Mandela Effects and Exposing SCAMS: The Shane Dawson Podcast

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[Music] good dude i'm not offended that you called me a ginger well i think it's the only color hair that if you have there's a nickname right like what is another name for blonde q-tip q-tip i thought it was called toe heads when i was younger i remember them calling it totally oh my god toe heads yeah and that was like super white with like white hair what about brunettes what would like the brunette slur be if there were to be one i think [ __ ] [ __ ] you i mean it makes it brown like i've never heard you just make that up that's like a thing like man i hated growing up as a brunette getting caught [ __ ] every day i mean it makes sense [Music] oh no are the socks wet a little bit me oh mainly the shoes wait are we filming yeah oh my god it's happening we're live we're live we're live [Music] hi welcome to uh episode two of whatever the hell this is we're not really sure actually you know what no we're gonna say it with a little more confidence i feel like we're still in the testing phase but i feel like it's i don't know i felt really good about what we did last time like the show hasn't gone to series but we're still testing it out yeah like i'm still like testing out the vibe seeing what this is i mean i don't how do you feel like it went last week i feel like it went well you know i feel like the vibe was right we had a cool dynamic the conversation seemed fun it seemed easy to have um i enjoyed everybody's perspectives on things and i enjoyed it myself you know so did we get in trouble did we make any headlines well i do have a lot of notes on my notepad let me get to it um before we get to those chris yeah i feel like specifically you have a lot of concerns about this podcast and when i say you i mean your mother and your boyfriend because there was some drama and we're not just gonna like go around it pretend like it didn't happen like it happened and we're confronting it head-on so let's start with the drama with your mom what were her thoughts on the podcast she she felt like there was over sharing i wait so talk about no i was like wait really no it would just be ironic if that was the case we wanted to open up more about it did she not know you have a boyfriend no no she she knows she does it's not that i thought there was a scandal in the family it's not that sorry listen the mom thing's a joke we'll get into the real drama okay your mom basically said that you look [ __ ] right along those lines she's just like you're on you're on a thing that people are actually watching and you just have a hat and you just like didn't try like you're representing our family these aren't her exact words but this is what she meant i think you pulled up no i'm kidding i know your hair looks nice this week thank you your mom will be proud you know though chris's mom i'm with you like i'm not saying that you looked bad last week okay but after hearing that and look i mean dude looking at you you got a black bomber jacket on it's like a silk suede but that's not even it open it up dude yeah let it let your peacock fly oh and then there's layers to it because you have a salmon shirt on with zippers on it dude what are the zippers even for oh i don't know they're just have you ever once ever unzipped it they're just i don't know how far up did they wow they're just fun so not to say you didn't look good last week but in comparison you almost look like someone going to class last week okay and this week you look like someone teaching the class you know you look great dude so chris thank you shout out to you for telling baby boy fancy it up a little bit because you look great man yeah thank you what the [ __ ] our mom didn't say anything about it you know who said something about my looks was ryland as i'm sitting here looking the worst on the podcast i literally told shane i was like i enjoy your podcast because i'm positioned on the love sack where i can be in sweatpants covered in a blanket well you have though been getting uh not mad at me recently but i can feel there's some tension because i i haven't changed my shirt in a couple years it stinks you literally pulled it out the other day and there's perma-stains like you can't even wash them out anymore you can't even bleach them out everywhere and they're like unexplainable colors they're like red that's dyed into the collar okay anyways you got me some new clothes so i'm testing out a new look just like chris i have light colored clothes on if you're an audio listener only you might want to check out the video so you can see what a disaster this is i think you look really good and it matches the headphones and everything and i mean i'm wearing a shitty you are wearing a shirt you also everyone looks good today i think we all have very easy vibes i'm feeling myself right now and swim trunks you know you can't see it so this is what is this what it's become the four of us guys reviewing our outfits okay but to the to the real drama okay jared what did you call chris's fans in the in the comments oh chris chasers you got him they're on you you know like and really just just to say because i do want to take note of positive energy and i want to push it back the only thing i really heard about myself is that i didn't look fat you know people said i didn't look fat and that was huge because my mother-in-law had some traveling to do so she had to wear a suitcase and the only way to do this was for me to stand on the scale first and then hold the suitcase and uh i said oh well this [ __ ] scale's broken like it's like 15 pounds more than last time i weighed myself this is getting sad i'm getting kind of sad but but the crazy thing is my my shorts are falling off wow so is it my stomach pushing my shorts off is and my clothes are loose do you gain weight in the belly so like specifically or is that too personal i remember one time someone asked me oh did you start drinking beer because i guess you get fat in your stomach when you drink beer god i was like i haven't been drinking in like 10 years i think you look great i feel like i'm fishing i'm not fishing i was actually i don't want to fish for it but like go ahead i'm sorry so chris chasers chris chasers yes yes can i say one thing about that yeah i got a shocking amount of messages from both bigger men and chasers in my dms and some of them were very heartfelt and made me want to cry and some of them were like thin dudes saying oh like you know i'm kind of too nervous to like admit that i like big guys but you did so openly and now i feel like maybe i can too you know and that like meant that like made me emotional almost and i was like i was not expecting that at all from that he's the representative of a new community so that's why your boyfriend is nervous right yeah dude this started off i got all kinds of dudes sliding in the dna he's telling me nice things so now i guess your boyfriend assumed and he saw you today right dressed up haircut and he saw you walk in here and he was like are you trying to find someone else like what are you doing i think he was joking but he saw yeah he saw me dressed up in my hair down he was like are you trying to find another chunky guy are you trying to replace me with another chunky are you on the chase right now where are you going why are you dressed up and i'm like oh my mom said to do my hair that's it i swear what did you say back did you like respond was it cool yeah wait a minute no i there was a lot i was overwhelmed oh my oh dude paragraphs no there was a lot like a lot of nice things and i didn't respond okay was there pictures no okay oh one of them send pictures actually one of them i would like to see full body pictures i never get anything i never get compliments i know i get like you're so funny or i get like i know everybody hates you but i like people like that's all i get in my ideas because they know we're very publicly in a relationship it would be disrespectful to me publicly in a relationship it's a little different they're not like flaunting their love for five years on the internet it would be like rude of you to come at him when i already have another skinny person coming after my man wait what you looking at me whoa i feel like i zoned out for 10 seconds in the matches totally different whatever it's always playing this [ __ ] what happened um okay okay anyways before we get on to the next part of the show i do want to say make sure to check out the audio version of this show it's available everywhere itunes spotify google whatever check it out because there's going to be an extra 10 to 15 minutes of controversial opinions over there that we're gonna record after this so uh yeah check it out and leave five stars and nice reviews and uh oh and like this video if you want more episodes what else do i say i never say this well it's a pilot baby i mean we're still yeah you gotta can i plug my only fans yes wait you haven't only fans or do you think people would want to see it only fans if i had one so comment if you'd want to see and only fans but i'm not going to