Mannfred Immortal Empires Livestream

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foreign how's everyone doing today we're starting a new campaign today as Manfred I'm gonna give the vampire counts another try uh because it wasn't too fond of them to begin with but you know I've seen a few things that seem a bit interesting so we'll see we'll see how we go how's everyone doing today so picking Manfred there legendary very hard end game crisis yep I'll turn on end game crisis mode ultimate crisis but I'm gonna turn off vampiric assumption so that way these four will trigger but not the vampire one because I don't think that's going to be interesting but that being said that's even if we get to turn 100 or long Victory so we'll just uh we'll see how that goes all good let's jump into it no skeleton spam for the love of God uh well we'll see what's uh look I don't know what I'm gonna do to be honest I don't know um I don't see a lot of uh incentive in getting elite units but I might zombies spam we'll see just because the free skeletons is um nerfed doesn't mean it's uh not ideal but we'll see he does reduce the upkeep cost on grave guard by a fair bit so that's something Dean yesiak became a member for 27 months saying you all right thanks dude appreciate it Super Chat why no Gorst uh I don't know ghost seems like it'd be too easy yeah there's two boys there's one with three or one or two uh you'll be able to see that any second like open your eyes and you'll see can you explain what vampire loads can be revolved I have no idea at this stage I am the god of inexhaustible blood and I shall have my way okay so let's have a look at Kevin because he's traits should be randomized he got determined which sucks but whatever uh does he he has upkeep yet uh okay so it's available here okay is there any deployment I don't imagine it's going to be a very strong diplomacy game but let's have a look necroc Brotherhood they usually get wiped out by cetra pretty quick there's him over here it wouldn't be the worst thing ever to have a friend it wouldn't be the worst thing ever um yeah I think I will keep this guy as a friend what does my bloodline require wait is it possible to Confederate a stood yeah it is possible I will so we still doing skill to spam I have no idea what I'm gonna do it uh but not darken the black no you dare submit to your king guessing you're implied to this uh mostly blind who's starting in Sylvania Vlad foreign bats I don't think bats are going to be useful against uh tomb Kings destroy them so not super strong in order resolve all right let's find them anyway non-aggression with necroc makes corn declare worthy really early uh that doesn't matter you can get minus 40 upkeep from grave guards with blood Knight Lords okay [Music] let's check the line up uh wait was that a missile unit or just regular Ashanti anyway yeah what type of Ashanti was that okay it was a missile shafty okay that's fine I am gonna waste a timer since I'm not really I don't have the capabilities to get at it but what I can do here is Dodge it reasonably well and then just heal these quite easily because that's probably where they got all their autores all power from you can see that their accuracy is probably like one in ten shots as opposed to look like a hundred percent this just gives us some time to generate some wins and Magic as well why man for something special about him all right let's pick the character really that's it you know do we really have to have this song and dance every single time that we pick a new character and why this person why this person yeah this time I haven't covered him yet no particular reason okay now if we use this we get spell Mastery so if we pop that down quickly and then do this we get extra heals out of it apparently uh did that even do anything let me try that again I'll have to have a look when it's actually casted spell intensity does not affect heels doesn't do anything heal per second is the same yeah it doesn't make any difference well that's crap all right now as for the archers I'll use the vargai some and uh these guys to get him move up good that brought them back up to full strength cool so just trying to make sure we don't take too many casualties here that's all right here we go there you go and you go what about spell duration [Music] no didn't change it oh if our guys have the hunger now [Applause] [Applause] good these guys here don't put too much damage in watch out for the tomb guard helmets haven't taken enough damage to justify it on the head of this jet nowhere the rest of the music turned off it's weird when do I turned off that hasn't been going on for that long spell Mastery will only affect wind of death and purple Sun okay well I guess that's all right then would have been nice if it did affect the heels though okay it might even be in our best interest or not take this guy out just yet because he will put the curse on us we're gonna do it now anyway thank you [Music] attend me yeah the curse will be coming down anyway follow me foreign foreign okay so I can't see why in the order resolved it was like close victory it actually took a lot of damage in this I guess that's just because our armies is full of trash you can save Kevin that's great but Kevin's not that good thank you what's going on here still get free bets uh wow that's awesome great free bats all right there's the Army losses yeah better uh better results in order to resolve at least no I'm amazing would you say vampire counts are stronger than women three as opposed to women too it's that's really hard to answer because there's a lot of things you have to take into consideration um I would say that the vampire accounts are easier to play in whatever three than they are in warmer two um are they stronger uh that's hard to say they were pretty damn strong at Warhammer too if you knew what you were doing um which I did it's just hard to answer that because for one thing the AI doesn't put up as much as the fight as it doesn't one with three as it did in warmer too okay uh TX politics instead of photos which I've been waiting to see play Vamp podcast I keep running out of magic okay no he's dude thanks to the chat um what we want to look for is the Blackberry app if we can get that that makes a big difference to our um ability to cast spells but you know we could go 100 turns and not get one uh do I want revolts no just yeah it's do this one first I'd like to not have a bolts public order is okay but yeah yeah so let's see here yeah let's just uh this actually provides way more money I grow impatience Yeah medium casualty is too high um we could do this without taking too many casualties yeah like in regards to comparing them to women too if one thing I haven't played much more Hammer three vampire counts so I'm probably one of the Nubia like I just don't I just don't know what they've got um because I haven't really tried them much um I gave them a little bit of a try in Early Access it wasn't super fond of it but I'm giving it another shot now um and it's like they're weaker in some areas and stronger in others you know the fact that the melee cheats have been reduced on higher difficulties uh will make it easier for them to field their forces and do okay because they don't have to rely as heavily on Magic or they can't rely heavily on Magic except they can depending on the items that you have um You Know The Enemy just doesn't put up as much of a fight and warmer too as it doesn't wormer three there's no way you could sit there and say that wormer 3 is harder than one or two there's just no way um you know they make more money in the early game but less money in the late game again it just depends on the criteria that you use to judge them this is not cut and dry they're stronger just not cut and dry foreign so I got I got hay fever acting up I've taken I've taken medicine but it's uh it's still kicking my ass today kicking my ass but the thing is I don't let this [ __ ] get to me just don't I know people are gonna comment on it oh my God this is sick just hay fever taking medicine it's just it's still kicking my ass that's all as it always does but I don't let it I don't let it defeat me [Applause] foreign 's easy enough that I can play with a cold or any kind of sickness can vampire count cheese Siege oh no man um I I'm not a vampire can't expect one to three so we'll figure things out as we go I'm not sure why man for not ghosts he's just shut up better you're right he is trying to better but that might be boring for people to watch foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] was the last time you finished the campaign uh pretty much what do you mean by finish the campaign I finished campaigns all the time do you mean like full map completion um never I've never done it with wormer 3. uh well never done with Mortal Empires just hasn't been worth doing thank you [Music] is man for the better spell cost of only three that it wasn't two again hard to answer that because in some ways yes and otherwise no it's just not cut and dry yes or no he's just a bit different that's all everyone's just a bit different you know in warmer 2 you could uh generate you know three four five hundred wins the magic reserves with Manfred uh you can't do that in one uh uh three but in WeMo three if you've got the black period item then you've got unlimited wins and Magic reserves so it just depends on how you look at it it's just not it's not an easy one to answer foreign [Applause] [Applause] cool spread out damage we should recover pretty quick have you been keeping an eye on why my three player numbers Yep they're yeah yeah I'm keeping an eye on it if you blub Skelly with grave God would the grave guard do better or worse better or worse than what um if there's fewer entities attacking then they won't dish out as much damage but they'll also take less damage unless there's magic damage being done to them I don't know Rex Teresa did a myr6 subutek can you do a fast judge on the updated bloodlines all right yeah it sucks basically that's that's my fast judgment I didn't like what they did with Bloodlines but I'll go over it real quick thank you chat all right so looking at blood dragon first that's the same that's the same and then the third one is raise the Deadpool plus two for blood Knights all own provinces it used to be immunity to untainted so I don't like that as much as what it was in war number two but some people probably would like access to blood uh blood Knights so it's just personal preference thing but I'm not a huge fan of it then um Von carstine gifts that's the same Wait no that's Nerf they used to be 20 so that's nerfed um that's the same that's the same uh that is not the same I believe it used to be 50 reduced upkeep cost for Heroes so that's nerfed um that's different so I can't remember what used to be in that spot and then campaign line of sight is the same via diplomatic relations with Empire Cafe what used to be there but okay whatever research rates the same Windsor magic power Reserve capacity all armies it's all right and then reduce up keep cop cost all armies so those are good the necroc bloodline is good uh Ambush success chance I believe it was 20 yep and raise the Deadpool for crypticals cool um I think that's a little bit of a buff then vampiric corruption or promises I believe that's a buff and then I can't remember what the last one was but it's I'm pretty sure it was reduce public order from lack of corruption which doesn't apply anymore so you don't really need it um so this gives us uh Crypt Horrors in our own provinces be patient all right so looking at the books of nagash where are they the closest one is here and this one will give us Lord recruit rank reduced Lord recruitment cost Wound Time reduction minus one yeah this is a very strong Army so we should be uh cautious before we attack it um blood kisses gained three [Music] effectiveness of all commandments plus 50 percent unlocks hero recruitment necromata surely we've got necromancers before yeah we should have necromancers before then anyway that'd be a massive pain if it wasn't um increases maybe it unlocks your recruitment Necromancer all provinces maybe that's it uh hero capacity for um that one's not that good hero capacity plus one for all heroes yeah those that's okay reduce upkeep costs five percent uh sorry yeah yeah I don't know they're okay nothing too spectacular all right reset let's have a look let's get [Music] might it be better to go down this line here first now that these are still good I guess but not as good as before well not as essential to get them straight away all right so let's go down to the magic line obviously effects are doubled if you have Castle dragon off yep yep I know which you know that's good okay that's good and yeah let's do that I don't want any yes why are all vampire counts bold uh yes vampirism increases testosterone and therefore hair loss happens I don't know man it's probably just a coincidence it's not like it's not like only vampire Council balls there's other characters in the game that are bald as well uh okay okay we'll probably have to fight these guys at some point I imagine that um most people are gonna be attacking us pretty early on but we'll see how we go upgrading this and I've got the money for it it's not great for um growth but getting it uh yeah getting extra necromancers would be good all right so we can get go let's move on Vlad not bald bald yep I know Vlad is not