Drunk And Disorderly Suspects | JAIL TV Show

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all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law fewer discretion is advised another night in the streets another night in this hell I've been kicking the tripping the C me in jail got my fingers in ink they got my on the dear Lord pleas me out jail tonight just [Music] me here in Open Booking we can have as many as 60 70 inmates down here at all times they're pretty much free to roam wherever they want as far as in a Cell having a seat uh using the phone we only have about three or four officers down here to supervise those inmates so we always try to watch each other's backs and make sure nothing gets out of hand too quickly we're on our way out to the sallyport right now we got a call of a drunk disorderly female on the way in uh she was giving the road deputies a real good fight on the way in so we're going to go check her up she does have a cut to her facial area lip area from when I removed her but I do have a restrained ankles she was kicking when I took her out so I do have her ankles and go medical down here ow God ow what the why yall don't be like this hey Lucinda Lucinda Hey listen to me hey we're going to cut the off you okay I can't feel my hand all right we'll take care of that we'll take care of that all right put your legs on the ground right okay go ahead and get a picture get my hand this my hand lucenda we're going to do that okay how many drinks did you have tonight I probably drunk like six seven beers it doesn't matter my hand is tingling and they and they what me and bust my mouth what kind of drinks did you have I had a natural light bear like put your hand put your hand you see it's beat red cuz they cut the C I got a piece of bullet in my arm right there okay come on this right as soon as we get your Pap work we'll come back here and we'll take you out okay knees up on the bench chest on the wall get your knees up there for me I don't understand all this you ain't going to findy nothing on me ma'am we'll be out of here in 30 seconds if you cooperate with us I am cooperating now do I have the Ang on all be off here shortly man you need more I will take them off grab some paper towels towel see if this will help it on hold it up damn would you let ow just drug it get it over with I'm sliding it off she is swollen and we can get them off later that's fine yeah we give you some we're going to give you some soap man hopefully you can work on getting those Rings up there just stand right there man all right I'm going to ask you to bend over at the waist we got her back in the cells um for right now she's detoxing she's still upset um alcohol is one of the few drugs that you can die from when you're detoxing so we're going to make make sure we're keeping an eye on her until we can process her and get her hous in medical floor more than likely everybody's got blankets they just need we're going out to uh deal with a disorderly inmate the road Deputy has basically called ahead and um you know advised that they're they have a combative inmate and we're going to come out here take them to the back process them and hopefully everything goes good what's up Reon I'm standing C what's he being charged with he's being charged with DUI and du refuser you guys have any uh paperwork on cuz he he's been very combative at the scene what's his what's his you weap secure problem we taking inake guys make sure you don't no why why would I fall over I'm to drunk to drop my car no cuz I JP over my feet all day of course I'm know is I'm walking home take nine people to walk me in kneel on the bench they're going to pat you down give them a wax real quick what is this 14 walls nice my apartment this is beautiful what is this 15 footballs first BR what I mean what we got four guys on me like I'm so like please bro I mean it's cool that I'm in this cell and it's like bro what like exactly what did I do tonight besides Drive leex trying to meet some girls tonight bro you know how tight that wrist is that's your boy how old are you bro 23 I'm 22 I'm 23 bro but you're some prick bro you TI the rest of ir hey tighten that up bro let's tighten that up bro he that's not tight enough look man listen hey take take my watch off that's worth more than your hey about 2 seconds we getting sprayed relax why is he got to tighten that up on me nobody tighten it up he relax relax the wall you keep resisting I'm not trying to resist bro fight these guys how many people you got on me bro stop fighting right now yes sir I'm be careful it's a wet floor don't slip Hey sir let me step down I can't see [Music] [Applause] nothing got the door got a food left all right go sit down guys like this don't have any respect for the law they don't understand our side we're just here trying to do our job um maybe they'll understand say a little bit more when they sober [Music] [Music] up everybody that gets addressed in Mt County comes through these doors here in the Justice Center um one of the things we do here at the Justice Center is we take all that personal property off them during a path search and then we'll go on take fingerprints and a mug shot depending upon their crimes if uh the warrant's needed they will stay the night with us if not they will get kicked out and go back to the streets Terry you've been in the hospital in the past 24 hours no are you a diabetic no suicidal yeah seriously no all right okay now hold on I'm going to take your hat off first B in the US of a okay you know what I don't know what to do so I'm just going to like freeze there you go now just turn around face the counter just turn right around face C you're fine right there freeze right there now just answer were you born in the US OFA uh-huh okay was he doing this all the way in here hey take your shoes off and put them up here on the counter for me kind of hard to do with my hands right here take your shoes off you can move your hands