do weird stuff you know don't say that maybe fun stuff i'm comfortable with foot stuff right now you know we'll work our way up you're suddenly rich we should have a competition hold on we should all start only fans and see who gets the most people like like only for a week like a week long exclusive only i have lots of uh peeing photos of like you people yeah i i take pictures when i pee it's so weird okay they're live photos so if i hold on it i can just see the stream in a different location it's a visual frame of like the pictures that you take right right show you it's oh yeah that's weird that's like me showing you a picture of like hey i took a picture of my poop the other day no that's like you're being like hey here's a picture of my wife so weird check out this dope picture it took us my wife taking a piss super rad bro do you ever like uh sleep pee play did you like pee the bad news no no no no no no no yeah when you when you sleepwalk and pee somewhere weird like you pee in a closet or something like that no i haven't i i've done it throughout my whole life but the most recent one is uh we were standing at airbnb that was on the top floor so there was a stairway going down right outside of the door and it was like three in the morning and i just walked out and started started peeing off of the balcony and sandy woke up i was like yo what the hell are you doing like you're peeing off the balcony but i didn't know i was doing it until this happened at least it wasn't in the house i know a lot of people sleep walk to a destination in the house and just start peeing all over their floor okay so first of all there's a lot of trauma there that see sleepwalk peeing is connected to childhood trauma which we'll talk about later how do you know that because i wet the bed my whole childhood and i held in my poop like for an extended period of time who would ever want to do that and feel like constipated and chubby it has nothing to do you know it was chubby it has nothing to do with physical chop i say no matter what your size is when you have a big poop that you haven't released you feel chubby like you feel like whoa i'm like not ready to all right woke check check chris like very bloated is it okay yes super bloated you know what i mean the intention was right yes yes all right we put it through our woke converter bloated is the word he was looking for it wasn't chubby no one's offended anyway me and jared both had you know some trauma in our childhoods and i think it wreaked havoc on our peeing situations see i thought it was just because okay real quick guy talk how do we all take care of urination while we're driving do any of us have a regiment yes shane pulls out a cup and starts peeing and i scream at him and then it's like to the top and he's just going to put it next to me and i'm going to be like can we not do this first of all when i was getting canceled at like the peak of it before i like deleted all the apps off my phone because i didn't want to see any of it like one of the things people were canceling me for it was like and by the way have you seen that he pees in bottles and i'm like oh life this is what we're i'm like that's what i mean is get a [ __ ] life well if you're mad at somebody for peeing in a bottle guess what your boyfriend your husband your fiance they all [ __ ] do it he's beating work i'm sick of having to cut around your peeing because it's so not an issue it's like every guy does it i mean spoiler alert it's not that i'm always peeing in bottles no cups are the move by the way that's a lie back cups are the move for sure i got a pea cup stand behind it but yeah you know if you gotta go you gotta go i'm not gonna like damage my bladder because i gotta be too bad but i think it it desensitizes my bladder because now my bladder just feels like any time is okay time i don't put much restraint on myself you know there's not many scenarios where i have to pee and i'm not able to well i can't wait for your only pants guys okay you know what one thing i do want to say i usually get scared to read comments but i was really excited to see what people thought and they were so nice and it was so awesome and this there were so many comments about my brother jared and they were so nice that like it made me emotional and i like cried a little bit it was just so beautiful like people seeing how [ __ ] funny and great you are and it just felt so good because i've always known that and then you were saying no i mean i didn't overlook but a couple comments like one that really stood out to me that made me feel good and i quote as a bear myself listening to jared talk about his sweaty stinky balls got me real excited and i thought dude never in my life did i think that i'd be able to talk about my sweaty smelly balls and out there someone is getting excited about it you know oh well that's sweet [Laughter] spicy no listen i am really excited like i like you constantly saying things that make me nervous nice i love chris you know like we're saying things that make him nervous and then i like ryland just being mean to me oh i always take the [ __ ] roll like i always take like the stuck up [ __ ] roll in all of your like you know this used to be the problem when you would do main channel videos everyone be like he's the spoiled brat well here's the thing i come across awful i get it you know what i just realized wait a minute jared's a cancer oh no me chris and jared are all cancers and you're a tourist i'm the only just stubborn [ __ ] in the group and we've got a bunch of sensitive sally's oh my god that makes so much sense oh i need i need some i need a lifeline thank god you're like this because if you were i will say this and not to get like too dramatic about stuff but i was i was thinking today how lucky i am to be with you and like how i don't so many people ah is this too much what well i want to hear it oh my gosh a compliment come on like you are so not afraid of what people say like or people's you know opinions or any of that like you're just such a strong person that like i don't know even at the heat of everything happening with me and all the all of that like you were just such a rock because you were just like [ __ ] these people [ __ ] that person who cares like whatever like because we we know ourselves we know our character we can live with ourselves and that's what's most important what exterior people think is such a sliver of our pie right all the bearers watching just get excited sorry oh okay um no but uh i just i don't know i appreciate it and i love you so much so we're still gonna of course but i love that you're kind of an [ __ ] because because if i was with somebody who was sensitive like too sensitive can you imagine just me and them on the couch crying like i'm cancelled i know let's kill ourselves okay like literally like that's what would have if me and chris like keeping it real if i was with chris and it was 20 20 and [ __ ] was going down chris what would you have done you would have been killed myself everyone believes everything you know there was no hesitation bro oh chris is like i have a plan me and chris are both like [ __ ] ready we're like we have our plan we have our notes by the way i had okay sorry last thing before we take a break i had um a meeting with my i have so i have an agent i know it's shocking um that they didn't drop me so i had a meeting with my agent like a year and a half ago whenever nfts started to become sorry oh yeah i don't even think i told you about this and i had a meeting with them and it was they were like so nfts and like you know exclusive things and like if you have any weird exclusive things to put as an nft and i was just like i mean i don't know if this is too weird but like what if we put would like my suicide note as an nft oh no like that's kind of iconic and there was a moment where they looked at me like oh my god but also i could see in their eyes they're like they heard the cash register yeah so if you guys want that oh my god [Laughter] remember when mom thought you had a suicide no and it was like a rap song or was it real and that was a lie no no no i was uh i mean i was my loki may be depressed hold on chris chris you're telling us we only have two minutes three minutes oh okay that's enough three minutes perfect no no no i i write music so i was just writing a song and the concept was a suicide note or basically talking about being suicidal followed by a suicide note followed by somebody finding me and i'm still alive and i'm in the hospital and all this stuff so i wrote the first uh 16 bars the first verse per se and i woke up the next morning and mom was crying we had relatives over all this [ __ ] was going down and then she said that everyone's here for me yeah i was like for what you know i'm not trying to have all this [ __ ] happening did your song drop or was it so dark and you were just like no this is my rap song honestly good music comes from a dark place sometimes for your album releases no but so no so yeah everyone thought i was gonna commit suicide i was like dude it's for a song like i felt i felt like very