MALTESE Makeover. SHORT round FACE trimming with SHORT ears.

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this is Yoshi and Daisy they are here for haircuts they're going to get a short haircut with a cute little rounded face and short puppy ears so let's get busy on these two so I'm just carefully easing the shampoo around the nose and the eyes being careful not to get any soap into the eyes foreign because she is dirty I soaked her up a second time and I am going over the face with the soap in the face with a comb to get the extra stuck on dirt out of the face I know that you've got an extra dirty face you do get that extra jelly face dirty girl yeah after this rinse I will condition her and then get her ears cleaned good girl now I'm using an ear cleansing solution filling up each ear canal rubbing the base of the ear and then we'll allow her to Shake It Out wrapper up in a nice warm towel time to get dry during the blow dry I am using a Chris Christensen butter comb number 006 and artero flexible Slicker and a Diane comb eating clean puppy all right so she's turned for a bath okay gotcha so he's pushing so hard in the tub he really need to have the groomers harness on him this product is great for little dogs who have collapsing tracheas and breathing difficulties especially if they tend to be more anxious this allows my hands to be free to wash his face instead of attempting to keep him in the tub just going to wash him twice faces are extra dirty on these two okay yeah it's a good boy you can see how the harness sits way below the trachea the trachea is up here the Groomer's harness is attached to a grimmer's harness tether which is attached to my tub platform now we're going to fill up each ear with the ear cleansing solution massage the base of the ears and let them shake his ears out shake the solution out of the ears I should say you can do it there you go okay always you are yeah all right I know poor baby and we're gonna wrap them up in a nice warm towel with a little man dry foreign hi Yoshi oh see it's nice here yeah all righty we're going to do short years with a rounded face with a very short beard right guess what we're gonna do to complete his haircut I'm going to use the Diane cone Jaguar gold six and a half inch shears zolita blending shears these are curved artero Fusion curvy shears the Chris Christensen face comb this is the buttercone number zero zero six the utsumi superfine comb the Paw Brothers brush with the little plastic tips and artero Spectra Clipper with a four in one blade and the churn bow digital Clipper with a four blade [Music] and lift up the ear and turn straight under the ear all the way down over the shoulder skimming off on the leg and rounding under the rib cage coming straight back over the cap and skimming off on the big thigh muscle [Music] good boy that's very very nice see I told you you're gonna like it here so now under the chin I'm going to come out the front of the neck to approximately the jawline I'm going to lift up the ear and come against the grain halfway between the eye and the ear I'm going to come straight up into the top knot I'm going to leave all this fluff up front same on the other side not trying to get it real smooth just knocking out a bulk of hair there we go I'm going to lift him up come straight up underneath all the way up to the armpits that's a good boy next I'm going to use five blade on a sure and bow digital clipper and I am going to trim his chin foreign that was shown to me on what it is that they're looking for for a haircut had a fusion inspired mustache with short ears and a rounded face and with the fusion inspired Styles they have very short short chins next I'm going to do his pads we're going to use a 30 blade do the same on all four feet [Music] and because we want to keep a rounded mustache we don't want to take off too much hair between the mustache and the eyes but nevertheless it's got to be cleaned out really good so we're going to come straight in at the corner of the eye [Music] we are not scooping or just coming straight down we are coming in like this not like this comb this hair up and back I'm going to switch to a 40 Blade and this hair that's coming down over his nose I'm going to come straight on to the nose and skim off that hair and here you can see he's got his tongue sticking out he's got this hair just above his tongue just going to come in here and try to carve that out between the tongue and the lip it's not easy don't try that at home kids the ears have got to be short per the pet owners photo instructions so while I've got my Clipper on a 40 Blade I'm going to cut my hand around the ear and just clip off the desired amount [Music] on the other side and repeat that [Music] and see if they look fairly even [Music] I will go back over that with the blending shears this is just to give it a nice start now we need to do the tummy I'm going to do this with the Tim blade goodbye just using a light pink pick action good boy and under the tail and bye she was very nice going to brush all the hair down around the feet and anything following below the pads I'm going to scissor off very carefully it's very easy to knit these pads with the scissors so you have to be really careful foreign you're trying to decide if you like me or not aren't you yeah it's okay you're gonna love it here I promise oh I promise buddy yes I promise you're gonna love it here yes we're gonna be bestest friends because his friends yes we are I love offering a place for these little tiny dogs to just feel so safe and so comfortable there we go Cube can stand up on your own I promise you stand like I can't I can't do it there we go good boy good boy that's it that's it so with this feet firmly on the table I'm going to scissor around the feet good boy good boy using eyebrow magic mist spray I'm going to lightly Mist him and gently comb this hair up and scissor the legs to blend them into the body okay I've got a stand Bubba I gotcha like I said this is their first time with me he doesn't know me or understand at all my system and how I work foreign so typically for this type of face I do not leave a long top knot so I'm going to pick up the top knot here between my fingers fingers down towards the nose and then clip a straight line on the back of the top knot I'm going to repeat the process but my fingers will be more angled down towards the back of the neck