Marinette Is The WORST Female MC In Existence | Video Essay/Rant

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[Music] greetings my victims it's maxor mg for short and hot damn hasn't been hectic since my last video essay my video essay took me from low tier to honestly close to high tier I mean look at this 38 th000 views on that video essay alone just wow and I went from amazely 97 victims to whopp in 36 it's probably high as I write the script right now I did repay the favor for the sneak peeks on this video but I got to say it again thank you all so so much for this massive wave of love and support I will forever be grateful for love I see on that video alone and for any victim who subscribed I'm going to make sure you don't regret clicking that button seriously thank you now we all know what this video is about Marinette dupan Ching in my opinion the worst female MC of all time worse than VMA worse than She-Hulk the worst you can show me any bad F MC and I will go show her mercy bro this is way worse now for those who saw my content you start to see why I don't like Marinette very much yet in this video I want to go more in depth on why I dislike her with a burnning passion so let's AV another five minut intro and dive right into it for those who remember Marinette is a 14-year-old half French half Chinese half Italian check out for yourself it's true teenager she is the daughter of Thomas atrick and Sabine wait my bad Tom and Sabine not sure why I said that and that she attends High School right next door and she is ladybug but there is more to her she also is Buck Up Now a class representative for her class babysits the daughter of a Paris news reporter has been approved by various celebrities such as Gabriel gr audre bis and jacket Stone made clothes for jacket design cover has a ladder bed and a balcony with that said we will get one of the show's most beat lines of all time just a normal girl with a normal life bu [ __ ] [ __ ] even if you take away the class rep stuff and the celebrity stuff she has a lad B and balcony a nice one even me hell no normal life my Marinette anyway did I always ha Marinette miraculously no pun intended I did not was it because I was a fan Bo of the show H yes but un like ashri I matured and now look at me I'm such the poor and Bild related stuff however based on the show's storyline I wouldn't hate Marinette still from the start she had her issues but it was at least tamed to me and she wasn't unlikable in every episode it probably helps that her voice actress Christina V plays her so well off topic discussion quickly Christina V is the only positive thing I'll say the Marinette even to this day marinette's character sucks so much yet V puts effort into her performance as this outrage even if some of the stuff she has to say it's stuff I pray she feels uncomfortable saying and she also blew my mind as morasa Mayday and Hell a boss and Rehab is for sad loser wash UPS choke on a sandpaper [ __ ] game on [ __ ] seeing Meritt swear was truly one of the best things this show has done that and have Brandon Rogers be the voice of blitzo the voice actors MLB especially the English ones who never feel make an episode a bit better will never get any hate from me they don't deserve to be blamed for the show sucks and at least they try with their job they don't deserve the Warfare this Phantom goes through anyway that's all give this going forward back on track in season 1 to two Marinette isn't unbearable if you ask me she was just a Kutz for many times and that's fine it can work in a way to make her funny and also like her since I believe flutes can be funny if done right also her stalk and behavior weren't much of a big deal this time not to say she didn't stalk or be a jerk she definitely did in kopat it's revealed Marinette has Adrian's entire schedule written down and she remember the entire goddamn thing also according to emotion n said she has a schedule written down for the next 15 years or maybe eight nevertheless what the is wrong with you you psychopath and of course when Marin stuck L on Adrian she confronted l in the park but that is safe later for this video when it comes to her JK Behavior the only kind of abuse she did to cat Noir was hit him over the head with her yo-yo I swear the why just think Adrian beat is funny other than that Marinette was chilling season one and with Adrian okay she did stutter with him yet there are times where Marinette is Chill of Adrian and it actually worked for good adrianet scenes such as gamer Kung Fu Etc no creepiness no concern and it all worked out well T and slow but it wasn'ted up I like that that's it for season 1 Marinette for now season 2 Marinette was also not someone wanted the slap she and Adrian had these moments that again felt healthy and she wasn't a total Joker stalker stalker wise she did say this in gigant Titan impossible Buttercup always leaves his personal item in the car when he's on a photo shoot even his phone such a professional and to think asri wanted more of this and Tred to defend it more on that later as for being the jerk she does have a few not a lot a few the first two are related repost and throws her two of the free episodes whereami is in in repost she tells Heros to back off Adrian and she doesn't deserve him and it seems she meant in a way where Adrian is all hers let's not forget L and vulpina and in frozer she straight up kugami and Ice Queen which by the way is a killer Margo [Music] song sure those lines aren't the worst thing she said to the kagami yet were they necessary not at all and then we have queen wasp so I know for those who wonder why I refuse to talk about chlo on this channel I have a reason but don't expect the Chloe video from me any time soon however if she is relevant for certain scenes then I guess I'll talk about her so so long story short Chloe wanted her mom's approval because Audrey is one of the worst moms up there Vidalia in the ow house in the end they did managed to connect after Marinette said you're also wrong about your daughter not being exceptional in fact Chloe is exceptionally mean she's the worst person I've ever met she may be more heinous pompous and selfish than you compared to both of you even a rock seems more capable of love so Marinette wants Chloe to bomb with her abuser aka the person who left her kid and even said this I'm exceptional too the only exceptional thing about you my dear is your mother Adrian are you sure this is the you want make babies with once more she didn't have to say or suggested the Chloe however it was only three scenes in one Su and seat in the end still fine regardless and also Marinette was clut again but better and the adet content was also good and not going to lie when she KS AG on the cheek at the end of season 2 I I liked it because again it came off as hell hey and tamed which I like also look at Adrian's smile here how the is the stattic scene the reason he wants to Banger and not this one once again Tommy had the comeback as a writer the point is Marinette in seasons 1 through two were good to say the least she had her bad moments but her good