EASY REALISTIC ROSE (beginner friendly) NON WIRED, NO STYRO Vlog 25 by marckevinstyle

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[Music] hi beautiful people how are you all doing today my name is mark and i love making things sweet and in style so for today if you're new to my channel please don't forget to subscribe like and share and hit that notification button to get updates anytime anywhere so for today i'm going to share with you a very easy rose technique because i have uploaded my signature rose and for today i'll be sharing with you an easy easy rose that even a beginner could follow okay so this is how it looks like see that so the center is really really nice and compact and then i'll show you all my tips and tricks and techniques on how you can achieve this beautiful flower you see that also the coloring and also how to make the sepals and a bonus tutorial on how to make the bugs so what are you waiting for let's start [Music] [Music] okay so now we have a color yellow paste so we'll be making the base of our roses so for the base of our roses you need around one inch size ball but again you can make this bigger if you want your bud to actually be bigger okay so you'll be getting a very small amount of face just like that okay and then what you do you need to roll it on your palm to smoothen it out okay and then once you have uh something like this you need to roll on one side so that it's going to be a teardrop just like that okay or otherwise you can just simply pinch it okay to make it form like a teardrop and then what i have here um is actually uh the buds that i did earlier so you see that so you have to let this dry for about half a day or overnight so that it's rock hard you see that or if you don't want to use a gum paste you can also use a styroball and then you just cover this with paste until it becomes like a teardrop okay so what i have here is um the gum paste and then i'll be inserting my barbecue stick okay and then just lock it in lock it in place and then let this dry overnight okay so this is the base of our process and then we'll be cutting our petals in a few minutes [Music] okay so now we actually rolled out our paste very thin okay so you can use gum paste uh today we're using gum paste you can also use cold porcelain or clay so what i have here is two sizes of the cutter so how will you determine the size of the cutter okay so basically let's say this is your bud you have to measure a cutter so as you see here it's actually almost half of the bud okay so this will be our smaller petals it should be half of the bug see that and then for the bigger petals it should be at least the same size of the bud okay not bigger but not smaller just right okay so this is cutter number one and cutter number two the size is two centimeter and 2.5 centimeter okay so we'll be cutting for the small cutter you need to cut ten pieces for the bigger cutter you need to cut 10 to 20 pieces again it's up to you if you want to make it fuller there's a lot of petals you make it 20. if you want to make it just right you can go 10 10 to 15 pieces okay so we'll start cutting now okay so right now uh we already caught 10 pieces of the smaller petal and then um 10 pieces also of the bigger petals so you have to thin out this petal okay so i'm using the bigger ball tool what i will do i will gently expand the petal okay so i see that just make it wider okay it should be wider not longer okay that's one of the common mistakes that i see you're making it longer okay it should be wider okay and then after that you can actually use a rose veiner or not again this is optional but it's better if you use a rose veiner okay press lightly and then you put this back inside the container so it won't dry out and then for the bigger petals what you have to do same procedure you need to flat out and expand oh by the way for the shape of the smaller petal i mean for the size when we expanded and flattened it already it's already 3.5 centimeter okay and then for the bigger petal so from 2.5 centimeter it is now 4.5 centimeter okay so from 2.5 it's now 4.5 centimeter and then this one the bigger petals you need to vein okay and then after you vein it what you need to do since this is the easy rose technique you need to get the spoon and then what i will do first you flip it backwards and then just gently fold okay or roll the edges just like that okay just roll it with your hands okay just like so and then you put this on the spoon okay just like that so you need to let this dry just like so and then after that we'll attach it one by one on our base okay so you need to do this on all the petals this is the bigger one it has to be on the spoon and in the smaller petals it has to be inside this kit and we'll arrange it later okay okay so now as you can see uh our larger petals are actually drying out so we place them on the spoon so that it gets the cup shape very easy so all our smaller petals are inside our airtight container if you don't have this um copperware you can actually use a zip lock okay if you don't have a zip lock you can also use a blue flap just like so where you can store your smaller petals so they don't dry out okay so i'll get first one so what you need to do we need to get edible glue for the recipe of our edible glue i'm gonna put it on the description box below so i suggest you check it out okay so that the excess on your hands okay and then the very first petal you have to put glue on the entire petal okay just like that everything and then you'll get your base your flower base and then i will put the bud just like so okay you see there's a space that's around half centimeter and then what i will do i'll fold it first okay and then lock and then fold again okay so the the bud should be very close so can you see that there's no opening it's really close then we'll get our other petals okay so for the other petals you need to stick them you need to put edible glue on a letter d motion okay just like so letter v and then what i will do since i ended here the middle of my next petal should be just right so okay see that hello focus okay you need to close it okay just like that you see that start focusing hello okay and then after that you need to do the same procedure put edible glue on a v-shape okay and then since we ended here this is where i'll be adding my next petal in terms of the level it's at the same level okay see that okay so close it and then we'll add the next petal the secret to a very nice looking rose is actually a very closed center this one i'll move in a little bit inner so that it's more closed okay just like that and then since we ended here this is where we'll be adding a new set of petals okay you see that so this is our center so again put edible glue on a v motion and then for this one you need to make it a little higher okay see that see the level it's a little higher and then we close just like so okay and then you keep on adding and adding petals okay this time it's a little bit higher okay see that the reason behind we made this level higher because if you look at the structure of a real rose it's actually very deep the first petals and then it goes higher than it goes opening again okay so just continue adding and adding remember when you add petals so this is where i ended so this is where i'll be adding my next petal okay and then you just keep on adding and adding until all the ten petals are done and then we'll proceed with the bigger petal okay see that so if let's see for example you want to make rose buds so once you are here you need to stop and then just fill on the spaces and then add your colleagues okay okay so right now we are actually done with our rosebud you see that you see