'Bubble Puppy' Decides She's Ready To Live In The World | The Dodo Comeback Kids

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I brought her into my Nursery at home where we have Like Oxygen bubble Sally came to me from a breeder that couldn't take care of her any longer she's got really bad pneumonia she probably aspirated while nursing on Mom and she was blue like she was gasping for air I immediately put her inside of that bubble and let her just calm down with oxygen at first and maybe after about 30 minutes of her being in there her color changed she was back to Pink you could still see that she was struggling to actually intake enough oxygen she was completely oxygen dependent we couldn't take her out of the oxygen chamber at all she was just our little bubble girl the plan was for us to keep her in our Nursery until she was at a stable point to where she was adopted I thought it was going to be like maybe a week maybe two weeks on oxygen to let the lungs heal and that was not the case for Sally even though she was struggling and having increased respiratory in the bubble she was wagging her tail she was licking the window of the oxygen Chambers we really wanted it to be a different outcome and so we were fighting for her we couldn't even go in there and like love on her because the second we would unzip it all the oxygen would come out we needed to make sure that her bubble was like very comfortable for her we built our bubbles up with a ton of blanket she loved her stuffed animals as she grew she became more playful [Music] and you could tell she would always be watching you because wherever we were we brought her bubbles so that she could like see what we were doing then one day she started like pawing to come out and so I kind of unzipped it to see what she would do and she just walked out she was just kind of like looking around like oh wow there's like something outside of my bubble but then quickly realized she couldn't breathe so I had to put her back into the bubble but that didn't stop her from wanting to continue to try [Music] we would try every day we'd take her out of the bubble let her walk around the floor and usually within like a minute she would be gasping for air so we would put her back into the bubble was it good and we zipper back up and you know let her calm down and then she'd be fine again Watchers told us just to keep strengthening her lungs so we would do that every day take her out [Music] put her back in over weeks we extended that period of her being out of oxygen by just like 30 seconds to a minute [Music] as she was growing she was getting too big for this chamber that we have so we had to like get creative and build her a larger enclosure we built out of our Plexiglas kennel and we made it to where it would still have adequate oxygen flow and it was big enough for her to like run around in she could now exercise her lungs in oxygen without just sitting in one little chamber it was big enough for us to like climb in play with her and she would light up and we would go in there with her she would come out [Music] she would know when she needed to go back into the oxygen chamber oh so once we got to the point where she was out for like five minutes we started trying to take her outside in the grass because she had only ever touched inside she's like oh my gosh this is a whole new world again [Music] she didn't do very well outside and she was just like okay whoa my lungs so I put her back inside [Music] so we would try that again every now and then she seemed to like the grass eventually she started running through the grass so we would open the door up and let her run around on the floor and then she got slowly to the point where she was spending more time out of the bubble than in one day she just didn't want to go back in the bubble she was playing I would say like 30 minutes passed by and I was like okay she's still out of the bubble I don't know what's going on and she's not struggling and I was just waiting for her to run back to the bubble and she never did then I started getting nervous she was fine but I was like okay I need to put her back in the bubble and before I could even close the door she had whipped around and tried to come back out so we've tried almost all day long to put her back into the bubble and she would not go and so she chose that day to no longer be there after we got to that point where she was staying out of the bubble we talked about her was adopted by one of my co-workers girl Bonnie she's also a technician we both work together so I would come with Sally in this big oxygen chamber every day to work we would travel back and forth and so she got to see the whole process from the very beginning we knew she was going to adopt her she was just an angel when Bonnie took her we knew that she was at a stable point [Music] I set her up in this living room she got introduced all the dogs here learning Bad Manners from the other crew and the kids loved her [Music] her true Spirit came out [Music] no Sally no we didn't know how long she could be on out on oxygen do we need to rusher back into her bubble [Music] she didn't eat it he knew her limits as well so she would come in here she would play with the other dogs and then I had a little bed for her with a blanket and she would run to her bed and put herself in timeout yeah I know you're so excited our goal is to kind of have her live her life there's a lot of stuff she's missed out on in the bubble especially when she was younger so we're gonna start off taking her to go experience just kind of being on the wilderness if you haven't had the opportunity to take her to a dog park and so it'd be nice to see how she interacts tired [Music] oh this is probably the longest she's lost but normally she starts to slow down we're gonna take our camping soon one of the biggest things is trying to get her accustomed to being around water and running water and she absolutely hates the water and we kind of have to let her set her own pace [Music] he likes it [Music] thank you [Music] can jump out immediately which is good [Music] yeah you made me drive all right ready for a treat it's our first diamond go into a store to go pick out a toy baby [Music] you liked it I think [Music] looks like she's already falling in love yeah I found a winner is this your toy is this your toy yeah exciting yeah and then of course outdoor dining we want her to be active and there'll probably be some other puppies there and she gets to meet them as well transplanted do you have experience did you have a good day yes I know pretty girl to see her where she is now is like the best feeling in the world and that is why we fight so hard for these babies and I'm so glad that we did because now she's like a healthy puppy and she gets to live the rest of her life with an amazing family and now I get to see her at work and we get to you know watch her grow bar Ney [Music]
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 16,677,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals
Id: D2WXwhzBsMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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