Mango Analysis - Mango VS Zain Big House 9

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Holy shit TBH9 was already almost 2 years ago

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/That_Sketchy_Guy 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I feel like mango could definitely beat zain with Fox but fd suddenly becomes a lot harder

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/monopoly006 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

That's the mang0

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/_deep_cuts_ 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit I’ve watched this vid so many times, can’t believe I forgot about that

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Turnonegoblinguide 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not-so-subtle jab at Leff's mentality

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/incarnate1 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Galaxy brain read

Kinda unrelated, but I just realized something – I know we go after these guys for clickbait thumbnails but look at how boring the thumbnail for this video is. I hate to admit it but YT has somewhat of a point here

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EvaUnit01 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
we do second class these lasers right and in your opinion what's that one's better the first one second one I feel like second one was better just cuz the FV game was closer obviously the game five okay we could do second yeah second one was hype but just to relive let's watch the end of Game five let's get let's get in the mood yes look at that look how gross I am you know why I was gross cuz CERN [ __ ] said the venue was cold I didn't think it was that cold I did not think it was that cold I'm disgusting why so I'm wearing a Jersey and I'm wearing pants when I play melee I play in shorts and not a Jersey so here I am thinking okay it's gonna be cold again but all of a sudden on Sunday it's not cold because people like to complain so here I am dressing not complaining like the professional that I am I'll say you know what I'm just gonna dress for it I'm gonna put pants on I'm gonna be good nothing affects me did I even sleep fun fact I only slept five hours fun super fact big house six I slept three hours and I won I'm just saying Mangala no sleeps at god [ __ ] god the point is it was hot and sweaty and it was gross mango all the way back all the way back from losing the left and three oh how many of you thought it was over when mango lost Rio Vince eleven it was not looking good had to play H Fox you guys thought it was over everyone thought it was over don't lie no don't lie it's okay you could tell the truth I had to play age spots and it's like [ __ ] I played so bad you guys didn't believe oh stop oh stop it oh stop it whatever so it was not looking great for your hero of time somehow I beat H bucks I actually think I've said this before but I'll say it again my Fox was playing so just against that story I was gonna play Falco against hbox and there was a moment I was sitting there and I was like and I was getting and I go over to the character screen and I see Fox and he's calling me I'm have it on Falco and I'm like I'm like oh keep in mind I have not played Fox at all all weekend I've been all Falco I was like mmm so I'm like okay here's what we gonna do I had a little talk with Fox in my head I had a little talk I was like okay I'm gonna give you three as I'll give you two games if you're not playing great I'm not gonna use you right so I'm like okay I play the first game my Fox is trashed it's playing so bad I'm like it's just it's just bad second game it's playing okay I'm playing against to sing and then I'm like and I'm bout to switch off Fox I'm like my Fox sucks I didn't warm up what do I expect but I'm like you know what one more game one more game with plugs and then I for stuck to saying I hate perfect legend ashes I was like all right that's all I needed to see it just from zero to hero in three games when I played Fox and a hundred percent 100 percent it would have been a Fox tournament so if you're a mango Fox man you were utterly robbed because I would have played Fox but I had to play a Fox into a Fox and I think I was playing good enough I could have beat fiction and leffen in a Fox you know just with how good my Fox was playing but in tournament I haven't done a Fox in a long time because I'm thinking this is just one you have to trust in your star player to hit the shot I'm just like Falco I just need you to beat these two foxes that's all it and then I was thinking maybe I'll go Fox again Zane that was kind of my game plan I was like Falco toggle cam when these two I'm Michael Fox again Zane fun fact if I lost Game one I was probably gonna switch to Fox and then Falco back on empty I was thinking about I ended up winning and then I was playing pretty well and I was like you know what I'm down so whatever so Fox 1 and like I said it would have been a Fox tournament but uh Fox it was kind of robbed you guys but I ended up winning so whatever so and then I go on I beat fiction I don't think I did anything against fiction I literally just won through a grit I couldn't even combo um even my last combo and I'm was like I remember it was like the ugliest thing in the world it just wasn't good it wasn't good so and then I had to play the left in and I think the games I won I played really well and the games I lost I played really bad which is obvious but like I was able to play good in three games I played bad in two so that's what it's all about that's play Zane Zane has not even lost a game this topic look at him falafel sensation look at him look at him for he set what he's seven stocked 87 stop drifting fluffin a seven it was a seven he's not even sweating the mute King I had kind of don't see meeting meeting blames that was he was gaming also also it's good I like it just subtle in the background because I like listening this car and talk to mom or star good is a good good level well I love to live in this gosh I'm not getting into lists we're just getting in the mood for the next step so game 5 feeling good I think Zayn if I'm being honest I think we're both playing well I do think like Yujin Meili it's rare that both people play well but I do think we were both playing well I think as the set went on Zayn kind of started playing sloppier but that's just kind of feeling the pressure this is where experience which I'll talk about later those were experience wins it for me because it was my game tens and it's both our game tens right but I've been in this situation they instilled new on the blocks and I think people forget Zayn is still relatively new in terms of melee years he's still a baby I do think in the next year or two Zane's gonna be absolutely nasty but I do think he's people forget he's still a little guy in terms of in melee years like he's got the skill to be a top top but there's some things that you just pick up over the years that I think he'll pick up and I do think that was so whack you see that you see that that was so wet like a second go faster please I'm so shitty so what happened see what happened I do a back flip as I'm cool land and then the little rock made me turn around turn I'd like turned around weirdly and then I somehow ran but I didn't want to do that Zayn being the advantage taker that he is I get clipped by a [ __ ] forward be and then I'm like [ __ ] and he actually hit this is actually the nasty of Becker he's ever hitting some worthless life but there's actually the craziest back here look at where it hit who know the Ford being he was trying to recover but this back here was actually pretty insane and then he just took advantage if I'll be here I'm even if I I i meant to forward be but like if I'll be here I'm like mostly dead I probably get one mix-up I can go straight up I think sane is gonna go out there and kill me I think I'm pretty dead here the brain so whatever I'm kind of [ __ ] that's unfortunate look at the face so cool is a cucumber you how many players would have lost it over this look at this look at this you wouldn't even know I died look at that cool as a cucumber either way I'm probably dead there I live maybe 10% of the time gonna grab me there actually I could have gotten super bone maybe and then I'm kind of mad cuz right now this is a big moment I could easily just lose a stock and then we're [ __ ] and I'm kind of choking right now i luckily get that in there you can see I'm a little shaky cuz this is a big moment in the game where like he can just kill me or get 80% when you're at this percent isn't always a big moment it's kind of like it's kind of like like at the halftime of like a football game you know in the end like 40 seconds and you're just driving to get