Making VR Games for the PS Vita

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[Music] the PSVita never really had much official support and after 2015 sony kind of just erased it from its memory but the Vita found a new home there are tons of talented Indian homra developers who recognize the consul's potential and are making lots of great games in the software for it but there's one thing I haven't seen done with the Vita and that is VR [Music] the reason why is probably because it's a really stupid impractical idea but if you've seen any of my old github code you'll know that I'm a pretty stupid impractical person so that's exactly what we're going to be doing the PS Vita might not be the perfect candidate for VR but it can definitely get the job done it has both a gyroscope and an accelerometer for tracking head rotation and it's 544 P resolution provides 480 by 544 pixels for each eye which is bearable at the very least it also supports the Unity game engine which will make it easy to create a few small VR games that make use of its hardware to make sure my idea wouldn't be a complete disaster I decided to quickly put it to the test by taking the generic gyroscope shooter game I made for my Wii U prototypes video where is it and turning it into a VR game I created two cameras one for each eye offset them by an arbitrary amount and made them children of an empty parent object then I created a really simple script that rotates this parent object using the Vita's gyroscope and to finish it off I slapped on this transparent lens overlay that I made in that's probably kind of useless I tested the game with an old VR headset I made and I was pretty surprised by how well it worked I'm so scared oh my god okay I think it's like inside [Music] but this trashy game and even trashy er VR headset weren't gonna cut it because the PS Vita is such an epic console it deserves an even epic er VR headset to go along with it so I modeled this custom 3d printable VR headset in blender and printed music Who am I kidding you've come to the wrong place if you expected me to do something practical instead I made this from a we you fight pad box this 99-cent Google cardboard kit and a lot of hot glue I could show you a time-lapse of me creating it but that would be pretty boring even by this channel standards so I'll just show you how it works this is the old stupid VR headset um this this is the Future made possible by the sponsor of today's video Metal Mario you might look at it and think wow this is genuinely the ugliest thing I have ever seen and you know you're probably right but it's made almost completely out of recycled material so if you hate on it you're literally hating on earth and look at this amazing velcro technology it allows you to slide in and protect your precious Veta how can you hate that and it even provides easy access to the trigger buttons oh wait [Music] there you go and when you're done enjoying your amazing VR content you can simply undo the velcro latch and slide out your device in all seriousness while this thing is pretty ugly I was pretty proud of it after testing it out it actually works somewhat well which came as a huge surprise to me [Music] it's so beautiful I think I think I'm gonna cry I can see the pixels now that I had this really cool VR headset I had to make a really cool game to go along with it I spent a lot of time brainstorming possible game ideas but then I realized I should do what I do best downgrading I mean I mean remaking existing games I thought about what classic games would be fun in VR and pac-man instantly came to mind I imagined how thrilling it would be to move around in a pack mayonnaise and VR constantly turning your body to avoid ghosts plus the game wouldn't require any button inputs just head rotation so you wouldn't have to hold your hands up to your face like a loser so it was time to get to work I made models in blender for the maze and the ghost in its different states then I created a new project in unity and [Music] okay okay you can stop the montage yeah I might have accidentally wasted three weeks of my life getting a little carried away with the code I won't go into it too much in this video because I know not everyone's interested and my viewer retention rate kind of sucks but I'll give a quick rundown the entire game takes place on a grid and object just left between points I have a 2d array of tiles each having a corresponding vector 3 world position and the status of each grid tiles determined dynamically based on the mesh of the maze using physics Chuck's fear and everything that's not a wall is set to be a palette other than a few hard-coded exceptions that are set to be empty and like I said pac-man and the ghostly between points on the grid with pac-man's next move being determined by the heads left and right rotation and the ghosts movement being determined at each intersection tile here a mix of randomness and breadth-first search path finding honestly at this point I think the game itself might be more interesting than the whole novelty of PS Vita VR so I definitely want to make a more in-depth video in the future about its creation for those that are interested but enough of that I'm sure most of you guys just want to see the end result what an amazing splash screen too bad I can't see it in VR the first thing you'll see after launching the game is this title screen it's really just there to give you a chance to get used to your surroundings before being thrown into the game and it also lets you switched between VR and non VR mode once you press start the game takes a little while to actually begin once the game begins though it runs pretty smoothly and playing it in VR for the first time was a really cool experience [Music] behind me oh my god no I got it just like I imagined playing Pac Man in VR adds a whole new horror or thriller element to the game I'm really happy I was able to achieve this result since that was my main motivation for making the game oh you're here so you know I'm bored I got eaten alive my first step in packing Dr [Music] we eaten one come on come on turn around dude let's go during my first playthrough I did encounter a few issues like the mini-map being too far down to actually see in VR in the power pellet timer getting frozen wait the Tyra's frozen what the heck why the tiger fridge and that's not supposed to happen but those are easily fixed pac-man is great but let me give my final thoughts on the actual point of this video virtual reality on the PS Vita it works pretty much as well as I expected sure there are better options out there obviously but the low resolution didn't seem noticeably worse than VR on your average phone I can definitely see myself going back to make him play more Vita VR games and if my strange endeavors interested you you should definitely try making some VR games for the Vita yourself I'll leave a link in the description to a tutorial by Vita hacks that explains how to set up a unity for the PS Vita from start to finish and if you have any specific questions feel free to message me on Twitter or discord and if you do end up making a cool VR game I'd love to see it the same goes for VR headsets too I'm sure you can make something that looks better than than this in one last thing since I know I'm going to get a lot of comments and dm's asking for a download for my PS Vita pac-man game I'm planning on releasing the source code at some point in the future and when that happens you'll be able to use unity to create a build you can play on your Vita and that's it I really hope you like this video since it's been in the works for a while and I had a lot of fun making it I'm always trying to get better so if you have any feedback suggestions criticism don't be afraid to let me know in the comments thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video [Music] why subscribe
Channel: PolyMars
Views: 178,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps vita, vita, playstation vita, homebrew, vr, virtual reality, ps vita vr, ps vita custom games, vr headset ps vita, unity, gyroscope, accelerometer, head rotation, unity3d, gamedev, indie, game, hack, mod, custom, games, pac-man, fps, cardboard, pac-man vr, pacman vr, pacman, playstation, henkaku, unity vita, polymars, can vr work on the ps vita, does the ps vita work with vr, sony
Id: c7QO1YPTVbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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