he changed it he didn't have to change it and i thought to myself this guy practices what he preaches that's one thing the guy that you see on stage here is the guy who absolutely no difference at all no that man that man's my hero so what is a legacy an average man or woman may pass on their values to their children but an above average man can pass it on to an entire generation so i think everybody who's walked through these doors whether we the sanctuary is filled or they're trickled outstanding you know the countless works the countless families the countless husbands and wives who've been impacted i mean to measure a man's legacy we'll find that true answer in eternity you get to hear a lot about our dad tonight because obviously this is his church and this is his ministry but the only way that he's been able to have this ministry is because he's had such an amazing person right beside him for 40 years for 45 years when our church first started my parents had three children four-year-old a two-year-old and a three-month-old baby my mom was left home alone a lot she didn't have a lot of support at that time she had to basically raise us on our own to free our dad up for ministry and there's one thing that the four of us can say is that we have never heard our mama complain we have never heard her beg him to come home early to relieve her because we were driving her crazy we never heard her upset we never heard her make demands on him that he couldn't fulfill at the time because she freed him up to serve the lord and this church would not be possible without her freeing him up to serve jesus mama you are the heartbeat sorry i'm gonna cry already you are the heartbeat not just of our family but also this church you're the person i admire most in the world you're a godly kind gracious loving sacrificial and so many other amazing things you are every part of proverbs 31 this church wouldn't be here without your support that you've given dad through the years day in day out you love us and so many and so we just wanted to recognize you tonight and just say thank you and give you some flowers and we have a little something for you as well to enjoy your church appreciates you too [Applause] okay [Applause] isn't god good thank you pastor and thank you marie for being such great examples that we can that we can follow in our own families and marriages that was very touching wasn't it hey would you guys stand up with me stretch it out because i think we might start to move a little bit i want to introduce vanessa over here vanessa leads our spanish worship in this church [Applause] [Music] and we are so grateful and so proud of them and we're so grateful for what god is doing in our spanish ministry and our pastor wanted to invite our spanish team up here to lead us in some worship so would you uh give a warm welcome to our spanish team [Applause] we are hello de vida spanish worship team here at calvary chapuccino valley my name is vanessa hernandez like jared said i've been serving alongside our spanish pastor chewie morales over here on the base and his amazing wife um maria morales up here in the front and of course our wonderful and faithful spanish worship team i actually started doing worship first with the children's ministry with bob and now i've been having i had the blessing to lead our spanish worship team and currently leading our awesome young adults out there in the catalyst in the catalyst ministry so it's definitely a blessing and honor to be serving at the church where i met the true love of my life jesus christ thank you pastor david for being the vessel that god used to bring my family and i to salvation so with that being said are you ready to worship with us in this spanish song is called granode it's based off the scripture matthew 17 20 and it says that he who has the faith the size of a mustard seed that you can move mountains and nothing will be mightily in your lives move mightily on your behalf in your prayers amen so let's all sing that together [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] says [Music] says [Music] hello [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] every [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus christ jesus christ [Music] let's praise the lord tonight vanessa and spanish team thank you so much can we give a warm hand to our spanish team god is so good if you know anybody family and friends that their spanish is their first language invite them for sunday mornings at 10 45 a.m in our chapel where we have our spanish services thank you so much team what a blessing stay standing actually have a seat for a moment church have a seat i want to introduce a special gentleman we saw that video with him and his wife at disneyland we're all jealous this is pastor holland davis over here we're so grateful for holland he's a senior pastor at calvary chapel san clemente he's a very close friend of pastor david in our church and uh just wanted to pass it to holland and have him lead us in a couple of choruses so let's welcome holland it goes without saying but i want to say it pastor david i love you you're my pastor we talk almost every day and i have to say i i know exactly what's happening on the roads of chino valley at any given moment because he'll give me the moment by moment breakdown of who has cut him off and who he wants to call the cops on and [Laughter] but it just reminds me of how faithful god is to put you in my life and how faithful god is that he has used you to touch so many lies around the world amen [Music] every breath that i [Music] and am my life you have in faith all my life you have been so good [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] of the goodness of it's a song i wrote for the 30th anniversary of chino valley it's called an offering of praise [Music] to you [Music] to [Music] by the live of your grace in me all the days of my life all the days of my life give you praise day and night with my hands lifted high singing praise with my heart filled with joy