Mario Party, Destroyer of Friendships and Families (Mario Party Superstars)

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all right guys i'm gonna go join the other call play mario party because noble has been asking me to play for months okay have fun ryan do you want to play instead of me no i'd rather hang myself by the balls enjoy being told what to do constantly having to listen to his annoying voice wow a fat ain't dude noticing your audacity audio levels are going to decrease in words towards the end of the session you're just going to end up not talking i'm not like i am excited for society because you are contemplating not even uploading the footage the best look thank you brian i'm not even exaggerating you just described my session i know i feel like i'm being hazed like this is something everyone has to go through okay i'm gonna play something after though okay who knows maybe i'll be done in six minutes we'll see so wait have you never played a mario party ever thanos uh no all right perfect what's that supposed to mean perfect for why it perfect for content i don't [ __ ] know you're gonna have a great time okay you don't have to lie to me i'm gonna have a great time or you're gonna have a great time who's this stupid mushroom [ __ ] why is the turtle wearing shoes we play a board game and the goal is to get stars that's i'm yoshi [ __ ] off luigi trivia question for the viewers which gmod video was i ever yoshi oh you're probably in the college halloween one you got it you got it genius you guys in the comments are too slow you [ __ ] idiot fake fan dumbasses are you a charmander yeah i was charmander but it was technically a yoshi player model we're gonna go to space we go space yeah yeah yeah let's go space make turns twenty twenty eighteen twenty yeah nine twenty why is there a mushroom aladdin he's the host he's the best that's that's white boy toad street one oh i have to hit it nine i'll go third [ __ ] that's good right yeah that is no one's definitely better than me i got the lowest number so again you go around the board and there's stars on the board and if you get to the star space you want to buy it it costs 20 to buy so you have to have you have to have coins also wow i got 10 coins we all did biden's great you have to buy the star from that little [ __ ] somebody start from that dumb [ __ ] over there yep this is supposed to be a family-friendly game but we have sworn so much this is not a family-friendly game this tears families apart [Music] kobe yeah nine again is that good i don't know is that good that's a good role that's pretty good yeah unless you land on a [ __ ] space you land on a good space oh yes right now you're about to play a mini game for an item okay so you guys are here are you guys here yes we have a barrel top middle barrel watch follow the top middle barrel follow it okay it's right it's to the left right now it's to the far right far left [Applause] [Music] there you go yes oh i wasn't paying attention at all with you got it i don't even know if that was the best item but you seem like a good one or you guys are gonna be next to each other oh hey man what up oh you're so good out of the way seven coins lucky dude that's four more look at toast on a blue all right now no glue goes and after he goes we play a mini game yeah hey five that's actually donkey kong's player model is so fitting for the way noble plays this game [Music] they're all beating you up what 3v1 what is this some mini games can be uh free for alls two oh i know you're beating us no no no i know what do i do what do i do you gotta press a button to make uh those things penetrate us move your analog stick to a direction oh we're doing it yeah and basically that doesn't happen oh my gosh that we all try to avoid you the whole time yeah yeah why are we helping him why are we helping him for this one he's against us i don't know is this is it press start all right this is the practice here oh damn i thought i was winning dude [ __ ] you we were just giving you the win oh it's actually so hard oh that's where you going now you guys are too good at this huh vodka's kind of figuring it out why is that monkey clapping you died luigi time [Music] so you can use your item right now if you want but you actually don't want to roll a 10. you don't want it all the time you don't want to get started is that good is that good that's very good that's perfect it's actually really good oh except you have to deposit money in the koopa bank what i have to yeah the bank takes money it's a democratic socialism not quite socialism here why [Laughter] people when they pay taxes [ __ ] you all right you can pray you have to press a to skip those dialogues by the way oh you're gonna move the star back to the very start now we're all together all the way back at the start why did that happen oh my god this guy yeah what's this i actually don't know what this one does i'm snitching guys that guy's covet consciousness [ __ ] [ __ ] donkey donkey [ __ ] one i oh every time i play this game i always get the least amount of steps that what does this mean we're going further we're even going further now this ghost will steal coins what no from you not from you from someone else who's in first place now whoever you pick he's gonna [ __ ] hate you what do you think wildcat which one should i pick i'm just