and take your shoes off how about remove M your hands from the counter and taking your shoes off with your hands there you go says but be and and then shoes up on the counter you got a ring on take your ring off put it on the counter sure want me take the finger too you can leave the finger sir okay suicid wipe your hands off with that wiconsin no listen to me take this outer shirt off take the outer shirt off for me can I wipe the crap off my fingers before I I gave you the towel and you're the one that wanted to leave it sitting there wipe your hands off listen to me take and wipe your hands off take your outer shirt off do you understand if I move my hands are you going to kill me I said take I said you could wipe your hands and then take the shirt off just go ahead and yeah what do you blow was pretty recent a road rage incident was he the rer or the r g okay raer here throw that away no you throw it away go have a seat take it with you look here sir we've been Cooperative with you so far what we need you to do is take your jack your shirt and go have a seat on the chairs okay can I move my hand from the counter to to grab my shirt please do have a SE over here behind me over here behind you in the back [Music] row I was real close to throwing him in a sep cell I just I have a tough time tolerating somebody that wants to be an ass to me and that's what I felt he was doing so he's okay he's sitting now he see if he can make it uh through the rest of the process didn't do anything you got one coming in they call the head loud and disruptive I don't got nothing I'm my 18-year old kid man I don't got anything I'm not resisting the rest I'm kid I didn't do anything nothing nothing if you're 18 years old you're not a kid anymore I'm just I didn't do nothing though what's my charges what's my charges don't know wasn't there okay okay so you don't know they pulled me over for no reason because they heard another man was getting an argument they they can't say I'm the witness I don't care stop grabbing my wrist like that man no stop it stop it stop grabbing my wrist man I don't care I'm not resisting you're going to be in court I'm not resisting man I'm not a criminal man I go to high school man I'm a high school student man they're treat me like I'm a I'm a prison like I'm a like I'm a 18-year-old like you saying like I'm like you're an adult adult ja suggest your right remain silent all right whatever man do me a favor stand up yes sir yes sir give me hands on the counter sir step backwards Spread spread your feet out wi for me yes sir yes sir yes sir I never committed a crime my life you know what I'm saying yes sir I feel I feel violated man I feel relax relax I'm relaxed I didn't ever tense I I I didn't ever pull back didn't say you did okay so stop grabbing him like I didn't did nobody's grabbing you stop okay I didn't do nothing what am I saled for try for mening y'all see I was even at the max station when y'all sto me so how I'm mening baseball back threatening I went at the when y stop came I'm not a criminal man I'm in high school man LIF his foot up my foot is up man I'm in high school down you sto me for no reason man I swear to God I feel violated man I feel violated I didn't do nothing man I bro you can stri me to my to to the T I don't got nothing nothing man I'm not a crook man whatever man do you but I swear to God this is my first time ever being arrested sign right here not true just been here before I've been here before not a I've been in jail before come on man where I've been in jail before juvenile juvenile for what but have I ever went to jail for something I've been I've been forgetting curfew I I got caught being I I didn't never I never did a crime man I'm I'm not a criminal man I'm not a criminal dude start walking start walking I'm walking I'm walking I'm walking I'm walking I'm walk on the floor walk floor I'm on the floor I'm on the floor I'm on the floor I'm on the floor on the floor I'm on the floor I'm not doing nothing I'm not doing anything I'm on the floor put your hands under your bell hand underneath your belly now underneath my belly he's not doing nothing he's not doing nothing he's definitely uh having a bad night um loud disruptive he's not going to be able to make it in our open seating here uh due to his behavior he was picked up at triat for menacing with a baseball bat so he'll sit in here and cool out for several hours and we'll go from [Music] there I've been working down on booking for about 5 years and this is what I really love I love seeing all the different personalities and the different people and I love it when it gets hectic and busy we will book typically between 150 to 200 people depending on the night so it's never dull it's never Bor it's just what I love I enjoy it and it's a lot of Fu here hey ma'am how old are you 71 71 have you ever been in jail before ma'am yeah yeah what for ask my attorney take a jack don't tear it please I'm not oh calm down what for thank you for not W calm down settle down you need to relax oh I'm so relaxed o no you're not no no no you keep your hands away from her you know that you're in jail and nous okay good good you put your hands on the wall then you leave them there you let the officer do her job and you don't move those hands I know you love your job get pretty pretty good I love my job ours aren't too bad go ahead put your hands down to your sides ma' up here come here I need to you need to settle down she's going to have to do a blood draw now which might be difficult to older people sometimes have difficulty giving their blood so we'll have to see how that goes all right she's all yours Jo all the way down the end we're going to go into our medical room over here seting a big blue chair for all right this should be very interesting I'm going to grab the off officers and get them ready you know we're going to have to draw some blood from you right ma'am yes where were you hanging out tonight Joan I