Mammoth ship crushed in a cave - General Grant 1866

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hopeful Jones is on the air oh can't you hear the Chimes they're telling you to take an easy chair when sitting in the Dark Soul shout out your radio times Corporal Jones had ate it on the air [Laughter] [Music] because of Legend uh and ongoing interest this is the most famous the General Grant our shipwreck Storyteller John McChrystal yeah she she sometimes described as the the Mount Everest of southern hemisphere shipwrecks and that's mostly because she's got everything really she's got a great story she's one of the great Mysteries of the sea after all this time and many many different Expeditions expending a lot of effort no one's ever quite managed to find out where she is and of course the reason everyone's been looking for her is she's got a good deal of gold aboard so there's that Tang of sunken treasure there too there was about two and a half thousand ounces of gold on her manifest it's pretty likely that that was a board there's been a persistent rumor that there was considerably more gold aboard because there's been so much difficulty uh in actually locating that wreck there's been various conspiracy theories down the years that perhaps this was a bit of an insurance job or perhaps there was no gold aboard here in the first place and it was necessary that the ship was made to disappear somewhere on Route yeah um it is the human stuff she's um the classic story I guess of how ships came to come to grief on that Coast she set sail from Melbourne on the 5th of May in 1866 with 56 passengers 26 crew and her Captain by the name of William Herbie Laughlin she'd been sailing before a pretty good Breeze until the weather closed in two or three days before she got into trouble her last observation was at 800 hours on the 11th of May the captain knew he was in the vicinity of the aucklands and so he ordered a watch for land to be kept on the 12th still no side of the Sun and still no sign of land he doubled that watch on the 13th and late that night 10 30 at night in fact The Dread call went up land on our Port bow um okay describe the General Grant what sort of Affair are we talking about what sort of floating concern is it a lot of people yes she's a big handsome ship actually no photos of her survive but I've seen photos of her sister ship she's 180 odd feet long big solid vessel High bows and very tall masts she's a pretty imposing looking vessel and that needs to be born in mind when you start looking at the pictures that have been made from survivors accounts of what it looked like when she was wrecked because the Auckland islands make this enormous vessel this enormous sailing vessel look like a toy there were 83 Souls including the captain aboard so yeah that's a that's a fair few people most of them were gold miners they were taking their passage from Melbourne back to England presumably because they'd made their Fortune another reason why it speculated there was more gold aboard than was officially listed pretty much all of these people you imagine crowded the docks to go up the Gangplank and they were they were really looking forward to the rest of their lives back in England where maybe they'd left in reduced circumstances and here they were coming back with higher gold in their pockets ready to to sort of cut a dash amongst the society where then struggled previously that's the kind of dream that comes badly unstuck so often for us doesn't it the wrecking of the General Grant is an extraordinary Affair as far as I've heard it described by survivors and people have tried to depict it take us through how it was wrecked as with noted she's she cited land on her Port bow she was sailing before a Norwest wind at that stage the captain seems to have supposed that what he was looking at is the Bottom southwest corner of Auckland Island has immediate evasive action was to turn South and to run before the wind to try to clear the the land for the South they ran that way for about half an hour and then because they hadn't seen anything further they decided they were safe and he ordered her to stand back on her course for Cape Horton so Salem pretty much East they did that for 20 odd minutes and then the horror the even more horrible Cry of land on our starboard power came up and then straightaway landed ahead uh within a couple of minutes it became all too plain that this was the rest of Auckland Island right in front of them so their initial sighting had been of Disappointment Island which lies pretty much Due West of the middle of Auckland Island where they were now was somewhere to the south east of Disappointment Island and right on top of Auckland Island oh dear as described last week sheer Cliffs coming straight out of the ocean that then you add the 60-foot high pounding waves in bad weather yeah that's what you're facing so that's where the General Grant found herself and as we have noted with the other vessels we've discussed no reverse gear in these things and just no way of turning around and sailing back the way you came didn't help the General Grant that she lost the wind immediately that she found herself in this perilous position so being at the mercy of the currents there was nothing she could do to prevent her total distraction really it wasn't just coming up against the rocks and Cliffs of the Island it was a cave and it's it seems kind of spooky does it work s yeah it's um probably the thing that captured the imagination of people most in the day was the fact that after she had been washed around a little bit by the the currents and the waves she sort of struck one of the projecting points of Auckland Island first by the bow then she struck another by the stern and then after that she