Man Saved this Wolf and her Cubs, but 4 Years later THIS happens...

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when one man saved a wolf in her cubs he never expected what would happen four years later wolves are a top predator they are vicious clever and fast but even they need a helping hand every now and then this story took place deep in the alaskan wilderness one sunny spring day a prospector called john was looking for gold along coho creek in the southeastern side of alaska's caprino island as soon as he emerged from the forest that inhabited the island he suddenly froze no more than 20 feet away from him stood in a bog was a huge alaskan timberwolf it had gotten caught in a trap one that john knew belonged to one of his hunter friends called george had john not been out that day the wolf surely would have perished as george had died the previous week from a heart attack john started to approach the wolf hoping that he would be able to help it confused and scared at the approach the wolf backed away straining at the chain of the trap as it tried to pull itself free that was when jon noticed something very important the wolf was a female and her teats were full of milk this meant that somewhere on the island there was a den full of hungry pups just waiting for their mother john stopped in his spot in the hopes that he wouldn't frighten the mama wolf anymore he took a good look at the wolf and guessed that she hadn't been trapped long maybe even only a few days that was a good sign as it meant her pups were probably still alive with young ones to care for the female wolf wouldn't have strayed too far from the den so her cubs wouldn't be more than a few miles away but now john had a problem he needed to help free the female canine so that she would be able to get back to her pups however john was worried that if he set her free the wolf would turn aggressive and try to tear him to pieces in an effort to protect her babies fearful for his life jon came up with another plan that he hoped would work instead he decided to search for her cubs so that he could bring them to their mother he began to look for any tracks or signs of where the mother had come from he eventually found a few remaining prints in the patches of snow around the edge of the bog the prospector followed the tracks which led him half a mile through the forest and then up a rock strewn slope finally at the base of an enormous spruce john saw the wolf's den jon walked up to the den cautiously he didn't want to scare the already shy and cautious pups away as he knew getting them out of their den would be tricky enough already the den was silent giving no indication of whether the cubs were still in there or not but jon had to try to get their attention in order for this plan to work he began by imitating the call of their mother a high-pitched squeak but still there was no sound or movement from the den john didn't give up and began his calls again this time four tiny pups appeared at the mouth of the cave they slowly walked up to jon and began suckling at his fingers they couldn't have been more than a few weeks old and they were obviously starving one by one john picked up the pups and placed them into his burlap bag with the baby wolves securely held in his bag john turned around and headed back down the slope towards their mother upon returning to the trapped mama wolf she quickly stood to attention when she noticed jon coming back to her she let out a high-pitched wine as if she knew that the man had her babies with him john released the pups from his bag and within moments they were all suckling at their mother's belly even though the pups were all fed and well now that they were back with their mother john still didn't know how to free the female canine every time that he tried to get close to the little family the mama would growl at him and warn him back resign that he wouldn't be able to free her straight away jon went in search for something for the mama wolf to eat to keep her strength up he came across the leg of a deer carcass and cut off a hindquarter john knew that if he was ever going to free the trapped animal he would have to gain her trust and food was usually the best way to do this it would take time though something that jon had plenty of the prospector made a rough shelter for himself near the wolf family and was soon asleep the next morning he was awoken by four fluffy bundles of fur sniffing at his face it seemed he had earned the wolf pups trust but still had a ways to go with their mama over the next few days john split his time between prospecting and trying to help the trapped canine he would throw her venison and would play with her babies hoping to show that he was not a threat each time that the man would interact with the animals he would edge a little bit closer to the trap in the evening of the fifth day john was delivering the female wolf's daily dose of venison when he noticed something encouraging the wolf wagged her tail slightly delighted that it looked like the animal finally trusted him jon sat down only eight feet away from her so close that if she had wanted to the wolf could have broken his arm with just a snap of her jaws the man then drifted to sleep surrounded by the wolf family the next day john awoke to the sound of the pups nursing he carefully petted them in greeting to his surprise the mother wolf didn't growl or even move taking this as a good sign the man then put his hand on the wolf's trapped leg she flinched but didn't make a move to stop him finally after days of trying to gain her trust all of john's efforts were paying off he examined the steel trap and saw that its jaws had only caught two of the animals toes they were swollen and cut but she wouldn't lose the paw which was more than the man had been hoping for jon found the release catch and quickly pressed down on it now finally free jon expected the mama wolf to gather her pups and disappear into the woods but she did something much different which shocked jon entirely the wolf slowly crept up to the man and began to lick his hands and fingers john was astonished it went against all his knowledge about wolves but he was more than happy to let it happen after a while the mother decided that she was ready to leave so she gathered up her pups and walked towards the forest before disappearing completely she turned back to john as if asking him to follow her john understood gathered his belongings and followed the animal they eventually ended up ascending kupernuff mountain and came upon an alpine meadow along the edge of the meadow lurking in the shadows was a wolf pack of around nine adults and four nearly full grown pups the mama wolf and her pups approached the pack and after a few minutes of greeting the entire family broke into howling john watched from a distance amazed that he was witnessing something so spectacular as night fell the man set up his camp by the light of his fire he could see multiple wolf shapes darting in and out of the shadows but he wasn't scared he knew that they were simply curious about him as dawn broke the next day john knew it was time to leave he gathered up his things with the mamawolf watching the entire time as he reached the far side of the meadow john looked back one last time the mama wolf and her pups were sitting where he had left them watching him john waved his final goodbye to which the mother wolf let out a mournful howl he then turned around and descended the mountain he would never expect what would happen next four years after this encounter with the wolves jon returned to coho creek after serving in world war ii as he walked through the familiar woods something caught his eye it was the rusted steel trap that he had saved the mama wolf from all those years ago seeing the trap john suddenly got a strange feeling something was telling him to return to the meadow where he had last said goodbye to the wolf family following his instincts john climbed the mountain until he was at the meadow he let out a long low wolf call something that he had done many times before and to his surprise a howl responded john called again and once again a howl responded he then noticed a large dark shape moving in his direction as it crossed the meadow he could see that it was a timberwolf but it wasn't just any old wolf it was the one that he had saved the animal stopped just in front of john her bushy tail wagging slightly then as quick as she had appeared she disappeared into the woods again john left the island not long after and whilst he never saw the animal again the memory of her and her pups stuck with him for the rest of his life it's not known whether this story is true or not but the magical experience of sharing a special bond with another animal is one that many of us know the feeling of because of our own pets and sometimes if people are lucky they get to have a once in a lifetime experience much like john did with his wolves what would you do if you came across a wolf in need let me know in the comments below don't forget to like and subscribe for daily inspiring videos see you next time for more amazing stories
Channel: UNITY
Views: 8,785,876
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Keywords: unity, stories, heartwarming stories, animal stories, wolf, wolf story, wolf stories, wolf cub, wolf cub story, man saved wolf
Id: bSaLcI__uM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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