MAMA!!! how many are EWE carrying??? 😱 | SPRING LAMBING 2021 | Vlog 424

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look at what we have that's a full bottle out of her stay distracted mama you're huge can you deal with this can you do the work so i don't have to [Music] [Music] another three good mama [Music] what do we got down here good morning you're fresh you guys it's 4 a.m that's a big nammy mama you mark for two well that's big you got more coming i don't know hi good morning guys well i'm not gonna lie i'm really excited that we have lambs um i'm a little disappointed that it's 4 am which means my feeding schedule isn't working i'm really kind of sad i have religiously stuck to 11 a.m for starting to feed this pen always gets fed last so it's probably fed around noon or 11 30. and my friend belinda was feeding at between she said every day between one and two so we were going to compare to see but she feeds up she sweeps up at night late so i don't know i'm just i'm disappointed that i haven't figured this out okay i'm gonna move these lambs into my pens and see what we got going here [Music] hello so mama has mama's really big um teats they're going the right way so this lamb should be okay but it is pretty large i'm gonna actually take out some of her colostrum and use that to feed these four new lambs instead of having to make some because she's got a ton of milk okay okay okay so [Music] it's a full bottle out of her so um that was a wise decision i want to show you her teats just getting that milk out what that looks like now so just let that milk off now her teats are a good size for um for her lamb see that that's way nicer for that lamb to get on she's just engorged but yeah that'll do good mama she is marked for two i'm gonna top i'm gonna give this guy a little bit of milk and i'm gonna give those three a little ciproni and then i'm probably gonna check her for another one so it sounds like a deal so pretty high goats oh a nice milk mommy oh wow so this girl's milk is way thicker you see that it's almost like gel it's so thick look at that crazy so i will uh i'll just top them up good girl mom these are huge huge little triplets [Music] all right you guys we'll check you in an hour or so okay okay oh my gosh i can't believe i got three girls girls how are you guys doing i didn't mean to ignore you that's really good what okay lucy the rules are if you come out here you need to shush i'm just gonna check mama for another lamb [Applause] hello you stay distracted so she was marked for two but uh i couldn't feel any i could barely even get my arm in there so she's already starting to kind of clamp up and this lamb is huge now everyone's going to tell me well why aren't you fostering one of those ones onto her what i find with fostering in my on my farm and i mean there's so many people that are successful at it i suck at it i've had a few um surprising surprising successes but for the most part i find number one if the mom is close to her baby like this they're gonna talk back and forth and the babies can be distracted number two if they are too full like they wouldn't even take a bottle barely so the lamb has to do 50 of the work like they have to really fight especially when mom knows it's not their baby and the number three thing is it's still really really wet with mom's fluids i would have to wash the lamb which means if this mom doesn't take it i've washed all the fluids off mom the original mom so i can't even put it back with her and this mom doesn't have any afterbirth like barely anything at all to actually get that square footage covered so what i would typically do is take some cleanings off of mom and really really wipe it on that lamb and she just doesn't have any so yes i could foster a triplet onto a single like i dream of a day like this where they land at the exact same time but i just don't think this my gut is saying the stars aren't aligning and i have to get that machine going anyway because i have a set of triplets here and i said triplets there it's too late for the older ones because they're already i think they're already darn near three weeks old we're not giving them much every day so that's uh i would foster but just the stars are not aligning so i'm not going to all right i'm going to get these two dogs out of here just got back from some breakfast and uh everything appears to be all good in the hood so one thing about feeding later in the morning uh they're not crazy crazy hungry first thing when we're out here and it makes for just a really nice quiet time to observe and be one with my thoughts which is never a good thing anyway my triplets are doing good they're all laying down and dried off and look content typically if a lamb if i'm wondering if a lamb hasn't drank or not they're loud and that's a pretty good indication but uh chris has been here and topped everybody off i think she's just across the road doing chores over there oh i think i left lucy in the did i leave her in here oopsie what do we got going on here we're gonna have a baby yeah you [Music] look at her oh my goodness mama you're huge are you seeing this whoa whoa okay guys i'm getting gloved up she has i've given her at least an hour maybe an hour and a half and uh she hasn't progressed she hasn't even laid down to push which i could probably lever still but i'm going to do an internal just to make sure we don't have a roadblock which means like a backwards lamb or um or one that's just not positioned right so excuse me there you go i hope we got going on he's a feisty lamb mama [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's your baby can you help me out here yeah i don't have it out yet i feel like you can do it you just haven't started pushing it i'm gonna let you progress on your own okay i have made the decision to let her work a little bit she really isn't contracting even with my hand in there she's just just dilated now so and she's starting to be a little more vocal um and the lamb is really really active so i'm not concerned that the lamb is in distress um but i think she needs to work she needs to work a little harder um i don't want to reef it out and get it halfway out and get it stuck um so i'm gonna let it i'm gonna let her work away a bit maybe half an hour i'm gonna make a phone call so can you um can you deal with this can you do the work so i don't have to the lamb is presenting perfectly so i don't think i don't think physics is an issue here i think it's um someone's being a bit stubborn she wants it to stay inside so you let her work for a bit and i'll come back okay i've seen her down a couple times and i have a zoo meeting in 10 minutes of course so i'm going to attempt to see if i can get these lambs out again because i don't want to go on the meeting and have her in trouble [Music] i'm gonna get some lube i might have to take off my gloves okay i'm back with some lube literally right there waiting to come out mama