Making Tylose Gumpaste / Flower Paste for Sugar Flowers & Cake Decorations with Nicholas Lodge

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[Music] hi i'm chef nicholas lodge and i'm going to show you in this video how i make my tylose homemade gum paste or flower modeling paste and so this paste is a very versatile paste can be used for mostly for flowers but also can be mixed with fondant or sugar paste to make 50 50 paste and can be used of course for other things like cut out letters you can use it in different other applications for cake also so as far as the recipe goes if you go to nicholas once you get to nicholas you're going to click on recipes and templates and there you will find a pdf downloadable uh file of the gum paste recipe okay so let's get started so in making the paste we first of all you need to do what we call mise en place so mesen plus in pastry terms is basically everything in place and it means we're going to scale off and have ready all of the four ingredients that go into this particular recipe now this recipe has four ingredients so first of all we have 125 grams of fresh or pasteurized egg whites okay now when you're using eggs basically you can just use i'm just using um you know just regular eggs all right now the reason why i scale my eggs why i don't just tell you four large eggs because for example in each country eggs are graded differently like between europe and the united states they're going to vary if you are using free range eggs or eggs from a neighbor or from a farm they're going to vary a lot also like basically with free-range chickens that um actually how they're fed um a higher protein feed will enlarge the yolk which makes the egg whites smaller but as i said so i'm going to use egg whites so these are large white eggs um you can also use brown eggs as well now alternatively you can also use pasteurized eggs these are for example here in the united states we call these safe eggs and basically this is a process and they have a pea stand on the top of them which means they're pasteurized in the shell so this means there's no potential for any obviously salmonella or any other bacteria or things on the eggs because they're pasteurized in the shell and these are a little bit more expensive but basically because this is an uncooked recipe this is also really good for like eggnog it's good for obviously ice cream base and things like that but you can also use pasteurized liquid eggs so you can buy in the grocery store in the supermarket you can buy liquid eggs which are pasteurized but so when it's basically pasteurized it means there's obviously no chance of salmonella now when you use the pasteurized liquid eggs it's going to be a little bit runnier it's also like you can also make this recipe as a vegan royal icing by using aquafaba which is basically the liquid from the chickpea you can use that and you need to boil it to basically kill any bacteria and then you would then put 125 grams of aquafaba your liquid egg whites or as i said pasteurized egg whites now when we when we scale the egg whites all right so i'm going to use my scale here so i want to do 125 grams and i always scale in grams because it's much easier it's much more accurate now 125 grams is basically going to be about um four egg whites just to give you an idea so if you had a dozen eggs you'd be able to large eggs you'd be able to do obviously about three batches so i'm going to tear out my uh zero i'm using here just a container you can use plastic cup or whatever i'm gonna take my egg whites so this is uh my egg white so this is actually four large egg whites i have in here and i'm now going to just sort of start to add the egg whites to the here here obviously it's going to come through here but just don't dump them all in there's going to be more than you actually need here all right i'm just going to get because you want just 125 grams and then what i normally do is you can either use a syringe or a prepare i just suck up some egg in the and i usually will just finish off the last little part with the syringe i use this technique a lot um in teaching my students like at the french pastry school when we're doing seeing that's a really good way to just use your syringe and that's basically going to be your egg whites okay but uh and also if you're if you are pouring eggs in there a little bit i've broke these up a little bit with this fork but you can also use a scissor when you're pouring and if you if you get to 125 you can also just cut across with the scissor and that automatically cuts the egg white to stop it going in so i have my 125 grams of egg whites all right these can be refrigerated straight from the refrigerator fridge which obviously here in the united states we refrigerate our eggs in europe and many countries you buy your eggs at room temperature so it doesn't matter whether they're at room temperature or refrigerated um basically you're just scaling off 125 grams so that is your liquid but this also means that doesn't matter where you live in the world we have members obviously at my flower pro club that live in countries all over the world i have students from my crafty blueprint classes all over the world so whether you're in brazil in south africa or in england australia 125 grams is 125 grams and so that's why i'm a little bit more scientific when i do this all right next thing we're going to move on to all right the next ingredient is 725 grams plus 100 grams of powdered sugar or icing sugar so again here in the us we call it powdered sugar in a lot of countries is called icing sugar so icing sugar here so i'm using here um what we call here in the us 10x sugar all right you see how on the