MARBELLA SPAIN 2023 - is it the most EXPENSIVE place in the Costa Del Sol ?

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good morning different day different place we are now in Marbella and what a park up we have been sent unfortunately I have promised I wouldn't give this out on camera so I can't share it with you but it's a cracker it's an absolute cracker because look where we're parked [Music] right on the beach [Music] [Music] now I think you can hear them they're parakeets and apparently my bay is over wrong with these little birdies they were introduced and they've just taken over submit it was a better sound than a Cockerel first thing this morning but I don't think they know when to stop these are the parakeets I was on about earlier on I'd rather have them in England than pigeons anything in the beautiful aren't they yeah there's one there just hanging in tree like a squirrel oh they're beautiful mini parrots aren't they yeah so apparently we found the bar to be at this is where they all go It Only Way is Essex and all that all the young crowd our dreads fin Camp what's the time for the drinks la sala it's called intake it's random it's absolutely even it's the only place we've seen it's really busy isn't it better one towel water and fruit on arrival and a bed 65 Euros both 200 Euros full size tables I'm not joking it's even there's Hindus and staggers and everything in there just because he's been on Summer all right [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] ER Generations party Jet Set lifestyle and moved to the other side of the town where the winding streets gave way to a newfound appreciation for the charm and tranquil attack of the Old Town of barbaria no [Music] so after such a long scooter ride it's taken about an hour and a half to get here and it is about six hours away from where we're parked up we have come to a little square that's called orange square and it is beautiful it's been recommended Again by our friend who recommended the park hop uh yes orange Square it's called and it is gorgeous why is it called orange Square because it's got green oranges in the trees yeah but green oranges it will soon go orange orange and we just ordered some drinks and something to eat because that's it's full of restaurants into here marks on San Miguel Grande and I'm on the tintorino I found this instead of sangria because sangria is proving to be rather expensive in Spain intent now Tinto Vino if you don't know is just red wine fruit and lemonade that to me sounds like sangria and where's Chico Chico's zonked out on the chair Chico with it as well that is gorgeous plenty nice no Chinese for you tonight just trying to navigate our way back to the scooters we can't remember where we've put them 20 to nine and it's just starting to come alive here the streets are definitely very very small well there's some gorgeous shops it's like amazing all these little shoes yeah seriously can't remember we normally take a picture or on Google Maps where we've letterscooters and we haven't done it this time because I ain't walking six miles [Music] good morning from a very very sunny Bella Medina yes we have moved we have left Marbella yeah we decided to leave lovely lovely place just not for us a bit expensive weren't it yeah it's a bit above water in it with some of the fancy cars and uh nice to look at boats and stuff I mean it is nice and it's really nice what we noted is that it is quite a market a marble around there so yeah entrepreneurs it's quite upmarket so very nice it just depends what you want but it wasn't for us we couldn't find a bargain could we no so yeah we come to Bella Marina because we've been told by subscribers there's a few Bargains to be had here and we sort of wanted to check it out see if it is equivalent to Benny normal we won't say the new Benidorm but equivalent to benidormate yeah we're gonna see that do a price comparison shall we say we are as you can see on an air it is completely free it's about 10 minute walk to the beach we've got free free water Elson gray waste everything you need and there's a big massive Market on air tomorrow but we are in designated motorhome spots which were there are 17 of the rest of the things gone I need tomorrow you can't park yeah tonight and tomorrow as you can see it's full just like the slightly more suspend at the moment everywhere is full so we're here till tomorrow now to do believe we've got here yesterday we've had a quick look around there's some beautiful places to have a look at so we're going to nip up and try and get another fan for you aren't we because it's very very hot for a change still humid high humidity and I will keep touching on the heat but it is warm and it's 33 34 in the day 28 29 overnight so it's warming up on it but we need to get there quicker because we've got Chico with us so let's go and see what we can find well it's not took him long has it what has he found it's a bad shot no it's not Chinese shopping I'll tell you what it's cheap compared to the ones we were looking at last night in the on the tourist trap on the near the sea from cheap in it yeah very cheap fried rice with chicken four Euros and 10 Shillings 10 Shillings I don't think so I mean that's just sit in as well though it looks all right there's no opening times it might not even exist anymore it may be a very old menu Mark yeah it looks quite old but you never know yeah but it's not open at the minute Mark so let's go never stopped you before so we've run out of Hard Cash I'm not allowed to have some cash in his pocket things like tips and you know you've got some stores you don't take cards but how do you get your money out when you do you fetch money with you we just put to a hole in the wall but we always look for a reputable Bank so Mark's just found a Santander over there you've got to be careful suddenly charge you a lot of commission so we tend to put his card in and see where it comes up saying it's going to charge before we get the money out something about 10 euros