that you're hoping you can get the three points right points before the half kind of thing like right here if you can just get like whatever percent you're kind of happy right if you can get those three points if you get a touchdown awesome that's a stock but if you can put some damage on and like feel good then you're going you're you head in with your next talk pretty happy but he got no damage so that's a fail cuz when you're at this percent you want any damage you can so you just want you desperately want to a three-point so he didn't take advantage of that on his end I love this stuff this stuff this talk is a good example of this matchup and you'll see a lot of it in this so good combo let me see how I got my first tip so laser and then I run out so look right here I shield and it's cuz [ __ ] Zane into the king of when he gets lasered in the air this is just us metagaming cuz when he gets hit ice shield cuz he will forward to they're a million percent I'm I don't know why he didn't hear pocket he just did one but usually when he's playing well he's he's getting that so I shield it so I'm ready for that wave dash forward and I think he's gonna sit and shield so I'm wrong here laser eye laser it misses I do another laser I run back and then I - then I catch him up in there unfortunate doesn't lead to anything but he does a bad grab and a big part of this a big part of this in general is like is uh if you notice a lot in the set I will be punishing grabs cuz if I can get him to grab I can usually get it down air and it's juic percent he grabs and I laser over but I get the shine so bad grab it's not a bad grab it's just when it misses you look like a [ __ ] and when it hits you look like god so there's a big moment for me cuz he's at juicy % gz % from RF it's like just like this % Mars I can't thank Stephen see ya my gonna shine and I have more up in the air at 20 I'm feeling pretty good because I can get at least two or three pillars there's one following the DI perfectly get another one and then I see I'm aware because I was in the [ __ ] zones then he doesn't land on the platform and I just this is kind of a read it's pretty day one Tekken but if he's smart he goes in place or that way but it's nice of me because I can just have center stage and I kind of do whatever I want so um here good yeah I could have bared but I like keeping mark up and down I don't want to hit Marvel way cuz you can react to tech chases pretty well so I like to hit him down he does good yeah because he doesn't lie on the platform if he lands on the platform I can forward smash his reaction so he has good di he goes this way but then he goes in I read it up till is always amazing here it's mad at the time again I want to keep him down like I said I like keeping him down I like keeping Marv up and down I don't wanna hit him left to right I go for a little swag because I just got a sitcom bus I'm kind of filming myself this is not usually we want to do I thought he would take in place or that way and I would hit this is actually pretty bad don't ever do this unless you want to be sick the thing is even if I get it he's gonna slide off so this is pretty bad but I got momentum when I have momentum um I'm feeling myself okay okay gets me there I think all you have to do like perfect option right here is up to up tilts as boring and whatever as it is you just always want to until up and down up and down up and down alcohol combos up to down that's just how it goes or shine but up to it's probably 99% of the time just your bread and butter here I'm getting a little swag e cuz I'm a go so I am it's good back there in order for me to hit that that's a read I knew the laser would hit and that's something I don't see if I go to do is you can you can just hard read so I knew that I had so much faith in that laser cuz if I if I don't hit it he's gonna be on ground he gets a free show grab and I'm right by a platform and it's not good but I caught him even if he does the for dare I think we trade here cuz I did it right away maybe we trade and then he's not ready he's so not ready doesn't for dare he doesn't do that so that stock was good I like everything I that's like a pretty 9 out 10 stock read that side step he's getting a little nervous doesn't show grab that could have been show grab pretty shy now I'll take that trade a low percent fun fact I go away and have you noticed I always Nair Maher said cuz you can get this poke pretty consistently against Marv I don't know why it's a pretty money if you guys noticed I got a lot in there uh Nair folks down air won't poke Nair does a lot for some reason so you can always Nair the top of Marc's head so get a little forty six right here this is my overtime drive I'm trying to put three points on the board I'll take a touchdown but I want I want three points I try my three points right now I'm there okay 46 is not bad op tilt like I said up til it's always the money there up and down up and down that [ __ ] me but then he got [ __ ] by the stage so counter [ __ ] reads my lasers I'm okay with this point I got 95 percent obviously you don't wanna be less talking at some are for obvious reasons and if Chrome's here he feels the pain but I'm pretty happy about this obviously I want to close it out all the time but I'm pretty happy with that stuff I got a lot of cheap pre damage and now if you're a mango fan you like mango get away from the edge please mango but I'm so baller I go to the edge hit him with the we call this Anurag - tak just run right through him all inside of them so like and then I get the down here because I paid out to grab with an amazing that - egg just set me up really well because now he's just kind of an uncomfortable spot when you're Falco and you're behind mark like its backs to you it's literally a million zero mansion Mars can do nothing so um I'm happy because I'm behind him now I'll be something by the edge but he can't really do anything I'm like okay go through bait it out he's forced to his back I come with a cross up back in and then I catch him slipping and then immediately I know exactly what's going through his aims mine right here I'm like I know this little cheesy jisub's ass eating [ __ ] is gonna try to [ __ ] get up attack me because he knows if it hits me off he can get up and kill me and I forgot what term it was I think it was that summit on dream land somewhere or get up attack like knock me off and hit up winning and that literally went through my mind look how fast I go so I get the dare just catch him slipping out a shield that's classic and then I'm here and I know exactly that he's doing get up sex I'm like nope let me just get to the safe side of the world and then I immediately held down this is a reading this is a read through and through look at the whole look at it all in slow motion I knew he's doing a get up attack out about my life in Seoul so I'm like he's gonna try and cheese me I'm Falco run in I run in and then immediately hold down I'm like myself [ __ ] what's up do it do it I'm looking my Falco look how gangster he's looking he's not even looking at him and then turns me around turn around they lean forward because I just want to be over look at this I hate a GRT Marfan's % it's tough big game 5 stepping on my scene on water bar except I'm out of water vane had his chances but I played really [ __ ] well those last few songs those last two stocks were pretty like how I want to play the match up like I'm pretty happy about those two sucks I tell Zane do you mind if we take a quick break cuz if he says no I will play through it because I don't want to ice anybody I ask I say let me get some water Zane's cool with it I don't think he's bothered I just want water and I just want to walk that's all this is like my fourth straight game 5 I'm a little sweaty I still don't smell though take sloppy means no smell pretty good but my hair is just cool my hair is disgusting at this point I got what I call top 8s if you have to ask for top aid essence just you've never been a tough eight top a TAS is a real thing it is absolutely disgusting I'm dying it's hot up there it's hot up there look at the pain look at the agony I'm dying I'm gross I'm sweaty that's why I always take a shower after every Tommy it's look at me I'm dying up here one more set mango one more set keep it together for one more set I'm gonna do one more time one more time we're back and we're back I'm dying look at me he was in water my hair's nasty I don't like playing in the jerseys it gets me high I like playing in the first stock in zero seconds and that was a brilliant recovery sane right there he could have down tilt the mouth at up B but he wasn't very easy atrazine again three stocks apiece Wow yeah mango doing all together just a really good job not falling into most of like the traps and things trying to lay