Mantak Chia - 'The Universal Healing Tao' - Interview by Iain McNay

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hello and welcome again to conscious TV my name is Ian McNay and my guest today the studio is mantequilla and then tech high and man tech is written many many books some told he's written over 40 books I've just got a few here to give you a taste a terrace way to transform stress into vital T the multi-orgasmic man Chien I hung which is Chinese it was his Qi massage for the vital organs ironshirt chicken and the inner structure of Tai Chi and that's just five about 40 books but it gives you an idea and Maine Tech has created a school called the the University healing Tao which is his main teaching and he lives in Bangkok and he's over to visit us in London so I'd like to start at the beginning when he was 6 years old and I was reading that you've started to meditate with monks you sat and meditated with monks at six years old yes I mean um Thailand there's so many monk in Temple and where my house is surrounded by three or four temple around a so and it's a temple also a pig ground for us so we go there and when they see a lot of monkey they meditate and I'm very interesting that there's something day so I'm I'd like to see eventually learn something from the monk the simple breathing and how to quiet the mind and that's how I start that way I mean you see them every day so he learned something from them but was that no more for a kid at six years old to be drawn to that I think that that time I interesting it and inquire you're curious too of what they're doing there and so usually that's among or something that usually that the children they like to running around but I say I interesting in sitting meditate and the interesting in that way teaching me and what did you feel when you sat with them what do you remember your first experience um I feel that sit and meditate and actually whenever I sit children when you and actually children they can sitting and if c-collar are sitting very simple when they cry their mind and they sit down so I see something I feel something it's how I get me interesting in this Chi practice and were you aware that stage you were feeling energy I know know the feeling you see mostly like some color some vision something like you see like some children they just see the muscle and then when you were at grammar school school you were learning Thai boxing yes which sounds very different from sitting crying it's quite active isn't it I mean there when you're young you also want some more active thing to learn and yeah yeah you enjoyed that now and later on I learned more in a Tai Chi more internal moment Asia like Tai Chi we call moving meditation and also because when I learn also you have the martial art expect of Tai Chi there is also most soft time or internal style of practice so something with drawing you to explore these different traditions different techniques if you like what were you aware at that point you've been taking on a journey yes when I'm young I'm very interesting in all this kind of thing because it's a culture in each year and where were you go you see the people doing Tai Chi doing chicken meditation this is a culture around a like that so when you see them you you you like to they're interesting that what they're doing and when they move touchy the movie solo why they move away slow I know and why they so it's very interesting in explore what they're doing and that's so I learned more and learn more and eventually I get to what I want to learn so it was like it was like a journey from the meditation is very young and then the boxing and then Aikido and tai chi gong so when you got to what you want to learn what was what you wanted to learn when I study in Hong Kong I mean there are many novel about talking about the Tao master and living in a mountain and they know how to transmit power and energy and all this thing you know so I said very interesting in that and and Chi you know the feeling Chi and I think that is maybe just in the book in novel and one day was sitting there and eating and few of them they mean few people that are just my friend come from Thailand they were sitting there and we talked about Chi and we said we don't believe that and the people and the next table when one man they literally call him the my senior class Mick so he come away they said you want to fill Chi I can bring you to my master and he can show you the Chi Oh interesting so we make appointment about tomorrow 10 o'clock so I'm there but all my friend nobody come so after that we wait until 11 o'clock normally show so and finally I go to see him with the master so the master look at me what happened to your friends and they said I don't know we mixed appointment to make and come here and they're not here so they said you're interesting to fill Chi yes so he said okay I teach you a simple meditate you sit and meditate and he put a finger on my navel yeah put Ryan to navel and they say you focus on here if you feel anything you come back to tell me that's all right it's like so interesting psycho home I said I meditate and not today I feel warm in my navel and it's so warm so once I want someone and he started to move and did you have your finger here why you know me that you touch first because so he's dead because he said this one is the energy center yeah so if you start with that and you can have a lot of Chi so when I touch and focus but from my mind if focus on there and any still get one one one one and it started to move in orbit