I Am Addicted To Meat, Now My Girlfriend Wants To Leave Me | Freaky Eaters (US) | Only Human

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a freaky eater is someone who takes an eating habit to an extreme 24 year old michael is an out and out carnivore i'd go nuts without me he devours up to 150 pounds of meat a month that was good and he has never eaten a salad or vegetable i only hear horror stories about broccoli it kind of looks like a tiny tree his girlfriend is ready to walk you do have control over you just don't want to if he doesn't change i'm not going to have any choice other than to leave him with only one week of intense therapy you were on rails to die and experts dr mike dow and j.j virgin help stop michael's carnivorous appetite i'm not gonna change and save his life from grinding to a halt it looks good [Music] my boyfriend michael is a freaky eater 24 year old michael lives on meat in mind-boggling quantities i just like to just eat meat only he averages up to 150 pounds monthly that's equivalent to an astounding eighteen hundred pounds a year twelve times the average person's consumption it's just meat and more meat in one day michael can put away as much as five quarter pound hot dogs a rack of ribs two steaks and up to 30 chicken wings i love the way meat tasted in my mouth and i like to see the juices running through it i craved meat that was good as a kid i would just eat meat i haven't tried vegetables because my parents really weren't that pushy i don't eat anything green i've never tried a piece of lettuce in my whole life michael has been with his girlfriend jenna for seven years promised to each other since high school however his meat addiction is taking its toll on their relationship don't cook them too much junk did you want to cook it or what i think the way michael eats can be repulsive unhealthy i don't see a time where i'm gonna just order vegetables instead of me jenna should accept me for what i am i'm so worried that i'm gonna lose mike the way that i lost my dad because with my dad it was a heart attack and i know meat's not good for your heart i have no control over it you do have control over you just don't want to you just don't want to have to go through that again but despite jenna's fear that michael will die of heart failure like her father he refuses to stop gorging on meat i'm not gonna change these are looking good if michael doesn't start eating better then i'm not gonna have any choice other than to leave him [Music] terrified michael's life will end like her father's jenna has called in freaky eater experts dr mike dao and jj virgin to give michael a week of intense therapy for his meat addiction hi there hi dr mike dao nice to meet you i'm a licensed psychotherapist specializing in eating disorders and addictive behaviors jj virgin i'm a certified nutrition specialist and a certified health and fitness specialist your girlfriend jenna called us she says there's a little problem and i think we see it right here this is a ridiculous amount of chicken wings i was worried about who these people were and what they wanted to do with me this is normal yeah her boyfriend's idea of romance was a restaurant that serves 25 cent wings do you think that this is a problem no having a plate full of chicken wings in front of mike today was the perfect way to show dr dao and jj just how severe this is michael how is your health i don't see anything wrong with me you might start to just have simple things like headaches or stomachaches or those things i have a headache right now but uh this is my fuel to go on for the day we have our work cut out for us so can we pull you away from that plate and see what's going on in your home kitchen can i box this up and take it and eat it later step away from that one if michael can eat 30 wings in a restaurant it's important for jj and i to see what he's eating at home bacon wow ground beef in there michael is eating five pounds of meat every day bacon and hot dogs and steak this could feed a small army show me what a typical meal would be so this would be dinner wow you eat all of this two and a half pounds of meat right here yeah i was afraid that dr dao and jj were gonna take away all my meat who does a cooking here she wants to cook for me but i need to control how it's prepared it's a lot of control that is a lot of control michael and if i even try to cook for him he's hovering i know relationships and i know that if this continues to be the thing that's always there for you this may not always be there is this the last straw for you yeah 24 year old michael is addicted to meat his obsession is putting his relationship with his girlfriend in serious jeopardy is this the last straw for you yeah in order for michael to grasp the full extent of his meat obsession jj and dr dao take him to a butcher shop for shock therapy because michael doesn't think he has a problem we needed shock therapy to be something very visual come with me michael is totally underestimating his problem wait till he sees what we have in store for him in the meat locker [Music] that is one month worth of your meat consumption 150 pounds of meat wow it's easy to deny what we do on a daily basis but when you see the amount of foods you eat in one month it's much harder to deny it looks good you think this looks good there are a whole bunch of pieces of meat in there that i really wanted to put on a barbecue right now four to five pounds of meat a day with nothing else is frightening wow our body can't handle that amount of protein and it's loaded with saturated fats which can lead to heart disease and stroke michael is slowly killing himself [Music] i have a slight problem i guess this is not a slight problem michael now we wanted to have michael pick up that meat and put it all through the grinder take the 150 pounds of meat that you eat in one month and grind it so you will understand the sheer volume of what you're eating i didn't want to grind it i wanted to cook it right then the whole dinner right here when it came out of the end of the grinder it didn't look