for him game second set of this is it mango has clawed so far so far wait somebody's being annoying when I respond Hey I've called back all game fives except again sage bugs who I [ __ ] the hardest but nobody cared cuz it was a Return of the King nobody cared that mango bth boxes tournament it's fine meets keen to call the Thunder I never seen so much Thunder stolen by a fifth placer in my life whatever it's cool I [ __ ] him way harder so I've won at this point this is I've won three game 5s grueling how many games that I've played top eight I got three owned by leffen I played four against H bucks that's seven and then what 15 at this point 22 so I played 29 games I think 29 28 27 no 22 plus 5 why did I say 20 yeah 22 27 5 plus 1 2 so that's a lot of games that's got to be a record that's got to be a record of somehow that's a lot of [ __ ] games played as a space animal so at this point I'm pretty drained but I'm uh I'm pretty I'm feeling pretty good at this point at this point I know my father's playing well enough to beat sane and I always say for me to beat Zane I gotta be playing like an 8 plus just by the nature of the Metra pand the reason a lot of Falco's hate more it's cuz if you feel like you can only win if you're on fire you can't it's not it's not like you you could only win by playing well because you can just die like crazy so like if I play like a seven against sane I'm just not gonna win I played eight I could still lose you know I'm saying just cuz the nature of the matchup so you have to point really well it'll be saying if I'm not playing well I'm gonna get what happened what happened to left in this tournament just happens to me cuz that's just the nature of like more species you got to be playing really well oh you get left so Game one with the dumbest forward smash in the history of time start it over one more time Zane did not want knuckle me look at him he's in the zone though I respect it I think maybe you don't have to knuckle I'm just not going cuz we're homies there's a homey knuckle I wouldn't do this with anyone else it's just veins my guy I just wanna let him know I wish him the best of luck in this upcoming battle didn't even make eye contact that's fine I just won't let him know that you know let's just have herself a nice clean duel cuz I wouldn't do this with like anyway just names my boy sounds like right good luck and hopefully I win if you win I'll be happy for you but in like months not now everything looks awful Marv except [ __ ] Falcon please I think Vogel Mars one of the biggest matchups to watch and I think me and Zane are all our sets forever we'll be good and eventually I'll pull up the Fox but I'm only going Fox again Zane when he beats left in like nine times in a row and left is complaining about Fox and then I'm just gonna be the same with Fox nine times in a row and then just say Lowell that's the plan at that points the only time I will play fox until then so Cece shine by the mang pre-standard i [ __ ] up the timing on that that should be a little more percent I get a she'll drop down it hits them actually from their mind I'm nasty read the side step I get a cyst okay we're just already swabbing as you see now it is a squab already gets me I do I normally don't like the grab here from myself I like everything that's good down here I wanna up till you want to up till here up till here's the best but as you can see that's try or I just [ __ ] through it that's all I didn't throw them up I didn't said okay let's try to set up an early edge guard like my Paco look at him so I get this he [ __ ] up that's Larry a freebie for me that's that's just a freebie did he [ __ ] up an already thought some [ __ ] that's just a good old-fashioned creepy I paid out a lot of them vulnerability kind of being risky on the edge but he gets a pretty good forward smash on me and this is pretty much a good mix up that I do and pretty much all Spacey's do it just a snap to the edge he has to pretty much react and read that I'm gonna go to the edge and then he get some jab and later on the set you will see him do it but it's pretty hard to react to he has to pretty much come up and start jabbing right away but if he does I can poured me over and that's pretty much the mix-up that I used on him this whole time and I'll probably use on him till David I because it's a good mix up if he goes if I think he's going to the edge I go high and if not I get a free snap but you can also be really tricky with how you place yourself cuz look at this this is a good upbeat snap so good recovery double either which may be because that that shit's grab veins always gonna hit a decent amount of percent in this situation gets an okay amount I [ __ ] up pretty sloppy on his part but I give it right back to him I get stuck that's the only time that said I got stuck and I died for it welcome to melee I like this I kind of have to play with Falco you kind of like laser you see like what's good in the hood I'm like okay I don't like it laser again I could have committed but I back up just cuz trying to play somewhat say like I go back I'm like okay wait so I get him coming forward I just don't I [ __ ] it up cuz I want Zayn to come to me but he wants me to go to him so you'll notice a lot is like it's a lot of bait bait bait until somebody just decided to pull the trigger he's trying to bait me and I'm trying to bait him because we both have really good options on each other like coming in so you'll notice a lot sane will be like not approach my approach near me I'll do like laser - ants - ants approach because he's pretty uh he likes to play really he doesn't play too lame in this matchup honesty cos Marth can't he can't really - gents a lot so you've got to hope to hit aerial into a grab that's what I was saying earlier Saenz amazing what just makes his matchup really hard I [ __ ] laser him and liquid he gets off of it like that's crazy it's unfortunate it's [ __ ] look that makes his match up to nine times harder like look how far you hit that phone that's just like stuff I'm just like watch then he comes in there is puts an air out and get me and because that he gets an air kind of [ __ ] it up usually gets that touch a smile ten times but ambidextrous tech by me I'm not really a Tekken placer so I think I get away with something cuz I don't do it too often when I'm playing well that's kind of the whole mix up again stuffs me again this is always gonna suck that's why it's really hard to get to him things trying to leave for him cuz again he just stuffs me and that's kind of the nature of his matchup I'm trying to get to him but it's really hard [ __ ] up my way back I still get it kind of sloppy on my part again trying to get in I hit that laser and I was so shocked that I hit it but that I didn't punish properly that's the sick later I can do so much but and then I think my look at my fly in my face I'm shocked that laser hit look I don't even know how to feel I can't believe that laser hit I know and I [ __ ] up I'm just shocked I cannot believe that this laser [ __ ] up and then I knew I [ __ ] up but I'm back in the zone same good good tech for me right here the mix-up because I don't do slide off how do you slide off cheating I'm old school and I get out of mark combos by smart text so he read in place and that way and then I take the light hit to the right cuz I'm a man good spacing thought he was gonna grab he doesn't wave - in again we're baiting baiting I commit he's waiting trying to stuff me get to down or out of you know where again the mix-up I said earlier good old-fashioned for the baby but I'm real tricky about look how a tricky that is as this sword is stabbing me in the eye but I'm tricky cuz I go low in the nice face and then I snapped low space snap every space needs to write that down that's what it's all though go low you space make it look tricky and then you snap and then you snap I go up he thought I was going high because when we play friendlies I do go hide 99% of the time until the one time internment I go to the edge know whatever sees it coming booth later really beautiful that's a mix up though because if I go up he reads me if I go straight he gets it so it's literally that's straight-up pity pity so far pretty slobberknocker I thought he was gonna forward smash there he gets an air so again I get no overtime I get I don't get my field goal here and then he just there's again so he just makes my [ __ ] up and then I don't be i I wanted to get some percentage I did not try to get some shitty later percent I don't know the NER then there's money what's rule number one against more mark Falcon you never ever ever sidestep don't do it I had a talk with Zane whose real name is Zane by the way if you didn't know and he's like when he was playing my fox he's like your Fox is harder because you don't do dumb sidestep