flattered though because my art moved all these people to think i was gonna kill myself oh yeah mom woke me up in the middle of the night and she was like your brother's gonna kill himself and i was just like what why wouldn't you wake me up you weren't home you were like out parting or something i don't know how she found it but yeah and then i read it and i was like that's yeah this is not great and then yeah we were crying and then you got home and you're like it's a it's a wrap and we're like you can actually see it it's called wide awake it's on youtube you can actually find it right now i can't take it this life is way too much i feel like i need to escape you can listen to the song if you really want okay mine wasn't a wrap all right we got one minute uh no i'm kidding well no i'm alive you know what i mean all right we're going to take a quick little pee break and uh when we come back we're going to talk about some conspiracy theories and jared has a life hack that's going to blow your mind okay wait but you guys are okay right oh yeah okay oh my god what i'm so excited i just remembered something okay so chris yes as you know there's a segment that we came up with last week that we're gonna do every week um and for that segment i thought it needed a theme song okay so i have a couple options and i'm going to play them right now really cool he's from peru oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i love it how do i go back okay there we go wait do you want to okay ready all right here's option number one chris is cool he's from peru his peruvian facts are fun for me is that an australian accent i think it is dude that's rad i think this should be played you should carry a bluetooth speaker and play this everyday room you enter and it only cost me a hundred dollars oh you were like no i don't remember it it wasn't that much we have another option oh it's a competition is [Music] [Music] but yeah i don't know if like maybe there's a drug i could take that would make me understand why that's amazing but that [ __ ] was all over the place like how like try to dance to that right now you know you're gonna look like you have no idea how to move your body the first one was so good that maybe had we let into it hold on hold on he also made me though this is something that the girl didn't do he made me something to play after the fact ready so like for example chris make up a random fact right now a rent oh god i can't i don't how many babies do sam is typically have in one litter 142 i don't know okay ready [Music] that's like a little after the fact that's cool so he made the you know what we could do we could play hers and then you do the fact and then we do his peruvian fashion yeah we show each of them some love thank you that hers is iconic i can't i can't believe somebody made those those are so cool let me paid for them but still but no i was very excited i freaked out i've had those on me for like a week i'm very very excited okay so chris why not let's get into it do you have uh the peruvian fact of the day i do chris is cool he's from peru his peruvian facts are fun for me and you so i mean this one's a little more well-known but it's just a really cool one do you guys know about machu picchu it is one of the seven wonders of the world and it was built in 14 15 80. uh it's a structure town that was built for an emperor so high up in the mountains like where the elevation is crazy it's like if you hike up there now it's not everyone can do it you know um and uh no one that you're into obviously i'm just saying the altitude i couldn't do it you know and it's it's one of the wonders of the world because we like kevin i mean we kind of have an idea of how it was built but like it's debated even how it was made on some of the sides there's like drawings of like men in the sky with like circles around their heads and they're like did aliens build peru as a popular like theory uh build the machu picchu in peru and like many of the stones weighed more than 50 tons um and it's just like it's again it's one of the wonders of the world it's like this insane thing up in the mountains [Laughter] you know wow sorry i'm looking at photos i had to get a visual representation i'm actually familiar machu picchu is very interesting it's very cool man so is this whole podcast going to lead to us going to peru yes our first live show yeah although you did say that like you got some hate from your family because you're also german and they they're like why not do german facts and i'm like what are we doing my family from germany was just like oh christopher you seem very proud of uh the improvements wonderful but you didn't mention anything about being in german i was like oh you're so worldwide wait i didn't know how i felt about your accent for like 10 seconds it was like oh dude cringe you know but then i was like whoa yeah like i can't do it you know okay um oh you were just telling me that you had this idea for a segment and uh i got really excited because this is called cheap tricks with jared and you're gonna show us how to save a lot of money on uh something that people waste a lot of money on explain i like a lot of caffeine you know a lot of caffeine i need to get my date going and when i go to starbucks i'll get like four or five shots you know i'm playing no games i'm all in it you're buzzing yeah and these drinks get very expensive the drink i get could get up to like eight nine dollars or something of that nature so it starts feeling crazy like they gave me the cup i'm like [ __ ] i could have got like two pizzas yeah you know where had somewhere no it was expensive but how about it's not out of the realm of possibility that i could have gotten two pizzas for this okay they're like little caesars by the way well they're 6.50 now they were not inflation's nuts yeah i know because this is a life hack what i'm teaching you how to do is make an up to 20 starbucks drink for one dollar incredible thing though i was at a 7-eleven uh maybe about three weeks ago and i was telling the person on the counter that oh i've never seen this coffee machine here they had like a very elaborate digital almost like a slot machine for coffee with all the images on it and she said well you know it's only a dollar for the cup so up into a xl cup an extra large big goal they're only charging you for the cup so i was like wait so i can put any of this [ __ ] in my cup right now and it's only in the door she said yeah so i started on the digital screen they have a double expresso shot so i put ice in my cup i get a double espresso shot it asks me if i want an extra shot yes please so three espresso shots then i do that again so it's a total of six espresso shots and then and then what i'll do your heart's gonna stop well i take all data drinking i'm not like chugging it you know by any means maybe i don't even finish it sometimes but so then i'm getting mouth my mouth is actually drying up as i talk about it it's like pre-dehydrating then i'll put about 8 to 10 ounces of an iced vanilla latte but before doing that i like to get i like to get fancy so if you go to the right kind of 7-eleven like the one i went to today they got a whole myriad of stuff they got the vanilla syrups the caramel syrups the chocolate syrup like real chocolate syrup yeah so after the espresso i'll dump some of that in there just to kind of okay all of it or no not all of it what are the bystanders how are they reacting like are you like move out i'm so focused on my drink i don't even care you know but a few people have told me wow i never thought of that you know so i feel like we're gonna put 7-11 out of business they're gonna have to shut down their one dollar drinks now you brought one for us to try i will say it's been sitting there sweating for two hours like i don't know how it's gonna taste am i it's definitely separating as i look at it who is can you grab the big gulp who's drinking this you guys have made it sound disgusting to me [Laughter] i mean i'm excited like this is it i'm ready you're gonna see what you drink every day no sure all right i'm gonna try it let's see let's see it's twenty dollars at starbucks oh my god oh my god whoa that was crazy i'm not making this up or being dramatic but i just had double vision okay right try it right that was only a dollar if you could even believe that he's all about it oh you know what i like it i gotta admit you grossed me the [ __ ] out when you were describing it but it's great wow and for four quarters are you kidding me that's what i use today it's pocket change yeah you know rocket change is also a good name for the segment so that was a life hack um yeah i was once told i am like a jessica alba wow amongst the bear community [Music] so because i said like you know i don't even think i'm not again not fishing [Laughter] you know but i said oh you know like who would i be like in the bear community they said jessica albin i thought i'll take it chris can you search just on your own can you search for like what is your ideal guy my boyfriend oh shut up well you can't show him so maybe so maybe show like you're i