Malekith: Dark Elf Darth Vader

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you know who's cool Darth Vader you don't want a fantasy race I'm obsessed with elves all types of them so when I look at a character who is basically Darth Vader but an elf I am very excited that is a recipe for me to love that character despite the mountains of flaws they may or may not have because as much as I love subtle and interesting characters with very deep and complex backstories sometimes I just want something simple something I can wrap my T-Rex brain around and Elven Darth Vader Sauron is something I can very easily wrap my head around because the closest thing I have to a job at the moment is filling my head with that kind of brain poison to talk about online so with all that being said we're going to talk about malakith the witch king of nagarond buckle up everyone because it has been far too long since I last talked about elves and I think it's just about time that I rectified this massive glaring oversight on my part There Is No Escape and I will not rest until everyone loves elves as much as I do but first comes first and first I absolutely must tell you about rage Shadow Legend So the sponsor after all it's only right let's just jump right into things straight away No Holds Barred Doom Tower sometimes ancient Godlike beings don't quite manage to truly defeat a big threat maybe they're not strong enough maybe they're held back by their emotions or maybe they're just incredibly lazy hey I get it sometimes you put off work for a bit too long and it bites you in the ass that happens well it happened in Raid 2 because the Arbiter fought some right nasty enemies before and locked them in a tower and now she's weakened so the tower can't really hold them in for very long you better go clean up her mess with an army of Champions unless you want the world to be doomed that is because there's some kind of monster those Champions better be buffed to hell and back too because for instance let's say you gear up to fight the Scarab King if you can't reduce his max HP just stop fighting him you're dead that's it cyan art at everyone in your party oh and buff Shield because instead of doing what polite video game enemies do and focus on either defense or offense Mr Scarab King is good at both it's called Doom Tower Chief I don't know what you were expecting but raid has something new this month two new things in fact firstly the iron twins Fortress if you can beat the iron twins residing within it you can unlock the power of Awakening what this means is you can pick a blessing and not only buff a champion to Debbie God's status but even completely transform how they perform in battle personally I'm incredibly indecisive you put a menu in front of me and I'm gonna spend 30 minutes staring at it before I stutter out in order in panic when the waitress comes around so knowing that I can give my Champion some more versatility on the battlefield means that I can avoid this crippling problem of mine or you can pick a blessing in a field that a character already excels at and create an absolute beast on the battlefield or just pick the one that looks coolest to you that's what I recommend it's a drip or drone world out there and I'm not sinking that's for sure and most importantly and I'll be damned if I don't mention this death knight is getting an all-new Ultimate Death Knight form he's a 10 out of 10 no 10 000 out of ten thousand the man the myth the legend is finally getting the respect that he deserves no longer shall he toil in mediocrity now is the era of death knight and he this future worshipers of our glorious savior all you need to do is log into raid seven times between now and October 27th and you get them for free you already get raid for free you know you get this absolute chat of a champion on top of it and if you use the promo code DK Rises you get a whole load of free items enough in fact to boost your new strongest Champion straight to level 50 in a 5 Star Ascension I mean what more can I say I can say prestidigitation but it's not really relevant so I'm going to continue on if it's quite all right with you the time to get into raid is in just a few seconds because I have some absolutely stun running offers to throw in your face and you've got to hear about it I have for you thirty dollars worth of free stuff that's right thirty dollars click my link in the description or scan the QR code on screen right now pay attention please it's only polite and you get the free epic Champion virgis 200k silver one energy refill One XP boost and ancient Shard to get yet another free champion it'll all show up right here right in the inbox in the corner are you looking you better be because this is where the Free Stuff shows up rewards are only available for new players and for 30 days only so you'd best download right now and I'll see you there all right let's talk about malakith malikith was the son of an Aryan who to make a long story short was the high elf version of Sigmar without the ascending to godhood part if you don't know who Sigmar was I'm kind of curious how you got here but he was caught in the Barbarian but even more German anyways after an Aryan cleaned up all the demons attacking the high elf's home of Ultron he decided that now was as good a time as any to go off and die somewhere he at least left his armor behind though so what a good guy after that all the Elven leaders who hadn't been sent straight to sonesh in a handbasket during Chaos's first invasion of the world decided on who would be their next Phoenix King malekith naturally thought he would make a pretty good leader as it turns out the rest of the elves present disagreed and crowned some guy named belshinar instead to be king or kind of contradicts on whether or not malakith took this with good grace or military pretended to but what is certain this is dami Mommy Marathi was very unhappy with this outcome either way though