and my voice shouting out i'm forgiven and now singing praise all the days of my life give you praise day and night with my hands lifted with my heart filled with joy and my voice shouting out i'm forgiving now [Music] so let [Music] my life offering of me to you to live my day by the power of your day power of your grace in me [Music] and our god is an awesome god he raised from heaven above [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] our god is an awesome god join me in singing pastor david's favorite song let the glory let the glory of the lord rise among earth let the glory of the lord rise among us that the praises of the kings rise among us let it rise [Applause] that the song the songs of the lord [Applause] [Music] rise among us let it rise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] your head [Music] thank you [Music] so here's my [Applause] [Music] even when i don't [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even when i don't see it [Music] lyrical work [Music] that is [Music] is who you [Applause] [Music] you are that is [Music] yes oh that is who you are that is who you [Music] are who you are [Music] oh [Music] let's declare his goodness tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i see [Music] so i'll stand [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] learn a brand new song tonight church this song is called child of love for the children of the king amen who loved us died for us [Music] satisfy my [Applause] [Music] then i saw from heaven i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] just when i thought it was over [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing can change the way you love me nothing can change nothing can change [Music] [Applause] [Music] i foreign a child of love i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh let's give god the glory isn't god good church family can we give a welcome to our pastor david rosales [Applause] wow this has been a good night you may be seated of course i intentionally wrote everything that i'm going to say that way i can just stay on point and so i'm just going to read it to you what a joy it is to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our fellowship psalm 92 verse 1 says it is good to give thanks to the lord and to sing praises to your name almost high and this is what we've gathered to do to sing praises and give thanks to god for what he's done over all of these years i want to begin by acknowledging so many of you because you've meant so much to us obviously all praise goes to jesus christ for what he's done and you see without the support of so many this day would have been possible i i can't really see the lights are in my eyes and all but um is george adams here george if you're here would you stand up because i can't see where are you you in the back george george is the one who stood with me when i gave my heart to jesus christ 50 years ago i'm glad you're able to be with her with us george it's a blessing to have you you still owe me money and and so i wanted just to mention that a couple of other things i'll share in a moment but i want to begin by thanking god and for my wife my marie who has faithfully served next to me as already mentioned since 1975. luke 10 39 tells us of mary a follower of jesus who sat at jesus's feet and heard his word in the early days when i gave bible studies marie literally used to sit at my feet to hear the word and god has used her and god used her to draw me here to chino which is the only way i would ever have come here i thank god for my children who have been the source of so many illustrations not to mention trials over the years and have caused my prayer life to blossom their love and their support not to mention the grandchildren they've blessed us with is something that we are so thankful for and i love my babies and i love husbands and wives too i thank god for my father and my mom who who gave me the privilege of pastoring them from the day i was saved they've both gone to heaven i would have loved to have had them here to celebrate with us i thank god for my brother and my sisters we're so instrumental in my early walk with jesus christ my sister becky is here with us right now and love you baby girl i thank god for my sister-in-law patty who was the first person who ever answered an invitation that i gave she told me she came forward because when no one else came forward at the invitation she thought it would be good if someone did so i wouldn't feel bad and it was patty who asked me to teach her a study when i resigned from my position of assistant pastor and it was in her home that our church held its first sunday morning service it was through her request that this church actually began i thank connie and david signs do we have a picture i i think we have a picture david and connie signs my dear dear dear dear to me to our hearts uh connie and david opened their hearts and their home to us to host our bible studies and they have been dear friends strong support to us since i first met them in 1979 david is still with us connie went to went to heaven but she'll always be remembered and her memory is cherished i miss her terribly i thank all of you pastors and and wives who took the time to come and celebrate with us your your friendship has truly been appreciated and i love you very much i thank god for the many church members who no longer attend here but who at one time prayed for and ministered sacrificed supported and served as tools in the hand of the lord to fashion me and this church into what it is today you are deeply appreciated i thank all of you who came tonight to celebrate i thank all of you who call me pastor who have loved your church and have loved us without your love prayer sacrifice service and support we wouldn't be celebrating today and obviously we wouldn't be having a celebration tonight if we didn't have a church staff that has worked tirelessly to make this happen i want to thank all of the staff and the volunteers for your