bold he is pretty bold actually what kind of a million feature do you like to get uh all of it it's fine just whatever the my biggest problem is the marauder Champions take two turns to recruit get his unique weapon for unlimited wins the magic yeah foreign I am God impress me if you don't want bats play the truth on cast iron what do you think of Memphis stop position it is law friendly it's fine it's fine when I play ghost are zombies nerfed um I'm not sure the reason why I'm not playing ghost is because I'm worried it'll be too easy and because he's already been covered by a lot of other people what unit types do you prefer in minor and major settlement battles and what do you find to perform absolutely terrible on those um I don't know I'm just trying to make whatever I got work just trying to make anything work uh I can make male infantry work basically units work have to make Cavalry work but you've got to work hard for it the Garrison can't be too big uh so I don't know I think a lot of things can work just depending on how you use them I [Applause] serve me foreign campaign I don't know you tell me I don't know I haven't played them all it's quite possible that I haven't tried out the hardest one yet why no for I won't know that for a long time natural foreign Contender for the most difficult campaign that is possible excuse me I want to land on them please I've seen a lot of criticism in my mind and sieges do you have any opinion on subjects uh I actually like minor City sieges um my opinion is that they are way too frequent but I actually do enjoy them at least compare I don't like the walled City sieges I think they're crap thank you so so far no serious damage which is nice no point using Spirit leech just waste of magic AC to be shot halogen why do you say formation attack is bad uh I think they fixed that that's I think you're going off really old information dude thank you super chat I think you're going off really old information [Applause] [Music] is God mode useful for blobs not really [Music] why don't you just headshot his Lord uh what do you mean by headshot is Lord these lines are mine what we're doing is keeping the pin down when we go around and um Cap all the points that way if we kept all their points you don't have to deal with it you show up to summon because that thing can do a ton of damage see here we've only got two more points left to cap and then we are done taking this one he'll be a little bit tricky with him sitting around here foreign now I'm using the heck as well [Applause] I trust me as master if you kill his Lord they'll die no uh if I kill his lord it's just a lot of Bounce power loss that's all but yeah it's a lot of [ __ ] if you um kill their lord they all die low complete load of [ __ ] in fact uh putting effort into killing their lord is probably one of the worst ways to win the battle because he it's not exactly you could just kill him for free right whereas the other guys that we're killing here there's no big deal look we're about to win the battle just by capping the points it's it's the battle's over it's done what I'm going to do now is make sure this guy here doesn't get in here and uh try to like counter cap it God damn they still manage to summon these sharpsy I did too much damage too quickly find me foreign there we go did anything change from your total world to to your list of vampire accounts I don't know I haven't played the vampire accounts much yeah I think it's important to note that when I started doing those tier lists where my two had been out for years I had already played every race multiple times I haven't I haven't touched vampire counts yet there's no way I can like definitively say what's the best and what's the worst at this stage it's too early Anakin Monson did a Community member I think I do appreciate support but one thing to it is important to keep in mind on is um there's very few units that are like truly [ __ ] in wormer 3 like they were in wema too like Cavalry is not the best but you can make it work uh metal infantries not the best but you can make it work whereas the Warhammer too not so much cool that's an okay item all right secured our first Province let's get what do we want to get close time not get rid of that right is mine just get regular skeletons for now okay so I kind of want to go up against um volkmar as soon as possible and uh we will see it well with them as well yeah okay see how we go hopefully he attacks that and then I attack him there all right if that's the case let's get another Lord going because these guys here can make a big difference in these fights um oh striggo is a good Fighters in the early game but vampire Lords I like them just a little bit better Master necromancers are now pretty damn good if I get a lore keeper Winds of magic power Reserve plus one per turn which measure power Reserve capacity or an army if you get a necromancer won't we can get let's see where is it yeah battle healing cap bats and wolves okay okay cool let's move on what do you think is a good noise good unit to take out Mages mammoths uh which makes Master necromancers better now Battle Hill and can't be a battle healing cap that makes a big difference bring me flesh to craft you dare you get that money up in here soon I'll be all-powerful an intriguing play okay and let's move on yeah we should be already yeah we'll reach that next turn so I guess the question is should we go north or south and through an expansion because if we go North I could maybe save this guy's life before cetra kills him um if I go south I could take out Kairos before he starts being stupidly annoying we're gonna have to fight these lizardmen here at some point so it might be better to take them out early as opposed to later um greetings Brothers Necromancer gives AOE healing at rank one let's have a look oh you're right look Master of the Dead you're right they do yeah you're right they do all right that's different [Music] they will serve the truth foreign [Music] let's go remember to get students all right so I was kind of hoping he'd come out down here but he didn't do it so that's fine I guess I'll just have to step in ready uh bats will be okay against um him I suppose all right pick up the bats what we got you yeah destruction Darkness comes spring wall we've got a bloodline uh we can unlock let's have a look all right so if we were gonna I'm going to upload a bloodline let's have a look so we've got blood dragon uh that could be useful in the early game yeah the necroc upgrades are definitely good but it's not really going to affect us too much right now the research rate's definitely good yeah I'll go with I'll go with neck Rock our time I'll recruit that dude as soon as we get over here Maybe yeah it's got to be fought manually foreign relations with human factions from the one of the Bloodlines useful it'll be useful if we played as blood otherwise they just have too much aversion to us in the first place I just feel like it would it's just not a high enough threshold to make any difference they're still going to declare war on us at every opportunity [Music] sorry about my nose guys sniffling hay fever's kicking my ass today it's not that big of a deal certainly a hindrance that's about it taking antihistamines can't do anything over there just gotta get in there so once again we just pinned them down using this and uh go and cap their key positions that seems to work pretty well try it with Vlad this will hit you anyway oh okay what are you gonna do I trust the ash master yeah in whatever three they declare war on you if they have zero relations with you so if if they were naturally at -50 and then you get a plus 30 bonus with them that isn't going to make any difference I serve me getting way too much damage that yeah trying way too hard to get rid of my bug wolf uh vagusts [Applause] sleep after switch true power [Applause] now is undeath all right let's use the stalker to go and cap that point see how that goes I will so far so good I think [Music] soon ER is Memphis a good basketball Festus I doubt it foreign [Music] [Music] good can I take that one up where's the guys can't facilize devs right uh I have no idea foreign [Music] spell Mastery and since that doesn't actually do anything to implication of the heck I can't imagine it would do anything to raise the dead what's the point don't don't click abilities that don't do anything what for it's just a waste of a click unfortunately it's just the case like it'll be useful later down the track or if I want to use Spirit leech which I don't right now anyway uh but right now I just don't see any use for it we already tested it doesn't boost invocation of neck so yeah it's just a waste of time to click it can we get in here and cut this [Applause] okay you shouldn't be in Miller I move Swift I hunger it doesn't affect Spirit leech either oh sneak Ash let me test that out 3367 what's the [ __ ] point of it then what's the point of it [Applause] yeah you're right it didn't it didn't affect uh Winds of death that is one oh is it yeah there it is didn't happen in time the hell's the point of it then what a non-overcast wound of death be viables is still Master skill have no idea it says intensity 125 on spell though yeah but when I hovered over the effect on the enemy it still said it was doing the same amount of damage so yes at least right now it's not really doing much because I've noticed with other things it actually tells you that the thing is boosted so we'll just have to look and see how there we go with it good we got a student right off the bat so um that means we're already at 160 percent that's a bit quicker um yeah this is growth and stuff in here that'd be useful we're gonna grow quickly they will serve D that will do nicely all right next stop Pokemon uh I may end up regretting this but it would be good to be able to recruit uh sorry Start leveling up our Lords a bit quicker I'm not too concerned about the supply line cost at the moment since our armies are kind of cheap not too concerned about it that intriguing and he is a good fighter but is that a good cost Effectiveness uh probably not oh [ __ ] oh impatient yeah I shouldn't put two points in a race there doesn't matter damn it I think I'm gonna sneeze if anything dies oh really uh arachnose usually gets wiped out so might as well just take this is same with them they get wiped out yeah stay away yes he doesn't get wiped out you are him yeah I don't have enough money for that God impress me I think my my uh military might be a little bit bloated they are only recruiting basic oh they are getting crossbows Sigma darkness comes you dare move us thine right is mine bats and wolves travel uh I guess I could just go with zombies they will serve they'll still be their next turn all right let's move on do you actively look for seeing counters to make money not really it's not necessarily a good use of your time if you sneeze do you get demonetized these days no that only happens on Twitch then I believe that was twitch his volkmaster free trade still good for vampires yep I don't see any reason why I wouldn't be all right so we want to do is try to draw them out whether we want to have a Siege battle we want to draw them out Darkness don't think we'll be able to beat them within two minutes all right you stand here and also then they run away but we definitely want Manfred to launch the attack I need loads of experience but here we go I'll take May the light of Sigma burn out your red dark [Music] Valley interfate all right do they oh they got a mortar oh well let's just sort of resolve it no excuse me our chariot's worth yes they're worth abuse the EXP just kill the first Army I don't think I'll be able to get to them in time uh we have two minutes apparently uh and also if we do that then it I think finding them on the field here will be easier than a Siege battle but yeah all right what we want to do is stand back over here for now I don't see any reason why we need to go wide I'm going to knock out those I'm Gonna Knock Out the artillery before they get here I'm counting on it if I don't knock them out then I'm in big troubles yeah trying to get over there if I said Manfred over [Music] um yeah yeah I got two minutes we'll see if we can see if we can kill them suicide bats on the RT yeah yeah something like that wait why does he want to fight open field instead of cryptical back Capital Siege um with such a large Garrison I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that yeah it works really well against small carousels but against a large Garrison I don't know if that'll work so it's just a bit it's just a bit risky don't forget I'm going into this blind and I know I can handle this field battle just fine oh he's on Horseback that's good doesn't give up does it lightning you come on gorgeous Wild freighton bring that we should probably get out of here at least Manfred should get out of here because he's the slowest he's got a couple more hits quickies don't have it okay get Manfred out of here okay at least the witch Hunters don't uh dead that's good if we can kill this guy here it would make a big difference but we gotta leg it we're at we gotta get out of here now we're gonna get out okay that's here cool also I gotta reform all this so what are these Empire Knights okay [Music] what preacher natural Swift as deaths wins yeah get Manfred back over there I gotta get at those mortars so if they could be shooting at us while we get around