so you don't panic in situation characters like Falcon and Mark drive off you panicking and if you're a mark player you know exactly I'm talking about like once you start doing those really scrubbing panic situations you just get booked so you just got to be cool got to be cool the whole time so right there I broke one of my rules in this matchup I never want to slice it but it's also respect to him because he scares me Zane's very scary so obviously I don't want to get grabbed so I do you know kind of scrubby side sets tonight I'm only hoping this works that's why it's bad but it's not gonna work now now same time and it's just more of a respect to him because I don't want to get grabbed and that's where morph and Falcon get you like I don't want to get need I don't wanna get grabbed and then they live off then they just [ __ ] you in the answer that that doesn't lead to much but it gets them marfa 20% like probably the juicy spot I love when he's up this person gets the down till amazing recovery by your boy so he I thought this back there was an accident but this down so is pretty good can I shield it I could have shielded yeah but I was just so surprised I got background and then I do shield but it just catches my little Papa's so right here there's the mix-up he jabs at this time but my recovery I like new the hits done perfectly I get it he doesn't spam jab he's too Pro like meetings asses just spamming jab there cuz he sucks Zayn trying to be a little too Pro furs I'm good I also have good recovery so just good plays on both of our parts it could have been a little better by him but uh yeah read that it's a good play by him good play again he's waiting to see if I react with a nut B but catches me but then really good recovery by me I slide it in right between his jabs catch him slipping back here he rolls I react to the roll immediately get it back here he does Astro B jump I go to the edge yeah as one of my loyal subscribers pointed out I won't say the name this is just really good you out of my part too cuz I get jabbed and like how far to the left I go fine look at here look at can you go forward game why my buttons not working like I get hip just look at when I get hit by the jab I go literally hard left like I go flying to the left and I put myself in a position to hit a really good forward that's all on the split that's like half a second right that's what's going on so I live vein loves to Oh mostly a lot of March to because they don't like being in the spot they will either Nair or counter if same there's me right here I'm dead let me know that feed counter which he does and he does more now so this is a hard if people if he knows I'm gonna do this but I read that he nares cuz it's like based on the situation you can tell when something like that happens so fast and you're just in a bad spot there's like I kind of use what like previously just happened to try to like make like a really good inference so based on like what just took place like right now I think what's going to his head is [ __ ] i [ __ ] up that edge guard and then right here and then he's it's more hanneke and i know he's gonna be like probably in there or he's gonna do it down there I don't feel I just don't feel a counter here cuz he already missed an edge guard and then he doesn't want to miss a counter and then like mentally I starts piling up on you you know so I'm just kind of going like okay I don't think he's gonna counter here because he just missed an edge guard and he's kind of panicky that he's off the level and he's probably just gonna try and get back on and also cuz he's not a spacey he can just do anything and get hit and live so he's kind of okay with this but I was feeling I wasn't feeling accounting here because if I was then I die so I get them I read I react say whatever you want and then this is really good I don't even know you can do this now this is a straight scoop because everyone tc's you're down Aires and then they don't go nice but this snare is actually amazing cuz I get him and normally you can shine you're up tilt but I don't want either of those cuz I know a fight NER he's gonna di in cuz who the [ __ ] is ready for this who's holding Harden scoop him literally the most frame-perfect NER you've ever seen and then I get stress off the ground holds in cuz who's ready for this NER no one in our life is ready for this in there may be only mangle on the other side is ready for this there cuz he's the one who thinks this far ahead and then I just [ __ ] and that's again when you killed more at this percent that's again you're not gonna get too many of these so right here I'm feeling good I [ __ ] that up if I hit that that's like sixty percent I probably win the game for bad mess up my good show drop takes me up Ivy I on that catches me slippin so again I'm trying to get my three points on the board I just want some damage and I think the reason I didn't get this damage because I wanted to bad because I have this and I [ __ ] that up and I died because pretty bad forward B but I thought that he would go out and hit my OB so I just guess wrong usually a lot of Spacey recoveries just predicting what you think they're gonna do or reacting and I remember the stock sloppy so I'm ready this is already a terrible spot for me but the ambidextrous tech in place because that's what this whole mix-up comes down to well he covered two out of three or this way in that way goes for right and in place kind of messes this again I get I get lucky if I get pretty look at it I don't know why I thought you would I don't know why for its finish this is pretty Garbo and I would just film myself but then we both suck we're both film pretty nervous here because we know how big Game one is I get a grab again I thought he was I'm getting desperate as you can see I've already done to grab doesn't know it's crunch time Megan's already grabbed twice one thing I did not do well this tournament at all is that guards name I mean my edge guard Zane this said not as close so right here we're just scrubbing this is a straight squad there's like no combos it's just I get to I go for hard read miss it I love marks back to me again we're just squabbing no really combos catch a blip in there appreciate try to show drop that's such a drop back here I hate myself I do that and that was netting me a lot of mileage just set but it did not there again I do it again he barely got me there that was a wave dash forward and that was the luckiest forward smash in Mars history why did it tip why the [ __ ] is his tip makes no sense why he tipped none none whatsoever because because if that doesn't tip I live I live pretty easily and we're in a whole situation but for some reason it tipped and I don't know why I don't know why it makes that was the weirdest tip I was like a one-in-a-million kid and now if you're mango or a mango fan what have I told you it's one in the same you're thinking first thing as I wipe the sweat off my head because and complaining that the venue is called only to not make it to grand finals is [ __ ] now I have to win I'm really behind I'm very behind here why cuz empty although I think Falco Marc FD is good I don't think I'd be insane once you get on it but I'm getting closer and closer and I think next year it's gonna be a little more not so one-sided but but I'm feeling pretty bad but like I said the mentality is just some point I'm like [ __ ] it even if I lose empty I can win two in a row I am mango Marquez well I think I won two in a row all tournament I had to win two in a row I'm just I'm not it's not too bad and I'm also thinking I'm playing well enough to win on FD as I wipe the sweat and as I wipe and I'm like god I hate Fe fun fact if you're wondering why I'm wearing this headset and I might officially endorse HyperX headset Joey did not charge the HyperX headset like I told him to before the trip so Game two of the purse set my headset died but the mentality was so good that I took it off and i just put this headset on fun fact I have never played melee with just the game sound so this is my treat that water man I'm playing melee in a whole new world I just switched the headset normally I could be like whatever I can charge this for ten minutes and use it I'm like you know what don't worry about it just just play on don't let it get in your head you would live played at this point all the way with the music my bangers and I had to go on without them just run it up that's okay I just don't play with only sound you know it's just weird so now I'm feeling good bites normally if I don't throw on dreamland I kind of three suffer I kind of [ __ ] Jane's mouth if I don't throw I don't throw it's always a destruction I'm dreaming because the whole level is not an edge so right here this is a must win this is a must win game must win games take his jump took