Malaysian Plant Based Dishes Are Incredible

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] you know never in my life i would have thought that i eat roja on top of a welsh mountain well here we are hi guys it's guys welcome to my youtube channel you guys must know tom because he's in all of my videos he is the reason why the videos are so so well edited and beautifully produced and not only is he the top producer and editor he's my best friend and his mum is staying with us in wales at the moment too and tom you tell me she's the most amazing cook so i wanted to get her on to cook a beautiful dish yep so growing up she was just an amazing home cook i had all types of cuisine but today she's gonna show you a lovely dish from her hometown in malaysia and where is the hometown it's a little town called port dixon okay so only people from there would understand or know what it is but yeah all right we're going to be cooking outdoors in the lovely welsh scenery a beautiful dish from malaysia and then taking a little hike up a local mountain called the sugarloaf and maybe we'll enjoy the food at the top of it if we get there that is yep let's go let's do it mom let's go meet your mum so here we are in the outdoor kitchen let's get tom's mum lee on come on welcome hello guys thank you for inviting me here thank you for coming look at these beautiful ingredients but first i need to say nihaoma gas was that good it means how are you yeah and i said i'm very well thank you there we go all right so what are we making today right this is one of our favorite dishes when we visit malaysia yeah it's from my hometown and it's also thomas and my son ewan's favorite dish really it's called roja which is a very common everyday light snack really it's not a main meal for not for like breakfast or lunch mainly when we ate at my time it was our eve afternoon four o'clock noon snack okay so what is the first thing we need to do for this dish right the main ingredient for this rojak dish is the sauce which is called the satay sauce oh that is my favorite yes i know if you like peanuts yeah it's the most delicious sauce you can most indulgence yes it is it's got all the flavors that you want the spiciness yes the saltiness the garlicky the garlicky and because this is a vegan recipe um we're going to use alternatives yeah so what's the first thing the holy trinity the holy trinity yes garlic ginger and onion oh this is nice in the outdoors in the sun yeah what a perfect day i know you know how we would do it we would pound everything oh yeah i need to get one of those stone pestle and waters yeah okay so we've got our chopped onion ginger and garlic do you fry these all at the same time well usually we fry them individually okay that sounds good that's good so first of all we heat up these okay we'll get that on yeah put the fire on can you just come and cook for me all the time i can't cook it you can do the gardening and the cooking we'll fry the garlic first there you are there you go that's the sizzle you wanted wait for it to get fragrant smells good ginger and wait for the ginger fragrance to come on i like that you do it individually yes because you bring out the flavor and then you merge it together yeah yeah right now we add the onions [Music] oh now can you smash the lemongrass please yep okay so what while this is just uh doing yeah can you chop the peanuts quite finely okay some fine and some course i'm getting all the good jobs aren't i you're the expert and the quickest so lee now that you've sauteed down the beautiful holy trinity and the lemongrass it smells amazing we're going to add some spices right so we got the turmeric ground turmeric nice and also a bit of chili powder if the alternative chili is not strong enough okay yeah so so if you like it spicy add a little bit of chilli powder too look at this teamwork yeah we've got really fine we've got medium chopped and we've got some nice chunky pieces too which will add a nice texture through this satay that's it look at that i know this is going to be the best satay i've ever had i reckon a lot of malaysian cooking is all about heating it up and bringing the fragrance out because our cooking are very fragrant it's unlike chinese cooking because it's small malay and indian yeah because originally this particular recipe is what we known the mama roja right and mama means the mixture of the indian and the malay culture together i see and the person who made this in my hometown was a mama really he's dead now but he starts taking over the business and he's still it's a wonderful um tradition they are famous for yeah and people will travel miles just to come for that mama we call it wow okay now while this is warm now we can add some water so traditionally you would add balachan which is a fermented shrimp paste to this but obviously we're making it vegan so you've come up with a nice alternative here often we would use nori to replicate a fish flavor that's what we're going to do today what else are we going to add well yesterday guest made this wonderful taste when i tasted it it tasted like malaysian flavor sambal flavor and he mentioned that he only used siracha gochujang and dojang which is to bring up that unami flavor that you you might get on the vlachan so we're gonna try that today a tablespoon of gochujang okay now we'll add on another teaspoon of sriracha starts a tablespoon you're generous like me i'll put the full written i'll put lee's full written recipe on my website so you can have full written ingredients and stuff like that well i guess the spiciness is also quite uh oh yeah optional yeah depending on your palette yeah that's right yes i like spicy so that's fine you can put as much in as you like thank you tom tom's just grabbed some tomato puree or you can use ketchup because why do you want to add this to a bit of sweetness sweetness yes and that bold flavor that it has yeah and the color too so this is just nori seaweed the stuff that you see wrap around sushi i've just blitzed up a couple of sheets here yes you're gonna see it running through probably but it will melt down into the sauce and it's got such a taste of the sea flavor so hopefully it works just like the shrimp paste so in with the peanut butter two