1957 5 Man MRE 24 Hour Ration 20,000 Calorie Meal Ready to Eat Testing Oldest Food Review
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Views: 6,511,351
Rating: 4.8597536 out of 5
Keywords: mre, ration, army, food, military, meal, ready, to, eat, pack, survival, camping, emergency, ASMR, steve1989, mreinfo, steve, mci, ww2, korea, vietnam, gulf, war, modern, civilian, packaged, packet, oldest, cigarette, smoked, eaten, tasting, crazy, rarest, coolest, most, amazing, SHTF, review, meal ready to eat tasting test, 5 in 1 small detachment, 5 man 24 hour ration, steve1989 mreinfo, mre steve, mre taste test steve1989, best mre, MRE Steve
Id: vkWM6mz_JVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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that was a goddamn rollercoaster when he bit that chocolate disk at 32:37
Lmao for the last two weeks I've been going through Steves vids like a mfer, glad to know im not the only one. Makes me wanna start looking for old ass rations to try.
He's like the Bob Ross of eating old military rations
I can watch this guy for hours. I also found myself searching for vintage cigarette rations just to see what the hype was about.
The balls on this dude. I won't even eat stuff slightly expired...
I'm glad Steve is getting some reddit love. Dude is fucking amusing as hell.......Nice, alright.
Anyone know where I can buy 50 year old cigarettes?
"Non-woven fabric . . . that's pretty neat!"