Malicious Compliance | Unfortunate Screensaver

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we are back my beautiful people got some more malicious compliance so let's get in the stories and I'll see in a bit unfortunate screen saver about 15 years or so ago yours truly was working as a theater technician staged not operating at an Art Center which hired out upon occasion for corporate affairs of various sorts the event was an insurance company holding a risk management conference basically to shut at their sales slam about not miss selling financial products or at least how to not get caught your standard corporate dose fest things I but I had exams and figured the gig would be a chance to revise all is going pretty much to plan modulo the usual idiots who don't actually speak into the mic and the mumblers but that is fairly normal for these things then mister big knob arrives he thinks himself very senior second under the assistant to one of the assistants to under the secretary for paperclip distribution there's something like that very full of himself and very alpha conversation an earshot of my boss and grand boss big knob son I want you to put my laptop up on the big screen and then don't touch it I don't want you messing with the picture while I'm talking because I know you people like to mess around with senior people's presentations me thinking WTF but be professional fair enough picture sound and light and then leave it alone until you finish doesn't bother me big knob that's right I don't want you touching anything me okay fine thinking you utter prat but easiest projection shift ever well at the due time mr. big knob makes his way onto stage and I do my thing house lights go down electrolytes and mic come up tap out and laptop to projector we are off to a very tedious couple of hours of death by PowerPoint things I turns out the guy is using word not PowerPoint and this matters because this guy puts up a page of basically unreadable text slides should not have more than five lines and precedes to harangue the audience while walking up and down the front of the stage ignoring the laptop mostly inaudible because he did not let me fit him with a laugh and in the dark because he had told us he was going to use the podium and I was not to touch the controls well after 15 minutes or so the laptop does what they do when left alone the screensaver kicks in gay BDSM porn some of it featuring big knob as the bottom thirty feet wide and 15 feet high appears behind him on the screen and he had plenty of slides I am watching from the control room maliciously sitting on my hands I got no comeback at all from my management but the look of horror on his face when he turned around was priceless and I suspect the risk management lesson that was imparted was not quite the one he expected the look on the CEOs face was interesting as well the CEO actually came up afterwards and said he told you not to touch anything didn't he I said yes CEO mutters figures middle management tells technician not to interfere with presentation gets exactly what he asked for entitled mom burns their precious baby with hot sauce so I was originally going to put this in our slash entitled parents but then decided it would be better here tell me if I should also post it there so a little backstory and I work in a store that has samples one sample is a really really spicy hot sauce it makes grown men cry well that kids are not allowed to try that sauce unless they have permission from a parent so this one boy and his mother ek and am as probably no EK try some of our sauces mostly mild ones slightly spicy but he found that spice way too hot EK eventually notices the super hot sauce and starts to trying it to which i say me oh you can't try that without parents permission it is insanely hot and has caused grown men to cry EK oh okay i thought that was the end of it boy was I wrong ek tells iam what I said in some twisted way or something but I didn't hear en comes up and says iam how dare you tell my baby boy he can't try the hot one he is way stronger and smarter than you he got all A's in third grade a stupid retail worker at a tourist town is too stupid to understand so just do your job like you are trained to do and let my boy try me already annoyed ma'am I told your son it is very hot and very painful and he shouldn't try it but if he had parents permission it's okay this is when I get the idea under one condition of course M well hurry up and tell me what to do your presence is killing my precious baby boy's brain cells me well all you got to do is sign a form saying you knowingly and willingly allow your son to try the hot sauce I just have to write one of those up of course p.m. yeah yeah whatever just hurry up so I wrote out a basic form along the lines of I blank hereby allow my son to try the very spicy hot sauce at blank knowing full well how hot and painful this sauce can be blank for her signature blank for my signature now she has already bought something in this store using card and had to sign the receipt so I asked her to sign the form the same way she signed the receipt for extra proof that she agreed she quickly signed the form I wrote an ek dunk his sample stick into the sample as far as it could go an inch deep and cleans it off in one go now when I said this sauce is very very spicy now I wasn't kidding jalapenos rate 1,500 to 2,000 Scoville units where the ghost pepper rates out at 1 million Scoville units this sauce rates at a whopping 750,000 Scoville units and use a pepper extract to reach that heat and if you don't know pepper extract is an oil and oil will linger in your mouth so this sauce will burn for a good 20 minutes a good 1 second goes by after eek a tried the sauce till you saw his face contort and to sheer terror and agony he started crying bumbling screaming incoherently speaking at the same time it was quite a sight to behold eeehm