just i'm curious like your ideal like the perfect body like if this was your list there's got to be a celebrity hottest body oh i have a celebrity credit but that might i might have two celebrity crushes actually and they're polar opposites you'll see one of them i'm very embarrassed about airplay it to the television so chris you're showing okay did you own my i know it's so embarrassing it's so embarrassing i it's so embarrassing and i want to i want to clarify wait i didn't see wait hold up chris is pulling up his his two crushes and i can't they're so embarrassed hold on i think i saw it i want to clarify so when it comes to celebrity crushes like there are no bear celebrities so it's what do you mean there's like how many are there how many big like men celebrities are there there's like very few that sucks it sucks it sucks for me um but we are losing a lot of them to like the gym you know if there's a bar full of like thin dudes like you or whatever you're the chasers is that called a honey hole for the bears a honey hole oh well it should be right wouldn't it be a honey pot the h is bad the honey hole sounds ooh but the whole part oh yeah they're chasing the hole the honey hole they are chasing the honey hole okay the reason i was saying what i was saying was there's not it's not like i have a ton of options you don't have to justify your love no it's embarrassed oh okay so my celebrity crushes are ice cube o'shea jackson jr who is ice cube's son he doesn't look like a bear to me he's not he's just like he's thick okay and i find him very attractive okay and then is your boyfriend gonna like this no it's a little late i'm so sorry all right okay oh my god i'm sure kevin james would love him hey hey what don't be mean about kevin james i'm not i love kim james i never thought anyone would masturbate to paul blair i know so that's what i was thinking you've come to the boom you've come to conclusion multiple times with him come to me really yeah i love you so much i love that you jerk off like a king of queens but specifically so specifically to him and king of queens when i was much younger like my postman outfit yeah this full body postman outfit like my mom and i would watch the show and there was one episode where like oh no it looks worse on the tv where his wife is like doing like pole dancing for him but she's not doing it well and he's like oh this sucks and so the whole joke is he's like oh let me show you how to do it and like everyone laughs i'm like oh it's so funny that he's doing this and i'm sitting there like the most turned on i've ever been and i was like i got and my mom's like so funny right and i'm like your mom's like can you go get me a water oh no and like it's yeah specifically that episode chris you give me so much help for humanity that i was gonna say for who i mean the fact that you're jerking off to paul blart like the fact that the zookeeper is like what's getting you there it was just so beautiful it was before all those movies i'm gonna watch one of his movies tonight i'm just curious to see like what's going on you know like if he's his celebrity crush i need to see like what we're doing he is very fit fat though you know i know exactly what you mean yeah he's got a great hair it's like his fat defies gravity you know but like he said i don't that just stays where it says muscular floating fat i sound like i'm chasing right now a little bit but i mean it when i say like there's not enough big men like these aren't amazing representations of my type of men because i don't have that in mainstream movies you know what i mean wow get on twitter that's what i mean there isn't mainstream representation for the man it's true you know what this is actually a perfect segue to our next topic uh speaking of um big men why are you looking at your brother because we're big men i'm a big boy i believe me and him are big men and you two are little small boys um i got a comment that i screenshotted because i thought it was so beautiful it was from christopher price and in the comment he said i think it would be good for all of you to talk about issues facing men as a group of very different men it would be interesting to hear your points of view on things like pressure to look good weight problem mental health and i kind of love that and i was coming up with topics and body image and eating issues was one of the topics that i thought would be interesting to talk about because me and you haven't really talked about it too much but i do think body image i mean today you were even talking about feeling you know uh what'd you say fat that's what i was talking about yeah i mean so uh it was just interesting because i've always seen you as a type of person who didn't care at all about like what you look like because you we had very different childhoods like you grew up playing sports and skateboarding and you were skinny and i was always so like like [ __ ] like i was always like fat just i wished i was you and you just never cared you were also though well we shouldn't talk about there was drugs at some point well you know i think the first time i smoked wheat i was like 10. whoa but then i didn't smoke again until i was like 14 you know where did you find wheat at 10. so down the street uh i i mean shout out doug you know what i'm saying but i had a buddy who found some weed in his mom and dad's little like sock drawer so we put it in a straw and we tried to smoke it with matches and then it was done so we tried to put some dead grass into the straw and smoke it and realize that that just hurt so he didn't do it again you know and then the next time i was like 14 years old i think i was in ninth grade but so i didn't actually smoke weed and all that stuff until probably like high school wow yeah okay um i have so many questions about all of that but just to throw it out there just to throw it out there fun fact uh i always thought i was fat you know so no no no point along until i did like real drugs you know i got serious about my drug use then i got skinny but that was only maybe for six months maybe a year is like i was real skinny but but other than that but but to your point i guess i don't really care how people view me you know what i mean that is the case because i've always found that confidence is what drives attraction of others more than anything you know like i mean you know what's his name kevin james probably because the guy is so damn confident you know what i'm saying and he's so charismatic and he got big arm muscles and [ __ ] you know and you like that dude it's also funny that's really important to me what big arm muscles funny but i just always be like that and also i got red hair i had freckles i had braces i had glasses at one point it's like you can't throw nothing else at me you look skinny in all of your child all the childhood photos i've seen you look skinny like just a skinny i think the problem is i hung out with people that were skinnier than me you know what i'm saying so i was the fattest one of the crew so i was the fat one of the crew so like but i didn't mind you know i'm a big boy sorry i mean i think that's it's so interesting to hear that because yeah i mean for me i'm the opposite like i literally i'm not i'm not just saying this to be like relatable or something but i have zero confidence when it comes to how i look i have confidence in other areas of my life but when it comes to how i look i have actually negative confidence which i feel like yeah you're the opposite which i've always been so jealous of and it wasn't even like even now like i'll still just think like why can't i just wear a shirt or wear something and not care and not think about it and whatever and you can and like why can't i do that i don't know i mean we grew up in the same house we were raised by the same people i'm like why did i like why am i so have so many issues with it i don't know i think i just genuinely don't care what people think you know i just think anyone who's going to judge me based off of that isn't somebody i'd even [ __ ] with you know what i'm saying so that that's just i'm not trying to attract people that are judging me based off of what i'm wearing you know so i don't know it's almost like filtering people out if you only want people around you that are with you based off of like appearance then just slowly focus on your appearance i guess but if you want genuine people around you you kind of got to just be genuine and i just genuinely like to be comfortable you know so usually i like elastic shorts that's always been the goal like elastic shorts belts are just they cut off circulation they're hard wow i think yours too though shane is your whole adult life has been on camera and in a public regard and especially when you go in public it's like you've come to a place where you would suck in for a lot of your your time out of the house i mean here my problem is and i and here's the thing it's one thing to be vulnerable and like you know that's a good thing right to like share your vulnerabilities with people around you and you know be open but the problem with that is then