them that'd be okay a lot of missile units got to be careful of that foreign why did Legends say two points didn't raise the dead as it was a waste it doesn't reduce the winds and Magic cost on the raise the Dead gives you one extra cost of it which is a bit of a waste of a point considering the first one gives you like what seven let me look yeah so the first point gives you seven of them and then the second Point gives you one additional so it's a bit of a waste could have put it in for a different spell [Music] okay they're not they're not advancing uh let's see let's see let's see what if that's weird can you get back over here I gotta get at those mortars it's not advancing I gotta be careful there yeah too many guns they're not advancing [Music] just trying to think how to crack this some of the zombies to wear summer [Music] no not necessarily but summon zombies on top of archers Maybe so they hit their own units Maybe it's not a bad idea of course I'll be a little bit vulnerable out there but they've only got one fast units we just need to be aware of that that's all foreign guys I could waste ceramic but I wanted to see if I could do it without doing that foreign foreign did you ever manage to revive bars on your own yes I did 880 revives at navochi showed me or whatever I have a community post on it I revived him okay I think we got at the motors yep we got him okay the Empire Knights let's not engage with them [ __ ] though yeah I don't think Black Knights will beat them on this difficulty but at least we got we got the mortars fairly sure we got him more or less move they actually are faster than us because they're charging so sometimes running away against units that are fast uh as fast as you they'll actually catch up because of their charge speed oh that's not good there oh my God look at this [ __ ] unit it's been totally caught I gotta get it off the battlefield now it's just it's Gonna Get Wrecked I can't turn around and fight we definitely won't win against it yeah that's speed boost on the Empire notes that's uh that has boosted them by a ton all right did they get rid of the mortars entirely or no they're still here did you hate this when come on come on come on move just get off the battlefield get it off come on you can do it just just did one trip to leave God damn it [ __ ] sake it's fine oh my God this is freaking handicapped for the bloody Spirit leech on the notes not from that distance all right should you use um let's just shift him okay okay uh I I got rid of half the health of the mortars but they're not advancing on us we don't want to be charging up this hill we want them to be charging down the hill I can pick them apart a lot easier if they do that address thee as master mind the dead March Swift as deaths wins preacher natural yeah I don't think Mayfield do a good job against Volkman right now there's just too many of them here there's way too many maybe I just got a Jesus I don't know if they don't want to come down off their High Ground okay I'm gonna use a spirit leech this might trigger them to come at us because it's it's arranged your magic damage the zombie did okay all right how about you come over here yeah I did a bit of damage plants are mine preacher natural okay here we go this could be good for snapping volkmar out of here yeah that works better yeah now he doesn't want to stick around gosh because he's still a good fighter even on foot The Mortals [Applause] [Applause] addressed me as Master well that did not provide much music yes come on all right but still they just want to sit up on The High Ground here I serve me [Music] love of the forest uh no I'm gonna hold The High Ground because I've got a lot of fast units I'm gonna use them to take out the missile units I just need the Infantry to be a bit busy that's all right [Music] they come and let it hit it since he broke there we go yeah horses are so bad at running down single entities that are on foot so bad at it what Empower me I'm fake Broadcasting [Music] vision of spiritlich let's waste of magic we can kill one more hit when we hit one more hit I missed come on Manfred all life must end preacher natural oh God this is ridiculous it was bad in warmer too but it's definitely worse than women through this stuff oh for [ __ ] sake man are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me come on come on man finally Jesus Christ gotta put in a lot of effort to run down any units all right at least he's gone that's a big deal uh that sort of makes up for the Cavalry having been routed but still they just refuse to come off the off this position for some reason I've done magic damage to them I just don't you know don't have wind of death foreign but they just outright refuse I can't properly flank them because they stretch from one side of the map to the other I gotta get them off this position oh my gosh that swings it's a good position to be honest oh yeah it is it is that's why I'm trying to crack it God damn it man it wasn't this bad when I stupid I don't know just to rest antihistamine as well probably shouldn't even stream today I try not to let hay fever defeat Me by like making me take days off but I've taken two antihistamines today usually that's enough but today it just does not want to relent under the center does not stop annoying me [Music] this filmmaster increased magic damage um it doesn't increase it for any of the Spells we currently have it's actually useless at the moment that's why I'm not clicking it all right uh are they okay they're finally on the Move okay this is good finally got him on the move oh it took a while okay you guys go on that way because that's where the Cavalry is they're finally on the move this is what we were trying to do foreign [Music] oh yeah that's right we didn't actually take out that mortar did we still here whoops got shot a little bit there wasn't paying enough attention okay easily healed there you go do that won't do anything oh my God uh charging into that wouldn't be a good idea because of all the other museums there [Music] okay now it's not so bad okay bring this back over here it's isolated let's go let's go over there you go with them actually you're fast oh look this one's coming in over here now okay let's go kill it yeah you should be able to beat that Manford you're a bit tired though [Music] thank you a gift of death would you repeat that a bit quicker no that's not they're not beating it quick enough and we're getting shot to [ __ ] get him out of there and it's not worth it foreign okay time to advance with the rest of our troops let's move now uh should I spread out yeah I think so let's spread out let's go let's go wide we've taken out a few of their units we can justify going wide now well there are Empire Knights to go and fight our infantry even though it says their anti-inventory they're not really find me I'm just gonna try to flank him but nope wasn't gonna have any of that okay we got there Lord that's good I think at these Empire nuts [Music] [Applause] you shot me shorter than power foreign should be fine either of their forces foreign [Applause] pick up the misuse of the flank there well am I gonna be able to fit in through here before they close it up I'm not sure foreign [Applause] okay that's working there just run right past it go through the smoke instead foreign over here taking a bit of damage everybody's got to this and has taken a fair bit of damage it was fun back that's when he is getting wrecked just a bit weak on that flank can you remember that pull that back [Applause] okay that's the last of my magic I think foreign gets wiped out that doesn't matter [Applause] [Applause] foreign well there goes the crypticals that's okay we'll get more there's there'll be plenty of opportunities for them to mine will all right I'm just gonna send charge them down here okay good job right in the middle make sure you wipe them out yeah it's definitely wiped out free to Natural Red Dot come over here take out the loss of these missions not that many of them left if we're lucky the unit will revive as well I guess so we're here just providing whatever heels it can [Applause] [Applause] foreign a lot of damage being done but [Applause] I think I think we're winning [Applause] soon I use a little recharge there they won't have a huge impact but it's done I'm afraid foreign [Applause] oh well we lost a lot of units in this battle foreign that's our edge here now small amounts of healing and breaking them we're really close to Army losses is that it no not quite there we go there's the Army losses cool well we lost a lot of trash but no big deal we just replaced the trash that's kind of how the vampire accounts work now I just gotta gotta get rid of these but it's gonna make the siege a lot easier I don't know if we could have cheesed it I just uh wasn't worth the risk because I just had so many units I'm sure some of our units will revive Professor you wanted to try and battlemarket all along uh I mean that'll help I guess that wasn't my plan I'm curious death [Music] of the heels somewhere on your last video Pilgrim equipped three Arcane items hell uh they were runes they weren't Arcane items this looked like a Fidel runes they get uh three character runes cence Swift Our stats wins [Applause] Ulrich save us oh God Jesus [ __ ] bloody flatulence oh well what do you do how come I didn't use wind of death might actually have wind of death after this battle this will definitely be appearing victory [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign if you say so would have really helped us in this battle though foreign just a little bit all right where's your best high tier vampire stack I this is like the first time I played vampire counts in one three uh Dustin colvard 200 Vlad with unlimited magic and wind of death flock of Doom one bow combo is my favorite right now all right enough dude thank you oh that's a lot of damage but they took a lot more did they we got rid of all their Heroes that's sort of the main thing look at this one here jeez barely any of them revived cool uh yeah we actually lost more units than they did but we took out all of the heroes that's that's the important thing there uh should I get replenishment on money oh God there's like no money from there this is like a just a complete side wipe but we gained a lot of experience and that's the main value there we gained three levels up which oh against us close to it no no there we go we got wind of death now so yeah we're getting loads of experience and that's the main thing who cares about the Dead they will serve bring me flesh to craft oh no it won't create a dead marker because the um the initial Army that we fortunately had two units in it Henry Cavill did a two dollars without saying thank you uh thanks for the appreciate it from Cincinnati hey you any of those trash yeah let's trash no big deal just replace it no big deal see no big deal and now we don't have to do The Siege how about that and there's Volkswagen uh abdomen 100 today five minutes I'm glad CA moved Manfred to the desert dude is too pale and angry so maybe all the vitamin D will cheer him up also he's still very true all right takes two things to be sure fair enough yep I I suppose it's possible that a lack of vitamin D would make a person cranky hmm I wonder who else is like that so now he's on a hellstead all right so now the question is where do we go next do we go north maybe Black Pyramid of nagash where there is two full sacks already there yeah yeah Camry Maybe yeah he's sitting in there at the moment but I think he'll leave there he it'll be a few more turns before he gets his second Army and we'll have uh replace the fair bit by then yes foreign awesome at the end of it it's all right okay everything died well that'll be the end of it I've relish the opportunity Charlie let's go over here so we can recruit from two different excuse me foreign what if I don't worry too much about recruiting here yeah I've got to I've got the nurgle um ague What's this called got me with one of his plagues but don't let it stop me just like in the game if you get hit with one of the plagues you don't let it stop you just keep pushing forward take an attrition one percent attrition per hour I'll be all right okay we need money so just keep that going maybe I've still got money for zombies okay one zombie one um one skeleton should do it there everything dies and yeah you can move it this way as well what's the best trait for the trees is now a quest has been issued the trades don't matter just get whatever you want beware though for while the potential rewards are great so too are the perils all right good we boost it out and come by a fair bit and allow us to get more shrimps so once we've taken out Camry we might be able to swing over to Black Pyramid of the gap before I start popping out armies like crazy uh all right let's get Mantra to here oh yeah yeah release date here moving there we go Darkness comes go make use of our equipment there [Music] yep that looks fine okay let's move on foreign foreign soon I'll be all powerful you seek help with one costumes a bold action please what the hell uh I'm not sure what to do with that Etc I need to get him out of that strikeout an acropolis awaits Sun wolves gather yeah an extra 150 gold would be good let's get that oh hang on hang on hang on I think I need to I just don't have the money for it I'm a little bit short let's see what I got I guess I could give him the