Map a Network Drive | Setup Folder Permissions | Assign Home Folder To Users | Windows Server 2019

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hi in this tutorial I want to demonstrate the steps we need to create a map network drive in Windows Server 2000 19 and then I want to also create some users and security group to join this user in an active directory also I'm going to create folders and assign the correct permissions so I want to create a few users here in my active directory so open your server manager click on tools select Active Directory users and computers and here you see this window open for the users other computers from the left side Exeter select your domain and then users right click you don't see new and then I'm going to select user first user is Kevin and Kevin is going ask me for the logon information so here I'm just gonna type in Kevin and for now this is OK click Next password I'm going to deselect must change passwords and this is the options that you have here for the password I'm going to set up the password for this user click on next click on finish so this is Kevin right click properties I'm gonna type in description he's in sales so sales departments ok Oh click on okay next I want to click on users again and then new I want to create a new user and the first name is going to be Sarah and Sarah you're gonna have login name of Sarah - click on next and here I'm going to deselect this for now start up the password for this user and I'm going to click on next then I'm going to click on finish I need one more high user for this tutorial so I'm going to click on next user Vanessa and then I'm going to type in the user login information so it's Vanessa and I'm going to click on next set up the password for this user and here I'm going to deselect this for now click on next finish and Sarah I'm going to right click properties just gonna give a description for this user HR assistant and click on apply and ok and for Vanessa I'm going to the properties and for the description I'm just going to type in an HR manager I'm going to type in apply ok and now I have the users that I want to use for this tutorial next I want to click on again for the domain I want to also right click users click on new and I want to create a security global security group and this is going to be sales for the sales department click on ok and I want to click another security rule for the HR department so HR departments it's going to be global and security the groups type its security click on ok so write a click on in middle here you're going to see the security group right-click HR department properties members and the members tab I'm going to click on add and I'm going to add Sara check name within the domain yes this is the person ok and the HR my finger and HR Vanessa check name click on OK ok perfect so you have both here click on OK right so next I want to find the other security group which I created which is it's for the sales department so so I finished with the HR department for the sales department right click properties and the tyre the tabbed members I'm going to add the users Kevin so check name yes Kevin in the sales department and now we have the security group and the security group will allow us to assign to' permission for the map drive ok so we have this set up so three users to just test Venice's the HR manager Sarah as the HR assistant and and Kevin he's in the sales department right ok so so next in order to map a network drive we need to create a folder and then it will share this folder and finally I'm going to map it so select your volume from this PC on the server I'm going to select the volume and this is Volume II I have a separate hard drive I'm going to right click inside I'm going to create a just folder normal folder I'm going to call the company name or channel name so here is my channel name right click properties and I'm going to go for sharing I'm going to share this folder ok so in the show so we have admin and also I want to add the security group that I created in Active Directory so the security Google HR the HR department and the sales the sales department they have both set to read administrators group set to owner administrator set to read write ok so I'm going to click on share your folder is shared click on done and now I see the network path for the share folder so backslash backslash which is referred to share folder the server name then backslash techno config the folder name click on close now I want to map this shared folder from the writer from the left side I see Network right click and click map network drive select a drive letter for this map a network drive I'm going to select P and the folder path which is the path of the folder that we just shared so backslash backslash the server name DC server then backslash the name of the folder that we shared I'm going to click on finish so here it says cannot access we have to check what's the problem so here I do have a problem with the name of the folder so click on finish yes now I do have it so if I go back to this PC from the left side I see the network the mapped network drive on the server I'm going to and go inside I'm going to clear a create if you use your folders in here so two folders for now just for demonstration I'm going to call one cells and the other one I'm going to call it HR departments and here this is sale for sales department ok so inside the HR I want to create also two folders for the HR manager and other one for let's say I want to create a for the HR HR assistants so I have two folders right now okay so why we are doing this so basically we assigned the permissions for the map drive we gave the Sookie we created the security group we assign user members within the security group so next in order to prevent users from looking or users from different Department