Mama says unwind the Maserati deal

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my boss comes across and walks me it was officer said don't try to sell him any more cars today when you sell someone an exotic car usually something they've thought about or dreamt about or shopped for for a great deal of time it's usually a great experience but that's not always the case and you know if you shop for a car remotely on the internet or by phone and you take delivery by having it shipped to you technically you have three days to refuse it but if you come to the dealership negotiate a deal in person pay for the car and then drive it away it's yours at that point you don't get to bring it back but as you'd imagine selling hundreds of cars a year sometimes people would like to and I remember one guy in particular because he had rented the yellow guy era that I had four supercar rentals and he had driven it around for the weekend and loved it and you know showed me at the time the Lotus Esprit that was in his garage that he never drove and meticulously detailed and as he came into the dealership a few years later he said that he had sold the Lotus but he wanted another sports car and so we started looking around and he really had his eye on an Aston Martin Vantage but he wanted a stick and at the time probably 2012 they were starting to become more and more rare but we had one that was gorgeous had every carbon option and all the updates for 2012 and on we reached something that was agreeable but the whole deal took a long time and in fact we didn't really finish up everything and have him signed and financed and all the paperwork done until after we would have normally closed at about six o'clock and at that point it kind of gotten dark and so he drove off to head home and was actually really kind of nervous about it because he never wanted the car to have any imperfections and he'd imagine driving at forty fifty miles to his house it was gonna have the chance of something like that happening but we said you know I just keep some distance drive slow you'll be fine and we're closed the next day on Sunday but the first thing on Monday that Vantage comes rolling right back in he had kind of wrapped it with like a temporary style clear bra to protect it as he would drive it back and as he got out of the car he had a big piece of paper on it was a handwritten list of every single imperfection in this brand-new car that he had just bought and he was furious about it and as I went through kind of the things he was upset about they were all really the product of it being a hand-built Aston Martin because while Astin's are unbelievably high-quality cars with quality materials that are built by people who are meticulous they're hand-built so it's not a stamped out Japanese or American car that comes off an assembly line every 17 seconds and obviously his first request oh just give me my money back take the car back and we'll think about something on another day and we were not gonna do that we weren't gonna give him his money back and unwind a deal and not have the profit that we had in it so over the course today he's just distraught going back and forth I know taking him to lunch just kind of try to talk him off the ledge and love the car that he loved 48 hours prior to that and it really just was not working so as we got back I said you know what look maybe the one that you bought is a little bit below average I'm not sure that's the case but let's look at some other cars and just see if maybe you want to trade into something else I mean certainly there's been some depreciation because we'll have to title the car we've punched the warranty and everything else has started on it but let's see what we could do to maybe move you into another one and we had a very similarly spanked black-on-black Vantage s and so we have taken that out of the test-drive just to let him see would you prefer the paddle shift and he did kind of like that and thought well maybe this car that was developed a little bit later somehow is in higher quality or better condition and there was no good way to expect that but we let him look around we kind of said look just make sure that you're comfortable with it but again the whole negotiation and trying to figure out the trade value of a two-day-old car on another new car that we certainly did want to sell took a good while and so that went into the night again after we would normally have closed but he agreed to buy it he paid for the difference and then we just kind of did a collateral swap on his loan I think and he drives off into the night but as you'd expect the next morning he comes back and he spent all night with his bright lights in his garage finding every single imperfection in the car every panel gapped at slightly different side-to-side or trim pieced it's a little bit misaligned or little speck in the paint whatever refines he's just livid again and so as you'd expect I move him to another car let's look around this one see if it's any better maybe it'll live up to your expectation we'll do what we did like yesterday and let you write us a little bit of a check and have a different one and as we were walking around the showroom looking at other cars trying to find the most perfect one of the bunch my boss comes across and walks me it was offices ad don't try to sell him any more cars today whatever ends up happening which will not involve us giving his money back and unwinding these two deals let's make it only involve these two cars rather than another one and at some point you just have to look go drive your car enjoy it when you bring it back and trade it back to us on whatever you decide you want next we're still gonna give you all the money