Mapbox Tutorial

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hello this tutorial will be about map box map box works directly in the browser and got several different products and worked for different platforms in this tutorial we will create a map here we go to get started and if you aren't already signed in yet the winner will pop up where you should sign in that will bring us to the studio in studio we have different categories you got styles title set and data set and we want to create a new map with a new data set and therefore we have to create a new data set the first data set will be a point data set so the name is F Villa point for that one and we will just mark the location of the FF Villa so in the upper right corner we got a search window and research for the city Villa and then we assume to the spot where the F hides and here we mark it with a point feature and after we mark it we have to add it and then give it the ID in the name afterwards we can save the file so we get to save and save here and we have to export it so it's available later in our map the status of the export process can be checked at the bottom right of the web page now you can go back to the studio main page here you can see the created point data set and now we want to create a new one where we add a polygon so the name is here ffs illa polygon again first you have to search for the location of the ephah now you can draw the polygon by clicking all the points of the outline shape and to finish it you just click the second time on the end point then you add again an ID in the name for it and now we can first save it and afterwards export it again then we go back to the studio and switch to the title set here we can see now our two exported data sets and now we are able to go and make our map we start with the basic template then we rename our map and gave it a name F filler location and saved it then we again search for filler to be on the right position on the left side is our legend here can change the style for example make the blue of the water more dark this give you the possibility to create your own style I will continue and make some changes in the style but you can create yo legend on the left side can be grouped so you have a better overview on the layers you have already added so we make a new group and give it a name just base because they're all the basic layers in here and then we add our two created title sets and here we also want to change this style so first we want to change the style of the point feature we want to use a symbol for it and here we have to go to an icon and then choose an I can we like and afterwards we give it a name and now we change the color of the polygon so we can see our text today where we switch to a polygon layer change here the color and then we can switch back and as you can see the text is over the symbol so we have to fix that too and now our map is finished so we can share it you can share it over link or you're also able to use the code
Channel: IIIefIII
Views: 33,053
Rating: 4.3783784 out of 5
Keywords: Mapbox, Tutorial, FH Villach
Id: aICgxZdlB5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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