Man Suspected To Be Laundering $38K Undeclared Cash | S1 Ep 14 | Border Security Australia

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this is your bag okay you pack the bag yourself yes okay you know what's it's 10:00 a.m. passenger atm. has just arrived from Hong Kong he says he's a tourist but he seems remarkably unprepared for a holiday down under where are you staying in Sydney you haven't put down where you're staying where where will you be staying in Sydney I'm wanted to stay in an hotel which hotel hotel around downtown like yeah around town have you made a booking at all yet no what will you see while you're in Sydney see yeah with the site so what do you plan to do for the week you here for 7 Days yeah just stay look at every just look at just look at every what like just go around places just see how the city do you know any places in Sydney I know have any but usually if I was going to go where you from the states if I was going to New York I might want to go and see the Statue of Liberty or you know so what would you want to see in Sydney oh what I want to see in Sydney um I just want to like go around it might be a long way to come but he's not leaving the airport until Customs is satisfied with his story for many young Aussies living overseas is a ride of Passage a chance to see the world and earn some cash but the return trip can sometimes be bumpy Michael has spent 3 years teaching English in Japan is this your signature yes okay these all your own bags did you pack them yourself uh Singapore and now there's only one thing standing between him and his family Kath from C okay that's fine anything else um oh yeah I didn't notice this sorry I've got lots of yen in my pocket is that okay how much a bit over 3 million Michael didn't declare his cash on his entry card I'm think once signed this is a legal document so a false declaration means customers will quickly become very interested in you okay so you have cash I do have cash in my pocket that's all right it's equivalent you you know yourself you just read it yeah but I just no understand so I think it's more than that so maybe that one would be a yes all right so approximately 3 3 million yen all right hendo can you find out the conversion of 3 million yen he thinks it is over 10 grand so $10,000 is the most you can bring into the country without declaring it to customs fail to declare it and you run the risk of being fined losing the money and even jail all right have you got your airline ticket there as [Music] well 38,000 what does that sound right is it 78 The Exchange right right 7888 38,000 3 years of savings you said it was just over 10,000 this could be a very expensive lesson for the teacher Customs officers aren't satisfied that a dam is a Bonafide tourist they want to check him out further you can take this bag and just x-ray it okay w't worried about just this side here seems to be a bit heavier than the other side okay it might just be because of the oils but just have a good place look at that it looks fine to me want to make sure that the bag is emptied you stuff hereat it okay and just to make sure that you understand it the bag checks out but customs officer Rob is still not satisfied when did you when did you plan to come to Australia when did you buy your ticket I bought my ticket this month this morning this month this month how much was it I I I've bought in multiple trips I don't know MTI trick I'm not sure how much I'm not sure how much for Australia it's a multile trick how much in US dos yeah how much all up uh you up like um 1400 1400 1400 so had you p for cash or credit card with C with your card [Music] right what we're going to do what we're a bit worried that you might have something on your body okay so what we're want to do is to give you a pat down okay a [Music] fris back in Melbourne our world traveler has just come back home with a so you do not have to say or do anything anything you do say may be used in evidence do you understand that a bit over 3 million Michael's 3 million yen is equal to over $ 38,000 Australian dollar far exceeding the Undeclared limit how much did you take out of the bank account got my bank 3.3 million but since then I've spent some so I I haven't counted it since I've actually come over here so you're aware that it was over 30,000 Australian roughly you would have been aware that you would have been aware of the conversion roughly vaguely but I didn't notice the question on the card until just then I was reading it get the card on the no I got it like from a guy in the line can I go back and do another card and come back or it doesn't work that way okay Australia tries to keep track of all the currency coming in and obviously when you're bringing in and out of cash there's no record of it so that's why they need to fill out a form um it's it's basically we're trying to find money launderers and that that are bringing in lots of um large amounts of cash money laundering is a global problem moving Undeclared cash between countries can help organize crime and Terror groups conceal the true source of their income person in the line next to me said oh it's all just like bad things just do no no no no that's probably where I made my mistake I didn't really care you are a teacher right what do you teach English English if Michael had declared the cash he would have been free to go after filling out a simple form that's not going to happen now the passengers got over 3 million yen Undeclared so we're now going to run a few checks and also contact the federal police quarantine Sydney airport there's some confusion over a passenger declaration car when I first start off if you read and understood the questions on theard I a question but you have to tell me that