people start using it against you so like when i started youtube i was very open like you know i used to be really fat and like i lost weight but i still have issues and all these things and ever since then that's been the thing that people use to make me feel really bad it's like fat comments talking about my weight making fun of my weight like i can deal with every other kind of comment but like those specifically would kill me like they would crush me like i would barf after i read some of them so i think that's the problem is because you know haters or whatever you want to say knew my weakness because i was so vulnerable it bit me in the ass bit me the fat ass but i'm trying to not do that anymore and i'm trying to just be grateful to have a um you know body that chris likes hopefully and you know you always got to remember hurt people hurt people you know so nobody that's living a happy life that in the current moment is enjoying themselves in a joyful peaceful way has any intention on writing about you being fat and looking a certain way you know so it it to me when i see those kinds of comments it just makes me really sad that there's people out there that this is how they choose to spend the most precious currency they possess which is time to just make people feel like [ __ ] you know what i mean so if anything i'm really sorry that those bother you but on the flip end of that it's there got to be some really [ __ ] miserable people out there that feel like it's important for them to use their time to type that to you so you know but but i do think you are very confident maybe not and specifically your looks but you're a confident person i'm confident when it comes to like editing and like that's it i relate to like everything you just said like because we're the same and even like about sucking in like you like i've sucked i suck in all the time like all day every day i'm working because i i feel like i just don't have the body i want and this is what makes my brain explode like i you know how many people i would kill to be you so many to have your body i would actually kill my brother you know i gotta be honest i think that i am i've been i'll just hop on the sucking it in train yeah but but when i was younger i remember one time in science class because i just felt like my stomach was hitting the desk you know or like it was close to the desk so i would just like suck it in and you know you get to a point where it's just natural and it's like you don't have to try to suck in and i cramped myself up so bad that i had to go to the nurse yeah and i was like oh my stomach i'm in so much pain and she's like let's sit on the toilet and i was like no i'm telling you my stomach really hurts you know and then she just like no sit on the toilet and then tell me how you feel in five minutes and i sat on the toilet and i farted like three times and that was good to go and that was it and that's all i needed yeah but so [Laughter] because she said that i just had built up gas and maybe sucking it in was doing that but like you know hashtag stop sucking it in yeah let it out you know that's literally my boyfriend all the time and i was like stop saying he's like your body's great stop saying it and i i even just when we're alone like i can't i'm like you're gonna see it me not sucking in and leave me immediately did you grow up fat or something um no but i just never liked my body i don't know i hate my face my body my teeth oh my god see this is this okay i'm so happy we're talking about this because this is blowing my mind somebody like you who has from an outside perspective like a very normal skinny person body a nice face like a good hairline like you have it all baby do and the fact that you're sitting over there holding in sucking in and like thinking it's so crazy to me that's so crazy i i hate a lot about myself like i'm even this is like i'm i'm not kidding when i'm like i hate my face like even when i'm watching the thing i'm like oh god my nose or oh god there oh like i just like there's a lot i don't like about and i relate when you're like but i'm i'm you're confident editing right i'm confident in like my camera skills but that's it i wonder if if just to throw out there just an observation i wonder if you being so intrigued by editing which is basically the manipulation of things going together to make something in the flow and to look perfect from raw footage i wonder if you enjoy editing so much because you're able to trans what is the word even transform all of this raw footage into something beautiful yes you know yeah he likes to create and you like being behind the camera and lighting it and making it look beautiful and all this stuff because it's a reflection of your own insecurities about yourself you want to make the world look prettier because you don't feel pretty yeah are you a [ __ ] therapist that is so crazy what's yours i'm just trying to you know what's mine yeah he's a star baby my my insecurity i i don't know at the moment but i i'm riddled with them you know it's just in the moment i'm not in the mindset oh no yours was just so profound about them i was like i wonder if you had one about you too well i know well while he ponders on his insecurities oh my god uh we know yours what well i know yours what is yours what baldness oh and i feel like that's a very intense thing for yeah i just hate watching it recede so yeah i went to a doctor and had i not got on the finasteride that i got on which is the hair pill that a lot of people get on to preserve the hair follicles from leaving i probably would have done the surgery it's really filled out i haven't grown new follicles and here's the thing that's so frustrating so i've been on these hair pills forever right thank god because my hair was going too and i was like if i lose my hair i have to get ripped like i can't be [Laughter] i'm the baldest guy here by far you are bald by choice you have hair yeah i can see that coming from i can see the five o'clock shot what are you talking about okay how about this chris get some really close-up shots in my hair and see the follicle follicle density on top wait wait wait around the sides if i don't if i don't cut my hair in five days it looks like i got a donut around my head i listen i love you so much and i want you happy right and he would always say like i don't care if i go bald and i in my head i'm like okay good he's gonna go bald so then i'm gonna feel like he's skinny but he's bald and i'm big but i have hair like this is like a good like balance and then your hair started growing so fast after you took the pills and i'm like damn it i can't have anything stop and this isn't sponsored by those pills by the way no it's not so okay but i feel like you have to have one one insecurity i feel like people don't like me what and i feel like they're gonna leave me that's so sad wait is that real i mean kind of a little bit maybe because i'm one of these dudes that's only had like one solid friend for periods of time i had like not big groups or pretty much walked around by myself for the last two years of school but i was cool with everybody you know so i'd find little pockets of people to hang out with but i just kind of felt like nobody wanted to hang out with me you know and i think throughout life it's made me just feel like uh i'm always on the verge of not being cool with somebody or i'm always on the verge of like but i feel like i bug people more than i probably don't bug people sometimes but uh i mean it's like i deal with it but i don't i just minimize who i [ __ ] with you know wait okay i always thought you were the one who like was popular you were always going to like you know cool places on the weekends and you always just you were so good at that and i was never good at that so that's so crazy you know i did have friends but it was never i guess as a redhead you're kind of neutral with everybody you know because where we went to school uh white people were like the minority by far you know what i'm saying in long beach but and there was a lot of like i don't know there's a lot of tension everywhere i guess but i was cool with everybody but i only had like two or three friends that i hung out with but then the last two years i only had like two friends that didn't even go to the same high school as me that's who i'd go out with but i mean i don't know like harbor on it and wish i went to more parties or nothing but wow well uh but i wasn't popular but i was i was happy with the moment i guess you know but in life right now you i mean do you still feel that way like you feel like i mean i guess i i guess i kind of feel that way at the moment too like i don't i wouldn't say i have many friends sometimes it's getting dark it's hard to make friends the older you get like real friends and in l.a yeah like i had a moment where i had a lot of friends like i'd say every five years i'll kind of have a group of friends and then you know life changes and stuff and you get into a different relationship and all those things and it's not always dramatic it just kind of is what it is and i'd say right now it's