Mandala Art Step by Step Tutorial in Affinity Designer | How to Draw Mandala Lines & Mandala Dotted

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In this video I'm going to show you  how to make your own mandala design   and your own mandala dotted design which was  one of the trends on my RedBubble video earlier.   We're going to do this in  Affinity Designer. Let's go!! Thanks for joining me on this video my name  is Juna with Detour Shirts the channel all   about helping you design and sell t-shirts  online. If that's something you like to do,   don't forget to hit that subscribe button. So  in this video i'm so excited to show you how   to make your own mandala design and i'm going to  do it in affinity designer so if you don't have   affinity designer you may want to pick it up just  for this tutorial because you can make so many   mandala designs with this it will probably pay for  itself you're going to be amazed how easy this is   i'm going to teach you about symbols which i  haven't showed before and once you learn this   trick about symbols your mind will be changed for  affinity designer forever this this is incredible   you don't want to miss this you're going to  want to stay to the end because i'm going to   show you how to do a traditional mandala design  as well as a mandala dotted design which was one   of the trends in my redbubble video right here so  stay tuned for that as well as another edition of   trend credits so this is a cool video you don't  want to miss it let's get started alright so   here we are in affinity designer we're going to  do some fun stuff today so first we're going to   do the star tool and that's normally under your  triangle tool so let me go back to triangle here   and then click on the triangle tool and then  scroll down to star tool and then you're going   to want to hold down shift while you drag so i'm  holding down shift and then i'm dragging like this   and just want to make it inside there as big as  you can to fit the space i have my artboard at   5400 pixels by 5400 pixels that's about the  size of a merch by amazon t-shirt so that's   why i did it that size you can make whatever  size you want uh here we go the next thing you   want to do is to change these points we don't want  five points you can do anywhere between 12 and 36   i'm going to pick 24 and you're going to  see it can work with any size but here's 24   and this is basically going to be our guides so  make sure that you have this turned on to about   0.4.3 is fine make sure this fill is a color  and the stroke is a color so stroke swatches   you can pick black or whatever it is you want to  pick and then once you're on that star make sure   the radius you can see it's 38 we're gonna take  that all the way down to zero basically just using   this as a guide so you can see here because i have  the stroke uh and color on here you can still see   it i think the fill yeah you're going to need the  stroke on not just the fill so let's turn that   stroke on so basically we're just going to use  this as a guide the next thing we're going to do   is make a rectangle so i'm going to zoom in just  a little bit we're going to put the rectangle   at the top here and i'm going to drag it here's  the rectangle tool right on the above the circle   tool right it's called rectangle tool and  you're going to make your rectangle about this   size right here and one thing you may want to do  you don't have to do this but this helps so that   you can see what i'm doing is i'm going to make  it a gradient so i'm going to go from here to here   and it doesn't matter what gradient it  is this is just for visual so this can be   any gradient the next thing we want to do is we're  going to start making this a symbol so click here   if you don't have symbols here in your  palette you can go to view studio and then   click symbols right here symbols so symbols  is what's going to make this possible so   if you haven't used symbols before don't worry  we're going to use symbols today and you're going   to see the power of symbols this is incredible  thing that affinity designer does this can be   used for patterns as well i mean this is going to  be a pattern but you can use it for other patterns   as well so symbol you can see here this is a  symbol i'm going to create a symbol you can see   now this one this gradient one is a symbol now  that we have that symbol we're going to hit   option and drag like this and then we're  going to flip it and then make sure that   they're butt up against each other you  might want to have this turned on this   enable snapping that's just going to help you  snap to the different points so turn that on and   i have both of them here you can see one  right next to the other they're mirrored right   they're mirroring each other and that's going to  help a lot when we're doing our mandala design   because we want it mirrored against this line so  everything we draw is going to be mirrored against   this line right here so that's why we have this  guide so we're going to select both of them here   and we're going to group them so that's command  g and after we group them we're going to copy   this and rotate it around what we what we just  did of the guide so we're going to have to make   go back out a little bit we're going to move that  center point you see that center point right here   it looks like this if you don't have it turned  on you can enable transform origin turn it on and   off right there that's what that's for and then  we're going to take that hold shift and drag it   all the way to the center and it should lock  because we have snapping enabled it shouldn't   lock right there but if you want to make sure  we can zoom in here and you can see oh it's not   there it is you see those lines that means  that it's locked right there so that's going   to be the center that we're going to rotate  this on okay so we're going to rotate this   on center so that it goes all around you'll see  what i mean so the next thing you want to do   now that you have this group selected is hit  command j okay you may not see anything but if   you go to the layers you can see that there's  two now two groups and we're gonna rotate it so   right here you'll see this turns into look at my  arrow at the top here it's turning into a move to   like two arrows kind of going doing like this  right a curved arrow so wait till you see that   and hold shift and drag it to the right and you  can see it's going to snap to that line right   and now that you got one of them and you did  the command j you can hit command j again   and it's going to do it again and again  and again so keep hitting command j   until you get around to the top here and there's  all of your things so it may not look like   anything right now but this is the base of  what you need to create your mandala design   the next few steps are gonna blow your mind so  you're gonna have to scroll down i'm going to   take my face off of this just for a little  bit so this is just so you can see right here   i'm going to open up the bottom group so you can  see that's the original group right here open it   up and this symbol right here you're going to want  to open that up and click on that rectangle in the   symbol so this is the original rectangle right now  okay so now that you have that click on the pencil   tool right here and you're going to want to make  sure that the pencil tool has a width so let's try   six point right here so i made it to six point i'm  gonna bring back my face so now that you have the   pencil tool selected here we're just gonna draw  inside of this so we're drawing inside this symbol   so that's that's what's happening so