Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Stream With Troy TWD98!

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oh hey guys it's Troy hello everybody it's Michael Oher here and also someone else who you may or may not know community no no way to special polish it address himself let's flip here two items struggle I'm scrubbing today we're doing 200cc and this is mom whenever I can I mean I don't have much of a stream schedule gotcha gotcha cuz I saw it said it gives previous results on this tournament here so this is an ongoing thing yep listen the tournament I normally use for my streams I thought yeah yeah actually yeah I did schedule this one for today at this from like about a minute or so to the next two hours guys can you hear me okay I just want to make sure the volume is working let me know in the chat let me know guys yo we got taco wakow in the stream what's up taco Guapo also also people on my stream chat let me know if you can hear is Troy very well or if the audio is not balanced properly just let me know that decide to sign in to Mario Kart 8 deluxe on my game nice you know is joining alright they say they can hear you that's a relief things are working that's good and my chat says they can hear you as well as well it was just all right Kevin are you ready to be cooler I think oh it's 4:30 all righty let's hop on in and see if we get plenty right now I'm using a texture mods and music mods so I'm using a mounted Rosalina really yep interesting you know what you're gonna have to teach me how to moderate Deluxe I was afraid to because like I know when you bought new council consoles Nintendo is on your case sometimes I thought was it the leaf but you haven't had any trouble no not really and it is kind of in its early stages and sometimes the songs don't load properly but for the most part the textures do load properly and I think you would only get banned if you did it for piracy or cheating online okay yeah I hope because I would definitely love to mod the game and see what it has to offer is the mods are all brand-new right now right yeah and yeah I've recently they just made a tutorial for how to port mods from the Wii U to the switch so yep I'll probably do that for some the mods I made for the W version yeah I think we're in the same room unless it's an imposter it seems like it's icle Nintendo in here too really okay cool yeah I'm going full featherweight guys so wish me luck but so I stuffed the first few raises that's why if I suck beyond guys mom arrancars like riding a bike you never forget I thought was the Marco Ruiz yeah makes me Mario Kart we got to the startup theme I actually put in the little jingle that starts from me every Wi-Fi race no way there's no a lot of ourselves yeah that's why they got rid of the fin is pnina's are pretty much kids now oh yeah Becca really yeah then yeah it's 10 seconds invincibility so it's already pretty powerful you're not a dunce where's the party play I don't know like Mario Kart Wii well that last inclusion good place saying that ending though you're Claire hole everybody was next to each other I can are you tell oh my gosh make a Laura's getting fit then how am i you never win a race yeah that was crazy that was a pretty wild first race alright guys so I've been doing mainly twitch streams lately because I do prefer twitch as a streaming site but I am still doing the once a week YouTube stream on Wednesdays as you guys have probably noticed it's like a loose schedule right now trying to get a more consistent schedule come next month so I always say I'm gonna make a schedule and then I like immediately yeah yeah that's kind of why I don't really force myself to any like schedules like upload and all that stuff so you know just makes you dipping a little less less like stressful on a lot of stuff best moments weekly every week highlights and then like three weeks then I was like oh man this I don't even have ten highlights time to bring out the Highland items got nighttime yep tonight I have the his stream in my use description as well so yep you guys want to get that multi POV hike how do we do that it suggests doing that yeah I mean we do have a lot of a shared audience so dude dude you guys need to shop yeah I think the antrum like metaphor like that like like the high-level 200cc play and like that - one sec laughs like a ground like waluigi weights or so yep I see that bullet I got plug bit strong yellow Skarmory need it use to add bits ASAP I don't even see lightning for probably there's always like three life especially worldwide as a blue shell and another fifth place oh my gosh dude I can't even catch up nice it's like no one makes mistakes I'm just like in the same position in the entire time yeah there won't you you have some tough players in this first room it must be that's what it is because I'm like I can't even catch anybody all I'm gonna change my combo I want to regret this but I'm gonna change it will go Linc Linc and then we'll do the bad wagon yeah I'm gonna switch over to camp Beach and an orange cat suit Oh Stadium that's what I can do okay on see what am I gonna do for 100k subs probably a celebration stream and I'll apply for that silver play button and then doing boxing video and that's arrives and depending on my t-shirt design gets finished it might have that that happen what happened then yeah room shuffle is on guys apparently they're saying your voice is staticky on my stream but I have no idea how to fix that that's so weird I tested it before the stream minutes in five Oh somewhat games out of the line properly except not fit there guys I'll try to figure it out in this race okay oh gosh another ridiculous the Arcturus nonsense Oh single stable warping over the place and then just bump somebody's the lightning [Applause] now strike the red yeah they're on the red at me but it think went into the interval Mike getting to ICC Marco we see oh yeah looking forward to that is that brain tripping and yeah drifting couldn't make it work it's right now it's like yeah I mean a lot of tracks of mark rate aren't designed for 200 but least there's breaking yep yeah I got a superb Dodge Oh fire everywhere all right well qualities of your name is well and being that in the lobby Oh spotted a wildling Lord oh dear oh that one wearing almost got me home to Canada okay here we go oh that's beautiful come on oh hi alright shortcuts to our guys yeah it's a shortcut though it's all about the shirtkin a nice course I'm sorry I never use that character is a little bit more clunky than the featherweights and we have what they call that he's just it makes the the vehicle way larger is the characters larger yeah not too much you have a slightly lower mini turbo stats those trips are gonna be slightly harder to charge up okay some random one two three of the dollar ninety-nine hey Troy and the big boy thank you for 50 nations thank you for your message kind sir thank you very much all right very good chance of Yoshi Valley right now I have like what's called those pop-up notifications on twitch but I have an interview on YouTube I see because I have to go through this game labs website for it yeah you do that and then thank you yeah you integrate it to your YouTube account and then everything should be synced up the thing is or I did it on Twitch but on yu-gi-oh I think on stream labs yeah you actually can use the same settings for a belt size I think there's a integrations channel in there somewhere [Music] so much not getting to read it once no night time Yoshi belly with a city skybox and it was in the worst spot where I went by yeah look at you eating that frameless yeah [Music] oh I'm a smuggler school I know in Mario Kart Wii it brings you up like four to five spots before it drops you or if you're in first it just drops you right away pretty much how is it for 12 player lobbies I think it's five players it gets you up I was just about to clicked on just thinking out see that boomerang mom watch that nope I bullet not those you promote their role of that regimen Oh nonsense oh and I place I thought it would I was hope in front of the Cayenne I could just do the cut that's all that matters your bullet bill is behind me at my screen when I cross the finish line just lets bullets a really laggy toward there Oh alrighty we have Lobby shuffles de tournament let's see probably never see each other again yeah at least since we got put into the same lobby we are on the same shuffle schedule so hopefully at some point well we'll be able T other on the same lobby don't we got rekt oh that's great I mean too bad I mean uh I'm so sorry for you Ellie yo two circuits huh so is it just make alors voice that has crackly audio or is it my voice to you we're really screwed if it's my voice let me know guys let me know Nate lowers voice okay my boss just cheered up it's Mario Party very strange I mean how are you recording on my audio music did you have like a audio source set up in OBS that's the same thing I do for years I'm up there's item lying in my room [Music] sometimes not stop sandbagging cuz lies just gonna ruin it oh yeah that new lab Oh support for Mari Craig deluxe that cardboard steering now [Applause] yes then I'm looking forward to trying that okay now it's me because the music's looking properly sometimes you get missing you like yeah the physics feel justice look bases the items [Music] tiny box yeah really that was rough I should have not got in place ninth place I don't know what the best I'm gonna do like a middleweight I think yeah yeah I think he's in the old the lightest group of heavyweights [Music] alright looks at everybody spread out so I think that if you pick DC from yeah you know I didn't see that notification but it was on a day that I wasn't streaming but I thank you Erica welcome to the bow day Shanae ssin if you play Mario Kart Wii then you can add me all the sponsors allowed to add me on a code it's in the it's in the discord under the depend messages or the it's a Google Doc and you can you can add the code and play in our sponsor rooms and we do a lot of those on Twitch just gonna super chat from some random one two three are you a bigger boy than Troy hey my bigger boy than Troy how tall are you Troy okay that is a no I'm five foot three but yeah everybody hashtag some random one two three in the chat please yeah I think so Anthony different remember you are reading the similar message I don't think he's got a bunch of exclamation marks and question marks probably impostor guys it could be though you never know we do have two of the biggest smart car content creator streaming so I'll probably bring everybody from all over evil calm lips melts 15 wonders pretty much just mr. Steven if anybody in these characters hope that bomb is still free people thing ha stupid Bob on the it's weird throwing the items on anti-gravity section sometimes you think it would you know sticks that correct angle but times just like it goes out of the grant a grabbing zone more to honored don't think a double we'll try out some hundred fifty more often man am i playing some of the 150 cc Oh for my level 150 for the most part it's either mr. scooty rollers or wild the glare and standard