definitely a weird point where like i don't know well i mean i don't know it's not really fair because our life i mean our lives were flipped upside down so it i think though by uh there was a study done where a human being can only really maintain around five to seven meaningful relationships after that it becomes just associates of yours that you can't really fully create a bond with so i don't think we're meant to have like we're some say that we're meant to live in like villages of 100 people and that's really it and that's how we thrive the best and and through looking back at time but i don't think we're meant to have like a shitload of friends i think we're supposed to have a core circle of friends and that's how it goes so i got maybe like two to three friends right now that i even talked to well that's good yeah i would say it's pretty good at most and i work with two of them you know same um wow we'll just know that we love you and we're not gonna leave you and uh all the chasers in the audience they love you dude even with my sweaty nasty smelling balls which by the way i could really use a solution for [Laughter] okay so i have some conspiracies i have a couple really stupid ones i'm gonna go buy them real fast i don't quite understand this theory and the only reason i picked this was because a lot of people on instagram were asking me to talk about it but also i remember you told me about this like six years ago so i googled it and i found some pictures that shook me a little bit so there is a theory there is a theory that mountains are actually trees what i don't understand now listen i know it does not make sense what do you mean but there is a theory that mountains are actually from a long time ago huge trees that were cut down or something doesn't really make sense but if you're if you're listening to the audio google this google these pictures really fast of mountains that look like trees uh chris can you pull these pictures up for uh for rylan and jared flat top mountain or tree stump oh look at that [ __ ] look at the one on the left that's a [ __ ] cut down tree are you serious okay okay okay so not all mountains but some mountains real quick what so what i'm looking at right now uh-huh i'm not gonna [ __ ] with myself and act like i don't know that the thing on the right is a picture of a tree trunk yeah yeah no okay so that is a tree trunk yes it's the comp okay and on the left so the thing on the left is what we are saying could potentially be an old tree trunk chris go to the next one yep okay are you serious with that one on the left well the mountain on the right the tree trunk it literally looks like a ripped down tree are you serious i'm not saying it's not fact but i'm saying i thought you meant like all mountains period yes no i think some like i think in wonky cases yes and then over time debris build up okay what was the actual theory do you remember this yes the actual theory is that mountains are the remnants of old ancestral trees that were far thousands of times larger than trees today and the real bulk of the theory actually was that trees don't exist and all we have today are very small if anything just bushes compared to what once for trees and that actual trees are as big as what we're looking at right here which would be like a [ __ ] mountain so why did they cut down the big trees i mean and what kind of machinery did they use to cut them down i i don't i mean were we all giant well okay first off looking at the picture i'm looking at that doesn't look like something that was cut down just like the thing on the right looks like something was destroyed wow so it could have been comets it could have been meteor showers that happened that came down and blasted these [ __ ] trees i feel like i also heard someone talking about how some mountains are trees that have fallen over and like you know fossilized themselves however uh in looking and doing just a little bit of research it seems as though what mountains are are the plates of the earth that have actually pushed together in the crust that have created these mountain ranges so maybe there's different types of mountains i'm very convinced mountains are real and mountains and that you guys are like gonna get the reaction sherry shepherd did when she said the earth is flat on the view i just don't understand the theory i can look at those pictures and say those are [ __ ] trees those are not mounds those are trees but i don't understand the theory is the theory that we were all giants at some point is the theory that we all used to have these huge like avatar trees of life and they were ripped down and hidden from our history like i don't quite understand here's the theory okay some trees look like mountains uh okay now jared i know that you're not a believer in the mandela effect not at all okay which is which is interesting because it honestly it gives you more like credibility as a conspiracy theorist because you don't believe all of them and i would say the mandela effect is the most widely believed one and you're like is that a conspiracy theory i thought it's a mandela effect um yeah the idea that there is such thing as a mandela effect as something changing throughout time in our remembrance now listen i kind of believe in them like i i get those moments where i'm like whoa that's totally different than what i remembered but recently i saw this and i was pissed i was like no this is [ __ ] not real so uh i just airdropped it to you uh and you guys can google this if you're listening fruit of the loom okay chris can you open that exhibit a which is the right one the one on the left see i don't remember okay okay to my point okay why i don't believe in the mandela effect how many times in my life have i looked at a fruit of the loom logo and actually cared enough to because it's not about listening or seeing things it's about what you retain like when people say were you listening it's like yeah but i wasn't retaining you know but i would just based off of pure guess i would say number i would say the one on the left because is the is the brown thing the loom the one on the left right because is that the chris said one on the left right is it what the one on the right well my thing with the mandela effect is okay that's better you guys are you're ruining the game okay which one ryland do you think okay everybody thinks it's the one on the left right yes boom it's not it's the one on the right okay now for the real does anybody feel different about anything now literally i screamed out loud when i saw that yesterday because and i was pissed and i ran to get my underwear and i was like looking for underwear and i was like this can't be real i remember the cornucopia i remember that brown thing behind the fruit like i specifically remember like that was there and it's for some reason also but do you guys remember it or does it just seem like a better option when presented i remember it okay i have one for you that i'm curious on what you'll think okay because i i love it when people present these to me for this i don't know it kind of i chalk it up to i don't care enough about fruit of the loom to remember what it looks like however fruit loops how is fruit loops spelled i can't even envision the box in my head i think it's fruit f-r-u-i-t loops l-o-o-p-s okay now look at now now chris go to a image of froot loops of the box would be ideal shot oh no okay okay now you can have a moment with it if you need right and freak out that's totally fine but let me let me make something very clear [Music] because someone someone told this to me and for a brief millisecond i thought that's crazy because i would have also thought it was spelled like fruit uh-huh but let's actually look at the fruit and the loops it would make no logistical sense for them to use a u and i when they can utilize the o's as the shape of the cereals to spell fruit and loops if it was a you and i how could they put the cereal there if you're a marketing person this is also a fun way to spell fruit because the cereal is not made with real fruit it's just fruit flavored so i couldn't imagine that you'd have a marketing team and not one person would think hey we should probably spell both of the words with the o's yeah it's genius so we can have the cereals so like it's crazy to think yeah maybe it's different than you thought but it's pretty logical that they did it like this i don't know i think you're justifying and that's what i mean though if you showed me the two options i'd probably that's what i mean it's like whatever one you're looking at visually seems like the better idea is the one you're gonna pick so maybe this is a challenge to present me a mandela effect that actually makes me think something but okay in the comments if you have a mandela effect that you think is undeniable let us know because i want to shake him i want him to see what i see i want him to feel what i feel because your whole thought process is we're all just believing things wrong right yeah i think it's an easy trick i think it's good magic trick for people to to get mine [ __ ] a little bit but no