if I don't know what you've got to pay one pound fifty back in England to get your money out so it's grown 200 Euros out and it's charged him seven euros commission yeah so it seems to be like one commission no matter is 100 or 200 so it says that a por favor thanks so why do we want the money then well when you go like your Market to where are you free market yeah or when I'll go and see sticky Vicky's sister down in town where drum it's not a sister it's a daughter yeah look at roots on this tree Lisa oh wow so much to trip over there aren't they yeah that's some that's got Mark Hazard all over it answered that I walked up then right something I fantasize it is come on you better carry on walking on the path to be safe so apparently we've stepped right into the oldish town of Bella Marina we just sat down and found a bar it with that now so we bet it we forgot to film it but they were nice oh God 650 for a small breakfast and 850 for a large breakfast with tea and coffee with toast and it were all English stuff they were gorgeous it said English the people who serve you couldn't speak English but they were lovely very nice I've just been speaking to a lady who lives in ferngarola which is the town just before you hit Vala Medina coming from Marbella and she said if you want oldish traditional Spanish lots of frankarola it's a bit more touristy in Bella Medina and then you've got torremolinos you can literally just step into for me it's that close so yeah um we'll just have a quick look around the town before it gets too hot we don't have enough time to do that much here are we moving on again soon the heat is defining us because you can get up early in the morning about two o'clock you've got to go back in because it's too hot so and then you don't come out till so I can't film in the dark now statue there I think you'll be do you actually sit there is it just a statue Mark or a statue all right well part of it I think I don't think you'd serve you anywhere does that cable car go up there mark somewhere or you see the mass things going yeah there is a cable car that takes up to the mountains and it's called Misa and it's all like your old traditional Spanish village very very pretty again this is what we've come to now it's not as commercialized here we've come right to the back of Bella Medina because the front is very very touristy very touristy so yeah we wanted to get a bit more a bit more of the culture feel how the locals live if you ever fancied any chicken for your dinner look at this this is um this speaks KFC crawl them on there beautiful yes you can get a chicken dinner there oh is it yeah is it yeah it is a genuine one we're dropping mob was it Marbella and it was 20 wasn't it tell the truth went to Marbella and we saw 100 montanitos montaditos now the place that is become our new Weatherspoon over here aren't it we sat down and something felt very strange because all the prices were more than one Euro weren't there and they wanted to serve us and it was a rip-off it was a fake 100 montadita 120 months of these people it was fake so we literally got our stuff and ran out of there really quickly but we'll just found another one now in benalmadena here we go again look at the prices is it more real mark it says four oh yeah two two pants two Panthers for Europe yeah yeah can't beat it you can't beat it Matt call back there in a bit to go drink you just said it's like Blackpool Town Center isn't it down there it's nothing like it you don't get sunlight it's in Blackpool or heat I've seen a few things while we've been out in Spain and of course sunset's a bit like Blackpool or whatever I think you're missing home you keep mentioning Blackpool get home now we are seeing a few Chinese but restaurants aren't there's no takeaways in Spain really so you've got to commit yourself and go and eat in aren't you yeah you don't get as many we have seen delivery minute we're like just eating things like that yeah you can probably get a takeaway but you know the the thing is the price will be the same but what we did find is like the restaurants at The Strip will be out of the main Town Center are cheaper aren't they at one we looked at earlier the thing with Spain is they want to be somewhere they can all meet up there's a community here it's not stay in your house order pizza and sit in front of TV totally different culture here Everyone likes to come out and mingle and socialize so and they're very loud aren't they very loud so as you can see we're now out for the evening it's about going dark and when we're on about people that socialize this is where when they come out and socialize it gets very very busy we're on the seafront and as you can see the sea is just behind us and there's a roar here I wish you could smell it of fish restaurants but not in a bad way it smells lovely don't it it's just the fact that you're gonna get a fish with all the bones and ours do you think Scuttle fishing stuff like that lovely looking prawns and all that I'll just show you this is the main strip in Bena Medina and every roundabout seems to have some kind of thing going on on it I don't know what that is whether it's supposed to be windmills or not sure am I going to take you right over there tonight and that's on the border over there in it with uh torremolinos yeah that's gonna be Bella Medina Harbor it did look quite nice when we went in there there on the first night when we got here just a quick screw around to see what we could find so we'll take you over there as well and show you there it's not massive Bella Medina is not big at all it's a bit like uh maybe before Chinese over there it's called fukuota I can't I can't say that it's not called that because that's exactly what it looks like but it's closed it's quite a few so I'll know that we'll find one yeah it's a bit nearer it's just coming out of Medina this is torremolinos yeah it sounds like a song doesn't it though that does right Madeira [Music] torremolinos so we didn't get wrapped we've come into this