EASY DIY | Faux Stone or Ceramic Vases | UPCYCLE VASE | With any OLD VASE or BOTTLE!

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hey guys uh thanks so much for joining me here on my channel i'm going to be showing you guys how to make the um textured like stone vessels that i posted about the other day on my instagram um it's quite easy and simple um you can pretty much do it with a lot of household items um so yeah let's get into it it's something nice you can add a really cool element of decor to your home or any space so let's get to it so to start off we're just gonna put some craft paper down and tape it to your surface i'm also going to use a little piece of cardboard just for extra easy cleanup at the end in terms of your vessels um i just chose things that i had laying around the house that i wasn't using so i have this little orb face i also have this empty juice container it is a glass bottle you can use different um types of material vessels so it could be ceramic it could be glass it could be wood for supplies we're going to go ahead and need a plastic knife a craft sponge and a brush i chose this one because the bristles were on pretty stiff and kind of worn that's going to help us to create more texture when we're painting you'll need some paint so i just have this acrylic paint and also this house sample paint um you can use any paints that you have around the house you'll need some baking soda some spackle paste also some coffee grounds and lastly you'll just need some clear coat to seal everything off at the end and then in one of your cups you're going to take some of the paint like got it [Music] mix up your paint really well before using it if it is house paint if not you can just go ahead and pour some paint into your cup you're going to add in the baking soda i don't have a particular measurement that you can use i just kind of add some in and then what i'm doing there is i'm just kind of testing it on the side of the cup so when you can feel the grittiness of it that's pretty much where i just kind of call it and i use it like that [Music] so you're just going to start applying the paint and baking soda mixture just all over the whole vessel you're going to give it one good coat for this particular glass one um you could see how there was still kind of like parts where you could see the glass so you'll see how we go with multiple coats over this i like to pick one direction to do all the brush strokes in this case i went on with a horizontal brush stroke i just feel like you can really see it nicely across the surface of the vessel [Music] make sure to get inside of the rim of your vessels too just in case you know if you're looking in it doesn't look like glass from the top and you know that might make it not look like it's floating stone which it's not but um it just makes the whole kind of look a little bit more believable now i'm gonna apply that to the small orb again i chose to just um keep all my brush strokes in the same direction going horizontally you can paint the bottoms of the vessels i just chose not to but it's up to you guys [Music] now i'm going to go ahead and apply a second coat to both of the vessels again just making sure to get really good coverage on it [Music] we'll go ahead and give the larger vessel a second coat as well you can also see here with the paint how the leaves really kind of like show a little bit more now so a little bit later down in the video you'll see how i cover those up i think by the end of the video we went and gave it um each one about three coats um you can do as many as you'd like to be honest for this project more is better uh the more coats that we give it the more kind of thick the paint's going to get there's going to be way more texture showing so in this case more is better here we're going in with the third coat of paint on the larger vessel you can already start to see that by this coat there's a lot of texture coming through and you can also see how the bristles are leaving really good texture and stroke marks on the surface of it now for um the glass vessel that had the leaf pattern on it what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and take the spackle and the plastic knife i'm just going to go ahead and like really liberally um spread it over the leaves [Music] after you apply it with the plastic knife you're just going to take your craft sponge it's a little bit damp and you're just going to go ahead and kind of like smooth over the spackle a little bit just to help it transition both to the top of the bottle and down the sides you can see how i kind of also take the remainder of the excess spackle um all the way down just to make it a really nice transition and you can see how that adds extra texture to it as well [Music] of course if your vessels don't have any texture that you're covering up you can just skip this step [Music] i would still use the speckle to add more texture to it you're going to see in a little bit how i kind of go back and add a little bit of spackle here and there to add texture i feel like i've said the word texture three thousand times [Music] [Music] i tried adding some kind of like stippling uh texture there with the sponge but i didn't end up liking it so i just uncovered it up the fun part about this project is that it's really easy you can't kind of like mess it up the more texture you put into it the more