everything so right here with a squab and squab and get the - tack that leads to a shine normally can see see that but it's a good - check I catch them at a good time catch them right as he's like jumping or whatever and I can tell like it's somewhere in there I took his you know like you know what like normally I go for damage here but I'm trying to get that early one stock lead this is the trihard this is I want to lead for a my you know I just want to leave I want an early lead and I want it now cuz I need to I just lost the close game you want that early weed they making a walleye role in get away with one good tag by me so right here overall just went really good a big part of being a Spacey's hitting these ticks cuz he thinks I miss it so he goes for a forward slash but I think I only missed one tag like this whole grant I did I did spot dodge to get away with it but I think he [ __ ] up I think so he stuffs my laser which happens a lot and then we have the exact same moment but I learned from it this time cuz there I get forward laterz me and then I shield it so I'm just like one step ahead of him here that's kind of a hard thing to punish kinda tricky out of like a laser grabbing me making my little hbox wall punishes really bad down there could I maybe got something better there oh this is he broke my ankles so I was shield I'm like okay then he runs away and I dropped my shields as I'm like okay he ran away and then he just slapped me in the face so he just said broke my ankles here just super outplayed me read me and [ __ ] my life which happens yeah so that was like a really good play on a farm boom hey just [ __ ] me because I hold shield there the thing is even my hold shield it probably pushes me off or like I don't get much off of it so it's really it's like when I forward smash number on there is one of those things that it's it's not really a risk and if you hit it you're sick and if you miss you're safe which is like you know that's just it's just nice to have some chasing them I got 83 percent I'm feeling pretty good about it right here I'm pretty upset because all I have to do is not get grabbed right here and then I get grabbed it's like don't get grabbed on the platform because you're gonna take damage but the amber diggity districts so he normally you're thinking mangos gonna die out cuz I'm trying to get ostracized but instead I hit him with the slight and he doesn't know what to do maybe I'm thinking way too ahead and I didn't trick him but I think I in my heart I tricked him I think I do to the brain right here and he just wasn't ready for that situation I could be dead wrong but I'm gonna say that catch him slipping wavedash back into backer I think always looks really cool he's not ready for it hit him with that laser you want hit the one I finally hit an edge guard good for me so he dropped that chain grab and baits out the grab Oh Stacey nothing that's okay but I'm not this is generally I'd like this whole little stock right here it's like Falco more for a B C so I get my back here I get a shine laser has come down get a grab that's Falco 2007 laser grabs throw them off try to go for an edge guard I don't get it thank you I'll go look for lo I don't get it and I get stuck but I've got really good di my survival skills smash di my recovery was all really good double lasers probably the not same as double agent you've ever seen I also beating my tornado point-blank but I'm so bad that they're safe again the mix-up I told you guys about I go low but this time Zane reads me that's a jab now if you're not mango you're dead here but again I smash I get the Ford be out just in time so it's a good play by him a better play by me okay melee at the top level usually one guy doing something good and another guy doing something better usually thank you dope one more time look at this you can't recover you're better than that bait out the grab again get [ __ ] jisub's the double lasers after that they should have died what's up she's read the for it smash hit down air base out the grab cuz normally people just hard commit why cuz they're gonna go for the tech chase I know that I'm gonna be late so I don't even commit by a mile like that he grabs I'm like hench well who you try to grab back there you try to grab me now grabbing me kid take one of the face take one of the face downer I stopped so early what can I am I bored I stopped by a mile as you can see he misses the grab I'm not even like I'm out mrs. to grab by a million miles cuz I baited him with the proper spacing SOI my favorite thing in the game is when somebody grabs and they miss and you just [ __ ] kick them go for a fourth smash I was hoping for a trade there he messed up there for sure again me a big part of the foul goes people likes this happens a lot of other people stay on the ground so you gotta get that's like pretty much same thing you just got to punish it right away good yeah by him he gets to a platform again go hi my one mixup can I get that George once in my life I do I do [Music] so I says everybody know at least one Spacey recovery is just as good if not the best recovery in the game I know you're thinking the thing is if you react to the space that you don't get it started once you get nicked or something then you're dead right but in this initial moment where I'm nothing has hit me yet my recoveries amazing so right here it's all reaction I see him jump he jumps a little early so I'm going low cuz as you can see he's covering the whole middle I'm like if I out be high I'm dead so I gotta go low as possible can I do the sickest forward be look at that look at that look at them getting that tattooed on my back because that's like perfect reaction trigger this downer right there but whatever well I live again can bug thing oh look at that angle though look at me point out my best angles at one 91% oh not today mister Nogami not today except might died anyway except that died anyway but still but still Johnny can you message Oscar and TV wants to play see has up til shine yes again I'm trying to bait him out but I commit their backup shield is the [ __ ] quadrupled Urkel again look at me inching forward inching forward eventually Zayn runs out a level but I've seen Dane do the tightest out beta another grab name in the game you made out of grabby pretty much good a free punch that jisub's that's called breaking your ankles kids I stopped I look at this way ahead of time what up dog committing back to the shield putting pressure on the back was all about moving in moving in moving in he's running out of level I'm a little closer I'm a little closer he's out of level and you can see he's got nowhere to go peace this is falco marf in a nutshell he just back him up against the wall slowly you know when the Spartans are pushing the [ __ ] blur people to the bridge and I just have to slowly back up cuz they come forward they're gonna die Inchon bet inching back inching back in Chum inch um inch him inch um you got nowhere to go kid you got nowhere to go you got nowhere to go good loves good countered by him hits me with the the - tag like I haven't been playing meets King for over a decade look at this sorry wow he really ran from the ledge wow you are like I'm not having that kid just like he's not going in so he's pushing forward for fort fort but not gonna grab that time you got me that time he was ready for my shitty down I try to do it again I try to fade back but he I just grab to show me what's [ __ ] stupid look at this what is this sorcery what is this sorcery home I got a message what is it I feel fine absolute absolute malarkey absolute malarkey all these goggles are bond I did a good faith back do it just wasn't enough because Marvin st. starting to feel the pressure maybe music in our motto right maybe it's great buddies yeah what is this Becker Lainey [ __ ] is back meet me there okay broke my ankle I'll give you that one even Jordan God's egg was broken all right I won't determine I kind of [ __ ] up there on empty that's a big puppet you got hisses you get this big damage you should be over a hundred that's so stupid look at how bad his gravis drinking Jen grabbed let's go back up no oh recovery okay say again inching forward I [ __ ] up catches me slipping with an air which is a big part of what he likes to do hit him with the bait this is the Puffin me I just float in the air I'm just floating I'm floating let him make his move first barely misses me cuz I'm not fast falling because I know how to control my character that's myself trust my paw and then just punch more straightforward I made a grab which table was really gonna try and grab me from all the way over there really really bomb I [ __ ] up I should always down air their but so good marv stuff Mars stuff can mangle live mango does not live talk about combos just about how you get the hit