malekith wasn't really feeling all the courtly Intrigue stuff the High Elves got up to was all very convoluted in Game of thronesy which malekith wasn't a fan of he just wanted to hit things with a pointy stick like his dad so he settled on a Grand Adventure to find Glory or something like that which he did you also found dwarfs now you might immediately think that oh the leader of the Dark Elves found dwarfs and the dwarfs in turn found a bunch of knife ears I know how this ends and if you did think that you couldn't be any more wrong early in their history elves and dwarves were the best of friends in Warhammer they were the only two civilized and intelligent races that either had found by that point sure there were civilizations like nehekara and Cathay but the elves and dwarves either didn't have much contact with them or thought they were still beneath them and on top of that malekith and the dwarf High King story Whitebeard were best of friends the second best sonorian Warhammer gave malikith this pimped out horse girdle which I know sounds lame but it's a fantasy series that kind of thing is what you give someone and in return malekith gave snoring ithelmar goblet for context iflamar armor is probably one of the closest things you can get to in Warhammer fantasy for making power armor behind gromwell and being blessed by a chaos God and malekith had some of this incredibly rare and expensive material turned into a fancy cup it is said that second best snorri used this cup in favor of a Dwarven tanker till the day he died and in fact when he died Malik the swore an oath to him that elves and doors would be friends for all eternity Noah you should remember that oath because it's going to come back with a vengeance but regardless an elf was allowed to witness the Dwarven King pass that is some serious respect right there closer to the ends of his travels Malco found a city that was probably built by either the old ones or lizardmen since it's confirmed that it wasn't built by man Elf or dwarf and the beastmen and oryx aren't exactly known for their towering monuments unless said Monument is made out of inside this ruin he found some artifact called the circle of iron which he took to research the secrets of spoiler alert the secrets were corrupting dark magic naturally he took it with him because of course he took the blatantly evil magical artifact why wouldn't he because it's obviously cursed what with being made of evil energy and left in an abandoned Eldritch Ghost Town listen man plot's gotta happen eventually and this is as good a way to start it as any as malekith returns to holthan he learned that pleasure Cults had infiltrated a large portion of Elven Society worshiping Celeste and generally making a messable civil Affairs and bed sheets all across Ultron according to the lore it's because the Great War against chaos was well over a thousand years ago by this point and people forgot making deals with demons was bad news but the thing about that is that Warhammer elves are more or less functionally Immortal if they aren't killed in battle so most of those bronze would remember what happened the last time demons were a thing but whatever like I said plot's gotta happen eventually at first when malikith returned he was hailed as a hero the son of an Aryan will wipe away the chaos Scourge as his father did but as he took action against them he found out who the leader of the Cults was and who else was it but dami Mami dearest at first he jailed her kind of despairing that if even his own mother was a cultist he couldn't trust anyone but Marathi was very convincing either with her words or with her vagina and malekith was soon swayed to her cause if you think I'm just being crude for the sake of cheap comedy by the way I'm not an older Warhammer lore they regularly slept with each other after this malekith laid low for a while to gather a power base and then soon enough the traitor sells he had a mass started running rampant across the province of nagarath that's the one at the top of Ultron with a big glowy sword in total Warhammer for reference he got belshinar hope you remembered him it's been a minute since I mentioned him to convey a council of the Elven leaders to convince them to give him total control over the Elven armies El shanar immediately accepted because by this point he figured malachite surely wasn't corrupted he must surely be on their side still naturally this wasn't the case and the moment malcol out to the council he repaid the favor by calling belshiner a traitor and accused him of being a cultist himself since his Source on the matter was dude trust me almost no one there believed him so he forced bellshinar to drink poison his forces started murdering elves that called him out in his BS and then he walked into the flame of Assyrian now despite what you might think this wasn't completely idiotic the flame of Assyrian is how the elves judge whether or not a phoenix King is worthy if they aren't burned to a crisp it's a sign that Assyrian trusts them to lead othlon sometimes it doesn't work out but hey getting a God's approval is as good a method of finalizing an election as any but politics aside malakith had Allied himself to Cults devoted to the chaos God specifically interested in eating elven's Souls had been amassing a traitor's army to take over oathwan and just committed high treason and murdered the Phoenix King how worthy do you think Assyrian found him if you said not at all then congratulations you're right and probably have more foresight than malekith does he took one step into the fire Assyrian took one look at him and did not like what he saw at this point in time the fire began to act like fire malekith was burned to a crisp and those on his side quickly grabbed his Kentucky Fried ass and hauled it out there of course the fun was just beginning on oath one because now it was time for the Elven Civil War thanks malikith at first he didn't do too much