bike rollers and heavy characters yeah that's the met those are the meta combos for 150 and the direction yeah the driving isn't as important except for some tracks that are some 150 exclusive strats and then it comes down to the lines for dodging the items on that stuff yeah yeah I remember in the regular market everyone used the pipe frame anymore you know yeah the bitty buggy is it's funny I like the best ones are the goofiest looking ones you know it's the best you know yeah it's crazy all the best combos in this game is one of the slowest combos oh yeah yeah little pizza bike and we have a few bits from night boss and DJ one five two for first place from night boss and forum DJ my first set of bits thanks for being awesome thank you so much DJ and a night boss mark Matthew says he's sure that I'm not 6 1 he doesn't look like it dude do you guys you can only see from like half my shirt up on a string right now I'm even calling 600 without his shoes I'm sorry with shoes without shoes it's about 61 I just remember what you said about being looked like 90 degrees in the other wall I just clicked like yeah yeah I was doing that 200 cc dragon for a toy strapped and I didn't quite land it right and then it just looked like - moving a bit of item like my room oh my dude everybody's room I got to probably one thing I was not doing soon oh I think we've got a big cheer for on Emil thousand five hundred five bits I looked at Texas speech read it off since I'm in another race although they didn't read off okay make we're glad to see you see textures on Mari critic looks looking fresh around to see that's enough mondregon and I steal first thanks to the Perez it's the orange cheese followed by yeah yeah alright so for resuming Camilla's message anyway I was saving these bits for whoever could be streaming by the time my transfer the transfer process at the time of transfer processed and you were first keep rockin my guy and hope to meet you and say yeah this weekend yep definitely got I'll be looking forward to seeing you this weekend email we have everybody - tag yep go on to Seattle for pax west no my first time going pax list they renamed it used to be called a PAX Prime a little while ago interesting thank you for the - two pounds and media sexier than you isn't that the name of one of sheiks moves and Smash Brothers bouncing there's that's what it is which is just clip longer efficient steady I don't like chic that much in that game cuz she's broken but like they did nerve chic and it was manageable but she just be so broken when the game first time out oh my gosh and then all the DLC came out and it yup and then we got Bayonetta hey you know I see here well as soon as I mentioned smash and I see messages in the chat saying one we do our smash plan it's for you know crazy thing is even in those like land mode tournaments like the eels at Las Vegas one announced recently there's still like bad netcode and flag hits and all that stuff Oh sometime next a month to think sometimes the temporary forget your go yeah then I can make it late it's so yeah and now here comes to appear even in low spots well we got 90 more bits per meal every that element down here in the bottom spot yeah you might have people further behind for that sense yeah do under something a lot more about the lines rather than the items probably be able to get away with that more with 150 okay let me read off the meals message so people wanted me to add 90 more bits and have to make it have nice little 595 at the end huh consider it done fellas yep and there it is the 595 so how did I see what it means now it goes down with your username why exploiting the reason you people use the tires of using okay so let me explain it there's a hidden stat called mini turbo and it's actually very important you can't see the stack because it's a hidden stat obviously and what it controls it controls how powerful your mini turbo boosts are even your trick boosts which also coincides with the piranha plant boosts and it also affects how long it takes to charge those miniature those so the higher the mini turbo the easier it is to charge many turbos and the more rewarding those mini turbos are yeah that sounds about right it put me in a spectating lounge feels bad man I mean tutorial had it stoma smart on your social media sister crap hard to find Oh after the last time I did up what was it did a modding video I think I did link a video that showed how to start up layered FS and that stuff I probably could to like tweet it out and put through an announcement community post uh again just so people know well do that sometime after the stream just got shafted by Nintendo put us in a spectating race on my on my stream dude intended understand no I gotta be entertaining the fans with my garbage gameplay we don't want to be watching good players race that's why you guys are here if you guys want to watch the good gameplay go to make a look yeah better flavor here I'm struggling was coming it's been you to sit back King and stand back that's a well you know what they say suffering is the basis of all comedy I'll be like first or second for like for like 20 seconds and all of a sudden everyone will just outline me which is so weird I don't even know how you out I think it they're using faster Thomas that's probably part of it I really should have good fun with you right yeah chakalaka the Reds punished [Music] good Johansson is watching us at the school what's up Jonah glad to see that you have your priorities straight don't get caught yeah a woman who knows Firefly or not that much but why did it make me her thrombley swear the pro controllers to sometimes input in the wrong direction a great stream that's how it feels dude when your spectating man you just want to play this one play you just want to get right in there you know and then you know you're stuck and and then there's like you know there you watch people finish and then you have to wait for every single racer to finish and you have a loading screen and then you have selection screen and then you're right here finally ready to race it's been a process guys I pretty much forgot to play the game it's been so long but maybe we can pull it together yeah my re curtain is being raised the goal for this race is to get six place do I've already got bumped so badly yeah even when load maximum weight you'll still get bumped very badly oh so that explains why I'm sure sure could the only sense to stop scaring her heart what's your goal it's the one I big before the ostrich okay oh and that little uh oh yeah the little turn you cut off when you ride when you go into section two yeah yeah yeah that is pretty hard that chain was the the ultra cut so bad can't catch a break guys I literally get hit by something every second yeah shucks Dutch nice time to find out what the power of stop dodging doesn't [Music] only enter some people know this stock dodge clip is Troy's not lying some people actually think I'm the one oh that sounds like theological for the No all right on the can at the end it's always annoying the prom planner for all the items I mean doesn't matter too much on the quality as long actually hear me understand what I'm saying Oh shocked after it was affirmative watching this from college nice life DC or marvel you know when the dark night dreams when I would have said deep sleep now I say Marvin I've seen too many the way movies lately but I don't have heard that the DC Cinematic Universe hasn't been doing quite as well as Marvel's seems like they're just trying to catch Marvel they're floundering guys he's pondering spot I saw Batman versus Superman I saw Man of Steel Man of Steel was okay but like Batman Superman and Suicide Squad were awful so I didn't see the Justice yeah then I haven't seen any superhero movies the last movie I saw was not too long ago for the mag that's like a sharknado yep it was pretty fun yeah that was gonna be like something like jaws ripoff but yeah actually was a decent story yeah decent characters it was it was like pg-13 shark movie so like you can't like expect it to be too gory it's more like you know trying to like you know the sheer size of the shark is what it was all about you know more than like oh the shark just like is ripping limbs in front of you know yeah yeah so many people fell off so many boats just they just weren't holding on hold onto the railings and you won't fall to the boat and block the bone get that eaten by shark [Music] all right next up grumble oh dude oh nothing works all right Ian no no first box red shell I can jump to the wall in time well done agree John fourth place artist fourth place of my life okay so now that I got a decent spot hopefully we can like write the lesson because I have been doing a lot of bottom spot yo Alex welcome to the stream thanks for the dollar ninety-nine he says I joy I was going out for six four seven one I wonder what the numbers is here hi karaoke high school yeah wonder what I could possibly be I just want a bit quickly who that's the only track the evolution which is you davonne boostin can't tell vanish like a first place or not does lag may sounds like a they say that your voice sounds like cutting out baby sink then we have sunk to a new low people okay what's thank you guys that makes my heart sink he'll cut you people super horn and I didn't get everybody but I think I get second place nice sorry Ellie we're trying guys we're trying yeah try our best number one I was talking smack about Pearson fire but pure sapphire is a good friend it's all good fun my friends yeah even if new people are like trash taking all that stuff in order ah yeah I'm supposed to get the coins as much as he can yeah it does help out this give you that speed benefit even on 200 dude random greens ah greens yeah that's smart bouncing though oh my god there's no way that green should hit me it bounced off the side of a tree and it just decided to shoot in my direction and hit me it was like a missile yeah you really can most of the time yeah it's kind of fair and looks like we have a rhesus Krypton from Toby ten for seven months here's to another month can't believe has been seven months yep the boomerangs can be pretty broken as well time passes are you tired oh oh dude I just did a miscibility Frank dodging the shocking is so I didn't get by the bed nice oh yeah people in that chat might I could a was it hashtag Toby ten please for say rhesus guard for seven months appreciate looks like I might have to restart my switch maybe time for Troy to join 200cc lounge well you won't start off in a loco it since that's how its set up so long as you do decently you won't fall down yeah guys make more extreme also anything like 20 dollars a year for a land that's relay well I'm probably wrong but I believe in intend oh yeah give me my expectations cantaloupe Jonah I'm not gonna dive unless we get some donations my friend it's gotta be worth it you don't just dad for free man come on Jonah come on all right I gotta restart my sewage yeah I gotta restart my switch because after a while sometimes the mods stop loading the regular sound effects the music still loads but not like be actually like other ingame sound