how do you get the he'll do this I don't doubt it right here why would you afford be here jisub's what's a [ __ ] what a terrible horde me good to grab I got off of that again cotton grabbing so it's pretty insane this matchup cuz ain't want to grab he needs a gram could he get to grab it's you know that's pound town and if I get a it's like my shine but his grab probably is more damage so again a lot of you time you see me punish him grabbing but I know you're thinking well the ancient stop grabbing but the whole time I'm trying to bait him out the whole point of the game is like that's his best tool so you just gotta bait it out but it that's scary cuz you you're trying to bait out his best tool right you see I'm saying so although I want him to grab if I'm even just a little bit off I get grabbed right but I do try to bait out his grab a lot because well like show like this one he grabbed I knew he'd grab but I was clicking on my fastball and I was able to get to China and aim was not ready big I've never done this in my life have you ever seen me do this on mark in my life who jumped into he doesn't know what's happening that was this office that was baby but soft aerial look at it look when I started oh the baby soft backer ID my topic I only have 17 this point to momentum and start again again getting greedy grabbing Zayn Paul's a now the terrible oh he thought he would block my laser in to grab but I said no let me just laser on right past you big guy okay that grabs not as bad as I think it is I just crossed him up into a whole nother dimension that he just wasn't ready for SOI damn get juked I didn't even realize that the first time watching so like wavedash good you got to punch the grab got a punish them comes pillar town i wish i Downard there but I will take the fourth much I got 93 off of baited grab I can live with that right here I didn't know what to do and I'm kind of mad at myself I'm kind of happy that I don't mind the forward smash you just air dodge I don't know why the [ __ ] air got you most people probably are gonna do [ __ ] but the air dodged so I don't get it but I do get laser down to but looking back laser forward smash would have worked so I [ __ ] myself there what I would have liked to do in a perfect world I just down air again cuz he's gonna either EDI is out I don't want to bear because he's just gonna go high and I'm not gonna really get in that car so I'm either down airing if I'm tricky enough I can get di L or EDI is any text in could be hesti nine or ten times he write down air again I down over there all the time but I was feeling a little tricky should afford to match that so I'm pretty bad pretty upset of how I played that I didn't play that I wanted to and it cost me I think a lot of damage again inching forward inching forward hit him with the Spartans say [ __ ] blur look inching forward into forwards inching forward and I'm pushing them of the edge block is fair cuz I know he's gonna do it and do perfect wave - out look at me glide here look at me glide look at the glide look at the glide all because I read is for they're all do is push them forward push them forward catch him with the lazy forwarder later catch him slipping just really well-timed approach he's not ready I don't get anything there and I'm kind of mad about that right here the momentum just he's starting to get momentum all in the face I like doing this it's kind of scary cuz he can power shield look how late I did my laser that was the latest laser look at this [ __ ] he's ready to power show that he's holding down so he thinks he can power shield but look how low it is he power shoulders right there I'm like men and I know you're gonna try and power shield kid let me just laser your [ __ ] shin kid power shield that power shield power shield your [ __ ] nobody power shields are shin and then I got a free shine out of it because I'm nasty cuz I'm [ __ ] ooh good to out hands though he went up so I couldn't really punish again I have to hold in if you're a spacey player you've all felt this pain if you di out your [ __ ] you di in you're [ __ ] but I'm holding in I'm like you know what do 189 million damage to me I will not leave this level I will not leave it all he's [ __ ] up we're nervous side step cuz I knew he's gonna grab cool I'm [ __ ] operator this should all be money damaged and it's just not it's just not I'm a little nervous myself like what is this I do get a number there but that should have been game that's game I was so mad at Dane for being a [ __ ] meets King little ass oh I couldn't believe this so I'm like no way he grabs the snare because spaces in areas who grabs that hello look out way downtown [Music] he bid on it so I'm shocked so let's gooooo I remember exactly what went through my head I said oh wow he grabbed that if he is not a mew2king he will be ashamed of how bad that grandma is so I can get on his shield and he won't she'll grab again boy was I mistaken he [ __ ] grabbed again no shame asked heaven ass [ __ ] I could not believe he grabbed points I could not believe it he wasn't ashamed of that first room and that's Louie went through my head I'm like I'm not making this up I was like he's gonna be so ashamed he's gonna be so disgusted that he fell for that terrible grab that he's not gonna grab again and then he did grab again I just couldn't believe it I just I that's what I'm like old clunky I'm gonna get a free shield he's not gonna try and grab and I'm gonna go for show pressure blah blah blah not the case hold on to your butt's again right here this is I'm just trying to bait here I'm not really trying to commit but I don't laser I hold my down or as late as I can get him slipping walk-forward catches me with a really good forward air but he can't he's nervous he's never been in the grand finals of this big before there's another day in the office for your boy I'm so mad cuz ain't always text in there dude but again I'm taking on a whole nother level and Zane's just not on my level spiritually mentally I'm like I know and he knows that I know that he I always cover Tekken cuz he always texts in every friendly play every tournament said I'm like he's gonna take him place for the mix-up of a lifetime and I'm gonna don't okay no he just did the same thing he always does that's me being too good if I was robotic like these other kids I covered that but I think on a whole nother level I'm like he's gonna second place for the first time ever he's gonna try and pull it out on me right now I'm gonna miss he's gonna grab me I'm like that's what's going on nope he just went the way he always does that should be a kill right there bad side steps broke my rule I fall off so now I'm bad as him we're both bad I go up so down tilt misses I judge both down tilts with this I'm getting this tattooed on my back down tell me so Ike so I'm here I'm like I gotta go low cuz I have to make him think about if he wants to counter that's my thing here cuz if he counters I want to barely miss how long to come get me is what I'm saying I know we're both shaky and in that moment a lot can go wrong so he goes and then he doesn't know what he's doing he's not a mango he doesn't do SD kills like this in big moments of tournaments now that's me I'm as cool as cucumber and I'd do it but Zane he's not he doesn't know what he's doing good tech I'm so mad I should have hit back and then hit back and just see stick down that's what I should have done cuz at this point yeah but I play it safe because I'm a whole different animal friendly trying to force that back here that's gonna that's gonna hurt I sidestep because he grabs twice he's our peers spaghetti I was like at this point we're both just hoping to get one lucky hit look at this grab that's a terrible grab terrible grab I could've smash down tilted anything there I did that like a dumbass my laser misses right there gets me the most gangster double ages you've ever seen right here I thought he wouldn't NER so he just outplayed me in this one moment he outplayed me I didn't he wouldn't air in so I went for a laser that missed I'm like he's gonna back up I'm gonna do the blur I'm gonna push him to the edge and then push him off the edge with my spear I got outplayed he I don't know if he read me but I messed up my what I thought would happen didn't happen and I get neared I drop I think if I up B I'm kind of it's a really good jump by him it's really good for dare to hit the money Porter especially without nervous I know we both were I'm pretty shocked at this for there it's a really good forwarder again if I drop low he's [ __ ] but he reacted read me whatever and just really good really good on his part mango down again the this is how do you differ people when you look at this the face of two different stories a tale of two different clips two different sides the crowd feels