Mario is Sonic's Pet?! - Sonic USB NEW UPDATE!

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all right we should check this area make sure there's nothing new and cool to do whoa whoa whoa whoa what's up here why am I up here whoa it's everywhere try to destroy the blue televisions in order good luck okay one two three I just guessed it would be that one yeah we did it great take this little Moto bug as reward what that was awesome all right let's see what the mario thing does though oh we got a Mario pet that's pretty awesome love the Mario pet all right all right we've accomplished quite a bit so far this is awesome oh my gosh I'm fighting myself I'm Dr Robotnik that's me look at Sonic he's not happy right now he's very angry he looks really funny [Music] hey everyone start me from Bluetooth games and I'm super excited today because there's a brand new update for Sonic USB if you're unfamiliar with this game it's an online Sonic fan game where you can play with other people play as multiple characters level up make levels and more this is a super cool game and in this new update we have some new quests we can now get pets we have a brand new Zone new NPCs and more we're gonna check out all the new stuff let's get started all right first things first let's decide what character we're going to use if you haven't seen Sonic USB yet as you can see you get a lot of characters to choose from here hey look it looks like a new character is coming too let's play a Sonic first it's always good to start as Sonic and then get crazy later we're gonna check out the new level first and then probably look for pets so let's go there's five one we've played that now we're on five two shift exam what let's go yeah all right everything oh geez what the heck we got a boss fight going right now how do we start the boss whoop we got combo okay we gotta hit his crappy claw cool hermit Master this is cool let's not expecting a boss fight at the beginning of the level but that's fine everything's probably fine oh geez help help me help oh what I don't know if that was correct or if my game glitched but we just uh fought a boss at the beginning of the level sweet genocide City oh what's up there we got a little guy up there how do I get up there It's gotta be away we need like a flying character to get up there oh no we made it what the heck how do we talk to you wait what is this what the heck is going on right now this is awesome I'm a little confused wasn't expected that whoa It's a mechasonic pet we might have already found a pet uh I have no idea what's going on right now but it's not going well yeah I'm not 100 sure what's going on but this level looks amazing a little short bouncy Springs all right let's get going dang it what am I supposed to do is that a pet I'm not even sure all right this time we're gonna try to keep up with this wait what's that doing it blocks them in the head is that gonna lead me to something where'd it go where'd you go buddy where'd my friend go I don't understand oh come on I'm a little rusty okay hey stop it why is this guy here he's ruining my life okay we lost our buddy I think we want to jump down in here extra life yeah that's nice [Music] wait wait did we just get a pet how do I use my pet all right get back out of here push this down probably there's no ground good gamer I think maybe he knows how to get the pets any luck getting pets jamer might be able to help us you mean those ciao I don't know what I mean no speed running I love it with a little Moto bug okay this game is too fun I think is the problem some rings we gotta be on the lookout for some secrety secrets there's something up there I bet whoa we got Metal Sonic stomping on a little critter that's not nice but it's on a projector screen so boom we don't like when Metal Sonic stops on our little buddy oh there's something up here for sure you can just tell but what oh man that's not cool that's fine more Rings there's so many ways to go Sonic says stop the egg genocide this is a really cool level love the rain effects okay and I think we want to go down here It's gotta be a secret we're on the lookout for Secrets my friends now we gotta go like well we're live look oh you need a little guy to get in there how do I get you this little Mighty I want him can't figure out how to get to him something sneaky going on I used it all right so I got the little sage and I don't know how to use her but I think she could go in there and get Mighty for me but I don't know how to control her how do I control her all right I give up for now but at least we know where Mighty is and maybe we can figure that out later all right maybe our little Sage will do something we got secrets to fight and I don't know what to do all right let's go this way I figured there'd be a little springy springy and we got a checkpoint okay do the old loop-de-loopy nice this level's so cool it looks like there's a lot of routes too which means we can probably buy more secrety secrets which are good I want that Shield lots of checkpoints too that's nice oh it's not a shield it's just a box of five rings that's fine whoa slow down don't want to lose all my rings we gotta get up over these ring I mean Springs something we could do with this pet I would think oh you took all my rigs away it's not fair these orbanots are crazy they do not settle down all right we made it over the box that time we're going the right way things are looking up for Sonic we need to figure out how to get these dang pets oh yeah nice are we gonna see some Dolphins because this game's All About Dolphins floppy floppy dolphins how am I supposed to okay I guess kill him and then spring makes a lot of sense but I think we need to use a flying character next time because I think we can find some more secrets in here probably okay past the spring this seems like a secrety secret area to me maybe something oh there's a person up here too hello I like to come here sometimes cool is there something secrety secret up here oh another question mark block but how would I get up to it I can't reach it I need help goal man there's something up there okay so we need a flying character