and after I feel it go up to the crown and coming back down and my tongue because the tongue life circuit so when they put the tongue up the tongue by Beijing now you take a battery and you test your tongue and to do my breathing I say very interesting honey so you come right down to me and now and it move again okay so whenever I focus it and keep on moving moving I said this is very interesting and so the next day I go to stab him that I feel the Chi and I feel energy moving oh this very good you are very quick so he started to teach me more meditation because what so I'm lucky that limb for me we called inner alchemy a practice that is called a dhow practice in the alchemy and so the inner alchemy is that is the transforming the material into in material so that's why the Dow's very concerned that we have a physical so for somebody said the heart or the liver material but our that they're producing something for example we said if you abuse my are you go deeper into your heart there's a physical you can picture them you know the location when you meditate for in touch you studied if you love coming up so there is one energy and you have hatred come out there is another negative energy so but in the Taoist that we always talk about jin-young negative positive but they are and power each other's one part of the same mother the same cycle yeah so when like I so I learned this one but I also grew up in a Christian family yes but my learn is devil so the negative is devil the positive is God but in a thousand no negative and positive that and power each other they don't fight so they didn't push the jung jae-young put the yin and that's it so when you first heard this about the devil and God being part of the same cycle what was your response to that I mean when I am being being a Christian sin I born because my family Christian so I grew up in the church actually I born in the Second World War when when they bomb Thailand Bangkok I'm Reagan bomb tire I mean car so and we know that they American will not bomb the church so my mother my mother is missionary so we go into the church and a banda in the church so they come bomb in the church so so that's why so that so I learned from Chris a devil in God so when we have devil and God you have to have war in fighting that's right but when you have Jinyoung and actually the West discovered the same thing pH balance when the pH balance mean acid alkali equal and your balance yeah it's too much acid not too much alcohol so I'm just very interested in winter when you first the master you this was master in one Clow he white car one cloud okay so when you first met him he was obviously impressed first of all you turned up didn't and then you did your Chi practice yes and you could tangibly freely and then at that point did he decide to work with you yes he is that you're very quick I think you we have good karma together and this is um and he feel that I'm very interesting and I like this guy practice and you think that that time is quite Young's I've about 1415 years old and he said mmm you are interesting and because I already have many other practice also sorry interesting come to a point the hey I need more internal work okay and talk about briefly about him because I heard a I watched a DVD where you talk briefly about yeah and it seems that he went on remarkable journeys to find the information from his masters yes and when I remember he would have to walk for several days in the mountains with no food and no tent and then the master so somehow took that as a kind of commitment from him and they would start to teach him yeah he actually he spent 30 years trying around all the tempo in the Dow's so it's in China yeah in China yeah so he he think that he cannot learn from them because that's very ritual very initiation thing and very little practice so he called tempo by tempo by tempo and he said not my practice that I need so later on when he studied with one master and he told the if you really want to really want to learn some real practice you have to go to the mountain to look for those must so he decide to just go but that time is you we said I don't know what anything is so he could with a big backpack with everything you know in the back with the food and everything and go to the mountain so you work for hi you're so heavy you know and you work for wine you have to eat all the food by the time you're going to very deep mountain you have no more food so you have to get out and it's the carry again so finally he one day he going to the mountain and he met old man and he talking I wanted to see Thomas I said yes you can't see them but you're not going to be like this with your big backpack you have to be nothing I said how can I serve I said so you teach him that hey you have to learn how to eat lick the root during the drill that's it and you cannot keep on carry the backpack like so so oh that's why I cannot go deep in the mountain because you have to be keep on carry this thing so he started to learn how to dig the root of the herb and the food and fight the food whatever and drink the water that's it so he can come carry any more anything but did he know where the Masters were so he started to us and finally he he called to a mountain by mountain now he can go deeper deeper deeper without carry the food so I can go so finally he met quite a few master and I'm loved damn our body there's a sit down our body so physically have a body her body and our body okay so how'd they go to so he called the one cave and and I kept another cave and