i don't know what the problem is okay let's try that that's a girl good old lube that's a girl yeah we just needed a little lube here you go mama good girl good girl oh it's so nice there you go so supposedly you got yep then i went right behind another big one holy moly mama yeah this one was been in labor since like 10 30. yeah well kind of labor like [Music] silly there you go got him good mommy boy boy two boys [Music] and you are marked right yay [Music] oh goodness gracious [Music] you good yeah you're good yep two two babies pretty babies milk and milk you're good you're good late for a meeting [Music] good mommy that is it [Music] all right you guys look good well i missed my zoom meeting i actually got on six minutes late and they were like well good news sandy quickest zoom meeting we've ever had so uh anyways i came out these lamps are doing really really well they've been up and drinking i tried to top them up with a little bit of colostrum i have been trying to do this with every lamb this time just to make sure they've got some now i was in the house for half an hour just answering some emails um and they were already up and on her but i just i topped them up anyway one took a wee little bit the other one wouldn't even barely take the bottle so i think they're okay i see the one has a little milk mustache so uh and they're quiet so we are gonna let them be i have my milk machine all set up i'm gonna show you that in a sec and i tried to top off my my three little black lambs and uh they wouldn't drink either so they're getting some food one of these triplets drinks really well so it'll probably be the one that we pull eventually but not until we have enough to get on that machine so hoping we have some more babies today there's a few that look really close but um not bad for today we've had three four five six lambs three u's which is uh solid two which is good good math guys so i have all my hoses connected into the into the warm room i have a little kind of a little access port right there so that's all uh connected i have my 220 plug hose is all connected to that too i've got all my nipples ready to rock and roll one there one here they may need adjusted it always kind of needs adjusted based on where this litter is which it's right to the ground basically and then i've got my machine all hooked up so i got all the hoses on i just put on kind of nipples that don't leak at the bottom and i have the hoses there and then i'll just i'll just uh interchange them with longer hoses as as we have to add more each hose does 15 lamps so i mean i'm going to need a lot of lands to actually overload this machine and there's only like 100 in this group so i don't think we're going to overload it we've got a light for when it gets cold at night got all my extra hoses kind of all neatly kind of stored here for now and i actually put a skid here and all my milk replacer really close to the machine how i've kind of laid this out is the the line that is closest to the machine will be that far pen there uh so they will start there that is the starter pen they get started on the nipple they don't have the milk doesn't need to get sucked as hard to get out to the lamp so i always kind of put the lambs when they're starting out i put them on the shortest line if that makes sense and as they graduate they'll go to this one a little longer lying and then i'll just keep making this pen bigger and dumping them over to the over to this pen the only reason i didn't put these guys in here number one there wasn't enough number two they're gonna be way too old for the rest of these lamps to compete they'd get bullied out and they're gonna lean too quick so uh yeah so these are reserved for all the ones that are actually in the planned breeding group not these ones so i'll be stuck feeding a bottle for a little bit longer in there i might even move that whole group into their own pet i am a little concerned on uh coccidiosis as i've talked to my vet uh is the fact that i always keep my lambing groups tight so if you notice i i will get about halfway through a group or i'll get like a week of hardcore lambs so if i get say 50 lambs in one week i'll probably shut the pen off at that point and start a new pen for the following week and that is to keep their ages close because what can happen is if you've got a lambing group about like a four week period of lambs i don't want a four week old lamb with a newborn because that four week old lamb is shedding things in their manure they're picking stuff up they're building immunity and they shed stuff that the little ones have no immunity for to fight coccidios is one of those things um so these guys are already like they were born the last week of february we're into you know we're getting into the middle we are into the middle of march they're already well established well ahead and they're going to be starting to shed stuff because they've been building immunity so what i might do is just wrap them around put them behind this bottle pen just take up a little bit of this room i really want them by a water bowl i don't think that's gonna happen so i'm still gonna have to pail water which really sucks but you guys i have another meeting in like half an hour and i swear i heard i swear i heard a lamb so i'm just quickly doing a bottle feed and checking i think there's two hello hello big mama good mommy you still look like you got more in you hello welcome always when i have a meeting i literally have had no meetings no calls for like weeks and the first day they start lambing i've had three potential ones today missed the one didn't go on the other because i knew i'd be busy and i have like a district a sheep meeting tonight that i've already i've already texted my chair and i'm like um i might be late that one's really small wow okay we are gonna move them into a pen mom should be okay she looks like an old hat she's a 2016 you might not be done though you're marked for more she's marked on the bum which means more than two and she's still kind of looking [Music] suss you're looking seth well hello goodness gracious hi guys turns out i'm glad i had a late meeting it's ten o'clock and uh we have a little night surprise i think it was her that's her that's a good girl looks like she's supposed to have another one yeah i had a kind of a long meeting with some really good presentation so i was really glad i was able to do it uh but yeah it's late i'm going to bed up this pen and i'm going to put her in a pen check for another lamb and go to bed i'm tired i'll see you guys in the morning take care
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 1,278,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lambing surprises, lambing season 2021, spring lambing 2021, lambing indoors, sheep, sheep farming, Sheepishly Me, Sandi Brock
Id: f0XRqRzznXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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