effects yep yep yeah I'm doing this just so I can avoid the Content ID from Nintendo and all that stuff most mods can help out yep and I used to have like yeah I mean some of the music the standard music from Mario Kart Wii they'll acclaim but for Mario Kart deluxe the visual like the video clips gonna get claimed yeah the loading screen even some tracks there's a handful of tracks I think this did I get claimed are endless is so ridiculous everybody stop throwing your stuff of me thank you no Bowser oh my gosh it was like it fits the race it's up Tony dang it up Luigi Kart 8 dude we're gonna be in a Dodge like this entire lab do you know dude bullet leaves Mel on the freaky werster come on bullet yeah those balls can be annoying on 200 they're trolls dude yeah and they don't even have that's really like we don't pay him shot dogs there's no there's no justice we got fourth we're getting better spots guys in better spots dad nation nation what is happening 2018 what type odds spinners yeah if you wanna add me change my combo you can donate and I'll change it I guess I'll do the same so if you have anybody donates just put a combo in the in the in the message and I'll use it no matter how ridiculous it is you guys have full control over how I'd sing a song Daniel No you guys just want me to do stuff for you and you're not doing anything for me unbelievable how dare you okay what's gonna dab the dab is really popular right now the dabbing is coming out yeah it's kind of popular in those young children learn stuff in the hippity-hoppity but Dad need a birdie no I don't know what I'm talking about talking about ways to get around their copyright capitals Nintendo pages are address and Alton's and thanks to DJ 1524 for subscribing via twitch Prime I appreciate that if everybody could hashtag DJ one five two four in the chat please yeah roller mr. scooty and I think I use em k-e-t-v parafoil color blue and purple going on yep nice I'm using the Zelda one because I love to just you know be unorthodox all right now it's not a lobby yeah guys so I've only been streaming on YouTube like once a week because the thing is is on Twitch there's something called twitch Prime and I I did like to twitch streams and I had like way more support than I ever had on youtube shooters and I I'd like way less viewers so I was like I know ministry much which is the support is there so I'm instrument which way more but you could still join potation nation by subscribing on youtube or that so yeah there's like a joint button on youtube gaming and that's how you join if you want to support either myself or make reward it's five dollars a month right yep five dollars a month on YouTube and players for so long yeah that same issue and then I got DC there actually on my screen it's actually to the moon it's a modded it Frankie Robertson a new member he's in the votation nation he is here to play Mario Kart watch the streams and have a good time I don't know about the rest of you know if you want to check out the discord server you connect your Dysport server to join our exclusive location a nation member chat and playing the races on the twitch stream Thank You Frankie I appreciate it man see well there's a new version of Dells modpack who looks like the texture pack I'm using right now got updated but I don't have the updated version right now so no I do that another time probably DC yourself just undock the switch it looks like on land a plane or something yeah probably great thanks get some cheese land in here dude I got kicked out of my own tournament these slurs yeah it's like oh no joy is getting close and points it keeps getting good placements yes yes too many more subs I mean I need to catch up to him somebody comes out the beard guys you know what's funny is I always try to straighten before I stream because I there's too many cops off the beard but this time I was too lazy I was like hey I'll shave another day I grow facial hair fast so some days I have the beard some days I don't but I try I try to shave before the street I gotta keep the same image you know dude I got disconnected three times and that's where I'm just gonna reset the game I guess right yeah probably yeah also my official yeah my facial hair does grow back pretty fast and I think right now I do have a bit of a mustache and goatee growing right now yep that's it guys I got it might feel like spending money on out haircuts all the time my hair grows back pretty fast as well so it'd be like a haircut every two weeks and that's like 15 20 dollars or so every two weeks is excessive Leslie but you know I've heard a little bit look at that thank you not that I do it every month guys lychees hope we get in the room I know why I can't even get my own that Bowser jr. was working out for you all no I think the ankle mojo maybe you don't have any probably no here restart the aura have you restarted your switch you might have to do that yeah probably try that just in case I guess yeah hit the park our bottom wants orders present all of them and there should be a restart oh yeah don't do that now guys the Mario Kart gods are back on our side or now we need powders in the chat guys we need powders in the chat guys what combos do use in Mario Kart 8 deluxe let me know because I am in I'm kind of like I just stick to the same old same old but maybe I'm missing out on something legendary let me know oh god cheer from DJ 1 1 5 2 4 so make well they'll be Mario Kart Wii U sponsored events because you don't have Mari great deluxe uh actually I did a was it a a survey for all the spawn subs a couple weeks ago and turns out not a lot of them actually have Mario create Wii U and I mean I really wish like good but there's not many people who I can actually play it but I guess I might do another survey but the all the new sponsors we haven't been that we can see if we have enough for a Wii U's Ultima vent yeah what's that how's that we you you know people bought the game and they're like oh we can't play it on my yeah not to mention mark you got Mari critic deluxe out now so there's like a objectively better game then and the original so yeah people actually liked the other one more because of the firehouse but besides the fire hopping yeah I mean that's all I had has going for it yeah but Mary Craig deluxe is abetting the understand we're all better balanced there be Mikey actually I think better graphics and yeah let's dump you to do birds they're like oh he farted but it's literally when I sit down the chair does that if I like go from standing up to sitting down and I like do it quick the chair like the compression from the stupid like little yeah yeah I know what you mean yeah doesn't like your parting at times and you like yeah I do all that stuff you tear [Music] being thrown going to eat [Music] [Music] yeah there the end of stats on there for the most part garbage except for the II was its silver arrow that's like the same stance yeah same stats as a standard bike here's one of the metaphor 150 I didn't touch that reduced m50x No memories getting their place oh and I got to $5 super chat from ringleader is crapping out on me it was fun while it lasted yeah you can hear yeah it's the text-to-speech if they donate a certain amount and they'll look mink got yeah it's not like that record a clip or anything that's so cool yeah I think there is a media sharing thing for the donations on that stuff but I don't have that enable just in case some people send like NSFW stuff yeah if something happens you can flip the wrong way like a mario kart wii u like standstill meter you know and then you could just adjust your angle but in this game it's a lot different for oh yeah I forgot to say yeah everybody hashtag Reimer either in the chat please to do that also shots taka wok oh I just realized taco out go I know you're subscribed to me on Twitch but you're also a YouTube member that's super generous dude well that's really nice I hope I know everyone's going back to school yeah yeah that was August Monson oh yeah was September so oh hey mr. senior back to school was it was around it was around in September mid-september but now it's in mid-july sorry I'm mid-august they just keep pushing it earlier and earlier yeah it seems like it yeah I know I don't think schools around my area started about a week or two ago so that's what they generally start from Erica thank you want to join the rotation and late where I am I bet your European time zone yeah have a good one thanks for tuning in to this dream and Frankie no you don't worry your I don't mind if you ping me that's totally cool let's see how long does the sponsorship go on for it goes on for one month and then you can renew it every month yep one month and I think it showed automatically charge your card or something whatever that you used to sign up for it whoever if you do like use the twitch Prime subscription you gotta manually risa scribe every month yes twitch Prime you manually reach ones that will renew it for you and then for the discord chat there's like a one day flex period so you could be an unsub for one day before you're kicked out of the chat on the discord I think that's how the discord does it oh wait I forgot to mention five six bits from Tiger Gardens BAM shop dodge soon oh well don't wait and see haven't got any I don't think I've gotten any shock doctors so far nice Elmer says you give make money for him to buy pizza that's it's more less important to him yep we're saying there's schools going back next week yeah The Temper Pete's I normally get usually get Domino's Pizza since they got some free cheap eats oh that's really good and the rewards program yeah usually get their thin pizzas which are pretty satisfying to eat for whatever reason I had like it was like 12:15 last night I was really hungry and I went to Domino's website ordered pizza and then it was closed for that song it was a weak moment for me to decide I want to get dominant tonight but it was kind of like a blessing in disguise because I ended up making do it but I was lazy and I was like I'm sitting at Domino's you know that's what I do whenever I like those late-night cravings and everything's closed they can't like go to Walmart yeah that's to be annoying at times yeah they have like thin pizzas and you night well some Domino's charge you extra for changing the sauce but you just like me I get like alfredo sauce or sometimes barbecue sauce yeah I can make my own and throw like paint express orange sauce egg rolls pineapples and a little all that stuff on there that was wild yo we got a guild master with the new membership guild master welcome to the bow nation nation my friend I hope you're having a bodacious evening in a bodacious good night thank you for joining we'll see in the discord we'll see you in the future races be sure to follow on Twitch because that's where we do all the awesome and sponsor stuff and most the streams in general Minkler also streams on Twitch guys he's probably getting double straight right now yep I am doing well streamer open we have 69 bits from dad Downey truly the nice come out of it oh dude I thanked him even though he had an item behind him oh my god are we skilled yeah I mean