finally he go to the cave he learned from the other people said when you go there you have the massage the body clean out the body okay if the master come back they were happy with that so it couldn't in Mossad and after that happened to my Grand Master come back and the over the eyes is someone you're doing good job on me hey hey hey hey because that's their every you know so I said you do a good job on me so what do you want he said I want to learn what you what you are doing so it's okay maybe this is my last chance to come back here and that's it so he started to do in teaching so teaching him so he learned a lot of practice and integrate a lot of what he knows so up to be we call an eye level of internal alchemy it's an eye level okay and and that's how and he do meditate and he get to a level of bright Aryan four line long one you know that means he can eating or drinking yes I mean they usually we doing the SAP of the pi/3 so morning you need something you need and because when you go to a highly meditation and you have lucky you started to change the body the energy that you need and he started to change the body that you know need to be a lot of food to maintain me because in the jungle you cannot do that in a cave and so and then your master the white cloud master he then started to teach you what he'd learned from his mom's yes when I and later on because the Second World War and the Japanese to over the Manchuria because he where he stay is the White Mountain coast of Manchuria and the bath area okay so that's what that place is like close to the Himalaya there because he need a place the outside hole and you called out a mountain is warm enough and you can put the body so you not declare let me wake or outside but you go down is warm and warm enough that you keep like refrigerator but it's constant weather and you can put the body and it's it in declare just this one they always find that that place is the place best place to do that but when the pen is coming he one day he he won't go down to see whether really just below and he go down and and he he go up and stay on a tree maybe we got a nice Isis territory and just standing meditate on the tree yeah staying staying okay so when he in the morning come up Japanese soldiers around here so with his practice because they're camping right around the whole tree and I'm any up there for about the staying there for many days so I stay up there not eating and OPP also yeah okay otherwise they get killed so he said because the practice you do is a city I meditate up there and move and that's it and later on day when they when the Japanese laugh she come down and cannot go back to the mountain anymore so he had to travel with with the people they retreat into Hong Kong so he stay in Hong Kong I met him in Hong Kong when I called the Hong Kong study yeah it must be an amazing experience for you being so young 14 years old yeah and you're learning from this incredible master yes so I think I'm very unfortunate my seen him my senior class make he have a heart the mean have a hole holding the heart and so any when all we fainted so no matter what he do that time then no operation father for fixing the heart so I'm so he took him and teach him until he okay but the problem that he have is he cannot learn any higher level and he's um so his pity you know so so when I study here in my senior class but later on my master told me that he had the hard problem a vow is not closed so he cannot learn higher level because I'm on a higher level you need a lot of energy to go in so that's why I learn other more practice and can be say the whole practice from the master so at this point you were absorbing incredible knowledge yes an experience and then I think you shortly after that you opened a center in Hong Kong is that right no in Thailand yeah but um my master told me in the last time when I left he said now you are master right and you can decide what you want to do but I tell you that one day you go and teach the Fallen but you have the promise that you teach the Chinese people first before it is the fallen okay and then I never think I'm gonna go approach him ever think about that Gina so um so I start teaching the Chinese people in Bangkok right yeah and when we had Nam welcome and when American retreat and my sister is an American citizen is he so an American there with Oh the Vietnam War it will take the time the American student won the fight went down so you will taught of the tie line so he said you better left so I said okay I left so I left I never think I've gone to America so I go to Omega and I at that time I said ok I want to teach this so I start teaching in New York Chinatown the Chinese people only for five years in Ryan New York Chinatown I remember when I was in New York for time you could see this is a few years we could see the Chinese people in a park some of them doing chica by morning so they took that with them didn't they yeah they're there they think that if you morning you move you do some energy except the energy or we call Chi because a everything inside we call I mean in the west we said we given them come by all electromagnetic power and it's way interesting outside now we know that there are electro magnetics electromagnetic power outside so we call so by all electromagnetic power and electromagnetic power they're similar the difference is by all they made a living thing know how to use energy and that's how we call Chi so we draw in Brit Brit in the energy we producing Chi but apparently when we learn how to draw