moments help ease the bad ones the kind of MC we all should love but then the driver in the cockpit got drunk as hell and crashed and burned her entire character Seasons three four and five holy the gateway to Hell has opened my victims it's here where Marinette went from a likable clut to a psychotic stalker somehow this girl right here transformed to this monstrosity like seriously who approved of this who believed it was a good idea to have Mar act like this I seriously have no idea and I hate it so much not saying I hate what they did the Marinette I hate this simply because why why do they think this would be okay I have no clue why this happened actually I do from what I know ashri left his writing team to work on season 3 and four alone when he came back he hated what season 2 did because apparently this think stalk is adorable and merry beable clutz is cringe I may be wrong but that's my best guess this is where most people will begin to either hate Marinette or see her as a bad person and after further research it's safe to say each season can serve as a season for one of her bad marry traits season 3 is her most stalker season yet season 4 is her most season yet and season 5 is easily her being a Mary Sue by the way yes Mary's Mary Sue 100% other than the fact that our name has marry in it it's slightly shown in past Seasons but season 5 made her the ultimate Mary Sue of miraculous ladybug before we get into it I do want to talk about how Marette fixes zero consequences even in season 1 she suffered zero consequences for her crimes in copycat she stole Adrian's phone and ends up going to the movies of him in Roger cop she says no one checked Adrian's bag but everyone else has to be checked and she doesn't even get punished for that as well and finally in M after stealing Alia's phone to re-record a video she admits what happened to Alia okay cool but where are the consequences none none at all granted this one isn't all bad because she did admit to her crimes and how she sucks but still I would be pissed if someone sold my phone back off having a character s consequences for the wrong doings works great to make them grow as characters and way to display emotions to your audience one of the best examples of this is in the 10th episode of season 2 of the ow house yesterday's live in this episode loose managed to build a test portal door to see her mom after she destroyed the portal door preventing Bellos from using it in the end of season one finale now for those you no no loose found the demon Realm by accident and she stayed there to be a witch leaving her own mother in the process fun fact some people believe Camila AK loose's mom is God awful because she agreed her principle and having lose give up being a witch due to how oh dagger give me death now for the final anatomically correct touch spider [Music] breath chaotic loose can get I was one of those people until I saw this episode and in thanks to them where revealed her principal pretty much pressure Camila into changing loose here it's revealed a bit that Camila actually likes loose this way which is further shown in season 3 especially when we found out lose G to witched up because her resera book was the last thing her dad gave to her before he died Jesus Christ Dan Mak L suffer after cam find out the truth and that that Lu she been living with was actually a shape shiting basist named B and being a total bad we can win the show's most heartbreaking yet best moments ever first off Camille is the best for taking care of be when L asked her to if e is the best de round mom then Camila's best human real mom anyway lcen tells Camila a bit about the demon realm and how she chose to stay there and when Camila finds his out she is absolutely heartbroken and pissed off her own daughter chose to run away keyword shows all in the favor of living Her Fantasy dreams and when loose realizes this she quickly realized she f up hard as much as I'm glad loose got to live her dream it is still a move to abandon her mom like that and it's also bad how camil triy to change loose despite what the show showed us not saying they're both the bad guy Camila didn't deserve to be abandoned by loose and loose really shouldn't have ran away/ lier Mom after what happened even if it led to the best gay ship of all time therefore cam is the victim and loose is the abuser and in the end loose is absolutely Shattered by this it's a a downright ruthless yet fantastic way to make Lucifer consequences for our actions truly amazing writing speaking of writing and the ow house do you know what also was heartbreaking how season 3 never got a full length Season because Disney hates money while fans made their own stories for season 3 I went down a different rout I give to you my victims my a project the a season 3 The Happy Ending we all deserve it's my full length version of season 3 using the best moments in the can season 3 to bring in that canonical feel with some of my own ideas originality and the spice of the story consider it my thank you for how this show made its way into my heart so if you wish season 3 was full length then click my wad Link in my YouTube description and check it out for yourself you godamn Fruity Pebbles and yes once again it's self-promotion I know I know yeah it's called spreading the word my victims plus victims of my writing you can't blame me there Marinette suffers almost zero consequences going forward and the amount of times characters suffer consequences while she doesn't isn't fair at all for proves my case on as's imaginary daughter a little recap Thomas based Marinette off his kid was supposed to have with his ex since then he's been treating her like the second coming of Christ and has her get away with almost any crime that comes her way especially in season 5 before we dive into that topic we must start with the season that made Marin that the worst season 3 if it wasn't obvious by my Marin AMV I believe she's a stalker why what question I mean seriously come on now if the schedule and phone knowledge wasn't enough this season made her so creepy to the point adrianette got spoiled would I still ship adrianette if Marinette wasn't a stalker if she wasn't a stalker a jerk and maybe a Mary Sue sure but for one of those hell no never now to be fair I'm Marinette again we stocking did come to an end in season 4 where she stopped it for real however she still did do some stock in season 4 and five but only for a few episodes for Mr pigon 72 where she forced kagami to Brak into the pool and glossier her 2 with the gifts not a stalking act yet it's creepy as oh hell for season 5 she did STI into the diamond dance in Emotion when she wasn't invited however that's more for plot for that awesome episode and before anyone asked yes I said awesome because it's D's favorite word y that was awesome Moral Pro watch is my favorite quami all but season 3 this season made her more insane than art the clown can't wait for terier free by the way she went from a qu to a psychotic freak who desperately wants to suck Adrien off too much not my fault the show Making think that way now before I get