on account of being a burnt chicken nugget eventually despite the fact that the feeling of burning wasn't really going away he was given a magical suit of armor that was bonded to his very flesh this allowed him to be damn near and vulnerable in combat and had the added bonus of reducing the pain from cripplingly agonizing to merely agonizing better than nothing I guess after that he finally got back into the fight and his unbridled martial and magical Fury allowed the soon-to-be Dark Elves to fight a back and forth war that he was on the losing end of yeah it turns out most people aren't a fan of regicidal Maniacs who knew being pretty desperate by this point given that failure meant Exile her death malekith and Marathi decided to send the world to hell because if they couldn't be in charge no one could be they decided to undo the vortex at the middle of oathwan that drained Magic from the world and prevented demons from forming at will seething coping and molding doesn't even begin to describe malikith at this point thankfully for everyone that wasn't either a demon or completely insane a traitor dark L4 in the High Elves a malekith was about to cast power or kill on all of reality and and as their Mages did their best to disrupt malekith Marathi and their sorcerer's vile plans and in the end they came together and actually failed to stop Malachi that being said because the vortex was temporarily destroyed the ancient high elf Mages that were stuck inside of it were freed when these mad Lads finally got back into The Fray The Vortex was successfully restored victory for the good guys and all the cost was millions of Elven lives the death of the reigning monarch and several thousands of miles worth of ultawan sinking into the sea when the magical backlash of the vortex rituals sent reality to Defcon 2. there was one silver lining for malachith the tidal wave of magic as well as the literal tidal wave of water shook the very ground the dark Elven castles were based on but between them being so ridiculously huge and the remaining dark elf Mages keeping them together the dark elves now had a whole lot of city-sized boats to retreat on and thus are the elves now officially Dark Elves as they took their castles with them and just left they sailed Northwest for a while probably suffering the whole way anyone who questioned if it was worth it probably got black bags so morale was the size it needed to be they finally reached the wonderful land of Warhammer America slash Canada named nagaroth now after the former Kingdom of negara they had shelter given that they brought their castles with them but there were a few major problems still needed to be dealt with problem one the druku were excellent at fighting and awful at doing any of this sort of work required to build and maintain a civilization thank you Diabetes pump for chipping in there problem two given that they were exiled they don't own oathwan luckily they figured out the perfect solution to both slavery raid oathwan to steal High Elves which gets you people who not a farm and build and weakens your enemy This was later expanded to read humans because humans breed faster than elves in the dark elves who anyone who isn't them is a Vermin at best this would allow the newly christened Dark Elves to have a civilization while also allowing them to get cracking other Newfound traditions of sacrificing each other to gain as well as stabbing each other in the back and stabbing other races in the everything now let's pull back for a moment because in that last paragraph I pretty much summed up how the dark elves were going to be running their show from here on out remember that vow malikith made a snoring Whitebeard about how the elves and dwarfs will be friends forever yeah that oath isn't long for the World by this point by this point in their history The Elves and dwarfs are beginning to notice their differences a bit more the novelty of another race of beings that didn't live in mud Huts was wearing off but they didn't hate each other yet so Malik got a bunch of dark elves to dress up as High Elves and start murdering dwarf and Caravans combine this with the fact that the Heil Phoenix King at the time was perhaps the single most incompetent one to ever take the throne and soon enough the Asura and the dawi were murdering each other at every single opportunity so have you ever wondered why High Elves and dwarves hate each other it's because malekith started a war between them to weaken the High Elves oh and as I mentioned in my nagash video the dark elves sent to read the dwarf Caravans also ended up teaching nakash how to do magic thanks malekith you Supreme and unequaled prick after this malachith settled into a pattern he and the dark elves would attack oathwan it would fail he'd wait a couple hundreds or thousands of years and time to do it again the first time he did this caused the wood elves to form because all the high elf colonists in the old world went to athelorn to hide but aside from that there's fairly little of note to be honest with you oh sure a lot of things were happening but the interests of not just reading a list of events off the Warhammer wiki that's pretty much the gist of it plus it'd be varying a bit too much into a history of the dark elves in general and this is about malikith and one of these invasions closer to Modern Warhammer times he got do a magical duel tekless he quickly learned that you don't want to get into a magical duel with tekless after he reignited the fire of Assyrian on malekith he nearly died and threw himself into the realm of chaos to get away back to nagaron he did survive but to say he came out with a bit of PTSD would be an understatement given that he threw himself into hell he also made the state religion of the Dark Elves Kane worship instead of Assyrian worship because a God who likes blood sacrifice murder and bloody sacrificial murder is a lot more suited to the Society of star streams