in the energy around us and convert into B by all-electronic the power we are more Chi than just depending on food only okay today called Qi Gong so so I have this clear you know I know I have through knowing a bit about acupuncture this yes basis I have meridians in my body and they and what it can get blocked and somebody puts a needle in or does acupuncture and that helps my flow more yes so that's an internal flow and that in itself what I think you're saying is connected to a larger energy body which is essentially my energy body yes and then that in turn is connected to a universal source of energy so how it all fits together so when with the cheek on that we see what obviously now these days it's in every city or when I practiced a cheek on both in the east and the West so then it's a question of somebody is working on the different levels so they're they're helping their own energy clear in the blocks they're also recognizing their energy field and are they also then with cheek on connecting with the wider and the inferior it's all three levels of hands so there are the the whole major thing that in the meditation that we do we call the energy meditation or we call needleless meditation that means you meditate whenever you feel energy and you move the energy and it started to clear the blockages that's how the Chinese master discover all the channel by meditating and they feel the energy run into the different channels okay and you can feel and let all them map out all this acupuncture point and the organ meridian like when I meditate on them on the heart and when you hold the finger so you have holding like mudra but you're holding on the figure this is the heart Meridian your hope and you started to feel energy running into the Meridian but how do we get blocks in the first place the blockages is emotional it's the number one so when you say emotional it's what we would call a negative emotion yes anger or frustration stress can be a positive emotional also can be over so the holdout practice is don't get over negative - don't get don't get anything excess or too much not too much available yeah but with happiness can you have too much happen yes really you can have when you have too much happiness all the energy also over one when the heart and everything and it's too much so the darkness is not too much and not too little when you extreme angry that is not good so we call sin we all know that yeah so extreme happiness also causing problem let people have so much love everything okay crazy okay so it blows it blows everything yes so you keep it balanced negative and positive had to come into balance right but not go excess not go too much not go over so how do you know how does somebody know when it's excess this certain of this examples yes of you get angry yes you're frustrated you know in the car that's obvious yeah but it's a little bit of anger okay sometimes yes always people we are human hey God also get angry I mean God angry terribly burn out the whole town he said fire burn the whole tank you so many people so God also get angry okay we are so in the taoist very simple you started to learn to smile to yourself so you started to you have to classify yourself you have to classify where they all can come from and the Taoism for thousand years they divided all can have positive and negative energy so for example we say the heart you have love joy happiness that is positive and you have head to it impatiens hastiness that is negative that's also in the heart in a hat so you need to fire balance yeah okay hatred nothing wrong if you turn inside it I feel I hate you okay so I try to find a balance of love so find a balance of love I'm okay but when you hate so that's not so easy to find the power but you have to fight that way you have to learn how to fire balance and how do you do that well the first thing we will call a meditation of separate out ahead we're out of the person like okay lever because you're very liver star angry yeah anger jealousy envy frustration stress now we know that where this where this emotional come from liver okay kindness generosity come from also storing the liver so now when we know it when we meditate we are with with smart so the white natal said you must go into the material first how do you spout the liver so the first thing you have to know the location and the next thing you have to learn how you happen know how they'll ever look like so there's a two thing there is what all the secret of all the religions they give you a statue give you a church give you a temple so you can hold that image and hold that thing to be focused on it so now if we compare died and modern thing if you know the location like you have a telephone number country code city code and you know how to hold the image of the organs like you get a telephone number and all you have to do is press the number and you and you die and you make connection so the same so in here in a town say when you smile you're you know the location you hold a picture you make a neck so you do in your mind really you're doing visualizations in your mind you actually we're not we don't want to call visualization we call actualization because you have a liver right and you know the location so the whole thing is have to make it actualizations really connect with you connecting with it like you you get the you get the number and you press the number you connect and the guy can be Alaska or Himalaya you still can make connection with them yeah because it's a connection in the real connection so when