when comes to item sniping at Mari curtain just got to know how how far how fast the items go in that particular game and then becomes pretty easy it's nice practice except for green house green shells are very straightforward but the fake item boxes and bananas are a lot different yep like bombs and Marique arsenical really for a distance not so much innate and I think slightly less in more equal x where X hit the button a little too fast and ended up just spamming the INA mainland yep oh yeah yeah you're doing off a ramp okay yeah that I forgot to say okay I always notice the game jockeys I'm a huge fan of dams on guys I'm actually one of the best doctors in the world there's a ranking system I'm number one makers number two and then no one's going to do that now that spots up for grabs though except for one person who got a triple shot dodged one time like five seconds and all three of those you know can be very satisfying especially to do it via like items stuff oh my gosh yeah I know my god yeah I feel the same way I play Mario Kart Wii yeah it's like reversed thank you we gotta get some more item rate stream Oh yep definitely I want to do some more of those just haven't had much time to actually do streams and I'm gonna be busy this next few weeks so then go to Seattle and then go to Vegas and yeah I love watching my real-life friends play item rain because it's just like so crazy for them because they don't play much Mario Cart so it's like extra chaotic you know yeah mime rain just insane ya know all my spots I should be in first right now sediment last see mrs. yeah mister says after going through speedruns for so long all increasing is challenge indeed yeah there's definitely a big difference between like time traveling and speed running compared to actually online races it's it's just insane guys that was not smart I'm gonna get ready at six times if you guys want a tutorial on how to play this game this is not the stream to watch you watch make it worse yep watch mine this is how to flounder this is how to flounder and how to lose all of your BR that is what this James Colin yeah basically what not to do I show moments of brilliance but it's followed by like a lot of moments of floundering yep see right there I show you got the double locks guys and I went for the single books because I was like oh I want to take that tiny bit tighter line you know what's happening because of that getting red shell just kidding first place let's go nice then first place a little McClure I don't know what's happening I feel like I'm harnessing power of M DX nothing came since I've been spending with me for so long now it seems like the skills are starting to transfer to each other look mister got a lot of runs after me that's a lot of damage set it down to the folks they all kept well let's see you got cheer I don't know how many points have oh but I got cheer from Ken astrology ask Troy when his mixtape pays me dropping it makes a statement ROI combine them all what track that's gonna be funky flame round runner and then funky Kong deep someone made a this is the time to feel the rhythm remix but it's only like it's really phenomenal like I honestly should probably tweet out so let you clean up good yeah I'm just imagining it now it sounds hilarious [Music] my computer somewhere one of those things that you know it's too memorable yo yo we got wolf games with the triple Z coming in clutch with the $20 donation he says you Mario Kart 8 just kidding Oh Mario Kart is awesome and I love all of the games say this isn't even my credit this is my crate deluxe man but wolf games that is a super generous donation I almost wish that you donated this on Twitch because I have a really cool gift that pops up whenever you donate 20 or more it's really funny no one has odds I just implemented the twitch stream on the last dream I never got $20 donation so no one's seen it yet but wolf games thank you so much for the $20 that's super generous my friend hope you're enjoying the stream and great to have you here as always all right wolf games went to second to first places I'm gonna get a third one right now just for you a triple first place thank you my lobby what's the name of your happening floor it's got to have a special name for it squeaky yet we'll call it the squeaky hat-trick if we get the first so you want to race on DK jungle right now I think I saw you in my lobby yeah oh no I'm in voting site speak okay so let's probably think in my lobby we got OQ 85 we G with the $2 and 79 cents to Canadian dollar 7 nonsense play as monkeys in their seniors so that's Donkey Kong and the regular right yeah well they can be any of the Mercedes condos but yeah the more the easier time that leaves the silver yes over here I'll try to remember do Mercedes stop leaking my t-shirt ideas well I probably it won't be like an actual like Mercedes because you know copyright a half goodbye probably yeah don't sue me Mercedes hi Gretchen well there's three full Russians I mean today okay we g85 of 88 [Music] we have collar collar plan okay uh yeah I think no reason to throw anything else let's start in the past I remember Norwegian krone they came back to me thank you Thank You caller thank you so much man hope you're having a great day guys [Music] Aldo won't let me pick out it too too long okay we're picking the monkey Mercedes thank you Lord combo is a bit after this race guys oh yeah thank you in here isn't just named 98 Thank You Christopher Nielsen says says it's been a fan for years long time mario kart lover myself included man I've been playing Y in carts since Super Nintendo back in 1998 is when I started playing yeah I was four years old nice I forget what age I was when I started playing Mario Kart in my first one was 64 oh yeah I played 64 much later on the Virtual Console that's the one I skipped actually all right Scapa with the 99 cents it's it's it's euro though what's that called McClure do you know what about yours in your cranky you know Emily labels questions sorry I'm not good at parenting I know the basics I don't know the sense for the different amounts um well there's actually it's two different European currencies sausage well this is like cents for Euro Oh four-year-old yeah Chad probably knows yeah I'll look after I'll see you at this all right that's the end of mod giving ten bits how are you make alors I'm doing pretty well today that's in Panda Express before streaming and we filled up firstly gaming no common bumps around so much open its text screens first time cheering nice made that shortcut no I'm gonna call off their movie frames we like we didn't dodge the shot but we dodged this the string the part where you spin out oh nice yeah I get howleen you don't save this game for me compared to the regular mind pretty the double I really yeah the second the original I just like an awkward waiting game till the next boss are you throwing a red shell exactly because even you can control your luck you're not just gonna get a coin in your ear you know you're gonna let me skip why I own the spawn point as we're pulling it together I don't know what's happening I was so bad at beginning now I'm getting like literally better but you know I wish there was wonderfully develop mr. B but he keeps all of his clothes secret so no one can hack it you know it's kind of like big coca-cola people you know only two people know the recipe it's the same thing with CTV people only two people know the rest we have never had luck with a two-year-old donation what's up Troy Troy I said how are you doing never has look I'm doing great today has been a pretty bodacious stream we've been going for over an hour and we yet to have a any severe lag I know man Claire's voice is a little bit choppy I'm sorry for that advance never a thank you for the donation hope you're doing well also okay then what we get in the same room dude yeah let's see again see YUM pain Express is good from the inter-mountain master bone link my water count together you know oh yeah definitely Oh make me account oh yeah you know let's see me get lucky I'm spectating a lobby so just waiting for it to load up see how long has the stream gonna go on for uh I mean we started it we start about an hour forty minutes ago and I think the tournament will close in about 20 minutes or so but then we'll be resuming for another 30 minutes that's the little something fun guys you like that's right oh no dude the boo stolen mushroom right as I go for short a second first is right where to trap wasn't maybe it was like one of those boxes or like a bro contestants counter huh that's the last fighting box yes yep that's the broken one why I don't know the distance counter just so weird there see Oscar bones says can we get at Reuters Mangalore for they K s IRAs Logan fall undercard boxing match coming up yeah you know that's how unboxing is it's like like for example Mayweather he's like the best for life you know a certain week box the best ever first her to a class it's like 150 comp that was worth waste doesn't 140-150 and that so it's not like he's the best boxer under these the best ever or you thought about that I don't know if I'm pretty sure if you like 100 PD yeah I think I'm like a hundred there's I probably actually am one hundred thousand yeah my friend not weighs a little you guys can box each other and I think Matt's only five five or five six so that would actually be like very I I could box let me think my friend my friend Connors the same height as me and the same weight so same with Ryan we're like the same I bought one of them know things I don't want to box anybody screw that alright yes Mario Kart Stadium towed to a stern bike or Rainbow Road 64 what's going on Brennan yeah you know a manage mobile player who played for a team that I despised as a Laker fan I watched many Lakers versus furs playoff matches and I will say that I never root for Spurs however Manu Ginobili players because he's such a great guy and he's I don't know he just has so much heart you know when he plays such a great guy and really fun to watch she's super talented so I I love Manu Ginobili was uh it was you know I mean obviously in time one of these like old school players I grew up watching retires it's always like a little bit sad but career won four championships and definitely third favorites first player don't even know enough yeah and I'm you're like war all these people but I feel it okay good talking about really great ideas that was like we're literally on lap three right now I don't get it how did the Reese's go by that equipment just to hundreds I see four words [Music] it's a little surprise for somebody going for that boost back yeah the Lakers have a shot against two we're not really it's not really but maybe the Rockets would beat the Warriors winter stacked give it a year give it a year in the language take the words down not this year but next year Lakers you take down [Music] let's see don't you know do you think I should think should add 260 me remote yeah we need me remote me remote is underrepresented you actually wants your vote yep why just because it's something different yeah I mean it makes playing the same track less a little bit