Pub because it's cold weather spins and the food is amazing it's on the front of Bella Medina a pint [Applause] on June [Music] so we've made it down to the marina and it's very peaceful tonight it was hot and sticky over there when we came down here and it would be so they do boat trips for me you can go and find the Dolphins this is like the beginning of the ear in it yeah just show you around it's clever out it's in London it's like nowhere near the sea some really nice bolts right over there there's loads of bars and restaurants will take you to yeah yeah yeah but yeah it's it's very quiet tonight isn't it it's not too late and not too early is it yeah yeah we've been to Marbella and we feel that Bella Marino a bit more of a Marbella for us down to earth isn't it a lot down to work that was expensive no for sure there's a lot of Now Sports here but not like the big massive Yachts that were in Marbella and the prices are a lot more manageable so if you come in with a family you you can definitely eat out here we like it here don't we yeah yeah it's nice so when we knit down here the other day we got us to want to go on a boat ride to go and see the dolphins are going all the time aren't they yeah they're doing all day long and he said it was 15 pound per person which is really good especially in the Euro for 15 Euro but yeah that's it's normally about 35 40 Euro I don't think you buy a book a ticket you just turned off you just turn up on the Harbor there's loads and loads to choose from a nicer looking boats and others as well yeah this one's nasty yeah nice big catamaran all these along here they've all got boards if you can see the boards two adults two kids they're all really nice anyway and for those of you like shopping like myself there's loads and loads of shops there's what shops there's clothes shops gift shops everything's on Doria and people tend to shop more on the evening don't they because it's cooler look at this we've just jumped on a naughty train so we're gonna see where this takes us and it comes straight back it's half an hour in it so it's going to tour around everywhere yeah 10 years ago let's see where we're going foreign as we journeyed along the harbor taking beautiful yachts that reside in Porto Harbor we were surprised to come across a 100 year old original American steamer that used to cruise up and down the Mississippi River just sat on the Harbor bed like a gold ship after it met its end here in benalmadena after about a bad storm hit [Music] well we're back at the van in our totally totally enjoyed that naughty train I would never know that that steam over there we're on a big massive car park that has 17 motorhome actual pictures on it all the time we've been here this is our third night now here in it and yeah um there's always been more Parks up here yeah we'll show you where they normally park they normally all start crash on here now the reason why they're not here at the minute tomorrow there is a big massive Market on here and they're not allowed to park here so if I'm visiting tomorrow morning is a flea market and we've got the privilege of being on the front row because we're just supposed to walk away yeah my room's just over there in the background actually there's only 17 parking spaces but I'll show you when I go back what I mean about courtesy and respect there's just more drums everywhere they're the stock cared of that thing they're not bothered to block you in well we're not blocked in but obviously you know but it's I just said off camera now there's still no drums coming now looking for some somewhere Department won't be surprised if they're coming Park in Frontier overnight thinking you don't need to go anywhere oh well we're nice to say is out for his evening stroll now it's gone cooler hi chica yes has anyone else got a Chihuahua and wears a harness and they scratch it all the time it will not stop and as soon as I take it off it stops you must bug him hey but we have got him a new one aren't we which is we have we bought him with the donation through buyers of coffee all the yeah everyone's been buying Chico we can't eat that many treats so we got him an honest what else have we got him today or wait until I show you these oh my God show me back at the van before we finish for tonight yeah I've gotten two jumpers guys we found some jumpers that actually fit him down aren't we we're going when we get back to England which is coming up soon isn't it it's already cold in England compared to where but um we are going to the Warner show aren't we Shepton Mallet yes we are hopefully see a lot of you there but yeah we'll show you these jumping and Matt just nipped at the market where I got them from tomorrow I'm getting some more so yes for everyone who's bought Chico treats it can only eat so many treats or else it'll be sick and he definitely needs to be kept warm when we get back to England so here's one look at that it's gorgeous and it fits like a glove and are you ready for the next one I found these are like Goldust found in some of Chico look at that one I'm sure Mark collecting it back up tomorrow and get some more Crocs good morning it is very early physics 10 o'clock no it's not I've been up since half past six people coming and going and Van's moving and it's Market day like we said yesterday people have been coming for the market and I've just been told it's not very good buying a fellow Brit who's next door so we're gonna go and have a look and see what it is it's more like a flea market it says people's rubbish that's trying to clear out Chico doesn't want to get up yet he wants to go back to bed he keeps climbing on the bed what's the matter with you you've had a good night's sleep well so yeah let's take you around this market and see what they're um trying to vlog so it looks like our fears are confirmed it is not the market before no we thought it was going to be like a market that we saw in Benidorm and Farah it is car boot stuff it looks like people just emptied the houses onto the pavement