was driven by the waves into what's described as an enormous cave the first uh people aboard knew about any of this of course was when bits of the Mast and bits of rock started raining down on top of them they had to order all hens to to the after the vessel while the foremast got wrecked on the ceiling of the cave on the ceiling of the cave it seems short time later the main Mast Struck it as well so there she was she was wedged in a cave and everyone was huddled huddled on the stern middle of the night and the Mast was forced down through the Keel I understand like the ship was wedged in there that's right she was just absolutely jammed in there they spent the night like that the weather had moderated the winter dropped the sea had dropped away a fair bit because there was no immediate danger the captain ordered that everyone should just stand fast and wait until the morning before they attempted to launch the boats They Carried lanterns up the rigging and hung them over the side just to learn a little bit more about where they were memorably it's been described as just a sheer a cave with sheer rock walls on either side on which not a bird might find a rest and no one could could hope to climb them so they knew the situation if the ship was hopeless and it was just a matter then of waiting for enough light to try to get the boats off they began the abandoned ship operation about seven o'clock in the morning all the while the weather was getting worse the ship was rising and falling in her wedged in position the stub of the main Mast was engaging the roof of the cave and putting enormous strain on the Keel of the vessel was there any thought that I will stay on the ship it hadn't sunk now she hadn't sunk uh but she was clearly going to okay they were brutally exposed to the weather there and it was plain that that had good luck to have lasted that long but with the strengthening Breeze yeah they knew their Goose was cooked so it was life right it was life rafts after that that's right they had three boats aboard they had a Long Boat which is a relatively substantial boat yeah over 20 feet long and then they had the usual Gigan penis which are both smaller vessels they launched one boat first of all with a few Sailors aboard who had some great big lumps of iron and a line and the idea was that they would row this out and dump it over as an anchor just so that the other boats could then use that line to pull themselves out and not have to worry about rowing ah there was a bit of miscommunication that seems because while the line was rode out that boat was meant to return but they stayed outside the cave and sort of watched from a distance it's quite likely I think that those guys just decided that yeah they got out alive they were going to stay out there because to 10 was just to put themselves in more danger and this is where we begin to see the typical shipwreck thing happening where human nature gets divided into the really good and they're really not so good right right they get another boat in the water and the idea is to start evacuating the women and the children on it because of course there are both women and children aboard this boat the first woman to volunteer to go was Marianne Jewel who was nominally a member of the crew but in fact was just the wife of one of the crew the plan was to sort of crane her into the boat using a one of the Yards of the vessel and she was sort of swung out but seems to have fallen into the water her husband leapt over and managed to assist her into the boat but seeing that sort of all 10 pear-shaped appears to have discouraged anyone else from giving it a go so everyone was basically resigned to staying with the ship until she sank sufficiently for the Longboat to get off we should remind people if needs be this is the sub Antarctic you fall in the water if you stay in there for a few minutes you're probably well worse for where if not dead yeah that's right your survival time would be in the minutes uh just through sheer low temperature needless to say this is a pretty turbulent bit of water as well so yeah you're being knocked around in street clothes in extremely cold water well this as you say this is the time when we first see heroism alongside appalling Behavior absolutely right everyone who survived the Shipwreck remarks on the calmness and the orderliness of the evacuation operation arranged by the captain and executed by the crew but it began to fray at the edges as as the end came they now had two boats in the water both with a bit of capacity but it seemed no way of getting anyone aboard them they appear next to have just attempted to load the Long Boat where she was sitting on the after deck of the of the ship in just to wait for the ship to go down and in fact that's what next happened the vessel suddenly began to go presumably as the main Mast punched a hole through the bottom of the ship and yeah she filled up and sank very quickly The Long Boat washed off there were around 40 men women and children aboard that and she got about 50 meters clear of the boat and then was kept sized so that was most of those who had got off the ship and stood any chance of survival everyone who has left aboard the boat really had no chance what so ever a heartbreaking situations of people leaving their children there were some appalling situations there was one woman aboard she was a cabin passenger so presumably fairly well to do but she had five children who knows what decisions she had to try to make in that situation looking after her five children as the ship went down there was a fellow by the name of Nikki Allen who hit his wife and three daughters there apparently Rose Ellen was um standing with her three daughters on the deck yelling out to him to save them he responded