Manager tells Umpire to get his head out of his *ss, a breakdown

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all right dodgers versus rockies and the rockies manager bud black is gonna get ejected this is my favorite lip-reading video manager ejection that i've done in a long time had me cracking up while making it nasty pitch there with the two-seamer then he comes a little slider gets the high strike nunez can't believe it he says uh come on phil that's way up that's way high that's way up and then it cuts to bud black making that face just just confused just befuddlement if you googled befuddlement this is the face that would come up just amazing face by bud black phil cuzzy the umpire's like okay they're mad at me here's the pitch and when it crosses it's pretty high it's pretty high if you can't give him the top of the zone that consistently the pitcher's gonna have a good day he strikes out on a 98 mile per hour fastball as he's leaving he says like come on man that was high two batters later dustin may throws another nasty 98 mile per hour fastball for strike one then he gets the call low so cuz he has now given him the call high and the call low and bud black look at that uh it's pretty low if you're gonna give him the high can't give him the low as well and bud black just points because that's low that is too low phil cuz he responds i'm not listening to you all night but black says something else go you're out of here pulls the mask up looking straight grizzly these days phil cuzzy and then then bud black drops you've been horse all night and we're gonna get charlie blackman just looking oh i really like that face by him oh oh what's going on cuz he walks away and then bud black is gonna drop get your head out of your ass get your head out of your ass because he's like oh my god dude come on my head in my ass is mean bud black's about to leave he hits him with another pause and point he goes god damn it phil that is low phil cuzzy taking it in stride fixes his hat good in the front good in the back throws the mask on gets ready to call the next pitch but bud black hasn't left yet oh no we gotta wait for him to leave time time bud black hasn't left what are you doing over there bud bud's going to get his binders because he forgot to grab all of his binders he needs his binders he needs his papers he needs everything has something else to say and he says hey coach hand me that hand me that right there i gotta go all right thank you very much and just so many good looks i mean good look number one befuddled bud black befuddled good look number two oh oh slow point mouth of gabe oh another slow point mouth the gape oh it might be my favorite manager now that's just good stuff all around i love it if you like baseball you gotta check out our john boy media baseball channel we got podcasts hosted by players hosted by chris rose hosted by trevor plouffe insight that you're not gonna get anywhere else it's amazing go check it out
Channel: Jomboy Media
Views: 701,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a breakdown, mlb, jomboy videos, jomboy, jake sucks, talkin yanks, jomboy podcast, tv podcast, just talkin podcast, mlb breakdowns, Talkin yanks, jomboy jake radio
Id: dz4DakqMMXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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