Margot Robbie Cute And Funny Moments Part 1

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hi I'm Margaret about to face off in a game of flip Cup the winner will be taking home a sleeve of Solo cups and two rolls of toilet paper okay so there was a young foolish pilot who wanted to sound cool in the aviation frequencies and he was making his first approach to a field at that time and instead of making the official request to the controller he trying to be funny said guess who and the control switch the whole field lights and said guess where when you do you audition with that accent or did you learn it wants you I did the audition with the accent yeah I actually um I sat down with my acting coach to go through this thing for my audition and she said oh you know you've meant to be doing a Brooklyn accent and I said well what does it Brooklyn accent sound like and she was like okay pretend that you've got acrylic nails on and they've just been painted so they're still wet and I was like okay cool so how do I do the accent and she was like just do it and I was like okay so put my hands out like that and started doing the scene and I was like okay well and all of a sudden you know I'm getting my hair out of my face like this and you know I was talking to her and I wasn't talking to you I was talking AHA and you know this attitude came out of nowhere you won't regret this I can eat more Taco Bell than anyone you've ever met wow that was really nice I got packed outside the hotel yep Avril and and my mom called me and she was she's like oh what'd you buy from Ralph Lauren and I was like what and she's like did you buy something really nice from everyone I was like I never bought anything from what Ralph Lauren were you talking about the bag my friend had given me to put all my stolen goods in was a Ralph Lauren bag we thought we found the photo that the paparazzi took a dude do you want to see tell me that this person is guilty guilty of doing something wrong look at this guilty human being right there I like winning you do you plant it chug it and then flip it once it's flipped you move on yeah no you flip it first then you drink I was actually just checking on the football scores because there are two really good football games on right now hey maybe that would surprise you yeah fine and by the way there's nothing worse than when somebody does a bad Brooklyn accent it is it is it's noisy and everybody is infuriating is the actual sound of a proper Brooklyn we love it it's my favorite oh sure sure but everybody else hey meet me in the bathroom in five minutes I made a bit of a mess in there and someone needs to go and clean up mark get set go hockey the big news when when I go back to Dolby everyone's like oh what's been happening with you and say oh I did a movie and stuff and what's been happening at you and like we're getting a big w which is like um the equivalent to a target and two years that were all the town talked about was getting this Big W and then Big W came and and then everyone would talk about how good Big W was really all the time that's that's been what's happening at ability but everyone's so sweet they're and they're really that you know when I whenever I get in the papers or anything oh they must get around it bridge club and puts it on the fridge and Giants and the Saints yeah and they're both playing right now look literally right now damage has been done already because you are you're very naked in the movie for a lot of the film yeah and did they tell you about that going in today or is that a surprise yeah sir that was a small point of contention with my family I yeah to tell the truth I just I need to tell the truth ironically enough I just flat-out lied to my family for a really long time and and I said I don't care what you hear there's no nudity I'm not doing anything really ignore anything anyone's saying there's no nudity and then I thought well the movies gonna come out and they're gonna see that there's new okay so I changed that and the lie evolved to well actually it's a body double and they just CGI'd my head and my family don't have anything zoo kids I mean industries they totally bought it no like they can do that it thought you wouldn't believe what they doing all woods okay who wants to hear more about volumetric Dada yeah Mao says I love it you love that much kind of data I thought it was so that might be the case Australia was because then I could be with my friends and family all the time okay look I'm doing nudity but um you know you should read the book first and if you still want to see the the movie after reading and will you be there to be with them while they're witnessing yes I'm hoping I'm hoping I'm gonna be home when it comes out and then I'm just gonna fly we can love Khaleesi it's such a badass I thought I I signed with a great management company over here management 360 but I am actually almost blew it I know we were just talking about this before a migraine room um my Australian agent was with me and had set up a meeting with my American manager and and he was asking things about myself of why you can this use 40 competitive I was like competitive god I just I just did this eating competition back home and I want it is spaghetti bolognaise eating competition so yeah I'm very competitive and I don't see my stray lien agent is kind of frozen was like don't tell that story I should warn you I am a bit of a screamer when I stabbed people Owens going home well now that everyone can access the voxels yeah and work with them a team at DreamWorks Animation created an open VDP open VDB is so funny Margo it's just the name of thank software I don't know why get it together perfect date tonight I don't have a day wait wait wait you don't have a single right now are you always saying I'm not doing it okay listen I'm on DVD I haven't seen any first prints but I'm sorry 20 years ago I was three years old because I was born in the 90s and people get this sick and look in their face if I say that they are God you have one of the 90s I was graduating high school in the 90s um so I was three and I was on the Gold Coast and I was probably in daycare or something finger-painting or climbing a tree against who a mouse no not again got the mouse again this is so immature open open biddies open VDP is available as open source software and provides a powerful tool set to vs. gee that's funny to me and manipulate the box okay we were having an argument one day he was saying he was hungry I'm saying I was hungry he was saying I eat more I'm saying that's just rubbish I eat a lot and he was like well I'm a guy and then that that was the end of it I was like well prove it you know like how attached are you to your penis on a staff of one that's perfect you brought your own interpretation which I really appreciated very generous on the 10 and finally going how much did you want a beating it was for you could whoever could eat the most in one hour and they were bets put on it everyone sat around and filmed it and and was like arguing over it and by the end of the hour and I'm not kidding it was probably the most physically and mentally difficult thing I've ever done in my life I'm not lying it was really hard and at the end of it I had eaten one point eight kilos of spaghetti bolognaise which is equivalent to four pounds no way you eat four boxes of spaghetti like that's a bucket like that's so much and that is I don't think I can eat that much mana you know a lot of spaghetti thank you it was it was really impressive yesterday for this because I'm presenting yeah and they put everyone's cardboard cutout from their seats yeah and here's was there and I was like sat down put my arm around him gave him a little kiss and I beat him by 500 grams he at one point three kilos and I won the pride of like all the crew and it was a momentous moment it was beautiful and and then they called me back to set and I was on the ground and I couldn't move I know it you know stop missing marry you got to get set I was that I I can't I can't and they're like get the nose my cold the nose so she came out say that stupid skiing competition and so she gave me um the the whatever they give topless when they swallow poison Oh Mac I'm not sure but she was like drink that in your spew in two seconds and you'll be right so you're so nice with fans you'd you'd take pictures of fans as lots of at premier is that tonight was yeah you have tons of pictures we see up and down that red carpet yeah we got it yeah labour say this is the point in the story where my Australian agent went this where you won the show and then I drank it and just spewed up full pounds of spaghetti bolognaise yeah like projectile like the other things like that movie where she is yet possessed and she turns light was like that and and then you find me and here we are doing the open in open VDB is important by making it available to everyone it has become the state of the art workflow choice for many studios largest I'll bet you're wondering wallet I bet you're wondering why I'm smiling so much he'll smell it in a second just had to get a fart joke and as always get married it seems I'm sure he could he just hasn't met me yet that's the problem he hasn't met me yet
Channel: clara 13
Views: 1,495,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Margot Robbie, Funny Moments
Id: ekPA6uovOis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2015
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