by climbing into the Longboat and not even looking back as they rode off by contrast another man stood there and tried to persuade Rose Ellen to abandon her children and save herself she refused and he dived over at the last moment and made the long vote so he nearly lost his own life in fact he did win the the Long Boat capsized short time later Laughlin seems to have decided to stay with this ship the last that anyone saw of him he was up in the the missing cross trees so that's the back Mast on the boat and right up high so he climbed up there and seems to have made a gesture to the boats just to get clear of the ship and save themselves and down he went they couldn't find land and come back and get these poor people no that once they got clear of the cave they it's been sent by several of the survivors and by others who went back and visited for 20 miles in either direction there was just absolutely no weird you could pull up a boat once again these are perpendicular Cliffs and we're by now we've got a large swell smashing against it so not a chance what an amount of heartbreak and loss of life in this one spot yeah all at once that's right and that's described that a terrible cry went up a terrible shriek went up and then all was still and another Survivor said all was over with the rest fairly quickly the only sort of consolation about the story is that it was massive yeah well what you've got now I suppose is two small boats bear in mind these are just dinghies really there's no shelter Comfort or anything in them there are 15 survivors out of the 83 aboard these boats and once they're outside the cave they're sitting there and they're trying to work out what to do the ranking officer is Bartholomew Brown the first mate but he's no use to anyone because he was commanding one of these boats but he had to watch his his wife standing on the after deck pleading with him to come back he tried to get his boat to return but he was overruled by the others in it as it was full Hardy so he's just lost his wife and apparently he was inconsolable and no use in the decision-making process as always happens with these shipwreck things one person seems to come to the fore and in this case it's a man by the name of James tier he's an Irishman hard as Nails he was raised in a fishing Village back in Ireland came out as many did to Mel Melbourne to try to make his fortune on the gold fields and in fact seems to have done so because he was mourning the loss of quite a substantial number of gold sovereigns he didn't do what a number of his sort of fellow miners aboard the General Grant did as she began to go down and sort of pile all the all their personal gold into their pockets and strap it on their persons and then jump in the water he didn't think that was a very good idea and so it proved and some people did that yes this is gold Madness isn't it that's exactly right and that's how Tia described them he said lunatics and their gold just unbelievable in any case tears the man sitting in the boat who takes command in the end they sort of swap Personnel amongst the boats until they've got enough fit people to row each boat in roughly even number of bodies aboard and then they set off a Disappointment Island which is well to the north west of them they had a hard row all day to try to make Disappointment Island and they didn't quite do it that's miles away why didn't they just try and try to find a little Beach she bit where they were they're just are no beachy bits okay to be had really yeah but the decision was made Disappointment Island it was well that's not exactly an easy place to land on either but okay they get there what happens it's not called Disappointment Island for nothing uh it's not Club Med that it's a scaled down version of Auckland Island itself it's just sheer and very little vegetation that's of any use to anyone on top of it just a couple of little tiny Stony beaches and attempting to land on one of the aforementioned Stoney beaches one of the boats capsized and most of their Provisions are at this point lost overboard they had 50 pounds of salt meat and 50 odd tins of soup aboard that boat but then after they've managed to get the boat back and sort of scoop what they could out of the water they only had three pounds of pork and nine tins of soup oh dear yep and meanwhile of course everyone in both parties and both Boats were underdressed most of them were Barefoot they hadn't expected to be wrecked in such clothing as they put on anything bulky they would have got off as quickly as possible when they're in the water most of what they wore was just no match for those conditions anyway really cold shocked in some cases just in abject morning for loved ones that left behind in at least one case tortured one hopes by by a very guilty conscience it's hard to imagine human beings more up against it than these guys were at this point and it happened so many times somebody goes hang on I've got some matches yeah when the weather moderated adequately they went from Disappointment Island and rode around the top of Auckland Island into Port Ross which is comparatively hospitable and huddled on the Stony Beach there three days three nights without food they decided that it was time they looked at cooking themselves a meal so yes they do the Australian Haka looking for matches they come up with Bartholomew Brown the first mate managed to find a box of matches struck one and it lit to everyone's Joy but of course they had nothing gathered with which to set this match that match burned down uselessly apparently he just went into a bit of a panic and just started lighting them one after the other oh no in the attempt to light stuff around themselves had to be wrestled to the ground in the last match taken off him