I have to tick for that if I bring any kind of but you didn't tell me actually no that's what the card says any food including dried preserved it it says that on here Chinese student Fe Lee studies in Australia making regular trips back to visit her family so do you understand why we're doing this now officers have found Undeclared food in her luggage a breach of quarantine regulations this stuff is free list this is allowed in but you still have to declare it it's food so it doesn't matter whether it's beef fruit noodles whatever you have to declare it what whatever you come into the country that's why we have it on the C that's why you get this card every time you come in so if you have any food you got to Mark yes on it if if you're not sure it tells you to Mark yes seems pretty clear but not to phy with the responsibility but I'm not taking yes more responsibility no yes you have to remind me no no we do remind you on this for on this form on the previous form and on the previous form every time you didn't remind me that I have to take yes back in Melbourne Michael's Undeclared cat is causing him more problems than he imagined these two officers are from the federal police I just want to have a quick chat to you the federal police are involved because moneya laundering is a federal offense they decide now what's going to happen to Michael so he has actually volunteered he said that he might have more than $10,000 depending on what he tells the federal police um he could just get a warning and would just fill out the O track form and he'll be sent on his way or he could end up getting prosecuted and the currency seized from him at quarantine in Sydney Chinese student F Lee is still arguing her case to officers you can't bring this stuff in but you still have to declare it cuz it's food yeah I know my fault is I didn't take yes right that's my fault I know but you got por you think so no no no you don't think so no I don't think we have because the form is in your Lang you are right but how about the last times for not declaring the food fely faces $110 fine a significant penalty for a struggling student three times I always tick no you did say anything for that you always tick no and you brought food in with you before Y and I and I always passed the X-ray Customs officer Rob was not satisfied with this passenger's answers about why he's here now Rob's suspicions about Adam have paid off the fre search has come back positive he got something wrapped around both legs so it looks like yeah we've got something in here Adam also had three packages in his pockets I've never seen that before you'd strap it all on your body not carry three in your pocket it's easier for us to find I guess so what I wanted just to caution you okay you don't have to say or do anything anything you do say or do may be used as evidence do you understand that [Music] yes I just made a cut in that okay those pellets have got white powder in them all right so do you know what the white powder is at Melbourne Airport Customs officers are having a closer look at the luggage of two Indian shoe salesmen who've arrived for a 3-day business trip how many Miss 150 something 150 170 150 shoes that's a lot of Footwear the officer is concerned that the men haven't organized a caret for Import and Export clearance it's basic business practice and the sort of oversight which makes Customs skeptical all right they've got approximately 150 shoes left and right shoes um they're saying to us that they're only one shoe they're not pairs um what we're B basically saying to them is we understand that um but there could be another suitcase coming in via another passenger we're not saying that's what's happening but um it could happen it could come through another Port maybe Sydney Brisbane or somewhere else you need to get this to a broker okay and have those shoes entered into Australia as a sample if you don't wish to have them drilled okay otherwise we will need to drill them the salesmen are faced with a tough choice immediately find a broker or drill a hole in every shoe meanwhile in another part of Customs Michael has returned from teaching English in Japan but he failed to properly read his passenger card and didn't declare cash well over the $110,000 limit the federal police then became involved the federal police have spoken to the messenger and they're going to give him a warning and just fill out a a cash form and he'll be he'll be out kind of go it could have gone either way basically because I was um unable to finish the form correctly and I made a mistake and I said that I didn't make any mistakes they had the option to take me to court and confiscate my money would have been a very serious matter um in this situation didn't didn't have to go through that it was close would be bad saving all that money and saying bye-bye to it so quickly but little result but now I've got some spending money Chinese student F Lee has returned to Australia with a lot of Undeclared food we've got a passenger who's declared nothing on a card open up a bag and there's a lot of food in there quarantine records all warnings given to passengers and she's on the computer she had a a verbal warning given to her in 2002 and that's basically all we need last time when we had we took meat off you and you you we took some meat off you last time you see my passport how many times I came in Australia quite a few times yeah about four times you've been in and out of Australia right okay and last time they took some meat off you yeah that's the first time the first time that's right and they gave you a written warning at that time at that point in time they could have actually giv you a $220 fine then right so gain it says do you have any food yeah I know every