military access that he wanted extra concern me mortal thing your bones will be dust soon enough it's not worth it for a hundred gold I don't have to build it this time I don't have to build this turn the problem here is that cetro is just sitting inside of his settlement that's that's my biggest problem that's what he's doing uh our replenishment rate isn't great kind of thinking maybe it might have been better to go with the Von karstine gift for 10 we would have fully healed by now uh Brendan zero did I find out is it just me or do long campaigns on legendary get boring tired Going Back a so Tech campaign only well of Australia just order resolve until Victory yep that's exactly how I feel about it [Music] um so I haven't done any uh long I haven't done any uh full map completions I just the problem is right it takes so long to finish a campaign and there's so many new Lords like by the time you get to turn 150 you're usually like oh I want to try something else so yeah I don't know just now's not a great time for format completion I don't know because like I could spend between now and November finishing a full map of completion right or I could get 10 Lords done and just do like short victory so it's just a matter of how much value is in your time doing certain things like that thanks to the chat all right what am I doing we're doing I could get another nickel once I couldn't I know knowledgeable oh that's so useful now I'm not gonna be out of crack cetra in there this night unless he comes out and fights me cast times a bold action all right we'll see if this works I'll do this that way I'll get some money and I gotta try to lure him out here see if he takes the bait I'll leave some bait for him next time we'll see if it works all right uh that gave us some money to work with so let's upgrade the plane of toscus and flash I'm not gonna worry too much about recruiting anything yeah we'll see how that goes Ambush yeah no point doing it this time he's not he's not going to come down this way oh okay well that was unexpected but definitely good all right we'll set up an ambush for him if he comes into our territory here what I've got here should be able to beat him I just I don't think I could beat him when he's sitting inside of his Siege settlement okay let's have a look here come impress me I'll take so I put Manfred in Ambush dance hopefully it doesn't get pulled out of it uh there's no way in particular where there's gonna be a good ambush Shuffle this week follow me bats and wolves and yeah we'll just have to see how this goes you get a bunch more zombies foreign let's see if cetra comes out here and uh doesn't if he pulls us out of Ambush dance maybe I'll just move this a little bit further down here he pulls us out of Ambush dance then all right we'll just we'll just see how that goes oh it is night oh yeah another one defensive Alliance your Gods I like what you say all right very cool again he's so annoyed of these guys [ __ ] go and capture Camry no they don't I'll tell you that much you better [ __ ] not I know exactly what to do with you if you even try it oh for [ __ ] sake oh the the ambush oh my God well I've got military access in his land and he's got a defensive Alliance so we should we should be okay to move up this way right son of a [ __ ] all right is mine uh it's not controlled by the living you [ __ ] damn bugs okay we don't have any Camp stance do we I could go in raid stands but they're a defensive Ally yeah look this over here it doesn't count as uh it's a living but this one here does apparently neck rocks are living [ __ ] darkness comes calm impress me yeah okay well he didn't take the beat so we got to figure something else out there uh these guys here don't ever move out of there I could move up this way we're not gonna get any more replenishment there's probably yeah there's a fair few dead we can raise launching the attack here is probably gonna be a bit of a slog but we'll see maybe maybe I can manage to um yes that way cetra can only see this dude we'll just we'll see how it goes me but yeah from this I can launch the attack and it's it's gonna be a slug but you know we got uh we got Winds of death now so that's something all right we need growth all right and let's move on hmm Wi-Fi Etc you made scar brand early who cares uh mainly doing it to save the neck rocks oh hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on ah we got wait we got him but we didn't Ambush him that's okay that's okay I could order this but I think it'd be way better to fight it oh he does have that though that means blobbing is not the best idea it's not the best idea to begin with I'm gonna do this manually how come Legend doesn't play boys of chaos yet I've played Warriors of chaos dude [Music] [Music] it's the same map as what we thought Volkman loads of variety out here okay we gotta watch out because they will pop down the uh the thing um swings Winds of death is a lot cheaper than used to be all right let's just let's just see it might be good if we just get through the first um just get through the uh the tomb swarm first yeah a bit of damage whatever just get over with because what I could do is bring this dude over and he can just hear Look unless yeah because he's got that passive heel bring him in this one here is he's got it as well [Music] foreign I think they used it on this one over here okay cool I don't think I took any casualties I'm not sure though [Music] yeah I don't think so so that's kind of a waste of Tomb swarm then so that's good okay okay mortal scan oh hang on he's gonna reform this could be a good opportunity just just be patient is reforming yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh look at this look at this look at this look at this good he was a spit oh I forgot to do this still 400 casualties right off the bat it's not bad we can cast it again pretty much immediately foreign they're still goofing around over here damage per second 90. all right that's going to pop down the U sharp teeth yep yes it's just like [ __ ] by Army I'm gonna go for you Manfred you son of a [ __ ] you gotta be careful Citra is a very good fighter throw in some zombies there with him all right you're as death the best idea finding such oh no they're kind of winning kind of oh my God the heads let's pull him back a bit all life must end see Etc did I turn it right yep [Music] reasonably well [Music] I'll tell you what it's a lot easier in these battles if you just get rid of most of their chaff with three spoke hundred thousand damage foreign people questioning about what I got okay just do you guys remember September last year do you remember what happened I had the exact same thing right because it happens every year it's hay fever all right it's not a big deal but people really pestered me about it remember it pisses me off so last last year I actually went and took a full month off because they were pestering me about freaking hay fever so I just waited out so you know just think about that it's not a big deal the blue haven't I've found for the most part just learned to live with it what I do remember the trolling about chat MD yeah so don't be Chad MD because it just pisses me off yeah I remember I took like a full month off and it was great did you actually did you know that during that month off that's when I actually decided to retire that was when I decided I was like oh damn this month off is actually pretty good if I never took that month off I may never have decided to retire but I did uh Daniel spindle did a cop 4000 super chat but Legend wins of death is nerfed well it seems fine to me but thanks to my chat I get you being you're being sarcastic yeah Empower me foreign nice yeah the uh die was also good against the Chariots but the regular Cavaliers get everything's been down now [Applause] I think this went really well absolutely smashed Tetris armor and I've basically just lost a few zombies that's about it these two hear a bit damaged but unfortune yeah I better get these in the Hecks in there before the battle's over [Applause] [Applause] necromancer God damn that went really well bonus wins from necro plug runs don't seem to be bugged oh that's good yeah I'm a little bit more money well that's Citra dealt with he's only got 11 units in here and that's not going to be recruiting time so and that created a uh marker so in this area here we can recruit good units that's good Quest pedals which I don't wonder I know with that settlement type with uh Crypt ghouls it's just not so easy to go in there and do that if there's that many units uh John 784 did a photo of some [ __ ] did Manfred cast wind of death on his headline uh yeah okay thanks for the chat let's turn off Technologies so in case we get a student it is night destroy them do you want Doom Stacks in the basically the same as two no but in my campaigns I don't actually build dim Stacks anymore no no not really sometimes they do it not not often uh do you mean what you want me to what you want to send in I just wanted to be good I don't care if it's the same as one of the two ones just make a good bats and wolves you did corpse caught on holy lodestone uh three out of one is that because of this let's be uh I don't need any more troops though right now I was rolling around in cash I'd get him but I'm not let's upgrade Vega because that's where the gems are oh then again yes for the gems are Darkness Chris Ayo did a five dollar subject have you tried corpse car with bail Farm I can't paint the bail fire effect was not being applied I have heard that it's not being applied um I thought that the bail fire cut was always one of the worst ones to get anyway so I never got it so uh even in whatever two it's garbage so you know it's basically the same as far as I'm concerned okay I know this is bugged bring me flesh to craft thank you oh that's good increase the effect range oh they get it as well okay you there yes yeah I don't think this is gonna be difficult we just need to get in there and do it I'm not gonna order this because our recovery rate has not been great and I'm gonna try to foreign thy serve me do you have to Be watchful for is the uh the tomb swarm I literally cannot be bothered to spread out so that it mitigates the effect of it uh but I really should foreign so what I'm doing here is just spreading out so that it just can't possibly hit more than one unit or a couple units at a time because it can do a fair bit of damage so it is foreign [Music] I don't think they'll shoot at Manfred actually because he's too small yeah they're not gonna shoot at him oh no no they did they did okay [Music] just stay perfectly still foreign okay they've already popped it down once paying attention there though they're moving around too much for me to justify up and down the wind of death yeah but I still got one more to use once that's down then we can all that attack I get close to them they move around I just can't get a good wind of death wind of death has never been good for sieges all right I gotta clean this up a little bit looks pretty untidy a little bit [Music] all right let's get you over here oh hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on I gotta okay let's use the cryptical let's just let's do this never mind dude just come back here both of you come back over here uh oh there's the [Music] thing well stand over there you go stand over here provide the passive heels and then we'll use this uh yeah go this way and we'll just see if we can go cap the square accounts going with the uh calls because it works if there's not that much Garrison which they don't have and yeah Manford could just get some passive heals here [Music] thank you [Music] I hate how World settlements have huge blind spots with no Tower coverage some will some more settlements and others have almost every angle covered yeah I don't know it's always been that way I don't know it's just like I don't know they just designed it that way to say they just they deliberately design weaknesses into the settlements like big weaknesses very obvious weaknesses so yeah it's pretty obvious that if you stand in this area here the towers can't really get you also they just don't tend to activate this position [Music] foreign [Music] I've always had a bit of lag here and there [Music] all right I think what I'll do is I'll use him to pop a zombie downtown but I need to make sure that the uh actually I won't uh I won't do that I said I'll open the gate instead foreign [Laughter] to put that squeeze what are you doing foreign what are you doing are you gonna stay there yeah it looks like you're gonna stay there okay all right you still stay there don't even need to use this for it yeah okay so that definitely improves the power of it because with the um the spell Mastery the damage goes up to 90. so that's that's definitely a big Improvement what's this all right oh [ __ ] so I told him not to do that so I told him to stop I must have forgotten to cancel the order I get back over here [Music] foreign [Music] yeah I think my I think my guys here got discovered I just like I couldn't be [ __ ] waiting any longer for them to all get organized and this dude came over here [Music] he's gonna send Uh Kevin to go and do it because he should be able to outrun everything go go and get rid of the skeleton archer Chariot I'll send uh Manfred to come and help as well with that oh they went back into stock so we'll see maybe they'll make it maybe they won't we'll see okay just