Manjaro Awesome Edition

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one of my favorite Linux distributions over the last couple of years has been Manjaro I love Manjaro I've run Manjaro many times on my main production machines I've run it on my laptops I've installed Manjaro on physical hardware and probably at least 20 times in the last couple of years I've installed it in a VM dozens of times and I can't say enough good things about Manjaro as a project one of the reasons I promote it kind of heavily on the channel and today I'm gonna take a look at a version of Manjaro that i've never looked at before cuz to be honest i didn't know they made this version so they have a community edition based on the awesome window manager I love the awesome window manager so let's take a look so the first thing I want to just briefly talk about is the reason I'm making this video today about manero's awesome window manager edition is because this week on Big Daddy Linux live those of you that are not subscribed to morocco over at Big Daddy Linux be sure to subscribe to him great guy great Channel anyway he does a weekly show every Saturday night where he invites anybody from the community anybody's free to join him live on camera in a video conference and they review a different Linux distribution every two weeks and for the past two weeks the distribution they're reviewing is Manjaro so that's why you've seen several Linux youtubers in the last few days cover Manjaro is why I'm covering Manjaro today is I wanted to take part in the discussion over on Big Daddy Linux live of the Saturday night so I'm gonna cover Manjaro awesome window manager edition and because it's a version I've never taken a look at but I do have to warn you guys if you're interested in taking a look at their awesome window manager edition do not go to the main Manjaro download page at mentor org typically where you'd go grab an ISO is you click the editions go to community editions and then right here awesome 18.0 and that's the version now that version is very old that ISO was released November of 2018 that's 11 months ago 11 months is an eternity for a rolling release distribution as you if you're able to get it installed you're probably looking at nearly a thousand packages for an update after that it's almost certainly going to have some breakage there don't do it just don't do it trust me somebody that's run rolling releases for a long time I would never try to install and ISO that old so I dug around on the manage oral forms a little bit and I came across this post from about five months ago so July 18th of this year they released Manjaro awesome 18.1 0 - rc4 off the testing branch and this is actually based on Manjaro xfce 18.1 0 - rc4 so but it's a fresher ISO it's just four or five months old as opposed to 11 months old 11 months old is not going to work don't even try it go grab this ISO out I'll be sure to link it in the show description so I'm going to take a look at manero's awesome edition I'm gonna install this inside a virtual machine so I downloaded that ISO the ISO was 1.9 eight gigs in size right at two gigs alright so when you get to the boot screen here in Manjaro you have settings for our time zone keyboard layout language driver by the way the driver says free you can change it to non free if you want and change it back if you need to here in VirtualBox the free driver will be just fine but sometimes you do need that non free driver I have had problems with this in the past having installed Manjaro many times on physical Hardware I can tell you on very new equipment like when I first bought this main production machine I'm on now with the Radeon 7 graphics card and I tried to boot into some versions of Manjaro maybe the ISOs were a little older they did not have a driver that will work with that ready on seven I couldn't get anything to come up once I tried to boot off the ISO it would just be a black screen it didn't matter if I chose the free driver or the non free driver so just be aware of that if you're on really really new hardware sometimes that can be an issue it's not gonna be an issue today in this VM and most of my equipment now is old enough it probably wouldn't be a problem on on any of my machines at the moment anyway I'm gonna go ahead and boot directly off the ice so it would probably take a minute or two for this to come up it's been nearly two minutes and this thing still hasn't booted off of this eye so you can see I have a start job that's running for live media pac-man mirror ranking script so it's a mirror ranking script to sort your your mirrors for pac-man which is arches package manager it's also manero's package manager but it's been running for over two minutes now this start job I'm kind of concerned I give it another minute or two and see if it finally boots if not I may have to give up on the Manjaro awesome edition and maybe pull down a different Community Edition all right after about three minutes that start job that ranking of the mirrors finally completed so it did boot up it just took a little longer than what I I booting off a live ISO typically takes a minute sometimes two minutes that was a little longer that was a little over three minutes I was getting kind of worried now we're at the login screen here this is light diem I'm being asked for a password I hate this on a live environment I should not have to type a username or a password because what's the password right if I just hit enter will it just let me in no I actually