Mangle reacts to foxy and bonnie song

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I'd want let me just fix this six and hey everybody mangle here and today we're going to be wrapping into another song know my song so let me oh yeah baby's head Hey you shall have to her neck just for location I might say that few times every time it shows it I'll say it proudly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] did my boy [Applause] my replacement [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] voice gets these four guys stealing a boat okay I'm back [Applause] a bit freaking tank I take Maya oh yeah look ahead [Applause] this Alaskan can ask just like a generic for that--for oh dang that's right oh let's make me dizzy or Mabel's now gone for one minute for a few seconds till she wants to come back okay [Music] no doubt he said if this is par for Bonnie's waiting that creepy that creep I yeah mine go let me yeah I'm a girl it yen Oh guys that foxy all right now foxy [Music] [Music] I'm making beer in their practice I [Music] bunny that's that creepy thing oh he's salty boys employee trust me we actually see if I can hear part two [Applause] oh don't shoot that wait your toys not broken down stop it okay guys I was the anything if that video I'm going to pause this and then put on the bagpipe all the other songs so if I already said that oh sorry everyone I did well this is the other one in the foxy song [Laughter] my gosh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh I see him my cookies and our body axes oh wait I gotta go get one everyone [Applause] [Applause] 30 mg who's here I'm on folks why don't they [Applause] [Applause] yeah okay I know he discloses where does bunny have a milk I'm out do playing what's wrong with the cupcakes on walkie-talkie stop you need to come down whoa I like animated Oh [Applause] yeah [Applause] slow my walking someone walking after it oh I see don't think I don't know what you doing chica why aren't you hunting him down right no [Applause] [Applause] hello okay guys that's the end of this video for today if you liked it subscribe or like whatever you want okay and we need to keep this channel going if you don't get enough subscribers I might if we don't get enough subscribers every at least get 10 or higher I'll keep the channel going if we don't I might go so support me there's like masses yeah Mickey that's my sis to support sis and her best friend yendo eundel is new he lives with me hi everyone yeah yeah yes I say stop the grape I oh wait let me do it help me gather way gather way okay guys bye
Channel: Slimey Boi Studios
Views: 1,283,265
Rating: 4.5534024 out of 5
Id: Tm5_9ih6Tj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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