Man Finds Old Flag At Garage Sale, Then The Marines Came

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man finds old flag at garage sale then marines came he looked at it carefully and studied all the markings on it he couldn't believe his eyes what was something like this doing at a flea market he continued to read what was written on the flag and heartache tore through his soul with his eyes filled with tears he turned to his wife texas couple walter brown and his wife laney are familiar with the us marines as brown had previously served his country and his son-in-law had too one day they decided to visit a local flea market and were on the lookout for something specific but they had never expected to find something as monumental as this the owner of the flea market fred yan buys his wares from storage crates and then sells their contents one day he was unpacking the boxes he had just acquired he noticed something unusual he carefully placed it on a table intending to inspect it further later little did he know that he was setting the stage for an incredible story i didn't know what it was when i was processing the boxes jan later explained i really wanted to see what it was but then he was distracted by the throng of people who were starting to arrive at the stall and his wife began to sell the goods off one by one his unusual find lay on the table forgotten walter brown was browsing idly through the market when he suddenly noticed something there on the table was a stack of folded american flags so he motioned to his wife to come and look as he rifled through the flag something caught his eye one of them looked a little different from the others when he saw why he was overcome with sadness the flag had writing on it and when brown read what it said he knew he had to buy it and take it home laney agreed as soon as she read the messages that were scrawled on it too the price tag on the flag said that it could be theirs for 15 but when the sellers saw that it had been defaced with ink he lowered the price to just five dollars the browns took their find home and unfurled it on the table to read what was written on it then the words lance corporal caught their full attention the rank is specific to the marines that's what caught our eye laney recalls as they looked closer it slowly started to dawn on them what they were looking at fred you were a good marine and we will always remember you one message said another red hey cheeks wherever you are make sure you watch over us all the messages were addressed to someone named fred but what did it mean and why had people written messages on an american flag their son-in-law had all the answers brown's son-in-law explained that what they had bought at the flea market was a tribute flag that had been signed by the other members of the unit it was a tribute to a lance corporal who had fallen and his name had been fred brown was crestfallen who was the rightful owner of this flag surely it belonged with the fallen heroes family and then he knew just what he had to do walter and laney started to make plans to get the flag back to the soldiers family it was an enormous endeavor how would they find the rightful owners they then decided to enlist their tech savvy daughter's help katie began to search on social media for the soldiers family but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack his dream was to be a marine and i had to let him do that i'm proud of him that he died doing what he loved mashel said it was 2013 when tragedy stuck for fred while he was stationed in iraq he was only 20 years old maciel was awakened by her mother after she had seen the terrible news on television her mother had seen the news that a helicopter that had been carrying servicemen had crashed outside of baghdad in an enormous sandstorm then maciel heard a knock on her door and she was told the devastating news for eight years i was a basket case maciel said i didn't know how to go on without my son maciel was sent her son's personal belongings but there was one crucial item that had been missing the tribute flag it is unclear how the flag went missing but then nine years later maciel received the message from katie asking for her phone number macio recalls the subsequent phone call she said i have something of fred's i want to give you the browns even drove to fred's grave at calvary hill cemetery in texas to give her the flag in person i could have mailed it to you and put it in a box but i wanted to meet you katie said all of fred's friends and family were there too and maciel was astounded to see that there were patriot guard riders and marines present to salute her when the browns presented the flag to maciel laney said to her patsy our family feels so honored to have been chosen to find this flag thank you for sharing this piece of your boy with us walter watched on tearfully and later he said that it was an honor to be able to give such an important piece of fred's history back to his mother i've got peace in my heart i'm happy this is all for my son nobody forgot my son she said it will be with me till i die this is a piece of my son i'm getting back it's a great feeling maciel told us today overcome with emotion and gratitude at the reunion there wasn't one dry eye there as they all pay tribute to fred the fallen hero macia was overwhelmed by the support compassion and love that was displayed on that day as her son was given the memorial he so deserved the twist of faith that brought the tribute flag back to her nine years later is a truly incredible story fred's cousin lee nelson expressed his gratitude to have the flag back too it was amazing to come to my family like this it's funny how things work out he said all because walter and his wife had been browsing a flea market and happened to come across the flag walter intuitively knew that it was something special the moment he saw it because of the brown's determination they had managed to restore something to fred's mother that she thought was lost forever and in doing so they had also united two families patsy and laney have remained good friends i was real blessed that both of my boys came home in one piece and i have a huge responsibility to her laney explained it just goes to show that there are good people in the world and that sometimes the stars align to bring them together
Channel: CreepyWorld
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Keywords: Man Finds Old Flag At Garage Sale, Then The Marines Came, Man, Finds, Old, Flag, Garage, Sale, Marines, Came, Man Finds Old Flag, Garage Sale, Marines Came, Old Flag, garage sale hunting, garage sale, american pickers, how to, garage sale finds, making money, creepyworld, CreepyWorld, creepy, world, usa, viral, viral videos, 2020, youtube, creepyworld stories, creepyworld viral, united states, america, mystery, uk
Id: r-nSTvbRTeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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