forget it let's go who farted did it two dollars uh which IE campaign has been your favorite so far the scar brand campaign thanks for the chat appreciate it yeah that was a lot of fun foreign [Music] Brendan oh did I found also Michelle halogen how much do I have to give you to play nurgle I still can't get over the hump of Hellman owning Waters and having no anti-large to counter all right thanks super jet dude I don't take bribes for campaigns uh I'm not really interested in covering Noble so yeah I just don't you can't buy me sorry thank you Super Chat foreign unit mounted regular capoids uh there are some that can but they're not supposed to uh Manfred is not able to a few seconds make it count oh my gosh witness true power ful cast iron foreign [Music] um yes you win you win what [Music] he's gonna hold that few more moments foreign [Music] so far uh I'd have to say probably um life is probably the strongest life for vampires their vampires are still number one because like wind of death is still just as powerful as it was before really um maybe it has less armor piercing maybe that's what um but it's way cheaper than it was before because that used to be 19 wins of magic with Manfred now it's only 14. that's a significant um price difference but then again it also has less Winds of magic there we go and that is the end of cetra what happened to D live um it went downhill it got bought out by uh some billionaire and just I don't know exactly what happened but they basically fired all their stuff and started again from scratch or they had payouts or something whatever and the and the way that it was run after um it was bought out it just wasn't as good and there was just a mass Exodus from the website and people just didn't want to watch the streams on D live anymore I wasn't growing on there it just was a bad it would have been a bad career decision to stay streaming on D live wasn't making any money so [ __ ] it I'm just I left that's all it was to it I really liked your life when it first started it was it was really good but it just changed so much and uh I left yeah all the people that uh that I worked with when I first went to dlf they all they all uh either quit or got fired so I was like well nothing told me here just left and I'm at the point now where there's no point even trying out other other platforms there's no point because you you gotta work so hard and more or less start again from scratching it's like one foot out the door so it makes no sense to start again from scratch at this point uh yeah whatever that's bugged but whatever I just do it anyway so cetra's dead people serve what next who's next not these guys should we go for the Pyramid of the gash well we're getting extra wins of magic in here we're gonna have quite a fair bit uh I guess we could give it a shot next turn and there'll be a lot of Razor dead here I can just yeah right Black Pyramid of nagash [ __ ] it let's go for it and turn 11. why not die oh I got no money much bigger Garrison though much bigger how's it bugged okay so with the uh the the magic it was of power capacity plus five the game will forget about okay so you get the Winsome metric Reserve capacity right and then just let's just say you get to 105 right and then you fight a battle manually or you load a save file and the game will just forget about that extra five wins of magic you just you have to regain it again so it's bugged three not every single Reserve capacity skill is bugged but that one is on all spell casters it's all bugged same thing with defeat traits uh defeat traits that increase your Windsor magic Reserve capacity they're all bugged really really really silly but you know what I'm gonna do uh yeah this one doesn't happen so greater Arcane conduit okay foreign the Lords I haven't really looked into it yet um I don't know thanks super chat but yeah it's too early for me to tell you um not a vamp I have this is like the longest I've played a vampire campaign so far you know I get that people want me to just like be able to just tell you everything about the game but it takes time to learn a better game and there's a lot of changes but I don't know it I just don't know at the stage all right well I don't know I'm not even might as well just recruit it all next turn as needed [Music] okay if we want to get maximum replenishment I should make some adjustments here okay everyone that's damaged should go into manfred's Army including you because you get over increased replenishment then pull out everyone that's undamaged and that way yeah Manfred is healing as as much as he possibly can I'll just records zombies because I just need bodies here get rid of this how much is gold worth for them yeah it used to be worth a thousand okay moving on you have a lot of students now yeah but I've put them all on my characters is the Black Pyramid land mark nerfed yeah a little bit are you enjoying vampires at least not really sorry it's pretty boring uh do you know if Zao Ming boosts all the melee units including Longmont Riders and terracotta Sentinels or does the only boost male infantry I'm fairly sure he boosts anything that is Yang was it Yin Yang I think it's Yang anything that's Yang gets boosted I think I'm not 100 sure thanks to Machado oh God wipe them out well he's got that [ __ ] ability to get it from turn one bring me flash to craft I'll comply Darkness follow me soon I'll be all powerful obliterate [Music] any plans for post YouTube retirement historical vacation to Europe what do you mean historical vacation um but yeah I tend to travel a bit next year uh I'm a little bit worried about traveling into covert hop spots but uh I do intend to travel uh Phyllis Fairley did a five CHF Super Chat oh what kind of DLC does the game need and what kind of DLC do you personally wish for thank you and have a nice game I'll take whatever um it doesn't need anything and can benefit from anything uh it's too vague of a question to really answer specifically because everybody wants something different to say like oh this is [ __ ] unless we have chaos dwarves that's not the case at all um the chaos dwarves will definitely be great but we don't need them some people do some people don't uh it'd be great to get a vampire account DLC don't eat it though so you know there's a lot of things that you could potentially get that would be good um uh let's see should we control large army yeah because they're not going to leave that area undefended anyway is it true that madscaped is really good for not hurting your balls even if it's really wrinkled I've never cut myself my balls are wrinkled yeah I mean you could cut yourself on anything if you are enough of a [ __ ] uh I guess that is possible if you like like really really tried to cut yourself with it I think you could but I think that most non adults will probably be fine so when it comes to you guys I'm not sure I'm just not sure because sometimes I'm just I feel like 99 of you guys are like intelligent and then one percent of you are just [ __ ] lemmings [Music] foreign sometimes I just think the slowest person here is pretty damn slow you know just just I would say you know just it's pretty safe but that doesn't mean you can't hurt yourself large case that's it close to feet so we're gonna be careful we've got a lot of Windsor magic so that's great don't have a black period oh if you could just stay perfectly still it would have been really handy here life leeching I know I can get it I just haven't done it yet all right next to the chat Legend I just got my balls off yeah I mean you can't possibly have been in this chat for any amount of time and not recognize that there are stupid people that show up yeah I'll take a damage but as long as we don't take casualties I'll be able to heal it pretty easily I'm not even gonna try to sneak in there's no way we'll make it okay get these guys over here oh wait wait I had this guy here the whole time I could have been healing them apart from the get-go forgot I switched him Unfaithful cast iron so I've got enough magic to maybe wipe out about a third of their armies if I if I just aim at one year at a time assuming that I wipe him out in that one go es which is good which is good because you do get a lot of wins of um of course because we got a decent amount free to Natural and the ones we need to really watch out for are the skeleton arches something that's not really great shape okay actually I might be able to get that one day as long as it doesn't bounce here good that's deleted all right let's get rid of this over here under the sentence one of death answers yeah on obstructions they can bounce now Springs Okay Kevin hurry up enjoy the show that I found a Sim chat does it have a couple of point in the game you play where you become so good that the andromeda's loss knowing the game as well so well because predictable uh to some extent I definitely get can get bored um yeah I get yes based shot into that is yes thank you appreciate it I don't think they've got any more that stuff just uh [Music] oh good they do it there right will they see Swift ass deaths wins all right so we take out the artillery I think we did looks like they crumbled away witness true power Ranger natural foreign even worth using uh chill wind um I don't know maybe all right all right we've killed a fair fewness noticing that over on this side there they've got a lot less units there I'm going to start sending this dude over we'll we'll see if I can sneak in there there's a pretty good chance it won't work but all right we'll just see because otherwise the battle could take a while I'll keep taking out these arches just one at a time I get that we could blob up but what I'm trying to do here because I've got so much Reserves I'm just trying to get rid of some Easy Pickins first especially archers because once we get rid of their arches they're about their ability to dish out damage quickly to us is gone then we send in uh said the mid for the blob foreign is really powerful yeah okay fair enough um I don't like the dark Hills and Warhammer three I'm not gonna cover them so yeah I'm just not gonna become a dark Elsa whatever three yeah CA took a big steaming dump on the dark elves in the high heels in my opinion I just I refuse outright to play them I'm not gonna I'm just not gonna play them forget it oh [ __ ] that's a problem I really don't like you recent videos it's full of easy disaster bit uh battles and useless dim sacks raiding or one-man Doom Stacks they look all the same I miss actual hard battles you used to have yeah fair enough dude okay so here's the thing um Warhammer 3 doesn't really have a whole lot of hard battles popping up all the time so a lot of what's in my inbox are disaster battle at uh one Band Boom sex and things like that um and they perform tons better than the disaster battles at the moment so it's it's fair if you don't like him I suppose you don't like him but they are popular you got to keep in mind that I don't make videos repeatedly if they're not popular I don't I don't make them so I'm more than happy to just do disaster battles if that was what was popular but they're they're not necessarily because you got to keep in mind that this is my job um more so than anything so my job is to you know make the content that you guys enjoy that's the most important thing um so so I don't know what to do about that I'm gonna try and do things here and there but if something's working I'll keep doing it is this trying to make Legend depressed or something if there's a chill no look it's just it's just it's it's difficult because people just aren't really that satisfied with stuff at the moment because like I'll be honest whatever three has not been good for the channel okay it's tough to make good content for it it is tough you know and people get upset very quickly you know um I make like I do a really tough battle and it just doesn't get views and I'm just like cool you know and then I do a one-man Doom stack and it gets views and I'm just like cool you know uh you know the the live streams have gotten to the point where the war have a two live streams from a few months ago but performing better than the ones now you know it's I'm doing the best I can to the best I can yeah I don't know all right let's shove them in [Applause] you know unfortunately sometimes they're just working with [ __ ] International just keep doing the best I can though perhaps differential viewer demographics are responsible for the shift too yeah okay that's actually a good point I actually thought about that the other day so I just I just need it I need a break for a second freaking getting over woman's freaking thank you uh okay I was thinking about that war number three is fundamentally an easier Total War Game than whatever two it just is and since Warhammer 2 was significantly more difficult it attracted more veteran players which would naturally appeal to to my audience now because warmer 3 appeals to uh newer players not veterans therefore they're not as attracted to my channel because you don't need to know how to cheese in one of the three um is a fundamental difficulty problem uh uh I can't do anything about that I can't make the game I can't make the AI smarter or anything like that um [ __ ] I I think that that might be part of the case but I was asking around the other YouTubers and they said that uh views are down on their channels as well with whatever three stuff so apparently it's across the board God damn