Marine reacts to "Mad Jack" Churchill (man who used a sword and bow in WWII)

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during the battle of france in 1940 mad jack led small raids on the enemy as the british expeditionary force was on the retreat from the germans relentless advance all right y'all welcome back to combat arms channel so today's video we're checking out another huge recommendation and this is about mad jack or i guess his real name is john churchill but basically he was a british soldier i think he's a british soldier who was utilizing a sword and a longbow during world war ii which is pretty crazy to think about because you can imagine during world war ii you probably wouldn't want to have you know a long board and a sword especially when the when the enemy has like mg 42s and crazy machine guns and automatic weapons you probably wouldn't want to be utilizing that but again it takes a certain badass to just do these things and you hear about these individuals throughout history and it sort of just blows your mind so hopefully this video can provide a little bit of background for why he did this and how he was able to to be successful utilizing these weapons during world war ii but this is from simple history so it's a it'll be nice it's animated it'll be easier on the eyes especially when we're talking about world war ii but yeah hopefully they give a pretty good context as to how he was successful utilizing a sword and a longbow during world war ii so yeah let's get into it i'm very excited to hear the story this video is brought to you by squarespace we really appreciate squarespace for supporting the channel skip this ad purchase of a website the man who fought with a long bow and a sword in world war ii john malcolm thorpe fleming churchill was born in hong kong and graduated from the royal military very british nationalist in 1926 he would later earn the nickname mad jack or fighting jack for fighting with a longbow bagpipes and a sword bagpiper okay stationed at burma with the manchester regiment in the british army during peacetime made mad jack restless it was during the interwar years in the 30s that he would master the bagpipes and ride his motorcycle across the entire indian subcontinent okay in 1936 adventures mad jack left the army and became a model and a movie extra he would also practice a new skill archery and became so good that he represented great britain at the world archery championships in 1939. oh solid when war arrived mad jack returned to the british army and the manchester regiment as an officer and was shipped off to france during the battle of france in 1940 mad jack led small raids on the enemy as the british expeditionary force on the retreat from the germans relentless advance using a longbow and a scottish broadsword as his weapon of choice he became the only soldier known to have felled an enemy with a longbow in the war when he landed a shot on the enemy feldwebbel with a barbed arrow when asked why he did this all right this is just like so weird to think about again it's world war ii there's you know there's stuff happening all over the place there's combat all over the place people with automatic weapons and machine guns just firing at you and he's usually he's using a long bow and i mean it seemed like he was using it pretty effectively but i mean he was an officer so i guess it would go to show how effective your leadership would be if you're an officer and you have people underneath you and they have rifles and you're going in with a long bow and a sword i mean i guess it it would instill some level of confidence i would think but again you sort of just be like this dude seems like he's he's you know off the cuff he's kind of crazy if he's using a sword and a longbow when everybody else has like modern rifles but if it doesn't help his leadership then at least it would help his reputation because again you can imagine you're probably gonna be one of the only people to use a longbow and probably be the only person to get a confirmed kill with it now he said he took out on a felled level or something i'm not sure if that's like a german officer or an nco but yeah again it's going to help your reputation which i guess in turn would help your leadership as well he replied any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed during the retreat to dunlop mad jack was shot in the neck when asked how it happened he replied german machine gun casually he would also win the military cross for bravery after rescuing a wounded british officer from a german ambush after dunkirk mad jack signed up for the commandos and when his training was complete he was sent to vog so norway in 1941 as second in command of number three commando in operation archery as he left appropriately named i guess jack played march of the cameron men on his bagpipes and then led his men ashore with his broadsword waving in the air the german garrison and vaxxo was quickly defeated prisoners were taken and the artillery batteries captured along with shipping destroyed on malloy island again so then you're sort of bringing like the psychological warfare into it because you're hearing you know you see these these you know amphibious vehicles or whatever like these naval vessels coming towards the shore and that's already doing something for you but also you start hearing bagpipes in the distance and then you see a dude flailing a long sword around or a broadsword yeah that's going to do something for you so it is an artillery unit so i'm not sure how well defended they were but again he's he's going into the commandos now and i mean again world war ii it's sort of hard to avoid combat but as a commander you're definitely getting into the thick of it so he definitely wasn't afraid to go into combat and do all this crazy stuff with the weapons that he was actually using which is really weird to think about but i think he was you know i think he would fit being in the commandos pretty well because you have these people who are just generally certified bad asses who want this sort of action who want to be into the thick of it and he's just you know challenging himself a little bit further by using these weapons for this action mad jack received his second military cross in 1943 in italy mad jack led to commando with the objective to destroy german artillery and observation posts in the town of pigeoliti even though the town was well defended and outnumbered mad jack organized his men into six parallel columns who instead of using stealth tactics all shouted commando the jury as a result were confused into thinking the shouting which was coming from all directions in the darkness was a much bigger force yeah there you go the psychological warfare number two commando took 136 prisoners mad jack who was assisted by a corporal rafael took 42 german prisoners and captured a mortar crew using his broadsword after marching the prisoners down to british lines he said i maintain that as long as you tell a german loudly and clearly what to do if you are senior to him he will cry javole and get on with it enthusiastically and efficiently whatever the situation okay after losing the broadsword in hand-to-hand combat earlier he later went to the town on his own to retrieve it on the way he met an american patrol going towards the enemy lines when they should have been going the other way so we told them that he wouldn't come back for a bloody third time in 1944 again so yeah utilizing that psychological warfare would definitely get you pretty far and especially with the commando element when you have all these violent individuals that are you know totally okay with just yelling and screaming and being as loud and violent as