you feel it the next thing you have to understand the liver hold the anger jealousy envy frustration stress and the neck the positive side is kindness and generosity so there's two negative day so when you're looking inside you smile and you're looking inside you and go deeper and you feel that hey the guy make me angry how you feel Oh sometimes the guy pop up in front of you and if you turn green so we say a very simple way you delete them it's a memory so if you look at memory and not sin not something you can delete we we like computer and they always have a delete key and copy key and we have a very powerful copy key but when we come to delete key we don't know where to find so we are looking for it so we end up with confession as call forgiveness all kind of thing going on but we never get it out because we do not really know where the anger come from and how to deal with it so the Doucet first thing use mine you have the people image in front of you and you separate the anchor out if you don't separate the anger house the angry multi-prime multi-prime multiply and the so much anger and one day you have to Expo when you're exporting then why we have the anger and expulsion we make so many weapon in order to blow other people into pieces see I said what's happening is the anger on the inside manifests on the earth but as the iced I said e equal MC square and energy you cannot destroy them only transform them so now the Tau said look mother earth and we come in look a very simple thing the cabbage organic cabbage you put down to mother earth you cover them it turned into compost so we saw cabbage into gold so we can transform the garbage into good fertilized soil the same thing that any chickens on form if you understand the alchemy ba so for material a change in material so now from a material item to another energy so when I feel the angry I let go for the fuel free level you smile you're sending love joy happy form the heart so you always have to stop on the heart first you multiply you open your heart receive more love and joy and happiness from the universe we call the unconditional live universal love grace of the universe in a Doucet the supreme creator or the sauce the DAO they hold this one if you ask for and the heart can multiply this is the top of the heart take in multiply a lot now you have a lot so the first thing is you have to use this energy we call good friendly micro organism a starter so when you have a lot angry you send love joy happy wrap around the liver and chain the angry into love into kindness into generosity that's the first step very simple Hammad of multiply and sin and love is composed all this negative energy into positive energy so really what we're talking about when we have sickness in the body it's usually emotions Costigan's yes emotional cost sickness emotions causes sickness because the emotions are not moving they're not flying is that right is it as simple as that can also be hereditary in the genes or dietary related the whole thing is that if we think simple it works simple so a lot of things that the Taoism so many times in year make the body of the human and how each home form is a natural way with some form so we look at anger if I send in good energy to tranform it it changed good energy and also the doubt practice always like to connecting with the earth so when you have a lot of anger you send it down to the mother earth and the mother earth will compose it recycling it and give us back good energy to back us so that is a very very important so the table said come down into the space in the space you cannot reform is only accumulator damn boat down so if you sit relax let go let go forgive forget let go let go to mother earth let mother top of it if this one if people study to understand all this we not come into the space God never forgive our sin okay and human cannot transform we have to turn from it we have to be cool to the mother so in a thousand the heaven or the father give us a blessing but the mother earth give us the health the healing the wealth and longevity this is Mother Earth cube so we have to go to the right channel to get it okay negative can come from pop to the earth okay so something also want to talk to you about is that unconscious TV there's lot of people watching that are interested in self-realization in freeing themselves which really clued obviously they free themselves from the effects of the emotions but also freeing themselves to find out who they truly are yes does your energy work somehow connecting with that yes the first thing you have to be find out your emotional and clean them out so now when you go to that way in a doubt practice in my now practice in a China divided into ten different branches my branches call a practical Dao means you just practicing it you're talking what would order or the belief system or the thing so the first thing in a Doucet number one they we are coming when our soil spirit is collecting one place and this one's pretty it's latch I may remain there so if they don't have a chance to take a physical why the niccola take a physical because a physical can producing energy to feed the soul so this song spirit latch I they need a physical in order to producing energy to feed them otherwise they can remain like a child for a million and billion years and they never grow up and they remain like that so when a spirit coming to us Technic physical and the whole important part is we have to feed them and what is the one to feed them is the Chi the energy you cannot feed a baby