it mods and I'm not covering mods address thee as master uh there's not enough of them here yet do you think you should go back to work a bit too no because Warhammer 3 has killed interest in warhamitu [Applause] I can't I you know I don't think I don't think that would do any better either so I'm just sort of damned if I do damned if I don't I just gotta make the best of the situation yeah like as I've said so many times I'm doing the best I can I'm getting so many [ __ ] complaints this year it's been ridiculous so many complaints about the content that I'm making and it's just the same content I've always made um but people just like ah it's too easy or I don't like the Doom Stags I want more dream Stacks Legend you don't know everything about this game yet like uh legit how come you're not completely 100 fully in love with this yet how can I be fully in love with it they [ __ ] it up you know that's what happens when you put a [ __ ] in charge of game development that's what happens I gotta make the best of this situation oh God damn it I have one really enjoy your content I appreciate that but just go to keep in mind I'm getting a lot of complaints all right I'm doing the best I can but yeah I'm not ignoring the complaints I address them but I can't I can't do anything about it it's not yours again I get that like I said I can't do any about it it's on YouTube video Vlog where you review a few builds I actually tried doing that a long time ago and it was awful I I've got a series called mod reviews it was awful for the channel That is so much work and people just no I'm not doing that again just to get it uh Asura did a five pound signature I think the problem with Weber 3 is the sieges and lighter settlements not the most entertaining to watch Commander one for two sadly I agree [Applause] I agree thanks for the chat oh man I may have made a bit of a thing going on here we go vampire account uh frame rate would you pay the play the dashboard if it drops into one of the three uh dude I'm at the point where I'm just not gonna live stream soon I'm just gonna I'm just gonna call it a day and not live stream anymore you know it's it's becoming too tiresome to do this like I said I've been saying it for ages and it's coming it's just becoming too tiresome I'm just so tired of working hard I've been getting no enjoyment out of it uh Nathan Burgoyne did a nine dollar zombie chat I've definitely noticed that since it has a beta tag Total War Fanboys always default to that as a defense why it's not as good as one or two however if there isn't Improvement soon I can see one by three dying yeah maybe thanks Super Chat appreciate it oh God my nose is killing me here sneaky ghouls yeah thanks for reminder okay here we go yeah we've also got a fairly clear path up that way all right I need to bring the necromancers up that way I I tried to shove too many units through the gate and chords massive frame rate problems but it's more or less fixed now hello did I switch out the AIS have to step back from what mature it's ridiculous the most unfun AI I've experienced in a long time no idea what they were thinking I agree I agree please chat I live in Surprise streams dude I just don't want to stream anymore [Music] I just don't want to stream I have to force myself to come on every day I just don't do it anymore it's not worth it my gosh that's pretty good foreign what do you want to do if you go retired I could do whatever I want that's the thing I don't I don't haven't really lived the past few years all I do is stream every every day and I used to really really love it but the enjoyment is just has been sucked dry uh lately and I don't know I I can't really try anything until I retire from streaming now I get people don't like to hear that but you know I I'm committed to finish up finishing off this year I'm gonna just uh finish off the air but you know what I just uh sucked the enjoyment out of it my number three it really did you know it's just not it's just not that much fun foreign take a break for a year or five okay imagine being forced to do something eight hours after income yeah well well like I said I treated like a job so I forced myself to do it [Music] why not reduce stripping instead of cutting it off completely because I don't want to do it anymore at all I don't want to do it I want to quit my Dominion overall we heard the crowd is so much harder to please these days and understandably so and just let's get a little less less to work with because Eric did it five years ago he's a bit of a stream that's sitting at home than going somewhere to work look it just depends like I think that uh for a long time uh streaming was a dream job but you know I've done nothing but streaming for five years and I just want to do something else that's all take it right now could but I said I'd commit to the end of the year all right this campaign is [ __ ] boring as hell people are dropping off at such an absurd rate ah [ __ ] me I just I just don't want it and finish off this battle and call it a day I think I'm definitely not continuing this tomorrow this is so boring witness true power wait to get a Joby running back to the computer uh okay look I'm not I don't know how many times I'm gonna say this I'm not quitting YouTube I'm just quitting streaming [Music] you're spamming zombies and scales that's boring as [ __ ] it's turn 11 dude I recruited everything I could I've recorded everything I possibly could don't don't tell me I'm just spamming one unit type it's everything that was literally available to me your crank stream forgot yes at the end of this year I will be streaming I will be quitting streaming for good foreign that's the end of my magic reserves how are we going over here oh crap that blocks me off already it's too late yeah we uh I need to that's not gonna work we're definitely winning the battle we're barely taking any damage but oh my God this battle's so boring holy crap all right I'm just gonna charge up on the walls it's gonna charge up with everything I got because this is so boring I'd love to see more no 800 videos no that other video did really badly um is tarun did a 25 let me check I only finally installed total warmer 2 in February 2021 after having brought the original Total warml launch since then you were a constant companion in my feeds to learn it's right thank you for all the fun times all right thanks dude I appreciate that thank you you thinking you're diversifying away from turtle walk no I'm not talking about specifying no point [Applause] do you fly Manfred over to kill a wall what do you mean kill the wall Samson is the worst campaign plan right oh yeah this performed like absolute ass it's pissed me off I don't I don't blame people for being annoyed but yeah there's people like absolute ass it was a gigantic mistake for me to play Manfred it's so boring uh zombie rattalion ninja became a member for 16 Buzz I'm surprised I'm supporting you whenever you decide to do it you've entertained me so much and I'm thankful for that all right thanks dude thanks to be Chad appreciate it necromancer killable block of the ghouls oh you made a barricade right right right that's actually a good idea dude yeah the hay fever coupled with everything do you enjoy the funny thing is history just repeats itself like this exact same thing happened like last year at the exact same time like go back to September last year and right when I was having hay fever that was when everybody decided hey let's [ __ ] annoy the hell out of Legend and yeah I had to take him a long break I don't think I need to take a break right now because the thing is that's when I decided to stop streaming for good but I said I'd give it one more year one more year you know if it was a good year maybe I'd continue but boy was it a bad year this year holy [ __ ] okay it was a bad year this year so yeah I'm definitely going to retire and then you get so many people being like uh you just wait until your money runs out it's like not I'm not gonna quit YouTube Just streaming it's like people think that I make all my money from streaming I barely make any money from streaming okay it's YouTube videos of words uh the what's going on here and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna quit that still be making disaster battles and stuff like that I said that stuff's easy that stuff's not a problem but streaming is the goddamn problem yeah because if I'm doing disaster battles I'm gonna have to play the my own [ __ ] campaigns why was it a bad yeah Legend well whatever three has been a catastrophe for this channel because I think the biggest thing is that I just don't really like it all that much and the thing is people don't really want to watch you play something that you're not really that into uh Mr blund became them for 11 months uh don't do gorso nurgle and those dislike Fest plus one hope to see some breaths I'm trying to get the great work all right thank you appreciate it [Applause] do you think you try to return for DLC relus at some months live streams yeah look dude you got to keep in mind like this this has been such a [ __ ] year I don't know if I'll return for DLCs you know I've tried to make the best of it that I could but you know what do you expect me to do like just lie and pretend like this is like the greatest game of all time when it is being shot yeah I can't do anything about it they're on the walls cut everything about it can't get him out of the city Wilson did chill with some [ __ ] I would like the campaign Vince again I'm not I'm not doing this please I'm not doing this please thanks for stupid chat but I'm not doing this please never been interested in streaming other games just uploading one over three videos no mate because the the problem isn't even warmer three the problem is streaming it's not that I don't want to the problem is streaming I don't I don't want to stop playing Total War I want to stop streaming [Music] yeah yes I've made a lot of personal sacrifices to to do streaming oh God [ __ ] games depression I'm not funneling too much uh I just don't want to make those personal sacrifices anymore you know it's cost me a lot a dead March any chance of the Albert campaign live stream uh we'll see we'll see yeah I can't get them out until they've kept this is it streaming essentially let's play yeah but yeah it is yeah RP Leo did a photos which have you consider just doing whatever you want and ignore the stats for a bit or do you have no interest in that ah no because like no um I don't have any personal enjoyment in doing this right this is not fun for me right I I would not come on and uh and do this if I wasn't getting paid that's that's all I would say so if it's like if I start streaming whatever that I want to do and my pay goes down by a lot like why would I do that you know I just don't want to do it uh Chase Stevens to the photos of Jack your Sunday streams are the only ones I can really catch because I work here's five dollars all right thanks dude I appreciate that look I'm good so guys I'm sorry I'm being a bit of a downer but I'm I'm this ever this happens every [ __ ] year every year you know I get a little bit ill and then that's the day that everyone decides to poke at me it's really not cool I really actually tossed off between not live streaming tonight I said to myself um okay look I'm it's another hay fever day maybe I should not live stream today maybe I should take a break because you know these are the days that I'm most susceptible for people getting under my skin I didn't listen to my own advice on my own guts honestly wouldn't mind subscribers just want to see you on Joseph mate I I get that but I don't know how many times I gotta say this no I don't want to do this you know people ground me down this year this has been I've said it once I've said it before this is the worst year of my [ __ ] life you know I just want to be done with it such a horrible year what uh Chase Stevens did a challenge I'm glad you streamed today all right thanks dude but I am seriously regretting it I shouldn't have lived in today I'm clearly not in a good mental state I don't see this much damage you better it won't change to the 2023 get it uh yeah well 2023 I won't be streaming so it'll just be a completely different year for me yeah we're gonna lose that unit yes oh let's read this one here [Music] you said you have been streaming for five years have you lived nocturnal during this period if so working in United man's message on your health yeah I have been and that's probably one of the things that has impacted so much uh God this this oh my God as soon as I stopped cheesing it all just went to [ __ ] yes we're just not doing any [ __ ] damage uh I need to get I need to get in there oh I can't get in that way can I that's meant for it God I hate I hate this battle so much holy [ __ ] it just goes to show you what a difference it can make to play a campaign that you actually enjoy I told people earlier that I really didn't dig um the vampire Cancer woman three but I thought I'd give it a shot reach them of life but yeah it's this is why it's so important to not stream what's oh my god dude Barn girls are getting ready bye guys I mean but to stream what you enjoy that's so important if you're gonna stream that is I feel like I'm doing a really bad job my head is just in the in the clouds though preacher natural how am I going to get through this now get out of there before you get wet you'll win uh far since I've