refreshing that's a good point you know what that makes sense cuz I don't mind your mode on regular Nintendo tracks but I really despise near mode when I play it on custom tracks because it's like there's 200 plus and you barely know the regular layouts on some of them and then also you throw into their mode yeah that's annoying let's see you DJ asks how do you automatically your several for discord when you join discord there's a link in the Welcome rules channel that should show you how to do so see you I want 300 CC huh 360 I mean and maybe a nice billion faster but there's a point where it's too fast for the track design I mean 200 cc it is really fast and probably borderline too fast for the track design but it's manageable yeah I think it's technically like 400 cc yeah there's no - tell ya I've reversed the backwards mode would be pun yeah actually double dash is originally gonna have that there's one of the demo is for the game and I'd like files for that I was pressing the blood used to start and I go through the cannon I get target shocks and I missed the Dodge man thing and it just I just mingler I just missed the big blue short they're like right before that yeah we watch this shop has to go off and get three like poorer people shop dodges people's stuff easy to remember membership to find it on this person but I know I'm regulating too hard to find enjoy button but on that link right there Thanks there's a join button and the join button is green it has like a little monies and that is $5 to join it's every you could join for one month or you can renew it and that allow you to I'll add you and Mario Cart week and you'll be able to get into a ton of the room so that we do on Twitch we do lots of item rain we do custom tracks regular Nintendo tracks and yeah that's pretty much the only way to play against me like first cert for certain because we used to have an open house but wait 20 people were joining me and I actually was getting ddosed or D toast because too many people were joining it was actually making me it was making it so I was getting disconnected from wiimmfi so you have a license now there's white listed so I add the codes on the website I have over 90 people added on there right now which is crazy so yeah generally um there's about you know there's generally we can fill up over there's normally around at least 10 or 11 of you guys online after the 80 or 90 that are added on the mario kart wii license so we like to do a lot of fun herbs so that is how you join guys and promoting create deluxe I don't have anything specific I might if I start playing it a lot more than I definitely do like some sort of thing where you guys can add me through that through that game also through this game more so but right now I don't play this game enough to warrant that but you know that could change we got I deal with a hundred bits thank you so much idle we've seen two hundred feels like 30% faster than 150 yeah not really sure I guess I don't remember if 200 cc in this game is slightly faster than the Wii U version 200 I don't feel any different and also III was doing a lot of shorter hunting on the 200cc first came out on p.m. I remember it feels the exact same as a fish the Maples this was better than me yeah oh yeah for the custom music for mute City I have mute files I mean it was that turning I don't oh you just got leg trail from I know how far away and I see a blue shell everybody's dropping out that's now all we made it past the red the blue shell will reach my time no okay Justin Lewis with the $2 I try and make more I love your videos Thank You Justin for the donation great to have you here man yeah we've have make war on the stream as always Neverland beer on okay that blow at the back spam and I can defend leather voice nice sorry whoever donated a long time ago I apologize I won't remember you do it Oh everyone keeps commenting it I feel so bad alright next phrase yeah don't forget remember to not forget remember yes what's that see if I was wearing the shirt maker Laura I'd probably remember it uh yeah people buy my merch and donate more because we're gonna need a I need to I need money to make an investment to bake to make the t-shirts so fair we could like don't eat a little bit more about me invest in it uh yeah probably yeah you don't have to send them out based on the map so like there's two methods like you can order the shirt strip send them out it's a little cheaper but it's like way more work or you can just take the cut and then they send them out for you like Amazon style and that's like what I see unless you're like selling them at like a live event you know like for example Super Smash Bros tournaments they they need to sell them live because they have vendors you know so they have to do the automatic yeah yeah beer youtuber you generally yeah what's cool I think I think you have like a hundred K so did actually puppets like a links underneath the videos yeah [Music] I know if you really think I like it that's awesome yeah if I got like big gold foil you know that's not like a normal lock look somebody just hit me - super horn remember when I got next to them but then a blue shell game when lightning ball comes and nullifies that nice shot [Music] know my sound effects stop loading might have to restart my switch again I can't even hear any my sound effects yes second yes let's go dude make a look I didn't get it I've been getting top spots over and over and over I don't get it I don't know it sounds like you're wondering how to play the game Michael is dominating even Michael has 312 points make for how much were you at 200 something I don't know yeah I'd like 190 alright we stopped myself no I'm gonna have it see honey a custom music custom technician work music it's pretty much the same way you just get the switch bfsd on files you just get it from smash custom music and I already did a video in it some of the my modding videos the like can you feel the sunshine a report that has a link to where to get those which BFS TM files yeah awesome aka spaghetti oh welcome spaghetti I didn't know it was the same person how's it going spaghetti I see spaghetti frequent twitch streams we gotta be great to have you here thanks for the $5 donation gotta go have a math class uh uh longer strange choice spaghetti great to have you here men and good luck with math class hope you don't have any quizzes or tests I know it's early into the school year so hopefully the teachers are you know let you guys off easy was in my room with no name and he's got no reared oh it's like a blank player or something yeah I think that happens sometimes when the person DC's all right I'm just restarting the my switch so and get my sound effects backhand looks like the tournament will be closing in a few minutes but we'll still be continuing on with a stream for 30 minutes afterward or not this was a make lures idea so if you guys hate it oh yeah well Troy said you did say you wanted to mix things up a bit so I really mix it up everyone will be doing let's see but you have one more race in and the sound effect ever yeah the sound effect error I don't know how long it takes for the error to hack had to happen maybe it's like from 30 minutes for around an hour so a play that was eventually after some time just like did nothing is there certain times you don't want to throw rides like if you're facing yeah if you're like yeah I wouldn't if you're like placing right next to the wall like the thing really tight lines and you don't want to throw the red because it'll probably crash into it and yeah I also got account for the slowdown for the red shells cuz the player at first you just take tighter lines and guide the red shell into a wall like Mario Kart Wii style oh wait oh yeah it's two hours from you start I forgot we started 3:30 not 3 o'clock so yeah dirty mess yeah looksies my dad be sure to be sure to jump in the tournament you might have a chance to race one of us if you you know you're thinking about it you just left 30 more minutes also be sure you guys if you're in either of our streams be sure to hit the like button on the videos that always helps yeah that those likes demolish that like button be sure to smash that like button and subscribe he's got massive glasses see where he put the music files her certain file path it's okay in that directory where the folder for the mods for like the was the textures and that stuff there's you gotta make another folder called I forget the exact path might be its audio and then stream and then that's where you put the files I forget exactly have to look that up you the man Thank You Brendan Brennan you know what I would love to do more race tonight that but I need to relieve this deities I just started this new job and it's I'm really happy to job so we barely have time to do it we only play every other week play for an hour I only have to see my mom but that's why I really nice [Music] nice okay thank you Oh Q a25 we G for the $2 79 Canadian dollars to perch at make learn Mercedes I guess that's a request for make lower inner Sadie's yep and I'll be wearing a DK costume just go along with it main T car Sadie absolutely actually what I did is I've got some like NFC stickers and just wrote the data to that using my modded 3ds Oh yep yep those NFC stickers are you go like 28 of them for like $20 so no there's no there's no I don't think I'll have enough time so much it just in time got the silver River I didn't get as much of tires but I want you would I keep you my box it's just like it's just like Oh like let's just have the item will spin for six years oh that's annoying guys we have to redeem ourselves dry bones can't go down like that all right next up electrode realm J car says that socially it says I'm gonna reach a million subs in four years I think he'll partake longer and less Mario Kart yeah Mario Kart or or Mario curb comes an esport hey there's that eSports an arena tournament happening hey Troy McClure is that Vegas yep we should talk about that birthday so I know yeah I think you originally started doing that like around two or three weeks ago and I were first learn about through my friend be awesome Michael and they do those on Saturdays around 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. their local time and it's a hundred fifty CC 10 players land mode and yeah it's like $10 buy-in and it goes all towards the price [Music] yeah that's super exciting well that I've seen it's probably wasn't well yeah so you're gonna fly all the way out today from that yeah probably go you had a friend of Carly casino test my Mario Cart luck there's even gets like a millionaire and then my brother yeah I'm going actually there was my family except I was working to go by myself but I didn't feel like going to Vegas on my own so excited hey make them to a family trip and we got JC 100 officials recent scribing me at tier 1 for 15 months dang one year three months yeah he says nice to finally catch all luck make live stream again finally got a closed for the day and there are those custom textures I see yep looking snazzy yeah I mean it's gonna be Oh No oh yeah everybody hashtags what KC 101 it official in the chat please