this should layer the entire top knot into place and it will need very little work to tie it all together next I'm going to comb the bangs down trim that I'm going to comb this hair up and back bring my scissors straight up and down and carve a line between the hair on the bridge of the nose and the eyes now I'm going to do my scissors the opposite way so this time I did them this way I'm going to flip them over and do them this way why does that make a difference just a very slight angle that allows me to get in a better trim get in here and tighten it up just a bit now I'm going to lift up the ear comb the hair up and out and right about the back line of the eye I'm going to start blending this up into that cheek here that we trimmed short with the four blades round that right up into the top knot keep that on the other side good boy comb it all out and see how it's looking all right now I'm going to angle this mustache out to the side up and out on both sides match it up foreign I am tapering up the back of the ear a bit making it look more like a puppy ear and get this hair under his tongue since his tongue tends to stick out right there there and right there quite fine very comfy brushes no no he wasn't very comfy I see see if waking your tail is he reading you telling me do you like me oh did you like me little man see I told you it was nice here I told you as I told you you were gonna like me I did so you can see here how the hair comes forward from the mustache we don't really want that so we're going to take what's coming past the nose there it's okay you can't do that part no we're just going to trim that off it's okay okay but you nope boy nope it's okay you just did not all happy aren't you you are yeah cause you know you're almost done and it went really good didn't it yeah it was really good about that see I told you it was a nice place I told you yeah I told you he was gonna like it [Music] all right we're gonna give him a break and work on his starting with the poor blade on the trunk of the body going from the back of the head down towards the tail skin skimming off the shoulders [Music] rounding under the rib cage steaming off the back end going to come against the grain up the front of the neck against the grain of the cheeks blending into the top knot skimming off as we get towards the skull [Music] brush it all up again her hair is a mix of cottony and silky coat it's a very heavy thick silky coat so it's right in between of whether I would choose to clip it with it brushed up and out or laying down I'm choosing to brush it up and out before I clip it um because I don't know her too well I am getting used to what her coat's going to do and for the most part it seems to be trimming properly leaving a few lines in the coat that I'll have to go back and blend out the texture and thickness of the coat is what causes me to decide how I'm going to approach preparing the coat for the Clipper work thick poodly coats it's always brush Against the Grain back brush and then clip with the grain and or against the grain the silkier coats I brush the hair laying down and clip with the hair laying down and the mixed coats are in between coats I do a combination once I learn the dog and learn what works best on them then I'm you know going forward what I'm going to do with them now I'm going to take my four blade Against the Grain and clip all the way up to the elbows good girl yeah he's very very serious because he was very very very good yeah yeah what a good puppy now I am going to take my 30 blade and trim the pads of the face repeating the process on all four feet [Music] I'm going to come straight in in front of the eye and nice grouping and I'm going to take my 40 Blade and just carve out in front of the lips here use the 10 blade on her tummy and up under her tail take care that was very very good yeah she was just so good all right okay now we're gonna take the chin with a five blade against the grain okay okay bathroom and using the 40 Blade we are going to trim the ears short by taking our hand around the ear bringing it down to about where we want to trim and skimming off the whole thing all at once do the same on this side and we're gonna check them to see how they look for the top of the head I'm going to bring all the hair up between my fingers and glue it down towards the nose and Chin the back of the head and pull it down towards the back of the head and trim Palm ball up down towards the eyes and clip a bang now I'm going to take the Chris Christensen butter comb number006 fan all this hair backwards with my scissors straight up and down going to carve a line all the way around comb the hair up and Back Again flip my shears the other way comb everything up and out foreign the mustache up at this angle up and out with the ears out of the way I'm going to comb this up and out and blend the cheeks up into the top not better using my artero Fusion curvy shears I am going to brush all the hair down on the feet and trim off anything that falls past the pads being careful not to Nick the pads with my shears brush the hair around the feet and scissor the feet with them firmly on the table good girl foreign the hair on the legs up and blend them into the body okay baby crazy paper the back of the ears a little so they look a little more natural we are all finished with Yoshi and Daisy this was quite a makeover this was what they looked like before and this is what they look like now thank you for watching be sure to like this video subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to hit the notification Bell so that you don't miss a single upload this video was brought to you by grumber's harness available at have a great day guys foreign
Channel: Dog Grooming Tips and Tricks
Views: 6,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to groom dogs, Dog grooming, Grooming dogs, how to groom a dog, grande style pet grooming, go groomer, my favorite groomer, how to brush a dog, how to comb a dog, how to dry a dog, how to trim a dog, live dog grooming, jun the groomer, petgrooomer, groomerok, bigmomo productions, man's best friend, groomer style, lovely grooming, rovers makeover dog grooming, girl with the dogs, how to cut a dogs hair, how to groom a maltese, maltese haircut, how to cut a maltese hair
Id: qHcdRXQwydw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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