Man who fatally shot woman after car pulled into wrong driveway sentenced to 25 years to life

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>> A senior State Department. The first time family and loved ones got to have their voices heard directly addressing them I killed him and get this. Adam McAleenan, who presided over this trial also spoke directly to the convicted murderer today saying when considering the sentence to impose he weighed in, if he thinks Kevin Monahan could hurt someone again in the future with you. >> I think you really could possibly do that to the same thing. Again, it's obvious to me that you feel justified. You don't take any responsibility for the outcome of your action. >> Judge Michael Leeming also recalled what Monaghan said when he took the stand during the trial testifying in his own defense. >> New Census Lee took the life of Cayla Gillis and you have the gall to sit here and talk about how you plan to finish up to work in your house and race. Motocross in the future. You don't deserve that. >> True mercy is free. Both sides today got a final chance to make their case for what they feel is a just sentence. Assistant District Attorney Christian Morris. >> Kevin Martin here and was merciless in his judgment to And the question here that would be should he be shown mercy? And based on that, the answer is no. And defense attorney Arthur Frost, I don't come here to ask you for Merced. I ask you to rebuff pensions. I ask you to do what is just >> when given the opportunity, Kevin Monahan chose not to speak today, only saying this, Iran ultimately Judge Michael Ini imposed the maximum sentence. >> You murdered Cain Gillis. You shot a car full of people and you didn't care what happened and he repeatedly lied about it. You deserve to spend a maximum time in prison about allowable under law. I sentence you to a term of 25 years to life in prison.
Channel: NBC News
Views: 1,211,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NBC News Channel
Id: 98gHBwpNtdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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