anyone will because it's gonna be above our standards we want to be respectful of your own but at the end of the day it's a hand-built exotic car that's built in very low quantities and we ended up finding out that about a week later he traded it in on the gray Maserati brand-new from a dealer down the street and you know all the power to him I cannot imagine that any Maserati was gonna be a better quality car other than by random happenstance then this Vantage was but I know that they ended up running that Vantage through the auction and I would imagine the reason he did that is they were the only people who had enough spread on their new car to over allow him enough to make him reasonably content with the deal he got on the trade value but perhaps the most interesting story I have about immediate buyers regret was also a different gray Maserati but there was a guy who had been coming around for the last few months kind of looking for his next sports car and he mentioned that he had had a Maserati Grand Sport and oh five or oh six can't be a course a car and he loved it which was kind of a unique sentiment for a Grand Sport or any Maserati of that vintage but we ended up getting in on consignment a 2005 Maserati Spyder can be a course a paddle-shift car it was pretty nice I mean it's one of those things you get kind of nervous about selling coz there was a pretty good chance something bad was gonna happen not long after he buys it because it's pretty good chance something's gonna happen every day you go out and drive a Maserati I think is probably I don't know early 50s Italian guy lived in Atlanta for a long time and it was really excited it did fit what he was looking for so didn't take long he agreed to everything we got it all set up signed the paperwork and I pulled the car around after we had it kind of cleaned up and ready to go we walked through all the things and kind of just left him there to leave in the car so I went back inside and was doing something at my desk and I see him kind of pull around to a different part of the parking lot and park in front of a different door walk inside and he wanted to ask something about his temp tag or something else and the the slant in our parking lot was not very steep but it was slight and certainly if you put a car in neutral and didn't engage the parking brake which is precisely what he had done it might roll backwards and it rolled backwards about 20 feet into a park Jaguar that we had on the front line in an inventory ready to sell so he comes in just freaking out after he's gone out and observed the damage and saying that there are some scratches and you know a little bit of a dent on each of the cars and it wasn't gonna be that major but obviously the idea of having to repaint part of your new to you Italian sports car is not something that makes you wildly pleased so he's like I don't know I shouldn't leave it in today I can't do this and I you know I you need to take it back it's t it's your car that's you you know y'all that get damaged and we're like no I mean you parked it in a way that allowed it to damage the car we're not that upset we'd like you not to be upset and as we went back and forth we kind of like look we don't want to sour the relationship over this let's just say we'll fix ours you fix yours it's gonna be a few hundred bucks to repaint each bumper nobody's gonna worry about it we'll move on down the road and he reluctantly and after a few hours of groveling and whining he did leave and again we were closed the next day on Sunday but first thing Monday morning a woman walks in elderly woman pretty Italian looking tons of makeup just to paint it on face and huge rhinestone glasses dressed far beyond how someone normally would to come to a car dealership on a Monday morning and she comes in and she asked if she could speak to the general manager and it was one of those days that I was very pleased to not be the general manager there were lots of days like that and so I directed her to his office and she walked right in set herself down and this woman was the mother of the person who had just bought the Maserati and she had come in I guess to rescue her son probably after he had wind and grovelled to her about the regret he had for having become so emotional and bought this Italian sports car over the weekend and she felt like we should just unwind everything give his money back and not blame him for the mistakes of his I guess youth in his 50s or whatever my boss was having none of it and continued to kind of indulge her in her need to express whatever sentiment she had about our business practices of you know selling cars to people who test drove them and wanted to buy them but she did not prevail so after probably an hour or so she left a little bit perturbed and throughout the afternoon she would call back several times trying to find someone who could make a decision and also give her a different answer to her question we all told the company line that when you buy it it's yours if you do buy your next exotic car do think about it test drive it and you know think about what it's going to be like when you wake up with it in the morning because most of the time you love it but sometimes you don't but either way it's still yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 1,245,941
Rating: 4.8521252 out of 5
Keywords: Aston Martin, Maserati, Vantage, DB9, Dealer, New, Car Dealer, Car Sales, Buyer, Remorse, Return, Policy, VINwiki, Car Stories, Ed Bolian, Shoppingg, Buying, Exotic Car, Quality, Mother, Italian, Cambiocorsa, Ferrari, Atlanta, Motorcars of Georgia, Clear Bra, Temporary, OCD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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