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Hello, I'm NATURALLPOT. Today, I'm going to make a terrarium with water flowing in the glass tank that is open in front of me. The natural stone used in today's production is a stone called wood stone . The natural stone used in today's production is a stone called wood stone . It is an unusual stone because it is shaped like a tree. It is an unusual stone because it is shaped like a tree. Shall we start making it now? The underwater motor we are going to use today is 40 watts. The underwater motor we are going to use today is 40 watts. The hose connecting this motor is a 12/16mm silicon hose. The hose connecting this motor is a 12/16mm silicon hose. And I will use the styrofoam board to make room for the motor. And I will use the styrofoam board to make room for the motor. This net will be used to prevent a lot of impurities from entering the water. This net will be used to prevent a lot of impurities from entering the water. I set it up like this. I'll use a 'ㄱ'-shaped connection. I'll use a 'ㄱ'-shaped connection. connection and this silicon hose to make sure the water comes down from the center. connection and this silicon hose to make sure the water comes down from the center. The ingredient we put in here is called perlite. It's good to use as a filter and it's light, so it's great to use it on the inside. And before you use it, make sure to wash it once before using it. We can eliminate dust in the early stages. We're done placing the stones. I didn't use the styrofoam board, , but I just attached a stone so that the water could fall off. The plant we're using now is called Sweet Flag. Hydropods are also one of the plants that grow very well when cultivated. And I'm going to use humata Fern. This is where the water comes from. If you connect the water motor cord, you can see the water coming out like this. If the desired stream or direction of the water is not created here, If the desired stream or direction of the water is not created here, We can use these little stones to change it. You can also use a silicon hose like this to make it fall forward. You can also use a silicon hose like this to make it fall forward. You can make this according to your personal preference. In my case, I connected the hose in front of me and made a stream of water. In my case, I connected the hose in front of me and made a stream of water. If you leave it like this, it'll look a bit unnatural, so you can make it look a bit more natural. I'm sure you're thinking a lot about what kind of moss to use in the water flowing. I'm sure you're thinking a lot about what kind of moss to use in the water flowing. Personally,I think the moss that can be used in the water flowing like this is... Personally,I think the moss that can be used in the water flowing like this is... Not much. Basically, we use a lot of phoenix moss or Plagiomnium moss. Basically, we use a lot of phoenix moss or Plagiomnium moss. And use either willow moss or Christmas moss. And use either willow moss or Christmas moss. And use either willow moss or Christmas moss. And when you build a water-flowing structure, Most people use styrofoam boards. For those of you who have difficulty making it that way, you'd rather stack stones like this and connect them to a silicon hose to create a structure where water can fall. you'd rather stack stones like this and connect them to a silicon hose to create a structure where water can fall. It could be one way.
Channel: 내츄럴팟 NATURALLPOT
Views: 111,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terrarium, moss, 테라리움, #yt:cc=on, 아쿠아테라리움, Aqua Terrarium, 팔루다리움, 미니폭포, 폭포테라리움
Id: pJBhn-w2Do0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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