packaging it has 10x all right this is a larger from a sort of wholesale club more like a bulk pack all right so this is actually got seven pounds or uh just over three kgs now 10x sugar mainly means it actually has been sifted 10 times in manufacturing when you buy regular icing sugar or regular powdered sugar what happens is that uh it is basically sifted six times it doesn't say it on the package but if you just buy a pack or a container a box of just normal icing sugar or powdered sugar normally a manufacturing it's sifted six times 10x means it's been sifted 10 times that's what the x stands for so what it means is it's a lot finer texture so if you're using just regular powdered sugar or icing sugar you'll need to sift it a couple of times all right because you want to make sure you get out those extra lumps now so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to take a um just a plastic bowl this just keeps and i have here a gallon size zip top bag all right i'm just going to tear that out to to zero okay so remember you put your bowl on top then you press the tear button it will take it back down to zero okay so i'm going to take my my sugar and what we're going to do here is going to just going to take the sugar and i just want to just scale off 725 grams now a lot of you are used to obviously using digital scale but again it's just um here in the united states a lot of people bake with cups so then we've got 725 grams of powdered sugar icing sugar okay take this and i have this in a zip top bag this is just the easiest way because when you put this into the mixer this is the easiest way to be able to put it into the mixer okay now then we need an additional 100 grams of powdered sugar now this additional 100 grams is what we're going to actually use when we um take it out of the mixing bowl and this will usually won't take all of this all right so you're just going to you won't use all of this additional 100 grams i just want to have about 100 grams at hand okay now in different countries like for example in the uk there is a sugar you can buy more of a specialty sugar called bridal ice which basically is a sort of was used traditionally a lot on wedding cakes with royal icing and again it's like a very very fine sugar so we have 100 grams of sugar here now um you know if you're buying obviously sugar like this in a large bag just want to make sure you keep this obviously well sealed up and put a you know obviously a seal on there you can also heat seal this but of course you want to make sure it kept in a dry place so it doesn't get lumpy all right you of course can also just buy one kg or two pound bags of sugar so of course then that would be um it won't be lumpy you just use it straight from the bag but i said if you're in an area where you don't have like a super fine sugar like the 10x grade or a fine sugar just basically just sifted a couple of extra times now um again in my flower pro club we have some members from example from new zealand so one of our members was having some obviously issues with the sugar like clumping and also remember that uh recipe will vary the sugar permitted sugar some countries put starch into the powdered sugar some countries don't okay so there are lots of variances also some sugar comes from sugar cane some from beet and some is mixed all right but generally as i said this is the amount you would use of your sugar all right now then we move on to next ingredient which is going to be tylose now tylose it says here 30 grams and in parenthesis 27 grams and on here in the flower pro book it says less tyler's can be used if you don't want the gum paste to dry as fast or of making dark colors so basically europe tylose is the one thing that is variable now the recipe that i'm showing you is formulated using confectionary arts international tylers this is the one that i originally developed this recipe for there are many many companies that sell tylose like for example rainbow dust you know this is for example falun holin which is in the u.s company this is an italian brand um this is uh cal java this is um another italian brand but a ui and then this is again another italian brand okay so these are all different and see as you can see some companies will call it cmc cmc stands for carboxymethylcellulose all right and basically cmc is an additive that is used in a lot of food products um it's used for thickening um things so like salad dressing a lot of soft drinks um are used for that but um in application in cake we use this for hand for making the tyler's paste we use it for edible glue we use it to modify sugar paste or fondant now the tylose can vary because the amount of filler will change a little bit so if you're using a different brand you might want to contact the manufacturer and ask them if they have a recommended amount to use in a batch of gum paste and some of them you're going to find are going to be a little bit strong so you might need to cut back so what i suggest you do is make it to the recipe see how it does for you and if you need to cut back on the tylose next time you make it you can cut back on it now with the tylose all right we're going to put the tylose so again i'm just going to use a little container here just here that zero that out all right and so we want 30 grams of this i'm going to show you also a colored um how to color the gum paste in the mixer which is a good tip when you're doing a whole batch and you need like bright pink or you need green or whatever so i will be showing you that in the next segment so when i do that i've actually already scaled my ingredients off for there so i've actually scaled that off at uh 20 27 grams okay but also if you're working if