into the stalking stuff I do want to do this quickly aside from stalking she also was a season 3 a Mary Sue and a Senor to and those kinds of Merry moments are need for this video yet I want this part to talk all about her stocking so what I'll do is this I'll speedrun the episodes that don't involve the stalking because believe it or not Marinette does have ch episodes in season 3 chameleon is fine here and didn't do anything wrong and a Myro a jerk to kagami because she's talking to her boy toy and how is she trying to be a jerk make kagami sit on a chocolate cake which will make her look like she had too much pizza with hot sauce great combo by the way and had an inferno Baker she's fine here as well Backwater aside from trying to stop Adrian with kagami in London she was fine here as well also her somehow messing up the notes isn't a clutch move this is plain stupidity because how the hell do you mess up notes if they are that important make sure they're organized gamer 2.0 f as well and sythetic silencer chill as well we're dead time to park for a moment y'all Marinette is an absolute douche here long story short Tom thinks Marinette and kir are in love after seeing this and hear Marinette say she loves cat not because she's in but because cat got suspicious when she showed up after waybug left anyway cat comes over for lunch next day and after calmly keyword calmly tells them Marinette isn't the girl for him Marinette acts as if her heart got broken the sell the bit resulting in Tom getting CTI into wead and traing Marinette cat gos to sa and wead opens a can of w and literally beats the out of Kat Noir and you know he's in pain when he's moving that slowly Marette save the day one miraculous later and boom we are all done and in the end Marinette suffers no consequences for katness handed him by her own dad she casually walks away from this cat abuse as if she did nothing wrong because keep in mind my victims marinates act after cat said he's not into Marinette politely pissed Tom off she caused his communization and yet she gets no punishment and it's from here where Marat started to become just like the rest unhealthy and toxic also Tom's line here for a moment how can he not love Marinette everyone loves Marinette since Tom is meant to be Aster he's trying to tell us everyone loves Marinette as in his creation Slaughter and when cat said he doesn't love Marinette he gets mad and nearly knocks cat out as I fought this over I can't help but ask is that supposed to imply that if we don't like Marinette even to the smallest degree we deserve to be beaten up sounds like a crazy guess yeah this is Thomas we're dealing with at the same time there was always that possibility it was meant to be that way it's always going to be there back on road Miracle f as well oblivio I generally prefer this Marinette over the one we see going forward Chrismas aside from planning gifts from Adrien she was fine here as well same as backwarder the one thing here is how Marinette is the nicest kid in the whole wide world yeah Santa you might need to fix that list after the complete she made herself in season 5 check it twice even stormy Weare 2.0 a pointless episode yet Marinette is fine call Buster f as well yet she did say this the cat by the way she said it it sounded like she believes they are made for each other because of their recklessness and stupidity well then if they are that Reckless and stupid Marinette how come Adrien plag have better chemistry than you and Tiki explain that you Feast s for Adrian but withas reflect all aside from somehow mastering pla powers or Adrian did Mary suis my victims she has the audacity to abuse him by hit him over the head with his staff after Mr Bug had problems he were problems using his powers somebody say it's meant to be funny or he's not offended if you think this is funny then I see by that logic I can take a med metal bat bash you over the head possibly break your skull and leave you permanently brain damage possibly yeah it's a joke so you shouldn't be upset and if you are upset or offended then way to reveal your Too Faced side you goofy goober and that's not it for this crazy cast in season 5 she went from abusing to simping for Mr Bug you look good in red with black polka dots it brings out the color of your eyes yes yes you're right prey of course we shouldn't become prey you're right of course it depends on who who's doing the hunting hey you're not good this Mary but being used for content to how toxic you are that is that is something you are a master at aari Goen cheer to kagami because she wants her man and people really believe she's a nice person after this I'm one the respect opinions but if she did this to you you would still like her just saying next up desperada says they don't need cat to aspic AKA Adrian with the snake miraculous more up for sh in season 4 and also move you already know why start train debatably her best episode since she is the most chill here T tager also chill ladybug C is the victim and overall fine heart Hunter fine and sympathetic partly I say partly because she does kagami yeah kagami repay the favor and protection and finally Miracle Queen chill again yet I can't help but feel a bit bad for her with the hall you are now taking my job Marinette because I'm a chicken and why not feel bad for her fully well because she is so reckless she lost all the miraculous in season 4 because she's a s funny how she's that Reckless and she calls out Adrien pla for being Reckless and coin Buster with those out of the way time for the soccer episodes only Chan Party Crasher puer 2.0 klun and Felix uh Felix doesn't really have a stocking moment yet it's still feels right to add it there anyway now before you ask where's the random voice I often use in this video I'm right here did you miss me jokes aside you may ask so she had five Stucker like moments how is she still bad here ignoring all our jerk moments what she does here is just beyond creepy and hard to forgive her for considering she suffers zero consequences again okay feel she did suffer one but more than that later we start off with on Chan in this episode L lies Adrian to work with him at his house Mar STS on them and even takes J's bike to chase them because I swear she is hungry for some Adrian when she gets there she's locked out she tries to climb the wall but she fails because she ain't no Spider-Man so she uses trash can to climb up that's want a firefighter coms her and holy sympathizes with Marinette after she tells him why she's doing this and not a moment this guy fought crazy instead he understands her and helps her Stu what kind of firefighter would do this help a stalker do their job it's it makes no sense at all and only Ser to tell us Marinette is in the right while L isn't because if a man of authority is willing to help Marinette then it has one by he's helping the so-called victim yes lla lying is bad but at least she only used to get close to Adrian not to go in and sniff his unies speaking of Adrien next up Party Crasher an episode that I need to go off track real quick did you know some people believe this