MAMA PLAYS AMONG US WITH US - She has 999 Imposter IQ

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[Music] today we're going to be playing among us with mama okay [Music] before we start we need to do a test run how do you move biggie told me no right hand on right mouth push down with walk no that doesn't work on here do you hold left click and yes okay i've got this lucky let's play you really yeah i'm gonna be better than you then all right yes yeah you're on the side of the wall but i have to warn you when some people own posters they like to shut doors on you and trap you in rooms okay so don't be too scared when that happens let's go baby if you get triggered easily we recommend you do not watch this video since mama broke lots of among us rules but please watch since it's very funny [Music] okay stay with me okay okay i stay with you where are you i'm here i'm following mom i'm doing my admin okay let's do admin together who's that guy with a little friend you look sassy now looking sass say but i'm saves chasing me where am i i'm all by myself mom safe chasing me safe chasing me i'm gonna do it stop you can't find me oh i did rosie meaning sign chasing me i knew she's gonna think that i think cyan too who do i vote for i'm a saber she was chasing me around it's definitely saber she was chasing you she was acting so sassy it wasn't me it was you dude but it's not me i said pretending to be the imposter was not an imposter i swear she was saying me i have proved i was just trying to hang around you because she's scared like me no she was chasing me she takes me a whole o [ __ ] maybe it's sucky soggy's following me mom you're so sad stay with me biggie okay i'm stuck i don't know how to use the control where'd you go mom oh this guy's acting so sass oh minnie 64 is acting so now i'm on camera's mom's if you die i could hopefully see it minnie it's minnie 66 4. why he's acting such as this big i saw blue self-report oh no it's perhaps it's verbs please self-report all right so blue saying you saw naz kill but now saying face or blue kill self-reporter it's blue nice it's not nice it's never a nice knot it's got more light it's definitely blue it's mama you can look sass why because you go for the wrong person okay it's not we can see you killing people [Music] whining poster remain stay with me can i stay with you in song we're staying with mom it's our purple dude let's go find the dinosaurs looking sus yeah where'd you go i can't see you oh look at this green don't worry i think it's green i'm gonna go fix the lights oh hello okay it's the dinosaur guy why okay who is this person mum there's a task there oh where where where was the task meant to be mum is a task there [Music] i was just so proud of myself i've forgotten right man you stars think you're saying it's red was over the body it wasn't me no no i wouldn't tell my own daughter i trust wife they're trusting you but they do let me get away with it i was a green pasta you didn't even know it i felt so bad but i killed you i'm sorry no it wasn't me oh i think you want mom it's mommy elias mom just have to get one more person come on quickly kill someone kill one more person then you win come [Music] on come with me in the bay i'm going to show you something really come with me wait i can't find you oh no lights are off no no uh oh every time i by myself someone dies oh pink get away mom get away from me dead boy you poor muslin saber mom chasing me it's red it's not nad she was doing tasks i was just lonely that's why i was chasing you nas i was just learning she doesn't know that she can get off the cabs i'm gonna vote wowza i was in cafe when party got reported of course when he was in the cafe she's probably cooking the vegan dish i'm on woza everyone watch me scan at med bay and i'll show you i'm not impressed so we can be friends yeah i'll show you i'll go down to my bank come on people vote are they noobs or something nazi we could be friends because i know it's so nice because i saw her doing time nazi likes being with me we're just chilling get away biggie we're all together we're like three friends this guy's all round guys he's coming oh no they've left me that's a bad thing all my friends who did that to you it's not naz it's not biggie because we were hanging out together the whole time we were together the whole entire time so annoying i know who the imposter is because it's dinosaur who do i vote for [ __ ] he knows who it is and i don't know who it is it's jonathan kanye isn't it definitely not so big and say right i don't know no i'm picking saber it's not me stop just burning me every time it's not saber it's dinosaur he was he wasn't imposter guys it's dinosaur don't go near him [Music] where's where's my friend away from me he's going to bed peggy and you're on the van this dinosaur i'm gonna take security with dinosaur is i'm starting with some insecurity with the boys guys you idiot you told you for that dinosaur you deserve to die oh i someone loved me in [Music] see you later buddy guys you can't tell anyone who the imposter is guys you're not meant to do that all right so i'm just doing my task i'm being fine they with their head blow up upstairs for some reason it's piggy and mama they blow away security again me and then they went out i think you guys come back it's so big guys it's you you're trying to blame everyone i think it's mama because now said we got trapped everyone know nice it was nervous that's why she was blaming everyone else that was not an imposter two imposters remain who's trying to kill you i'm with you stay with me biggie no don't leave me someone died hey oh i saw it with red and black what does that mean actually sort of like me she thinks i did it i believe orange so what who who do i vote for why are you about seeing me i was with biggie the whole time does that mean he gets kicked out no what no it's me because i was with everyone biggie come with me where are you i don't know i'm with you i know who the imposter is i know who it is who is it might be you no i wanted them they think i'm one of them no you need to kill someone be funny mommy kill someone jockey make me win i like yeah i don't wanna win you're gonna win okay don't kill biggie please don't kill me he thinks something's cool don't kill him i have a strong suspicion that it's it's orange i'm with the glue popping i didn't want to kill bee that was sucky's idea i did not want to kill biggie he trusted me yeah we're gonna get something boy okay no i didn't want to do that you made me do that i could just kill someone so easy right now no you can't even see dead body who wasn't that so you're in security now you're winning okay you're winning i was in security that's what i would normally hear okay [Applause] oh mother mother killed me i wanted me piggy [ __ ] killed you it wasn't me i told her not to kill you all night all night long we play minecraft all night long
Channel: Norris Nuts Gaming
Views: 4,560,637
Rating: 4.8980856 out of 5
Keywords: norris nuts, norris nuts gaming, gaming, family friendly, sabre, sockie, biggy, naz, disco, norris nuts real names, norris nuts school, norris nuts real ages, among us, norris nuts among us, norris among us, norris nuts impostor, biggy impostor, naz impostor, norris nuts games, among us impostor, among us game, mama plays among us, brooke norris, mama norris, norris nuts mum, norris nuts mom
Id: q7hedrOdB9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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