getting random random randomly if you pick somebody i would have picked you it's awesome it's so [ __ ] stupid dude i'm happy about this [Music] he's just licking up your hair yeah i saw that man it was very funny press a skip the dialogue who reads it who actually reads the dialogue and marry party evan do random again surely it's not me surely it's not me twice puffer really going this way that was a really quick randomizer the van off screencast you're getting robbed you're getting robbed i'm robbing you one million percent oh yeah cause i knew you were that's all i stole from you that's it i've made up my mind i i'm no i no longer care about sucking heaven off [ __ ] sick great job no gloom yeah or player minigame all on our own free for you made an enemy for 17 turns smart decision all right now we get to practice guys you gotta you gotta always be steaming straight away why yeah you gotta kind of do it and no stop some no don't mess down [Music] my dead body's just floating in the [Laughter] all background i just need enough to get the steel coins that's enough to get to steel lucky seven lucky seven it is my favorite number actually oh gosh this is gonna be so random guys oh look you see it's going up it's going back and [ __ ] [ __ ] better hey come on machine smash it attaboy boo you nabbed ten of them you know you stole 14 from me we're all right this gonna go [Music] your lucky number specifically yours oh boy are these clouds so yellow ow damn oh no damn wait i'm [ __ ] joking i don't know they're gonna move back and forth i [ __ ] steal you turtle no i'm i got 120 just uh [Laughter] what's that what does that mean i think oh so i think when you pass this it counts down i had to make sure here silas and let me check them i was trying to figure out how to click buttons boom four once that's all gone bowser shoots out a giant laser which then bowser's [ __ ] comes flying out oh good enough this guy's gonna be moving using items every dude he's gonna get the most step star the most items you star oh you get the money out of the bank that you put in only three years yay did that earn interest no you didn't thanks dude thanks thanks for my three thanks for the confetti bonus minigame coins times two i'm gonna get bullied oh we're i'm with evan again that's right me and puffer let's go that's pretty much being bullied not the same game all right sky pilots hey you forced me to play this stupid-ass game this is where we fly planes oh [ __ ] oh make sure you know which one's in the back i'm flapping what are you listening right what do you want in the back door i flopped the wings you're in the front so you stare like we can't how do we how do we go up you go up oh you pull up keep going evan why were you steering you drunk you're currently doing nothing i think yeah you're going to make me wake up my baby hurry up i don't care you forced him to play this dumb ass game so you get your stupid title how was i supposed to know there was going to be a [ __ ] speed boost barrel roll balloons don't hit one what did i just say uh i pulled honestly our team cohesion was much better even though i yelled at you the whole time we actually barely lost seven good job [Music] evan you're gonna get the star you're gonna get it should i use my item yeah you have to definitely use your eyes this time you have to use it do i have to there's a chance you don't have to i just wanna i just i just wanna hear you have to again you have to use it you have to more items 10 that's one all right you got it 13. damn 13's unlucky you're half talk go left go up go up go up go right go right up go up go straight up into the atmosphere all right endless void and [ __ ] and then you're winning you're winning now yes winning come on get it going all right now you basically win the game that's it and you want to get hey i got a gold star it was the first person to get a star wins the game you want evan wait really yeah just end your video and then everyone will think you won [ __ ] you oh you're gonna go past god you could go left and technically buy another starburst you don't have enough money so don't do it so wherever we go go up and get an item do i trust this yes evan i'm here to help you it doesn't sound like i have a helpful tone but it is helpful do i want all right there's no way you can there you go it's just instantly god's [ __ ] stuff to just reject it wait oh my gosh whoa yo what up this is crazy hey yo what up girl uh good why why why why doesn't he want it i don't want it what asks again are you sure oh sure i'll take it [Laughter] you knew you convinced me whatever oh just in case someone accidentally takes the controller from the brother sitting next to him and mashes b give some time to fight back get the controller her degree all right where's it at next to me wait for me great i'm 100 million steps oh yeah you're on the right i'm so mad dude i hate mario party with a passion okay hi how are you doing you're looking just looking at yourself 42 42 oh my gosh four let's add that i'm losing i'm i'm i actually hate i hate this [Laughter] we're not even halfway done that nokia's pulling around i hate this storm chaser uh i'm not playing this game mode all right ugly you still need to at least press start please tell me he didn't walk away from his [ __ ] computer no god i'm here well i care about the environment and