episode is sexist how exactly from the title alone because Adrian threw a guy only party in a show all about feminism now to be honest I was one of those people someone who did believe it was sexist for this party to be all guys but after mature my thoughts I can safely say that this isn't sexist one bit so agent threw a party for only dudes so what there is nothing wrong with that now yes I'm aware of the no girls allow TR but FL calling it sexist immediately it's not it just isn't in my eyes and also it really isn't a big deal what I'm about to say next after Mar get suspicious of this she abandons her girlfriends to get inside because she either is desperate to kiss Adrian or she has an addiction to break into Adrian's house I mean it's a nice house and all but not what I would constantly break into but yes she willingly left her friends because it's stuck in time and people got mad over this listen I'm not sure if the concept of a guy only party alone or the fact that Marinette wasn't invited if it hypthetically is the second one daddy chill so Mar invited and she doesn't need to be in every episode you know I was an amphibia did that especially amphibia do you ever think it's weird when the main character aren't in an episode God I love that line so much after making an of herself again Marin gets in and participates and one of the cringiest dances ever yeah I'm skipping this one over y'all after getting caught and want to a fight later Marinette suffers no consequences again Adan didn't go to her and say Marinette what the are you doing here you crazy he's just not bothered if someone broke into a pate party especially someone who wasn't invited you would be mad right I know I sure would be but she's the MC and MC's face no consequences or punishments or as I call it B now we have puppeter 2 hands down marinette's most creepy episode today and fans know exactly what I'm talking about in this episode Adrian fits Marinette allia and Nino to the wax museum it was only supposed to be Nino but Olia just had to insist Mary to take this chance to get horny after a while we would get one of the most disturbing scenes in all of animation and I'm talk get more messed up than mind's entire runtime so Adrien believes he upset Marinette and doesn't want to ruin his friendship with her a friendship that Marinette said becoming friends with Adrian is the worst thing that could have happened and don't blame me for calling Marinette horny she definitely is anyway Adrian pretends to be a wack statue the prank baronette and when fall is something that I only pray Christina fee felt uncomfortable doing and it's one of those scenes where show is better than tell play that disgusting clip and on this very day my victims Marinette committed sexual harassment on Adrien agress and the worst part is some fans love this scene I'm sorry you you think Marinette sexually assaulting Adrien is lovable you like it when she invades his private space yes Marina didn't know it was Adrian but even if it was a statue how could you be cool with this she flat out made out with Adrian thinking he's a statue I wouldn't be shocked if you try to it it is by far one of the most up Psych Psychopathic things she has ever done and to think some people say she isn't insane if this scene doesn't convince you even to the smallest degree she's a psychopath then I'm not mad I'm just genely worried for your mental help and once again Christina I am so so sorry you have to say those lines and I want to give a big you the As and his team for believing that's okay for to say that and to show this the kids which by the way how did this get greenit this is the same as Q's getting green lit in 2020 anyone with a sense of logic seeing the scene immediately knows this is a red flag and I feel so disgusted toward asri and his daughter also fun fact Adrien was hated in this episode the victim of sexual assault was hated why because he said this to Marinette I know I'm not good with jokes the girl I'm in love with doesn't like them either the girl you're you're you're in love with so people got angry at Adrian for telling Marinette he loves someone else and who is that someone else ladybug and who is ladybug Marinette dupan Chang I don't normally go to the throats of MLB fans but this is a case where I just have to be brutally honest if you AE Adrian in this episode you are just an ungrateful Adrian pretty much told the audience that he loves Marinette in her hero Persona in other words he loves Marinette and you got offended at him for saying that a spoiled rich kid upset because the lamb he always wanted isn't the col he wish for is much more understanding than you guys saying Adrian is awful because he said he loves Marinette regardless Jesus Christ I got to move on from this right now anyway cat blun and that thoughe I love back then but now believe is a mess however we're focusing on the merry content this episode so in this episode Marinette goes to give Adrian a gift for his fifth name day or something when she can't get inside because Adrian's in home she turns into ladybug to sink inside once inside she rolled the clip Adrian trophies Adrian's basketball hoop adrien's foosball table Adrian's death Adrian's video games Adrian's bed Adrian scent to think she was a clutch last season who had best had some standards then this season came in and made her so horny I wouldn't be shocked if she got off smelling that pillow and to believe that Adrian wants to be with Marinette even pretention when he finds out Marin make gifts for him memorize his schedule and sex she harassed him he doesn't know this but he obviously should be concerned for other things I mentioned it is absolutely creepy and if someone did this to me this is my response finally Felix now as I said Felix technically isn't a soccer thing Marinette did yet I decided to bring up here because why not in this episode it's a one-year anniversary of Emily's death Adrian's friends feel bad so they decided to record messages for Adrian when it's Mary's turn she she decides to send the love confession to Adrian on the day his mom died and this is outright disgusting in its own right how could you okay doing that to anyone sending them a love confession on the day his mom died as if you don't give a Emily died by the way Emily is a plot device more than that in the future video and there are also people who think Adrian would love that so by that logic I can go to your grandma's funeral right when they're about to lower her into the ground the most heartbreaking part of the entire funeral and I can just run right in get a megaphone as she's being lowered and read a love confession I wrote for you but since you love it when Mary Did It for Adrian you would love me if I did that to you but I won't because I have standards unlike this and if you are offended by it then way to show your too face out again you may think I'm being mean but I see it as revealing your true colors SL Twitter fingers how ow house did this better in reaching out a great Lumi episode Annie participates in the bones BR brawl All while loose acts uncomfortable for some reason