possible it'd probably work out a little bit better and we've seen that we've seen that previously where people are like trying to make their unit seem a little bit bigger or even much bigger just by using screaming or violence just to do like a psychological impact on the enemy and it seems like it works pretty well most of the time so again you can imagine the sort of level of leadership he inspired with these sort of people and he definitely wasn't afraid to put himself in harm's way so i'm sure they're pretty comfortable doing it as well but yeah i like how he went back to go and get his broadsword which is kind of weird to think about i guess you wouldn't really have access to any other scottish broadswords in world war ii people probably don't issue those at the armory or anything so yeah okay it makes sense that you'd try and go back for it especially if it was like an image for his his leadership but i don't think his guys would hold it against him if he started to use a rifle especially after surviving that long with just a sword and bow and arrow mad jack was in yugoslavia leaving british commandos and now yugoslav partisans attacking the vital hill called 0.622 on the island of brac in the adriatic sea against the germans heavy casualties were caused and soon jack was alone and out of ammo with no hope left jack started playing songs on his bagpipes until he was knocked unconscious by a frag grenade and captured by the german defenders he was first sent to berlin and interrogated as it was thought that because of his real name he was a relative of prime minister winston churchill okay but in september 1944 mad jack and an raf officer escaped the camp by crawling under barbed wire through an abandoned dream and set out to walk to the baltic coast but were then captured now sent to a new camp in neederdorf austria mad jack escaped again on april 1945 taking the opportunity to get away when the lighting system failed in the darkness of night he walked 150 miles through the treacherous terrain of the alps surviving on vegetables that he had liberated from gardens eight days later and with a sprained ankle he found a u.s armored column and was sent back to england jack was frustrated dude okay so we've seen this previously with like um larry thorne or laurie tourney where you know you can have these badasses and put them in these prisons but they're going to find a way to escape because they just have this mindset and this persistence that they're going to continue fighting and continue being a problem for the enemy so yeah you put him in prison he'll escape put him in prison again and then he'll escape again so we've seen that previously with other people and again it just goes to show how persistent and badass they are but i mean persistence isn't going to help you when you have to walk 150 miles that's definitely all you and that's yeah that's uh that's pretty rough especially over the alps with those old world war ii boots you can imagine his feet were pretty jacked up i imagine that's why his ankle was jacked up but yeah and then also eating just vegetables you're gonna be super malnourished but he did 150 miles in eight days so that's like i don't know 18 miles a day or something which is insane that's very very impressive but okay found some americans and now he's going back to england that the war in europe was all but over so made his way to the pacific campaign to join the battle against the japanese in burma but by the time he arrived the atomic bombs had been dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki mad jack was so unhappy he said if it wasn't for those damn yanks we could have kept the war going another 10 years after the war come on mad jack continued to seek danger qualifying as a parachutist then transferring to the seaforth highlanders and later ending up in palestine in 1948 as second in command of first battalion the highland light infantry during an ambush on a jewish medical convoy by arab forces mad jack with only 12 men and in full military dress marched under fire to the convoy to offer its evacuation i grinned like mad from side to side he said afterwards as people are less likely to shoot at you if you smile at them he would later coordinate the evacuation of 700 jewish doctors students and patients from the hospital atop jerusalem's mount scopus mad jack would retire from the army in 1959 with two awards of the distinguished service order wow subscribe for more world war two all right i think it's a little unreasonable to try and extend world war ii any further but again it just goes to show some people are just bred for this sort of violence and that sort of lifestyle so i mean yeah i guess i can almost understand it but yeah he's going to so he did world war ii and then he went to israel and was fighting the palestinians i guess so i know israel got their independence in 1948 so i guess those timelines make sense but dude going to world war ii and then going to help the israelis out it's just not something you think about especially someone seeking out that much action that they you know go to the middle east when they're so accustomed to fighting in like europe and the baltics so yeah interesting to think about but yeah you see these people throughout history and again it just blows your mind because they're just they're sort of bred for this sort of violence and this behavior and this lifestyle and it's i mean it's cool to hear about it make some awesome animations i mean what like 60 years later or 70 years later so yeah very cool to to hear about again i didn't really know how much he did i mean you sort of think of it as like a gimmicky thing when someone's carrying a sword in world war ii but no he was he was in the thick of it and he was definitely uh yeah he was exposed to combats a lot of times so yeah certified badass basically so if you guys know of any other badasses you can put those down in the comments section we've checked out a few with like semo hey hi and i think i said that correctly simo hey ha and larry thorne and yeah we've we've seen this a lot so it's cool to hear these awesome stories and learn a little bit more about these individuals and what really motivates them to do all the crazy stuff they did so yeah if you guys have any recommendations definitely put that in the comments section but i do hope you enjoyed the video it was very cool to hear about especially if you guys weren't familiar with with a mad jack at all yeah it's it's definitely mind-blowing it's just weird to think about and wrap your mind around but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know if you have any other recommendations regardless i'm open for any recommendations i do appreciate the supports and i do appreciate you guys liking and commenting and subscribing it really i don't know it's awesome to see it's awesome to see that level of support and it's cool to see what you guys want me to check out and again mad jack just a legend so of course you guys would want me to check him out makes a lot of sense especially if you're from the united kingdom you probably have a little bit of pride in that sort of history but yeah if you guys have any other recommendations feel free to throw them in the comments section but i do hope you guys enjoyed the video that's it for this one so i will see y'all in the next one you
Channel: Combat Arms Channel
Views: 70,503
Rating: 4.9583154 out of 5
Keywords: mad, jack, john, churchill, fighting, us, american, marine, reacts, reaction, united, kingdom, uk, commando, world, war, wwii, ww2, longbow, bow, arrow, sword, broadsword, bagpipes
Id: e2eOzntsbIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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