is what we need but this level was sweet I like this level a lot all right we should check this area make sure there's nothing new and cool to do Moto bugs hey send your drawings what's up here why am I up here whoa it's btgs everywhere this is awesome okay what do I what do we do it's me I'm in the game try to destroy the blue televisions in order good luck okay one two three I just guessed it would be that one yeah we did it woohoo rebug as for what was awesome I get to be a mini game in this game I'm in the game Lily I got my Sonic hat on I got my beard and my Sona cat that's that's cool I'll see you later wait meet me at learned flowers act one for another challenge my little Moto bug my little Moto bug friend all right learn flower Zone act one can I find myself in here for another challenge oh there we go there we go there I am sweet meet me at learn flowers Act 2 for another challenge thank you Jammer cool he helped me find me he helped me if I'd be that's great oh cool we got a birthday emote now nice so we can celebrate birthdays sit I know and we've unlocked some more emojis and we got the Whistle Sweet the call the angry face of course I love it and of course we could twerk twerk twerk okay okay all right so we need to go to learn flowers zone two for another challenge okay [Music] I'm just going everywhere right now I was pretty good oh there he is that was easy okay we found him hey Mario what's Mario do no more challenges for the moment that is so cool that I'm a new NPC and there's btg challenges and then there's blue televisions all over the level wherever I'm at that is so cool all right let's see what the mario thing does though oh we got a Mario pet that's pretty awesome love the Mario pet all right all right we've accomplished quite a bit so far I have an idea I have a pretty pretty good idea we gotta go to 6-1 and try to get that other pet we haven't gotten all right so now he's gotta remember where this thing is all right chamber we need to stand on the spike fall down here and down here yep there it is okay now we just gotta get Mighty so we gotta get Mario into where Muddy's at we can do this [Music] all right we got Mario down to Mighty it worked he collected them yes it worked all right so that means we should have the mighty pet now too Mighty yes we got mighty gonna go down here and try to get the other one because there's another pet way over here let's go all right Mighty might be able to do it Mighty can do it [Music] it's a mighty God all right sweet so I believe this is cheese it looks like cheese so now we've got a cheese pet and a Mario pet that's awesome there's still something in 6-1 I really want to figure out now in order to do this I'm gonna have to keep my lightning Shield the entire time which is gonna be hard so we unlock this I'm still not sure what this is but we know there's another one of these blocks near the end of the level all right I just thought of something I bet we can beat this Mecha Sonic fight with our pet maybe yes it works it's working that's awesome we figured out another thing there's so many little things in this game it's amazing oh yeah get a mighty Mighty could beat the little oh this is awesome come on get him get him oh dang it yeah we did it I think that gives us another pet yes it worked that's awesome this is amazing I love it so much we're gonna have to make it through the whole level without hitting it should be easy since I usually get about 4 000 times [Music] okay I'm so nervous I do not want to lose that we've made it so far okay we made it I think we can do this okay all right we made it oh we get all you get it as a pet you get it as a pet I don't know what what character that is but we get it as a pet all right we're gonna try to find some more pets though there's gotta be more pets right but what levels would pets be in if pets were in levels let's just try a random level and see if we can find any pets all right we're gonna go into 2-1 concrete suburb seems like a place where they would hide a pet let's find out if I'm right tune skin all my murals faded would you be nice and recover them yes thanks a lot click on the spray when you see one of my drawings oh that's cool one of five all right sweet so we gotta look for full four more spray painting things and maybe we'll get something cool if we find them all all right oh geez houch ouch ouch probably be a lot easier if we had a flying character but that's fine all right this level is really hard with Sonic I think we gotta switch characters who would be good at flying around and taking care of business how about old charmybee all right Charlie B me and you are gonna find all these dang spray things oh another tag found two of them okay two tags down out of five I wonder if we unlock another pet if we get them all that would be cool but there's one there how would you ever get I guess from up here okay jump up to here and spray away there's three of five sweet every time that goes off I think someone's ringing my doorbell though all right secrety secret area maybe whoa whoa whoa there it is there's one do I need one or two more I can't remember boom four or five okay I got four of five good job whoa there's the other one there it is but how do I get it I see it all right awesome found the final one now we need to go get our prize all right give me my prize yay or but not now we have an orbitant pet too cool all right head back to the lobby we're gonna try two two see what we can find all right here we go we need to find another mission hello do you want to help me recolor my draws sweet we got another one yes Amy we do all right click on the spray paint boom it's real LOL that's automate sweet we got a side of it okay we gotta find six this time all right I'm gonna fly up here I think using a flying character is best for trying to find some of the pets seems like you need to be Sonic for some of them though so kind of just depends checkpoint and we found a star kinda looks like a Mario star that's pretty cool two of six checkpoint you know they're gonna make some of these tricky there's another one supersonic boom three of six I bet there's gonna be one up