James here seems to have taken charge of this match and tacked it into his hair to keep it dry and ordered everyone to just wait until it was dry enough to make a decent job of it and in the meantime to collect everything dry and burnable they can find and when the moment was right apparently they all huddled around and said a short prayer Tia took out the match and struck it Billy sangrally who was one of the youngest people in that party is a lead of only 19 or so he couldn't bear to watch and he snuck off into the shrubs because first of all he realized that if that match didn't light they were probably all going to die and if that didn't light and they couldn't cook themselves a decent meal then he was most likely as the youngest and smallest to be the one selected to be dinner in subsequent days they got their Violet the Netflix the Tinder court and the fire was lit and they didn't let that fire go out for the next 18 months they opened one of their precious tins of soup and they'd collected two Albatross from Disappointment Island so that was their first first meal and that set the tone really from then on pretty much this sole Focus was gathering enough food to keep themselves alive until rescue came how long are they there before people start thinking about cannibalism or worry about it well this has had to know um again these Castaway stories have they they just can't be treated as 100 reliable because the survivors are the ones who have made hard decisions and maybe they've done stuff that they just don't want people in The Wider world to know about and probably have and probably have I think there is a story that's been passed down amongst the family of one of the survivors that a life was actually lost when cannibalism was being discussed in the decided in fact on the the fellow they were going to eat they were chasing them through the scrub and in doing so they saw a couple of pigs and they thought woohoo there are pigs we don't have to eat each other after all right so then they began chasing the poor fellow to let them know that let them know the good news uh but he of course just knew that there were people blundering after him who last he had meant to eat him so he kept running away and according to the story he fell into a river and was swept out to sea the floor in that story is that there are no rivers on Auckland Island there are plenty of ways you can fall into a Watercourse and be sweat gout to see but not in a river so that story yeah might just be a tall tale there's an awful truth there yeah yeah a group split up yeah and this is another interesting thing as well again the story is told by the survivors and most of those who were involved in this Breakaway group who went and based themselves at Connolly Harbor didn't survive in the end tears group who remained based at Port Ross seem to have been the the more effectively functioning group in many ways and it's pretty hard not to speculate on what it might have been that split them up TIA had taken charge but there was a ranking officer in their midst and Bart Brown was one of those who disappeared off down to to Connolly Harbor the official reason that Tia gave when he was telling her story afterwards is that this group were looking for Musgraves Hut from the Grafton because Dad read reports Melbourne was absolutely gripped by the story only two years before or a year before in fact when the survivors showed up to tell their tale so they knew that there was a substantial house and maybe some items of of Interest down there and Bart Brown is supposed to have led a group down there to find what they could find but yeah you do one that there was one woman amongst these these rugged sailor types and there were two let two leaders one official leader and one The Unofficial leader it's not hard to find ways in which that group might have fractured a ship is cited yeah now this is just the ultimate heartbreak really how long have they been there now when they see this ship well that's October so they were wrecked in May so they've been there around six months uh yeah on October the 6th they saw a ship and it was a big ship and it looked like it was heading for England and just sailed past and carried on her Merry way I guess she has to go down there's another near Miss for the Auckland Islands a few hundred meters either direction and she could have joined them in a Grafton invacled style double act on on Auckland Island but how heartbreaking must it be you're reaching the end of a very very hard winter and what looks to have been your only opportunity for rescue has gone shortly after that that seems to have galvanized them at least into thinking if if we can't rely on Rescue and that might have been our last chance then we've got to rescue ourselves what condition are they in at this moment because this is a long time for the uh six nine tins of soup that they had yeah they've been surviving on seal meat and on the usual Macquarie Island cabbage the silver copper not everyone took to that particular diet that well so they've been surviving but they haven't exactly been thriving so yeah they're all pretty emaciated and weak it sounds like most of them are suffering from some form of dropsy although it's hard to know just reading the survivors reports what that actual melody was oh you could take your pick from quite a few in that condition that it was likely not scary but it may have been some reaction to the vitamin A and the the livers of the seals but either way yeah they're not the picture of Health at this point so they consider self-rescue as well after seeing the ship go off into the distance with that feeling of heartbreak that's right according to James tier it was agreed between himself and brown that if rescue hadn't arrived by sort of