hard work not just for today but for so many days in the midst of covid you were faithful to serve beside me and i love you guys and i appreciate you the worship teams that we are being blessed by putting a lot of time and effort to make this day what it is and and i thank all of you for making such a sacrifice to make this what it has been a blessing and we love you we um when i when i when our church first began i didn't give invitations because i knew all 30 of the members of the church when the church was around 60 members a woman who was visiting told me that it would be a good thing for me to give invitations and so the next week i did and so i believe tracy tracy lopez are you here tracy could you stand up so i can see you yeah tracy and frankie well i want to share a little bit about you guys because a lady had said you need to give invitations i said i know everyone she says no you need to anyway so i took that as a word from the lord so the next week i gave an invitation and tracy is the first person who ever came forward at an invitation that i gave in this church and she walked up to me and she said to me after she had prayed and all she said you know she says i have a boyfriend his name is frankie and and uh i said is he a believer and she says no that's what i want to know what should i do if he's not a believer i said you need to tell him about jesus and you need to share what you've done and and if frankie comes to faith in christ then then stay with him but if he doesn't drop him i said she's not going to do you any good and so the next week she walks up to me and she says i got to tell you something she said i called frankie up and he was in oregon at the time i believe in and she said frank i need to tell you something and frankie said well wait a minute i have to tell you something he said i went to church today and i gave my heart to jesus christ and so they got saved and so i performed their wedding for him 39 39 years ago and you're still going strong and finally i thank god for my pastor chuck who was and will always remain the strongest pastoral influence of my life his love for christ the word of god left its imprint in my theology my ministry philosophy the life of this church i'll always be thankful for him and his love for marie and me our first sunday morning service was one that i'll always remember the lord laid on my heart a passage from the book of isaiah isaiah 43 18. do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it i will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert and that's been our experience i've seen god bring rivers in desert he's produced a work that has been and continues to be a blessing for many in mark 4 26-27 jesus said the kingdom of god is as is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground and should sleep by night and rise by day and the seed should sprout and grow he himself does not know how well like the man in the parable all i've ever done is sow the seed of god's word our part has been to sow the seed of his word but we've seen god do his work it's like what paul said in first corinthians chapter 3 6 and 7 he said i planted apollos watered but god gave the increase so then neither he who plants us anything nor he who waters but god who gives the increase over the last 40 years we've seen the lord move in wonderful ways we've seen god take a small study and from the original members extend his kingdom throughout the world from a whole bible study many of you made it possible for us to move into a small church in ontario to rent a school to rent another school to lease an industrial building your support made it possible for us to purchase property in ontario to rent ontario high school eventually to purchase this property in 1992. over these 40 years many of you have enabled us to send out and to support missionaries plant daughter churches build buildings respond to national and international emergencies in natural disasters you have helped us perform ministry outreaches and offer conferences many of you have enabled us to broadcast the message of the gospel throughout the nation on various radio stations from arizona to new york in many states in between you've helped us to reach a new generation with the gospel including even this week of vbs that we just had because it was such a blessing with the help of over 300 volunteers we ministered to hundreds of children every day and i thank you as i look back over the years it seems that time has flown by so much life has been experienced here in the church we've seen so many saved so many baptized so many equip so many used by god in wonderful ways we've had children born into the fellowship we've seen them grow up here served here they met their spouses here got married here dedicated their children in the church that they grew up in entire lives have actually been lived in the shadow of this church we have also had the privilege of conducting memorial services for many who attended here we've been so blessed to have been part of their spiritual journey in their lives i look back with appreciation but i look forward with anticipation i'm excited about what god will do in the future haggai 2 verse 9 says the glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former saith the lord of hosts so i'm challenged i'm excited to see what the lord has in store for us in the future it's my hope that jesus returns in my lifetime but should he not i want us to move until he does i want us to live in the power of the holy spirit with faith for the future and i want us to make a difference i want us to keep learning to keep serving and to keep working for him until he returns and finally after 40 years i would like to sum up my feelings for this church with these words in first thessalonians 2 verse 8 paul said affectionately longing for you we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of god but also our own lives because you have become dear to us i love you guys very much and so i close by saying i promise to do the best i