my plant needs water i'm definitely not getting it here though i [ __ ] hate this stupid cloud [ __ ] donkey kong's big fat ass is in my head yeah honestly [Music] dude this is the earth in 2030 we're all just fighting for one cloud of water i don't i don't even have no idea i definitely lost i know i lost it all looks the same this is oh no never mind no oh my god holy [ __ ] dude look how small yours is i actually wouldn't even feel that wow okay i wouldn't even feel that i'm used to it taking a plant up your ass [Music] here we go here we go who is this it's going to shoot a laser if anyone is in that area they would lose a lot of their coins i lose all of their coins wait all did you say all yeah you lose all of them [ __ ] dick beam no one's in the way this is a waste of time [Music] but at least we know about the dig beam big dick that's sorry what is a bunch of sounds i'm sorry but i must ask you thanks it's okay i'm gonna i'm gonna use the rest of my money to buy a rope and kill myself just need one on you again i'm back strong enough for my fat neck oh nice all right one more day money still makes him happy yes we got the bully puffer just give don't give him offer not river raiders not river raiders all look away oh that's a classic that's not good when the guy says oh this is a classic that's not a good sign he's gotta pop your head in huh why why so you gotta look at direction and if i look the same direction you're out that's it oh [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Laughter] so much what did you roll i didn't even see it i won oh god damn it i don't even work in your favor i want i want vanessa to get points oh this does work in your favor what yeah you shoot us here i'm gonna block i'm blocking him i'm blocking him evan he can't move you gotta shoot him with iris shoot the dinosaur don't shoot the monkey shoot the dinosaur i've got him trapped why me do it again i'm just practicing dude i was literally trying to help you win i'm not going to help you win now on the real one guys we have to work together why are you trying to [ __ ] me i'm not trying to affect you dinosaur get the dinosaur present he's going to dodge every single one of your arrows you didn't explain the reason you didn't explain the reason we didn't need trying to breathe because i was trapping him are you going him let's go look at that flip the goddamn npc you guys didn't win because you were good shut your [ __ ] ass up uh don't use it don't use it don't use it it will not help you get closer to this you should make your own decisions stop [ __ ] listening to that guy it's so obvious you didn't use a puffer and you're the sweatiest man married party of all time oh really i am look at you [ __ ] giving advice all goddamn games because he's never played the game before it's a [ __ ] children's game he can figure it out doesn't matter i've seen this guy play fog guys he needs to help okay uh go up up up up up up up or whatever you want sorry left go do i go towards a giant cannon [Laughter] luigi's left one amazing this guy must be sick of us i'm sick of him i don't want to verses boys for another minigame and coins on the board you know i feel okay about this thing coins i hate this one i [ __ ] hate this one what do you do you grab a letter and you hand it to the shy guy running around oh right right right whatever you don't have to press anything you just now you just he just automatically takes it off you wait not me though racist and you want the love letters slippery a little bit she just keeps moving this is the practice i know they [ __ ] hate this game it's so [ __ ] good merry party windows is different come puffer [ __ ] hell take it you little [ __ ] oh my gosh mom i gotta get this letter to her and she'll die of cancer take it i'm [ __ ] holy [ __ ] he actually won't take it he won't take my [ __ ] yeah oh the love letter is a good one right i'm like looking at the wrong [ __ ] letters the guy had a hole and a side hole and won [Laughter] let's hit a fat number boys you literally hit the skinniest number you give me a custom dice block so i can get a curse nice yeah i already feel cars you roll those numbers anyway this is so stupid you know what the [ __ ] sad thing let's do jizzy dancing listen four turns ago i was 42 away from the star now i'm 31. do you hit a random switch i mean this is like that game games where you push something down and crap games this is a hundred percent random yeah well unless you're me it won't be random for me i'll just always screen's always good oh that's what i was gonna hit because i'm green ah gringo is good i'm green though i pick purple since he's purple i know what i don't want one red is sus so i'm gonna pick purple i'm gonna pick yellow i'm yellow okay oh the anticipation all right guys get myself purple all right i'm gonna prove to you that mari parody is racist in five seconds as i push this white lever down it will kill me because i am white watch it's racist look at him praying i said it was racist i said it's not random we have to keep going that's the point press the white one it can't be white twice in a row yellow because i'm yellow i guess it's not racist against yellow yeah is it nintendo japanese further proof it's racist white every time [Laughter] further proof i have no chance see you later cruelties oh man we're back um yeah it's