watched the 20 power and superchat we always listen to your advice would you listen to yourself too and take breaks you need yeah I know but I just I'm not used to doing it that's all shackle mangram did a photo yeah from what I understand from spiffy bit streaming is much less popular than YouTube so what content do you genuinely enjoy making thanks a Super Chat dude I don't enjoy making content I don't enjoy it it's just a job for me like I said if I didn't get paid I would never come back again yes foreign it how do I do that I Dominion overall reversed necromancer geez that assault went so badly oh the game's [ __ ] up as well still playing my music though I can't even select my units properly it is time what is going on here park into mine will all life must end women's respectable Legends enjoyment yeah for the most part this is this game look it's not a bad game but covering it has been one of the worst experiences of my life you know it's really been a [ __ ] game to cover it is done yeah it killed interesting will happen sir I just I really just sucks it's nothing trouble to say no it's just it's just again it's the game struggling to do this battle that's all okay I think we're gonna win by just like oh God I'm gonna break through that one as well no I don't no I don't go through this way still make it oh man I took a lot of damage that's in a bit live stream once a week or over two weeks I don't know how many times I'm gonna say this the streams will go to zero because like I said look look I I'm gonna Endeavor to try to keep going full time for the rest of the year but I'm a hundred percent not going to be live streaming next year at all that is decided okay people need to accept that so you know you can enjoy them while you if you want now you know or you can Abandon Ship now if you want and if you do Abandon Ship now like if I turn up tomorrow for example and there's like 100 people watching I'll just say okay cool I'll just quit and then that'll just be the end of it I'm fine with that oh before but I've always tried to be transparent with you guys not just leave you lurking unknowing about what things are gonna happen sir you know it's a 100 all gonna come to an end oh my God what uh just [ __ ] it get over here no no Captain's point because it pissed me off uh does GM did a Kindle subject totally empathize with not liking aspects of work I know for myself taking time to enjoy outside of income generation was hugely important for Quality life history man all right thanks to protect dude I appreciate that you don't want to do a thing at all they want you to do a thing about it let's compromise you do it a bit how does that sound good deal for you [Laughter] life ends [Music] foreign PVP multiplayer campaign from tangent that seems super duper fun we'd like to see some kind of cool pvt from nah I'm just not interested I just like I want to play this as minimal as I possibly can to be honest I feel that Lord that might make a bit of a difference I obey [Music] uh I I don't think I'll be doing any tops that dead I'll think about it but I don't see the point [Music] they didn't bother capping this all right well we've definitely won the battle but you know it was pretty damn costly but still black parent and a gash turn 11. find my will [Music] [Music] yes nowhere I just met there's the Army losses oh what a slog that battle was what a slug we got through it definitely a perfect victory no characters died so it's not that at the end of the world but we did lose the grave God yeah what ended up happening was that about at the 20 minute Mark or whatever it was I think I just like got so sick of the hay fever and the grindiness of the battles is like [ __ ] this I can't be bothered to choose it not today Mr hamtastic became in for nine months any chances are from content so far stupid uh thanks for the chat ah no there's there's no chance of that there's no chance look you gotta keep in mind uh look is I understand it's it's a difficult thing to watch somebody make content on a game that they're clearly [ __ ] sick of I get it oh I got one one of them back I really do get it yeah that's a good item um but I think here's some things to keep in mind one I'm playing Vampire accounts okay I think that's just a bad choice I think vampire counts are just a bad choice it's just a really boring faction let's be real okay who here actually thinks the vampire counts are interesting um you know I played to them a little bit in Early Access and thought that they were incredibly dull and then I've played them a bit now and found them incredibly dull but that's not how I feel about every faction like I thoroughly enjoyed the kislev campaign I really enjoyed that I played it a bit in my own time and I think it's just it's it's it's it's a couple of things right one thing hay fever [ __ ] me right it really it really hits me hard um it stresses me out because I don't like sitting here with this stuff sniffling you know I try not to let it get to me but it does it just gets to me and unfortunately people can see that and they're like oh Legend's weak right now let's poke at him yeah you know what it happened last year it happened this year I'm not gonna take a month off I'm not gonna do what I did last year because I got three months left three months of work left okay I'm gonna deliver that three months of content all right um whether or not people want to stay in and watch that's up to you um but yeah I do think that uh vampire counts are pretty boring in war number three I think they're strong look how much we did in 11 turns even though like that battle was [ __ ] I just keep raising more dead you know we took out like three major settlements there it's only turn 11. and our recovery rate's pretty quick we could just we can just keep moving um so they're strong but they're really really [ __ ] boring and I think one of the things that makes them so boring is that I've hit his max but yeah it's bugged it's bugged we had 110 wins of magic at the start of that battle look at that it's bugged look at that [ __ ] so that means his trait here dark acolyte it's [ __ ] bugged you know the game strips you of your everything over a hundred after every goddamn battle right I'll show you I'll show you we'll get the um yeah I'll show you the land markets that one yeah so oh it provides income didn't provide like 2 000 in Warhammer too all right I'm just gonna move to the next turn I'm going to show you guys how it's bugged [Music] he's retiring from his channel no no no no no I've only retired from streaming I'm still gonna do disaster battles and you know what I think one of the biggest regrets I've got is [ __ ] telling people that I was retiring from streaming because so much misinformation goes out there it's ridiculous I'm constantly having to put out that fire I'm still gonna be here just not not live streaming that's all did you know that for the first five years of the Channel I didn't even do any live streaming right and the channel did just fine and people say things like our Legend it's gonna be the end of the world when you live stream how will you pay your bills I'm just like man live streaming barely pays for bills it's videos videos are like 60 to 80 percent of my income live streaming has always been about Channel growth but here's the problem Warhammer 3 has ensured that there cannot be any channel growth so it's pointless that's the problem uh live streaming became point the main goal of live streaming is to grow a channel right not to actually make money money you get you do get some money and I do appreciate exhibit chats but it's not the main goal main goal is to generate subscriptions and Warhammer 3 has ensured that that's impossible it's like I can't [ __ ] grow I haven't grown at all this year I mean you can look at the sub count but that's not real growth right the channel hasn't grown at all um so why bother streaming it's a waste of time we replaced live stream with Let's Plays no let's plays is a great way to kill the channel though yeah and it sucks because okay here we go here we go ready so we're at 115 wins the magic watch this watch this if I load the save file Watch What Happens I really like your videos but there's something I don't understand what do you say when signing a video from it sounds like we're doing an individual here that's exactly what I'm saying dude you've heard correctly foreign ers money s is and answering my dumb questions as again thanks a bit chat I appreciate it the live live streams what you want good day Australian time no no oh my God yeah [Laughter] oh God it's bugged yeah ever thought about doing YouTube shorts after they're paying people for them now and you can just use them as I've typed into the channel uh we tried that a little bit each other a little bit I don't think it works too well for Total War um I don't know I don't know they're actually a lot of work depending on how you want to go about it is streaming to a European audience why no one seems to understand what you're trying to say I feel like I'm maybe maybe right now I'm a little bit hard to understand because of hay fever but is Magic permanently bugged now no no it can go back up to 115 next turn but up to after one battle or after the game is loaded it ships you back down to 100. like the game is hard coded for you to have a maximum of 100 and they kind of jerry-rigged it to try to increase your maximum but it doesn't work it doesn't work permanently I should say um which is you know that's why we that's why 15 of our wins and Magic got stripped [Music] what um you know I get it it's a beta you know it's early days of volume of three but CA did such a bad job in this game they really did they really I really think they did a terrible job of it what do you want to do with the channel next year real simple I'm probably gonna do a bit of traveling spend more time with the wife uh uh not going to live stream and you know as for the channel I'll uh you know I'll just make videos you know I'll just do the disaster battles and disaster campaigns that those have never been a problem ever but you know that's that's always been good like I said the problem has always been well for the past year has been streaming yeah he gets greater Arcane conduit too right okay we should get life leeching but that's it for lure of death can you tell us why you like women three much less than women too uh okay oh yeah sure I can answer that but I should preface it by saying I don't hate Warhammer 3. I think if Weber 3 existed in a vacuum it'd be a great game okay um when I go to a restaurant I don't ever order my second favorite food right if that makes sense um I I ordered my first favorite food so I personally enjoy warmer too more than one three and it's Doom um I think it's a combination of the AI in WeMo 3 is just terrible it's just terrible it's not fun to go up against it this Siege rework every battle is a Siege in some way right and the AI is just so cowardly um it's just not fun to deal with them and it doesn't present any challenge like we went through five episodes or whatever of a Kiss Live campaign and um I I didn't suffer a single defeat I haven't suffered a defeat since the Ashen campaign how long ago was that you know I haven't suffered a defeat on a live stream since well that doesn't mean it was on it last time I played the Ashen campaign because I know in this campaign here I did suffer a defeat or two um the 27th you know that was that was a month ago so you know I've been live live streaming regularly since then uh I haven't suffered a single defeat not one um you know the AI just doesn't put up a good fight and they stripped a lot of things out of the game that I liked you know and they didn't add stuff that I do like your campaign on two with Vlad concrete everything was way better I agree I agree yeah that was that was way more fun like I don't think the vampire counts are weak by any means and uh vampire counts have always been a slog to do settlements with but here's here's the problem that I'm having right now is that I feel like Manfred has reached his max potential at turn 12. like I can't realistically get his wins of magic above 100. he has got his maximum potential out of uh wind of death um I can give him a zombie dragon but he's as strong as he's really gonna get now like effectively like No One's Gonna Be able to stop him so I've basically like hit Victory on turn 12. that's boring you know uh and the game just doesn't put up enough of a fight uh birds have grated I found out some rich races you most enjoy streaming in IE uh probably scar brand now we could do like the end game crisis you know early games then but I think the thing to keep in mind with that is that while that definitely does add challenge um I actually really don't like the way that the end game crisis has been implemented I think it's really boring and personally my personal preference would be to turn it off uh the end game crisis I just don't like the way that they do it it's just like here's Mega challenge here's 40 armies of the same armies spawn up in one region there you go have some fun but it's not fun to do that you can bump Your Capacity way past 100 with Necromancer trait and bloodlines yes okay but like I said with with Manfred here we got it to 115. and then we load the save file and it drops it back down to 100. does law keeper trait work towards magic I don't know well um I would assume it doesn't because um actually everything