Makoto Naegi Explained | Danganronpa 101

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this video contains spoilers for everything within the danganronpa universe except for v3 if you haven't played v3 than you're safe but be aware that everything else is fair game enjoy the video I'm not any kind of elite anything hope isn't a talent you develop but still I refuse to give up I refuse to get bored and I refuse to throw it all away that refused to despair because all I have going for me is the desire to keep moving forward hello and welcome to danganronpa 101 the series that breaks down everyone and everything in the danganronpa world and stay we are going to be examining one of our key protagonist the ultimate hope himself Makoto naegi Makoto naegi is a young boy of average appearance intellect and talent who can actually best be described as an entirely ordinary person however within the universe of danganronpa being entirely ordinary is actually quite extraordinary given the wide range of exceptional personalities on display as far as his history goes makoto was born into a fairly nuclear family with a loving mother and father as well as a younger sister named komaru and to give you an idea of just how ordinary this family unit was well typical life in the Naoki household consisted of Makoto's mother watching daytime talk shows Makoto and Kamara discussing TV and manga and on Saturday if Makoto's dad didn't have to work well then he would not shave his beard radical Einar in the sense of how shall we put this mediocrity has gone on to serve Makoto quite well actually as it allows him to be a grounded individual capable of great kindness and empathy to those around him and in addition to that whilst not immediately apparent Makoto does have one world-changing special trait which is his unrelenting sense of optimism and belief in the concept of hope however with all of this in mind Makoto would be selected to become part of the 70th class of hopes Peak Academy an institution designed to identify and foster the talents of exceptional students and even bestow them with an ultimate title although in Makoto's case he didn't actually do anything to qualify for the academy and his name was instead drawn from a lottery and as a result he was dubbed as the ultimate lucky student and luck is something that Mikoto certainly possesses in great quantities although as with many of his finest features it is not immediately apparent generally makoto's luck will take on the form of various unfortunate events that end up working in his favor a very basic example of which would be slipping on a piece of paper to avoid being hit by a rent that was thrown at him thus having his luck brought to him in the form of misfortune in fact it was through a series of wild misfortune that makoto would come to be selected as the ultimate lucky student and his streak of absurdly quote/unquote bad luck led to a series of events described in Makoto naegi secret file that resulted in the burning of an admission letter to a student who was originally selected to become the ultimate lucky student however due to the headmaster of hopes Peak Academy believing that this misfortune was a sign that the original student was not in fact lucky the lottery was performed once again which resulted in Makoto being chosen and soem ACOTA became part of the seventieth class of hopes Peak Academy and spent roughly a year living and studying happily with his classmates up until the tragedy occurred during this world shaking event Makoto and the rest of the seventieth class was sealed inside of hopes Peak Academy for their own protection however little did they know that the instigator of the tragedy and the ultimate despair was one of their very own classmates the ultimate despair would then take away the memories of the seventieth class and forced them to participate in a killing game designed to remove the last shred of hope from the world and plunge it into pure despair throughout this game and despite his memory loss makoto would develop close relationships with each of his fellow students although a few in particular deserve a mention firstly the ultimate pop sensation sigh Akamai's Ohno Makoto had known since middle school and whom it was heavily implied that he had a crush on however the two graduated middle school without ever having spoken to one another now truly Makoto and Sokka gravitated towards each other on the grounds of familiarity during the game although this relationship would be skewed by the conditions of the game and shortly after its commencement Sayaka had planned to frame Makoto for murder in order to escape herself a plan which backfired heavily resulting in her death Makoto would also come to develop a surprising bond with the esteemed beyond Kyoto gommi who spent much of their time together with a greatly antagonistic attitude towards Makoto but eventually the two developed a strong working relationship that remained far beyond the killing game and finally we have to mention Kyoko Kira Giri the person who Makoto believes is responsible for keeping him alive despite the opposite very much also being true in fact this is blatantly the case when during a class trial where all of the evidence was pointing towards Kyoko Makoto refused to incriminate her and was instead voted