probably yellow or green on a brush it's got to be one what do you mean it's random right yeah but think about the odds it was white and purple so now it's probably great each time each time it's the same odds what yeah green's good oh gosh he is right it is completely random once again that it is racist i feel like this is a deja vu clip what i told you mario kart is eraser mario party flying again this is perfect there he is racist all right further proof that mario party is racist the last game is picking yellow yellow he's gonna blow him up further proof please please god it's actually unreal all the white people that pressed white died and what are you going to say here no what are you going to say yeah go ahead and say it who pressed i think you're good no he landed on it yeah i know he is oh let's [ __ ] go wait i was wondering what's gonna happen is evan's gonna [ __ ] land on it now he's past it oh that's a good egg dude get the bag sis what is this exchange for double the stars wait what i don't even know what that is that sounds so cool you go to the star [ __ ] and you give it to her and she gives you two stars for 40 coins you go to that dumb [ __ ] i don't know her [ __ ] name dumb star [ __ ] oh you can steal a star and buy a star wait but that means you can't buy two right because you need to exchange points buffer's next i don't think boo has touched anyone else no i got no the first time they got me a few times the random button is not working listen you're the outsider here all right bumper you're getting [ __ ] today you can title your video getting bullied by the banner screw that'll do numbers i might not upload this if you win you're uploading you're in first oh [ __ ] he's gonna get two there it is 40 for two i've never done uniform let's go yay now now put the star in front of me please just put it right behind him that's it fly [ __ ] top left north [ __ ] west fly [ __ ] [ __ ] get your up ass over there there she's going yes boom baby right in front of me baby right what did i say call it call it let's go see all right there you go dude use your triple let's get out of the way and don't get a 26. might get 36 now that would be unfortunate he gets to steal a star though yeah no i'm gonna do that oh i wonder who he's gonna steal from oh guys uh yeah i wonder is it gonna be vanarch oh random random oh it's not random it's never wrapped yeah no it was still gonna pick wildcat no matter what ah so random isn't random nintendo lying again all right well you're in first again we're only on turn 11. yeah these games go on for a long time like a [ __ ] round of golf jesus that's a good analogy silence on the fairway while we wait for the dice to roll we not have played ten well then if we played ten wildcat would have won but now i still have a chance you kind of have to play this game 20 turns or else it's kind of defeats the purpose of it well give us a damn golf cart animals versus waluigi luigi oh that's funny okay oh okay no we're good at this one we have experience y'all hundred percent we got the kick for sure we're so good we're not going to practice oh the [ __ ] timing on this yeah a little delayed are you come on [ __ ] first there you go now okay so basically you got to place the strawberry on the cake here we go come on keep it going come on here we go oh no no no no [ __ ] they're not even saying a [ __ ] word over there no wait i put a cake on a king oh it's [ __ ] up come on these are lengthy arms strawberry before i place the cake down i put a cake on a cake because i was like i made sure not to do that you definitely don't want to do that cake dude has a hundred he's a [ __ ] castle even though i have two stars i'm def i think i'm in last just because i'm a [ __ ] broke luigi luigi nice ten perfect let's go oh you can steal a star from someone evan oh nice who will you steal it from probably this guy go ahead i know i know i was a little worried for a second though i'm not gonna lie you glad i didn't pick you [Music] oh [ __ ] baiting [ __ ] that's a thing he can do he changes yeah he can bait you left stop everyone this [Music] oh ll which is what you guys are going to be taking you're going to be talking about he pulls out like a green flag i don't know this star looks a little suspicious yeah it might be a fake honestly can i trust this dumb [ __ ] we will never know her name an hour and 30 minutes in she's still dumb [ __ ] poke my pommel hockey mains in this video oh [ __ ] you spammy oh that's [ __ ] pushing so fast that makes no sense oh that makes no sense is there some like [ __ ] in my where you can't do the [ __ ] my dogs aren't bad max i actually just have an auto clicker that's just spamming a oh really yeah i bought one on amazon i really want to win mario party so i [ __ ] cheat wait why does vanessa have three stars what do you mean are you paying have you been paying attention wait how did he get three stars because he stole one and then he bought it i stole one and just now another one oh we gotta make sure he goes we're gonna predict waluigi wins what you were the one who's literally telling him that you wanna wait i was only because i didn't think he could win wow there's all this [ __ ] just a problem everything everything is doubled so yeah it's whatever yeah it's last five seconds sound like a gunshot so here's what i'm thinking right wildcat