have to type a password I'm gonna take a guess the passwords probably Manjaro I hope it is anyway did I type that right I'd better retype that all right and the good thing is we got a full screen resolution the live environment actually looks really good but I'm not going to play around in the live environment I want to actually get this thing installed so I'm gonna right click on the desktop because an awesome window manager you do have a right-click menu similar to like open boxes right click menu and if I search for the Installer I'm just gonna take a guess and assume it's gonna be under system tools and it is install Manjaro Linux and hopefully that launches our installer which Manjaro uses the Calamari's installer and great installer and we're at the welcome screen i'm gonna click Next I'm gonna rush through this it correctly chose the central time zone for me so I'm just gonna click Next keyboard layout it has chosen English us that's correct for me I'm just gonna click Next partitioning we can give the whole disk of this VM to Manjaro or we could manually partition if we need it to I'm just gonna choose a race disk and let Manjaro have the entire 15 gigs of this VM that I created then I'm gonna click Next alright then we need to create our username my name will be DT on this machine then we need to choose a password a strong and complicated password for the DT user alright do we want to login automatically without being asked for a password no for privacy reasons I want to enter my password when I log into my computer so I'm not gonna tick that on do I want to use the same password for the administrator account the sudo account absolutely that way I don't have to remember two different passwords the password for the DT user is the password for the sudo user as well then I'm gonna click Next this is our summary page location looks good keyboard looks good partitions look good I'm gonna click install and it's morning me it's about to format the drive and write to the disk you know there's no coming back from this once I press this button I'm gonna go with it all right now the installation begins typically this portion of the Installer runs between five and ten minutes so I'm gonna pause the video I'll be back once the installation has completed all right the installation has completed that just took a few minutes and the last thing you need to do to complete the installation is click restart now and then click done to reboot the machine that's what I'm gonna do right now all right I rebooted the machine the machine actually rebooted very fast just a few seconds it was actually very fast mood up I wish I had got it on camera let me login with my super secure password all right and this is Manjaro the awesome window manager edition any high debt first thing I want to do before I get started the ISO is old right it was four or five months old so let me open up a terminal well I'm assuming super and enter probably opens a terminal and it does so first thing I want to do is run a sudo pac-man - capital S lower case Y lower case u let's go ahead and see what kind of updates are available also complaining about VirtualBox guest additions I'll ignore that for now until we do this update so it looks like and then we got to update the Oracle Linux keyring so once that updates itself then it'll give us the rest of the updates all right search starting pool system upgrade it's gonna in upgrade Nvidia of course this is a VM I don't really care about the Nvidia drivers alright so this is what I'm talking about with old ISOs so this ISIL again was about four or five months old and it already four hundred and fifty three packages need to be updated this is a rolling release this is why you don't want an iso over two or three months really on a rolling release that's why distros like arch linux typically release a new iso you know every two or three months it's because you can't let it get quite this old this is a little old the one they're actually advertising on the mentor website 18.0 as eleven months old that would i promise you that would have been like a thousand package update and almost certainly would break something even updating four hundred and fifty three packages this is risky don't be surprised if I run this update and reboot the Machine and I have some issues but we'll see anyway I'm gonna let that run for a few minutes alright so I went through that massive update and rebooted the machine let's log in and see if everything works it looks like everything working just fine the we're back in awesome window manager so the first thing I want to do is actually see what is installed by default the easiest way to do that here in a tiling window manager like awesome it's probably to do that in the terminal maybe do a query with pac-man but the great thing about awesome is because it's so new user-friendly for a tiling window manager it actually has a menu system so I actually can go through the menu system so we have terminal now what Terminal does it have by default the LX terminal that is an interesting choice the LX terminal is okay terminal but I think most tiling window manager users probably would prefer something like urx VT or X term or maybe something like termite probably all would be better than LX term I don't think most telling window manager users would opt for LX term if you asked them so I think that's a bit of a strange choice then we have browser please tell me that's not Epiphany I hope that's Firefox I'm worried about it though no it is