Marcus Aurelius. Emperor's last triumph

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television company Altair TV and New Acropolis presents [Music] [Music] [Music] a faithful pilgrim of those ancient arches in twilight of my decent life again by Vespers Ave Roma I pray in grant The Wanderers harbour as if a vault of beloved home the whom I call eternal Rome [Music] the Roman Forum here used to beat the heart of ancient Rome here amongst the ruins of the great civilization we recall the history that has no equal neither in tragedy nor in grandeur the history of loneliness and noble struggle free of the expectations of rewards and momentary success the life of a ruler who has never sought posthumous fame but who was granted it for centuries an instance of destiny when a seeming defeat in historic terms turned into a triumph in terms of eternity [Music] Marcus Aurelius Emperor's lost tribe [Music] the common cause will flourish no sooner than philosophers start ruling and the rule is concerned themselves with philosophy this phrase of Plato's was one of the favorite sayings of Marcus Aurelius the Roman Emperor [Music] his mount a statue made of bronze used to be totally gold-plated [Music] the monument was created in the 70s of second century of the Common Era it is a mystery that the statue has survived up until today a legend says the statue could have been melted in the Middle Ages just as many other statues were that didn't happen only because the statue was perceived as an image of Constantine the first Roman Emperor who adopted Christianity before the statue of Marcus Aurelius came to the capital Lyon Hill it was situated at the square st. Giovanni in the Lateran [Music] Michelangelo Buonarroti suggested the new place for the sculpture he himself designed the square and afterwards made a pedestal for the Brahms Ryder [Music] Marcus Aurelius was the last one from the plead of great Empress of ancient Rome Trojan Hadrian Antoninus Pius the period of their rule turned out to be a real golden century in the history of the Empire the son of that century was setting [Music] marcus aurelius called himself a philosopher on the throne his love for wisdom lay behind all his deeds no matter what he did he gave preference to philosophy everywhere and in everything but the cruel times during which he lived stamped his entire rule with tragic elements he had to withstand the great soul was undergoing its own ideals when darkness began to descend over Rome [Music] it appeared as if the end of times came as if at once all troubles fell upon the Roman Empire the tuber overflowed its banks threatening to flood Rome locusts ravaged the crops on the fields earthquakes totally destroyed a number of cities in Italy Hillary and Galya Wars came one by one the Parthians defeated Roman legions in Syria Asia Minor and Armenia mark Amon and cuadros invaded Reza norik Pannonia and then came the plague raging around Italy it took thousands upon thousands of lives after short respite Markham and and quarters again flooded deserted provinces bringing behind them the entire barbarian world with thousands of tribes nothing of the kind had ever been seen by the Empire the state had two armored slaves and gladiators [Music] and for divine foresight it was known that the time of a great feat for the people had come fate in its mercy had left the Empire with the one who knew it for sure a man is never forced to undergo trials that he cannot withstand [Music] his true name was Annius Pierce via means genuine fair by legend he was a descendant of the great Roman ruler Numa Pompilius whose origin went back to the legendary Romeo the founder of the city he was born in Rome in 121 of the current era in a noble family and was soon noted by the Emperor Adrian Adrian was an example of the true sovereign wise and fair intuition and insight allowed him to recognize in a small boy the future great ruler of Rome by the age of six he granted the boy with the honorable title of rider and a new name Marcus Aurelius Antoninus fur [Music] observing exceptional truthfulness which distinguished the boy from his early childhood Hadrian used to call him not just fear but very so much meaning the most fair he declared his will to see Marcus on the throne of the Empire ancient Roman tradition permitted the Caesars to transfer their power not just a physical heirs but to those whom they considered as spiritual successors following the Emperor's will his successor Antoninus Pius adopted Marcus Aurelius in order to later on transfer power to him Marcus Aurelius was 27 years old when Anthony Pye became the ruler of Rome from him young man learned political Arts and morals I should thank the gods he will write later on in his meditations that I was subjected to a ruler and a father who was able to take away all pride from me and to bring me to the knowledge that it is possible for a man to live in a palace without wanting either guards or embroidered dresses or torches and statues and such like show but that it is in such a man's power to bring himself very near to the fashion of a private person without being for this reason either mean or in thought with respect