is right next to a boo and a star so he's gonna get two stars no matter what oh loki thinking about just evening the odds [Music] for me if you steal a star for me you will end this game with zero well that's not true how would he handle zero because we're all gonna [ __ ] steal his [ __ ] what do you mean no i won't steal your stuff well evan you know what thanks what nevermind he stole yours he stole yourself you stole my star i'm still on the [ __ ] back thank you oh i didn't no i didn't that was random i'm gonna close my eyes and someone tell me to pull oh what oh i mean push pull push pull someone tell me push oh pull uh whatever i told you to pull don't listen to me what the [ __ ] is that disgusting creature you got a child congratulations congratulations you had my child you pushed and pulled your way into a [ __ ] pregnancy good job i didn't pull quite oh [ __ ] me i don't want to do a versus i'm going to quickly say this is fun though oh hide and seek is not fun this is where you die now it's where we try and hide okay basically you want to spam a button spam x y b or a wherever you want to hide oh literally just taking my headset [Music] he responded perfectly though i mean i went there i told you what did you go there too oh [ __ ] oh my god i gotta chase down this [ __ ] monkey i'm behind the the wood i'm behind the wood you're so silly i was behind the wood oh yeah last round you think he goes back to the wood i think he's going back that seems like a no-go play to go back to the wood to be honest with you i'm spamming whiny there is no break i swear to god i just saw him run running i swear to god i swear to god i saw him go to the give right my money [ __ ] he could smell it he could smell it you know i probably should have should have cleaned my butt before hiding behind stuff yeah i couldn't smell your stinky sh yeah you shouldn't have [ __ ] back there dude he's going to get a star and steal it he's not gonna roll two that is actually in sandal there's no way he wins three mario party games in a row i mean there is a way there is no way there's zero percent buffer i want you to win shut the [ __ ] up i don't want evan when i don't want wildcat to win i'm not going to win so i want you to win i don't want to win why don't you want to win i don't feel like it you can steal myself i don't care you said you don't you said you don't even want to win you know i don't care this is the this is the crying like face emoji behind the smile you're not meme no i don't know i mean can you explain it again that's fine dude i won't just have to google it you boomer you boomer super you know what risk i don't know i don't know why you don't just use it riskers never win let's do this riskers never win i'm gonna risk it and punk who nice i'm spamming it i'm mad oh my god give me another [Applause] [Music] thanks for your cooperation shut up your capitalist pig actually i just realized something yep i just lost all my coins all right i'm leaving the game what hey what are you doing you know why you're all right what happened can we at least you have to get beamed no matter which way you go no matter what i do i'm getting beamed no matter which way because he stays on the pad no matter what okay go to the go to the right get an item to help us yeah get at least yourself you're a team player now all right who am i helping anymore who do i care about i'm done i'm actually thanos the only thing that matters to me in life is money what am i going to do when that's gone pull i'm just pull pull i'm spamming oh nice that's not bad oh that's gonna help i can't wait to move a lot when i have no money wildcat could roll low i'll roll low just for you do you have a turn for anything no no you don't want you needs a uh lower than a four he's gone yeah that's pretty low if i lose all my money i'm actually leaving i'm dead seriously don't leave that's going to work i'm not waste [ __ ] two hours of my life just have no money and then some [ __ ] probably just steal my stars i'm lifting yeah you ruined the game for everyone else oh [ __ ] uh first start evan i'm pretty sure we're gonna lose this one no [ __ ] you never leave mario party you'll let you sleep with this game on yeah you say that with every [ __ ] game on the planet just because i record it like you i'm brain dead i'm brain dead why did you guys go to the side at the start because you don't want to get hit by him oh you could go up reverse oh and now you're back you can break you can hear me holy speed oh nice how do you stop oh that was right shut up i can't [ __ ] think you're asking how do you stop when you're dead it doesn't matter you already stopped you died dude i actually feel like i'm boiling you gotta play this game with brock rock and nogla at the same time no i spoke to him before this he's like i'm never playing that ever again but specifically with nogla all right no i'm going to roll low just for you here we go right right or not no you're gonna roll the one i want the item boys shut up you [ __ ] [ __ ] you're that [ __ ] off your [ __ ] levels i don't want to hear it i don't want to hear it way way way all we do is try every time i play anything with you you create like a baby all gone i can't breathe [ __ ] that child oh says you what do you mean at all trying to mock me and then [ __ ] smell your own farts all right [ __ ] twitch