the exact same way I do jisub's Zane's girlfriend and Zane's mom are making this face everyone else you look like this this is what you look like for must-win yet again like I said um I think we're both playing well I think I'm not gonna meet him just cuz I want I do think he was good in moments in bed and moments I was think I was good in moments and bad moments but I didn't overall we both played pretty well he just got shaky in moments and drop things he never drops but that's when it's grand final did grant find that it's hard to not be sloppy and Grandpa the Randall game again okay comes out swinging a big part of the thing is you know these nares stops me and then approaches I don't think he's gonna approach oh he just [ __ ] me I can't score so this shaky on his part but this is game winning point you know snares off Ibiza points you know chasing you get me right here this whole stock we've both messed up like 20 times there's a sloppy first dog because we're still in um I read that I read that uh we're still in like the nerves from last game are still there you can tell in this talk because we're both shaky we both dropped a lot sign there the read the ringing my damage I get lucky right there Abby doesn't live he what I say drop space whatever he got me there sometimes they react that way I'm trying to put a little safe he does the double there doesn't get me that time gets me that time really bad get attack role I live band and snap yes I go to the top but mixing it up pretty good on my Mayan that was a down air scar thought I did it on purpose that's a bonafide downer that hits I can I reacted look how bad that was this is a bonafide down here and I [ __ ] Ford and I was so mad luckily I'd like put me in a position to hit like a really gonna be oh oh oh look at that I don't know I guess one frame off otherwise that Porter hits me could that covered it I should have died there he should died there so at this point I'm just I'm okay with living I'm pretty mad that I missed I meant two down there but I'm okay that I didn't die because I'd been a terrible way to die drop shine mango hello but it's Grand Finals you're gonna be a little sloppy double roll oh I almost baited them all bait snap something caught him slip in the only down smash I hit all tournament and then it couldn't have come at a better time I need I need some sort of lead couldn't have come at a better time I needed that can I get any points on the board nope so there's just slobberknocker she's back and forth I think we're both shaky this game someone gave me the the last the lost ox so we're both shake this whole game has just been really shaky on before I catch them slipping there I messed that up when do I ever mess it up I'm just trying to play a little save I think I'm playing a little sloppy oh I got so lucky it's gonna hit me the other way so easily look oh I don't even know how I hit me that way I almost got boned so pretty fortune on my grab whenever I grab it's free because I never do it yeah obviously we're just literally both playing sloppy no one's playing well this game but I'm playing just safe usually when I'm playing look at that little shield I know I'm getting that too I'm we hitting that 9 out of 10 times I feel like this game is a good like example or like usually when I'm not playing my best in this game I'm not playing my best I don't I think both of us are playing bad and I do think and you can see this whole stock I'll just replay it again I'm pretty safe nothing over-committing kind of just like the floaty way of life right here I'm not committing I'm just kind of playing safe I know I'm up playing well so I don't want a hard commit usually when I'm playing bad I just still go in and I try to approach like I'm playing good and I get [ __ ] I get show grab I get this I get that but this whole stock like I'm just trying to space make sure I'm good I mess up right there but look nothing's really I'm not over committing anything nice - chances right they're backed up backed up again Juke them with a - stance again just real safe as you can see even grabbing which I don't do often not over committing to playing safe getting out pushing with your edge again again that saves again this whole stock which is really safe and I hit that show poke all day I just didn't overextend one time there it was a little sloppy but all I did was not over and that that's pretty much this whole game right here I got him on the ropes which is a lot of house matches played he's like I said I think we're both playing sloppy but I'm not giving them any freebies right that kind of game way again just not over cuz I'm like really not do anything special just not overextending they in shaky messes that up gets another crazy mark Reb he did grab my tail don't touch my feathers you don't touch another man's feathers oh that grab that grabs so it's crazy again I'm just trying to get damaged Zayn red this is also a read on his end we're like he knows I'm a little shaky and everyone all the top players know when I'm shaky I'm always gonna resort to double lasers why so that's when I get back in the level I don't have the calmness to do a Ledge that's right now that's just [ __ ] rock and roll we'll see what happens ducks under my laser which is pretty low just you know there's kids me if I knew Randall was there I could have made some plays I don't know the clock to the mount of nerds I've had a lot of sex in my life right yeah there's a moment that goes through my head right here I think about it this is a moment where I'm just staring off I can't he's not even there I'm just looking off and I'm like mango don't it do a dump down smash just don't do anything just [ __ ] get back to the middle the level and let's just out planet neutral don't do anything crazy we can win a game 5 look at me look at me look please of the most non mega thing you ever said I said later a later kid what's up what's up what's up wait wait the image that's the difference you can see it keep my what I just said you can see it in my file go just look at my file codes what I just told you nope I'm like we're not leaving center stage center stage is our best friend also right here if you're wondering why I did that I thought he grabbed me so I was mashing but my side stuff was so good that it boned me if you're wondering why I did that I tried to mash cuz Ain and like meat scheme they like to do one jab you get to grab I have to take in I'm not going to the edge you have to tech in here 9 out 10 times cuz obviously you know what happens if you go but um you do get II I just get up in place I said I can maybe hold down this percent he's probably gonna try and cover like away as well some way I must do it and I always up tilt after you can usually get a pretty good punish again I could probably do something tricky here but I'm like again center stage the downer that should have hit and I read him I was like what it was a great 11 out of 10 down ere didn't di Randle's just there and both of our faces we know I'm like [ __ ] dude Skaar literally the way scar says is how I felt inside I thought that forward smash would hit him on random again I'm like okay don't worry about Randall we still have a lead we just need like one more neutral he'll die pretty early on Yoshi's but as big as mistake was putting his back towards me turned around and this is prime this is prime time when they're on I will force smashes every day of my life because either it pushes him away or I get a poke it looks like it clipped the back of his neck so either way I'm doing this every time of my life it's safest thing adversity puts him on edge center stage or I get the clip and he's dead at 99 where's the lost ox game 5 so Randall I didn't even let me get my head I said it's ok we have a lead although if I would have lost that game the way I would have lost it I think I might have there would have been some tears it would've been at tier 2 also the Oscar really logoff ok anyways anyways I'm jealous of you guys because I can only imagine this ok wait I'm jealousy you guys got to experience this I'm Josie you guys got to live this moment if you're watching you're like Game five holy [ __ ] and then this happens and you're freaking out and you're literally freaking out and then it comes back and you're like what happened and then it comes back to this the timings like out of a movie and you're probably losing it right here I imagine at this moment you're [ __ ] losing it so I'm jealous that you guys got to experience that that seems so [ __ ] high the rush of emotions that's probably going through your head and everyone's probably ridiculous I can only imagine and I'm jealous that you guys got to experience that well I'm stressed out of my mind no Jack I'm almost done with anal all right all right done ok Tom jealous you guys are jealous yes let's