to the things which must be done for the public interest in a manner that befits a ruler [Music] you won 6-1 marcus aurelius became the Emperor of the Roman Empire [Music] his rule was subject to legends a complete chronicle of one of his numerous military campaigns can be read from bas-reliefs of the triumph column erected in rome to commemorate the emperor's victories one stopped by the bronze statue of Marcus Aurelius this column used to tower over Mars field surrounded by a huge library whereas now it is situated in : square [Music] among different scenes of the prolonged military campaign there's a scene known as the miracle of rain a legend suggests because of the long-lasting drought during 1 March the Roman army was perishing with thirst the saving downpour came only judah marcus aurelius as prayers addressed to jupiter [Music] [Music] people keep telling stories about marcus aurelius as talent to cure people of diseases simply by means of touching them with his hands as per the legend during the outbreak of a plague in Rome when there was hardly anyone not afraid of the pernicious infection the Emperor anonymously went out of the city to cure people [Music] reverence the gods and help men short is life there is only one fruit of this terrain life a pious disposition and social acts strive to continue to be such as philosophy wishes to make thee [Music] the reign of Marcus Aurelius is similar to those legendary times when gods came down to the earth in order to give people laws to teach them handicrafts and arts one of the Roman historians wrote he showed exceptional tact whenever it was necessary to keep people from evil or to spur to good he made people change from bad into good from good into excellent currently withstanding the mockeries of some people [Music] the laws and decrees of Marcus Aurelius were aimed at the welfare of rank-and-file citizens of the Roman Empire his civil law principles of a sovereigns legal liability as well as concern of the state for people policing of morals and manners registration of newborn children all were rooted in the rule of Marcus Aurelius [Music] all weak and defenseless or under his protection under his reign state took care of sick and disabled set up new colleges orphanages and asylums for poor children where they studied philosophy never had the legislation of the great Empire seen such care for children the Emperor's bronze statue nowadays situated on the Capitoline square is just a copy the original is located nearby in the capital lion museum for that there is an explanation in 1981 the sculpture of Marcus Aurelius was taken from his pedestal and sent for restoration by that time the statue is almost gold 'less this is partially explained by the reference of people who touched statue for centuries believing that this would bring good luck and welfare to the city [Music] there was a legend that Rome would be in no danger while the statue and golden played on it or at the pace should the statue disappear the city would disappear as well and there would come the end of the world [Music] specialists from the Institute of restoration in rome restor'd marcus aurelius statue the work dragged on for several years [Music] at last one day of the changeable Roman spring to be precise 12 April 1990 without excessive publicity and solemnity both parts of the statue the rider and the horse sit off from st. michele back to the Capitol on several police automobiles and guard motorcyclists accompanied to read trucks first one carried the statue of the Emperor with his arms stretched ahead and the palm turned downward in the Roman greeting the gesture which above all means blessing [Music] [Music] the Emperor's Palace of Palatine Hill today the secretive ruins reminded the former grandeur of the empress residence here generations of ancient Roman rulers lived their lives there were very few people by the side of Marcus Aurelius who could share the thoughts and dreams of the noble sovereign often the Emperor faced the destiny of the state alone his best commander Ovidius Casillas excited rebellion in Syria his wife Faustina the beautiful wood dissipated a woman covers the Emperor's good name with shame actors in theatres and sailors and port pubs publicly discuss her love affairs the Emperor's son kamat is an exact antithesis to his father later on Kamat introduced one of the most somber pages in the history of Rome [Music] [Music] remember to on every occasion which leads theater vexation to apply this principle not that this is a misfortune but that tabouret nobly is good fortune will then this which has happened prevent thee from being just magnanimous temperate prudent secure against inconsiderate opinions and falsehood will it prevent thee from having modesty freedom and everything else by the presence of which man's nature obtains all that is its own [Music] amongst betrayal and treason marcus aurelius remain generous and deep in his heart believed the genuine kindness is irresistible he rejects numerous pieces of advice given by his counselors who insist on the force with Faustina Marcus Aurelius considers such step as being too dishonorable towards his father-in-law and