died we could test it out Bring me flash to craft all right why don't we do this I'll end the turn again this guy here is a law keeper all right let's end the turn again we'll test it out he should have 108 wins of magic next turn so I'm just gonna just gonna toss this turn aside okay we're gonna do a little bit of a test Kanye's sword give him infinite Magic yeah maybe but I I don't know uh NT did a 20 sck are you gonna make an ie review video no what I'm never gonna make another review video again so review videos allow people who don't like me to cherry pick things that I say and then attack me so I'm not gonna make review videos anymore I don't enjoy I don't I don't like making reviews they're not profitable give me one good reason why I should do it all right so he's at 108 wins of magic let's see what happens if I load the save file now okay let me just okay let me just show you this guy here [Music] [Music] okay has 108 wins of Magic on turn 30 oh wait it's not gonna save his name okay so just keep that in mind he's got 108. any local effects get resets and the global metric Reserves at a permanent that's what I found as well yeah don't know if you saw this yet but spell Mastery is bugged for the UI for healing and direct damage um it does work you just look at the results on the unit of the YouTuber tested it okay fair enough well I guess you just needed to extensively test it the UI I showed otherwise bats and wolves gather bugged it's bugged so you can go into a battle and have that 108 wins of magic but if you find a second battle on that turn you will go back to 100 every single time matchless Mark certified have you found most races are kind of boring after turn 30 I don't feel like you really have any issue with the weakest status uh some of them do yeah the game doesn't put up much of a fight that's why uh only lies in a bottle of [ __ ] to the five euro Super Chat for me the problem is wema 3 is not the game being bad but far behind my hopes for it and its own potential yes that's it that is exactly it it has not reached its potential not by a long shot you know they've they've gone they've made one step forward two steps back [Music] yeah happens was almost every game though yeah sure maybe and maybe maybe in a year uh whatever three will be fantastic I have every confidence that it will get there but [ __ ] me I'm sick of waiting man do you know how long I've been waiting for this you know a person can only wait for so long you can't just ask someone to wait indefinitely look while I was when I was still in the program right um I told creative assembly like months and months ago I was pissed off with them and they said like I'll just wait we're gonna make things better just wait we're gonna make things better just wait just wait a little bit longer basically and I waited and I waited and I waited and I was like you're not doing anything and so I you know that's it just done with it a person can only wait so long before they get sick of it so yeah you're right you know it probably will eventually get great and when it is great I'll totally change my tune but in the meantime God damn it this game does not live up to its full potential you know you know I think that was the the problem with um that I was having with CA they wanted me to wait indefinitely for them to to like make things right after what they did with uh realm of chaos and I just wasn't willing to give them that time they had already taken way too much time as it is you know uh and I basically said no you've had enough time that's it you know I can't wait indefinitely I've got other [ __ ] to do hopefully the team that did the DLC swimming to get their hands on women three and approach it with the same ideas yeah I don't know I think some people I'm just not sure what's gonna happen with all that I don't think it was released too early see I need to play feedback to make her changes I I kind of agree with that I don't think it was necessarily released too early I think there it's it's not that it's buggy it's there's a lot of bad design in this that doesn't seem to be turned around at all why do you think Manfred doesn't have unique skills sorry for spam thine right is mine uh he probably okay his unique skills is having two um two wins of magic lines that's his unique skills but yeah you're right I see what you mean um this is his unique skill line here which is crap because that's as far as you want to go down to it um yeah he's got so many bloody skills as it is look at look at all these bloody skills you could very easily put in 49 skill points and still be like yeah I wish I had a few more um but yeah his unique skill line is the fact that he's got a um he's got two laws of magic which doesn't make him better by the way [Music] if woman two elections are doing better white Russian woman three no no no no no no no no no no no you gotta you gotta hear me out with this okay we'll have the two live streams will not do better than one with three live streams I don't think okay what I said was is that the Warhammer 3 live streams of this year are performing worse than the war number two live streams of last year dude do you understand what I mean by that Okay so we'll have a three being a new game I was hoping would help grow the Channel introduce new new viewers increase viewership but it didn't it actually decreased viewership however what it did as well is it destroyed viewership for whatever two I can't go back to warmer 2 now I was able to go back to warmer 2 after Realms of chaos because that's what everyone else did but um yeah I don't think we can go back to woman too like I can play it in my spare time for sure I still have it installed I can play with my spare time but I think that uh covering will happen to now would be a mistake which sucks um it sucks to even consider it go back to the Thrones of plutonia yeah all right look let's let's do this let's do this we're gonna wrap things up early tonight because I'm not well like I'm I have it's not your fault but I'm just not well in that campaign that's boring we're just gonna roll over everyone I was gonna take massive casualties and just recover straight away that's kind of how the vampire counts work but let's like look at some of these potential campaigns and have a look and see what we can come into tomorrow because I do intend to come back tomorrow I'm not gonna Chuck a hissy fit and be like ah [ __ ] you guys I'm taking a month off no you know we're gonna keep going we just need to find a faction that's actually good um like good to live stream so I'm not I don't think I'll cover the vampire counts again ever uh they're just not that interesting I get that some people like well what about what about Hillman ghosts um yes like he's super powerful but still Vamp I just don't find vampire accounts fun um I did say that I I gave him a second chance but I just not one of my favorite races right it's not one of my favorite not in warmer three anyway so I'm not gonna cover them again uh what else I do like wood elves and Warhammer 3 and I was thinking about was that what else I was thinking about covering that nurgle I'm not covering nurgle no I'm not comfortable cinch maybe maybe I'll cover tinch whereas a t cinch Maybe I'm not really I've covered slingsh a few times I'm not for now Boris or draca but uh I don't cover the same race too often vampire Coast vampire Coast is another one I haven't actually looked into vampire Coast at all but um from uh from a channel point of view it has historically performed really badly and so I haven't really looked into them at all have you tried to return your campaign yet in my own time but plutonia is a faction that has uh performed badly in the past for me but I really do enjoy it Carl frads no I want to play something I'm going to actually enjoy and I've I've played a conference campaign in warmer 2 that lasted a very long time so I'm in I've got no desire to play if I'm gonna play the Empire I'll play bulk excuse me I play Pokemon Burgers I'm down to play ogres skaven oh I'll cover skaven again at some point I'm glad they didn't ruin the skaven what's the high Escape painting Camp to play I don't know probably uh maybe um car friends I don't know don't play could say it's boring as [ __ ] I'm probably not gonna play cassay yeah for BC boys I'm not sure Paul no no I'm just having a brief discussion before we call it a day unlimited this to the Twilight no I'm not gonna do that no I'm not gonna do that now that'll turn people off immediately so here's what I'm thinking uh for tomorrow at this stage hopefully I don't get hit with as bad of um hay fever tomorrow hopefully we'll just see um I'm thinking either wood elves or ogre kingdoms or bertonia uh patonia has always performed pretty badly so we'll see how that goes I do suffer defeats when playing as plutonia though do suffer defeats you know with the garrisons uh just because I expand so quickly as petronia and I don't bother defending my territory [Music] um can you do a good campaign maybe I'll think about maybe doing ogres um I don't know how about making a poll I already said I'm not making a poll look guys if I say I'm not gonna do something don't pester me about it it's really frustrating if I say we're not gonna do a poll then you like do a poll just no no polls uh I'm just giving some food to for me to think of over for the next like 18 hours or whatever I'm not gonna play High Elves in warmer 3. like here were the three factions like when I was playing at Early Access I tried out the various different factions and I found that I did not enjoy Dark Elves High Elves and vampire counts those are the ones I was like I really didn't enjoy I gave the vampire accounts another try today didn't enjoy it uh I don't think the campaign did badly I didn't wasn't amazing either but I don't enjoy the vampire accounts of women three this is not fun sorry I missed that that's okay it's okay do this midnight I covered lizmann recently and I don't know I I don't know about Nakai it's not a faction that I've ever enjoyed said no Hiles well I don't enjoy them if I was to play High Elves we're gonna have the exact same experience where I chucked the shits in the first episode is that what you want people don't want to see that people don't want to see me come into a campaign and whinge it's boring boring boring and [ __ ] boring dollars every [ __ ] one of them the Isles are boring and we'll have a three I don't want to touch them because I'll just get Empires I'll just get bored same thing with the dark girls they are boring you know they're watered down trash factions sorry they're not trash the watered down trash campaigns that are stupidly easy and they have no Nuance to them dark Hills High Elves and vampire counts are boring what about vampire Pirates with drika yeah maybe drika have a look I live um it's not one of my favorite campaigns I definitely prefer playing sister Twilight but you know very easy I don't like Towson at all what about durthu I haven't played Eartha in a while the infection effects suck challenge run no dude you got to keep in mind I'm so close to just uninstalling this game that I need to play things that I actually enjoy or else I will I will uninstall this game okay you got to keep that in mind all right if I did you like look at what happened today right I played a campaign that I knew I wasn't that fond of and look I'm ending the stream at four hours I don't normally do that okay if I do a challenge run I will guaranteed Chuck the shits with this game and I'll uninstall it you know because it's just it's not fun enough to do challenges unless I pick a really fun race so for example if I was to do any sort of challenges with um Carl friends it'll just it'll kill this game for me completely you enjoy betonia yeah all right well I got some stuff to think about there so we'll see how we go sorry if this was not the most enjoyable stream I do I do apologize for that that's you know I'm not not really that well mentally or physically it's like I said it's been a [ __ ] year I'm doing my best to try to keep it together but I'm it's starting to fall apart this is the hard game to [ __ ] make work all right let's go check our host over to someone and I'm gonna call it a day I will endeavor to come back tomorrow um so I hope you'll come back and watch whatever I'm gonna do I don't know what it is yet I'm not gonna decide on it right now uh let's see let's Chuck a host over to who's playing a campaign what a multiplayer going on uh we'll Chuck it over to Titan gaming he's playing a conference campaign so get your car friends uh uh desires from him yeah I appreciate support today guys um I need to go get some rest I probably shouldn't have livestream today but I I tried anyway freaking hay fever got me just setting up the host stream over damn yeah it wasn't a good stream today it's just there's no point continuing it's just you know I'm just wearing myself out for nothing all right I will see you guys hopefully tomorrow but if there is a chance that I just won't stream tomorrow um we'll see how we go you know September's almost over so usually that's the worst of it anyway later [ __ ]
Channel: LegendofTotalWar
Views: 166,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total war, warhammer 3, immortal empires
Id: Rj4VoNcEdiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 20sec (14300 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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