Man with knife arrested after chasing teens who were fishing

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meanwhile back here at home a neighborhood dispute over fishing ends with deputies arresting a man caught on camera chasing teenagers with a knife tonight Pasco County Reporter Eric waxler has that video and explains why the incident has caused quite a debate you can find Luke Hatcher fishing anytime he gets the chance it's just fun go out there and I chase the big ones Monday Luke and his friend Tristan were looking for big bass at a pond inside the Gated Esplanade section of the starky Ranch Community and as they were leaving this happened bro you got a knife what yo I was about to ask the pet his dog too but I waved hello to him and next thing no like without saying a word he whips out his knife and starts cursing at me and starts chasing me around Luke pulled out his cell phone to record what was going on and both boys ran out of the neighborhood were you scared at all a little bit he chased us the first time and then in between it all decided to get his mail took a mail break and then decided to chase us again the kids were able to memorize that mailbox and relay the info to Pasco Sheriff's deput they also showed deputies this video leading to the arrest of the man with the knife identified by authorities as Edward Cullum the two things I thought right away are I'm glad they ran away from them instead of engaging and how brilliant it was to actually capture it on video many neighborhoods often have issues about whether or not people can fish in ponds it is legal in public Waters but then comes the question if those fishing or standing on private property the HOA for Esplanade has a no fishing rule even for residents some in esplanad say teens have been warned about trespassing before While others in the neighborhood say there's no excuse for pulling a knife there's no reason no matter what they're doing even if they're being disrespectful which I wasn't but a knife being pulled on somebody is like too much for that Luke admits they've been told not to fish in Esplanade before and after this run in the kids don't plan on ever going back in pasow County Eric ABC Action News
Channel: ABC Action News
Views: 330,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abc action news, chasing, fishing, florida, knife, tampa, teenagers, teens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 2sec (122 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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