you're working in air conditioning if you live in an area if you're working with us at the ac on all the time or you have live in a very dry climate like here in the united states you live somewhere like arizona which is very dry or parts of the mediterranean parts of obviously middle east and things which are a lot dry temperature if not so much humidity you might want to cut back on your tylose so it just depends a little bit on your own environment you're working in and also how your hands are if your hands i have students who have very dry hands they suck a lot of moisture out of the paste so there's lots of variances on on that but i said try it to the recipe see how you get on with it then you can adjust it as needed but the only thing you would need to adjust would be the tylose powder okay nothing else needs to be changed okay and so that's the tylose powder and then i already have scaled off my um my vegetable shortening my fat here and so i'm using here crisco all right so crisco is obviously the most popular vegetable shortening in the uk you have obviously trex we have white flora as i have said in some of my videos and classes crisco is nice because it does have a higher melting point than for example some of the european brands and you can buy this in the uk um like companies like tesco hand tesco online have crisco comes in sticks like butter as well but this i said is also you don't have to keep in the fridge you just store this at room temperature okay and that's the crisco so i have 20 grams of vegetable shortening crisco white vegetable fat just said trex now you can also use like in when i teach sometimes in certain countries i use solid coconut oil like kofa in australia and places like that so you can also use a solid but it must be vegetable not animal based okay so what we're going to do so we have our ingredients so we have our measurement plus continued i'll finish now so we're going to place the egg whites in a kitchenaid mixer bowl fit it with a flat paddle or scraper ball attachment now um this is the kitchenaid paddle all right it has a silicone scraper on it and obviously i use and support kitchenaid products i'm working here um in with a glass bowl so it's a little bit easier for you to see but of course usually like for example in a kitchen a professional kitchen like at the french pastry school of course we don't have anything glass but i just usually use this for videos because it's a little bit easier for you to see what is going on in the mixer okay so i'm just going to bring in my here now um going to talk a little bit about flavoring all right so this this is one of the types of way you can flavor royal icing because if you're going to use which is basically what we're making to start off but when we make royal icing for say flooding cookies but also when we're making gum paste for example for cut out little daisies to go on say a cupcake or on a cookie or pressing paste into say my flower pro filler mold you might do little forget-me-nots on say a petty four on a cupcake it's nice to have a little bit of flavoring in the gum paste when you use powder so this is a company called more than cake and they have lots of floral so for example rose so if you were making gum paste roses you can actually flavor your gum paste to make it taste like roses and these are powders but they also have some like strawberry patch they have one called lemon tree which will give your basically your gum paste like a lemon flavor or a strawberry flavor and as i said this is the rose one so if you are going to use those what you would do is you just would take a little bit of powder i'm not going to put that in here because i'll see them just for that but you just take a little tiny bit of powder it is quite strong and you just would add like for example just a little pinch or like an eighth of a teaspoon uh with with uh into your powdered sugar into your icing sugar all right or you can add it later on but if you're using powder colors uh powder flavors you're generally going to add them at this stage all right so you just would put that into your sugar that's not going to make any difference because obviously we adjust it at the end now the reason why i like the paddle attachment with the silicone it helps to sort of scrape down the bowl this is also great when you're making cakes because obviously you can use this to scrape your cake batter into your cake tins or pans and uh but i said if you don't have um the paddle attachment with the silicone you're gonna need to scrape it down a couple of times now you always use the paddle you never ever when you make royal icing or gum paste you're never going to use the whisk attachment all right because it's going to include too much air into it and what we're basically making here is a soft consistency royal icing so what we're going to do here is going to place the egg whites in a kitchenaid bowl fitted with a flat paddle or scraper attachment turn the mixer to high speed for 10 seconds to break up the egg whites so our egg whites will go into your mixing bowl so they will go into your mixing bowl here we're going to then going to just lock your and i'm just going to turn this up it will make a little bit of a sound because of the paddle because there's really not any body in there so i'm just going to put this up to 10 just for a few seconds just to liquefy break up the egg whites then i'm going down to stir setting okay now on stir setting i'm going to now lower speed and add the 725 grams of sugar so what i'm doing here is i'm going to just sort of slowly add you see this makes it very easy to do you could also just scale into a larger bowl and then just use like a spoon or a scoop