we let her find out Loose is upset because it's the one year anniversary of her dad's death and it happened so long ago yet Luc is still affected by it and when she tells this to emony look at her face she doesn't care about the brawl she put that off to the side and looks absolutely shocked finding this out which makes perfect sense and even Amon said this I don't know what rituals you have in the human realm but I'll help you pick some flowers and we can do something here that is what I call an awesome girlfriend unlike this now fun fact Lumi was supposed to have a lip on lip kiss in this episode showing Le it was cut and I'm really glad they did so it made more sense in CLA Horizon and you know I think illumin kiss is great but having an episode where we found about luc's dad's death didn't feel well timed to me it's a good thing Dan changes her scripts when they need to be changed unlike this lazy however Mera did suffer some karma for this one I would say Felix trying to sex harass her which will make for an interesting talk about Felix in my Felix video is her consequence she tried to get to Adrian's pants and she suffered gly for it point is season 3 made Marinette a creepy Maniac it's only five episodes yet shows just how obsessive she is moments and she is the mother worst and to believe as a door stocking saying it's cute he that makes me glad to being dumped as I hope she finds a better man unlike this psycho now before a single one you say but derision don't you dare bring derision into this that episode is so bad it is its own video so with season 3 done let's move move on to the next season season [Music] 4 now before anyone ask why is ski MSC and Shanghai mg they have their own video that's why Anyway season 4 which quick question does anyone remember this season if you didn't then I can't blame you as you may recall from my first video essay season 4 is a void of pure emptiness that drinks the life out the story like a vampire sucking blood thank you so much for making her stop for talking at least nevertheless she is an absolute here especially the cat Noir the main victim of her abuse now now we have this talk before there are times where Mary take the cat in Noir but do the cat's so-called selfishness we need to see Linette as a victim Jesus Christ The Arc is such a mess that I GRE one side feels impossible anyway like I did with season 3 I want to speed run the nonm abuse episodes to keep everyone up to date but before we into that it's time to talk about Vina opion is my favorite season one episode both for introducing a new character I still find enjoyable and taking the story up a notch so lla lies to Adrian to meet up with him in the park and Marinette finding out lla has a thing for her man stalks them we are getting a two for one deal here my victims first stalk in then abuse so lla tells Adrian that she and ladybug are best friends and that ladybug saved her life before after Marinette gets mad at this she turns to Ladybug and flat out publicly embarrasses lla in front of Adrian making Adrian realize lla is a lion and ruin all our chances with Adrian now yes Lila did do a bad thing and deserve the consequences unlike this but was that consequence really necessary for me not at all yes she lied but only think it close to Adrian she wasn't using to get some cash from Gabriel for how loaded he is she just wanted to get closer to a boy she likes and Mar has the guts to use her own superpowers for selfishness and embarrass laa all because she likes the guy she likes what an [ __ ] same short here but L will also get her own video so I'll bring up the story again in that video but that out of the way it's time for season 4 okay true fine and she was sympathetic for how she broke up with Luca yet I could care less for how useless that shi as lies same case with aami rip G secrets possibly her most sympathetic yet but as I said before is still bad how told all yet considering she backstab cat Noir Mr pigeon 72 we already did this one psycho comedian possibly her best episode aside from now respecting friendship because Christina V and M Lee nail angry Marinette and Tiki can't you leave me alone for one second Tiki finish your macaroon you think I'm having fun I've been doing this for thousands of years you know Furious Foo fine as well Soul Crusher and queen banana both episodes that prove Thomas immaturity and epod for Marinette is fine Gabriel agress I actually forgot to mention this in the soccer Parts Marinette breaks into Adrian's house to stop Chloe raling a love clip to Adrian at his dad's party in other words Marinette being a stalker also there was no no need for her to be this episode then again it proves that ashik really needs Marette to be every episode because of his favortism for her thanks for that Tommy meal Le fine as well guil trip fine but the line where she cares about cat Noir is bull oh I care about cat Noir sees cat Walker that must be mine crocod duel aside from Marinette asking Jula to make Luca not his own birthday party is outright terrible why isn't this talked about with the other P episodes mg it's bad but she did say sorry and it wasn't as huge as the other scenes oami find it as well send the buler find it again hacken she's cool but I will mention it later in this section Rocketeer same as hackson for a second wishmaker chill I guess simple man I do love it when she screams hey Shadow off we're here which Christina said she screamed louder for before they told her she need to lower her voice down I honestly would dig see her scream louder not going to lie Chen fine as well dear family seeing Marin possessed by a crack Tiki is hilarious if dear family did one thing right it's making TI addicted to Sugar like crack I love it ephemeral F again I guess and that's all the episodes that contain non abuse leaving us with seven episodes where lebing abuses cat to which I did pass off yet I said up bring him up here now season 3 MLB seem to have more abuse moments than soccer moments yeah from what I showed you you can understand why the soccer stuff is worth the abuse stuff in season 4 we know the story leay buug leaves cat out but since he's selfish we know this comic Arc already however I want to go more in depth with it abuse starting with glassier 2 now I already talked over the trash can scene it's still abuse yet I can understand why ladybug did it at least but there is more to it remember how weird d St and Mary got cat abused well same case both with Marette like father like daughter because cat Noir being himself pisses Mary off you can argue that cat wasn't taken this seriously I know I wouldn't care but he's being funny Marinette and also what else did you expect you know he's your partner so you didn't expect this oh and also when cat simply asked some questions on what face to make Mary got mad at him sure she was upset with how cat a yeah he asked a question that is needed for your wet dream you horny it would be cool to at least answer it politely you now for those who remember when I said there were decent Mar cat moments I'm referring to the cinema this scene hell no and how funny it