it is the druki than a Syrian is since the story for a few thousand years was malikith invades ultuan and then loses let's talk about the lad himself for a bit initially in his life he was an angry hurricane of magic and stabbing but he was still a Noble High L arrogant to be sure but arguably earned arrogance and so much chivalrous and willing to work for the betterment of his people and even beyond that he had a certain Charisma to him he wouldn't have been able to just hit up the Phoenix game to get him to gather all the Elven leaders if he didn't both have some clout and Away with words beyond all this there was also clearly some part of him that was willing to work with others and befriend them as is evidenced by his friendship with snorri sure the races were friends at this point but you don't get to be present for the death of the reigning Monarch without some serious bonds between them existing all that being said he was still a hot-headed warrior and given that he's the descendant of an Aryan his bloodline is quite literally cursed sure he's not as thirsty for the sort of cane as say Tyrion but early in his life he was still quite prone to berserk courageous unlike most of the juki though he still retains a portion of the nobility he had when he was still a high elf though given that his mother isn't exactly the best parental figure around he's turned into a bit of a jerk to say the least and given that his father kind of died saving the world all that was left for him was Marathi to solaneshi cultist to raise him though to give him credit he's actually disgusted by a lot of dark elf Society he hates that dark elves will enact great cruelties upon their prisoners for instance not the slavery part he's fine with that it's more the sense of every prisoner you kill for funsies as one less person in the coal mines in fact he planned on purging dark elf Society of people like his mother and her pleasure Cults if he ever to take control of othawan and finally reign supreme after malekith got thrown into the realm of chaos by malekith he was still evil but he went from Angry hot-blooded evil to cool and calculating evil now he sits in his Tower using his magic powers to spy on the outside world and plot his final takeover of Ultron and presumably peep on people in the shower or something him and his mom also have this on-again off-again thing where we'll try and kill each other then they'll come together to go burn down oath one and then the cycle repeats it obviously never goes anywhere because they're both still alive but they do usually kill a lot of dark elf bystanders I was gonna say innocent bystanders but it's Warhammer and there's not really an innocent dark elf in that setting one other missiless thing I didn't know where to put so here it is is that there's a prophecy that a male sorcerer who was the firstborn son of his family would kill him in response to hearing this he'd agree that all male Dark Elves Sorcerers were to be killed guess that's one way to do it sounds like the kind of thing that would happen to the Bible but it didn't backfire in them so I guess good for him oh almost forgot if you're wondering where the Darth Vader comparison comes from it's because he's an evil wizard who was burned to a crisp and is kept alive at least in part by a suit of incredibly evil looking armor also the dark elves trailer for total Warhammer 2 was just straight up the hallway scene from Rogue one look malikith even has the force anyways let's jump to the end times because they make me angry and I'm working through that by making all of you angry in the end times it turns out that he was supposed to be the rightful ruler the whole time and he's just chicken out at the last minute when he was in the fire so Assyrian burnt him to teach him a lesson or something totally no retconning anything here not at all techless helped him with this by the way and in fact helped him murder the Phoenix King at the time so Malika could take power no it's not bitterness encroaching on my voice I love the end times so much I love them Malika took almost every single dark elf on nagaroth and went to authon to obtain his throne leaving North America to its Fate by way of marauding coronate army he gets to oathwan in a civil war amongst the High Elves start between those who accept this BS plot point and those like Tyrion who think that allying with the guy who spent the past 10 000 years making their lives a living hell was perhaps a bad move after that malkith was supposed to become the Incarnate of the magical wind of fire but the ritual got screwy because Tyrion drew the sword of cane to kill malekith and Marathi undid the vortex so malekith got the shadow wind instead and then because the vortex was undone in this time game's Workshop wasn't going to write it back into existence ultowan saying after that all the Elven races were United once more on account of malachith showing up in athelorn with an army and saying that he just killed the God of War so you can either bend the knee or get it cut off at one point in the end times he was ambushed by a group of chaos followers that somehow managed to get the drop on him when one was about to hit him in the back and ax came out of the darkness and saved his life whereupon he heard a voice telling him that he never did learn to watch his back after all these years but when he turned to see who said it there was no one now why the hell did I bring that up because for one of the only times in Warhammer history a dwarf just forgave a grudge well I don't believe it was ever explicitly confirmed it was most likely ground brindle the white dwarf who saved him and that guy's most likely the identity is none other than snorri Whitebeard malachite's old friend when malekith broke his Ultra snorri that the dwarves and elves would be friends forever it was such a grievous insult that the king had risen from beyond the grave as a spirit of Vengeance but for one of