the middle of summer they're going to have to do something about it themselves and so Brown returned with his group from Cowley Harbor and they began fitting out one of the boats to send her North to to New Zealand so on the 22nd of January Brown and three of the other Sailors took one of the ship's boats with a bunch of Provisions pretty pretty heartbreaking selection of Provisions really they had seven tins of soup which was all they had left they had some seal fish they had some goat meat and they had some boiled gulls eggs they took fresh water and dried seal gallots they didn't have a church and they didn't have a compass and as it turned out they were tragically misinformed about where exactly New Zealand was relation to the Auckland Islands they believed it was somewhere East Northeast and that was a Direction they took in fact New Zealand's a little Due West of is a little west of due north and east Northeast is one hell of a lot of nothing that's right so it's going to shoot the gaps nicely between the Chatham islands and New Zealand and you'll just sail parallel to the the coast of Mainland New Zealand without ever citing it that might be what happened but yeah you sort of hope that the Gale that sprang up a day after they left did for them and they didn't suffer a a horrible death by starvation or death through thirst somewhere out on the high seas it will never be known though it'll never be known they were never seen again oh yeah so again it's a little like the situation that the two who were left on Auckland Island when the grafton's master and the other two crew members sailed off to try to rescue them those Left Behind must have just had an awful weight wondering what would become of the people that waved goodbye to became clear as some attend to Autumn and then Autumn turned to Winter that they weren't going to be rescued by that means either and so they began preparing themselves for yet another awful winter on Auckland Island the only thing that went right for them in this period is they discovered how to catch pigs James tier who had managed to sort of Cobble together seal sealskin clothing and a few other bits and pieces for them figured out a way of bending a bolt a steel bolt which they'd found into a hook and fastening a rope that they made out of flex to it what he'd do was he'd take this like a guess and sort of lay and wait for the pigs and then hook the hook into a pig and then drop the pole grab the grab the line and hang on to Graham death they not only killed a few pigs this way but they also captured a few and put them in a pen and by the time they rescued in fact they had quite a thriving community of Auckland Island pigs there nonetheless the um plenty of hardship of course were people dying because of exposure weakness starvation yeah um around September so at the end of their second winter one of the older member well the oldest member of their party one of the semen by the name of David McClelland died at the age of 62. it seems as though he cut his finger which seems pretty innocuous but in a weakened immune compromised State uh you're probably at the pre at the mercy of infection and he seems to have died of septicemia yeah which has it just breaks your heart really you've survived all of that and you've managed to assist in the effort of keeping everyone alive and then you you just conk out when pretty much the end of the ordeal is is now there's very little remaining from the previous shipwrecks that we were talking about but the grafton's an exception isn't it there are some they were quite industrious they got to making seal skin clothing and uh the Heartbreak of those people going off never to be seen again other the people knew they're not going to that those cats were dead because you know nobody come back to them they made these little boats with messages on them just kind of like a message and a bottle thing help us yeah these have survived or at least one of these little boats they made have survived they they carved wooden hulls ballasted them with a bit of metal and gave them a tin sale and carved into them General Grant Rex gave the dates gave their location and added the poignant words want relief and set these sailing off into the that the vastness of the Southern Ocean and the hope that someone would pick them up um they also inflated sealed bladders and attached some of the messages to those and sent them floating off so that yeah they were they were trying everything and uh considerable Ingenuity well one of the one of these little boats saying Help Us it survived was it picked up at sea or was it just found in during construction no that that built it that they never got a chance to launch it because they were rescued before that they set it set it off good Heavens yeah what a Memento from that time yes I think that's in Southland Museum that one I can't remember whether that's south of the museum or Canterbury but either way uh you can see that Southland museum has a fantastic display actually of General Grant uh memorabilia and a decent mock-up of bits and pieces of of their their shipboard life and their their life as Castaways tell us about this wheel weird Barrel Stave with an inscription yeah no one of the things that's haunted people down the years is that there was the possibility that while the Grafton and the invercalled were wrecked there and two lots of survivors were some assisting independently of one another there may even have been a third on the island at the same time a barrel Stave was found by the General Grant's people it seemed to have the name of a vessel the Minerva and it seems to have been the Minerva of Leith and the words four officers one man uh sorry one one officer four men and uh a set of dates that actually correspond almost