really to tell you the truth we read a review saying that it's mainly people that come here that work in hotels and the stuff that you leave in your hotel when you go home on holiday they resell it up here but no not even as good as that a lot is it no so yeah it's going to be a quick look around the market today guys there's nothing to look at inflatable boats I mean it's just why a lot of it should be going into the bin real it's prepared good luck to them I suppose it's good saving not filling landfill up in it but a lot of it's rubbish yeah there is a lot of people buying old aircon units probably with the weather it's probably the best town to try and sell on into yeah yeah not for us cool about to have a break aren't we it's intense intense smelling smells a bit hoister voice it's like a voice to Market isn't it yeah there's a grill up there wouldn't they I wanted to buy a big double gasket it looks like they've left the last lot of barbecue all stuck to it not good anyway we're going to be moving today uh we're leaving Villa Medina but we like it here it's lovely yeah yeah it's um in comparison to Benidorm it's nowhere near as big as bandidom is it no it's not flowing is it I don't know it's a bit like it's just getting there but we can't base it on the usage of like East Coast but like in Benidorm like where you go is proper cycle lanes and stuff I think you feel so much safer you just on the road it's a free-for-all and the Sea front but it's got like the fish bars and it's a bit tucked away though but the air that we've stopped on can you call it an air okay you cannot fault that it's brilliant for where you need to go and have a quick look round it's Central and it's what just what you need to come to Bella Marina so it's got the service station there 17 space if you get air quick enough you'll definitely get one so we stayed there for three nights or nothing yeah 72 hours is the maximum so yeah we're moving further up the course today Matt looking at us at campsite because we've got loads of washing to do and get some editing done for you young man we think someone's tried stealing from the market and it's all going crazy down here there's just police everywhere some man shouting at a woman and I think he's uh grabbed her now the police have just rushed over I think they've got put her into the zoo area more police here now he was screaming and shouting absolute going crazy he still is putting the police are trying to calm him down I don't know what the hell she's stolen because there were nothing up there worth stealing unless she's taking cash I don't I don't know whether she's saying he's attacked her now so oh dear rosaki he's getting taken away that's just absolutely mental we've took you around the market this morning and we showed you what was up there there was absolutely nothing to steal whatsoever if anything I took half of it to the tip you just don't know people's circumstances or do you she might have been desperate poor lady but he's got her in a lot of trouble this morning now the police are here so I think we'll leave it there for that one because if I please catch you filming in Spain I'll be in big trouble so just before we finish this video off here we have got a few thank yous thank you I'm gonna have to go through these quite quickly I'm going to be here all there thank you very very much from the bottom of our heart yeah we really do appreciate it we don't ask for anything but if you feel like you want the gift as anything on buying me a coffee or a Chinese or chica or a treat or on the super thanks we really appreciate car's been loving his little presents so here we go Dave Morgan Debbie Clegg from Devon Paul and Debbie blagdon I know uh to do I hope I've said that right Carl govern Wayne from CTS decorating Caroline Mayer Leo Maria Wilson John Hanlon Gary and John from Western Superman Martin and Trish Wilmore Patsy Cochran Graham Hazelhurst Lindsay Ian and Josh Clark Stephen and Michelle Budd Sandra Maldo Jonathan taree Anthony Parker I don't know where I have sheltered your name out before bro I'll do it again because you know you don't you haven't heard it um Warren bird Amanda Jane nere Sandra Johnson Phil and Samantha Ellie jaw and Ted John from Stockton and we want to say a personal massive thank you to Jay Thomas what you sent us is unbelievable from the Cotswolds in Worcestershire how do you say it Worcestershire and we're sending you all our love Jay uh even Little Chica he's sending you his love and keep in contact with Jay and let us know how you're getting on but for now that's it we've got through the list again can't thank you all enough your messages of support and the things that you've sent to us really really so grateful really grateful we're blown away aren't we never thought in a million years that people watch our videos now along never mind even supporting the anyway we're gonna we're gonna offer there this under this one guys um we will probably catch you over at the coast won't we yeah where who knows but if you've liked this Vlog please click the like give it a thumbs up and remember to leave us a comment I'll always answer you back and if you haven't subscribed hit the Subscribe button and you'll carry on seeing all our adventures that are coming up very soon but for now we will say see you on the next one [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Northerners On Tour
Views: 38,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BENALMADINA, MARBELLA, Spain van life, Travel vlog, best tips, costa del sol, expensive, full time rv, full time rv living, full time vanlife, marbella spain, motorhome, motorhome spain, motorhome uk, northerners on tour, northerners on tour youtube, northerners tour, off grid van life, spanish city van life, spanish motorhome, stealth camp, travel vlog, van life, van life uk, vanlife uk, Chihuahua, Orange square, Orange square Marbella
Id: 2Zshk07uX84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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