into looking on each other Department folders we have to set permissions and we have to do it correctly in order to let's say if you have the sales department if you access in the map and to the map the map network drive we see the folders in here and for the HR department they are able only to see their depart their their folders and for the sales only to see their cells so we don't want to all the people and within the company to see other departments other folders Department within the map not work a drive for understands this is going to create a problem if the salesperson will access their HR department folders files and see something like salaries positions send numbers classified information that shouldn't be on a map not with drive for specific people so only a few people should see whatever they want to see and this is where we should as a team as an IT team department they should make sure that the permissions are set properly on the Windows server so no one can access unauthorized stuff and the map natural drive so in here so going back this PC I see the map natural drive on my server and I I see the two four two folders here at saying wouldn't within the company HR department sales departments if you want to add here and let's say as an age let's say if Sarah as an HR in the HR department if she accessed the mile drive she only see this folder so in order to do that I'm going to right click properties and the tab and security here I'm going to select if you see here the group both the group are existed so sales on HR I don't want sales to be in the age I don't want sales to look into HR department folders and files so I want to remove this in order to do that I'm going to click on advanced I want to select sales then I want to click on disable inheritance then use I will select the first option which is convert inherited permission and to explicit permission on the subject this will allow me to remove the cells so now it's removed the cell security group from the HR department folder so I'm going to click on apply okay now I don't see it in here and this is the HR department and this is the permission for the HR for now it's set to read a list and read only so no modify no for control no edit no download no adding so click on OK and the cells the same thing I'm going try to click properties I don't want the HR people to look into the sales stuff so here I'm going to click on I'm going to click on advanced and HR departments disabled inheritance select this option then remove the HR now it's only for the sales security group click on apply ok and it's also set to read stuff so ok now inside HR I also created a few options so a few folders in here so HR assistant HR manager so for the HR since ins assistant I'm going to right click properties and security now in here I see the group HR and the group HR also belong to both Vanessa with a nature with a group and Sarah as an HR manassas tent so I'm going to actually remove this and let me remove the secure this one from this water so I'm in the HR assistant folder I'm going to remove the security group the same thing and what I'm going to do I'm going to click on add sorry I'm going to click on apply on ok and now I want to click on edit I want to add and I want to add Sarah for this folder that's on that's going to be on her own folders and the map network drive I'm going to check the name yes this is Maya this is the domain name and this is the user name click on OK and I see Sarah here and for this folder ok and she has read permissions as an assistant and we leave it this way I will give her a read for the for Sarah I will give read permission for her apply ok and ok now in the manager right click properties I'm going to the Security tab and the same thing I want to remove the HR department in order to because if I don't remove this Sarah as an HR assistant will be able to access the folder for the HR manager so we don't need this so here I'm going to remove the HR department apply ok here I'm going to click on edit and I'm going to add the user name as the HR manager Vanessa select I'll check the name I want to check the name it's not so sorry so Vanessa let me check the name click ok so that's the name and for the HR manager I want to give full control okay so they have read write list read and execute permissions modify click on apply ok click on OK ok going back the sales department we do only have read so I'm going to leave it this way for the sales and so for the sales here I can fix this by going to the HR department and yes it's allowed to it's only for read click on OK click on OK now we should have everything set up for this map network drive so the next step from the server manager I want to go back to tools select users and computers I'm going to minimize the background and here within users I want to go to the users that I created starting from Sara as an adjournment assistant right click properties I want to select profile so I'm going to add the home folder for this user which is Sara as an HR HR assistant so I'm going home folder under home folders I'm going to select connect select the drive letter which is P write the one that we created previously and - so - I'm going to add that path so server the server name backslash that drive name and click on apply click on OK click on ok so Vanessa right click properties the same thing profile I want to add the home folders for her profile so connect the same map natural drive and the network path which is backslash backslash the server name so DC server this is my server name and network now drive name that we created click on apply okay so here ok and Kevin finally so property is the same thing profile connect P and let me add path backslash techno config I'm going to click on apply okay okay and that should be it for now next I'm going to test from the client or