streamer dude i didn't want to be or you just [ __ ] failed because you suck at it [Music] no i went to good hygiene oh no not bowser what does that mean actually which he hasn't done worse to me what do i do just press a evan and take the dicken all right yeah just how noble it takes there all right walk that way no that's pretty unlucky as well not gonna lie you leave the game are you still here i'm still here but i'm not playing any more minigames guys just steal it from me just steal it from me i knew it was coming that was the plan all along i can't believe i put two hours of my life into my party and i technically if i restarted went into a new game against bots i would be in a better position can you believe that we played for two hours and you've gained one gold you gotta start my favorite number that's all that matters i got my favorite number oh it on bowser make it interesting yeah well i don't have much to gamble with so bowser let's say what's up shawty shoddy i've got 11 coins that can pay for better call saul to sue your spiky ass what is he going to steal from your [ __ ] neck guy lose one star get negative one stars oh my god i thought it was what wait that's the shuffle oh we're all swapping way this could be just trying to find your way now what wait wait what's this please swap us incredible wait no it's not it's really bad for me no that's the worst spot for wildcat nobody alive thanks bowser thanks bowser i haven't watched my footage out for something better as well while you're here i don't i don't have enough money it doesn't even matter wait who's right next to it you won't really get enough money oh yeah we win this [ __ ] just don't collect any coins and then puffer won't get enough we have to steal all of his coins we talk about we'll push him over here and make him get hit by logs oh no grab that [ __ ] bag of money i'm trying but i actually can oh of course he gets that bag of money but it's a practice game guys let's get some coins thoughts no wait i have an idea what if i just stay on one side and then you guys can't get older yes [ __ ] him now get him trapped there clicking trap there don't pick up that coin evan [ __ ] you puffer you coin stealing [ __ ] rat are you star stealing around pick it up that's okay touch you why why don't we want coins ah picking up coins we don't want puffer i have enough money for stars if those three coins get him the stars it's not enough okay okay final turn yay seven lucky seven oh is that your favorite number two no are you gonna first go down go down and do verses actually don't don't don't go up because that'll give [Applause] let's just end this [ __ ] you can still win with bonus stars all right this is what i mean about mario party evan it's so [ __ ] here we go i can't believe it's it's complete 50 50 here it's insane there we go here we go what is this one oh [ __ ] this one's ass so you have to try and get a circle around the draw homer yeah draw homework oh you've got to help me your uh wildcat let's just draw whoever draws the fattest dick wins you can't it disappears yeah we got to communicate hold on hold on hold on yes there we go okay i'll go right you go left yep yep yep yep yep yup yup now somehow we can somehow there we go at the same time we did it wait they've done it all right go around boom [Music] you're going right on top of it we have a bigger line you dumb [ __ ] useless outlining him like a millimeter away from it while it's moving you stupid [ __ ] and you're blaming me it was not my fault i couldn't make a circle because you're running right on top of it i'm trying to go around it wide on what [ __ ] universe they're literally rewarding the rich that's white color crime oh who went the slowest way that's either one wait what that's going to be me that's going to be it's not me that's not me watch this it's a pity star thanks thanks can you also give me a [ __ ] in the alley that's it for bonus stars right they only get back too that's it that's so [ __ ] looks like that puffer one what was the point of the last mini game it's so [ __ ] stupid nothing nothing it's always random let's go i won right i just i actually don't know hey puffer you're not supposed to upload this right yeah you're not going to upload it right yeah yeah this is going uploaded let's go look at this guy's a cry baby [ __ ] you're a sore winner you ever hear soul winner damn skippy that's dumb if we go and look i guarantee you had more first place stats than [ __ ] puffer did they just chose the two random ones that he happened to have all right guys let's start off again let's start it up again let's play another one guys i'm pretty sure i will kill poppa if we play it again i'm level 99. that's puffer somebody [ __ ] mcgee for your level 99 and mario party do you [ __ ] touch grass wow it's like it's my job have you ever touched the woman or grass or a woman on grass or grass with a woman [ __ ] that's [ __ ] crazy master procedure mary party i can't believe it dude you know it's over right you know that's your prestige good win dude good one shut up i said bounce [Music] i need cash in large part
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 5,840,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage
Id: C1bZ5CjRpJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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