come on let's go that's how you do that I just remembered how that's so much better yeah okay that's funny guys that's actually one of my better courses warrior Stadium I don't know why it's one of the hardest ones in the game isn't it may look like I'm really good at that one which track which one Wario stadium des uh yeah that's definitely a difficult track and it's difficult to catch up on once it's more of a front run track yeah absolutely it's totally a front of course I love getting in first with that yeah break away see you look you don't have tournaments as long as this tournament going on for the 200cc going on for another 24 minutes or so but then we'll be playing for another 30 minutes after that so we got another got another hour left in the stream we have to make sure we get in the same room first a good surprise yeah I'm not getting I'm like you do it I got double in a second nickel are starting in first and a new part is like actually absolutely think it's a bad thing for getting that first off-road shortcut yeah you actually want to be in like maybe like middle a pack or just in the middle of the starting in the road in those positions yeah it's like a better like just for better lines were aligned with the does that first off-road cut so I think I started in seventh one time him I took the shortcut I got up to first place immediately yeah first place I have a hard time doing that because of the angle oh that was really laggy I was a CPU player I'll just CPU surgeon strata banging toward me oh yeah you see that guy's clutch that so hard I dropped that bomb scene this intervention you can't get turning shot fourth place it's fine guys rule little before it you know what I wouldn't hold it for another because it cost $70 you see the new smash bros oh yeah I I wouldn't get that but I already have for Nintendo's switch pro controller so I don't have any meat we're fifth one yeah I kind of timid I'm on the default once one's a splatoon one and the other one I think that's another splatoon one I think that's all I need I have the Hori though the Horry controller is really cool oh nice oh yeah there's that turbo button it's also in like 30 bucks which is awesome yeah it has the turbo button so I made a couple videos at that else I can hook it into your computer and you can play like Steam games it's tough yeah well leaks that now with a new membership Thank You Blake welcome to the boday Shanae ssin Blake we'll see in the discord and in future mario kart races remember you can have your mind we now just go to the discord and check out the pin messages add me on the Google Doc and I'll add you back Thank You Blake so for enjoying the stream and welcomed we also I would adjust some of the dollar donation thank you Justin Lewis as always thank you very much Justin all right oh yeah do you have any emotes for your YouTube members yeah yeah you can you have emotes for them and I think I don't know how many you have but yeah I really had a lot so far so you probably get like a decent amount on there yeah you can tell and we'll get a lot of emails yeah I think by the bulky start everyone starts out with four emotes and then yet obviously get more as much as he get more members I'm not sure I think the recent ones been getting around like 20 26 or so not this week I think he has I know nothing I mean not I mean other week I'm going [Applause] yeah I know I would love to are they doing any in LA no I mean I've only heard about the one in Vegas I'm not sure yeah yeah and Baird Emily appreciated when I shouted it out yeah Ivan said like you know got all the only people who yeah he's only pretty cool that the guy from my scene [Music] he's really 100 especially the mail it but these Marvel Matthew oh that was my first smartphone screen all right up to 93 dude I'm so bad oh all right shuffling off you use once again [Music] come on guys let's get first Oh first we're really making strides on these points started out awful but we've really made some strides guys really made some strides lots of first places you playing my circuit right now guys few more minutes to be me Lord not are you playing on Mario circuit right now okay let's say instead Kenny your Lobby circuit yeah yeah dude oh you're the room yep I got first the last 12 races oh my get you shuffle out oh okay I got first like maybe five times total this whole stream maybe six no interesting I think you man he says he loves his shortcut challenges yeah Nicola was in a shortcut challenge yep and they went for at all that's all I got to say powerup usage yeah and most of time forgot I had power-ups yeah I'm actually gonna do a live shortcut challenge pretty soon with some my real life friends I have a little bit of a I have like a complete for like a little scoreboard so be pretty cool oh nice yeah really gonna be super hyped live you know cuz I feel like it's kind of made for it to be live yeah then what seems like it it's like a game show pretty much a game show yeah so so I feel like it should be live so I'm gonna see if it how how how it does oh no prana planetside is the hardest worse than you slightly harder - they're probably don't view mark for so many toads Turnpike I mean has simpler design but it's kind of the cars everywhere that it's it difficult well it has to be out him like at this time you have to do the normal blue cuts I don't know how unsightly aliens Wow yep yeah I think about uh go that bomb didn't blow up that guy come on to the bomb but yeah I think I got at it like that two weeks ago I think I've gotta get green if I don't blow my defense Lorentz yeah he knows red shells in like mushrooms can be very similar out of the night peripheral vision and that stuff I think really far ahead yeah but he's getting blue it also so it's like I could definitely do some damage right now good where'd the mushroom go there was a mushroom it's gone oh my gosh names dude good games oh my lord I just went from 2nd to 11th because I went to back up for a mushroom and it was just a disappearing that's no good yeah neither it was just there for so long or somebody else took it in and just lag I went back to gravity it was gone oh I see Mario are we in second you know the mushrooms are there you just problem and you're good to go yeah yeah I mean yeah I can't happen sometimes offensive word Lance and even Marquardt William if it does fall out of you and lands into you you don't actually get the speed boosts until uh hits down their ears off gotcha I I only add front coats through the people over a part of the rotation nation I'm sorry man the rotation nation members get to add my Mario Kart code and participate in the rooms and my crazy Luck's I might be pollution consider that I just have to play and I kind of want to wait I want to see like what it's like if they change to try charging us the playerbase range are you scared about that before the playerbase in general probably will go down for every game since yeah paying for online my stuff guys yeah the Marty Craig deluxe is the second biggest selling on any kind of switch game so I don't think I'm too worried about that I think number one is ours though I mean Marty Craig wheat was a decent game but I think there's a highlight Buford I think I don't think anybody really uses it we watch it goes green it's not get throw the red item that's better cuz it reaches them come on acts like it's evil it's different leg necked over better it's pretty great get a lot of people in first anymore can make alert anybody in general there's also an imposter throw in the room yeah I don't get it I never understood the point of ' oh you know why they say was it's impersonation is the biggest foreign flattery to think oh yeah of course definitely but it's still like weird oh we got a damn shop dodge nice we're going for the smart balancing guys third place well we will take third place considering that red was about to end our life questionable item usage for me that race Maya Mario Kart 8 deluxe skills are deteriorating before your eyes but I do have the most points in this room so that's pretty exciting 260 points nice my goal is to get in the top ten that's my goal I doubt it there's some people that are really good yeah yes I mean since we do have the biggest market content creators here it's telling it tracks up pretty much everybody along around the community yes Lee there we're gonna make it like the one at this game is named Serena Marie and YouTube gaming you want people a dollar 99 from taken by pinky taken from ancestry here's great and right now what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to make this on top and I always try to set goals for myself even though they're arbitrary matter it's respond to set goals so I set a goal I did it last time to my end up being ported this but thank you Jake can't the doctor head thank you very much [Applause] oops oops again item look to the star I wouldn't get start now sir than mine no this links this game so hard I swear yeah he made it very difficult at times you know why it's because when the competition gets really good for game it's really hard to make sense the game you like yep and there's also a handful of mechanics I kind of do we're kind of broken like item dragging and the back spamming a lot of broken mechanics they should just which are pretty much corn carrots are the entire series which just get rid of those since breaking a game a little bit much in this game because items are so big in Mario Kart Wii so the way the game feels just very different so the item dragging doesn't feel nearly as broken yeah not to mention the neck Oh was slightly changed so those lag hits keep happening a different feel than like the diecen that we want it a little more arcadey feeling it's just it's crazy you know yeah that's like 200 it's got an arcade feel to it well I need you to I need you to get past this corner please thank you bullet thank you bullet fifth-place we'll take it nice boom mini subs at the $10 donation thank you many steps great to have you here Mooney Stubbs is the guy on twitch they always give subs it's so generous nice $10 do I get the race to 9 I license yes Minnie Stubbs you do you donated 250 dollars yesterday so yeah definitely get to admin race tonight night the race tonight that's how yeah nice tux I got you you just go to Twitter and tweet me your coat and tell me who you are you know if you don't have twitter just go to discord you pay me on the thirties for you but the $10 may like super dinner she's been so nice lately is my phone ringing I appreciate you keep thinking all those subs the other day I'm sure everyone else appreciates that also all those subs to get there okay the happy ninja like we said - with nanny there's car rolling around and all the money if somebody's nice there like I was get like an aqua place in it and then I'll look at the childlike explanation now you can tell your viewers to uh pay pay you based on the amount of the position yet so you get 12 you get $12 so yeah where's he do it yeah 250 [Music] I'll be pretty cool with you have that Lobby shuffling and all that stuff but yeah it's not me kind of acquire a lot of code and all that stuff do you have a thing those