you kind of like play with it it just looks more real so you know don't try to make it perfect technically we're trying to recreate a look of like a really old and worn out um bottle so don't be like really clean with it don't think that it has to be super smooth it's actually the opposite the you know more rough you are with the and more texture you create the better it's going to look at the end by this point the bottle is really really kind of like built up with all the paint and the baking soda and the spackle you can see here all the texture that we're getting which is looking really really good i feel like i've said the word texture 3000 times for the smaller orb muscle i decided to give it a darker color so i went in with the black acrylic and i just added that into the remainder of the paint that i had and we're going to go ahead and add a little bit of baking soda to that as well and give another coat to the small [Music] vessel [Music] [Music] once um everything is dry we're gonna go ahead and take the coffee grounds and just really go and get in there and spread it all around really rub it in i use a little old cloth towel as well just to kind of like take off the excess you really want to work in the coffee grounds into all the crevices and really get into all the little cracks that's really going to make them pop out and make them a lot more noticeable it's also going to give it a look like if it has some kind of dirt built up on it like if this has been sitting outside for many years it's been a little forgotten and just kind of building up all this really cool texture [Music] my hands are so soft after doing this it really exfoliates your hands so that's a plus [Music] and just keep adding um the coffee just a little bit here a little bit there wipe it off um take a look at it see where it might need a little bit more um it's a process so don't think you know you have to just do it once super even um you can kind of leave some areas without as much coffee to kind of make them a little bit lighter it doesn't have to be perfect remember here's a little close-up you can see how it's really getting into all of those little crevices and making all those like really cool marks really pop out [Music] [Music] i went back and added a little bit more um spackle here and there just to add extra texture again the good thing about this is that it doesn't have to be perfect there's no real um kind of like specific way to do it right or wrong you can just add here and there uh step back take a look if you want to add a little bit more sparkle and you can that's the easy thing about it the more we add to it the more layers of texture we're gonna get i just took the craft sponge again a little bit damp and just smooth over those added spackle areas for the small orb vessel um the technique is just a little bit different we kind of go in with the spackle kind of and spread it out all over it's going to really get into all those little grooves and crevices and really make all the texture pop out with the dark color little by little i just add a little bit of spackle and then i go ahead and rub it in with my hands i really rub it in to wear it out so that it looks um not so stark white but really kind of like almost like a chalky covering if it had one that's why i go in with the little rag and um take off all the excess [Music] i also use the craft sponge just a little bit damp to kind of spread things out a little bit easier [Music] we're also going to go in with the coffee for this vessel it's really going to give it like an old kind of dirty look to it which is kind of like the look we're going for i really focused on the bottom of this vessel i just kind of went with the idea of like um thinking that this little vessel you know had been sitting outside maybe in the dirt for a really long time so the bottom of it would be really dirty once the spackle dried on the other vessel i went back in with the coffee but you can see how it was kind of still a little bit wet so the coffee stained it a little bit more and i didn't necessarily like that too much so you could just you know what i did i just went in with my crap sponge i just kind of smoothed it out a little bit went in with the rag there's really no like wrong thing that you can do to it so if you don't like something either cover it up with more spackle or try to rub it off you can kind of um just fix it a little bit there's really no mistakes that you can make so there you have it that's the final look on those two you can see how we really achieved a really textured look um the baking soda and paint is great it really builds up and gives you all that kind of like stone texture which is amazing thank you guys so much for joining me on this tutorial today i hope you guys really found it fun and easy to do um if you enjoyed this video go ahead and give me a like and i'd love to hear you guys comments if you guys went out and tried it out um i'd love to hear how that went for you guys um and also make sure to subscribe to my channel i plan to do a lot more um content on diying and home decor and lifestyle things um so yeah i hope to see you guys soon [Music] bye
Channel: Caro Rostran
Views: 254,862
Rating: 4.9408989 out of 5
Keywords: Diy, Do it yourself, Vases, painting, stone
Id: wmK9AprVk5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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