Firefox ok strange that it didn't say Firefox it just said browser and I was thinking you know like genome has those generic names it's probably good gnomes browser which is Epiphany which is just hot garbage but no this is Firefox Firefox quantum 69 0.2 by the way I need to close these windows and if I didn't know the key combinations in awesome window manager which I don't know what key combinations they're using an image or O's awesome edition but I do notice that their of their windows have a toolbar with window decorations it has a close button here I hit it it'll close the window and same thing with closing that one so that is interesting let me actually play around and see if I can figure out the default key combinations though the key bindings typically in most tiling window managers most people setup super + Enter to get us a terminal and that is what is the key binding here in Mandarin I like to do super shift C to close windows that's not what they're using super shift k4q know about just super X super X so that those are kind of like the three typical closing or killing key bindings that people use in tiling window managers me personally I'll probably change that to what I like to use which is super shift C but super X as long as I know what it is for the purposes of this video I'm good right back to the menu system we have files and the default file manager let's see there got a graphical file manager this looks to be through nor I'm guessing lunr is not my favorite file manager but it's okay me personally if I'm gonna do a graphical GUI file manager I probably choose PC man mmm personally but again tiling window manager I'm probably good with a terminal baseball manager such as range VI FM midnight commander heck just use the shell for a file manager and then under accessories we have a lot of the xfce accessories there are archive manager catfish again thunar which is xfce x' file manager so it looks like they're using a lot of xfce mouse pad which is XF C's plain text editor Compton which is our compositor it's what gives us fancy effects and animations transparency if we want to do like transparent terminals but you need a compositor to do that we have a graphics category and we have the latest here so this should be jump 2.10 I want to say the latest version of is 2.10 dot - I could be wrong about that let's see taking a minute to load I go to the help tab and go to about you know - dot 10.12 is the latest version jumps a fantastic program it's what I use to create all the artwork for my youtube channel the thumbnails and the YouTube header and everything alright back to the menu system under internet again Firefox was the browser hex Chet for IRC chat is here links now this is the links terminal browser but this is not the links browser that I prefer and I made videos about which is ly n X that's the original links browser this is links Li n KS it's it's the inferior links to be honest you guys wanting a terminal based web browser yeah install links ly NX it's the oldest active web browser still in development and it's fantastic also under the internet category we have pidgin for internet messaging thunderbird is our email client transmissions are BitTorrent client and when again we just have a generic web browser McGuiness I think just a link to Firefox again and we got multiple links to Firefox when under multimedia we have audacious four audio player audacious is a minimal lightweight audio player it's pretty nice I played around with audacious a little bit in the past personally if I'm going to install gtk minimal audio player music player I probably do get beef one of my favorites we also have XF burn for burning discs in multimedia we also have MPV for our media player we have the full libreoffice suite that's an interesting choice but again the iso for this was about two gigs in size if they wanted to bring down the size of that ISO they probably could get rid of most of the office suite or maybe get rid of the entire office suite I'm not sure if shipping with you know the entire LibreOffice suite is really warranted then you have various settings your typical like xfce settings stuff is in here under system tools we have edy remove software let's see what that launches all right this is Pamuk so arch by default arch does not have a graphical package manager you do everything in the terminal at the command line with pac-man but there are two GUI package management tools available in Manjaro you have Pamuk and you also have a program called octopi somewhere in here I may have to search around for it because I doubt it's called octopi here yeah I wonder if I have a run launcher somewhere that I could now to figure out how to launch a run launcher though what I need to do is actually launch this this is the hotkeys for awesome window manager you seekin true control super our reloads awesome super shift Q quits awesome super s shows help so super s ahh so that's how you keep bringing that up anytime you're confused about a key binding super s I kind of like that alright launcher control super escape launches Rho fee so they're using Rho fee as a run mulcher so control super escape well that loads really slow and the font is not right so birth shift let me escape super control escape so Ruthie is broken here so that's unfortunate to be honest I'd probably just installed D menu myself anyway but out of the box I mean for a new user they're gonna be very they're gonna be in a bad way if they actually want to use the row fee run mulcher