the only times in the settings history adorfs compassion and knowledge of the greater picture prevailed over writing a wrong not really plot relevant just something I think is cool he was horrified by the prospect of allying with the gas which is just so funny to me because he's like one step below a medievalness but I guess even someone called The Witch King has some standards to say that things were getting Grim was an understatement though so we begrudgingly accepted this Alliance and went to bidenheim to stop the end of the world it failed after Manfred stabbed Balthazar geltwell him and the other incarnates the magic were trying to save the world and at last we heard of malakith before AOS was when he was pinned under Rubble watching the world end right in front of him and now we get to age of Sigmar because of course they weren't just gonna let him die he's far too marketable of a character to just kill off even if he doesn't have an army to call his own yet or a model or almost any lore about him that isn't him featuring someone else's story but hey he's still alive so it's got to count for something now he goes by the name malarian because changing his name is a lot easier for Games Workshop than suing the Disney Corporation I'm still gonna call her Malik at the rest of the video though I don't care he's a weird half dragon Shadow thing now whose skull and helmets he who have fused with each other his mom was the first person he found when he woke up in the realm of olgu Shadow and even though they still both hated each other they were the first living beings either of them had found so they stuck with each other oh and also he's a God now sure he may never got him to rule ultawan for very long but I'd say this is a step up if anything him Marathi Tyrion and techless beat the snarled off slanesh and took back most of the Elven Souls she ate during the end times Tecla said first dibs and went on to create the eineth deepkin and lumineth roam Lords Marathi made the daughters of Kane and Tyrion I don't think he really made any that's outside his purview of hitting things with a sword and finally malekith is implied to have made a shadowy equivalent of the Luminous realm Lords he also managed to beat archaeon in combat and is in fact the only God during the initial chaos invasion of the Mortal Realms to do so so whether he's the most powerful god of the setting at the moment or the robo Shadows lets him do some real goober stuff to anyone trying to invade he is the god of Shadow and the realm of Shadow so that does make sense I suppose beyond all that he seems to have chilled out a bit he's still this like Sigmar and the other gods but not nearly as much as he did in the old world he was willing to help build civilization up during the age of myth and overall was a lot more positive in his reactions towards other races than when he was the witch King he even helps Sigmar build an arena to train his Warriors in though that being said part of the reason was both to spy on not Thor and enjoy the pain of those inside of it so he's still a scheming little rat just a slightly nicer one as of late he confronted Marathi on a recent Ascension to proper godhood first he said congratulations on becoming a real God not just an overly glorified elf then he called her a stupid bent because she did it in the single most egregious way possible pissing off pretty much everyone on the side of order and making Sigmar start having a stormcast train against Shadow clone Warriors of the daughters of Kane in response to this she cut off his finger and said he had no right to talk to her like that but he didn't really seem to mind it maybe because he's the god of Shadow and you can't really stab a shadow and aside from that he plots a lot against his mother and tries to keep ordering the realm of Shadow much like the Drew key there's apparently a lot of backstabbing politics going on there so based on the roughly three pages of lore they've given a character whose previous iteration had entire novels about the guy he seems to be doing more of the same as he did when he was a Drew key it's just scaled up now and that is more or less the story of malekith Lord of the druki the witch King and Son of the milfiest MILF who ever Milt I admit compared into cash this one is a bit more Bare Bones but for a pretty decent chunk of his life it mostly consisted of trying and failing to invade Ultron so I thought we'd go Abridged with this one thank you of course to my channel members you are the malekith to my Marathi and you know what there's not a single way I can think to end that joke that doesn't end either monetizing me or dropping my sub count to nothing so how about I'll just leave it at thank you for the amazing generosity if you'd like to support the channel feel free to become a member subscribe either way thank you for watching and take care out there there's no end video joke this time I'm just gonna announce something that I did in my community post here once more for a new and interested a good manner my Discord server created a project zomboid server the details of which are presently on screen if you want to come on in and experience the end of the world with us feel free the power and electricity have gone out but every month or so we're going to reset the service so we can experience the full ride again there is a pretty hefty amount of mods as a heads up but thankfully project Zomboy lets you install them all directly through the game when you join instead of having to manually go to the Steam Workshop and get them all like that hope to see you there and depending on how it goes I hope to Cave your head in with a brick
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 304,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, WHAoS, WHF, WHFB, Age of Sigmar, AoS, Melekith, Malerion
Id: 3AWyDwHL1rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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