the leveling it's very deep inside and then it goes upper okay little by little so that's our center you see that it's very close there's so many layers okay so we'll be adding the last set of our petals so our bigger petals we actually let it dry on a spoon so and then you'll see it's not yet fully dry but it holds its shape okay so once it's like this it's a little bit hard we need to use it already so what you need to do you need to get edible glue again okay double little and then you will put glue on a v motion again okay letter v motion and then what you'll do since you ended here this is where you'll be adding your bigger petal okay just press it like so you see that you only press on the part where there is glue okay don't press this because if you press this one the middle your petals will flap okay this time it's a little bit higher and then the next petal will be a little lower okay so you go lower and lower until okay see that i'm attaching the next and then just continue on adding and adding petals [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so actually now we are done with our flower you'll see that it is very easy to attach and then since you follow the right technique of gluing and then we also use a spoon to let it cop its shape even if you shake this the petals won't fall okay you see that even if i shake it so hard the petals are not falling or flapping and then you see it's very nice and the center is really really compact okay so what you can do now you can actually pinch some parts of the petal more to make it more realistic if you want you can put holes in some parts and then later i'll show you how to dust okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so right now i'll show you how to make the rosy leaf without using our specific rose cutter but if you have a specific rose cutter you can use that if you don't have i'll show you how you can make one manually okay so first you need to prepare five pieces of circles okay so one is bigger and then two pieces are actually at least at the same size and then two pieces are a little bit smaller and at least at the same size also so we'll first work on with a bigger piece because you'll exactly treat other small balls the same way okay so this is your bigger ball so this will be the end part of the leaf okay smoothing it out on your hand okay and then make a teardrop just like so and then what you need to do we need to flat this on the foam pad that corn starch so it won't stick okay see that so just pressing with your hands okay avoid the center because this is where we'll be inserting our stick or wire okay so once you have something like so you need to thin out the edges using a ball tool okay and then using your barbecue stick i'll just make some points see that because the rose leaf has this spiky appearance okay so we need to copy that okay and then after that you get your wire so this wire this is number 28 okay insert no need to loop because what we will do we will press and press the end part so that it locks on place okay just like that and then you need to get your leaf veiner put it at the end just like so and then press okay and then this is what we will have see that so you can actually pinch this to make more movement just like that okay and then we let this dry okay and then up for the smaller leaf you need to do the same way and then later we'll assemble and dust okay so right now uh our rose flower is already dried and then our leaves are drying and also our bud so i'll teach you how to make the kalik so a while back for the colleagues we use the paste for this one for the bud you can also use the same technique for the rose itself but what i'm going to show you is another technique that you can do okay so what i have here is ordinary floral tape the size is two inches so you need to expand okay so stretch and then you need to twist one side okay just like so and then what you will do you need to get an ample amount of floral tape just like so okay and then we will go to the back part of the flower so the first thing that i'll do i'll add one first okay just like that and then using my floral tape i will make rounds okay just like that then i'll add another one okay i'll make rounds again sometimes when you're doing this it will be a little bit out of place that's okay you can always arrange it later on okay so normally there are five pieces of the calyx this is the green part of the flower okay see that i'll be adding the last one and then i will wrap okay so at the end this is what you should have you see that and then you just continue on twisting and twisting until everything is covered just like so you see that and then what you would want to do you would want to cut this one okay so you would want to cut like that okay and then twist this some more so that it would look more realistic okay okay see that i just cut through some of the edges just like so and then what you want to do you need to get your edible glue dab the excess on your hands okay and then i will so you see this one is lying here i will pull it a little bit up okay i'll put edible glue on the flower itself and then gently attach it there okay just like that again pull add some edible glue very little and then patch on place okay so that it will stick to the flower okay okay so this is what you'll have you see that it's very pretty okay so right now i'll teach you how to make the how to bunch up the leaves okay see that it's so gorgeous okay so this is our leaves that we did earlier okay so we have the bigger one the semi small and then the super small okay so you need to get your floral tape okay expand to activate the stickiness and what you would want to do first you need to cover this with floral tape just like that and then push until the end okay and then gently roll after that i'll put one leaf first okay just like that and then i'll put the other they should be at the same level and then gently twist twist and twist okay and then i'll add the smaller leaves one and then two and then wrap okay continue wrapping until you reach the end okay so right now you need to open this one so we'll use our tweezers so just pull move it on the other side and then this one also move so it should be like this okay do the same thing here use your tweezers and then move this one you need to move okay so this is what you should have as your rose leaf see that so this one it's not yet fully dry but you need to do this when it's fully dry okay now this is our flour you can dust it or you can actually leave it like so okay and then attach the leaf just like that and then this is our bud see that it's very pretty okay so right here you'll see that we're actually done with our rose and our bud and also our leaf so if you want to make it realistic you can actually use a gel color just like what i have here so i added some little browns okay see that on the edges just to make it more real and then i added some green stripes like so so for that i actually used a finer makeup brush or a paint brush okay and then for the pod you see that i added some red colors and green just to make it little real and then for the spikes what you want to do is to basically just pinch the stem okay so i added some paste on the stem and then i pinched it just to make an illusion that there is some spikes okay and then for the leaves uh since this is not yet fully dry once this is dry you can actually just add some red accents similar to this one okay so there you have it this is your very easy rose that is realistic with buds and leaf you
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Id: xmSW2-Z4W4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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