just watch and I said that the game was won in lost right here I love that goes to black and you share mango Chan look at this guy look at this guy jerking off the biggest mango dick you've ever seen he like turns around he like looks at the people does some WWE [ __ ] and then just loses it got a good grab what happens here is not important the game was won in lost right here imagine a mental kamehameha this is what happens so I slide off that's an SD and this is the funniest just like [ __ ] [ __ ] that's what's going to fight with mine well [ __ ] worth [ __ ] in the ass Falco look at him Falco knows what's gonna happen right here he's not happy I mean the he wishes his flute that his foot was made of glue cuz he's not he knows what's gonna happen every Falco and Falco himself knows what it's about the hazard I hit the Kalindi angle too I hit the Kalindi angle so I die that's an SD pretty much it's an SD and he capitalized it's one of those and I'm down a whole stock most people crumble here most people the game is lost right here and I'm not just sucking my dick because I have been in the situation where the game is just lost stock one this is not as I've been in the spot if you played melee you've seen some people are just so mentally shattered right there and I've been in that spot where I give up and I'm like oh you should be happy you guys missed that because you're a mango fan and this is what happens you're like you guys would have had a heart attack you guys would have died you guys you guys couldn't handle this you guys would have died so here and I'm like it's okay cuz I do think this matchup is very like I always feel like I can come back as quickly as I can lose socks I can do it to him I just gotta be play more of a perfect stock because I gotta win more interactions but whatever I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not giving up at this point I'm like okay let's get an early kill maybe take less than 40 and right there okay if it wasn't over right here it's over for 99% of players right here talk about the worst possible [ __ ] start this is it good thing I have a beacon DVD on my side look at that I tricked them I tricked the [ __ ] out of them I got away with that one again I'm getting [ __ ] get the shine hey bring it back and then zayn st and that were the game that's where the game was decided right there the game it was over right there cuz we both SD and it was about who can handle it better the rest of the game was just he's done cuz he knows he knows it was over and it was just two brains doing command my husband mine started gaining traction and then I'll tell you where it was super over now he's s deed and he's like [ __ ] my ass does a bad grab there's a really bad forward B and dies at this point it's just he's not looking good huh but wait let me show you this part I said this the other day but I also knew it was over right here cuz Zane went for it he just I could tell you was shook cuz he went for the tipper he wasn't trying to like combo I knew he wanted to get his lead back so I checked in I knew with all my life and sold that he was gonna tip her cuz he just s Tina he wants to like regain his lead so I knew it was over when I guess this right my mental momentum was like let's [ __ ] go dude I started it was over at this point this is the game this is the moment the game is lost this is a big moment for Mark Martin get like 100% right here so I live and then I get a downer and then he shook he walks away he doesn't even shield at this point I think he's just really defeated from his SD and he knows he messed it up he could have shielded he doesn't bad grab he didn't shield and he's just shook I don't like to say shook by this point I know it's starting to settle in on him cuz the crowd is losing it you can feel it in the air like when you play long enough you just know and at this point I am officially I'm official super manga boner for myself I knew it was over I was like you're winning look him look at me look at those eyes they've been that open a long time I'm feeling I feel great my robot myself and I could tell he's under a lot of pressure now because he had a whole lead and he blew it gets a grab but then look at four tiers now he's dropping combos he always up tilts then I can't believe it that drops that gets grabs I wait I wait grab go straight up be it's all dropping for him and I'm so mad that I up smashed I was so shocked that he just gave me a free up bead I don't know what to do he quadruple mine gave me he missed that on purpose and I'm like wait you're gonna give me a free Abby with the whole stock lead and then I just love smash because I panicked but it was good because then I told myself okay wait let's pull it together let's pull it together don't sorry hold on everyone relax and then I go hi you can't really edgeguard me there this he gets stadium but he counter picked it so you never feel bad for the person who gets counter pick you never feel bad for the person who goes to stadium I get stadium that's rule number one of Pokemon Stadium you did this to yourself alright you did this you never feel bad for the Pokemon counter picker today that's your fault and then I get some you know Stadium stuff imagine if that hit imagine if that hit oh that would have been stupid I thought at this point it's just done and then I thought for sure he was not gonna fight and I'm ever thinking okay let's get a mental breather but he came to fight I'm like all right no way more than any kind of good here like look at that beat his NER with my backer straight up I couldn't believe he came to fight as you can see from that one SD de now he's just crumbled and I didn't crumble it was just right there it was two people both STD and then he crumbled and I didn't it's really all it was ever since then he's just dropped everything just getting hit by everything chose to fight there he's just over he hasn't taken a stock since from his 1 s DS hasn't done anything and he's playing pretty bad overall he just he just crumbled good old-fashioned crumble by Ford beat I don't know why him right here again I'm like let's just chill good grab on him but I do really good di away you have to react to that and I get a downer I go for a frame perfect wave - I don't get it cuz I don't know grabs me I promise you didn't mean do that I'm a thousand percent sure he meant to do a pivot down tilt also a rookie mistake though when you know it's nervous you can't go over some crazy hard tech like an H box dude just up to a rest of you he's not going for up throw pound tech J they're just bread so he went for like a crazy hard tag I'm pretty sure he meant to pivot down some but that's pretty hard to hit it was a short hop down there let's see he could have maybe done it but that like I don't know that's tricky either way he messed up no matter what he did he messed up for sure and then it's just over at that point he got a free back there him he could have tied it up and then if he gives me right here all the Momentum's back in his court cuz now I'm nervous I'm like [ __ ] and then he gets another grab messes up so this point he's messed up everything I bait the grab 101 grab bait day 1 bait that's a day 1 I read that you get them at the for tonight and look right here you have no idea how bad I wanted to run off down here you guys think you know look I even walked off and then in my head I said mango mango mango it probably hits 2 I said no no no no no no no no I thought about it I think about it I think about it I think about it I think about it I'm like let's just win cuz I'm pretty sure would it hit but that's how like on point I was I was like no dumb rez let's just win and then I hit the craziest downer I still don't know how it hit I still don't know how it hit it's actually the nuttiest little downer I never hit this down here when I plays name it was Karma for all those grams but I actually well I don't know he like mrs. sweet spot by so little I think by literally a little how does a news with such elegance look at him also also I did a a more extended pop up I thought he would sit down and be sad for a minute he just got up but my bad I left you hanging for a bit same but I thought you were gonna be sad what a great hug look at this hug your games then he has to look at all the mango fans be happy nobody likes it I'm busting nut that's why I didn't leave it let's go me let's go poor James I don't feel bad I never feel bad for the loser this is competition somebody's got to go and you never want it to be you
Channel: Mang0 - Cloud9
Views: 186,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mango, mang0, MaNg0, c9 mango c9 Mang0
Id: k4-xpB-Ot-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 57sec (5817 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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