Yankees throw at the Rays, a breakdown

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the yankees and rey's got into a whole lot of fun today this was on august 8th kittridge for the raise he's throwing up and in all lucy goosey now he's not throwing these at the yankees batters but he's flipping them over he's coming high and tight they didn't like it they complained mostly because kittridge the guy in the mound throwing these high-end in fastballs he's the guy three years ago that threw at romaine's head and romine had to get really scared and then look at the catcher and say why why me behind his head scary no one should ever throw a pitch like that in baseball it's stupid dumb and dumb here's what kittridge said three years ago when this happened um just baseball you know obviously that was a high and tight pitch i mean that's not a comfortable feeling for him and um you know it just it is what it is i guess so when the yankee saw him throwing it then boone got all mad he got ejected everyone got mad they were like i thought we weren't going to do this anymore there's a lot of history so now tanaka steps up and he throws at joey wendell in the first inning in my opinion that's as intentional as it gets and the rey's thought the same here's what brussels message i believe that was done in the first signing with joey we pretty much let everything go after joey uh took the message for us and and did it like a man kind of just took it and carried on with the day all right message received you guys don't want us to pitch high and in anymore but then chapman comes in the ninth and he starts throwing high and in fastballs to every batter that was the first batter that was meadows and cash is getting mad looking around see then what are they doing they doing our strategy to us we don't like it but then they did the pitch at the head again and that's so scary and [ __ ] up and just don't do it brasso actually handled this like a champ i mean that that could have done a lot of scary damage not really cool in a way the umpires got together and they issued warnings right now warning that's it we explain to you later into the dugout and now kevin cash wants to know you know not need to happen yeah so then the yankees win cash kinda has a point but he also has his pitchers throw high in all the time and has had a pitcher in the past throw at a guy's head so it's it's all bad it's just bad whining about bad retaliating about bad and then they start john off the field here and the only thing you can pick up from the mics is a random yankee player saying this you were throwing at our heads all day yesterday sounded like voight to me i'm not sure oh in comes the bullpen doing their best baywatch run but by the time the bullpens get there everyone decided the game's over anyway won't we just go to our clubhouse and then a very angry kevin cash sat down and he said all of this stuff it's absolutely ridiculous it was mishandled by the yankees certainly the pitcher on the mound it was handled by the umpires they hit joey wendell intentionally in the first inning it was clear as day chapman comes in he throws three different balls up and in i get it they don't like being thrown up and in but enough's enough we're talking about 100 mile an hour fastball over a young man's head it just it makes no sense it's it's it's poor poor judgment poor judgment poor coaching it's just poor teaching what they're doing and what they're allowing to do the chirping from the dugout i mean somebody would have to tell me go pull the numbers who's hit who more but i can assure you other than the three years ago there hasn't been one pitch thrown with intent from any of our guys period i found that really interesting that he said that because he's just 100 admitted that this pitch three years ago was thrown with intent and this pitch was thrown at romaine's head so you're complaining about the very thing you did three years ago it's awesome that you've grown a little bit and matured but also a little hypocritical other than the three years ago there hasn't been one pitch thrown with intent from any of our guys period somebody's got to be accountable and the last thing i'll say on it is i got a whole damn stable full of guys that throw 98 miles an hour period damn stable of pitchers that throw 98 miles an hour just you know what do you what do you make of that what's your reaction well that's that's pretty scary comments um yeah i don't i mean i don't think that's right at all but i'm not going to get into it right now i i don't know where you're going with this i i i'm not going to get into this i mean cash and i have a good relationship and if we need to talk about things we will you know sounds like they're going to try to throw at us tomorrow um you know we'll be ready so strap in and tune in for tomorrow night raise yankees hopefully it's a close game and no one feels like they can just throw at someone for no reason because it's a blowout and hopefully there's none at any hits
Channel: Jomboy Media
Views: 1,754,396
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Keywords: a breakdown, mlb, jomboy videos, jomboy, jake sucks, talkin yanks, jomboy podcast, tv podcast, just talkin podcast, mlb breakdowns, Talkin yanks, jomboy jake radio
Id: natkTw2vhQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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