to scoop it in but generally speaking i like to use a kitchen of course you can just wash this bag out and reuse it or just seal it up and use it next time because it doesn't really have to be even washed you can just keep it for next time you're doing it so we're just going to add the sugar just do that slowly and of course you know those of you in the uk a lot of you have kenwood mixers or some other european brands as well but as i said i generally use in the kitchenaid one so we're just gonna just start to add this and you see the silicone scraper is going to scrape this basically it's gonna just scrape that down all right so you're just gonna mix this up now then once um once we've added the sugar we're gonna turn it up to setting three or four for about two minutes okay so what i'm gonna do here is i'm just gonna just using a little rubber spatula or you can use a bowl scraper just make sure there's no sort of sugar because sometimes you have a little bit of sugar come up to the top here also just get rid of any sugar that's on the top of the obviously do this with the mixer off never obviously okay and then so what we're going to now do i'm going to turn this up so on my kitchenaid i'm going to go to about three to four okay now if you do have an older mixer um you might find that it's going to be a little slower than you were this is about five years old this particular model here so they are a little faster so three up between three and four i've got this on speed three and four and you're gonna mix this up for about two minutes all right now during that two minutes um we're going to so you're going to probably if you needed to um obviously you're going to get your plastic bags ready you're going to obviously have your and then if you're going to color it in the next segment i'm going to show you another batch which i'm going to color so if you're working obviously you can now go and get your colors and obviously and then while it's mixing up as you'll see when i do the next segment you actually can add the color so the mixer will do all the work for you and this technique is very useful when you're doing a dark color like black or very dark pink burgundy's colors like that red to get the mixer to do the work for you so just going to mix this up for about two minutes all right and then after two minutes we're going to check the consistency of this so we're going to check the consistency of the of the icing now you can double this recipe alright so in the mixer i'm using all right so this is basically um this i could make a double recipe i generally use um i have like again at the french pastry school we use the eight quart commercial kitchenaid so i'm just going to mix this up for about two minutes okay so then what we're going to do is going to just unlock this i'm going to check the consistency now what we're looking for is we're looking for like a soft peak it almost looks a little bit like a meringue okay so you can see how you have this sort of soft peak on it it should look shiny but it almost just looks like meringue if you're doing like a lemon meringue pie all right so of course if this was royal icing which a lot of people still use traditional technique of making royal icing with with using fresh egg whites of course you would have more powdered sugar or icing sugar in here and of course you'd mix it up generally for about five minutes all right but we don't want to over beat it and that's also why we're not using the whisk as well okay now um so in in the instructions here it says make sure the mixture is a soft peak stage it should look shiny like meringue and the peaks fall over then if you're a color in the entire batch you add the color at this stage it also says also white gel color can be added to make a brighter whiter gum paste so if you're making white flowers you can also use a gel color this is like americolor this is a white powder this is the rainbow dust powder so you can either use a powder okay so you can either take some of the white powder or you can take some of the white gel and what you can do there is you can put just a two or three about three or four drops in there and just mix this through now the gel color or the powder so if you were using powder i'll show you that as well this one here it's open but so you just would take a little bit one or the other but with white powder but this is titanium dioxide okay so titanium dioxide is used in toothpaste and it's used to make things uh basically opaque so what they're not also wider okay so this is um added to if you want to make white gum paste all right so if you're wanting to to stay white and you're going to use it for let's say white phalaenopsis moth orchids or you're going to use it for for things like white lilies or gardenias that will make it a brighter white because especially when you put sugar flowers onto a fondant or sugar paste cake the fondant or sugar paste commercial brands like say renshaw already have titanium added to the fondant so it would make your flowers look a little bit off-white all right but as i said you don't have to do that and of course also if you were using other flavoring all right so if you were using other flavors like for example um these are some of the neil samassi rose water okay you have here um peppermint you know so like for example peppermint i generally would use like around the holidays so if you're doing little cut out snowflakes with gum paste of course you can also just add a little bit of that to a small amount if you don't want to do the whole batch orange blossom water is really nice or also things like oils like lemon oils and different flavored oils lemon oil orange oil you can add those generally