outed in Planet Hollywood and had a glass of shney at the H bar just one yes do you frequent Planet Hollywood is that like your place of it's where you usually hang out I will never hang out there again I I learned my lesson valet arrested me for my car or whatever okay I was the one that arrest you not ballet security call though because you were stumbling around in ballet and you almost got hit by a car they saved your life tonight until you sleep down for you thanks I appreciate it I got your up back on of course what am I a serial killer 319 had a glass of shy nope serial killers get the the cuffs on their ankles too you just get the ones on your wrist no they get off no all right ma'am what I need you to do is have a seat in that very last row for me okay she just needs to start settling down you missed Joan Joan right here this is the last row with all the other ladies anywhere in this Row the first time she been down here no oh she told me it was the first time what else was she here for uh trespassing and uh whole bunch of fraud oh frauding inke keeper sortly conduct wow Joan is it all you have to drink is just one Chardon a yes that's it was it the whole bottle or just a glass one glass oh one glass big glass all right we'll come back and talk to you in a little bit all right so what happened with Joan out there on the street PL Hollywood security called about a woman that had got into a car who was drunk because she almost got run over by a limousine in the valet and then she proceeded to get into her vehicle and drive away we stopped her over a few few blocks away from Planet Hollywood she refused to get out of her vehicle she sat in there said that we were stalking her and harassing her and finally she got out of her vehicle and she could barely stand up nice not much more we can do for her yeah Joan it's time to get you through the process you got it careful now don't fall over Walk This Way over here right through this Open Door there's going to be a gray Square on the ground to your left I want you to stand in the middle of that gray Square excellent look straight ahead at the camera right straight ahead don't forget to smile okay I need to turn your whole body to the right and look straight ahead for me okay no smile at this one either all right we're going to get you through the pat down process there young lady two other photos when she's been in previously but she was in here last April for obstructing and then she was in here in 1994 as well wow way different there all right J I need you to start taking off all your jewelry where shall I put my go ahead and hand them to me ma'am there you go baby thank you all yours I'm so stupid to walk around with Julie hell since I was born I've had people stealing my jewelry I shouldn't even wear it we're going to have you sign such a waste we're going to have you sign for everything blah blah I know here do you want me to help you no why not you can't seem to get it off it tastes a bit you loving it right can you hand it to me instead setting it on the chair please man oh of course D thank you I'll help you if you want I don't know how to take it off let me you taking it off there here I'm good at this oh don't cry Joe Here let go so we can get this off wo careful there I'm just trying to help you out here Joan it's too bad one little drink has done this to you [Music] today Jon's been in here for quite a while now already and she's been a little irritated ever since she's been in here we've been trying to do our best to help her understand but she doesn't seem to want to accept much of our help who are you going to call when you're able to use the phone my godfather your godfather is he going to be able to help get you out tonight what is he going to be able to help get you out like pay bail what is my bail um $2,000 $2,000 wonderful but here's the good news are you ready for the good news Joe where you going I don't believe in good news come on over here ma' okay I was going to try to tell you how we were going to get you out of jail tonight the first one here is for your money at $5 with you when you came in tonight you have to feel bad for people who are this old and and don't really seem to understand things but the reality of it is she was still out there drinking and driving and this is actually the best thing for her to get her off of the street tonight I'm going to have you do is have a seat in one of the first three rows up front with the other ladies okay have a seat up front for me it's just sad seeing somebody that old coming in that kind of shape yeah she definitely probably has something going on in her life that's making it difficult for her so hopefully we'll be able to get her to understand that she should not be drinking and then getting behind the wheel of a car anymore and the doors open up and leave me outside and they Hing my clothes and the key to my ride now the Night hits my face and it brings me to life oh Lord now I'm at that jail tonight another night in my street another night in my hair now I'm kicking and tripping without the cops on my trail now my hands on the wheel and my fingers go tight I'm going to go home to my family [Music] tonight and the doors open up and they lead me outside I'm going to go home to my family tonight [Music] [Applause] been
Channel: Jail
Views: 90,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jail, jail tv show, jail full episodes, jail las vegas full episodes, jail documentary, jail tv series, jail tv show full episodes, real jails, jail tv series full episodes, jail house, jail tv show spike tv, jail tv show theme song, jail tv show las vegas, jail tv show resisting arrest, jail tv show drunk, american jail, jail full episodes new, jail episodes, jail show, hour long jail episodes, jail compilation, jail suspects, las vegas, lee county, multnomah county
Id: Vs3Bka89r5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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