too good to me it's cold in the aquarium good out of the aquarium not so good a salad could be in your future i don't know we'll see about that when that meat was coming out of the grinder it sounded like juicy dripping blood oh man it was splattering it smelled bad michael what's it like to see a month worth of your meat consumption all ground up in those vats like that doesn't look too appetizing anymore this is a huge problem do you want to do something about it yeah all right okay we can work with this yeah first thing we need to do is send you out for some tests because we need to see how much damage your habits done to you michael has faced the reality he can't be in denial any longer shock therapy helped michael to realize how this eating meat is affecting his health but i also needed him to realize how it's affecting his relationship there's one big glaring issue and that's your diet michael you see how much it's not only affecting you but also jenna yeah she lets me know every single day and you know i kind of brush it off and not really care i guess i just want to eat what i want to eat when you brush me off it just makes me feel like it's not a priority to you this is a pretty serious thing that is weighing on this relationship there's so much resentment if michael and jenna don't know how to communicate i don't know if this relationship has a chance to last what i miss about us is the connection that we used to have meat is just getting in the way because we're not on the same page and we're not agreeing about anything and you're not willing to make a change michael's actions are telling me that he doesn't care about our future you want to safely bring children into this world knowing that that is the way he's eating and you're probably going to be a widow i wouldn't want to have kids with this person just because i know what i went through sorry about five years ago my dad passed away it was a very sudden heart attack and i'm worried that the same thing might happen with michael i wouldn't want to have to go through that again if you can prevent it right if you can prevent it did you know that michael after talking and everything it's you know definitely more and more things are coming out and yeah it definitely opens my eyes up to a lot more problems that me and jenna have you know now i have to work on them are you feeling now a little bit more hopeful i think we'll regain the control of our relationship through your eating habits if this behavior doesn't change jen isn't going to be out of this relationship we got our work cut out for us let's get started let's do it i have a slight problem michael's five pound a day meat habit is straining his relationship with his girlfriend jenna what i miss about us is the connection that we used to have michael's dependence on meat may also be causing him severe health problems i'm going to introduce him to a heart surgeon dr michael sasevich because michael needs a rude awakening so michael we sent you out for some labs yes and i have the results no no i am real nervous about seeing the test results i would rather just not know so tell me some of the symptoms that you have real bad migraine headaches lower stomach pain heartburn your body is trying to tell you something you're not getting away with your lifestyle you are eating damaged fats cooked at high heats saturated fats the type of fat that creates inflammation in your body leading you to coronary artery disease which leads to heart attacks we see this aa epa ratio which tells you the risk of heart disease you right here you're at high risk you're 24 with high risk of heart disease because of what you put on your fork the way he's living and eating is causing self-destruction it's just scary to think about just gloves on now i wanted dr sasevich to show michael a diseased heart because that's the road he's going down that's a normal sized heart now put that down next to this heart look at the size difference of that heart this is called dilated cardiomyopathy this is a disease that happens when somebody has a diet that's high in red meat high cholesterol high fats the heart is pushing against all the your arteries that are hardened and full of cholesterol plaques causes everything to get so thick that the blood can't get through the heart and it causes heart failure it's like one massive traffic jam i've seen the hearts i got real freaked out and real scared the illusion is that people think they can have the diet that they have when they're young and have no consequence for it so basically you were on rails to die and you're most likely going to die at a younger age than most people would jenna you okay it's just very emotional for me to see it does this push you over the edge to make the change yeah absolutely you're going to eat vegetables look at me um i'll eat vegetables i don't want to end up like one of those body parts on the lab table with michael vowing to try vegetables jj and dr dao are now going to hold him to that promise we're going to take michael to a mongolian barbecue it's a perfect place for graded exposure therapy graded exposure therapy means starting with what you like all that meat that you love and adding vegetable by vegetable at a time start with one vegetable oh no i'm really dreading this experience so grab a bowl [Music] you have enough meat leave some space for the vegetables when jj told me to put a vegetable in my bowl i was freaking out let me get my magnifying glass out to see that carrot is that good i'll add a little more here okay thank you thank you how does that look to you still a little weirded out vegetables and stuff just didn't appeal to me there goes nothing the initial bite with the carrots was pretty hard i didn't like the crunch it's a little strange but wasn't bad so i'd count this as a win the next step is adding another vegetable i don't know which one is better than the other if you like sweet those red peppers are a little bit sweeter i'll do that it's like he's an alien who's from another planet this guy has never had a pepper he has no idea what they