tablespoons okay and that's like a double it's like concentrated version of peanuts a bit more yeah that looks amazing already this is a vegan recipe yeah we have to try and experiment to see according to palette and i think a lot a lot of people have different palette yeah so just try and see what oh my god that tastes amazing already wow yeah i think the longer you leave this the more intense it's going to be what you want to do yeah so now basically add a bit of salt okay do you want to add a bit more sweetness do you think i think a bit of coconut sugar would be good yeah that's right let's eat this plenty okay and then a dollop of soya sauce okay [Applause] that is good i think a pinch more salt yeah a pinch more salt but it's probably going to intensify yes over time that's right if you see there's so much ingredients we have to use oh yeah it's hard no it's not it's worth it i make i make food like with this effort in all the time yeah well you're more like my son then because you know in the sense we most of us i mean if you go through the traditional way of cooking in malaysia you would start everything from scratch everything is what ingredients you can get for the season and the time and you have to do it outdoor because it's quite messy this is yeah the preparation of um all the veg that i'm growing i prep outside now anyway and it's nice i like doing outside because you're giving back all the scraps you give him back to the land and then that's great i mean that's how you should do it i remember my dad his greatest joy was eating his fresh lettuce you have five minute gap between table to table five minutes that's good yeah from from the ground to the table so literally what you did was but all the other dishes are ready on the table and say dad nearly serving so we give in five minutes you'll go grab the lettuce rinse it chop it quick stir fry and that's the best nutritional event i feel like that's what i kind of do with my lettuce too actually yeah but this is so delicate no no no no but i mean in terms of picking it and eating it straight away it tastes i think all lettuce when they sell it in the supermarket should be you know on live living trays and then you can just cut it and eat it but people like convenience nowadays so it's a shame but you can grow your own lettuce at home is so simple yeah so obviously the sauce is cooking now what we're going to serve this with obviously we've got the tofu which is the protein bean sprouts cucumber and then talk to me about the carbs that you would use well usually say when if you have this as a light snack you just use it with vegetable and tofu but if you want to make it as a main meal you can add potato cooked potato cut into cubes so when you have say leftover potato from previous meal you can use that because this sauce probably just freshens everything up yes yes and you're going to be using some of my lettuce too oh this is the best ingredient thank you and then you got the uh also spaghetti if you don't like potatoes this one surprised me yes yeah because for us we use noodles yeah but noodles is a bit like spaghetti yeah and what you want is that you want that lovely sauce to cling onto that spaghetti noodle yeah and it does make a complete meal yeah and fills you up we just cook the spaghetti up yep treat it like a normal making spaghetti and i've pre-cooked the potatoes which we're just gonna peel and quarter is it yup bean sprout already washing rinse i'm gonna do is blanch it bean sprout as i eat it it's a so much nutritional value because it's sprouting ah yeah yeah it's basically mung bean you know it is actually mung bean is it yeah there's so much protein in here because it's alive yeah yeah where you live here have so much potential here yeah yeah so you want me to julienne the cucumber next uh yes i do okay like that you show me i remember the stall holder how quick they used to prepare because remember they have to do hundreds and hundreds so it's like a street food it's a street food yeah yeah yeah yes so then you're beautiful stack it up here like that nice let's check the sauce yes oh wow right now usually what you tend to look for is the oil the oil is rising to the top oil they're coming out so that's when all the flavors start coming so we can sort of make this even more creamier by adding some coconut milk yes okay that's right yeah hang on not too hot you don't end up too watery yeah that's it i love coconut milk that looks beautiful you gotta be careful not to get anything on your t-shirt oh okay so with the tofu how do you want me to cut this if you can cut them like into cubes okay into the size like the potato bigger potato yeah we're going to brown them up yes make it nice and crispy that's right okay we'll collect some lettuce now you like the the bigger pieces in the middle you've got some little carrots here did you see these oh you can you can julienne them in that yeah nothing tastes better than the fresh carrot i think it has retained the flavor yeah and the nutrients and that's why i do it it was almost nutty and sweet which is like the peanut yeah this is like you honestly you're welcome here anytime i'll be your sushi yeah please so i've i've drained off the noodles they're all done just leave it to cool down to be cool uh room temperature so how are you going to cook the tofu right basically it's just browning the tofu to make it crusty on the outside and softening so just in a hot cast iron pan cast iron pan is a brilliant pad yes so it means the hot oil so just saute the tofu in the castor pan in a little oil until crispy oh yeah do you need to stir them smells so good the turmeric is really colored it hasn't it yeah how is your chopstick skill not too bad do you want me to see it's a spare one tom taught me so would you usually do this with chicken then or something a meat or was it always tofu always tough oh really that's good i try to cut down a lot of deep frying yeah so the only deep frying i use is just for tofu i would say this is shallow frying so it's a little bit more healthy that's right oh really well look at this look at this tofu just like how i had it when i was a kid yeah i could smell it yeah oh good you're very spoiled child no let's say you grew up with fine food yes