teacher Antoninus Pius who gave His blessing to Marcus Aurelius Ameri his daughter when marcus aurelius became aware of a vidya scarcest reason he retained tranquility without giving way to anger or feelings of revenge some years previously being aware of the generals over ambitiousness he wrote to his stepbrother in co-regent Lucius verus I've read you a letter expressing rather anxiety than dignity inherent in the emperor if he is destined to become an emperor we won't be able to kill him if not he'll be trapped by fate without any cruelty from our side [Music] not-so-little was our honor to gods not so bad we lived our lives for him to win [Music] upon receipt of intercepted letters addressed by Casius to plotters Marcus Aurelius ordered they be burnt to ashes without prior reading in order not to become aware of enemy's names and prevent involuntary hatred against them the rebellion lasted three months and six days Ovidius Casillas was killed by one of his accomplices the Emperor provided complete amnesty to his supporters at that moment many considered that such gentleness verged upon weakness how distant were they from the truth [Music] Marcus Aurelius always remained true to himself to a man made by philosophy the Emperor considered that philosophy an a was a person to perceive his or her predestination and to perform juicies decently and simply without pathos and vanity his moral beliefs never came in a conflict with what he was doing at that moment while experience and activities in no way disproved his highest thoughts and out of living is rather an art of wrestling than dancing it requires willingness and firmness as regards to the unexpected and unpredictable [Music] the main essence of Marcus Aurelius ruling was imparted by his efforts to defend the Empire he never longed for military fame while he treated defense of the state with all attention and conscientiousness one of the most peaceful Emperor's in the history of Rome he spent 14 out of 18 years of his rule in military campaigns defending together with his legions the northern borders of the Empire were abutting the onslaught of the Germans amid snow and marshes in Rome the Empress decision to make gladiators participate in the war gave rise to indignation the Romans as if they had forgotten about the defense of their own of the state we're only concerned about the possibility to visit the Colosseum again the Emperor wants to deprive us of bread and shows instead making us philosophize said they with indignation [Music] one can hardly imagine how lonely the Emperor felt he knew that philosophy remains the law of life at the same time he was well aware that the majority of people are very slow in perceiving the highest moral principles they feel quite comfortable without them no one can forcibly change the world is hardly any ruler holds sway over the thoughts and feelings of the people that is why it often occurs that the elevation of aspirations and ideas strikes us with the pros of outcomes [Music] as for the battles in the Coliseum Marcus Aurelius had always considered them to be cruel the only reason why he himself appeared in the Coliseum was to exercise the right of last word and to save the lives of the defeated by his order gladiators used blunt swords while rope walkers who performed high above the ground were secured by mattresses spread out around the arena in order to prevent death from an accidental fall Marcus Aurelius had never been captivated by illusions he knew for sure that he is Emperor can by oughta make all gladiators swords be blunted but it was beyond his power to prohibit gladiator competitions and thus to defeat the cruel passion of the majority of Romans for the bloody show [Music] but how worthless are all these poor people who are engaged in matters political and as they suppose are playing the Philosopher's do not expect Plato's Republic but be content if the smallest thing goes on well and consider such an event to be no small matter for who can change men's opinions without a change of opinions what else there then the slavery of men who grown while they pretend to obey [Music] when the Empress statue was transported back to capsule on Hill a miracle occurred people began to crowd around the rider and horse [Music] there were so many people that the court osh moved at the speed of a pedestrian the traffic normally very heavy at this time of the day was completely paralyzed the drivers didn't seem nervous because the delay as this was an unusual traffic jam [Music] one of the drivers addressed by reporters replied with a happy smile on his face am i angry no certainly not can anyone be angry with the Emperor a helicopter was circling in the air above the statue ensuring its security this precaution was evidently needless everyone without exception expressed love and profound respect towards the emperor philosopher citizens of Rome like their predecessors eighteenth centuries ago all of a sudden felt that they had participated in a new triumph of the Emperor the return of the statue was just a ground to awaken deeply hidden and dreamy feelings to awaken nostalgia longing for everything genuine fair and Noble everything