exactly with the Inver called it has been various different explanations for that Barrel Stave there was a whaler called the Minerva that operated in that area at roughly that time so it may just be someone idly scrolling on a on a bit of wood while they were ashore and with no more significance than that it may have been something to do with the invac called which has been suggested because the dates are yeah pretty closely coincident but the one officer and four men doesn't figure because they were in fact two officers and one man in the invocal party so yeah you just can't help but wonder whether that had some significance some awful significance certainly the General Grant people thought it did okay we have to take a break and we'll come back with the eventual rescue it's not as John how many survived and how were they rescued in the end after this 18 months on Auckland Island as you recall there were 15 got off the ship so out of 83 15 had survived four had set sail and their aborted or their ill-fated self-rescue Mission so that left 11 one of those Left Behind had died probably of septicemia so that left 10. so there are nine men one one woman uh still there a month and a half after David McClellan died a sale was cited and it disappeared East uh into the Mist what a heartbreaking sight that must have been because that was the second time it had happened to them but then two days after that another ship was seen coming from the south and this time she appeared to be heading for Port Ross most of the group at this stage is on in fact all of the group at this stage is on Enderby Island which is a comparatively hospitable Island just off the Northeast Coast of the main island and yeah James tier and a couple of the others jumped in the boat and set off rowing I reckon much as our rowing Crews and recent Olympics covered themselves in glory I reckon they would have struggled to match these guys emaciated as they were rowing after the ship as she headed towards Port Ross they were rowing for their lives they were rowing literally for their lives those left on NB Island were watching the set fire to everything they could set fire to as you would they saw the boats taken aboard the vessel and the vessel went into Port Ross and anchored so they knew at that point they were they were on the point of being saved this was the Amherst who'd been out of Dunedin on this on a ceiling Expedition and yeah she she had headed first down towards Connolly Harbor and then on her way back she'd decided to win anchor at Port Ross Captain Gilroy's was amazement saw these fellows struggling out of the Bush and uh pursuing him in their row boat yeah it was he who delivered them from this awful awful ordeal and they went from there they went to Bluff right that's right they were picked up from there they seemed to have allowed Amherst to spend six weeks or so on a ceiling Expedition this has happened in other shipwreck stories too where the rescued allow The Rescuers to go about their business so that they're not out of pocket yeah which is incredible but they'd be happy to have something to eat yeah you would think so yeah carry on ceiling this is not bad that's right compared to what we're used to this isn't so bad yeah so yeah after the the holds are full of seal skins off they go and they sell back to Bluff where everyone is just gobsmacked not only because their own story is so remarkable but because it's following hard on the heels of course of the Grafton and the invacled and yeah these people stagger off the the Amherst dressed in the most outlandish sealskin clothing and there's a woman so well known now it's because people went back there time and time again to find the stupid gold and I don't think anyone is this true no one really knows they haven't found the cave where this ship is supposed to have been munched up like little matchsticks that can't be found no that's right um yeah when you visit Auckland Islands you get a sense of why that is that whole Coast is just riddled with caves and yeah not all of them are big enough to actually admittership the size of General Grant in the way that most people imagine she was admitted but yeah there are plenty of caves and plenty of indentations on the coast there that are capable of swallowing ships whole and uh yeah that seems to have been what's happened to her but the remarkable PostScript to the General Grant Survival Story is that even after she'd sank and even after the the survivors had made it back to civilization the General Grant kept taking a toll because as you say people kept going back and looking for the stupid gold three of those who had survived infected fate and went back which just seems incredible to me James teal was the first he went back in 1868 and couldn't find the gold David Ashworth went back in 1870 his luck ran out he took a ship he took a ship's boat around the west coast and uh while that ship played anchor at Port Ross and waited for them to come back with the gold it became clear as time passed it that that little boat was not coming back so David Ashworth died on the west coast of the Auckland Islands after all oh yeah yeah which it seems a bit of a waste really yeah and then finally Cornelius Drew who was another of the crew members went back in 1876 and again couldn't find the gold so yeah just it's a remarkable story it's a remarkable remarkable story John mccrystal thank you so much the wreck of the General Grant its location still unknown today could be under Fallen Rock foreign [Music]
Channel: Epigwaitt History
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Id: Bmdldjo61uE
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Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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