um if you're doing that you just would use a pipette all right so again you just would take a couple of drops of lemon oil or some of the rose water and just add it at this stage all right now it doesn't matter that you're adding liquid because we're going to adjust this obviously after we have the tylose in but i said you can flavor it you know generally when we think of sugar flowers you don't really encourage people to eat sugar flowers because they have wires and stamens in but when we're using sugar flowers or when we're using gum paste for as an application on cookies and cupcakes then you know of course it's nice to have a little bit of flavor in this so we're going to um then we're going to turn the mixer to slow setting and sprinkle the tiles in over a five second time period all right so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take my tylose okay so i'm going to have it on slow setting and i'm just going to just sprinkle my tiles in over about a five second time period now this is going to really thicken up this mixture okay and then you're going to turn this up to high speed just for a few seconds and you see how that's totally changed you see how now it's very stiff peak you see all right and um but that you haven't done anything wrong and um now i have had questions from students you know can you make this by hand basically what you would need to do you can use um i'd be easier to use even a little hand mixer but when you get to this last stage you'll need to just mix the um mix the tylose in just just gently and then scrape it out and just knead it in on the table hey so what i'm going to do now is going to take my bowl here just to get rid of my mixer out of the way for a second okay so now what i'm going to do is going to take my icing here and see you can actually use even like the paddle you can actually use that just to get the icing out or if you have a bowl scraper like this i generally just take this off now when i do the colored batch which you'll see in the next segment i'm going to i will have gloves on at that stage because obviously if you were making this black or navy blue or burgundy or hot pink it will stain your hands okay and then i'm going to just take my bow scraper here okay i'm just gonna take this out put this on the table okay so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to you can do this directly onto your work counter i'm going to take some of the powdered sugar the icing sugar from the 100 grams i'm going to put that onto the top here like so and then i'm going to take my vegetable shortening literally i'm going to take my 20 grams of vegetable shortening and i'm going to pop that onto my hands so i'm just going to pop this onto my hands it's a little bit messy to do but you're probably going to get a little powder sugar icing sugar over you but you're just going to just so that will actually stop this paste sticking to your hands and we're just going to just work the sugar in and just keep working it in now it will you see how it's sort of like quite you want to give it a good need all right that's very important and you're just going to use as much sugar as it takes to get a nice pliable but soft paste all right so i'm just going to start to work some sugar in all right so once you've got some sugar in so you can see i've used approximately about half of the sugar now if for example you'll see when i make the colored batch if we've colored this you're going to be adding really like gel color it's going to make it a little softer but also like it depends if it was raining outside if it's more humid all of those things can change obviously how much sugar it will take what we're looking for a little bit like almost a bread dough you should have a spring to it and you see how when i pinch it with my fingers you see how my fingers come away cleanly so it's not tacky but you see how it's got a little bit of a spring to it all right so you see how it's it's sort of as i said when you pinch it it wants to be soft but not sticky so you won't use all of the sugar and then just going to just give that a knead all right so then we're going to just take the sugar so i'm just going to clean up my station and i'll be right back to show you how we do the next step so in your instructions it tells you that uh then you check by pinching with your fingers which i've done here and then we're going to place the finished piece in zip top bag then place back place in a second bag and seal well so you first of all you know obviously this is going to make nearly 1 kg about 2 pounds of paste so of course if you're not going to be using large amounts you could divide this into say 6 or eight or even twelve smaller portions okay because i'm gonna talk a little bit about this you can freeze this so that means you're not using just keeping one big bag of paste so um most of the time i would just split this into two so you're just gonna just divide this into two now as i said will be a little bit but as i said you can see how it's it's uh not sticking soft but not sticky okay now you can wrap this in plastic wrap all right so plastic wrap is a good this is also good um like when you have colors if they're all gonna go in the same bags it won't cross contaminate them so you can just use some plastic wrap just make sure you get the air out of this and also if you are gonna freeze this this is definitely what i would recommend you do so just wrap this in cling film or in plastic wrap okay something else you can use is like press and seal this is a good product as well i use this a lot for as i said all different types of things because it's a little bit sticky so again you can take press and seal because this