like knockout tournaments or whatever you know those things where like it keeps going down and it gets down to two people like 64 yeah like those tourneys those online ones yes Mario Kart Wii a really popular format that's been going on for about a decade now is free-for-alls where the half the top half the room advance okay yeah what this means is top six out of 12 it to go on to the next round so if there was a way for a mr. bean - like integrate a way where you just like click join and then you get to you placed in a room and then the top six get to keep playing and then the bottom six are removed something like that it would be so so awesome oh yeah they'll be pretty cool that's so much it became a game changer for the community people because there'd be so many awesome tournaments happening three easy all right we have five minutes left in the 200cc portion imagine like mr. bean sets up like every Saturday you click join and then it puts you in a room with 12 and then like you play a GP and the top six the next round it keeps doing that until like there's only 12 people left in the final room and then like at the very end like I don't know I can put on his website like the winner of every week or something yeah people really into the game or just the tournament mode very similar to this mode where it's just like you know giant free-for-all GPS shuffling racers and then like a little leaderboard yeah that was pretty cool seems like it seems like quite a locker but you have to work for this Mario Kart Wii but who knows I mean yeah I mean the guy got that item rain mode and even like that countdown mode or just pretty cool yep look for those bullets and all that stuff is simply quite as crazy item nonsense probably is like Mario Kart 8 deluxe as well since the items are pretty crazy in this one yeah well you know what would be really cool purely random items to get any item in any position it's really fun in Double Dash with it probably from doubts the most fun one with all the special items but yep that netplay dolphin emulator I mean I was playing with a friend from the UK so actually not too much lag a time so I mean since we're both the United States it probably won't be as bad hoping we get to play this one last race before the time ends two more minutes guys until the tournament yes another just brace yourself [Music] oh nice Harry ward with the 5 pound donation Thank You Harry d/f sneaking plus we funky Kong in physics plus 7 gliders plus a graphics equals perfection am i right yes Harry I would I would actually make a video of my perfect Mario game but I would definitely keep the car to be able to like manually charge the Ranger Boats like TS like left right left right like that and then we don't need function call we just need the mario kart wii inside drift and the wheelies for the bikes that's what we need because the mario kart wii inside drift wheelies like there's someone so many broken mechanics with that so fun yeah I'm like the old records are my car weird nuts because of the inside drifts in the wheelies and then seven gliders were awesome I love the glider my yellow sample are obviously pretty graphics are fantastic and then there on the double I box to in double dash for this game call Mario Carlton man just get all the broken features from everything and then bring everybody back from the every game get honey going in there you know will be really cool instead of like bringing back that's making like in general for all the vehicles make it into an item like a fire snake where you use and you can snake for a short time imagine like a mom or dad playing they give added oh yeah to like make it so you're immune to very much you know what I mean yeah even if they're not sneaking it's still benefits then something like that get up and there goes all my sound effects in red chilli know where guys this is the last race of the tournament but make one I have a surprise afterwards yeah I'm gonna have to restart my switch necklace my blues no don't connect like you're still here I've no idea what I'm doing in those boxes but to Arizona not that's in Bayonetta music for the final lap of Animal Crossing winter and why didn't my drift not after day I hit the button in it for the control stick but it did not activate well as that gives me first place anyway seconds here okay alrighty so tournament should be closed so let me go ahead and restart my switch and then we'll go ahead and start up the well the next part of the stream which we guess I had to plan on doing I'll edit the tournament will be using the same turn the code okay cool give me a few moments let me restart my switch no oh there we go that's that's what we needed that's what we needed this has been a rough race oh yeah we got a bigger shock doctor the last race ooh nice alright alright don't worry the streams not over yet to me we'll still be playing few more after I'm done switch mods well take it that was a stressful race guys stressful stressful stressful stressful guys can we get powders in the chat or no no major errors the entire tournament we had no stream didn't go down one time that's a miracle nice it's training I didn't make it on the leaderboard see look Batman there's a lot of people in late let's see did we get top 20 of these we'll see did make a look at top 10 make a lure probably somewhere around there so some guy named Mariah cotija HD 1 for 39 and then Michael for 21 right on his tail I think I played Michael or X valve aller I definitely played him and Michael Lord you were on here oh it keeps glitching out what the heck nummies make lures 12 I see I didn't I did make it on top 20 taco loco number 15 what's up nice great stuff I almost got it guys I was like 40 points away and so if I didn't suck so much at the beginning we couldn't definitely made it on there one side a couple we had disconnections there's they had this tanker four times in a row so that definitely hurt but we almost we almost made it guys 439 no that's ridiculous yeah I also had a few times where I had a DC and also had a restart my switch because the bots don't always it's not working yep alrighty it's time for our special event and that's going to be 50 cc guys we're gonna do some 50 cc rooms yep to be legendary okay make alert Oh Harry ward thanks for the two-pound donation BAM soft-touch our EP funky Kong and honey Queen I know right alright hey ultimate back it's the same code it should update the settings in a few moments cross your fingers does it still say 200 cc or not mm-hmm might take about a minute or two pretty sure it updated and I said it's for the right time I think all right looks like it's updated I see some people joining my lobby so maybe back out a bit and then go back to the tournament okay oh it works yep and we'll be doing 50cc until the top of the hour race yourself guys this is about to get four documents so faster I can't steer uh-oh I'm using the new Zelda combo because why not yeah guys I've never played the DCC I've literally never played a single race of 52c because in my cranium I create the less if you guys didn't notice I feel really bad but you could play 150 CC and it'll give you credit for a hundred and fifty CC so if you want to do three-star 150 CC mushroom cup it gives you the same credit for 150 crazy yeah looks like some people are still searching it's doing a little while to start up for me it's just processing all the people joining yeah looks like we're in separate rooms right now no plug a communication error all right are you joining oh yes and for the record people you can actually use brakes on 50cc whoa yeah okay when it first came out oh my god oh my god another dude this feels like woods yeah it's really slow well they had to make a thick design the game for children forget the children my dad was able to play 150 cc just fine and my dad is video game impaired all right fine like and then it's like 200 cc feels faster than what 150 oh my gosh this is the funniest thing I've ever done I thought you're like I bought a fee for it we made it one cc that's what it feels like yeah I got a trampoline one cc at some point yeah there's almost six minutes to complete a lap pretty sure yeah it's already 237 and the term and at 2:37 minutes damn seems legit but guys this this right here is the pinnacle of Mario Kart Wii perfect Gatling yeah school you oughta go first yeah almost the same as that I'm actually the waterfall because I missed the blue phenyl I almost went backwards because I've got a little article oh wow I'm serious Rick's gone to lab to finish the first slab in like two minutes using a pull-up bill on 50cc because I smell a shortcut in store yeah this is why I said at only 30 minutes yeah and then when you go back to 200 then it feels oh man it feels even faster [Music] yes k-01 know I actually speed out let me just wish somebody on 50cc huh you're going like another double going one cc [Music] she dances I can't watch me I can't play this Sam well fire everywhere and that and that yeah but these he does have his intense moments there's somebody trying to kill me with a boomerang at the end I was just trying to weave around and that's who's insane yeah I think the coin I think the coin benefit actually is better the blower the engine class oh yeah that makes sense cuz ratios you know yeah you if I use a Shia bandits theme from Paper Mario Color Splash they'll find a lap of shag eyeballs yeah Becky is I think pretty effective on 50cc so but you got to go pretty far back if you want actually get some decent items cuz you know it's slow so it's gonna take a long time for those players to get up to the piece an item range but yeah yeah maybe like just turn around and then go backwards until locative spins you around and then then that's our G bill she'll like oh we got the shock all right guys this moment are we gonna see a band shops model from Troy oh yeah sometimes the music my customizing loads very a very slow version of it so it's kind of very fitting for this we address are very powerful and listen yeah I think they have like a combo with enough many turbo you can actually do something yeah Wow I think [Music] it's lighting like 30 oh yeah no viewers the gameplay is not slowing down is just the music playing herself world modifier that green it to people at once enough fireballs everywhere heat the fire flower support lead line the fireball in my yep yeah pick seven [Music] instead so just get it yeah it's going to be kind of knowing [Applause] yeah just throw it all in one sense get all the hips and all the animals on their place how is this new Zelda combo I think uh the only not medicine no stats things got the same stats as the the GLA actually I think or maybe no I'm getting that mixed up something probably is actually I think yes and the ancient tires yeah the ancient tires are at the same stats as the monster tires but they're probably the objectively best since they don't make the vehicle hitbox so big and the glider thinks yeah I think some high elbow players do you it was it doesn't seems that some other of the glares that the gliders aren't too important yeah so I've seen strata where people go off ramps and they like use their main turbo as in