can to remain faithful to the lord to teach his word and as my pastor chuck once said i take my hat off to the past and my jacket off for the future for the best is yet to come and our father as we worship you and praise you lord i just thank you for these who took time out of their busy busy lives to come and celebrate something that means so much to us so much to marie and so much to me so much to my children lord i thank you so much to those of us lord who have who have given our lives to serve you here and it's been such a joy in many ways it has been difficult it should be but lord in the midst of everything you've always shown yourself strong i i pray in jesus name your blessing on all who are here those who are watching lord may we be used by you to reach many for christ's sake we anticipate and look forward to being with him but until that moment lord may we be busy until he comes i lift up this this congregation and i pray in jesus name that you would continue to move and lord we love you we're thankful and father i pray that you would continue to bless all who call this this place their home and i ask these things now in jesus name amen god bless you [Applause] i'm going to take offering no i'm just kidding we're going to do that that's later i don't want to ugly cry up here so we're going to try to make this uh sweet um me and my brother going to say just a couple of words my dad traveled a lot um growing up it was a blessing to see you answer that call when i was little uh in elementary school they give you the id for your kids if they go missing um i think you're supposed to put them on there and mine had a little a a little uh a space shuttle on it because of star wars and um when my dad would go i'd give him my bracelet so we could still travel together and dad you led us because you took us with you the trips that you you couldn't i would i would send a little peace with you but dad every chance you you you were given you would ask us to come along and i i thank you dad because you led us by by pulling us with you i love you and i'm thankful for you dad i'm gonna i haven't slept in a couple days because i keep on thinking what i'm gonna say you know growing up we've had the opportunity like joey was saying to travel everywhere with our father and i think one thing that you guys need to know about him is there's always going to be that ministry on his mind wherever we've gone he ministers being kids we thought it was a vacation we'd go to israel and we thought it was a vacation we'd go to austria we thought it was a vacation but you would see my father in the corner with his nose in his bible getting ready to teach there was times when we'd go to uh visit friends and family in different states thinking it was a vacation and my father would end up teaching the sunday morning at their church that's my father um a little fun fact about me is i hate flying um and i've we've probably been on over 100 planes but i yeah i don't know how they stay in the air i don't know anyways i remember when i was probably about 12 or 13 we were getting on the plane with my father and uh i remember just sitting there and i was just nervous and i was just like this isn't going to end well we're going down you know we're still on the tarmac so so uh i remember looking at my father and i remember the lord speaking to me and i remember him saying i'm not done with him that was almost 30 years ago and uh you know whether my father we celebrate next year an anniversary or we get to 50 we know as a church as a family that god's not done with him and so what we're going to do now is like i said you know my father hasn't taken a vacation and so as a church and if you want to come up here pups we want to present you with a vacation and you get to take me no no one else just just me we want to present you as a gift from our church to thank you for the faithfulness you've had to this church there's no plane tickets it's just a picture of where you can go i like that i like that you can't see it but it's a picture of my wife and me that they took and it's very special to me thank you thank you let's go to hawaii so where's my vacation i mean what's up to be determined so i get to go to ontario thanks a lot guys [Music] [Applause] let's all stand together [Music] i know that all of us up here can say how grateful we are to be able to serve in this church family to be able to serve under you pastor you give us the freedom to worship here to dream and create and use our talents for the lord and so we want to say thank you as a worship ministry we're close with one more song church if you know this song sing along with us it's called days of elijah as we look forward to what god's gonna do amen [Music] and these are the days of your servant moses righteousness these are the days of great trials of famine and darkness and soul still we have a voice in the desert [Music] here comes [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and these are the days of your service and these are the days of the harvard [Music] [Applause] [Music] shining like the sun [Music] [Applause] [Music] salvation [Music] oh there's no god like jehovah there's no god there's nobody [Applause] [Music] shiny [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's give the lord the glory church so 40 more years church funny thank you so much for coming parents go pick up those kids but we got cake and refreshment
Channel: Calvary Chapel Chino Valley
Views: 2,121
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Pastor David Rosales, cccv, Church, Teaching, Worship, God, Christians, Bible Study, Jesus, A Jesus People Community, Calvary Chapel Chino Valley, David Rosales, Pastor, Calvary Chapel, Holy Spirit, Gods Word, Chuck Smith, Teacher, Pastor David, End Times, Rapture, Trinity, Antichrist, A Sure Foundation, Prayer, Pray
Id: I6oXZE23fLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 12sec (9012 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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