will actually sort of stick to itself okay so you can just roll this up the reason why if you're going to freeze it you would do this and then put it in a ziploc bag because when you saw it from being frozen you'll potentially have moisture in there in the bag condensation so that stops the gum paste getting sticky if you have the plastic wrap or the press to seal now you want to um you know obviously uh date this when you made it obviously what it is so tyler's gum paste and made this obviously on may the 9th and so you're going to put this into a bag like this and of course you could do get the air out of it so divide this between two and then of course you could put these two smaller bags like in a gallon sized bag um or the other thing you can use is like fondant containers so a plastic container you know just sort of like something you keep dry goods in and stuff like that so this is sort of how you would make your tyler's gum paste now in your instructions it tells you that uh you mature the gum paste for 24 hours if possible before using keeping in a cool environment all right now for example here we're in atlanta we have obviously air conditioning on so it's cool in the environment i'm working in if you were doing this in the winter time especially in areas where you have like heat on just pop that somewhere cool all right somewhere cool in your house but you don't have to refrigerate at this stage you want to just mature it in somewhere cool and as i said but if you just find somewhere cool in the house so just going to leave that for 24 hours to mature and then once it's matured uh you're then ready to use the pace which i'm going to be showing you a little bit later on in this video and so when you're ready to use it you cut off what you need and then you add a little bit of shortening to this and also for example if you wanted to just color a little bit of this like 24 hours tomorrow i could cut off a little bit of this if i was saying making calories i could just cut some off and i would then work a little shortening and some yellow color in just to knead the color in at this stage okay so that is how how we use the gum paste now talks in here a few basic things all right when not in use the paste needs to be stored in the refrigerator before use removed from the refrigerator allowed to come to room temperature need a small amount of shortening into the paste so let's say for example like you've made this today um this is actually a saturday i'm making this on so tomorrow i would be able to use this to make whatever flowers i wanted to and then i was making flowers for a wedding cake for next weekend let's say monday tuesday wednesday so then on wednesday when i finished with the paste i would just pop it in the fridge if i wasn't going to be using it for a couple of weeks or a couple of months okay because it contains fresh egg white that just preserves the extended life of the shelf life on the product all right so when you're not using it keep it in the fridge but it is fine out at room temperature for the two or three days or however long you're working on your sugar flowers the other thing is is that you can also store the paste vacuum sealed with a food saver so like for example when you i'm in the next segment showing you how to make colored paste so let's say for example you make a batch which i said is approximately 1 kg or about 2 pounds of paste so let's say you make it in a bright pink for peonies and you finish your peonies for your wedding cake you don't have any peonies coming up the best thing to do to to store it is to use a food saver this is a vacuum sealer all right so again you can date this and then of course when you put this in the freezer the advantage of this is now this was actually made in 2018 i just took it out a few hours ago so this has been in the freezer for two years and this would be fine for another two years it's going to be perfect but also the advantage of using a food saver a vacuum sealer when you saw this and said this has been out of the freezer for a couple of hours you can see it's starting to soften on the outside but what it means is when i take this out of the bag when i cut this there's going to be no it's not going to be sticky because there's no condensation and that's why i said if you're going to freeze it i would definitely recommend wrapping it in plastic wrap and then putting it into a ziploc bag because that will also stop you getting the paste sticky because the plastic wrap or present seal will protect your paste from getting sticky inside there and so that's a great way to store it um and then you uh can also it talks about as much airy food and wrapped in plastic wrap cling film like this the pace will keep approximately under refrigeration about six months and you can keep it much longer by freezing it okay if you are freezing the gum paste you want to allow it to mature so you don't put it in the freezer straight away that maturing process is very important all right just like cheese and wine and things it only needs to mature for about 24 hours at a really cool room temperature okay and then you could then put what you don't need so let's say for example you don't need that much you could put one of these in the freezer and just keep one out for working with all right um and you can also take it out of the freezer you can thaw it you can then basically refreeze it without any problems whatsoever okay the sugar is acting really as a preservative here okay so just like when we make jams and preserves it's very similar thing and then less tiles can be made if you don't want the gum paste to dry as fast or of making dark colors that typically dry the gum paste out black