is she asked for cat's L and she ends up being mean to him in the end a guy who oh yeah saved you before you hack and rocketer are small so I'll do both at once the issue here is of course labeling not can about allia knowing and that n Alia no well she and Cat cannot by the way the identity role thing is [ __ ] if femal and cap W prove my point then again I do find it hilarious because if they revealed each other for real then the show would end and without the show and I seriously mean this with no exaggeration Thomas asri would be nothing anyway Mary did say sorry for the Olie stuff and she found out about the Olie and you know stuff an illusion yet no apology to cat can't blame her for you know identity reasons God so nevertheless I still see it as abuse she's abusing C war end by not telling them the stuff that honestly he deserves to know if they are loyal partners then they should know this stuff you know but for whatever reason cat isn't allowed to know anything from hero identities and stuff like this to his dad's identity because a male in a feminist TV show can't Know Jack but the female must know everything and keep in mind feminine ism is all about gender equality yet this show Pi up its own concept by the way I do not see MLB as a fous TV show it's pretty obvious why anyway that's bad in its own right but not as bad as Kuro now you all know iing hate Kuro and you know how much I hate it because copyright got up my this episode in my first video I say great to God it doesn't happen here again so to recap ladybug tells K Noir that his help is BS even though she has all helping her she decides to replace K Noir breaking her loyal War she told cat a Nazi and got away with it she s for cat Walker which I describe perfectly ladybug J and in the end she still calls cat irreplacable despite his events now you're thinking nice recap next scene right not yet I did forget this part in my current NE section so allow me to show you you know what I lost my kitty cat too and I miss him a [Laughter] lot you should do con ladybug no way she misses cat get that out of here but she admit feels bad for replacing cat true but remember when she s for cat Walker before and after that I missed my K2 my penal team aside from Adrian somehow forgetting to play football after played it will Pier F we get this scene pedal teams cannonballs have turned the ban feline into cat food it's not sport anymore it's animal abuse you didn't do so badly kitty cat ladybug is back she didn't really abuse cat yet she smiles see him on the ground beating up badly and to think in last episode she admits she misses her Katy then in panal team she doesn't seem to care about C War getting herur but it's a serious situation first of all panal team is not serious one bit second off again loyal Partners need to look after each other and maybe get a little emotional or upset even in serious situations and ladybug didn't so yeah risk the kiss she gave cat War feels like manipulation as I said first video essay not physical abuse yet abuse mentally or emotionally I think and strike back no physical abuse here yet it still feels right bringing it up since she did admit to her wrong doing about abusing cat left out wise so more of a confirmation she abused cat that's why it's here now on paper this doesn't look like much of these moments but when you add the one from season 3 and of course NYC you start to see why I believe Marinette is a jerk to cat Noir and here's the funny part in season 5 her Catabus side goes away it vanishes like a match trick from what I remember yet that doesn't Savor in the end fun fact I got two or three requests to talk about season 5 by some people on my last video I will confirm that yes season 5 will get its own video and why it sucks unlike season 4 where I had to talk about it for the plot but this season is such a mess it deserves its own video and speaking of season 5 in my opinion it's Mary's Worst season of all time for the stock in no for the abuse don't think so was that a reference to your favorite horror movie all time scream you bet your it was Jokes Aside Marinette is absolutely God awful here because of three things the countless amount of Defense she gets from her dad being a Mary Sue and of course the season 5 final but this part is all about Marinette and how much he's a perfectionate go now there are many many many definitions to what makes a Mary Sue a Mary Sue so I better tell you what I think makes a Mary Sue to do so I'll be using the definition SAR as a great mention in his Barbie video because it feels the most appropriate compared to the other definitions because I'm about to explain to you the truest meaning of Mary suit right here right now here we go in my Adrian video I stated that a Mary Su or a Marty Stu is a character type that is extremely perfect and completely lacks flaws that video was made way before I studied the deeper meaning of Mary Sue and not just the most basic meaning yes this meaning of Mary Sue is correct but it isn't 100% correct a Maris Su can have flaws and weaknesses they can suck at something or a lot of things in their life they can have the urge to fix their mistakes they can be anything for all I care a Mary Sue can even have character development but you want to know what makes a Mary Su a Mary Sue a Mary Sue is a type of character that forcefully and unrealistically warps the world around her for the sake of looking good to the audience in a very forceful and unnatural way a marisu can have imperfections and or development only if the writing forced it and made it seem abnormal the key word here is forced to simplify this in the most simple way possible a Mary Sue is a character that has forced writing it doesn't matter if that character has flaws weaknesses or even development as long as the writing is forced and unusual and as long as the entire purpose is to make the character look good to the viewers that character is a Mary Sue that's the definition I'll be using for this Mary Sue right here now I actually don't want to go over every episode to clear out the stalking and the abuse because I want to save that g stuff for my season 5 video however it's still need for this video so allow me to speedrun very carefully in relation she got mad at cap because it didn't feel right in Perfection she completely ignored Ki saying she it's just making friends and made it all about her love for Adrian emotion we already talked about that and and pretention also already talk about that now when it comes to the Mary Sue moments and stuff we did get a few in the past but this section is all about season 5 baby and based on my research I came to the conclusion that there are nine Mary Sue moments in season 5 alone nine normally for me if someone had a Max of three Mary Sue moments then I wouldn't call him Mary Sue because it was only a short amount and can be passed off as a one time thing but nine yeah Mary suee to start off we have illusion I was debating whether this would be a Mary Sue moment or not if you believe this one isn't one and feels a bit unfair feel free to let me know in the comments below so in