what have you done to my baby he's hot cheetos all the time he can handle heat you must have poisoned him hot cheetos don't even really get as hot as jalapenos me this sauce is far hotter than a habanero in at least a few hundred times hotter than hot cheetos EK and barely recognisable English lollies hurts eeehm I'm gonna sue you for poisoning my baby now give me chocolate milk for free we sell chocolate milk for a dollar fifty me now I'm sorry ma'am but I can't do that I was only trained to sell the chocolate milk for a dollar fifty per bottle so you're gonna have to pay just like everyone else at this point she is screaming so much you could probably mistake her for a flock of chickens all getting strangled or something but I just ignore her til she storms out in a huff sorry this is not a big malicious compliance story but I thought it fits here please tell me if I should repost it in our / entitled parents quick little side note although this story sounds fake and just might be just remember at the end of the day we're only reading stories because they're fun so as long as it was fun it was a good story deny me my contract but make me do the work anyway fine I'll do exactly what you asked hi all longtime Lorca but my first post here it's also a long one but the back story seems kind of necessary to me ok so I used to work in a fairly well-known or at least where I'm from discount store where almost everything was the exact same price anyhow I'd been working there for enough of a time to consider myself fairly experienced and I worked damn hard at that place for the first two managers we had enter lazy manager my first manager had realized I had the potential to start as a supervisor so he put in a request for my training to start before he left the second manager honored that and everything was fine eventually they had to leave to be replaced with a lazy manager our contracted managers on salary pay unlike us hourly workers had a 40-hour minimum contract I'm about 99% certain that they lazy manager fudged those numbers because if you come in at 7 a.m. and leave at 2 p.m. that's 35 hours and she always took two days off oh and took an hour lunch every day so that's 30 hours some days they even left earlier like 12:00 or 1:00 p.m. naturally that meant that despite being in training all of the supervisor work fell to one other supervisor and me with barely any experience staying 2 to 3 hours past my finishing time unpaid because if the store wasn't tidy I'd get it in the neck and I started to get fed up understandably especially since you don't get the pay increase until you're on supervisor contract the time comes from my training to end and my contract as a supervisor to start and she decides I'm not ready yet despite me running the store basically on my own for large periods of the week ok fine be that way whatever I carry on doing what I'm doing while looking for other work about three months or so later she tells me she's ready to finalize my contract great but only if I can clear a 15 pallet delivery in four hours with an understaffed team are you insane I worked my ass off and cleared 14 pallets two of which I stayed late to finish nope not good enough now I'm pissed our retail director hierarchy was lazy manager area manager regional manager retail director was due in for a visit the next day and our store was a crap hole as a result of a lazy management and lack of staff so when she asked me bring down all the pallets from the upper warehouse I saw a chance a moment for potential revenge and I took it she wanted the whole delivery cleared so it looked like we were some amazing hotshot store and she gets all the credit we had a 13 pallet delivery fairly large but not unusual we also had 11 pallets of old seasonal stock that gets bend slash given away in the corner of the upstairs warehouse enter malicious compliant straight after lazy manager left I brought down all 13 pallets and stuck them into the corner of the lower warehouse then I brought down the 11 pallets of old seasonal stock and boxed it all in making it look like a massive delivery that no one had bothered working after tidying the store I left it all there awaiting tomorrow's crap storm I had the day off but I was absolutely not going to miss this our retail director was a firm believer in being on time so if he said 9:00 a.m. it wasn't 859 or 901 it was 9:00 a.m. on the dot so I got there a few minutes early and made myself busy deciding which bottle of drink I was going to buy I see him come in get greeted at the door and make a beeline for the warehouse about 30 seconds later I hear fur antek yelling and I can see them through the glass pane on the warehouse door he's ripping her a new one she actually starts crying goes up the back way to the office in a few minutes later has her stuff and is leaving retail director calls up the supervisor and tells them to close the store as normal and a temporary manager will be there tomorrow I quit not long after anyway but I wasn't letting that slide alrighty guys I hope you enjoyed the stories and if you did you know the drill consider subscribing and if you really really liked it maybe give it on a thumbs up and a share anyways I'll see in the next one peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Foobier
Views: 16,932
Rating: 4.9076924 out of 5
Keywords: best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit top posts, reddit story, reddit maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, top posts, top posts of all times, r/malicious compliance, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance stories, reddit malicious compliance, r malicious compliance, malicious compliance reddit, foober malicious compliance, reddit stories malicious compliance, daily reddit, rslash, rslash malicious compliance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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