here oh we found Tails ciao tells yes Tails Mario and uh cheese that's awesome we got a Tails pet okay but we did not find another tagging thing so let's move on there's old Tails again there we go another tag that's funny all right four of six so there's the goal okay four of six I'm gonna finish the level and back to the lobby try to find these other two all right [Music] all right so I got word from selfie the creator of this game that the other two tags that we've been looking for are actually in 2-1 yeah we've been looking at two two I didn't think two of them would be a two one but there were some tags in this one that I couldn't get before that looked like I could so that must be it okay it's all starting to add up yes okay we found another one that's exactly it oh my gosh all right we got one more to go can we find the final one man it's been a lot of work trying to find this last tag but you know It's gotta be in the level somewhere oh there's jamer oh wait yes we found it all right now we just gotta go get our Buzz bomber pet cool all right Charmy B you did good sweet thank you take this little bee she is a good companion oh sweet well buzz bomb action so maybe we'll check all ruby Force okay here we go level three one maybe it'll have some sort of an adventure and we can get another pet that'd be pretty cool oh we found a question mark block [Music] oh we found a little Amy pet all right let's check out our Amy pet Amy Pet's pretty sweet that's awesome so we did find something new at least let's see what else is in this level it seems like every level has so much to do this is one huge update now we're just gonna look and see if there's any oh wait pass something back here oh we can play Friday night funkin I guess let's see let's do it one two or three or four JK LM to play all right let's do it okay it works okay okay I don't know if we get anything from this but we're gonna try it thank you [Music] foreign best score but I don't think we got anything for it all right we're gonna do one more level see if we get one more pet and wrap up the video I'm just having too much fun all right bonus bonusy bonusy bonus let's just see real quick if we could find one more pet in this level because you know why not wouldn't that be cool oh found another one sweet is that a silver pet sweet I think that's a silver pet awesome look at all these pets we got oh silver Roo cool we found yet another pet uh before I wrap up the video I'm just gonna go a little further and make sure there's nothing else interesting I can snag real quick oh found another one a Tails pet but full-size Tails wait a minute so we can have tails and Tails we got double Tails all right the level turned us into Rey okay so there are new emojis but what I didn't realize is you unlock emojis by leveling up and now we are on level 57 so we can see what all emojis we have unlocked of course we have dancing where we could be cool Sonic dancing it up sweet eight all right we can do the old meme Sonic Dancy dance or we could twerk which we know from one of the last videos uh we could call people for help we could whistle we could say I know that's pretty adorable we have happy Sonic that's really cool hey Sonic who looks like he needs some help really bad we got proud Sonic we got six Sonic oh his nose is all running for Sonic we have sit Sonic we have Friday night funkin Sonic he Taps his foot and we also got birthday Sonic uh we got a new one called angry where we make an angry face look at Sonic he's not happy right now he's very angry he looks really funny all right so the creator of this game let me know that if we Speed Run 6-1 we get something cool at the end so let's try I don't know if we need to go into a special mode to speedrun but here we go we're gonna have to learn this level a little better because I am not the greatest when it comes to there I am what wait a minute wait wait that was being an eggmobile you can see me in an eggmobile oh there I am how do I do it how do I catch up to me all right I had a health bar so maybe I have to attack myself oh I gotta hit I gotta hit that's a lot of hits though that's me get an Eggman eggmobile oh this is the trick this is awesome oh my gosh I'm fighting myself I'm Dr bubotic but it's me that's awesome what does that do though I bet we can get a pet or something and I probably missed it come on this is so weird yep he dropped one it's Sophie the dolphin sweet that's the creator of this game we got him as a pet alright so I've done a lot of these out of order I've been recording for hours for this video just because some of the stuff was tricky to find and I was just having a good time but here's my final count of pets that I have as you can see here quite a lot we got Mecha Sonic we got selfie we got the orange thing that I don't know what it is we got Mario we got silver we got Mighty we got Amy we got Tails ciao we got Tails we got cheese we got Buzz bomber Moto bug and Sage pretty dang awesome if you made it through the whole video let me know in the comments also let me know if you plan on downloading Sonic USB's new update and playing it yourself enjoy the video make sure the Thumbs Up Button if you're new to the channel language see be sure to subscribe button and the notification Bell that way you know release new videos you can follow my Instagram Twitter join the beaches Discord check out my restaurant down below thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: Blue Television Games
Views: 145,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue television games, btg, blue tv games, sonic, sonic maker, sonic game, sonic usb, sonic the hedgehog usb, sonic the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog 2, sonic the hedgehog 3, sonic the hedgehog game, btg sonic, blue tv games sonic, blue television games sonic, sonic btg, sonic blue television games, sonic online multiplayer, sonic online game, sonic online multiplayer fan games, sonic level design, play sonic, play sonic online, sonic usb update, sonic usb new update, tails
Id: RICecRn3rbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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