guilty of murder and almost executed himself all because of the pure trust that he had placed in Kyoko towards the end of the killing game there are even subtle hints that the two had developed feelings for each other which goes on to be somewhat confirmed in the events following the game however before we get there this game entitled killer school life would see the deaths of all but six students of the 17th class however the fact that even six of them were able to survive can be attributed to Makoto has no matter how deep the despair became the coach's sense of hope was so powerful that his true ultimate talent would become apparent and he would earn the label of the ultimate hope this hope was enough to sustain the other five survivors and after six class trials they managed to defeat the ultimate despair Junko Enoshima and escaped into the outside world from here most of the remainder of the 70th class joined an organization known as the Future Foundation which was dedicated to fighting the rampant despair apocalyptically spread throughout the world by Junko in this effort the foundation discovered the remnants of despair which were a group of hopes Peak Academy students from Junko corrupted and used to set the world ablaze however Mikoto being the shining ray of hope he is decided to protect these individuals and attempt to undo the harm of Junko had done to them by placing them into the new world program to administer psychotherapy although the program was infected by a virus possessing an AI junker and the class were forced into a digital version of the killing game the Makoto and his class had experienced in reality and at one stage things became so dire for that class that Makoto along with Kyoko and byakuya entered the neo world program to assist the remnants of despair in defeating the AI Junko this would come at quite the cost though as Makoto was charged with treason for harboring the remnants of despair and a trial was arranged for him at a future foundation facility live just in case someone out there for some reason thought that the killing games were over before they were very wrong as this would become the site of yet another killing game involving key members of the Future Foundation as well as Makoto himself and very notably this game could have seen the end of Makoto as he was eventually subject to the suicide video however he was saved from his despair hypnosis by Jews Osaka Korra as with all previous games has turned into a bloodbath with only five survivors managing to defeat a game designed to inflict maximum despair however afterwards the world would receive its first taste of profound victory as the remnants of despair saved by Makoto and now completely reformed appeared to stop Ryota meter eye from brainwashing the world and several months after the conclusion of this game Makoto and the Future Foundation decided to continue their mission who's spreading herb throughout the world by rebuilding hopes Peak Academy with Makoto becoming its new headmaster some more fun facts about makoto makoto is one of only four characters in the current diagram of the universe to have survived more than one killing game with the others being AOE Asahina Kyoko Kira Giri and hinata in both Japanese and English Makoto she has a voice actor with Nagato kameda one of the remnants of despair featured in the events of danganronpa 2 however this is no accident as Nagato was designed to be a darker parallel of Makoto who was described by the developers as a hope so extreme that it became despair Makoto rather sadly is the only character to retain his voice actor from the game series in its anime incarnation and finally a truly useless fact the gas mask symbol on the back of Makoto hoodie was a reference to a previous game created by Spike Chunsoft Lotus chunsoft as they were known at the time entitled nine hours nine persons nine doors but that pretty much does it for Makoto naegi if you enjoyed this video and the content this channel produced in general then please do consider donating to the new world review patreon because the support of all the amazing people is what continues to make this channel possible and if patreon isn't quite your style then please do leave this video a like share or subscribe because it also helps plot this channel an incredible amount and if you'd like to join the fun at any time then please do head over to my discord server where a wide array of shenanigan retakes place on a daily basis and finally please do comment with who what or where you'd like to see featured in the next duncan romper 101 [Music] [Music]
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 26,761
Rating: 4.9732938 out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, danganronpa, makoto naegi, makoto 101, dangranronpa 101, future foundation, trigger happy havoc, monokuma, v3, the end of hope's peak, anime, game, goodbye despair, kyoko, kirigiri, aoi asahina, byakuya, ultimate lucky student, super highschool level, hagakure, sayaka, final killing game, munakata, juzo, hope's peak academy, headmaster, makoto naegi explained, makoto explained, characetr analysis, analysis, compilation, abridged, school mode, nagito, future arc
Id: buskBOW9PJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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