with a piece of steak they cannot grow you have to confirm them to be a baby food to feed them first and that is the physical able to producing Chi to feed the soul spirit so if people come to this world and they don't know anything about the soul spirit they eat the drink they're drunk and they're sex and taking drugs and drain out all the energy and they die so the soul and spirit still remain like a chime and not gonna chew through your natural so when they when they die the soul spirit just scatter so that's why we just have a Halloween Halloween Day Halloween Halloween because what we do we give it to the the ghost we keep them a candy okay so the the candy would you give you give to a child to give a candy so those go is wandering ghosts because they have no purpose they have no knowledge and hungry ghosts because nobody producing the chief of them anymore and it's a lost soul because they get lost because they are child you put a child in the jungle they get lost so this Chi this is the key isn't it the Chi is the link between the physical and the soul soon so the other spiritual work in the DAO you must get your Chi enough to feed the soul and spirit and the knowledge and wisdom is not uncommon on Aquos knowledge but from the staff from the planet from all these places they store a certain of knowledge and wisdom and you can download them one good way to connect you download them now so for people watching and indeed for me well personalize it how do I feel my Chi now okay very simple now everybody had cheap we never go in wordy and focus on it you go outside you feel son if you get an Magnificent glass you condense them into one dot you become fire and they burn now the same chief running everywhere you have black Chi or you have mochi how you run your life now the first thing everybody Archie so you focus so we said my eye hot so you train the focusing and so you've turn your mind and eye and heart down to focus one area so this area we want you be can you with me now where I can feel my Chi now yes ok so if you focusing down close my eyes on your eyes focusing down on my puzzle the first thing your lower first and lower up your monkey my dau into your heart I love my ward monkey my monkey my monkey my I'm luring my mind into my heart and the first thing and your I also turned inwardly and looking into your heart so you know your location hold the heart the next thing you have to stop this active mind by fueling something at the moment my mind's fairly quiet yeah so when you threw your hat love joy I feel joy live in my highlights so when you feel it your might feel good you want to stay so there's the first thing so do you feel when you feel laughs you jog we call loving Chi happy Chi that is G already okay when you feel living Chi happy Chi joy so it's a feeling of goodness goodness inside okay so now the next thing you're carrying them together with the mind so you get your my power you're creating a chief ball it's like basketball or football so you have Chico in but she don't get out otherwise she come and she go so I'm in my heart and I'm feeling a ball in my heart good reading the Chi and you condense the Chi so all your happiness all your Chi are very condensed and when you condense in up it become like a fire so become you have Chi so it gets more intense and you clear very intense I have so much loving fire compassion fire now you lower them down into the pantheon because the never because the never inside then there will be low a little bit their place is the generate if we call store the original energy the energy when you born anything and you can store energy so you touch there and the lower the loving fire compassion fire and you started to focus right in there and when you now you're also creating another Cibo so you do keep a command chico in don't care now so you're creating Chiba inhale Chi Chi Minh condense and stay and to get out so we got she you ask the Chi stay with me stay so it speaks the truth stay with me okay and you condense the cheek H stay can you slide the few Chi now when you future you've spin you spin your mind your are you spin and you start already so spin you mean moving forward a forward so you keep my spinning yeah now exhale spin inhale exhale spin and you started to feel oh I feel something wrong and suddenly you feel your hand war muscle and Sunday you feel your head can they get one and get your feet one because you're condemned she and the chief started to collect mochi yes so that she mocked him what she coming and hammer chena so the Chi beginning the link between the soul and spirit and the same Chi we started to go up higher and connecting to the sauce we called the creator the power yes the power sauce because we are we already Wilding a button so you have original force connecting to the pea module force and your heart also have a press button it's born with it boom you can connecting to father heaven right that died likely connect you don't have to do anything you burn with it but we don't know it you know in all the time we have to go to priest to pray for us but in at our discover many thousand years you know near anybody when Jesus commissioned do you know need any priest anymore if you call under my name you can connecting dialect - father heaven okay how is it with you these days after all these years of practice do you find pretty automatically you're putting the Chi energy down you still do still work to do that yes I mean the first thing is connect that's a hundred people that you connect like infinite when I travel is