time that you come in and out of this country you must declare your food it's now up to Steven and Dennis to decide whether to find this student she's already been warned so is a repeat Fender and it's not looking good for [Applause] her the two Indian shoe salesmen must now decide immediately find a broker to properly import their samples of shoes or take each shoe and Destroy them one by one okay they've gone for the drilling option a hole in each shoe will ensure that the men are unable to sell the shoes which if paired could be worth thousands of dollars I don't want you to get injured if the if it breaks all right hang on hang on hang on hang on okay that's it okay all like that all right it's their property still um I'm not going to um I don't think the Australian government or customers want to Chase somebody else's property we're requesting that they do it it's their sample they want to bring in so yeah basically that's why we do [Music] it suspicions about this passenger have paid off Customs officers have discovered he's carrying heroin what we're going to want to do now I want to get you undressed take your clothes off and have a look and see what you've got around your body at the moment I'll ask you again I'll give you a chance okay can you tell me what it is you mean what to say yeah I don't I don't what I think it is I think that is heroin okay you don't know so you still don't want to tell me what it is no I don't know where it is okay Customs have caught a dam red-handed he's just got three pellets in his pockets joining the first search we've also found uh around these carves there's a piece to bird body pack we don't know what it is yet but we've just done the on scan so we'll Wai and see and he hasn't told us what it is yet but um there obviously something there the question is why would anyone try to walk through customs with drugs in their pocket Customs could think of any number of reasons but only a dam knows and he's not saying much who gave it to you where'd you get it from um I came from Hong Kong yeah who where in Hong Kong who gave it to you I I don't know the guy I don't know well say someone just gave you pellets of white powder and something around your leg and you don't know who he was I don't think you're telling me the truth yes I'm thinking I don't I don't know you're not telling me the truth I'm giving you a chance you tell me the truth the person I don't know the name of the person well where was it or where did you meet him I didn't me him I was just you have to think about it I'm going to ask you a couple more questions in a minute you're in some pretty serious trouble already you to think about if you're going to tell me the truth next time I ask you a question right this time this time this time you have not declared your food item's been hit with $110 fine this could be the only way to make her understand the importance of Australia's quarantine law so if we don't charge you this time next time you won't do it again yeah next time I will take yes I will remember but I I'm just asking you why you didn't tell didn't tell me for the second time I just said for the second time you probably were told the second time and you were probably told the Third third time they definitely would have told you when they gave you the warning because that's part of giving you a warning is explaining what you've done wrong so you don't make that mistake next time she's not happy and I can see why she's not happy but some of these people we have to get through to and they don't learn I'm a I'm an overseas student and I traveling to Australia and I didn't know that I I have given a warning on a computer system um actually I think on the card I think it said that like did you take anything which is not allowed to bring to Australia I think my food is okay because my kind of food could be found in Supermarket I think it's okay that's why that's why I always bring food and I always take no on a card the point is unless you get through to these people in the first place that they do need to declare the items that's the whole idea of what we're trying to do is to get people to declare things things we can make the decision as to what's allowed and what's not allowed um and we can either give them back to him or or tell them it's prohibited there's nothing lost if they declare the items the big point is when they don't declare the [Music] items at the start of the examination he was pretty it was okay is pretty cool um towards when the the pellets were located in his pocket he started to to get a little bit more nervous and he's become bit more rigid in his his his movements and his stance that's over 1 kg heroin strapped to Adam's cars with a street value of $600,000 he was intending to be here for one week chances are he's going to be here for a lot longer he's been pretty calm all the way through he wasn't aggressive or he wasn't upset whatever but he's sort of now he's demoner as he's the game's up Adam fali was charged with importing prohibited Goods he pleaded [Music] guilty
Channel: Border Security
Views: 247,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: border security, special reaction teams, documentary, contraband, police, border security: international, Immigration, customs agents, security, customs, border patrol, customs and border protection, airport patrol, reality tv shows, airports, news, border security force, border force, smugglers, agents, customs border, Man Suspected To Be Laundering $38K Undeclared Cash, border security australia, launders, cash laundering, laundering, immigration, custom clearance process, undeclared cash
Id: ueRGo1YQFx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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