forever inherent in the world [Music] the Empress stretched arm loose ring in the doll spring Sun was again blessing the people on the square 2,000 years ago Marcus Aurelius ruled ancient Rome time has Hoffa raised the deeds of the emperor philosopher who saves his book meditations it can be considered as an answer to the passionate appeal of her pick Titus his master and friend let any one of you show me a solar pertinent to a human longing to be a single hole with the God free of hatred envy and jealousy the one who for what should I keep my thoughts of Secrets is crate for changing his or her own humanity into divinity the one who has set a goal to reunite his or her miserable with the God [Music] [Music] today looking through marcus aurelius diary one can hardly believe that the pearls of moral philosophy were born in camps at night time which could have been used for rest and sleep along with oneself that is the name of 12 books of his meditations written in Greek Empress thoughts they represent some pieces of advice to the Emperor himself rather than sermons or precepts to other people simple natural and unpretentious they don't seem out of date with the passage of time [Music] stay alert Markus longing for enjoyment and happiness in the world where there is nothing constant is similar to madness it's just the same as if you fell in love with birds flying by [Music] [Music] it's probably true that everything achieved and done by marcus aurelius as an emperor has now turned into history time and laws have changed but when we think of Marcus Aurelius as a philosopher it's something different Emperor's meditations reveal the genuine essence of his spiritual life he was searching for answers to questions about the substance and destiny of the human soul of its attitude to the cosmos to the divine intent [Music] Marcus Aurelius wrote it's not worth being angry with people as many of them are ignorant about good and evil just like a blind man is unable to distinguish between black and white that is why evil in a man is to be considered a disease which needs to be cured and improved by proper positive example by aspiration for harmony with gods and people [Music] all historic tragedy filling in the life of marcus aurelius recede into the background upon reading his meditations what is the life of the empire as compared to the life of the cosmos what is the essence of historic mistakes if everything is ruled by a necessity which in its turn is the divine intent these thoughts led neither to indifference nor to escape from Judas on the contrary they were turned to the future thus joining the Roman Emperor with all centuries to follow [Music] ancient Rome left his heritage in the form of thoughts addressed to the soul world and God these thoughts are not threatened with destruction because humanity will never lose its ability to understand them they are stamped by eternity [Music] death came to the emperor philosopher on 17 March 180 during military campaign at a place not far from contemporary Vienna the emperor was about 59 years old at the time people told that it was from the plague of which he himself had cured many people right before marcus aurelius died his dr. Gallin who despite mortal danger stayed by the empress side up until the last minute heard marcus aurelius saying it seems to me that tonight i'll stay alone with myself after that his Haggard lips were touched with a sort of smile [Music] [Music] [Music] here is an arch and a worn-out cornice columns midst walls and the vaulting these are some debris zuv formal wings hiding the stage which is broken players now over have departed the chorus and actors leaving the mourning dust to lie over once-famous slabs [Music] [Music] the death of Marcus Aurelius was the end of Felicia Tim Porter the golden era of ancient Rome that was the beginning of the end for the old civilization which nevertheless seemed to have great potential and vital energy Marcus Aurelius life work was destroyed the rule of philosophy was followed by the rule of licentious violence contempt for cultural wealth and demoralisation resulted in the collapse of the great empire barbarian hordes and time devoured everything that used to be the essence of its life leaving for us only ruins of former grandeur and glory [Music] but there are eternal things over which time has no power amongst them an example of your life Marcus Aurelius Marissa mmus [Music] today the citizens of Rome and everyone who is intimately close to you even if they have forgotten a better part of what you left to them still love you again like many centuries ago they grant on us to you this is truly your final and greatest triumph of an emperor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Altair-TV Company
Views: 41,196
Rating: 4.8838897 out of 5
Keywords: new acropolis, nueva acropolis, marcus aurelius, marco aurelio, documentary about marcus aurelius, meditation of marcus aurelius, emperor, emperor marcus aurelius, Five Good Emperors, Roman emperor, Roman Empire, Emperor of the Roman Empire
Id: E_JudbPz-ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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