um okay i also want to say there's a new scam going on on youtube that has been pissing me off it looks like elon musk oh it's live it looks like elon musk is live i haven't fallen for it or dave chappelle is live and you click on it cause you're like oh my god wait t and it's literally not real it's like an old clip of them on zoom or something but in the bottom it's like elon musk is giving away a million bitcoins just send your bit address to this bit address or whatever and i literally was gonna do it because i was like he would do something crazy like that and like give me a million dollars so i like started to do it and then something was like don't do that and then i realized oh my god it's a scam and now every day all day elements is live i gotta give it to these scammers though it's really really good the way they do it because i saw one that was dave chappelle yes and it said dave chappelle live right now talking about the attack on stage all this stuff and the channel is dave chappelle yes and then you go in and he's talking i'm thinking okay i have no way to distinguish whether or not this is live but then they start talking about the conor mcgregor and mayweather fight and they're talking about how excited they are for it and i'm like wait a second that should happen like eight years ago you know i'm like wait am i like so looped out am i so out of the loop that i don't know they're like rematching so then i started googling when does the next one happen and there's not one and i realized i've been bum-fuzzled and i'm watching the wrong [ __ ] thing it's not even live well you you were a part of a scam at one point yeah you conducted a scam okay so so here's the deal at one point in life i was uh transitioning and i had had my own business at one point and i needed to go get a job and by trade i do sales that's pretty much i didn't go to school for anything i don't have any real talents uh work wise except for sales so i applied to a job and it was a golden silver sales position i figured [ __ ] it can't be much easier than itself gold and silver so i go into this office it's in beverly hills super nice it's on like the seventh floor um overlooking the city it's beautiful they having this huge glass room interviewing me every single station has a mac not a macbook but it has the mac air desktop wow so i mean a lot of money going on here right and they're talking about how they've done a billion dollars in sales this year and all this stuff and these high commissions that people are making now going in with my goal being to find a position to make money this is all sounding very appealing to me so i get the job and i go in the next day for training and the first day in training what they do is they start showing us videos of people in venezuela that are like [ __ ] burning money because it doesn't have any value you know it's like uh in venezuela inflation is so high that it cost a billion dollars for a cup of coffee fiat currency is worthless if all you have is paper money then you're pretty much poor and unless you have an asset like gold silver or precious metal then you don't have anything universally worth anything right i'm in so far right so they're they're talking about all that stuff and they're going into how there's a lot of older people out there that have all their money tied up in things like the stock market in bonds things that could at any point crash if the economy goes to [ __ ] you know and they're they're just talking a lot of republican values at the same time it's all very republican very fox news you know so the first week is all training and basically just ingraining in our heads that the economy is going to collapse at any second and the only way to really save yourself against that would be gold and silver okay so in a scenario like this for those of you that have maybe never seen or never been around a sales environment it's a lot of people making phone calls and there's a structure to it so you have somebody that calls the prospect which is who you're trying to sell a product to in this situation it was a cold call so it's somebody that didn't want the phone call you know and you had to basically butter them up to get them excited about what you're trying to present to them so this company they had a whole script that they wanted you to say and they didn't really tell you a lot of why you were saying certain things but the first thing that you would say is you know like let's say i'm talking to chris i say hello chris and then hey hey have you heard about the big news right and oh what's the big news well the big news is donald trump said today that if joe biden ends up winning the presidency that the economy is going to crash and we we haven't seen anything like this since the 2008 financial crisis were you invested in the stock market in the 2008 financial crisis they'd be like yeah i lost a lot well i'm so glad i called you today chris because the whole goal of this call fox news actually asked us to do some surveys for them but hearing what i've heard so far i just want to go right into it is i have the opportunity to save you from another tragedy like that let me just ask you chris if you woke up tomorrow and all your money in the stock market was gone what would tomorrow look like for you oh i would just hang up at this point okay but pretend you're 80. but this is the thing though this is the thing though right so i'm just giving you the hook yes right and the hook is we already know all of these people or they already know because they've done very strategic planning all these people are republican they're older they have retirement accounts they have x amount in the bank so you're just working off of the emotion and every morning they had a meeting where you know they'd people would stand around and they'd get all hyped up and they'd tell you what to say on the phone and i just really like the energy of it and i'm a sales guy so i was like wow there's a lot of good sales going on here you know a lot of the good salesmanship it's like watching actors you know like you're not judging their them personally it's wow look at the craft so but they really don't tell you a whole lot about what they do there you know you're just selling gold because the process is someone that opens the phone call once i get a person to the point that they're interested in really learning more then they would be passed off to like a senior associated oh my god so i would get someone to the point so i would keep talking with them and you would throw out little triggers for them like you know just real quick what do you think about nancy pelosi you know and these people would go [ __ ] ape [ __ ] oh yes you know whatever it's like yeah man you know can you believe that donald trump doesn't have any of his money in the stock market and they'd be like he doesn't know that he has it all in gold you know like and i could go on and on and tell you like fun little like sayings that we used to say but once it got to the point where i would say let me ask you a question what did you do for a living oh i was a truck driver how long did you do that for 25 years so obviously you're a very smart man chris where did you put all that money in ira in a 401k and then you would tell me and i would say well this is what i would highly recommend we do we get a specialist on the line that's going to tell you how to really secure that those funds for yourself and then by that point somebody else would be on the phone they'd be listening because i've already i've told them hey i got somebody and then that person gets on the phone and they're like hey chris and it could be that 25 year old kid that just knows that sounding like an old guy that like you know smoke sugar like so it's a lot of people with these fake personas but like hey chris man god bless you and i feel so fortunate to be talking to you you know like depending on what they've heard in the conversation but the goal is and it's so [ __ ] up and i actually quit once i really found out what they were doing there you know so let's say i have a mil chris you have a million dollars in a in a retirement account right now i wish i'm gonna tell you that you should put it all into gold or at least half of it so let's say let's just say all of it though so a million dollars in gold they would take it if you were willing to do it what they're gonna do is when it comes to gold and silver there's the spot price are you guys familiar with spot price so spa price is how much you can get by weight for that goal so right now one ounce of gold is probably worth around 1900 so if you had gold you take it to the pond store they're going to give you the spot price for it and that's how much you would buy it for if it was raw so but what they would do at this place is they would buy raw material and they would print their own coins so when you print your own coins it makes it rare and by definition a rare coin should be worth more money you know like if you get a 1929 gold coin that has something specific on it it could be worth a million dollars okay so that coin it's worth a lot more than