dark green purple etc so when i come back i'm going to show you how to make a batch of colored gum paste in the mixer this is a great tip when you're making you need a lot of green for example for 500 leaves so you need a lot of pink for peonies and this is a great way to achieve especially dark colors so i'll be right back okay so when we are coloring a batch now the advantage of making the mixture colored is that first of all it's going to save you time it's also going to save you having to put gloves on and needing the color through but also most importantly it's not going to change the consistency of the actual gum paste all right because just like when we work with fondant and sugar paste if you take white sugar paste and color it red or burgundy or navy blue you're putting a lot of color in it's going to change the consistency making a little bit sticky so that's really where the huge advantage of coloring in the mixer but as i said alternatively but if you're doing pastel colors i would just generally just knead it into the paste um once you've made it sorry so this icing is at the same stage so i mixed it up for about two minutes all right and then i put it on to stir and i'm gonna take some pink now you can use like gel colors this is like americolor paste colors you know these are generally called paste colors like wilton um this is a chef master brand uh this is a sugar flare english one um gel colors these are the pro gels and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to just put the color in and i'm going to put some pink in here all right so i'm going to going to put some pink in now you want to make it just a little bit brighter than you wanted to end up with all right so i'm just going to work this through so if you were making let's say some peonies and you wanted to make a so i'm going to put some and then you can of course sometimes when you make you might want to use another color in here so i'm going to add just a little bit of uh this is like a purple like a sort of a violet color because that what that will do is if you add a little bit of that i'm not putting a lot of that in but that would just just give you a little bit more of a magenta color so i've just put a little tiny bit of the purple in there just gonna put a little bit more just gonna squeeze that out i'm just gonna put that in with a toothpick so i just want a little small amount of that see that's got rid of that sort of bubble gum pink and made it a sort of a little bit more of a magenta sort of color again if you need a little bit more pink in here can do and i use um when i'm doing colors so if you go to nicholas you'll be able to this is a wrench or color chart for coloring fondant all right but what it is there's 84 colors on here but actually of course this is made to use with say pink fondant and then purple fondant like ten parts pink to one part one so really that's what i've done in my mixing okay so you want to just put in approximately 10 times of pink and then you're gonna put in so like if you put in like a teaspoon of pink and then one tenth of a teaspoon of purple that will give you that sort of magenta color you see so um but so therefore this is a fondant coloring chart so there is a pdf downloadable version of that on nicholas under recipes and templates okay so you see mix the color through and of course like you know that would be perfect like you there's also more than cake do a peony powder so you could also just add like a quarter of a teaspoon of the peony powder to that and then of course then you just would um scrape this down so i'm just going to scrape this down to make sure i get all my color so generally i would just mix this up but remember you can use your paddle as well to do this you just want to make this just a little tiny bit darker than it will end up all right and then what i'm going to do is i'm then going to add my tylose all right to this so just going to do that the same as you did before just going to add your tile loads let's see it would take a long time for you to do that manually to color this all right so then you're going to turn this up to high speed now remember tylose i only put 27 grams in here so especially if you're doing like colors like black or very dark purples dark burgundies colors like that i would generally recommend you use as i said less tylose in the recipe so i'm going to um going to now just scrape this out and then just basically knead this in the same way um so i'm going to just do that now and so then when i come to the next step you'll see this ready to be stored so here you can see this is the finished paste so this is now ready to just leave in a cool environment and leave this for 24 hours before we use it so i hope you've enjoyed this video presentation of making tylose gum paste and we'll have fun making this and just remember the only thing that's going to change potentially would be your tylose based on brand okay and then the icing sugar powder sugar you need in at the end would be dependent on the color you're making and also humidity levels as well but i said everything else will be the same so good luck and sweet wishes until next time this has been chef nicholas lodge see you real soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Nicholas Lodge School
Views: 23,895
Rating: 4.9400544 out of 5
Keywords: nicholas, lodge, isac, cake, decorating, tylose, tylose powder recipe, tylose powder and fondant, tylose powder, cupcake, decorations, gumpaste, gum paste, flower paste, sugar flowers for cake decorating, sugar flowers recipe, gumpaste recipe
Id: 5flY_iQ8Qu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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