the employees computers so here I'm inside the HR a manager workstation she's Vanessa so I want to test her access to the network draw it to the map network drive so I'm going to go on this PC and test and yes I see that the mapped Drive so I'm going to enter this map drive and I see only HR department if you notice we will remove the sale security group so no sell security groups on now I don't see the sales department folders in here so I was able only to access the HR department folder and I see only the HR manager folder I can't even see the HRM assistant further as in manager so it's all hidden so the HR manager only see her folders and since we gave her four from four full permission for Vanessa she was able to actually create things inside her folders or put folders right and no one see that no one should see that so if right click we create a new text document we call the salaries let's say yes she was able to create folders inside her inside her specific folder so if we go back let's say and I want to create this one here and this one has the security group permission which is read-only it's not right or modified so text okay you see this message you need permission to perform this action because we didn't give the HR manager access to this there of this path the only way we gave her full control is inside her own folder right so she cannot perform this task in here within the map Drive so let's test in here in this path so if we enter we see the main path let's say I want to drag here okay you need permission to create this action she has no access also here okay next I want to test with Sara as an HR manager so I'm going to go ahead and test with Sara as an HR assistant I'm going to type in the domain name backslash the user name so my user name is Sara password that I set up and we didn't change this so it asked us to change the password ok no problem so I'm going to change this so it's changing the password and the passwords change in here okay so I'm inside Sarah the HR assistant workstation and let me check let's go and check the map network drive for this user or employee so I'm going to go this PC and yes I see the networker the map naturally Drive and I see the HR department perfect and here I see the HR assistants you see now I can't see the HR manager only the assistant right and if you remember for permission we set only read read means we don't have write permission or modify we cannot put anything inside we cannot modify so in case the HR assistant Sarah she want to put stuff inside this one prevent her of doing so on the map network drive because she has no permanent permission to do so as the manager so let's say if the Sarah as an HR manager she has a new or folders on her a local workstation let's say she has folder called sin number so send numbers this folder has a bunch of sin numbers inside so here so these random numbers so for demonstration and this folder we'll consider to be very classified and sensitive inside the company and Sarah she wanna go ahead and put it inside her folder within the so within the network map drive so let's see if this is possible so copy and I'm going to paste it I'm going to enter the map drive I'm going to paste it here okay I see the message permission denied no access or no permission if I go in here permission denied okay I can't if I go HR assistance which is I'm not allowed as well permission denied so now access we link our we only gave read access and there is access in case we just want to put something in here from the admin user Sarah as an HR assistant she was is going to be able to see the stuff so from my server I'm going to create like a something inside the map natural drive for Sarah so HR department HR assistant and here I want to create a folder for Sarah the HR assistant in the company I want to call it let's say tips on how to starts right so this folder would allow our allow Sarah to understand the stuff in the map how to use the map a network drive set of instruction basic instruction to allow and technical non-technical highly non-technical users to understand what's going on so especially in matter of security it's recommended so if we go back to Sarah workstation we should see this folder okay so I'm here I'm inside sarawak station this is her personal workstation if I see the account yes I'm Sarah account and to check this we can click on lock and yes we are inside this HR assistant account so if I go ahead and check the file that I created let me go ahead and go to this PC the map network drive HR department HR assistants and yes I see the file that I created as an admin for Sarah as an HR assistant to start understand how to fuse tips to make her understand how to work securely on the network mapped on the mapped network drive finally I'm going to test with Kevin so here I'm accessing Kevin account Kevin username and the password I'm going to hit enter now I want to access the account contest okay so now I'm inside Kevin a workstation let's go ahead and check and going to this PC yes I see the map natural Drive that's okay and yes I don't see the HR department if you notice here I see the sales department only and yes that's it and here he should have reading so we cannot add anything yes I see the access denied we cannot delete we cannot create we just can't read and that should be it and this is how it's basically you can map the network device and assign the folders and the right security group and permission that's it for this tutorial I hope you enjoy it thank you so much for watching talk to you next time why
Channel: TechnoConfig
Views: 26,171
Rating: 4.9363055 out of 5
Keywords: mapped drive, windows server 2019, file and folder permissions, active directory, security groups
Id: OVln4mAqP30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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