fine dining do you want to put some salt on it actually just doing it because the sausage oh it's very yeah should i put some spaghetti on this place yes please okay so we're almost ready to serve up then i'm doing like an italian but you're probably going to want to spread it out i think mark wines is going to be ringing you up saying i want to try this sati mark wines if you're watching i know you subscribe to my youtube channel lee is your biggest fan she's been watching you for years so please email me and we can arrange cooking for you oh that'd be fantastic mark i've watched you since you were a student teaching english in thailand i've never followed you ever since there you go this is our call to mark wines if you know mark wein send him a message saying that we've uh we've mentioned him here okay lee we're ready to plate up that wasn't actually that didn't take that long and it was fun yes it was also yeah it was so much fun because we're right next to your garden yeah and a lovely day today oh it's beautiful this is always like this in wales oh weather's always like this yeah okay so what i'll do with the one with the potato dish you do with the okay spaghetti my hands are clean by the way same i washed mine two weeks ago yeah it's nice to prepare food with you i'm joking to serve up the potatoes and the noodles were topped with the freshly cut lettuce cucumber bean sprouts and that crunchy crispy tofu to go with the peanut sauce they look so crunchy as well they do they you fried them beautifully that was that was you teamwork yeah so now lee is it's time for that amazing sauce and it smells so good this looks beautiful so what do we need to do just before serving before serving make sure we remove the lemongrass stalk because okay those are not edible they're very spiroos much better okay i'm gonna wait till it's on the dish i trust you that is such an honor from coming from a chef yeah i think that she's ready amazing so we just drizzle it over the top yes just drizzle on top and you're gonna go first because i need to see how much you put on oh wow look at that the golden color it's just brought it to life there should i finally chop this red chili as well to go on top if you like more spicy yes okay so let's see if i can present mine as nice as yours can i have one picture with you sure celebrity [Music] thank you so much for showing me how to make this i'm definitely going to be making this all the time at home or you could just come and make it for me oh even better because i don't mind coming to your paradise here thank you but i just really want to give this a taste all together now so should we go and sit down yes we're going to try your potato one and maybe we save the spaghetti noodle one for the top of the mountain if we make it we will because we're strong all right let's go wow look at that tom you got to come in and taste this with us yes come on don't you right before you eat it make sure you give it a good mix so like a like you toss it together really check it out and you usually use a spoon and a fork for it i do yes i'll hold this if you want to give it a toss just toss it up and mix it well oh wow so try and cut every muscle yes with that lovely sauce that we've prepared my mouth is watering so now i understand why you didn't add any seasoning to anything and you're just using the sauce because look how much sauce isn't being able to coat this that's right yes hi oh i'm excited i'm so hungry tom honestly my most favorite dish from from malaysia like every time i go back we have to get it can i taste it now please oh yes please oh so hungry good oh i'll have a go now to see what it's like is the vegan version it's so fresh but indulgent at the same time this is perfect summer food hot food hot weather food wow beautiful it's nostalgic good you get the crispy bits of tofu and i'm putting the crunchiness off the peanuts i think eating this now is good for the give us energy to climb up the mountain and then we have the spaghetti one at the top there you go good plan good plan yes thank you so much for this it's been a pleasure you know i love i love you it's not finished yet we're going up the mountain that's the second challenge yeah you're gonna wear me out aren't you no you'll be fine i'll do this [Music] he's crazy we found some blueberries on the mountain these are what we call bray berries which is the same family as blueberries you've got good i know look at election now it's amazing isn't it if i drop dead i'm blaming you [Music] what do you think of the beautiful view at sugarloaf mountain it is just incredible yes it's so beautiful but in time for the sunset huh yeah and we've got this amazing dish here to eat the spaghetti version you know never in my life i would have thought that i eat roja on top of a welsh mountain well here we are let's taste it the noodles work really well you're right you're right about this it's perfect because you need a carbohydrate yes after that intense trek up the mountain this is perfect and something different and it seems like the flavors developed already it's got even more powerful well thank you so much for being the most amazing guest on the channel thank you for having me and if you want to see lee tom's mum back on the channel comment below because i would love to have you again to help me with the gardening too please like share and comment on this video if you liked it and i'll see you soon give the camera a wave tom come and say bye wait wait thank you guys for having me it's such an honor ah keep wait i remember mark wines hit us up hello from the welsh mountain yeah come and visit keep waving sorry it's a bit it's a long outro okay yeah in 10 more seconds [Laughter] okay we're good now joking [Music]
Channel: Gaz Oakley
Views: 140,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, food, cooking, plant based, raw, eat, chef, lifestyle, veg, cooking show, avantgardevegan, gaz oakley, what i eat in a day, vegan what i eat in a day, vegan daily food, gaz oakley vegan food, gaz oakley high protein meal prep, high protein vegan, nasi goreng recipe, vegan chef, what i eat in a day high protein
Id: dg9-gBXdRgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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