the air when they're doing the glider you know oh you know I tried that yeah I think it's the like ultra made turbo that's long enough to get police not to wonder so you see if he gets you all the way across a glider then there's not really much point doing the trick I think that's the case for wario stadium des and the glider oh my god ooh smuggle desert bzz oh my coins my precious coins it's hard to find boxes in this game of cause like I don't know why yeah I guess what every single area yeah this is so slow the netcode is gonna be slightly better so those boxes assembly break more consistently not going please fireballs please have mercy and that thankss be loosed should have spanned all these mushrooms and just use the red shell this game looks scares me guys I'm terrified eating all that so grateful a little bit you know I'm a bullet and I try to steal another bullet with a boob so I could have a couple looks for it sorta actually mattered a lot because he goes so slow so short cuts save more time mode evidently huh yeah I got that cut off a lot wonderful golden muffin human enough to make the ultra cut on a garage or desert well to find out I've actually get one only not even a star can reach all the way across any shot there [Music] guys with the shorter sports here I think we're always different make a look how long do you play cookies to see ah too long you ever around 30 minutes or so I mean it's mainly the people who are playing with we get tired a bit not really me I mean I could play for as long as I want guys what do you think a 50cc are you enjoying it today exactly that's it Oh for me it's just like near new memes are the names invisible they'll sleep in the boxes Iain more yam unit is for 150 so it gets a lot of one pipi scratch still apply to this there's no blue shells yeah well that's the splinter singing at spread shells it's raining you catch first with the Reds it's like my card yes in that way it might seem I'm cranky yes the second place they got red the Reds like always connected yeah just like Mario crazy like you won't forget that though but online Mario Kart DS red shells works really good there's a blue shop I mean I don't like it that way though it's not actually useless when you're like really far behind cuz get a blue shell like 9th place and Mario yeah at least it's predictable it's usually in the center of the road and most traction actually mark the center where it's gonna go the world would be nice if you actually ride the blue shell for a short time the weights a little bit more beneficial even then that is an exercise I'll be mushy that's the next game Nintendo if you're watching this for you Oh Ellie wants to race with me to test out her steering wheel yeah she went to a UK convention called insomnia 63 and she got second place and the maricar D till eclipse tournament there and got a bunch of stuff like a carrying case in like a one of those steering wheels the jelly constantly from those two countries all right let's go the race is crazy you don't always want to go for those doubles really yeah sometimes everybody's is going for the double set they break and then you don't get to any item yeah I think [Music] this is why you don't let make alert aside the special mode yeah and yeah you have to get me a choice if I wanted to like any special items like like mushrooms overlaying that step or could've gone frantic mode make it even crazier 50cc feels like watching it's accurate all right let's bill on up took advantage of that extension area now going through a bull oh yeah the bullet bill extension areas they work on 50cc as well yeah they last up to 12 seconds but I noticed the bullets just blasting a longer time I think I think they've been around sin' they were also all the same and Mari crate we you but I don't think anybody really looked at it too much until I did some studying for deluxe [Applause] [Music] just dollar first ladies New Jersey says this is why I don't think I decide the special notes yeah the spot says they know to hurt that claim yeah for the spots of events I usually try to throwing like a special theme just to make it a little bit more like casual and all stuff cos I know there was a recent Mario Kart 7 event or he turned on first person gyro controls yeah pretty much I look tired tired Ahmad you hey dude camp I was fine I was super super like ready to go and then with 50cc started I am dying right now because I'm like frantic you know cuz like I barely have enough time like leave a chat and then obviously talk to make lore and then focus on the race when it's going so fast and then 50cc is between opposite like I have had you know you're like go get a drink in three ways yeah turn Allah Auto accelerate oh yeah it is like go get a snack come back we're like lack - I'm in the middle of a pack okay that would be pretty funny I should do that what do you have to turn on yet to turn on what smart steering yeah then it drives itself but it's still do you see you without any other inputs plus right what yeah plus and then Yankee John it might be see you anyway unless you're putting in any inputs cuz even then when it's Auto driving you can still teasing you for being inactive yeah I don't know if you look at the control stick that's enough to keep you from these things like what I do Smart's theory on and then Auto teller ad hoc yep okay I'll be right back guys all right let's see if Troy stays in is lovey even though I can't see from here I mean I would yes oh dear I mean that's probably one way to sandbag you just turn on the auto clear eat and smart steering and you just go grab a snack and then come back and you're probably still far behind so you can just get that sandbagged item alright this race finally ended I thought the hair all until the tournament closed all right let's go Swampert aliens that's anti feeling so yeah how you people enjoying uh fifty sneeze sneeze so far super fast action ain't it yeah looks like a lot of time for one more race they got this thirty minutes left and hey actually after we're done here if he doesn't go on a stream raid no I didn't see it I'm at the chance I I wonder how much did you guys enjoy that perfect gameplay right there how did the CPU do I thought it was rental if I don't one section one all right the DCCC big blue one I'm gonna watch me philosophy already actually after I'm done here we done we should go on a stream rate give a small stream or a big boost I mean how many people do you have watching your screen right now Troy nice you grab their stream languages throw in the chat and you tell everybody to go there that's pretty much how it works I I will be accepted in donations right now I'll be accepting additions [Music] donations for what I just yeah you gotta help paying for his medical bills he cut them I couldn't handle animal guys give this video a like if you guys are watching neither my screen remain worse it's been trained to the video but give it a like that really helps out I could never do 50 cc and I would love to try some darkness Thank You Jake I'm pretty sure the camera now did that but anyway we started really badly the beginning was awful and I really turned it around I've got lots of good placements of that but 50cc was I was so bored man did not do well oh man mangalore's killing it though man Collura is the deluxe master he's mastered every game mode master of all four engine classes this is the effort cart 200 Delta Z is its have a look at the 50cc standings looks like three-way tie for first place the michael ale my team with 72 points and yeah the point spread is really close since well it was fifty CC not too many races happen yes occasionally it pops up if you have atleast if everybody in the room has at least 3000 ER not all the time but occasionally it does I don't think so I don't know if the Viera makes it appear more often but yeah just I just know it does appear after that amount occasionally sometimes if I want 150 practice I do some lowlights and sometimes I just have that craving for 150 17,000 I think I had around the same in Mario Kart 7 Mario create deluxe I only have like 2000 or something nicely I got $10,000 per date though yeah I think I got up to Mario Creek we you I got up to like 86,000 we are no 86,000 oh yeah yeah I think I scarred rocketed with 260 came out cuz the race is finished fast and all that stuff yeah there's like custom world wise which were pretty much dead now but yeah can't even do that in microdata locks can you nope no custom worldwide I mean that's brought that because they're probably redundant with all the tournaments but you know make Laurie we're tied in points on the 200 cc oh I see wait what 50 cc or 200 I see what you mean Stefania is Sachi Sachi ow thank you for the donation I've seen your name here before I'm 5 mispronouncing it well thank you for the $2.00 79 cents to Canadian dollars every night thank you very much he says hey Troy you deserve this oh thank you very much appreciate I think we deserve lots of money for showing you guys the epicness that was 50 cc yes 50 cc donation to both of us right now all right you don't like I want a streamer eat it up something like guys thank you for tuning in to the Mario Kart 8 deluxe stream I don't play this game too often but you know what we actually were able to do pretty decently yeah it started out really rough it looked like we're gonna be getting seventh or lower every single race but we turned it around and we showed that we can hang with alrighty let's go on a stream rate if you gotta help the guy you got like a whole bunch of people here so let's go give some small stream or a big boost in viewership let me look around one second hello you guys just join the chat and I'm Myanmar we and all that good stuff thank you we have awesome stuff and then jgo at the 99 cent donation right before the stream ended coming in clutch nice avatar by the way I love your dog looks just like my idol dog thank you Thank You Jay here let me send you the stream like that way you can prepare to spam it in your chat absolutely let's do that so guys we're gonna be rating somebody with the knee smash cast past ya know what what's this what's the rain message make alert hashtag mink Troy raid okay guys so if you're watching right now make sure did you hashtag mink Troy raid just like that I'm gonna spam this a bunch of times yes guy out thank you for watching I really appreciate it guys and I'll see you soon on Twitch be sure to check out my twitch in the description if you like the streams yes yep thank you all so much for watching this stream and that we great to have a stream collab with Troy that was a lot of fun so yeah definitely alrighty so see you there over on smash cast and yep that's roll a stream outro dude I want to see his reaction it's gonna be amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mankalor
Views: 25,224
Rating: 4.8743458 out of 5
Keywords: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Nintendo Switch, 200cc online races, Item smuggle blue shell
Id: 2GoY2IsxfqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 7sec (9487 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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