taste like all right one two three as i'm raising the fork to my mouth i'm thinking please let this be good it's not bad guess but guess what oh my goodness that's what's coming next taking that ball away again what am i gonna do next hold it hold it one of the most amazing superfoods out there is broccoli i only hear horror stories about broccoli it kind of looks like a tiny tree who wouldn't want to eat a tree whoo broccoli [Music] that's um interesting not bad yeah since this is your first well-balanced meal you've had in your life we should you actually eat this one michael is teaching himself that he can do this and there's a lot riding on it the experts are now going to be leaving michael alone for four days we've given michael all the tools to succeed but he needs to choose to use them if he doesn't his life could fall apart michael's meat dependency has taken precedence over his health and relationship now the experts have left michael on his own for four days to work on his controlling issues with jenna and broaden his food palette why don't you get the green beans out then i was a little apprehensive about green beans jenna starts cooking fish for michael and he starts hovering wait wait what are you seasoning no not yet as usual he's standing over me controlling what i'm doing look at that oh okay that's gonna be your piece okay i'm taking this away you're so out of control it's just obnoxious put this on it so that when you put them in there what's that gonna do to it it was definitely a huge stretch to try and green beans i was really nervous about how they were gonna taste but i had to give it a go i didn't like the green beans really at all you don't like it i don't know the green green will stay for another night i can't guarantee that i'll love everything but i have to take those little steps first now you did that you can try anything nice to see you nice to see you come in come in by the end of the week the experts return to check on michael's progress so do you have good news for us i fish i tried green beans with the fish so two in one michael incorporating a wider variety of healthier foods into his diet is a life-altering decision from michael are you proud of yourself excellent start i'm very proud of myself and we had more homework what i said do not hover [Music] then the problem showed up i had no knowledge of that you did not share the homework that's that part i was really pissed off when michael didn't tell me about his other homework assignment he's sitting there just dumping on the seasoning himself i needed to be cooked my way go stand right here i'll i'll do the rest there's clearly something going on and we are not there yet jetta you come with me let's go outside and uh we'll leave michael jj so you're tired i am tired you don't want to do this anymore no i don't i feel like his babysitter are not his girlfriend you know and no one wants to feel like that if he doesn't grow up and just change then i'm out of here because i'm not gonna do this anymore there are a lot of things we can control in this life but there are a lot of things that we have to accept and michael making that decision to really treat his addiction or not is ultimately up to him i can only do so much i can't change a person you can't change him want to give you a little insight jenna's frustrated really she's telling you what she wants she wants to cook for you she wants to take care of you and she wants you to take care of yourself she doesn't want to be your mom there's nothing romantic about dating your mom no what is the thing that she says she wants to do most of all you need a salad could you we're listening dr down i have created a final test for you but it's also a huge opportunity to hit it out of the park yeah i have packed a picnic basket full of choices you're going to put together your own picnic basket and then you will invite jenna on a romantic picnic i don't want to lose jenna over some stupid food so i need to change my eating habits wow this picnic really represents michael's last chance is he going to change or is this relationship going to be over he picked everything in that basket michael's never taken me on a picnic before so i was really excited to see what it held i'm so excited we've got this little kind of salad here i just couldn't wait to see if michael would actually follow through and try to sell it all right we'll go for it [Music] it's okay i was just overcome with so much emotion when i saw michael eating that salad this is a huge thing that we're overcoming together like i always told jenna our entire life i'd never eat a salad so when i took that first bite i knew that was the first step in the right direction you have exceeded our expectations it got me to this point which i never thought i'd ever be at in a million years you did it before we met michael he lived on meat he was controlling and really didn't listen to his girlfriend now not only is michael eating better he's also communicating better and that's gonna set him and jenna up for a long healthy relationship thank you so much i appreciate everything i'm definitely confident that this is the new michael that i could see spending the rest of my life with let's dig in i definitely feel like i'm a different guy now going out of my box eating vegetables it's just gonna make mine and jenna's relationship that much better thank you ma'am [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 18,051,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freaky Eaters, addicted to meat, addicted to meat and fries, only human addicted to meat, pizza addict, guy addicted to pizza, addicted to pizza, only human freaky eaters, eataholics full episodes, man addicted to pizza, addicted to pizza rolls, Only Human, addicted to cheese fries, Food Phobia, Freaky Eaters (TV Program), Binge Eating (Symptom), emotional eating, emotional eating causes, emotional eating treatment, emotional eating therapy, food phobia treatment
Id: l0AQ2Ceh2C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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