because obviously it's broken here alright by default and awesome window manager the master and stack layout it's typically the default layout so my is row fee launching a little bit of strangeness going on here and it's kind of slow I am in a VM but I gave this VM two cores of my CPU which is more than enough I have a thread Ripper I gave it four gigs of RAM but does seem a little sluggish it should not be this slow anyway so that's the master and stack layout let's see what some other layouts or I'm gonna open up you know what I'll open up about four windows you know one thing I'm what's weird about the graphical glitching I wonder if this link is using Weiland as the default display server it may be anyway it looks like they're using a floating mode then tile bottom which is like a master in stack mode but the stack is at the bottom and then we have a typical grid layout another kind of grid layout and then we have a max mode which is your full screen or your monocle mode and then we have the magnifier mode or some people call it the one window front mode where you know you got a grid layout or a column layout in the back but the window with focus is always front and center and then you're back to your traditional master and stack mode well using a tiling window manager without a proper run launcher is very tough right nearly impossible so because row fee is broken what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna type super enter to get back to the terminal and I'm gonna go ahead and install D menu which is another run launcher it's actually the one I prefer Rafi's fine I would have used it had it work but since it doesn't work let's go ahead and install D menu and then I need to add a key binding to run D menu so I need to open up the awesome window manager config file ick to get that a menu system we have a category for awesome and then we have edit config and let's see what this opens in it opens in mousepad this is my awesome window manager config in mousepad now let me search so find profie let's find the key binding for roofie there it is and I'll use the same key binding which is super control escape but instead of having that launching Rafi I'm gonna now have that launch D menu well change that to D menu I think it's need menu underscore run its the command and if I go up here and save I think it was super shift are to restart awesome could be wrong about that no that was not yet you know what super s to bring up the menu let's see to restart awesome control super are there we go and now what was the key combination again let me go back and check on it super control escape super control escape but now we got D menu at the top and now we've got a proper run launcher let me escape close that window well I guess I could Super X since I don't save that all right now now that I have the menu let me make sure it's working with the key combination yeah now I have D menu and now I can launch anything I want to launch so I can launch mouse pad again if I wanted to get back into mouse pad super X to close it alright so now that I have a run launcher I'm good that's again it's unfortunate that Rho fee was so horribly broken anyway that's just me spending a little bit of time with manero's awesome addition here and a VM I probably won't spend too much more time with it because honestly if I was gonna use awesome window manager I have my own configs on get lab I just pull down my own config to use my own programs because let's be honest there's not much that they're using that I would use like I have different programs I would use I'm not gonna use mouse pad as my text editor I'm not gonna use LX term it's the terminal you know I'm not gonna use the various xfce utilities they're using I don't even use any of that stuff I'd probably just install my own programs and pull down my own configs from gitlab but you guys that are interested in a pre-configured awesome window manager I would say this is pretty good the one thing I hate they need a updated I so if you don't have an updated ISO I mean you're just completely screwed here there's that five month ISO involved a lot of updates and that update may have brocro fee it may have Brophy may have been working had I tried it in the live environment before that 500 package update or whatever and again if you go to their website and go to the downloads page the awesome edition on that downloads page is 11 sold don't don't try to install that it's not gonna work for you it's gonna be completely buggered anyway before I go this show was made possible by Ansem first career second Chris Daniel David DJ Donnie Dylan George Corby Nia and Mitchell ney Tech Philip Rob Robert Sam Shaun Stephanie and Willie they're the producers of the show maja steer patrons over on patreon without these guys this episode about manero's awesome window manager edition would not have been possible it was also brought to you by all those other fine ladies and gentlemen all those names you see on the screen that help support my work over on patreon want to sincerely thank each and every one of those guys you'd like to support the channel please consider doing so you'll find me at distro tube over on patreon alright guys peace [Music]
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 74,102
Rating: 4.9293394 out of 5
Keywords: Manjaro, Linux, install, first look, Awesome, window manager, tiling, ISO, rofi, Arch
Id: TO2HoJ1f4Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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