the spot price because of the value behind the the rarity of that coin so this company would print their own coins they would say that they're ex they're very rare and for your million dollars they would give you around four hundred thousand dollars worth of gold in their rare coins they deemed to be worth a million dollars so once you actually got the gold into the safe or wherever that we decided to have it placed because most people don't want a million dollars of [ __ ] gold in their backyard then basically you would call the plot spot and say hey i just wanted to make sure for insurance purposes i get the right amount insured how much money do i have in my safe or how much worth of gold do i have and they would tell these people oh well you have like four hundred thousand dollars chris and wait a second dude i just dumped a million dollars out of my retirement account and you're telling me i only have four hundred thousand dollars they'd be like well yeah that's the spot price but then of course they would call back and these [ __ ] con artists would just tell them well no they don't know what they're talking about you know like they don't know the the nuance of the coin they don't know that it's numismatic and it's rare and there's only 10 000 of them take it to the store and try to sell it that's what i'm getting today though yeah yeah but i mean they they made it they manipulated the market to make it a scarce coin it was literally like a which was the company coin that they made so you didn't know so when did you find out that's what they were doing it was about a month in uh i only worked there for about six weeks or so but it was about a month and when i found out and then after that i only stayed because i want to clear out my cycle but i never i would try to deflect sales when i was talking to people i would try to avoid but at one point they got to where they would just automatically transfer my calls over because they knew that it was a good person they knew that i was kind of [ __ ] it up a little bit so they would just transfer the calls but they tried to keep me i told them i was going to quit and they they tried to get me on board and they said that you know whatever i wanted just what could we do here to keep you and i was just not into it so how are they how is that elite not illegal it is very illegal that company uh they have several names chasemetals barracks capital there's a hundred hundred names that they use exposing them but uh no it's it's not not exposed the gov the fbi came in and shut them down and seized all their accounts and now they're what they defrauded about 1200 people out of 185 million dollars wow oh my god and it's like to me it's a very important story to tell actually because there's so many people that called in because they're grandparents so they're no longer lost all of their money because these grandparents they worked their whole life to save money for their grandkids and now their grandkids are calling like yo why didn't my grandma just call me and tell me that you guys took you know half a million dollars and now it's whittled down because gold can go up and down too you know and now it's worth like eighty thousand dollars and my grandma is susceptible to scams like people call her all the time and my mom's like don't answer your phone she hasn't gotten scammed by a big thing like this yet but there has been like i mean there's been little pitfalls where she like she's she buys another insurance policy where she like is insured so then she's paying double insurance and has no idea that she's doing it didn't you even say that like one of the morning meetings they were like specifically trying to get you guys to call widows or like old people that their husbands died or something yeah i mean it gets pretty [ __ ] up but but they they have an algorithm in place where the top top leads are widows over the age of like 75. that is so because the thing is after a certain age if you're able to get somebody riled up enough and you might be the only person they've talked to in the past couple weeks oh my god you know so you can really forge a very fast relationship with them and work off of the emotions you know but again like and i used to tell people what i did and they didn't know it was [ __ ] and they were in like after i explained it to them and about gold because i want to be the best at what i'm doing so i learned as much as i could about gold so i could talk on the phones with these people but i kind of knew it was [ __ ] a few days in because i made a sale to some guy but it was only for like five coins off of the website the guy had to get a paypal account just to pay for it on the website and when i told him about it they said oh dude just kick that aside we don't care about that i was like why wouldn't we care about a potential customer you know but it's because this was like a 50 year old guy that you know like he wasn't even eligible to dump his retirement yeah how do these people the the people that created this that are running the cult sleep at night that is so crazy are you not afraid of them like coming after you for talking about this hell no you know it's like what because if they i i didn't just say anything that you couldn't find in an article that was written and posted online if you look up i think the best article if you really want to look it up look up the wolf of the new wolf of wall street is an ig influencer and it'll take you to an article that goes over everything i just said i mean you could find like the scripts that they were using online people posted them and this is another thing just to warn everybody there's a website called trustpilot are you familiar with chance after we've been scammed in like housing appliance people from warranty companies so so the thing about the scam industry is it's built around assurance so if a company like the one i just told you about if you're worried about reviews and all this stuff there's a website devoted to scam artists that want to have a bunch of good reviews so they'll just generate as many positive reviews as you need and they'll make sure that you maintain a five-star rating even if people go on the website and have a bad rating they'll just ghost it and then they'll maintain your high rating so when you tell people hey you don't think that we're legit go on trust pilot you know that was created for people like you so they could have the reassurance and know that they're dealing with respectful you know integrity driven companies or whatever you're saying but so there's websites out there just created to be [ __ ] review sites are you saying trustpilot's one of them yeah and i mean it's kind of like hiding plain sight trust you know pilot like you definitely don't want to trust them it's all [ __ ] so how can you tell who is this well no if you were to this is the thing they're trying to prey on older senior citizens that they almost feel bad if they let you down after you've hooked them you know what i'm saying so like they're gonna be in cognitive dissonance they're gonna see negative reviews and assume that well yeah that was somebody else maybe they'll still get a lot of the people that see those negative reviews right and they also like it they pressure them into it you know like i never was a part of a phone call that went that far with the pressure but they used to say literal stuff like i had i had to like push the pain on that one or like i had inflict pain on that one or you know stuff like that and it was pretty [ __ ] rough you know that's why again i just quit at one point but uh it's very important for people to know whenever you're getting a phone call whenever you get an email do as much much research as you can and if you find one negative thing on it don't [ __ ] trust it you know because if if i'm bullshitting you i'm smart enough to know that you're going to google me and i want to make sure i control what you see about me you know well yeah thank you for uh that terrifying story and um let us know in the comments if um uh well we asked a bunch of questions throughout the episode i don't really remember but uh yeah let us know what you think in the comments and also like this video if you want us to keep making more episodes we would love to make them and um subscribe and turn on the bell thing i don't know what it does turn the notification or something thank you chris it turns on notifications maybe i think because what you need in your life is more notifications and we want to be one of them okay so ding the bell get ready to fight let's do it all right you guys hope you had fun with whatever this was and we will see you next time uh and hey chasers leave chris alone he has a favor hit me up come on bye [Music] you
Channel: Shane2
Views: 2,659,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shane, Dawson, conspiracy, theories, journalism, investigative journalism, docuseries, documentary, podcast
Id: VotVr5YuZjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 43sec (4423 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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