illusion we see wayhem and Adrian Fanboy be really upset of Adrien like all the others now wayam was like that but we saw in gorilla and Party Crasher the dude was lowkey chill with Adrien soing more is a fan friend for Adrian rather than a crazy fan like the girl he wants to who try to him but here he's back to square one first off proves my point that the writers are allergic to character development second off for me this feels are the way the show yeah wayam insane more insane than Marinette over here the show purposely reset him so we can believe Marinette is sane which is B because in next episode they try to cover up maris's creepy act to date I see as a Mary sum Moment by victims but again cly I'm wrong in the comments below Mary Su next up degration and though that according to gole means and I quote the action of heating a substance until it burns away rapidly for a moment I thought damn they're going to burn someone alive but in reality it burns my mental health and another fun fact the more I watched the FL gration when it aired the more I hated it more than that my season 5 video long story short Monarch great name bad design finally gets the lab black cat miraculous finally instead of smly going home he decides to make his witch in the middle of the open the quami fly away but Monarch says Magic words and they are slowly pulled back not before Tiki uses lucky charm to make a trash can and apply catac in the ring to prevent Gabriel from making his wish the destruction of the Ring creates a huge explosion and I'm not lying the lucky charm magically flies and lands right in front a Marinette don't believe me roll that clip a lucky charm there is no way in it can wi so perfectly like that it's not possible luck no that's not luck that's just her Mary Sue Powers if you ask me imagine if you right to marry in the name of having her see things are getting [ __ ] up right now Mary Sue next up derision as I said above derision will get its own video because it's an abomination of an episode so I'm not going to reveal much here in this god- awful episode Marinette nearly gets akumatized because she suddenly feels panic attacks when she with the pool of Adrian after seeing the flashback she breaks free and that's it also at the end Adrian end his friendship with Chloe again like I said you'll see what derion did in my derion video or you can just watch it for yourself at your own risk anyway Mary Sue moments D has not just one not two three three Mary Sue moments in one episode Mary Sue moment number one the flashback as a whole you'll see that in my divion video Mary Sue moment number two Marinette Breaking Free from the megaa So based on the show no one has gone a minute or longer having an Akuma inside them Marinette in this case I be you not the mega Akuma was in here for 10 God damn minutes which I'm basing off the runtime of this episode I did watch a storyboard and leak for this episode where I'm glad I did not only because I saw how this season got it gave me info here I can use for this video so they show the entire flashback via storyboard in a single video there the flashback lasted 10 minutes as the audience sees it Kim tells the story to andine and Adrian so it had be 10 minutes based on what we see and throughout all this time even revisiting a moment where quote Marinette gets scared for her life she doesn't get akumatized the [ __ ] no one has lasted that long from Akuma inside them and in the last episode Gabe looked deeper into L's emotions when he sensed his fear getting critized because to reveal who labug and C War are here Mar doesn't think even for a second huh I send something else and dies deeper and then Mary breaks free from it as if it was nothing at all even if this lasted for a minute or even 30 seconds there is no way she can resist for that long Mary Sue Mary Sue moment number three Adrien ends his friendship with Chloe for the second goddamn time once again more on that in my dire video next episode protection which is one of my favorite episodes of season 5 both for what it does mostly and the return for smack by the way off topic but necessary if there is another group of people aside from the voice actors that will never get my hate it's the animators I don't know a single thing on how to do it but based on behind the scenes footage from shows I like it's a true pain the animators seem to not get most of the credit they deserve but that's why I'm here to acknowledge that the animators do the best they can with the time they have but when they produ it like this I will go a little harsh on them just a little bit psycho smack is easily the goat of MLB animators both for the work and the story so after season 4 smack left MLB rightfully so and MLB need to animators smack are such great people that they personally taught the new animators how to animate ml be sacrificing their own time to make sure they get the memo right that's what I call people our respect unlike the writers they will never get my respect ever again however that did not stop smack from coming back to eny a few season 5 episodes which all look great well done you guys anyway protection Merit friends try to make Adrien happen but failed because their plan was so complicated and they want them to kiss on camera with them watching it's moments like this where I believe these guys want them to and I mean am I gross or saying that to miners I can be yeah it's not my fault to show make me feel that way anyway after all that Marinette admits she's the one to blame that's okay we'll find something else don't bother it's not you it's me I don't have the Magic in Me Mary S woman for sure it was clearly her friend's fault for being too horny and pushing them this hard and Marinette blames herself for their pleasure Mary so next up confrontation in this episode lla finally gets exposed by Marinette so lla and Chloe plan to four documents to make everyone upset and blame it all a Marinette trying to take her out a gun is a better idea you know and hydrochloric acid Sabrina who can't take this anymore tells to play the Marinette because she's the problem solver Apparently after that Marinette purposely logs or makes the school believe the bathrooms are broken have new ones built in and when they are done she replace the mirror as a mic so in lments all were lives in the bathroom Sabrina it'll be heard by everyone who all wait outside the bathroom shocked they heard this how is this a Mary Sumo mg many reasons why first of all the bathroom if she didn't clog them the principal would check to be sure they're clogged right sure there's a sign but it's important to make sure at least make sure they're really clogged or see how bad it is or maybe she did clog them which we discuss in a second the new bathrooms put in did make sense and I thought initially they were built on the next day seeing how they built the two that fast from the plumbing to the lights no way can happen in a day but it's been shown a few days so it's chill after that Marinette purposely messed up the mirror damaging public property and adds a mic invasion of privacy imagine thinking this so