what's going  to happen right here is we're creating the symbol   and remember all of these are the same symbols so  what symbols do is if you make one it's going to   copy what you did on one symbol on all the other  symbols because these are all symbols they're   going to copy what you draw here and you'll see  what happens so remember this is a mirror image   and then these two are copied so they're going  to be the same so here's what we're going to do   pencil tool and then just start drawing i'm  gonna start drawing from the bottom here   and look what happens you can just i'm just  moving my mouse in and out and doing this kind of   thing so look at that is this crazy or what  this is how easy it is to draw a mandala design   i'm just going to go up like this and if there's  a space you want to come down just do that   come back up and around whatever you want to  do and you can do this over and over again   and that's it and then you may not want these  things so you're going to turn those off so   i'm going to go back here i'm going to move  my face again so you can see what i'm doing   on my layers palette so the original star  that we made as a guide turn that off and the   original rectangle that we made turn that off and  what you're left with is this beautiful mandala   design right so you can continue to add more and  more things here just click on the pencil again   and then maybe you want us fill in this space here  just go like that fill it in maybe this there's a   space right here you want to fill in fine just go  like that you know uh do you want to add more up   here sure do like that how about a circle up here  well just draw it look at that it's so crazy so   you can have endless amounts of mandala designs  here each one will be different and you can just   play around with it so that is how easy it is once  you get everything set up that's how easy it is   to make your own mandala design and look how cool  that is you'll have an original design every time   because all you're doing is moving things around  so have fun with this this is a really cool   idea that you can do and make lots of this  would be great for pop sockets on merch by   amazon this would be great for stickers  on redbubble also make a cool design   for t-shirts and if you make enough of them  you can make patterns and put them inside of   animals and shapes and things like that so really  cool right so i promised you to do another one but   with circles so this is the original mandala  design the trend was mandala dotted design so   let me show you what i'm going to do  with that so i made another artboard here   we did we don't have to go through the whole thing  but you can see it's set up again with the star   lines the guides here as well as the symbols so  this is a different symbol i'm gonna instead of   drawing with the pencil tool i'm gonna use circles  instead okay so let's see how that works so i made   sure to pick that symbol again so this remember  this symbol is rotated so i'm gonna do the circle   and i'm gonna do the circle right here you can  see those are circles i'm gonna zoom in so you   can see i don't need this stroke here and what i'm  going to do is i'm just going to move the circle i'm going to move it until they are on each  other and then i'm going to make it bigger   i can hold down shift and make it a little bigger  and then kind of drag it in so that it doesn't   repeat so you can do the same thing i'm going  to hold down option well let's change this color   so it's not a gradient color i'm just going  to make it a solid color so you can see that   so i'm going to hold down option and i'm going  to bring it here right and then i can make bigger   ones and smaller ones if i want to make a bigger  one i can do it here again and then hold down   option make it bigger and then kind of just play  around with it if i want some small ones i can go   here so i could take this circle here and drag it  down you can see there and i could make it smaller   too so if i want to make it smaller enough  to fit two in there i could do that and if   i want this small one up here let's say i want  to make it go around it so i'm gonna do that   and then i could do this and maybe do that you can  see what i'm doing there maybe a top one up here look at that so that that's kind of turning out  like that so you can see i'm making a mandala   design just with circles or dots and you can do  your own pattern you can play around with it just   have fun with it you can do a new one every time  and change the colors i'll show you what i did   here i actually made one here just using that  same idea right smaller circles bigger circles   changing the colors look at that isn't that a cool  design a mandala dotted design so that's how easy   that is just using the same techniques and again  so you can use any number i use 24 for my star   but if you wanted to do a 20 pointed star or you  wanted to do a 36 pointed star it would change the   the way this looks too so have fun with this the  possibilities of this is endless so hopefully   this was really educational for you let me know in  the comments if you like this tutorial if you have   used symbols before in affinity designer you can  see how powerful this is how it makes everything   easy just with a click you you make a whole  pattern of different things so symbols are great   thanks so much for watching this video  hopefully it was really helpful for you   and your reward for staying till the  end is another edition of trend credits Thanks for staying to the end for this trend  credit. Here is your trend, "My green jacket   is in the wash" so of course this is the golf  reference green jacket right to win the masters   so you can see some low bsrs here super funny  very relatable for golfers i think this would   be a great present for them and let's check Merch  Informer it is getting an A so you know it's good.   If you don't have Merch Informer I have a link  in the description for Merch Informer. I believe   they're still having their big sale, so make sure  to get Merch Informer if you don't have it already   again here is your trend my green jacket is in the  wash you're going to want to do yours different   than this of course make this for golfers right  so it's something that they would want to wear   of course they're going to want to  wear it because of the saying but you   also want to make it look nice so they would  want to wear it too so do something different   than these make sure that it's nice and  appealing for someone to wear as a as a gift   when they're out golfing maybe or out with friends  so that is your trend thanks so much for watching   and that is it for this video hopefully this video  is really helpful for you if it was make sure   to give it a like and if you're not subscribed  already make sure to hit that subscribe button and   if you like that video about designing things here  are more videos for you to learn how to design   other things and as always guys keep creating and  keep learning i'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 8,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, online entrepreneurship, passive income, selling tshirts, selling online, side hustle, mandala art step by step, mandala art step by step tutorial, mandala art step by step for beginners, mandala art for beginners, mandala art designs, mandala art easy, how to draw a mandala, how to draw a mandala for beginners, affinity designer tutorial, how to make a mandala in affinity designer, graphic design, affinity designer, mandala art, dot mandala
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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