doing interesting so you plug in your computer and you're plugging your Chi now we have a wireless everything no cheese wireless yeah so when I go in and then internet wireless I'm very happy and you turn on and it connect boom you know oh I get it now what you want download kinder you have to know exactly the address that you want the question that you want to ask the thing you want want it you type in and you reconnect your download and your your person is still doing the same thing yes for you it's not happening automatically it's no mean is often time it come by self yes I mean if I meditate and some days so much information coming and I have to choose some time you have to choose you cannot some time be too much and something you don't want so you say okay I don't want this I don't want this and I know exactly what I want and I pick it up that it's like you download you know can you download everything you have too much you cannot hear the we value time light you don't want like when you download you ask a question you keep you a tons of my Google but up there is I don't know you can search anything in this world for Google up there when you're connecting it in I don't know how many hundred million times bigger than Google because the knowledge is so big and vast of that all you have to do is connect first okay so you had to feel you connect okay just just we only have a few minutes left just briefly in one of the books I haven't I haven't read the book but I read in some research I did before this program the ironshirt has to do with mortality mortality is that great is part of the practice right it pasta practice the answer is ladies if you you say a tire or a ball okay when you get a flat tire you cannot run your car so what in the tire is the chi or we call air and the pressure of the air so you Pam the air and you have to a mechanical that you Pam the Aryan it don't get out okay so I understand very simple we have cavity we have a domino cavity we have the parrot cavity we have many empty space and normally we have one one bar of pressure so our body have to creating some Chi to protecting this pressure if you go down to the water tuba or three bar you have more pressure and she or we call nitrogen have more compression so you train so the very simple you inhale you inhale 21% oxygen 79% nitrogen okay nitrogen can stay in the body oxygen and co2 have to get out yeah now so I think that is coordinating with the Chi so we inhale and you're my power say I gonna pack the Chi in the empty space like you get an egg you throw on the floor it break alright if you put a balloon and put the egg in and blow them out Detroit in my break but if you put another bigger balloon fall below the air and put the egg in now you can kick the ball they have it in it not break and there is how I insert chicken so I inhale I pack I can condense the Chi I get a chi pressure and it blow expanding and blow the chief on me and I can protect my organs and you have many layer of fossa that you can store chi in the fasciae layer and later on every all can have fast year wrap around organs so all you have to do is pack the Chi in pack the chin and it started to have cheese around organs and you have empty space you put the Chi there but you have to turn that go in not get out that's the first thing so you packing like a football you palm the alien and you take it out the air okay Tao yeah nothing to practice okay so you pack the change and you've studied few a cheap pressure expand and it protecting you and you have more Chi moving and and now we know that nitrogen can protecting organs like when you Trump when you have the organ transplant and you're gonna send somewhere you have to put them in the nitrogen and now we know that blood if you want to keep the blood very very long you have nitrogen into it so that may be coordinating with the Chi that the Dow also discovered that to order to pack this organ and protect the organ and the current account and later on when you come to the high level when you want to be leaving your body now he put that that nitrogen if you pack enough you protect your organs and protect your body okay and what age are you intending to live to I mean I think we can live up to 120 very easy really yes so even in the West yes if you if you learn enough it go into a sexual energy path because sexual energy if you learn how to conserve the sexual ways and multiply them and transform them sexual organ is material sperm is material if you know how to transform the sexual organ the sperm and eggs into chi you have abundant Chi and you live very long with good and healthy Chi we're gonna have to finish there you've given a lot of tasters which I really appreciate and I think the people that have been watching if they're interested lots of things to follow up here I know for myself there is so thanks very much for coming to talk to us unconscious TV man to appreciate that I'm just gonna show some of your books again some of your 40 books that you've written I'm sure Chi cung chena sure the multi-orgasmic man transform stress into vitality and the inner structure of Tai Chi thank you again Montag thank you and thank you for watching conscious TV and I hope we see you again soon goodbye you
Channel: conscioustv
Views: 89,452
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: conscious tv, Mantak Chia, 'The Universal, Healing Tao', Healing Energy of, Shared Consciousness, Taoist Shaman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2011
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