loud and I'm talking volcanoes and it blars through the entire school or you piss so loud that the sound also Echoes throughout the school that would be embarrassing and up her plan but lies more to the embarrassing scenario if you ask me now if all that wasn't enough to establish she the Mary Sue here then this scene will for sure because I you not no pun intendent I cannot express how unfair and bulky this is after exposing L and Chloe Marin admits she did all of this to the bathroom just to expose him from the potential clogging to the mirror to the mic Etc L and Coy do get spell which makes sense try to forge docent is bad all but Marinette she gets no consequences at all she in fad privacy and yet she there was not a single consequence for her actions but she said sorry yes she did but this is unforgivable as hell like my PE above if that was you would you be mad her to the point when rip her head off or do you want to give her a hug because you feels so bad for not believ in her now now to be fair she would get expelled next episode due the Chloe stories teaming up so at least Chloe made up for that robs to Chloe nevertheless Mary Su now we have Revolution Ando that took politics and made a complete joke out of it aside from this premise we get a scene where honestly the riots even try to hide this they didn't try Jack so basically label and canar get trapped in shelter balls with the Al's power that power being in ability now trapped and use their powers already they have a 5 minute timer before transforming back you're now fake they're finally going to know who they are at long last well safe yourself no not now not yet lady your D transformation is slowing down you can resist too we need more time throughout the show we see that the Transformations haven't even lasted for a single second or when one of leb's earrings taken out she didn't transforms slowly here lebook has both earrings in her ears and her timer ran out s Noir so I let me ask what the actual why they transform back faster better yet why all of a sudden they find out they can resist it we never saw that in the show at all not one once not twice not one bit at all in the end they both achieve adult powers and can now never transform back again what kind ofing writing is this I know it's writing to make a Mary and Marty Sue or Gary whatever now for cat he gets a pass because it was only a one time thing so he chill Marinette this is number eight or seven I lost track but can you blame me for losing track huh Mary Su at its finest my victims lastly we have the finale which is one of the worst pieces of the media I've ever seen so monor activates a plan to make everyone afraid then use the alliance rings to ease their fears away putting them under his power once they're all attached to the Rings Gabriel will use ladyb count or imprints a magical charm and some cataclysm dust to inject into the Rings making them believe Le and Cat of War so agent got me aka the perfect couple as they all Panic Gabriel manag toize everyone who is upset to be his minion sounds like an evil and bad CL right I agree and it's coming from a sympathetic villain my Marin gets into Adrian's house and just seeing this votage alone is enough to piss me off so let's get to the main context the drugs as Al call them chase ladybug after it's shown they cont track her after she de transformed they all leave monik finds her right before she unifies into bug Noir a unification promis to be the best but looks God awful as they fight the drones for whatever reason don't bust in the gay house and fight her they fight the others if these guys are assigned to not only track the cir and then immedately go after them then why the aren't they Amer right now leave them and take her on you morons oh wait I forgot this is classic Mary Sue Vite because this fight is only meant for them and they must not be interrupted as this is Mary's time to shine in Adrian Spotlight Mary Sue that being said season five made Marinette a total Mary Sue changed my mind she is so perfect she gets out of serious situation to the plot she is Mary Su my eyes and Forever and One Last Time Mary [Music] Sue so it's been established that Marinette is the worst a stalker an amuser a Mary Sue she is the worst yet let's believe she manages to redeem herself make the ultimate com back a comeback that managed to turn this Abomination into a likeable person again if they do do that then congrats but one that will ever happen and two if they did then I will never give this a chance again she is an irredeemable psychopath to this day someone who will never get a single ounce of my sympathy why because you don't want to admit she's better and you have to admit she's better now mg oh no it's not that if Mar did manage to redeem herself which is near impossible based on what she did I will still never give her a chance because this had the iron steel balls to forgive Gabriel at the end of season five has much as this scene really needs to be discussed I want to say that rant for my season 5 video all I will say is Marinette forg Gabriel and that's it for now but this scene alone this truly disgusting scene will never make me respect this again you will forever be iral to me Marinette you will forever be seen as a menace to all of humanity like how B is a Mena witches nothing no one nowhere in the world will save you from what you [Music] dead in conclusion Marinette dupan chain went from a decent MC to the worst female MC of all time she committed various crimes shown to abuse cat and just unbearable to watch even without the abusing the stalking she is a Mary Sue not the worst thing but it's annoying to see one on screen and of course the fact she can't suffer consequences because she's label as the MC of MB she truly is the worst and here's the best part asri still defends his daughter to this very day he defends her stalking he defends her abuse he defends her Mary Sumo all of it because this will pull whatever he can out of his and use to defend Mary he's the one who made Mary this way it's all his fault yet he will never admit it because Thomas asri isn't just someone I hatte he will forever be pathetic in my eyes and no matter what he does he will never escape the marks he left on the show irredeemable horrific marks that he's shown to kids and those kids will use those marks sometime in their future I hope not but it will all be your fault I have no clue what season six will hold but I can only imagine the worst it will make Marinette worse and the show worse and Marinette if you somehow somehow get karma for being the criminal you are I'm grabbing a bowl of popcorn and eating right away at you're suffering victims thank you all so much for watching and always remember every time you guys bring in a thrill every new video we'll be a fresh kill see you all next time
Channel: MG
Views: 259,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #miraculousladybug, #villain
Id: JtBwncd0-OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 20sec (3560 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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